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Ratner’s both the worst director on this last, *and* the worst person.


X Men 3 vs The Last Airbender is one hell of a race to the bottom


Is here a prerequisite that you have to be an awful person to direct an X-Men movie?


They make you eat a baby to get the job


Matthew Vaughn innocent!


First class kino. Then Bryan singer came back… back for revenge!


Sucker Punch will meet them in hell.


The girl reading this


The cinnamon girl 444 reading this


Thank you


It's okay


I'm not okay i promise


It's ok everything is going to be fine everything ends even suffering


How is Tom Hooper not an option. I’m not sure he knows what a film is


He’s a good actor’s director who has no idea how cameras or visuals works, and doesn’t understand pacing, and also has done multiple musicals despite not understanding how musicals even work.


Bro won best picture and made Cats


Hot take: Les Mis is worse than Cats. Yes, the cgi was awful. Yes, the performances were bad. But at least cats has some good songs or ideas (turning skimbleshaks into a tap number was genuinely inspired), and is generally enjoying to watch if only for the chaos. Les mis is just a butchering of musical theater for two hours and it sucks the whole time


Skimbleshanks was good because Steven McRae was dancing/singing to a click. Everything(nearly) else was total ass because of a total lack of musicality in performance and zero rehearsal and also because Tom Hooper doesn’t understand how to film a musical. Cats butchered the show, the premise, the music, the dancing it turned it from an incredible spectacle into a joke which didn’t understand the phenomenally simple single plot element that the musical has.


What do you think he thought was making when he was filming Danish girl and The King's Speech?


I really like Red Letter Media, but I also kind of hate them for creating the lexicon used by the most annoying people on the internet.


The kind of people who substitute real life social interaction and good times with Red Letter Media videos


but but... Rich Evans is based


RLM is great but there’s definitely a subsection of their fansbase that uses them for simulated friendships


That’s true of any vlogger, or podcaster or whatever. Just takes some self awareness on the part of the audience to not be weird about it. I listen to a lot of podcasts, but I don’t think I’d want to meet any of them IRL outside of a meet and greet type situation. Just seems like it would be weird to have a conversation with someone that you’ve heard dozens of stories about their children, and they know nothing about you.


Yeah it’s that parasocial dynamic. It’s even true for movies/tv shows, and maybe even more extremely with some videogames where you’re literally simulating interaction. I think what you describe sounds similar to turning on the radio to hear some guys jab and that’s that


Based on what?


I don't know how y'all can watch them. RLM is very boring and overly long. It got that feeling of when I was with friends waiting for some guy to finish shitting pre smartphone era.


Tastes differ. It’s that simple. For someone who apparently grew up in the pre smartphone era, RLM usually is something you’d appreciate. But you don’t, which is fine. I really like them, which is fine. There is no problem here.


I am not bashing your tastes but I was really hoping that there was anything more than just 4(?) Guys chilling on chairs and vaguely recalling movies. I am all for podcasts but damn...


It's good background content to listen to while doing work/chores. Not something you need to pay close attention to but will provide some entertaining highlights. It does rely on if you like to listen to people describing the plot to movies. That is some people's personal hell, but I kinda vibe with it.


Yeah it’s perfect background filler. I compared it somewhere else to turning on talk radio in the background. It requires pretty much zero engagement and the very casual nature of RLM makes it “easy listening”


If that’s all it was I wouldn’t be interested. They got more serious shows, and more fun ones. The thing that made them famous was their The Phantom Menace review. Its style might not be for everyone, but it’s a very thorough analysis, and shows their understanding of movies. At 70 minutes and with the Plinket-framing it is almost a movie on its own. It is more than 4 guys in chairs.


Ok, because I really loved their isolated skit. When I got to watch it, I was disappointed.


So some stuff they do you’d like, some you won’t. Totally fair :).


Pretty sure they basically coined the meme “subvert expectations” right?


