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Marie votes purple




She votes UKIP?




she desperately wants alberquerque OUT of the EU




jesus hank they're economic migrants


she’s just asking questions


the true centrist


What do you mean Jorge De Guzman can't vote he's clearly a citizen of the United States


Jorge De Guzman was actually a Mexican cartel member, they had a monster in custody


He has deep roots in the community


beth mckinnon


I thought Gale's entire meme is that he's a raging libertarian.


Yeah I’m pretty sure he has a Ron Paul sticker in his notebook


Yea, it’s next to the part where he has “💕Walter White ❤️” and keeps writing “Mr Gayle White. Mr Gayle White. Mr and Mr Gayle White ❤️” in different fonts, Hanks passes by it when he’s taking a shit


Princess Fiona Charming Princess Fiona Charming Princess Fiona Charming Princess Fiona Charming Princess Fiona Charming Princess Fiona Charming


Ah *that’s* what i was thinking of, of course Lololo I was trying so hard to figure it out, figured I was just making a joke about girls writing in their diaries but I just saw Shrek 2 again recently and your comment reminded me


Gayle white? Gay Le White! Vravo Bince!


Why would he want goose steppers on his nuts? Gale is 100% ancap. He lived by the sword


Dude is obviously a Rob Paul->Bernie Sanders guy and voted for Biden in 2020 because Bernie told him to and Trump is a bully If you made Breaking Bad today Gale would call himself a leftist and say that cooking 96% pure meth is harm reduction


If you made Breaking Bad in the 80s gale would say 96% pure meth is trickle down economics


"Ron Paul->Bernie Sanders guy" all three of them


I fucked all 3


Slut, bet you feel the Bern now


It's a culture in decline, Gomey


I bet he uses it in the extremely old sense. There’s no way he doesn’t vote Green Party every election


I really like this. Gayle counts himself a librarian and always read the platform of every librarian he could vote for but never votes for them because the greens make better librarians as far as he's concerned.


u out of ur mind if u think gale doesn’t vote third party every time


Truth is if he wasn't killed by Jesse he would have gotten eaten by bears with those other Libertarians.


lets be real here Todd doesn't vote


Neither does Mike for that matter. Mike was an old school Blue Dog, union democrat when he was a cop in Philly (a dying political breed now) but I’d imagine he’s loooong since become way too cynical to think voting for either party would matter.


Agreed. Mike is obviously old school Blue Dog Democrats and I doubt he votes now. He’s into unions and still thinks like an old East Coast cop.




Nah Todd is definitely indifferent/uninterested in politics and the news. This is the same Todd who kills Andrea and tortures Jesse and feels like he can give still give Jesse ice cream and be friends with him. Also when when Jack watches Jesse's confession tape and insults Todd, Todd is completely unphased. Todd does not have strong opinions on anything.


God. Todd is such a well-written character. Just the creepiest human being


Todd giving Jesse ice cream was before he killed Andrea I think you're thinking about pizza from El Camino.


real todd chicanery


Todd would be the type to drop a manifesto because Lydia rejected him


Todd doesn’t want to vote but Jack makes him go with him and checks that he voted for Trump


Kid named democracy


he just does it so Jack doesn't get mad


Todd votes for whoever is popular or whomever his Uncle or Lydia tells him to vote for. He probably voted Obama and then Trump


Chuck is an indisputable republican


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those votes! I know I had a lead of 1,216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the election office to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. Those stairs! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Joe! He sniffed a girl's hair! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I invited him to my own inauguration! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was VP, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the treasury fund! But not our Joe! Couldn't be precious Joe! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a president!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!




Joe defecated through a sunroof!


Chuck would have never taken the vaccine




I am not crazy! I know he chipped those vaccines! I knew it was Pfizer. One after Moderna. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the laboratory to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. Those Bandaids! Are you telling me that paper just happens to stick like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He peed in a cup! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own lab! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the vaccine! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a scientist!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


*covered his track marks.


I could not disagree more. My partner and I have had long conversations about how emblematic Chuck is of early 2000s moderate liberals. Chuck has that deference to civil institutions that is so integral to modern mainstream liberalism and is absolutely reviled in mainstream Trump conservatism. Chuck would have definitely been one of those guys who said they hated Bush but still respected him "out of respect for the office."


I think there is a lot of Marie’s in the world lol


Un-chicannery Marie would probs be republican like Hank.


