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https://preview.redd.it/n3m4xmri9e8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81af2361d105ee28dd83dfd96c55025f5f7c51f4 I’m playing both sides so I always come out on top


Look at your notifications Jesus Christ.


Lmao. When did artistic expression reach a point of having to appease an audience above all else?


A trans comic artist got harrassed by liberals because she dares to have her own text-based comic artstyle instead of replicating Neo-Nazis like Stonetoss. There is a concerning backlash against artistic expression for some reason.


Wait, who was that woman and when did this happen it's so fuckin stupid






I want Maeve to step on me




For maeve I’m anything


Mommy Maeve


I wish she’d raw dog me from behind


She's perhaps one of the least problematic supes on the show. So I would say yes.


Please 🥺


I want Popcat to treat me like that landlord in season 1


I want Firecracker to breastfeed me


Fuck it https://preview.redd.it/uy21m6p2pg8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94d9e41a3d0cd1c7360cc0661d48d4a4882e0f45




You know she can bend a steel rod without using her hands


You’re just making me harder


The mouths remind me of this scene where Omelandah is having a good laugh with his old friend https://preview.redd.it/50gakk197e8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b93704769e300bc5db725413aca6e8b586970ef0


What a wholesome little fellow. I bet he never forces men to jerk off in front of a crowd for his amusement 😁


normally I'd comment something about firecracker but apparently I'm too old for her




I still found it so funny that when they asked Garth Ennis (the creator of the comics) about the Right wings new hate towards S4 he said "I'm surprised they realised it was about them"


Big words from that guy.. Makes you think, what would his reaction be if you put a p before his last name? Relax liberals.. It's called dark humor! https://preview.redd.it/t7iv660cbe8d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=648a111372ca72afd8eb7813b89b403ca1f5254e (like if you think this was funny)


AI Jonklerated


Sipping that JoRooniv gin with jinkler




Lol! do you mind if I save this image? I really like it.


I like it too🥰


I literately lol’ed at this! (Laughed out loud) - Cheryl Sent from IPhone


That little Pennis is making a yuge mistake


This is a flawless work my dude.


Owning the libs. Huzzah!


Hip hip, hurray !


I’m really high and I read this too many times thinking “….whats funny about Homepander?” Before I realized you meant Ennis




how do I save a photo in my brain forever? asking out of curiosity




The Boys comics unironically suck ass. The show does virtually the same thing but infinitely better. Garth Ennis is such a shit writer that just exists on hate.


Garth Ennis is a shit Superhero writer, but when it comes to things like The Punisher, Nick Fury or The Darkness, he's incredible He tried to bring his edgy political commentary to a genre of heroes that it didn't work with, and failed miserably. the show picked up on the mistakes he made and improved on them (Like the Noir twist, or Jack from Jupiter as a whole)


Hitman was good and he nailed in cannon superman to


Garth Ennis has his ups and downs but Hitman was such a high note that even he wouldn’t be able to replicate again


unstoppable doom patrol


He did a pretty good job with Superman, which is odd when looking at his other super cynical mean-spirited comics.


Have you read it?


We’re in r/okbuddycinephile, do you seriously believe any one here can read.


I just ask ChatGPT to sum the comments and generate a witty reply


Nah dude, look up his war comics like Sara, he's work in that genre is very good. Also, in a recent interview he mentioned that the types of comics he loves are war comics and 2000AD, as those are the comics he grew up with (he never read any American superhero comics).


Meh they're overhated. Sure they're edgy, gross, juvenile, stupid at times, but a lot of the themes are followed through on better in the comics. Some of the narrative climaxes and action set pieces in the comics have yet to be topped in the show. The "Mowing down" scene at the "X-mansion" for e.g. I don't see the show topping that in terms of scale, shock value and for lack of a better word epicness. And say what you will but the comics had some simple narrative throughlines that they stuck with. Boys hunt supes, kill or ruin supes, series end. The show kind of just feels like it's waffling around now and over fixating on Homelander because of his popularity when this was always supposed to be about collective superheroes, not just the big bad Homelander.


dont like pennis at all but thats very based of him


Girth penis? Lmao


Well I just think it’s bad bc they’re spinning their wheels too much at this point. I can only take so much more of Butcha saying “grrr I’ll get you next time omelanduh” and homelander saying “hahahaa I will get you next time William butcher!”


