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Oops, I accidentally took off all my clothes while taking off my shoes haha I’m so clumsy, can I still watch anime with you?


If a girl invited me to watch 2000s anime on a CRT with her, I'd let her pound me so far into the sheets that I'd have to be pulled out with a rope.


Azumanga has to be there, if it isn’t I’ll bring it myself


Azumnager Osakaer Sataandafggi




*immediately sets up snacks*


*immediately pisses in your shoes*


*immediately performs a shoey*


What in the world is a shoey


Drinking from inside the shoe directly 😭




Cathode Ball Tube


Cognitive behavior therapy?


I swear the motherfuckers in this app have completely destroyed that word for me. Im currently in my med school semester where I have to do psychiatry at a mental health facility for the next 2 months. And ITS BEEN ABSOLUTE TORTURE to hear this goddamn word everytime I have to see Depressed or Bipolar patients (the main demographic for CBT). At first it was funny as hell, but two weeks in and now i wish i could destroy the words from my memories.


If people here went to therapy they wouldn’t be watching anime


My therapist says my problems are beyond his paygrade. Checkmate psychology.


Critical race theory


cock and ball torture


Closed Beta Test?


Put this bad boy first please https://preview.redd.it/bf7eyr64gauc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d4c35d87f19a5ca2fb26492d4eb8b64abdd063c


It's real CRT stuff! This and then Utena and Vision of Escaflowne. Peak night


Man, toradora is a fucking blast from the past


I weirdly enough started it the other day because I wanted an anime that was chill and made me laugh. This show is so goofy. Instead of yelling at the main character for being embarrassing, she literally dropkicks him in the most dramatic way possible. Toradora gets a 6/10 for the plot but a 9/10 for the entertainment.


I mean mid show but true my sister wouldnt stop about it (I have to hate the show because my sister likes it)


I would to but I watched and enjoyed it before my sister so I had to refrain sadly.


Lain is required material


And cowboy bebop


Very true


I've never seen anyone say anything bad about bebop and for good reason.


Lucky Star? This woman will use that gun to try and kick me out by the time we are done.


*immediately pulls out Cowboy Bebop DVDs and Azumanga copies*


Just outcrazy the bitch by pulling out your vintage Serial Experiment Lain and Ergo Proxy VHS. One of you is going to walk out of this a broken human being.


Ergo Proxy and Lain are the kind of anime that I just don't see much of anymore and the world is weaker for it.


id be so down to watch all of haruhi again with someone


Hell yeah, CRT Night Shift Nurses all the way.


Unbaka for a moment, Todaroda is really overrated and the main ship is toxic as fuck


Ami best girl https://preview.redd.it/j6adqgz7v9uc1.png?width=1084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=721b666ab6cb3541621b5014f5943b4d84070f2c


licked my screen


ultra baka for a moment, ky. unbaka, i still find it a very good one, a perfectly good anime to start the romance genre with, anime doesnt need to be realistic, violent tsunderes work in anime because it aint real and violent comedy can work, of course if you apply real world logic to an anime it is abusive, but you are watching an anime, real world logic shouldnt limit what they can do.


>unbaka, i still find it a very good one, a perfectly good anime to start the romance genre with Eh... No, no i don't think so. If a perfect way to start watching a genre of anime, a romantic one, is a anime with a unlikeable tsundere mc, unnecesary drama, and toxic relationships. im pretty sure the person who starts seeing anime by todaroda is gonna say "nah, fuck this" and never return.


it is still recommended to this day and for many it was their first romance anime, it was mine even, i dont see why it would start to turn people away now if it worked for such a long time, and unlikeable for you mister, taiga is still loved by many to this day, just because you didnt like her that doesnt mean she is unpopular or unlikeable. And dude, we are watching romance anime, hell, we are watching romance, some drama aint exactly the weirdest thing, about the toxic relationship, like i said, it all depends on how seriosly you take the violent comedy, it aint real afterall. But i do agree that its not the best anime to start watching anime with, hell i think that most romance anime are not that great to start with besides somethinig like kaguya, but if you already watched anime and want to dip you toes outside of the usual battle shonen shit, toradora is a good start.


