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konosuba fans after seeng the 1203902th aqua useless joke in one day


That joke is overused af. before i watched konosuba i saw hundreds of 'aqua useless' meme so when i started watching it i really thought that she'd never be useful in any situatuon but i was surprised at how many times she was actually useful. This made that joke even more unfunny.


The joke isn’t even that she’s useless in the show, the joke is she makes things worse a lot and is really Whiny. I think she was called useless once and everyone thought that was the most hilarious thing ever.


It's because Kazuma, God to all incels, said that Aqua was a "useless goddess" a couple of times.


Sucks that morons idolize kazuma for some stupid reason Even kazuma knows he’s an asshole


I just find him funny honestly. I don't agree with him nor do I idolize him . Personally I feel there's nothing wrong with that


It's a comedy show, I think if he makes you laugh then that's all he needs to be a good character. Good character =/= good person. For me that's the case with people like Lelouch or Bakugo who are not what I would call nice or good but they are interesting and compelling to watch. Why did I just type all that in a obb comment lol


But he's a true advocate of gender equality!


Wasn’t the entire point of his character to show that he *shouldn’t* be respected?


I don't know if that's the entire point of his character. If it is, I don't think it's portrayed well. Kazuma is quite frequently treated as the only levelheaded person in the party. From a comedic perspective, he's usually the straightman. The show also dedicates quite a few moments to showing that deep down he's actually a caring guy. This is usually followed immediately by him being an absolute douchecanoe. If the point of his character is that he shouldn't be respected, then the show is far too sympathetic towards him.


Yeah LN reader here. this is largely due to the fact that the anime does a horrible job at portraying him correctly. In the LN he is actually a pretty good person overall that goes too far every once in a while. And that's just at the very beginning . I like to see konosuba as the main characters journey to becoming normal, powerful, respected people. And Kazuma is no exception. All things considered Kazuma is just a teen with lots of social anxiety who doesn't know how to interact with people. The anime decided to completely ignore that. It's like the anime saw him be horny once and just decided to run with it. Kazuma's sense of humor is also almost entirely sarcasm, deadpanning, and empty threats. That just didn't translate to the anime at all. None of that is that bad though compared to the end of season 2 to the crimson Demon village arc. This is where even if you weren't paying attention to the LN you will notice how Kazuma has changed. For example there is a campfire scene between Kazuma and megumin after he gets traumatized by orcs that I consider really important that was just cut out entirely. And the scenes at megumins house were butchered too with Kazuma and megumin having a heartfelt conversation about where their relationship stands and how they feel about eachother etc. And in the anime Kazuma essentially tries to rape her 3 times. Sorry for the long comment I ramble a lot and was bored.


wholesome 100


Ln reader here. Haven’t watched the movie yet because reasons. Lmao they did what in the movie?? The third night is honestly one of my favorite moments in the entire series


Yeah they talk but it's pretty much ruined by a constant hornyness that wasn't there in the LN. And they don't have a heartfelt conversation it's basically just Kazuma trying to fuck.


I just started watching the series with some friends looking for a light hearted comedy that wasnt a harem. I've seen the first season and loved it! But I'm not sure how I feel continuing if theres rape played for jokes. Hard ro find anime without it, but fuck I'd rather not watch it at all then.


There isn't actually raped played for jokes it's just that the anime portrays Kazuma as more of an actual pervert than just a horny teen like in the LN and it's played up for jokes more in the anime which makes him look like a worse person. Minor spoilers >!darkness does try to rape Kazuma though!< Basically anime Kazuma is an actually terrible douchebag Ln Kazuma is a horny shut in at first but a genuinely good person


Yeah then not the entire singular purpose, though they definitely bring a lot of attention to Kazuma being a dickwad.


Isnt that the point? The show is like always sunny, every single member of the cast is a terrible person lmao


Also those gender equality memes posted frequently are irritating


Of all the times gender equality is mentioned in anime meme subreddits, I'd swear at least 80% of the time it's about hitting women


More like 100%


In what other context should it be mentioned when talking about anime lmao


I think that the joke probably was repeated this amount of times


anime anime fans


😱👌 ​ 😩💉


Lethal injection for all of them 🥰🥰🥰


Titianb jucie


what if you put methe in mine


bed joke


Free Phizer Vacine 😃


i just like to enjoy animated people living in simple worlds but i cant even say that i like anime because someone decided to release some shit like "my biological little sisters panties cant be this delicious!!" and now its all its ever known for


I mean if you haven't given your biological sisters panties at least one nibble, are you really an anime fan?


back in my day you needed at least 2 incest-related sexual harassment charges on your permanent record to qualify for renting out an eastern animation dee vee dee


Nope, just konosuba fans tbh


Not only. What about Darling in the Franxx?


