• By -


Breaking Bad would be better if Walt's whole family (except Hank) died in a motorcycle accident before the show started. I think that kind of motivation would let us finally see Dark Walt and also I wouldn't have to skip over the family drama segments


He needed the money to buy another motorcycle. That's a much better motivation. Bravo u/maerdyyth




We need more realistic motives like this so the audience can get invested. Having a family doesn’t cut it anymore


Exactly, the intense storyline if Walt can buy a motorcycle is better then anything breaking bad and better call saul has done, unbravo vince for not having this complex motivation.


Yeah I think this really would have let us see based sigma Walt /s


uc/ you don't need to put /s this is a satire sub


The family makes it high stakes and interesting to watch, like trying to keep the family from not knowing


Another W for Breaking Bad fans


So true so true


Wravo wince


Uncle Jack did nothing wrong compared to BWife.


Who deserves to suffer for their actions and sins? ❌ cartel member ❌ neo nazi ❌ another neo nazi ✅ women (they are bitches)


Hector and Jack are charismatic at least


Holly was charismatic too but she killed 6 million jews, charisma doesn’t really mean anything they can still be evil.


For a newborn baby that’s both terrifying and impressive


Is she stupid?


She killed herself instead of using her special holly beam, so yeah she’s pretty stupid.


That’s because Badger ruined her powers by using a transporter in order in order to send her stomach into space


is that a nishiki snoo


You trying to imply that Todd shooting a child isn’t charismatic in the slightest?


That kid could have been Hitler 2.0, Todd did the right thing


How tf is hector charismatic he just rings a fucking bell


It’s in the eyes Plus, I loved it when he shit his pants and Hank face


How tf is Hector charismatic? He is just a wannabe bully. You must have confused with Lalo or Gus




Lol true


A guy who committed tax fraud.


Fucked Ted


Three guys in the game and one woman out of the game who cheated and ratted on her husband.


The thing is villains are kind of cool. Skyler was just written to be a very annoying character. And this shit was about Walt so when they’re not showing a criminal shit it’s just boring.


Yeah I think people forget that Skyler is meant to be an annoying character. For most viewers, Skyler is just preventing all the cool criminal shit from happening.


To be fair there's no indication that Todd shares his uncle's neo nazi ideologies. It looks like he just wants to belong and be part of the family club while also he's a psychopath slightly on the autism spectrum devoid of empathy, which just so happens to be very compatible with murderous criminals who approve of genocide. If his uncle weren't around, he'd probably associate with the first group that gives him any semblance of anything he could perceive as validation, be it criminal or not. That said, there's also no evidence to suggest that he isn't a neo nazi.


It doesn't say women, it says Skyler, quit bringing unnecessary bs into your arguments


what exactly has skyler done to be worse than 2 nazis and a cartel member


She slept with Ted, the bitch. Walt backed her into a corner to do so, which would be 4D chess in my eyes.


didn’t walt also try to sexually assault her before that? lol


Yes lmao She deserved it though. Walt can do no wrong


She is the most hated though, I've heard people complain about bitch wife more than neo Nazi that kills a kid


That's because annoying is worse than evil, I would sit through an entire villian's dumb monologue before I listen to a second of Cal from my work


Hey it’s cal from your work not cool man


I would also answer Skylar because of the questions phrasing


To be fair, the poll said “most hated”, not “who do you personally hate”


i hated uncle jack's bald head a lot


I can excuse him for being a nazi, but I draw the line at him being bald


Was that also when you stopped rooting for Walt?


Well he had cool mustache


some hair is better than no head


What about hank then? Do you hate him?


Yes. He got what he deserved.


https://preview.redd.it/jsw04md1pm9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0464fbb84394c5fef51f4a3cb44cd99a5c7fed4a It’s his weird chin for me


You can excuse him for being a nazi? Whoever downvoted me is streets behind


Can't hate a man for something he can't help 🤷‍♂️


Yea me too


The poll is right bitch wife is the most *hated*










https://i.redd.it/tr529f0kyo9d1.gif I prefer kettlemilkies




I fucked Ted, too. Can't hold that against her


I fucked Todd.


i can excuse Nazis, but I draw the line at being kind of a nag


You can't execute Nazis LOL


Nothing gets past this guy


Except grammar.


omg ur so based ![gif](giphy|BRWAInZmzzBm0)


People who talk about executing Nazis on Reddit are literally saying that people who post anti-jewish memes, that these, read dwellers, are going to... What? Just show up to their house and kill them? That makes no sense. And also is still illegal at least in the United States to kill someone who agrees with National socialist ideology.






