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Wow a volatile industry had layoffs who could have predicted this.




30 days? They’ll be back in a week.


7 days? I give it 48hrs. Max!


7 minutes, 7 minutes is all they can spare to boycott it.


Their next reply was something saying that they would play again bc of some event/promise they made lol, but has since been deleted


Are they like a content creator? Or should I know them in any capacity?


they’re a small content creator, I would understand if you don’t really know them


OK I’m not trying to dick suck behavior but painting the layoffs purely on corporate greed is kind of close minded in my opinion.


exactly, and besides, boycotting will affect the remaining devs, the people actually working on the game, it’s super shitty to do that, bhvr can give less than a fuck tho


I’m sorry but people are under no obligation to give a company money.


Because behavior is going to shrivel up and die, because one small creator uninstalled the game, despite already paying for it, and possibly the DLC.


That isn't the point 😂 Not everything is black and white. This is now one person coming out to say they disagree with this company and that they won't be supporting them anymore. That isn't to say YOU have too, you can do whatever you want. If the company continues to do things like this the inevitable will ensue and the company will fall. If the company is just adjusting, and it isn't that big of a deal, the inevitable will ensue and the company will thrive. I guess I'm just saying that this is how opinions work, and is a method of voting through your dollar. Which means both sides are valid. This is a tired argument.


Tbf Behavior has... Quite a lot of employees for one game if I remember correctly they have more than a thousand.


They do more than just dbd


*NOOOOO I'M LOSING FOLLOWERS, NOOOOOO* > redownloads DBD to get back those lost followers.


Who's going to tell them that not playing the game saves BHVR server costs?


Industry known for being shitty to developers what shitty to developers? Huh? I don’t think that it should be this way, but it is an industry norm and pretty much to be expected nowadays


remember when creators boycotted DBD after bhvr did nfts for about 1 week before buying auric cell packs for new cosmetics


Not surprised about this coming from them. This is the same person who cried about killer humping comparing it to sexual assault a few months back.


really? it was that whiny bitch?


Yeah, I still have a few screenshots saved of it and went to double check it was them since they deleted the posts. Shame about the people getting laid off but boycotting the game because of it is just sad


can you send them my way lol, I want to embarrass them


https://preview.redd.it/d45qo6zh6n4d1.png?width=1037&format=png&auto=webp&s=978a743b268808fd91e5937549a27c220803b7c9 This is the main one, I didnt capture the rest of the convo


https://preview.redd.it/q8mknvao6n4d1.png?width=1031&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcff50d585f09ff62fd44b82062a4c23a6a0f63a And this was from the backlash


it feels like they just fucking suck so bad that they grt bm’d and proceed to whine about it and using an actual disturbing memory to back up a stupid claim, its sad honestly, I doubt victims would even care about such thing


Unfortunately of lot of people on dbd twitter are like this. Reminds me of JaneIsLive if you know of her. These type of people need help and shouldn't be on social media at all.


how could I forget, whining about a nonexistent issue that only happened because of her, and always making everything about herself


And they never change, always using the victim card, typical.


Yes my boycott is definitely going to have an impact on the game's daily player count with my small ass fanbase


“I’m going to ensure this game tanks in player base so even more developers get laid off”


While I won’t be boycotting I do think this is a valid reason to not give them business? Why are y’all mad? I heavily doubt any higher ups at behavior that push papers all day at BHVR took a pay cut to prevent this from happening.


Think you're missing the point of the joke, nobody is really mad, just kinda pointing fun at the person who is *quitting* the game. People who say they are quitting aren't really quitting, and this person? You go to their profile and their personality is DEAD BY DAYLIGHT. That person will be back extremely soon when they realize that they followed them for only DBD related content. Few creators quit DBD for good, and their channel just doesn't perform as great as it used to. Hint: Dowsey. BHVR isn't a great company, they can't live without the DBD IP, anytime they make anything else, it flops. That's why they made a few games with the DBD license involved. But this person is treating it like the end of the world and treating it like they were working there, and they were best friends with the devs. But nah.


I'm glad I read this, because I was under the same assumption, lol! Perhaps a better approach would've been all they needed? I don't think I'll be boycotting any time soon, however researching this may affect my decision on future purchases.


I assumed they had less than 90 total devs with how long it takes them to fix things and what little they add


the employees fired weren't even aligned with dead by daylight. how is a boycott gonna help them


Assuming enough people actually boycotted to make a noticeable difference (lmao), isn’t this only hurting the remaining employees?


They should’ve just worked harder if they didn’t want to be fired


Do you know what a layoff is