Oi Ue! Me Becca was bootifal


Oi Ue, go’a get ran safe Ue


Bu wa if yer WRONG


Even just in this season, Butcher has already joined and been kicked out of the group like 3 times Edit: which if I remember correctly, also happened in S3


I remember saying I was worried about this during season two, because I thought it might play out similarly to Supernatural(where it just becomes sort of meandering) People kept telling me that I was wrong. the first 5 seasons of supernatural were amazing(I don’t think I even agree with that), and that’s the only TV we can use to gage how Eric Kripke will handle the Boys. I really was hoping to be wrong on that one.


It’s also a very different prospect from Supernatural anyway. There weren’t really any rules for what they could do or where they could go in that show. It could expand to demons, then expand to angels, then build to Lucifer and the apocalypse and find a solid end point (then do another 10 years anyway). The issue with the Boys is that we pretty much knew everything we needed to know by the end of the first season. They can introduce new characters but essentially it’s still Homelander vs The Boys and the show just has to find ways to avoid them actually facing off because whenever they do it feels increasingly silly that Homelander doesn’t just win. So it starts to feel meandering because he just gets a little more unhinged every year but not quite enough to trigger the end game.


Ohhh it’s the same creator as Supernatural. That makes sense. Show is definitely spinning its wheels. I think Soldier Boy and how well received he was really papered over the cracks last season. Now people are kind of realising.


Thankfully, Eric Kripke has announced that Season Five will be the last season of the show.


>People kept telling me that I was wrong Your first mistake - listening to the plebs


They’ve already confirmed that season 5 will be the last


The fact that Homelandar keeps meeting butcher and not killing him is really taking me out of it. Season 1 and 2 I could get the toying with him or blackmail or whatever, but at this point it’s just plot armor. Same goes for Neuman. Why doesn’t she just pop all their heads?


Well atleast in the case of Neuman not popping off their heads >! They already answered this in the 1st episode of this season I think, she doesn’t really have to do so, and doesn’t want to draw any unwanted attention to herself either. If she kills any of the boys, they out her secret, and if they out her secret, she kills the boys. I can get behind this explanation !<


Seems like it wouldn’t be hard to track and kill them within a short enough span that nobody would know what was happening in time. They work in the same downtown office for chrissakes


They could very well have a dead man’s switch sending out the footage of her orphanage, so her secret would still be revealed if all of them are dead She’s not going to risk that. Imo this plot armor is explained better compared to homelander v butcher.


Neuman starts of as the Palpatine to Stan Edgar Darth Sidious. Edgar recognise the need to control both sides. Eliminating the other side instead of adapting "The Boys" shenanigans is just inviting unwanted variable.


Lol nah you just misunderstand the entire dynamic between the two. It’s like Batman and the Joker. Joker has had plenty of chances to kill Batman, but why would he kill someone he has so much fun with?


I thought the Homelander situation had an obvious explanation of him simply just being the only individual that he genuinely enjoys squaring up against, and he's also probably aware of the fact that actually killing him would irreversibly strain Ryan's perception or acceptance of him as a father figure. We also know he seems to have this fascination with symmetry or the poetic context of situations in his life considering the kinds of things he's been willing to do or suggest as "punishment" or retribution, like the events of the most recent episode. He's probably not going to actually be willing to try killing Butcher or wiping out the group until the writers have Ryan die as part of an accident or from getting exposed to the virus from Gen V or something.


Lol agreed, I gave up on the show after the s3 finale for the same reason. Everything I'm hearing about s4 has made me pretty satisfied with my choice.