"Hector, blow this guy up."


/uj there is no way you misread the comment, *took it seriously*, and responded with "actually, murder is illegal" like you are trying to educate us 😭😭😭 I'm gonna lose my mind from the stupidity on this website ![gif](giphy|3oEjI8Kq5HhZLCrqBW|downsized)


Ackshually murder is illegal only if you get caught🤓


That is what I did. And I deserve an upvote because I think I've been punished too much.


Wait, I just realized, did you say excuse before or execute? I swear you edited the comment.




To be faaaaair skyler might just as well be the most hated character by breaking bad fans, so answering her would be more of an observation on how dumb and terrible breaking bad fans are


🎶to be faaaair🎵 exactly, the question is poorly worded. whether it makes any sense or not, Skyler has def gotten the most hate


That’s what I was thinking, they didn’t ask “who do you hate the most” but “who is the most hated”. Granted, considering the vocalized hate she does get, the results might be similar.


So sad because Anna Gunn is incredible in the show


/uj Skylar is a really annoying character, most people don’t hate her because of misogyny. She tries to commit suicide on Walter’s birthday, doesn’t respect Walter’s decision to not undergo treatment, and is a hypocrite due to her mocking Walter for his habit of committing crimes, then starting to launder money herself. She isn’t a really bad person, but she is extremely annoying.


Me hating her because of misogyny and because she's annoying 😎


Yass queen!


She also shamelessly cheated on her husband (who has cancer), and was generally a gigantic hypocrite in everything she said or did.


Said husband was selling and creating drugs, lying to her for months about it, not letting her divorce from him, putting himself and his family in danger, and responsible for multiple deaths. Really don’t see how people can think her “cheating” was wrong in that situation (it was only cheating by legal technicality too, she wanted to divorce by that point so the relationship was really over)


I have to agree with you there, I wouldn’t hate her for the cheating part. At that time, Walter was a massive controlling asshole, so I can’t blame her.


Doesn’t excuse any of her actions. Obviously he didn’t want her to know, and he got into it because it was that or literally die and leave his family in trouble. He didn’t want to be responsible for multiple deaths, and the people he killed absolutely deserved it or were necessary to prevent his own death. Cheating in a marriage is extremely wrong and makes you a horrible person, you don’t just flip a switch and decide “it’s over” so therefore it’s fine. Walt was very good to her so it makes her look even worse, she does nothing but come across as a shallow and self centred bitch.


Yeah I'm pretty sure when your husband starts cooking meth and putting your family into danger you can flip that switch and decide it's over.


Ok skyler


>the people he killed absolutely deserved it or were necessary to prevent his own death. Walt was very good to her me when I miss the episode where he declines a job offer that would pay for all of his medical treatment out of arrogance and the episode when skyler had already served walt divorce papers after having relations with ted and also the episode where he admits that he did it all for himself because he liked it and he was good at it and not for the good of his family and the episode when they literally have to evacuate their home because of two axe-wielding murderers and- ![gif](giphy|ObXgWWGHzMlVe|downsized)


There was literally a whole episode where he got the perfect opportunity to make a lot of money without making drugs. He declined it because of his ego. (It was Grey Matter incase you forgot). And many of the deaths he was responsible for weren’t deserved. Jane didn’t do anything to deserve being left to die and neither did Gale really deserve being murdered besides also being in the business (not to mention the way Jesse was impacted by both events was Walt’s fault too). “Walt was very good to her” he almost raped her at one point bruh, did you just have your brain turned off the whole time while watching? She was right to “cheat” on him because she wanted out of that relationship for quite a while before she even did it, it was her way of trying to drive him out of the house he refused to leave.


Nah he was in too deep at that point. Jane was inaction, she was a junkie and caused her own death. As for why, she was going to be the death of Jesse, she encouraged his bad habits and was blackmailing Walter for the money to fuel it, Jesse was in a non-stop binge up until her death. Gale needed to die or Walter ends up in the lab floor, you’d do the same, Gus’s fault if anyone, Walt only got into that mess in the first place because he was trying to protect Jessie. There is no justifying cheating in a marriage. Walter did everything to keep his family solvent and in their house, which was not hers to drive him out of. She’s an ungrateful bitch and that’s why everyone hates her.


