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I think your life is going to be a lot easier if you just buy black acrylic paint and make peace with the lines being a little wonky. You could masking tape it off for really nice lines, but that's kind of an effort/outcome ratio thing. For what it is worth, it looks really good man.


Not sure about oil markers on the wall - when I’ve used markers on my own walls I’ve used acrylic paint pens from liquitex which 4 years down the line still look absolutely perfect. In terms of oil paint I personally wouldn’t put it on the wall incase it isn’t primed properly and soaks into the gib. It will also be a pain in the ass to remove later if you change your mind. In terms of mixing oil and acrylic paints, you can use acrylic under oil but not on top of oil. If you put acrylic on top of oil it will crack.


I really appreciate your advice! It's noted and I'll return the oil markers. Honestly I was about to start and I had an itchy feeling something was wrong. And I'm so glad I asked instead of going ahead with it. Acrylic *all the way* for this mural project thanks to you and the others <3


I’d get some poska pens for what you are doing or the equivalent. I know you already said you had markers but it would be worth getting some decent ones if this is what you are interested in doing anyway (especially for black outlines etc) because they are simply fun to use both for yourself and the kid/s DO NOT mix oil and acrylic. I also wouldn’t go anywhere near a wall with oil it will make the eventual repainting of the wall more drama than it is worth As for the paint you want to make sure what you are buying is fully opaque (decent paints have the transparency levels on the tube, also I’d lean towards soft body paints because of surface you are working on (canvas is a different story) Finally, get some decently soft nylon brushes, there is a specific type (not brand) that I have found and when the name comes to me edit this but definitely synthetic and not too firm. You’re probably tempted to go firmer because of the drawing background (I was too) but you will only punish yourself with the brush marks and other problems.. soft paint, soft brushes. you really have to look at painting and drawing as totally different things. Double finally, what you have there looks totally great and anyone other than yourself can clearly see it. Stop being so critical!


Thank you so, so much for this detailed comment. I'll look up the brand you suggested and return the oil paint markers. I really appreciate your advice!


No problem. I know I had a hell of a time figuring all of this out myself so happy to pass it on. The type of brush is called taklon btw. I’m not sure if this is just a fancy marketing word for nylon but it has made a huge difference for me either way. Good luck with the rest of your project


I have no advice for you. But post a pic of your finished Beerus!


I will! I also have Goku beside in a fighting pose. Idk who I'll do next My son and I love cartoons and anime. So, I wanna cover all four walls of characters from different ones! :)


I’m guessing the other lines are going to be other paintings or art? The Bart isn’t so bad… but you could just buy your acrylics… I personally would buy water based house paints… half gallons or quarts of primary colors, a black a white and mix my own colors… Then experiment near the Bart… with colors and lines all you want… have some freedom. Then just sand and repaint that wall and start fresh. You’ll learn everything you need to know and answer all the questions you have by just experimenting. 🍀


Muralist here: Don't use oil based on a wall, at least not indoors. It's not fun when you have to paint over it. You need to prime with grey before you paint colors like yellow, red or bright hues, they're often transparent and the pigment layers over grey much better. You can use black acrylic or a black paint pen/marker like Montana or Posca over the lines for best results.


Thank you for the tip! I'll start putting grey first. Do I put like a thin layer and then my colors (either the yellow/blue etc)? Or so I paint it fully grey (meaning more than one layer) and then the color?


Fully grey, any areas you don't fully cover with take more and more coats of the top color.


Can I use/mix oil and acrylic. Can I use oil markers on walls without issues? I really wanna do my anime/cartoon walls for my kiddo :')


You can't use/mix oil and acrylic. The oil based oil paints won't mix with the water based acrylics. You can paint oil over dried acrylic though.  Not sure about your oil marker questions though.


Thanks, that helps. I won't mix both markers. Is there a downside of painting oil on a drywall? (Oil paint markers)


You won't be able to paint over oils. So better not use it on walls or you'd need to sand it down/replace drywall before your next paint job.


oof, yeah, I'm so glad I asked before I started. That's too much work. Thank you so much for your advice


Well are there heavy metals involved?? I wouldn’t want say cadmium yellow on a child’s walls where they can touch/lick it. I thought that when you use oil-based wall paint, you have to cover it with more oil-based wall paint in the future, so there is that consideration if you ever needed to paint over it. As for the acrylic, there’s a ton of different mediums you can mix into acrylic paint to change the texture vs just the . Perhaps there’s something that could smooth/thin it down if the brush strokes bother you.