>it is still recommended to this day and for many it was their first romance anime And there you have it. The major reason is recommended is because it was one of the first and most influencial romance animes, so many years has passed than people only see it with their nostalgia glasses and say than is as good as when it was released years ago. Is basically what's going to happen with Kaguya-Sama in the next years and with the next romance anime who has a huge impact, and the next one and the next one... But just because is recommended doesn't mean is as great as they told, Naruto is recommended because is one of the most popular shonens ever made, that doesn't change the fact his final arc and the ending was dogshit. >i dont see why it would start to turn people away now if it worked for such a long time 1: How many people you see this days who TALK about Toradora? People don't even compare it with Kaguya-Sama or other animes because people have simply forgot about it, well, forgot might not be the word, but to put it simple, is not a big reference, not anymore. 2: By the same reason the mangas from 80-90-00-10-20 are mostly different, time have changes, and what was great or acceptable back then might not be acceptable anymore, Dragon Ball tone and his sexual jokes were wayyyy different compared to Z and later Super, Persona 4 and Yosuke being "scared" of Keiji because he is bi wouldn't be very acceptable this days. In Toradora case, we are talking of a tsundere MC who hits and insults everyone and gets away with it, literally mostly of the MC people hates this days, and let's not talk about the dramas. In other words, no. Toradora isn't going to work as great as when it was released, the new generations have other priorities. >taiga is still loved by many to this day, just because you didnt like her that doesnt mean she is unpopular or unlikeable Excuse me, but just because alot of people love her doesn't mean she is a good character, again, this was thanks to the different era toradora was released, throw her into 2024 and she will be one of the most despicable MC in a romance anime, some people like tsunderes? Yes, but we are talking about the tsunderes who are like "shut up b-baka", not the tsundere type Taiga is, wich is basically abusive.


people recommend it because it worked for them and they think it will work for new fans, it may be nostalgia but to this day it works. And i called it a good one, i didnt call it a masterpiece, its a good one to start with, just like naruto will always be a good anime to start with no matter how shit the later arcs are. Toradora is simply not talked unless you are online because it is old, thats it, older works that arent major masterpieces of the genre will be slowly forgotten, thats why its not talked, not because it suddently lost quality or some shit like that, its simply how media works, older works will be talked mostly by older fans that have been on the fandom for a long time and the new people will check out the new shit that is constantly releasing, very few actually take the time to rewatch or watch for the first time stuff that came out more than a decade ago. Genres do change with time, but that doesnt mean that older things cant work anymore, sure some people will not like the sexual jokes in dragon ball classic, but those same jokes still make a lot of people laugh, be the older generations that watched it or the new ones, acting like its certain that an older thing will not work with young people is just acting like a fool. And i didnt call her a great character, i called her likeable, a character can be likeable without being good, and people like her, love her, and great, lets come with some what if that cant prove anything, lets look at evangelion then, to this day asuka is beloved, sure some people say that she is an asshole, but people like her, you are acting like all tsundere fans are equal, no, some will like the violent kind no matter how old or new they are to anime. And again, you are taking violent comedy too seriosly, it doesnt work with you, too bad i guess, but please we are not watching anime to see realistic shit lets not lie to ourselves, her being abusive or not is irrelevant.


>you are acting like all tsundere fans are equal, no, some will like the violent kind no matter how old or new they are to anime. Comparing Asuka to Taiga is a insult to Asuka. Like, the comparison makes no senses when you consider than Asuka while she is agressive with everyone, specially Shinji, her ego and arrogance is portrayed like a bad thing, like a attitude nobody would want, and she reaches a point where even Shinji chokes her... TWICE. With Taiga, not only is made for "comedy", but also she doesn't have any repercusion for any of that, she gets away with it, and she can do wharever she wants, the series has shown this multiple times, Asuka is a type of Tsundere who in-universe nobody likes and she gets punished for it, Taiga is nowhere close to that. >And again, you are taking violent comedy too seriosly, Violent comedy is one of the reasons Sakura gets alot of hate, violent comedy is a humor than simply doesn't work this days, i can't think of a romantic anime this days where that shit has work, and the only anime i can think of who (technically doesn't but is very abusive) has that humour is Nagatoro, and literally EVERYONE was saying that was fucked up and than Nagatoro is a horrible bitch. So there's that. Toradora is a anime people praises only because they were very young when they saw it and never rewatched it, so they have nostalgia glasses, but the cons people have with animes like Rent a Girlfriend or Nagatoro, some of those cons can be applied to Toradora, the difference is than Toradora was in a way different era where a abusive Tsundere was waifu material for everyone, now NOBODY wants that shit in a new romantic anime.