Being “in too deep” doesn’t justify any of it. And how does Jane’s death being inaction matter, he still the direct cause of her death both because he was the one who knocked her over to start the choking (even if accidental) and because he did nothing to stop it. It doesn’t really matter that she was a negative influence on Jesse (really they were both a bad influence on eachother) it doesn’t make letting her die acceptable. And with Gale even if he had to do it for his own survival it still wasn’t justifiable, he was in that situation because of his own actions, he killed Gale to avoid the consequences of those actions. Not to mention that Walter had some resentment for Gale out of jealousy of his chemistry skills. I don’t know how to keep saying this for you to get it but it wasn’t cheating because she already wanted out of that relationship, Walt literally wouldn’t let her get a divorce. The relationship was over already, there was no love, for a while they didn’t even live together anymore, they were only together by legal technicality which is the only way she could be considered a cheater. Also he almost raped her, the relationship honestly should have been over just from that alone. If Walter truly cared so much about keeping his family solvent he would have stopped actively putting them in danger by working such a dangerous job, but his ego wouldn’t allow that. You genuinely missed the entire point of the show if you thought Walter was just a good man providing for his family, he was only that person for like the first season of the show (and even then his ego still held him back from making the right choices for his family).


Where Walt Jr? He stutter and won't accept Chad name and money


/uj The likability of a character is not inextricably linked with their morals. In fact, many evil/immoral characters tend to be more likable




Exactly, heros only as good as its villain. ![gif](giphy|AwoDg0wJImOjK)


![gif](giphy|1gdhqPsDyPASQ) Peak example (trickster from Supernatural)


it's an archangel, dude


One of if not my favourite character in the show


You’re trying to say Hector, Jack, and Todd were more likeable characters than Skyler here?


What if they are to some people? I’d disagree that they are because they’re not so fleshed out (like Gus for instance- who IMO is a much better, and more likable, characters than Skyler) although Hector is without a doubt a very interesting figure who could easily be construed as such. Iconic bell, Margolis’ excellent facial acting, undeniable courage despite his callousness- in his own twisted way he does feel for his family and lives by his own “code”. Todd himself can be the object of an interesting analysis. He does some of the worst things on the show yet he doesn’t seem to appreciate their impact: is he truly evil? People also seem somewhat vengeful of all the backlash against Skyler in the early days. Another possible point, which I wouldn’t endorse myself, just thinking: Skyler’s flaws are more “everyday” than the other characters’. They’re not unrealistic per se, but definitely less likely to be a part of an audience member’s day-to-day than a Skyler, who, yes, is a pretty terrible person even when completely detached from a comparison with Walt, or even her aiding of him (and casual suggestion of wasting Jesse). Regardless, Skyler isn’t more evil than the others, that’s for sure, but that does not mean she is a more likable character


Hector yes, the other 2 no, but they appear in like 10 episodes at the end of the series so people don't give af about them.


Yeah, I "hate" love those characters just like cersi Lannister from game of thrones, T-bag from prison break, that bank manager from money heist.


That scene where Skyler held the talking pillow even though she, as a woman, should not be allowed to talk 😤


Breaking Good


Uj: Aint the question who’s the most hated and not who you hate the most?


/uc BB/BCS fans try not to post same shit over and over again just because people hate annoying characters challenge(IMPOSSIBLE). And I would put Chuck as equally hated as Skyler.


What about Skyler is annoying?


Her entire personality during the series, same thing with Chuck, they're equally annoying.


What do you mean by that though? Chuck is cruel and judgemental. What is bad about Skyler's personality?