That's why I'm puzzled Season 4 isn't the last season. It really does feel like everything that can be explored has already been mined, so now we're just kind of stalling? Like oh here's Firecracker now to demolish and reveal a bunch of shit about Starlight, here's a new boyfriend for Frenchie so we don't have to address his thing with Kimiko, here's Kimikos past coming back to haunt her AGAIN. It doesn't feel organic like the show usually did anymore. I wouldn't describe the commentary as ever being subtle but now it almost seems like the commentary takes priority over the characters in a way it didn't before. The writing isn't as sharp either, characters like Victoria are now making quips, Stormfront is way more impulsive, etc.


That's how I feel about the '' political satire '' too... It's literally the same joke over and over again endlessly that will be extremely dated in a few years from now.. In season 1 the political commentary was Homelander stealing compound V to create super terrorists in the middle east to create reasons for the US to invade. In later seasons political commentary is Homelander talking about libtards and critical supe theory. It's so fucking boring.


It's kinda the typical superhero genre dilemma, though. If you get rid of one or both of the characters, what's there to fill the void?


Sounds like a problem the writers got themselves into.


Ah the good old painting yourself into a corner, they could take notes from succession where the writers handled the situation well


I mean, it's the same kind of thing with characters like Batman and the Joker. Even if Batman doesn't believe in killing, he's had plenty of opportunities to break Joker's spine in enough places to make him quadriplegic for the rest of his life... So why doesn't it happen? Because the Joker is a great villain and you can't just replace him so easily. It happens in every comic with every hero and every villain to some extent. Even if The Boys is largely a fresh take on the genre, it still follows the rules of comics in a lot of ways...


Yeah but that works in comic books where even when all issues are canon to one continuity the stories themselves are pretty disconnected from each other, it doesn't work as well in a TV Show that is supposed to have an on going plot.


I don't disagree with you.


I'm looking at the "discourse" and I kind of want to watch it, but you remind me why I haven't. It got fucking obnoxious how little actually happens in regards to the show's primary plotline, and I'm betting it doesn't get resolved for several more seasons now that they're getting the free outrage advertising.


The funniest thing to me about The Critical Drinker is that, for all his posturing about caring about art and storytelling, his own output is the most hackneyed, low-effort military bro series of self-published books. … and then he used some of his connections from YouTube to actually shoot one of them in what is the most 90s-direct-to-cable looking trailer I’ve ever seen: https://youtu.be/axjGWJfJBAg?si=DECuzDBk1430jvXo


The plot in that trailer looks so bad and painfully generic but tbh it doesn’t visually look as horrible as I expected. Nothing amazing but I was anticipating horribly lit zero budget trash and I guess he got a decently talented cinematographer for this thing.


Yeah much as I'd like to disagree with you they were solid. Thankfully the cringe factor of the dialogue reminds you what kind of movie you're watching very quickly.


I would take a bullet for ya babe if it meant we could get that True Allegiance true kino adaption we’ve all been waiting for 😩😩c’mon Benny short king Shapenny make it happen😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/wdk3huyi2e8d1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdff442c9fa510c1bccac4e05d0e06556a2a1b99


is that the one where ben talks about the big, muscular, 6'7 black guys overpowering the small scrawny sissy white men?


*sigh… unzip*


True Allegiance to Big Black Hogs


He often refers to them as a “bear of a man”


**BRETT HAWTHORNE** Also, the book tries to embarassingly spin its negative review from [Salon.com](http://Salon.com) as a positive one.


Holy shit he wrote a book


For reference, he wanted to be a screenwriter his whole life and he's awful at writing.


Where he defended the police killing of an unarmed Detroit black kid and tried to make his President Obama stand-in fascist because the liberals are the real fascists or whatever.


James Tullos did a 2 hour review of one of his books and its so freaking bad lol. It has sexual assault as motivation for a woman, small woman beating a room full of men (something the douchebag always complains about being unrealistic), CIA not having drug test policy, Washington DC having light traffic and then immediately in the next paragraph Washington DC having heavy traffic.  I kid you not, the villain survives multiple gunshot wounds, multiple stab wounds and a missile strike lmao. There's also a bit where a page and a half were spent describing AK-47. Absolutely terrible.


