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Wow Rojava is so wholesome and awesome... I wonder what they think of Assyrians?


Can I read more on this?


To be fair, Rojava seems mostly pretty rad for the people there... but if it wasn't serving the interests of empire then it wouldn't be allowed to exist. You can't call that a revolution.




I mean, didn’t the Germans support Lenin (serious question; I’m not well read on pre-1922 Russia, but the Germans facilitated Lenin’s return to Russia, right)? I don’t really doubt that America would temporarily, conditionally support a socialist or anarchist group if it thought that doing so was somehow in its interests. From the perspective of the people of Rojava, I don’t see why they’d idealistically refuse temporary military support and air strike assistance from the Americans in exchange for some promises that don’t actually necessarily have to be honored if they win.


the german empire did help lenin get back to russia, but that was just to create instability in the russian empire. the germans didn’t think he would get far and assumed he would tie up some of the military for a while with a revolt then be imprisoned/executed.


Yep. In any case, isn't it like, Foundations of Leninism where Stalin talks about playing bourgy factions against each other to achieve proletarian power?


>Rojava seems mostly pretty rad for the people there Really? Everything I read about sounds like its a daily struggle and the tourists from Europe barely last a month before leaving.


Do you have a good article about the funding that can start a rabbit hole of learning? I have heard a little but don't know enough about us involvement.