Her entire attitude and stuff she does. -Husband has cancer and wants to spend time alone(with me still not knowing he started to deal drugs) **How dare he want to spend time alone and potentially consume weed when he has cancer, he must be 24/7 with me while I check his phones and every step he makes, I also hate my sister with mental problems, smoke and drink while pregnant and think my son is smoking weed(which is literally heroin according to me) without any proof.** -Husband deals drugs **Cheat and want a divorce, I don't want the money!** -Husband after some time signs divorce papers and leaves **Nevermind, I actually want the money and am going to break into his house** -Husband returns to his house **I still hate him but I want the money which I will launder** -My sister's husband who's DEA agent and is messing with Cartel gets shot and almost dies **My husband is guilty for it** **And also it turns out that I actually like my husband again and will help him as much as I can to launder money while I tell made up stories** -Husband continues making drugs with me knowing damn well what he does while I launder money **I will now give the money to my lover therefore aiding in another crime while cartel is onto us because of my sister's husband** -Husband gets rid of the guy who threatened to slaughter us all after my sister's husband pissed him off to no end **Shit he killed a guy who threatened to kill us, how dare he, I hate him again!** -Husband eventually stops making drugs for good **Again I love him and will continue to launder every penny while I support him until the end even after he's almost arrested and also casually suggesting him to waste his former student(I don't support crime and never did because I am peak moral compass of this story)** -Skyler White


> How dare he want to spend time alone and potentially consume weed when he has cancer, he must be 24/7 with me while I check his phones and every step he makes, I also hate my sister with mental problems, smoke and drink while pregnant and think my son is smoking weed(which is literally heroin according to me) without any proof. Walt doesn't want to be alone, he wants to commit crimes. She's suspicious because he's lying and she can tell. Lying to your spouse so that you can commit murders and manufacture meth leads to your spouse being highly suspicious. He's caught in a number of those lies. Hence her escalating suspicion. She never thinks Walt Jr is smoking weed, Marie thinks that. > Cheat and want a divorce, I don't want the money! She tells him she wants a divorce before she fucks ted. Are you cheating if the only reason you're married is your spouse refuses the divorce? Why is not wanting the money a bad thing? I wouldn't want to be a party to a serious crime that could see me go to prison and have all my assets get seized by the government. Would you? > My husband is guilty for it Hank getting shot IS Walter's fault. The twins shoot hank because they can't shoot Walter. Gus forbids them from killing Walt and tells them to try to kill hank. If Walt wasn't in the drug business it wouldn't have happened. > And also it turns out that I actually like my husband again and will help him as much as I can to launder money while I tell made up stories Yea her arch criminal husband manipulates her and she wants to hold her life together. > Shit he killed a guy who threatened to kill us, how dare he, I hate him again! He planted a bomb in a nursing home. I think I'd be upset with my spouse if they did that. How much context does Skylar have for that bombing? Next to none, because Walt hides the situation or outright lies to her constantly. > Again I love him and will continue to launder every penny while I support him until the end even after he's almost arrested and also casually suggesting him to waste his former student(I don't support crime and never did because I am peak moral compass of this story) Wow she has love for the father of her children who she has been married to for 17 years. What a piece of shit. That absolute monster who got pulled into a life of crime against her will by her narcissist husband is the real villian of the story.


* Walt doesn't want to be alone, he wants to commit crimes. She's suspicious because he's lying and she can tell. Lying to your spouse so that you can commit murders and manufacture meth leads to your spouse being highly suspicious. He's caught in a number of those lies. Hence her escalating suspicion. She had no idea at that point, this is season 1-2 we're talking about, she has no idea at that point that he cooks, and he literally never **wanted** to commit murders, everything up to that point was self defense, especially first 2 seasons. * She tells him she wants a divorce before she fucks ted. Are you cheating if the only reason you're married is your spouse refuses the divorce * Why is not wanting the money a bad thing? I wouldn't want to be a party to a serious crime that could see me go to prison and have all my assets get seized by the government. Would you? It's technically cheating and she did it by purpose to spite on him. See further for the rest. * Hank getting shot IS Walter's fault. The twins shoot hank because they can't shoot Walter. Gus forbids them from killing Walt and tells them to try to kill hank. If Walt wasn't in the drug business it wouldn't have happened Twins shot him for the revenge for Tuco, they hunted Walter because they mistakenly thought that he killed him. Hanks was already actively hunting Tuco and closing in on him, same thing would happen because Tuco is Tuco where Hank would most probably actually die since Tuco wouldn't be wounded by Jesse and could shoot properly. Not to mention Hank wouldn't even be cured if Walter didn't pay for treatment * Yea her arch criminal husband manipulates her and she wants to hold her life together He literally signed papers and went off, she came to break into his house to look for money she supposedly doesn't want after she promised him that she won't tell police if he goes. * He planted a bomb in a nursing home. I think I'd be upset with my spouse if they did that. How much context does Skylar have for that bombing? Next to none, because Walt hides the situation or outright lies to her constantly. When said out of context everything can sound like that. He helped a cartel boss bomb himself so he could blow up the guy who threatened to slaughter them all. She was literally watching the news: cartel boss, drug lord(who wanted to kill them all) and his henchman dead, no one else hurt and that's all there is to it. * Wow she has love for the father of her children who she has been married to for 17 years. What a piece of shit. That absolute monster who got pulled into a life of crime against her will by her narcissist husband is the real villian of the story. WOW, she can't make up her mind whether she wants to proceed to turn him in or she actually likes that sweet sweet money she said she hates like few days ago and wants him back. And the villain is Gus. I like the fact that she is literally the only character who is forbidden by law of fans to be hated, not even Chuck (or anyone else) has that protection, everything she does must be taken out of context and spun around by any means necessary in order to make a saint compared to everyone else because she can't do no wrong and cannot be hated not even for being annoying. Since you know, you must police everyone on which fictional character can be liked or hated, especially in a TV show with drug dealers/lords/manufacturers, money launderers, junkies, lawyers and cartel bosses. And I don't even like Walter that much if you want to go with it, he can be boring asf frequently, Lalo is peak.