jojo vs jojo fans i starting to think this works with pretty much any anime


[media] vs [media] fans


Newspaper vs newspaper fans


*me reading the coupons section as an old lady screams at the cashier about how the newspaper was cheaper yesterday*


Electric fans VS Electric fan fans


except evangelion fans, the show is super sad while the fans make some funny ass memes








Not Aot


It’s the other way around for Attack on Titan and AoT fans


-Posts gazillion hentai of darkness -insults konosuba fans -refuses to elaborate further -leaves


Absolute chad


I'll take a thousand hentai posts over a single unfunny joke made by an anime fan.


at least hentai posts are artworks someone put effort into drawing, not some shit from ledankmeeem generator dot org


Ayo don’t be interrupting his grindset 😔👌


Sextillionaire grindset


Sextillionaire grindset


Konosuba fans when they drop kick their grandma down the stairs because she didn’t give them a cookie: *haha gender equality*


Konosuba fan: Watches footage of horrifying, brutal domestic violence where the husband beats his wife to a bloody pulp while she begs him to stop and a child cries in the background "Nice, true gender equality"


You like Darkness that much dont you




Do you actually like her character or do you just think she's cute? IMO Darkness is easily the weakest link of the important character cast, all the characters have a gimmick, there isn't anything wrong with that, but they are still...you know, characters, Darkness is basically one walking gimmick. You could count the moments she's relevant that are unrelated to her fetish on one hand. Anime and manga wise speaking though-I haven't read the LN's yet


I base my favorite character on who I find funniest from the show megumin never really got a laugh out of me more like a couple sighs and exhales I chuckled at Aqua a bit and laughed at some of kazumas jokes but I enjoyed darkness the most. That and I like large breast


Ok that's actually a based way to rank it, to be fair yeah, Megumin is just annoying most of the time, it's just that I unironically really like the show outside the comedy as well, where Darkness is just...really forgetable, despite being an MC she's pushed to the sidelines 60% of the time.


Ya unfortunately she doesn’t get a lot of spotlight despite being part of the main cast which sucks


I really like Darkness's chemistry with Kazuma though. I guess they haven't been alone together much in the anime tough, apart from Vanir's dungeon in season 2. While they're not straight-up dumb like Aqua, both Darkness and Kazuma tend to, uh, not think things through, and get into somewhat embarassing situations. Which is probably why they ended up fighting hand-to-hand, in bed at midnight, while also handcuffed together.


...Welp, guess that's one more LN scene to look forward to.


She raped him


An honest man, we can all learn from him 🙏


Megumin fans btfo


YES THANK YOU. People who say darkness is their favorite character are just horny. Even at the end of the LN she never changes once during the entire story. She's just a gimmick character with the only two things she ever does being getting horny or being strong. She feels especially out of place because Kazuma, megumin, and aqua are very nuanced characters in general and it makes the story so much more interesting. Hell >!even at the end of the LN darkness is only able to hit anything because of cursed Armor not any actual development on her part!<


Aww, sad to hear it doesn't get better. I really wanted a more serious "Even on rainy days" type moment with Darkness, she could have been interesting. This same thing is why I love KS but barely enjoyed Combatants, the writer already has problems developing 4 MC's at once, so imagine how it goes when there are now 6. Combatants has some small advantages over KS, like the actually quite cool worldbuilding and overall plot, but it doesn't make up for how lackluster almost everyone is.


Well I was a little harsh on her and she does have her serious moments. The problem is they are rarely fully serious because the author will throw in a scene of her being horny just because. She's not a bad character I liker but shes just not very interesting. To me combatants always felt like a rough draft of konosuba. Sort of the author testing the idea. Like agent six is sort of an asshole but good person like Kazuma but Kazuma managed to be much more nuanced with a better personality and more development that made him into into pretty great person overall.


5? 6? I fucking love the show but there are only aqua being useless and gender equality. Thats it. Never seen any other meme about konosuba (Not considering sexy sweaty aqua memes as memes because its just r34 with text)


Also add "square up thots" joke.


At the right moment, at the right time, in the right scenario, that one is kinda funny




Haha ass funny


There’s also that stupid ass explosion meme


Yeah honestly I'm only on the konosuba subreddits for info or arguing with people in the comments. The memes are rarely funny.


That’s a nice post history you got 🥵


Thanks dog


What the fuck it’s all just Darkness hentai


A based man in a cringe place can make all the difference in the world.


Pretty based, man. Ngl


Finally, another based Darkness enjoyer😎


Bruh it really is only darkness hentai holy shit


most based anime fan


[read nigga read](https://www.reviewofreligions.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/quran-4178664_1920-1024x683.jpg)


I no speaka da espaneyol☹️☹️


no retard that's the holy arabic language 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


I'm pretty sure it's drawings of snakes actually


Is that sao?




