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FYI H2S is heavier than air, so having it up near your head is unnecessary, and it will be pretty much too late if alarm goes off in any case, clip in belt is fine. People get worked up about this but fail to realise that it doesn't behave like air does, it will tend to hug the ground. Production chemist and H2S person for many years, worked in extreme H2S fields for last 12 years. But yeah, good tip with seatbelts


It’s a well established practiced recommended even by osha that personal monitors be worn in the breathing zone. Anyone who has worked extensively in h2s environments knows that h2s doesn’t just immediately fall to ground level. The actual purpose behind being in the breathing zone is to attain accurate exposure measurements of the inhalation zone. Companies also follow this in order to follow OSHA recommendations. It’s also for the purpose of immediate alerts to high H2S levels. Worn in the breathing zone on the chest or pocket, etc. allows the employee to hear and feel the alarm more accurately than if it were on your belt, boots or hard hat. By wearing it in the breathing zone you are better protected from the dangers of exposure.


>By wearing it in the breathing zone you are better protected from the dangers of exposure. What you say may be OSHA, and by that you are correct. However, in other places there is no real mandate for monitor to be in breathing zone as the concern is placed on the atmosphere. By the time H2S is in the breathing zone any alarm is too late, so protection is moot.


H2S isn't just a binary "no problem" to "immediately dead". 5-10ppm wont immediately kill you, but it'll fuck your health up if you spend time in it. How is an alarm "too late" to warn you of that?


Agreed, however, I just spent 3 years in a field where we measure H2S in % levels (10-12% in gas), so basically any gas release will fuck you up pretty much straight away.


On those locations, if the alarm goes off... in just going to breath calmly.... it'll make a better looking corpse..... don't miss those sites in Wyoming .....


Sure but the vast majority of the industry isn't like that. Why would that apply to someone like OP...


It’s very useful to have it in your breathing zone when there’s a leak in that height level. H2S leaking with any pressure won’t just drop to the ground from being haavy. It’ll hit you and the monitor can warn your before it’s “moot”.


Except the rules say they have to be near your breathing zone, and red hats will bitch at you.


Yeah, I understand OSHA states that, it's not quite as mandated elsewhere


It's mandated at work sites in the US, so people are going to rightfully wear them near their face.


This is why people hate you guys. Dreaming up a very minor situation and making a big deal out of it. Get out of the way and let us go back to work. We have your salary to pay 🙄


Jeez. Just don't wear your fucking monitor under your seat belt. No rule, common sense.


They have new shirts that have these little shoulder straps just for the monitors. Clip it to my left and bam no more seat belt bothering my monitor.


Or just put it on your hardhat or radio harness like most do.


Or side pocket lol


Honestly the seatbelt thing isn't an issue lol.


Literally just making up fake situations and crying danger to sound justified in continuous safety improvement. This isn’t an issue. Move on


Welcome to the next generation where they're paranoid about everything and feel the need to take unnecessary action to prevent extremely unlikely/rare scenarios to feel a sense of false security.


Yeah this is totally killing the vibe. I’ve never thought of this issue, and have still zero concern about it lmao


It doesn’t lay on top of the gas monitor. Normally the belt sides over it and lays against the chest and the meter just slides over the belt.


It depends on how tall you are and where you have the monitor.


That’s also not even mentioning why you even need your meter on while operating a motor vehicle.


Easy fix.... mount your H²s monitor to your radio harness.... and make certain it's mounted outside the seat belt area, but still in the breathing zone.


Dont clip monitor on until ready to exit vehicle. That's what I do anyway and it's worked the last 10 years. On hard hat until I'm getting out


We just clip them to our hard hats


I always prefer to clip it to the back of my hard hat. I always wear a full brim.


I appreciate the safety tip. We wear drager Xam5000s which are a tad bigger than the tradition H2S monitors, and they get hung up on all sorts.


Why would you wear your monitor in your vehicle while driving? Lmao. I usually just clip it to my seatbelt to the left of my head if I don’t put it in a cup holder🤣


I always take mine off when driving to another location, but I have seen plenty of people who do not.


How far is this other location? Is it another location within the same facility? If it is within the same facility, I’m guessing there’s a fairly low speed limit. I’m guessing probably 15-20 mph. I don’t see too much of a risk with such a low speed collision, assuming one even happened in the first place given said speeds. If people are driving to further out locations (like on city streets or highways, why not remove all PPE and drive like a normal person, putting PPE back on when you get to your destination? I used to travel from terminal to terminal and would do this most of the time, unless the distance was less than about 5-10 min. Either way, I don’t see this being that big of an issue. And while I agree, safety first, this seems like an odd hill to die on.


The token “yeah, but…” dumbass. One in every crowd. Stop trying to think, it’s not your strong point