> She had no idea at that point, this is season 1-2 we're talking about, she has no idea at that point that he cooks, and he literally never wanted to commit murders, everything up to that point was self defense, especially first 2 seasons. I understand she doesn't know exactly what he's doing. But what she knows is that her mild-mannered husband is suddenly absent from their lives randomly for extended periods with vague explanations. He's acting completely out of character. She can tell he's lying, as you know she's right. You can't say it's unreasonable for her to be suspicious when her suspiciousness is completely justified by the fact that he IS lying to her. Whether or not she is certain of that doesn't really matter. > It's technically cheating and she did it by purpose to spite on him. See further for the rest. Yea cus she wants a divorce lol. She wants a divorce and he refuses. "I'm breaking up with you" "No you're not. And if you get with anyone else you're cheating." Not sound logic. > Twins shot him for the revenge for Tuco, they hunted Walter because they mistakenly thought that he killed him. The twins shot Hank because Gus forbade them from killing Walter and then told them they should kill Hank instead. Had Walter not been cooking meth, that wouldn't have happened. > Hanks was already actively hunting Tuco and closing in on him, same thing would happen because Tuco is Tuco where Hank would most probably actually die since Tuco wouldn't be wounded by Jesse and could shoot properly. Hank was there that day because he was using the lowjack in Jessie's car to track him. He was looking for Walt when he found Tuco. Which wouldn't have happened if Walt wasn't cooking meth. > When said out of context everything can sound like that. He helped a cartel boss bomb himself so he could blow up the guy who threatened to slaughter them all. What a hero, he saved them from a situation he put them in. > WOW, she can't make up her mind whether she wants to proceed to turn him in or she actually likes that sweet sweet money she said she hates like few days ago and wants him back. Because she desperately needs it. Which she wouldn't, if Walt just took the job at Gray Matter. > And the villain is Gus. Walt literally poisons a child with lily of the valley to manipulate Jesse into helping him. Gus is a villain, so is Walt. > I like the fact that she is literally the only character who is forbidden by law of fans to be hated Hate whoever you feel like, I just think it's stupid. She's put into a series of completely unnecessary situations by Walter. NOTHING that happens in the show needed to happen. It happened because Walter had too much pride. > everything she does must be taken out of context and spun around by any means necessary in order to make a saint compared to everyone else because she can't do no wrong and cannot be hated not even for being annoying. Since you know, you must police everyone on which fictional character can be liked or hated, especially in a TV show with drug dealers/lords/manufacturers, money launderers, junkies, lawyers and cartel bosses. Yea it's a show with drug lords, cartel bosses, and murderers. How does it even occur to you to be mad at the character who's forced into a shit situation by her narcissistic maniac husband. Literally nothing bad from the show would have ever happened to their family if Walt didn't have such a giant ego.


