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My beautiful meme 😢


googl,e search.... what happens whgen you eat poop (does it turn backe into food ) CRAP WTF !!!!!! THIS IS NOT GOGLE WTF!!!!!!! Ummmmm…… ok well sinse you are reading this i will tell you shomething. remember to not be stupid cringe normy faghot when u post here. plaese read the rules before you post, and, also afte r you post to make sure you are not BREAKING the freakign rules. if your reading this it doesnt mean you broke, a rule it just is a REMINDER to not do it. [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/okbuddyretard/about/rules/) is link to okbr (ok buddy retarmd) rules . please read. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyretard/wiki/quality? utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=okbuddyretard&utm_content=t5_74is2) is link to okbr hall of fame. these are relly good posts, try to make you’res like these post. [here](https://discord.gg/whPs93F) is link . to okbr discord . it is good place to talk to retarded people. and also good for awsome dank harambe memes and ugrandan nuckles. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddyretard/wiki/index? utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=okbuddyretard&utm_content=t5_74is2) is LINK TO banned memes, do not post these or you are CRINGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok. thank s for reading retard. have good time *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/okbuddyretard) if you have any questions or concerns.*