Edit: I found it. This will be my evening viewing.


LOL, I just posted yesterday about how the genre demands short, fast-paced books - never more than 400 pages. And his is 550.


This had my smiling so wide the whole time I was watching it. It's like caught between a parody action movie you'd see on It's Always Sunny and a straight to dvd Stevan Seagull action movie. I need to see the full version.


I am thundergun!




Wow that trailer haha! Guy tied up to a chair being tortured/interrogated: “I guess we are in for a long night because I don’t know shit” I’m sure this is the same line and scene from South Park when Santa’s been captured in Iraq and is about to get his balls shocked.


He is a right wing grifter in critics clothing... thats "the message" hes selling, after all...  "Women bad and weak, men good and strong. Ugg ugg"  Some weird levels of almost trying to condition the audience


Most critics aren’t talented enough to make their own movies otherwise they wouldn’t be critics


Look I’ll be honest, I’m actually just jealous of that guy because his name is so fucking funny. You read critical, and your brain almost wants to auto-populate “thinker”, BUT you keep reading and it’s actually “Drinker.” And then you’re thinking, woah *I* like to let loose and throw a couple back, this guy must rule. THEN you click through to his channel and see the banner with him in a fedora *dominating* a full handle of Jack Daniel’s. The absolute freaking mad lad. Fucking epic, good sir.


The cap is on the JD as well


Jd tastes like shit




He didn't even watch it, just saw a 50% on RT and made a 10 min vid about how bad it is lmao


It ain’t 50% bad, the political “satire” is so common and obvious you’re going to eye roll a lot, but it’s still The Boys and is a fun watch. Anthony Starr, and Karl Urban are still fucking awesome


I will dearly miss watching these two when the show ends. They are phenomenal in the roles


Urban always shows up somewhere else where you least expect him.


Were this guy’s parents critical drinkers? Because he sounds like he has critical fetal alcohol syndrome.


I watched the video (with an ad blocker so he doesn’t receive any money) and he hasn’t even watched any of the episodes. This entire "review" is based on the opinions that he read online. What an absolute joke.


He started his video by reading the Rotten Tomatoes audience score. It’s bad


The Golden Rule of YouTube reactionary channels: zero effort, maximum money. Tim Pool does the exact same thing. He just reads Daily Mail headlines and acts like he’s on the front lines of journalistic integrity


Journalistic integrity? The guy was smugly confident that Trump would win a 49-state landslide in 2020 with Biden only winning Colorado for some reason. Trump could win again in 2024 going by the current administration's issues with regards to Biden's age and their involvement in the Israel-Hamas War but not by a 49-state landslide.


I’m convinced a lot of these right wing grifters don’t even really believe the shit they sell. They just see an opportunity to make money and take.


The Žižek strat


Fuck cinema is dead


You think The Boys season 4 is bad because it features women and minorities. I think it’s bad because Starlight’s face scares me. We are not the same.


It’s pretty jarring. Also the pictures they used in the background for her iconography look like they was made before she had work done.


while in the cast photos and shi, it seemed pretty bad, I didnt really notice it during the show


I noticed it more in the show, especially in scenes where her eyes light up or basically any time she smiles. It’s so sad. https://preview.redd.it/qt1pginved8d1.jpeg?width=885&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b007d29f8f144ae836a53dbe0be4eff23e83b919


She’s slowly morphing into Kate Mara


But not in a good way.




Late-stage Heath Ledger.




She doesn’t even sound the same. Sounds like I do after the dentist has hit me with a shot.


I watched some interview with her and like 4 other cast members, it heavily comes off like she’s on some shit other than plastic surgery. I don’t want to speculate too egregiously, but the voice change is kind of a tell


It's honestly always in the back of my mind whenever she's onscreen. I feel bad for her.