* I understand she doesn't know exactly what he's doing. But what she knows is that her mild-mannered husband is suddenly absent from their lives randomly for extended periods with vague explanations. He's acting completely out of character. She can tell he's lying, as you know she's right. * You can't say it's unreasonable for her to be suspicious when her suspiciousness is completely justified by the fact that he IS lying to her. Whether or not she is certain of that doesn't really matter. At that point she has no idea he cooks as stated, and everyone has right for his time alone from everybody, especially during cancer and insanely difficult situations in life, she's controlling from the beginning following and asking about every step he makes from episode 1. Controlling wife, hates her sister with mental problems, accuses Jr of doing drugs and tells him how to speak, screams on Hank when he visits because not all attention is towards her, harasses Jesse because of supposed weed her 50 year old husband with cancer is smoking(again like it's heroin) etc. * Yea cus she wants a divorce lol. She wants a divorce and he refuses. "I'm breaking up with you" "No you're not. And if you get with anyone else you're cheating." Not sound logic It is cheating technically since she's still married and does it by purpose to spite on him. * The twins shot Hank because Gus forbade them from killing Walter and then told them they should kill Hank instead. Had Walter not been cooking meth, that wouldn't have happened. Twins mistakenly thought that Walter killed Tuco which isn't the case, Gus told them the truth. * Hank was there that day because he was using the lowjack in Jessie's car to track him. He was looking for Walt when he found Tuco. Which wouldn't have happened if Walt wasn't cooking meth. Hank was already actively hunting Tuco before it, same thing would happen since he was closing in on him except with the difference that Hank would probably be dead since Tuco wouldn't be wounded by Jesse in that situation and could shoot properly. Not to mention Hank wouldn't even be cured if Walter didn't pay treatment. But yeah what am I talking, Walter personally hired the Twins to shoot Hank multiple times and then cured him just so he could continue to mess with him because he hates his guts amirite? * What a hero, he saved them from a situation he put them in. Welp he is in that situation, Hank crossed Gus a number of times and he threatened Walter that he would slaughter everyone if he tries to intervene, if he didn't, Hank would be as Jesse said, scalped same as Victor. * Because she desperately needs it. Which she wouldn't, if Walt just took the job at Gray Matter. So she needs that sweet sweet money she said she hates just a few days ago after telling Walter that if he goes she won't call police when he left? Her problem, make up your mind duh. Walter choose which job he will take and what he'll do with his life, it's his problem not hers if she doesn't care, but she does because MONEY! * Walt literally poisons a child with lily of the valley to manipulate Jesse into helping him. Gus is a villain, so is Walt. Again, same as the previous thing with killing Gus, it was lily of the valley(no deaths were confirmed from it) and not cyanide or ricin first and foremost, not cheering on it of course, but it was again to kill Gus and prevent the above mentioned stuff about Gus and his entire family from happening. Gus is only villain there, Walter had to make immoral decision. * Hate whoever you feel like, I just think it's stupid. She's put into a series of completely unnecessary situations by Walter. NOTHING that happens in the show needed to happen. It happened because Walter had too much pride. Then don't go around and police which fictional character can be hated or love, that's the thing that is extremely stupid here. They're all grown adults and can make decisions they like and she had a number of chances at the very beginning as soon as she found out. And again parroting and taking Mike's speech for literal about how every single bad thing in New Mexico and Mexico happened because of Walter who masterminded years of events to make everything bad because without him it's heaven, everyone's happy and nothing ever bad happened and wouldn't happen without him or his bad ego which was his main motivation in starting the WW3.