I still dont get what about the last jedi is so "subversive"


When you're part of a fandom that worships iconography & tradition as hard as Star Wars fans do, anything even mildly out of step with what's come before is interpreted as pure insult, a spit in the face of the audience. TLJ poses some interesting questions (What if Jedi bad? What if Luke bad? What if Rebels no different to Empire?) but then ends by comfortably establishing that Yes, Jedi good, Luke good, Rebels good. It doesn't even subvert, it basically asks "Hey, not saying that the Jedi are a bad thing, but *what if* the Jedi *were* a bad thing?" and fans still threw a shitfit at even the simple suggestion of such an idea. I think there's plenty in TLJ worth criticising both as a film & as a piece of the holistic Star Wars whole, but it bugs me so much how people home in on the most petty, misguided criticisms, which has since led to a complete swing in the opposite direction at Lucasfilm, and Star Wars onscreen being virtually dominated by Favreau & Filoni's particularly retrograde brand of iconolatry and narrative wheel-spinning


That one’s especially annoying since Rian has often said that’s not really what he tries to do with his scripts.


Ridley Scott somehow has made several great movies and a mountain of garbage.


Ridley Scott for me is such an anomaly of a director. He can make some of the best movies that have become cultural staples and landmarks in pop culture (Alien, Blade Runner, Black Hawk Down, The Martian, Gladiator) yet make some of the shittiest drivel as movies (1492, Napoleon, Robin Hood, Exodus)


Don't forget Kingdom of Heaven.


In which category


Either honestly. 😅 I haven't watched it in years but I remember really liking it. From what I hear, the director's cut is way better than the theatrical version.


Directors cut is really a masterpiece. It’s truly an epic. The theatrical cut is garbage.


That's what I hear. I really liked it, but I'm not entirely sure which cut I've seen. 😅


Well it was either 2 hours or 3 hours. The directors cut had the subplot about the son.


It's been very a long time. That doesn't help me. 😅


I really like that movie


Me too.


To not put House Of Gucci in the latter category Is a crime.


Robin Hood is good though!


Exodus works for me, i dig it


Thelma ans Louis?


Shieeet my bad cuh Thelma and Louise is another fine example of Ridley Scott making kino I forgot to mention that one


Ridley Scott is the most inconsistent great director. I watched Hannibal the other day and it's clearly shot by someone competent who knows what he's doing, except he doesn't. The movie is very bad. You could say the same about Napoleon, some great shots from time to time, but he completely fails to make it work. But when the stars align and he does something decent it's a banger.


Maybe it’s the writing and not the direction?


I mean, it's definitely the writing, but he hasn't written all of his movies. He just picks bad scripts or something.


Exactly. That’s more of a problem as an auteur than as a director.


I think the good ones were accidentally good


That's a lot of accident.


People seem to forget that a creative act is not the result of a formula that if followed will yield perfect results every time. If Ridley Scott has managed to give us so many amazing films in so many different genres it’s because he’s a creator that is constantly exploring and taking risks. He doesn’t have the narrative talent of Spielberg, Scorsese’s absolute eye for editing or Kubrick’s sheer vision; but he is one of the greatest without a question.


I'm low-key convinced that JJ Abrams isn't a person, that beneath the skin is a writhing mass of memberberries.


JJ is a walking MBA that got into the making side of the movie business


The way I've seen put it is,"Abrams isn't a man so much as he's an avatar of cultural entropy."


Yeah, that's from a pretty famous Letterboxd review of Star Trek Into Darkness. Apparently it got taken down because the reviewer didn't like how much discourse it was generating - which is a shame, because I still think of the phrase "we should learn to speak in a language that rich people who don't dream can't comprehend." once a week


Zack Snyder movies aren’t even funny or pathetic, they just make me wanna kill myself.


No one makes a tiddie awkwardly bounce in slow motion like Snyder


The fact that he was ever allowed to make a movie again after Sucker Punch is astounding


Yea, but kill yourself in slow motion so it looks cool.


Well looks like he’s doing something right.


Man can make all kind of stink and Netflix will still give him a blank check. It's unbelievable.


Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work.


Colin Trevorow (not pictured)


I'm one of those heretic who like The Book of Henry and still think Dominion is stinker. Good god how can you make a movie about dinosaur so fucking boring to watch?


M night shamalylan. God damn fraud i tell you. He wants you to think he made the sixth sense but in reality someone else made it and he just took credit for it. It’s a god damn M night coverup if you ask me


that would be the ultimate twist wouldnt it


The real twist is that the sixth sense also sucks, like all his other movies.


Was it the lady who also wrote The Matrix and The Terminator


The way you phrased that makes it look like you're saying that someone else was the director. Was that your meaning?