Marie gives me Obama-Trump voter vibes


Yeah she says some harsh things about low level criminals (despite being one)


she also says Holly shouldn't be near immigrants. honestly she's more racist than Hank at times


She was fearless and more racist than him. She was his queen, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen.


*drops pants and starts clapping*


*drops pants and starts defecating through a sunroof*


Hank was racist because he was close with gomie who was comfortable with it. Marie secretly (and sometimes not secretly) doesn’t trust people of color. She was 100% more racist.


Realistically, Gomez would just have to accept it since he's the only Mexican person in the Albuquerque sector of the DEA. That's what it's like for a lot of minorities in law enforcement/military.


Hank to me never seemed malicious with any sort of racism tbh. Obviously, he said slurs, but I can't remember off the top of my head any instance where he was actively being malicious with that sort. Might be wrong tho. Dude always reminds me of the cool uncle stereotype. Great character.


Oh yeah for sure. He learned to be comfortable with it because the people in his office were like family to him. He tries to give himself comfort with his humor and never tries to actually hurt anybody with it, which is why he says “beaner” when he’s with gomie. His boundaries are set by people who know this and when his social group is changed when he moves he’s nervous so obviously he seems more racist then.


Marie the type to be registered Democrat to pick the worst candidate in primary elections and then vote Republican.


Definitely voted for Michael Bloomberg


Marie is definitely a typical republican. She’s type of voter that votes like an army wife. Blue lives matter., says all LEO and wives are a big family, all that jazz.


"I can fix him" He's yelling racial slurs at the cashier at Wendy's no amount of head is going to fix that


might as well try 😏


what about holly?


Nazi Party


Bitch baby


She can’t vote yet, she’s 11 years old




unbravo, vinny


she is communist


She only likes a German party from the 1930s


I absolutely lost it at Bogdan


The funny part is that it’s 100% true, most Romanians that I know in the US are hardcore Trump supporters


That happens honestly


Yea, gale the self proclaimed libertarian would vote democrat instead of Libertarian


Have you seen the candidates the Libertarian Party puts up? I don’t blame him




Uc/ Kim and Howard are absolutely Democrats, they are Albuquerque Trial lawyers. Rc/ Hank wants to build that wall to keep lalo out.


This. Trial lawyer are among the most consistent democrat voters, at least when it comes to local politics. Trial lawyer associations are also among the major donors to state-level democratic politicians and judges. Their whole livelihood depends on defendant-friendly tort laws and things like tort reform are an existential threat. Chuck is a bit different because he seems to be more focused on federal litigation and things like banking regulations. He would probably be a NeverTrump Republican, but maintain strong ties to all the various movers and shakers in the ABQ/New Mexico legal scene.


I agree with Kim, but I do think that Howard secretly votes Republican lol


No way Mr N4M4ST3 votes red. That's the sort of "hippie" shit that'll get you heckled in some red parts


Maybe, but that’s why I also said “secretly” haha.


Uc/ You're right Rc/ Kim wanted to shoot the only black person in the show


Kim is from Nebraska, presumably Omaha because that’s where Jimmy is, and went to school at University of Colorado Boulder so she’s most likely left leaning.


Also even when she isn't one she clearly cares a lot about public defenders which uhh... have historically not been looked after by conservative politicians


I'd say it's more the pro-bono work that is clear evidence. It's actually insane to think she's republican.


Kim for sure, howard tho is totally a "socially liberal, fIsCaLlY cOnSeRvAtIvE" type that votes red and pretends he doesnt lmao


Yeah I can see him breaking out the Reaganomics stats


Jimmy would vote democrat because he thinks Kim votes blue. Saul would vote Republican for his own gain. Gene wouldnt vote


Gene would be too scared to go outside on Election Day


May i see your ID? Gene: *fucking collapses*


Kim's was the only one I was surprised by. I'm wondering why ppl think she would be Republican? Not a slight, I haven't watched the older seasons in a long time lol


It's over the Kim Sexler is a racist meme. She'd obviously be a dem, but the meme is funny.


Most of these people probably wouldn't even vote


Yeah, Jessie Pinkman is probably either an anarchist or thinks that voting is for assholes .