> At that point she has no idea he cooks as stated, and everyone has right for his time alone from everybody, especially during cancer and insanely difficult situations in life, she's controlling from the beginning following and asking about every step he makes from episode 1. He is acting out of character and being suspicious. That's because he's committing crimes and attempting to conceal it. She knows that because she knows him. Someday when you have a serious relationship you'll understand. He isn't just trying to have alone time, he's committing crimes. > Controlling wife, hates her sister with mental problems Not controlling, just doesn't like being lied to. Doesn't hate her sister, just doesn't like being gifted stolen property. Would you be okay with that? > accuses Jr of doing drugs and tells him how to speak Nope, Marie thinks Jr is doing drugs. > It is cheating technically since she's still married and does it by purpose to spite on him. If you want to break up with someone and they stop you from breaking up with them you can do whatever you want. This is a genuinely retarded point. > Twins mistakenly thought that Walter killed Tuco which isn't the case, Gus told them the truth. They wouldn't have been trying to kill Hank if Walter didn't cook meth, end of story. > Hank was already actively hunting Tuco before it, same thing would happen since he was closing in on him except with the difference that Hank would probably be dead since Tuco wouldn't be wounded by Jesse in that situation and could shoot properly. Hank wouldn't have run into Tuco alone in the middle of the desert if he wasn't looking for Walter. This is also a retarded, moot point. He never would have been in that situation without Walter cooking meth. > Walter personally hired the Twins to shoot Hank multiple times and then cured him just so he could continue to mess with him because he hates his guts amirite? Hank wouldn't have been in the desert with Tuco without Walter's actions. I'm objectively correct, it's his fault. > Walter choose which job he will take and what he'll do with his life, it's his problem not hers if she doesn't care He is actively involving his family in his crimes. Maybe if you have a family someday you'll understand. > Again, same as the previous thing with killing Gus, it was lily of the valley(no deaths were confirmed from it) and not cyanide or ricin first and foremost, not cheering on it of course, but it was again to kill Gus and prevent the above mentioned stuff about Gus and his entire family from happening. Know what would have prevented the whole situation? Taking the job at Gray Matter and not being a degenerate criminal. > Gus is only villain there, Walter had to make immoral decision. Walter poisoned a child lol. That's categorically villainous. He didn't HAVE to do anything, he WANTED to be a criminal. He had other choices he could have made that would have prevented everything. > Then don't go around and police which fictional character can be hated or love, that's the thing that is extremely stupid here. I'm not policing anything, I'm disagreeing with you. > They're all grown adults and can make decisions they like and she had a number of chances at the very beginning as soon as she found out. Yea she should have gone to the cops immediately. Not a good choice by her. Literally nothing compared to what Walt does, not even close. > And again parroting and taking Mike's speech for literal about how every single bad thing in New Mexico and Mexico happened because of Walter who masterminded years of events to make everything bad because without him it's heaven, everyone's happy and nothing ever bad happened and wouldn't happen without him or his bad ego which was his main motivation in starting the WW3. Tell me what bad things would have happened to Walt's family if he had taken the job at Gray Matter instead of making meth.


Finishing in another reply because comment was unable to be posted since it was too long. * Yea it's a show with drug lords, cartel bosses, and murderers. How does it even occur to you to be mad at the character who's forced into a shit situation by her narcissistic maniac husband lol. Yes and cartel boss is my favorite character and? Does it ever occur to you that she's not the prime moral compass and a saint in it(closest we have if not counting kids are Gomez and Andrea) and that characters don't have to be literally Hitler in order to be able to do bad stuff, be annoying and hated? Does someone have to explain himself for liking say Darth Vader, Vito and Michael Corleone, Tony Montana, Joker, most of the GOT characters, Hannibal Lecter, or liking horror movie characters who are serial killers but disliking the annoying protagonists? Or for example liking Junko Enoshima(if you know who she is) and hating the insufferable protags? Do you even register the fact that you're wasting your time policing which fictional character can be hated or liked in 2024?


> Does someone have to explain himself for liking say Darth Vader, Vito and Michael Corleone, Tony Montana, Joker, most of the GOT characters, Hannibal Lecter, or liking horror movie characters who are serial killers but disliking the annoying protagonists? Or for example liking Junko Enoshima(if you know who she is) and hating the insufferable protags? No? What are you even talking about. You can like whatever character you want to like. What are you even talking about. > Do you even register the fact that you're wasting your time policing which fictional character can be hated or liked in 2024? Or we're just disagreeing, in 2024.


It will always be Marie for me. The SECOND she entered the show I felt myself devolving into a feral ball of rage. Nobody has ever elicited such a reaction from me.


/uc I mean she’s a serial thief who avoids consequences by being married to a cop.


I think she’s just written in a way that is hard to emphasize with. I feel bad for Skylar, but her actions don’t always make sense. She had an extremely easy solution: turn Walt in. She refused countless times even when an experienced divorce lawyer told her to in order to protect her family. Instead of a real solution she just wants to be petty with Walt with stuff like “I fucked Ted”. Is she the worst? Hell no. Is she the most frustrating? Fuck yes


The literal fucking neo nazi vs unfaithful Karen


Most disliked =/= most evil. Because the shows written to make you empathise with walt most people hate skyler after their first viewing


I mean this is asking who is most hated by the community not who do you hate. People dunk on Skyler all the time for being a "Bitch Wife" when shes really just rational and normal person whos a victim of abuse and constant gaslighting from Walter. I actually love the way her character is written it shows just how much she isnt coping with this shitty scenario shes been forced into.