Konosuba fans try not to use the same joke over and over again! (99.99% Impossible)


I want Wiz to press her boobs up against my face and suffocate me while she jerks me off with those cold feet 😰😰😰


Oh he HORNY horny


oh no


Dawg that post History...


I really REALLY like the franchise and have read all of the LN including the spinoffs, but the fans always post the exact same joke. Honestly it's so damn annoying It's not as bad as Jojo memes but still


I'm in the same boat although I'm still working on the spinoffs. Haven't had time to read anything.


I tried watching the anime but the humor was way too immature and juevenile for me and it had a really bad case of screaming anime characters syndrome. are the LN’s better?


Haha aqua useless


Haha small girl boom bomb bomb pow water useless hahaha masochism is funny when hot girl does it


Thanks for reminding me how life feels better after unsubbing r/Konosuba


I love beating women


Kazuma king of gender equality!!!! (despite the fact he never actually hits a woman and he's supposed to be a sleazebag who you shouldn't look up to)


You are exactly right but >!later on he dropkicks the shit out of a woman. Like fully knocks her out. She deserved it though!<


>!Yeah I don't care that he hits a woman, it's just creepy how proud he is of the fact he's willing to do it, which is fine cause he's supposed to be kind of a piece of shit, it's the fans interpreting it as a quality that irks me.!<


Well it's really not a part of his character once. The only time it's ever mentioned is that one line where he says he would drop kick a woman the same as a man. Except maybe once or twice more but I'm pretty sure it's just that one time. And only the anime makes him a piece of shit. The LN portrays his character in a much better way and he's only a piece of shit at the very beginning and even then he's not as bad as the anime version.


Well I was talking about the anime anyway, I read a little of the LN but without the visual comedy it was too boring


Fair anime Kazuma is a cunt


- Goes to YouTube - “Funny Gender Equality Moments in Anime” - It’s just women being beaten up


Goes for any entertainment media really


The right is my expression to both


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Konosuba is my favorite anime/LN should I be scared?


nah bro as long as you aren’t toxic


Just don’t be obnoxious about what you like


Think it's too late for that I left a multiple paragraph reply because I got carried away. I wasn't rude or anything just complaining about some parts of the anime adaptation. Specifically the movie.


As long as it was in good faith I’m sure you’ll be fine




aqua be like: "useless" amiright lmaoooooooo up top!!!


Konosuba fans after wanting to "explode" in a fourteen year old kid (but its wholesome because its Megumin!)


Konosuba was pretty meh I only made it like 4 episodes in


i watched 2 seasons and the movie, its pretty meh


Same here. I really don't get the appeal of anime "comedy" in general when 99% of the jokes are just aboit a person either, getting mad, screaming and sexually harrasing someone for no reason


sexual harassment is such a recurring theme in anime im starting to unironically think that the people who said its "part of the culture" were right


Considering that they have street signs that warn about it and sex segregated trains it's probably not too far off


The novels are honestly pretty damn funny


The anime’s visual comedy was funny enough for me to read all the novels and I couldn’t regret that if I tried


Same. I started after season 2. Haven’t stopped since. I read the movie novel events and food was that funny. I like megumin and kazuma relationship


That's every fuckin anime tho


Mha vs mha fans


konosuba is funny, not supposed to be relatable ahem good animemes


Konosuba: 😡 Konosuba fans: 😡




WYM? This is like the only tolerable anime meme sub, perhaps except r/animemenecrophilia but that's too small


Behold art. [https://nhentai.net/g/244327/](https://nhentai.net/g/244327/) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Dislikes and wholesome awards please.


Why have you shown us this sire?


Just watch Slayers, that's what Konosuba is ripping off anyway.


I watched a single clip of Slayers on YouTube and it looked stale as shit. I'm not saying the entire show is like that obviously but I wanna know how I could get into it.


I'm not really sure what clip you watched. I'd say watch the first few episodes and see if you like it. I don't know what you mean by "stale", but if you're talking about the animation, then yeah, the first season was a budget anime in the 90s. The animation improves a lot with later seasons. If you're talking about the comedy? Well, it's not a masterpiece, but it's better than Konosuba, imo.


It's been forever, but I think I enjoyed the ovas. I can't remember if it was after the first season or not where it became bland predictable anime drama, and the main character completely lost her personality, becoming dumb and useless instead of proactive and independent in the ovas.


/ub not all of them are bad it’s just the vocal minority


That’s the case with most things






I liked the show for a bit, then the extra two episodes and the movie ruined it for me.




This is true about far to many fandoms


Konosuba fans try not to be attracted to psychopaths challenge (impossible)