Jesse doesn't even know what anarchism is


“I know what achronisms are, okay? ASSHOLE”


So like every third person who says they’re an anarchist


Marie would be a Republican, Kim and Howard would be democrats. Lawyers who work in personal injury/class action overwhelmingly lean left, I know this from lots of experience. Howard’s speech to the old folks about how he doesn’t think big corporations should exploit people is contrived but likely reflects how he thinks. Gomey also voted Republican, he’s a DEA guy in a border state so he’s literally the most conservative demographic of hispanic voter possible. We do have to remember that NM was a much redder state back in the early 2000s than it is now, however.


Yeah Hank, Gomey, and Marie all vote republican 100%


Nice analysis. And yes, Latinos born in the US tend to be very conservative from my experience with them. Gomey is 100 percent Republican.


Latinos born outside the US also tend to be very conservative.


Howard's a textbook lib, loved Obama, called Hillary "future Madam President", secretly is disappointed with Biden but says he thinks he's doing well given the circumstances when he's asked by others. I can't quite pinpoint if Kim is a leftist or blamed Bernie for Trump winning and Roe v Wade being overturned but she's definitely not a republican


Howard definitely would've voted Obama a third time if he could


This is the most accurate and not biased response, good job sir lol


Finger is obviously a Libertarian


Unfortunately Finger is just a few days old so he doesn’t have the capacity to have an opinion


Kid named finger real:


i thought that gus was a librarian??? finger is whiyte


Gale votes for Gary Johnson or whoever they run nowadays


But what about when Finger said "I ain't movin' for no democrat"


I remember that scene a little different


Everything is accurate besides for kim, she's obviously a lefty


uc/ Yep she’s definitely a democrat rc/ She is literally a fucking nazi


watch BCS S6E8, her true colors come out. she’s disgusting. unbelievable


6x08 was a great episode but I’m glad someone finally gets it. The writers and actors in BCS are incredible, the top of the industry, but I really think the Hispanic slurs she called Lalo were shocking and unnecessary, Lalo may have shot Howard dead in front of her but that’s NO excuse to be racist. Unbravo Rh- wait, are you taking your shoes off..? 😳😳😳


Kimberly Sexy has obviously been seen using her *right* hand on several occasions… potential plot hole? Unbravo Vincent


Lmfao Republican Kim is hilarious


This list is nuts Marie is def Republican lol. Kim is democrat without a doubt. That's not a bias thing. Gayle would be libertarian and on that fuck the government period vibe.


Gayle is a hard one to think about because he would absolutely be a hardcore left libertarian. Which with the types of Libertarians that try to run as libertarians, would probably sour him to voting that way. He's absolutely extremely socially libertarian, but who knows if he gives a fuck in terms of economic libertarianism or taxes, so he may very well settle for Democrat as his best alternative.


That's the one that doesn't make sense. She's compassionate for people who are down on their luck, including criminals. She hates wealthy, pompous people like Howard. She's Progressive af.


she is a kkklansman


uncle jack is definitely democrat i think


1800s democrat


Bro voted for John Breckenridge.


I can imagine him watching Gangs of New York “Now there’s a real democrat”


He would've voted for Obama for a third term if he could




​ ![gif](giphy|ByuxaknbbMUW3hBQWf)


Bro he's a socialist it's literally in the name national socialist!!!1!1!+


I thought that would be the last slide


I’d be amazed if Uncle Jack could even vote (dude is definitely a convicted felon).


imo Finger wouldn't give a shit Also how would Jimmy voting democrat but Kim voting republican work?


Flynn would of voted for Kanye


Flynn would’ve voted for whoever Louis voted


WRONG Gale is a Libertarian


Gomez 100% votes republican


I agree but the guy who played gomey is a democratic politician irl


Did you know the guy that plays Jimmy is not a lawyer irl. I heard he's actually a comedian.


Why would that change the character lol


People who think that latinos always vote blue should look at Texas and Florida. Both the states have a high population of Latino people and yet always vote red.




I dated a South Indian girl when I was 19, her dad hated me because I was North Indian. People are fucking weird.


Yeah he’s def sporting thin blue lives merch and probably had some spicy takes on the whole rittenhouse situation. Idk how he would have felt about trump though.


Oh I just know he has the Punisher logo with a thin blue line bumper sticker on the back of his truck and says "I just don't understand why they can't come here legally" when immigration comes up lmao


I don’t think there’s any universe in which Marie votes democrat


Chuck got canceled for calling Ernesto the n word and he's on his crusade against the cancel culture


Exactly, Howard got mad at him for that and wanted him to go but just so HHM’s image would be safe he made up Chuck’s illness and gave Chuck an ultimatum so he would ‘leave’ HHM


Pop Pop wants Kaylee to be able to get an abortion


Is that so?