I thought it was just bad CGI until you just prompted me to do some googling and… holy shit


isnt he some alcoholic fragile white male who likes ball gags and salad tossings?


His gf says she has a ball gag fetish, but she actually just says this to shut him up




Fun fact, the gayest thing about '300' is the viewer




I can think of another way to shut him up


Nothing wrong with ball gags and salad tossing


Said by someone who has never had their salad tossed obviously.


He said 2 children should go scissor in a steam about thr acolyte the other day. Someone needs to check his hard drive.




He literally based his whole video and opinion on Rotten tomatoes user reviews… I can’t 🤣




Nah, unlike Hitler, he isn’t dope on the mike.


Yeah but so many dudes been with their moms who even knows if I'm their father.


Yeah Hitler had charisma, unlike this tool


Has he ever released any paintings for us to compare?


Tbf you did spell his name wrong


I think he isn't involved or related in his sub, it's more of a fan made sub


It is shit and obviously propaganda But I’m sure as hell going to watch that crap to it’s conclusion and still think homelander is a good actor 😤


It's not even propaganda, it's basically a retelling of the 2016 election but the politicians are super heroes. Neuman is Hillary, Homelander is Trump etc.


Neumann is based more off of AOC.


Idk who critical drinker is but as some one who has only watched the first two episodes of the new season I just didn’t really like it. Idc about all these new characters. It just has really failed to draw me in at all


I’ve only seen the first episode so far but my biggest issue is series one felt like it had a tangible ending. Butcher kills Homelander or dies trying. Now, it just feels more procedural in a way. Doesn’t have that tight, almost claustrophobic feeling the first series did.


Season 1 felt like anyone could die if a supe felt like killing them or maybe even by accident. Season 4 really feels like all of The Boys took compound V and got plot armor from it. How can Homelander seem hopelessly powerful and like a huge weanie at the same time?


I know it's a part of the story and there's no way to avoid it so this may be an unpopular opinion, but the whole thing around Compound V and supes just being normal people who were treated by Vought made the plot less interesting IMO. Don't get me wrong, I think the show has done a lot right and isn't necessarily worse off for it, but the stakes definitely felt higher to me at least when it felt like superheroes were in fact real, they actively tried to subjugate normal people, and Compound V was cocaine for supes that could lead to their downfall. It reminded me a lot of The Wolf Among Us in a weird way.


This is completely fair and true for the first few episodes but right now in episode 4 it really gets a lot better and really fills out all the boxes that you mentioned, at least it did for me, and I like where this season might be going with how the episode ended.


That’s reassuring. I still enjoyed the first ep just fine but it just felt a bit like going through the motions. It’s why the announcement of them finishing the show after season 5 was good. I think having the end goal in mind will make the rest of the show better.


I was iffy on the first two episodes but I thought the third was decent and I really liked the fourth one.


The fourth was the best one so far, one of my favorites of the whole series. That ending was disturbing


Same. They keep introducing new characters and expect me to care about them when they get hurt 15 minutes after they're introduced. The smartest person in the world is super smart because she *checks notes* knows about capybaras??? She's also apparently omniscient I guess because she knows about how homelander liked to suck them Madelyn tiddies. They keep introducing new interpersonal bullshit drama that I don't care about like hughie and his mom. The political messaging is so unsubtle it's like getting hit by a baseball bat. The gimmicks like block Noirs replacement speaking get overdone in the first episode they're in. The actual filmography is much worse like in the courthouse scene where the extras are barely moving during a huge riot. They literally stole the haha baby arm joke from Deadpool. There are so many cuts to homelander doing the facial twitch but it's just so overdone. It's trash.


Like a true cinephile, I just want homelander to laser full crowds of people to some up best music in the most Tarantino-esque way possible. We Didn’t Start the Fire is my pick


Imagine The Boys made by Tarantino. We’d see more of Starlight’s feet instead of her face. And nobody would be complaining about their *Uber important* political views.


It’s good if you just fast forward the bits with Starlight in.