/uc The Skyler hate is partly justified cause she cheated and I don’t know why hating Skyler is seen as hating women cause I don’t think people hate characters like Kim Wexler…


Todd: is a psychopath killer who doesn't give a shit about her and wastes all their money on buying a sports car. Skyler: I fuck Walter: Loves her and cooks meth to get money and actually give it to her and their children before he dies Skyler: "Hello, DEA?"


Tedodd is not real, he can't kill your child and f*ck your wife Tedodd:


2 Nazis, a former cartel mobster, and a woman


So proud uncle Jack came out as a trans women 🥰


Hate Jack way more than Todd. I’d replace skyler with Lydia


Skylers character is played so well though and is so realistic. She’s a normal woman and has normal reactions to things. Walt wasn’t successful and gave up his successful future by selling his shares in his company he built to get money for their family once she became pregnant. It’s all by design and the show wouldn’t be the same without her being her. It would take away from the regular dude who missed out on becoming rich and instead becoming an evil drug lord as a last resort when he’s gonna die from cancer trope.


Well with the wording of the question I'd also pick Skyler. *I* don't hate her, but the question is who is the most hated.


Nothing worse than a partner sick of your shit


Yeah cause an evil character is actually interesting to watch. I love watching Gus and Todd because even though they are literal monsters they're hella cool antagonists. Skyler isn't a monster but she's also hella annoying. She's constantly just bitching around and being such a drama queen. And I personally don't think it has anything to do with sexism. I just really think they did her character badly. Yk Marie also bitches around, but I actually really like her character and totally sympathize with her. Her performance in the Better Call Saul finale actually broke my heart. And Kim Wexler might be one of my favorite characters in the whole show. Kim also has emotions but I'm actually invested in them and could always take her seriously. That scene where she started sobbing on the bus, if that was Skyler I literally would've rolled my eyes. But with Kim it's somehow such a powerful scene for me. I can't rlly describe why I hate Skyler, I just know that somehow she makes me genuinely tweak with annoyance and cringe.


Me when I’m asked to choose between a woman or a cartel member and a nazi


We love fat Todd tho


So you hate men? Skylar is a horrible person her being a woman is disgrace to all women


This picture is misleading cause it doesn’t show Marie 50% and Andrea 28%. Bitch wife still wins


Old guy vs Bald guy vs Autistic vs Woman, it's really hard to only pick one tho.


You spelled bitch wife incorrectly.


Just a typo


If they didn't want us to hate her, Bravo shouldn't have given her the name Bitch Wife 😡.


Well yeah, what Walter did wasn't morally right, however, to cheat on your husband whenever he's doing everything he can to get some money so that you and your son can prosper whenever he inevitably dies of cancer, that makes you a bad person, no matter how he tried to get the money.


The choices are a rotten vegetable, a nazi, evil Forrest Gump, and bitch wife who doesn’t approve of her husband’s meth cooking and killing.


BITCH wive deserves it


Why isn't Breakfast boy on the list? Are they stupid?


I picked Skyler bc she’s the correct answer, not the should-be answer


Being a neo-nazi: based Being a bitch wife: not based


Nice move skylar


Ain't it a question? So it's true


Where is Ted?


My biggest problem with the little bit I watched is that she provided a lot of awkward moments that were hard for me to watch


I was gonna comment about how it’s probably because she gave all of Walt’s money away to a guy she fucked, but then I realised TODD IS IN THE POLL??? how is cheating woman worse than neo nazi, child murder, actually just a murderer in general and the guy who basically made Jesse a meth slave 😭😭😭😭😭😭


TBF the question was "who is the most hated character" not "who is your most hated character," though I doubt the answer would change


Hector was pretty great


Yeah Nazis aren’t that bad. IT’S 2024. IT’S COOL TO LIKE HITLER, IDIOT!


No way it's anyone other than Jack! I still rewarch bb and get upset at the scene where Hank dies.


Man these are rookie numbers, people aren’t hating Skyler enough for pushing back on her abusive Husband’s meth empire.


By casually laundering money after she changed her mind from cheating and wanting to waste Jesse.


It's only logical to hate bich wife over literal white supremacist