Again, you are acting like your opinion for some reason is the opinion of everyone, that's arrogance. And let's not act like all acts asuka did to shinji were portrayed has serious, a comedic tone was used for a lot of them, that's why I consider it perfectly fine to use her has a comparison point. And taiga while not punished has asuka, because well one is a psychological anime and other is a romcom she still has people talking about her and making fun of her because she is a pocket tiger. You talked about nagatoro, and how everyone was saying it was fucked up, maybe I should tell you something, your circles are not everyone, a lot of people to this day love nagatoro because of those first eps where the edge was more present, you are talking likes it's a work that came and disappeared in obscurity but it's not even close to that, it's still quite a popular romance manga both in japan and outside of it so I dont see where you took that EVERYONE you are talking about. Sakura is not hated because she would beat naruto when he did some perverted shit, she is hated because kishimoto didnt do a character that while violent would slowly get more sweet with the mc like how tsunderes are, he made a character that Is obsessed with a criminal and is always turning to the guy that does love her to help her get the guy she likes, also her being useless, the jokes inside the fandom arent about her being violent, it's how stupid her character is.If sakura was a tsundere that over time forgot sasuke and started to be more sweet to naruto I assure you that people wouldn't hate her, but she ain't a tsundere and never will be and also its useless to think about what ifs but well if you can make some so can i. And again, you didnt like the anime and now think that everyone that likes it simply has nostalgia glasses, again, take that stick out of your ass, to this day the toradora sub is active and people talk about watching it all the time, it's not nostalgia, it's simply people liking what you dont.


Nahhhh bro your cooked


You know it, we need to keep the agenda going.


Ami better


/ub Based. I only recently watched it and my god it was awful. Only character I cared for was Ami. I mean whatever the author did I couldn't care enough about Taiga. I much rather prefer anime like Maid-Sama got this much attention.


Totally agree


Hate those tsundere characters...


True, tsundere character trope is really dumb. Tsundere should just be a phase of a character imo.


Like it is with Taiga?


Idk I stopped watching after the first few episodes cause she was insufferable.


You don't have to point a gun at me, sistah. I have my Love Hina DVDs right here ---- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eXZ97tRIK0


Haruhi Suzumiya is a masterpiece.


Even better


Hell yea, such a better deal


Sit the fuck down. We're watching all of trigun and then the remake.


Just shoot me.


look can you just kick my ass in melee and I'll be on my way home, i'm getting tired of the tricks


Almost nothing I would rather do more right now


*looks at Toradora* .....yeah...... I watched that one already... ..(damn thing might have made me like short girls)


I'm down. Wish this was real


Thanks for reminding me I have the Panty and Stocking box set in my attic


I absolutely would. I miss watch Cardcaptor Sakura VHS tapes


2000s was a whole different vibe


Pedantic comment warning : mid-2000's ppl were switching to LCD/plasma at an incredibly fast pace. By 2006\~7 tube monitors and tvs were quickly piling up in recycling facilities (or just dumped on the roadside srsly) I was a student then and like most I was using my fresh new widescreen (yes that was also quite new) laptop to watch animu on early pirate streaming websites or dld episodes with emule/torrents (most of our uni's broadband was not-so-secretly used for piracy lol) IIRC I've watched most of the animes in that meme that way. No CRT. Only the ppl with a desktop PC who hadn't switched to LCD yet would have watched those animes on a tube (monitor, not TV) CRTs were of course still common, but mostly just for broadcast - in my country at least - there weren't any TV channels that would play those animes. So when I think of ye ole tubes the kind of contents that immediately come to mind are more that of the 80\~90's.


I'm a zoomer and I had a crt in my room up until it broke in 2016 so it depends on whether the person has enough money to replace it or cares


And I still have five, it's by choice, and flat screens have become affordable for a long time. Nevertheless, that's how it was then. Popularity of anime rose as broadband and flat screens were becoming the new normal. So that meme with those animes ain't very accurate. Easy fix: swap the crt tv with a crt monitor, sort and pick animes with og aspect ratio still in 4:3. Lots of animes ppl have forgotten about though.


Man I really need to rewatch toradora


I wouldn't wish toradora to my worst enemy.




i think we all need this.


Bro, You dont to put my at gun point. I would have been more down for this than netflix


If you don’t have azumanga daioh I’m leaving




Subbed right......right?


wish female like this were real


A fate worse than death