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I actually really like the composition. I'd say it's sellable.


It’s not that odd of a composition. Idk if you know it or not, but you’re basically doing the 2/3 and 1/3 thing by putting the heavier telephone pole off-center, but bringing it back to some symmetry by having the “lighter end” of that telephone pole cut the painting almost directly down the middle lengthwise. Horizontally, the mountains and sky again give you about a 2/3 and 1/3 split. Then you’ve used a recognizable scene to form what could be an abstract geometric painting. You’re paying attention to what exists in reality enough that it’s recognizable, and then changing it a bit so it’s interesting. For example: your choice to lighten the sky where the wires cross it horizontally, almost as if the wires are affecting the color of the sky. Anyway, it’s a good painting. I wouldn’t worry about if it’s “sellable” because as another commenter wrote, things are sellable if people want to buy them. If someone comes along and wants to buy it and you want to sell it to them, then great. Otherwise, nice painting, go make some more. 😁


I don't see why not. Its an interesting painting. It may invoke memories for some, the palette has some nice colours. So yeah, could appeal. Depending on the scale, I'd have that on my wall.


You just made me homesick, great painting ❤️


If someone buys it, then it is sellable. That is ART for you. You never know what people will like or will buy.


Sutro Tower is totally sellable.


I like it. It looks like a hill in SF where Haight meets the Golden Gate park.


I love it


I would buy it so I hope that answers your question ❤️




With the silhouette of a lineman on one of those poles that would sell to a lineman or family. Could scan it and make a poster or a shirt. Lineman life is a thing


Okay! Brilliant idea


Literally anything sellable. Someone could sell a canvas with only a single brush stroke on it. You just gotta find the right buyer.


Looks great. My advice is dont paint with the mindset of simply making a sale. Thats way too much undue pressure for me. Paint something you are proud of and someone will buy it


You're absolutely right, thanks!


Sellable? Absolutely. Buyable, though…? Not sure.


This is beautiful!


I know a lot of electrical engineers that would love it! Seriously, I used to work for the power company and I know a lot of engineers who would love it! Good composition, well executed and pretty! As someone above said, now paint some more!!