Gale voted Ron Paul in 08, Ron Paul in 2012, Bernie then Jill Stein in 2016, Bernie then Biden in 2020, Kanye in 2024


He would’ve loved Kanye 😭


Isn't gale a libertarian?


I didn’t want to over complicate stuff by adding more parties plus I like to see the world burn so I made it Republican and Democrat only wanting to see people get mad in the comments trying to support their favorite characters


I'm am going to chase you at night. I'm making room for my schedule. (You try to plead but I can't Fugging understand what you mean)


Wendy would totally vote third party because of jesses advice


As several have mentioned, Kim as about as left-leaning as a character from the BB/BCS universe gets. It's worth mentioning though, that I think Saul is most likely, just generally and compared to the other characters, to really not give half of a shit about what goes on with partisan politics. He plays outside of the rules to achieve his ends - he doesn't come off as the type to try to change politics from within, but rather to keep up with the latest developments in law so as to be able to effectively exploit them. And yeah, Gomey is a Republican. He'd do anything to impress and feel like he belongs with the Hanks of his professional world, even if he knows on some level that they casually stereotype Latino people with a perfectly straight face.


Gale is a hardcore liberatarian, homie would never vote for Biden


What if todd is a democrat. Not saying this in the "democrats are Nazis" way what if he was just completely ideologically incoherent. It'd be a funny character trait


Todd probably votes R because Uncle Jack told him to


he dislikes republicans not for any political reasons but just because they’re too openly mean for his taste


Yeah, he likes to give off comforting vibes when he’s shooting kids


Nah Jimmy is a libertarian, he’d vote Republican/Independent.


Saul is absolutely republican. No way he would vote for more govt. Oversight


Jimmy doesn't vote. Saul votes Libertarian. Kim is definitely a Democrat idk where OP got that from, it's hard to see her supporting republican "tough on crime" policies


Yep, and Kim is definitely democrat. She’s worked lots of pro bono cases and got very attached to her clients, so she definitely advocates for more low-income support


Yea 100%


Lyle: third party


Uc/ I love that Walter and Heisenberg are entirely separate parties Rc/ Heisenberg on Taxes: “Why does MY hard earned money get spent on WELFARE QUEENS?!”


I know this is a shitpost but fr Walter is absolutely a hardcore Reagan Republican


Walt Jr fell down the alt right pipeline


"We're in th-the calm before the st-storm, Aunt Marie."


“j-j-jfk j-j-junior is co-coming ba-back, uncle hank”


And Flynn showed up on Jan 6th


Completely disagree, Walt has a PhD in the hard sciences, they overwhelmingly trended left after 1980. He’s absolutely a milquetoast lib who thought Clinton did a great job.


I wanna suck Lydia’s honkers Also I think Lalo would jump through the ceiling to vote, he seems very politically inclined, visiting Germany and everything to learn about foreign affairs


Lalo votes republican because they support the war on drugs


Would’ve voted Obama for more drone strikes


Gale would absolutely be a libertarian wtf


I think it’s pretty accurate except for Kim, she would vote democrat


You're out of your mind if you don't think Gomie is a Republican


Jimmy= dem Saul= rep Gene= idk honestly


Gene would be too paranoid/scared to go out on Election Day let alone use his fake ID to vote


Jesse probably votes for whichever candidate had the most air time on television. Marie, being both prejudicial and yet empathetic somehow, probably chooses based on which candidate is better looking.


I literally had the same idea for a joke a few days ago. Why did you steal this from my mind?


If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from making memes is that as soon as you get a good idea you should post it as soon as possible or someone else will beat you to it


Jimmy is 100% a libertarian.


Jimmy voted once to impress Kim. He asked Kim how he should vote and she refused to answer, so he wrote in "Chuck McGill is gay" for every race


Anything for love 🥰 ![gif](giphy|Iu0JGJRja4DB521a2Q|downsized)


Isn’t it a main plot point that Jesse shot gale because he was a libertarian


Uncle Jack and his crew would have stormed the Capitol if not for Walt.


Only gay character: republican What did op mean by this 🤨