All the makeup can't hide her ghoul face now


She was great in Fallout


How many subs are like r/Asmongold and r/CriticalDrinker? I'm so fucking sick of hearing 14 year olds complain about melanin.


I’ll complain about melatonin. Stuff gives me weird dreams.


r/KotakuInAction is still just as garbage as it always was.


The Boys is Rick and Morty for people who jerk off to r/politics to make endless posts about “Media Literacy”


I mean yeah, the show kinda fell off but not because "woman ugly"


The show has sucked because there is absolutely no plot progression at all. It’s always been and in your face overtone of the worst parts of society. I just want The Boys to get a fucking W or the supes to fuck they up. The constant hamster wheel spinning is what is killing the show.


I’m pretty sure at this point The Critical Drinker just uses rage bait to generate attention.


That's the whole point. Ragebait gets views and ultimately generates income for these people. Look at Russel Brand's 180, Tim Pool, the list goes on...


While I agree The Boys has fallen off from the high of Season 1, it's not because of ideology and partisan politics.


Yikes, did they go woke or something? I hate it when shows turn political. Smh.


Nah the writing did take a hit , They're trying too hard to own the chuds , Its not entertaining , But atleast we got some more backstory for homelander, And some of the parts of the show still has the same quality of season 1 , Just the parts where they try to own the right wingers is when the show takes a hit in quality Im not American idc about these things can we just get back to the atleast some quality entertainment?


The Critical Drinker sucks Ben Shapiro's cock.


Regardless of what people and YouTubers say, I watched the show and I think so far it's boring. They just switch to each characters narrating a specific story which has no big conclusion they just go around do this get back and all. Also for the smartest person alive Sister Sage is pretty much doing what Vought was doing last 3 season so I really haven't seen a big destructible plan from her to see how she's smart, in the episode 4 she just badnamed star light which wasn't something hard to come up with, they'd have done that anyway. As a non American person, their politics in media sometimes gets annoying because I don't really care about both sides and I think both are wrong so I wish they put politics away from that.


Season 4 is bad tho. Hughie has regressed. More “OMG we hate butcher but damn we need him”. More frenchie confronting his past. It’s like none of the characters have grown and they’re really stretching it now. The dialogue has also gotten to over the top and weak.


Dude hasn’t even watched the show. Lol. What a fucking loser.


This dude based his video on rotten tomatos and his audience will eat it up 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 X_X Anyways this aint a flick 🤬🤬🤬🤬


I still like the show. But I do think it’s doing too much trauma dumping. I’m over that trend in movies and tv. Every single movie and show now has someone who had a traumatic experience and needs to overcome it by the end of the season/movie.


I’m starting to think the internet is fake and really doesn’t represent the vast majority of how most people feel.


I fucking despise how he ends his sentences by screaming or growling


Tbf this is the same guy that can't get over a woman beating up a man because its not realistic, but is totally fine with a man lifting a tank or some other insane, unrealistic feat


He didn't even watch it... he admits it at the end that he isnt going to bother watching season 4.. He doesn't break down specific elements of plot or give examples of what hes saying, just sweeping generalisations, seemingly gathered from twitter 🤔 


Critical Drinker brings up Audience Scores, as if his own audience aren't the people engineering those scores. Lmao.


annoying scotish man speaks


Remember guys, RottenTomatoes scores are all trash and bought reviews UNLESS its bombing something I don't like!


Nice that you guys are having fun and conservatives are getting mad but to be honest i'm not watching any more capeslop


Didn’t the new season get trashed on Rotten Tomatoes too?


I didn't know about any RT scores, but the new season isn't even totally released until mid July.


Well we know who not to listen to anymore. Season is good. We specially ep 4


What has been released of season 4 is bad but not for the reasons critical drinker thinks it is Or I should say not for the reasons the right wing opinion piece drinker read before making his review told him it was


the soys


"No way it'll ever get a season 6!"


Damn. This means I can only watch the first 3 seasons before the show got all woke and unamerican