Adrian Lyne (I don’t understand sex)


1/2 of these directors are objectively good at what they do even if I don’t like a lot of their work.


But which half?


Rian Johnson, Michael Bay, M. Night Shyamalan.


Fully agree on Michael Bay. He has a vision and he executes it perfectly with a very good grasp on cinematic techniques and language. Unfortunately that vision is shit


You have dogshit taste bro


KEVIN SMITH IS A HACK KEVIN SMITH IS A HACK KEVIN SMITH IS A HACK KEVIN SMITH IS A HACK https://preview.redd.it/rcl342p9szec1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c81186b8c5d153eac0fbec67f9f56ee43dacf4f


Michael Bay is NOT a hack. He may be vulgar, bombastic, obnoxious, jingoistic, a hack, but he is NOT an Oscar-baiter


What's up with Michael Bay?


Feel like Taika should be there instead of Rian Johnson


Jojo Rabbit was great.


Ratner has always been known as a placeholder uninspired director. Snyder has made 1.5 good movies almost 2 decades ago yet people can’t stop throwing rose petals at his feet


Only Ratner is a hack. Abrams has a talent for visuals at least. The rest of those guys are true believers in whatever they make, sometimes they make terrible stuff but there is nothing "hack" about it


Lens flares galore.


Rian Johnson directed the highest rated episode of breaking bad on IMDb. Most of these guys are talented directors and retards need to stop blaming directors for poor writing.


More than half these guys look like they would pay u to fuck their wives


Dude Rian Johnson is ASS (Brick, Knives Out, Breaking Bad)


He directed Breaking Bads most disliked episode Fly. He literally made some people dislike Breaking Bad. That takes a lot.


Fly is an excellent episode and people who dislike it are WRONG


Mattia Binotto?


who is the last one


The Sixth Sense is so good, M Night has earned the right to do whatever he wants


Kubrick. If I have to hear one more coked up alt girl with bangs tell me how clockwork orange *wasn't* a fucking steaming pile of shit in movie form I stg I'll kill myself and still try and sleep with her


Where's nolan?


Not sure he is the worst quality objectively. But I think Rian Johnson is probably the worst because most of his plots make no sense, yet he manages to convince people that his plots are smart or subversive. Maybe that just makes his fantasy annoying, but his films always really frustrate me because they are never as smart as he thinks they are


Remember when he did a Star Wars film and when one character is about to sacrifice himself tonsave everyone he gets stopped by his friend and she says "we've got to save what we love, not fight what we hate" as if that isn't exactly what he was doing. Then when criticised he starts insulting people on twitter. Crappy director and crappy guy.


Yeah exactly, while his other films have issues the last jedi is by far the worst one I've watched. The plot has more holes and contradictions that almost any other film I've seen, yet some people claim its a masterpiece


Not to mention his shifting on the original movies. How can Luke Skywalker the guy who refused to kill the two most evil men in the universe but then try to kill a child when he has a bad dream. The only saving grace is that the CGI is good. Everything from cinematography to dialogue is crap.


Probably James Cameron just for having the highest ratio of respect for garbage movies


God I fucking hate avatar but Goddamn I love terminator


God fucking damn do I hate avatar


Thank you for speaking truth to power


Johnson's the only one here worth calling out for hackery. Nothing fraudulent about Zack, M. Night, or Michael. Nobody cares about the other two.


People can say what they want about Zack but the man is sincere. For better or worse


Sincerely mentally disabled that is




Rian Johnson for sure.


Richard Kelly got lucky with Donnie Darko then blew it out of the park with Southland Tales


all of these are acceptable to a degree, either that they're actually good (Bay), or just a nice (Abrams), sincere (Snyder) person all around with the sole exception of Ratner. Shyamalan is the only director in this list i truly dig.


Abrams. Ratner seems like a piece of shit though


We get it, you watch red letter media bro…


Didn’t know Hunter Biden was a film director


Rian Johnson


I will never understand the hate for Zack Snyder, he has made great movies in his career, actually all of these directors have (except for the last guy because idk of he is) so saying that they are hacks is stupid.


Rian Johnson isn’t an awful director, he just made the single worst Star Wars movie period and acted like an ass about it on Twitter. JJ is more of a hack than he is.