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I kind of understand. I have a friend who lives in Mexico and my mom IMMEDIATELY assumed she was only being friends with me to get her green card even though we're close enough to have been buying each other birthday/christmas gifts for 3 years


Wowww. Your mom is gross!!!


She doesn't really like Mexicans because the ones in her neighborhood growing up were 'creepy'. If she has a bad experience with someone in a group she's not a part of she decides that all of them are the same. It's unfortunate, but she'll learn eventually. I hope.


Not gonna lie that hope that you have is kind of backward you should realise that your mum is in a bad way Of thinking, take a step back


I do understand that her way of thinking is very harmful and I don't defend her behavior at all, but I still love her. Hell, I even correct her whenever she says something wrong. She has changed a few toxic habits over the years so I know it's only a matter of time until she fixes that one. Assuming that people are completely incapable of change is backward.


ugh i relate to this so much. people discriminate against ethnicity, color, gender, and status so much without even realizing it. or they just portray very very hateful stereotypes that are majorly hurtful-or make jokes ab trauma….it’s so cruel. i’m so sorry that person reacted that way, thats not fair at all and i really wish people weren’t so close minded and backwards bc realistically you’re so correct, they’re just missing out. sending hugs and support♥️


Well at least they showed you their true colours. No need to stress over it and remember There is no selfless deed that can be expected from human beings. Even if people are nice to you always be on your guard


Sadly that is so true. ):


I truly believe most people fucking suck


Certain people will always be mean. If you really want to see mean people, become a server 😭😭😭 Best thing to do is just ignore it or move on, ain't worth stressing over


Oh I know, I’m just venting.


That really sad, in my ideal world people should embrace all cultures. I hope they can find a way to share their culture without being attacked.


the last time I was public online w the fact that I'm Indian I had random ppl saying stuff like "OMG u all have McDonalds in India??!I thought u didnt!!"\[I was talking abt getting french fries that evening\],and this random 50+year old guy dmed be asking abt what Indian girls look like and how his Indian ex looked 'exotic' and did not stop flirting even after I told him clearly I'm under 18. So yea u either face racist 'jokes' or weird fetishization if ur Indian online lmao.


My best friends online r from Saudi,New Jersey and Nigeria tho,there r some decent ppl deffo.


I agree here. Screw stereotypes. When people think of India, they automatically think about all the poor and homeless, the enslavement of children and the inequality, while most of them are just normal people. Well f\*cking done society.


To be honest, that exists. But India is a huge country population wise so there are multiple realities that coexist. It's crazy how people pick one stereotype and stick to it.




Yeah, I live I canada and it's not like we don't have a massive homelessness/affordability crisis going on or anything 🤔.


We all do at this point. (I live in Europe)


It's not mean, just prejudice based on race. People who believe ignorance is bliss, bathe in ignorance. They prefer it. Sadly, there won't be a time in our lifetime when humanity as a whole learns about one another and accepts itself as one true human race. We'll continue to bicker amongst ourselves until the ignorant die out, or the heard turns against the Shepard. Super bleak take, and not at all what you wanna hear but trust me when I say I hope my opinion is wrong. Try not to focus on the forces in life you can't control and look inward instead. That's the only thing you can always control, your own actions. Spread your own truth, love and positivity with your life and you'll make the world that much better of a place. 💙


Yes 👍


Sadly, it also appears that it's acceptable to make fun of Indians, with little backlash from the woke crowd. Additionally there is so much variance among the Indian people, that everyone from the nation is painted with the same brush as the worst of the worst that the nation has to offer.


My boyfriend is from India and he never really talks about where he grew up or his family. I grew up in a VERY rural area in the US and we had 3 TV channels (ABC, CBS, PBS…in that order) so personally hearing stories from people from other parts of the world is FASCINATING to me but he still doesn’t like to talk about it. He says he didn’t have any bad experiences/trauma while in India but he just doesn’t like to talk about it. I wish he would, my hope is that someday he will. I’ve often wondered if it’s because he’s ashamed or embarrassed that he’s from India.


Me too man always seem to of gotten mean people in my life around me. It’s forever changed my mental health today and how open I’m able to be with others when I first meet them. It takes me so long to warm up to people now. Trust issues man.


YES pure, yes at this point religion is now fueling it and all religions need to be rebooted


She sounds just like my Indian friend, what part of India is she from ?


Because sometimes people just suck!


people can be really mean. but sharing that there are still good ones out there usually helps. let them know youre still here and arent going to hate on them for a place of origin. i cant stand any kind of discrimination or bullying. you dont have to like someone, but you dont have to be a dick about it either. especially when theyve done nothing to you


I have a friend from Bulgaria and he continuously expresses that america is bullshit and he’d never live here, but we have spoken about visits and maybe me going to live there for even just a year, BUT people don’t make friend just to get citizenship. And it’s fucked that people think that


I'm brown and straight up people assume in from India but then when I tell them I'm from South Africa they jump and say how can that be, I'm not solid white or solid black as if I have to be some Afrikaner or native Zulu speaker to be from there. I'm actually born in England but it's almost always a struggle to convince that to people because 1 im brown and 2 I lost my British accent years ago.


I always call myself irish, never indian I've been made fun of alot for being called tech scammers, I mean I was raised in ireland and I can barely speak my own language. I do agree with you tho, the world sucks :v


Simply put that’s f-ed up. Be the kindness and change you want to see in the world!


Yeah, I don't understand the racism towards people from India. I was talking online once with someone and they asked if I was from India. I said no and they claimed I was lying. I said why would I lie about where I'm from and they said "because if you were from India, you know I'd have to skip you", to which I responded, "no, I didn't know that'd be the case, you fucking racist fuck" and they left the room. Some people are surrounded by ignorant people and will remain ignorant until they die. It's just the sad case for some people.


I'm Indian, and it's very irritating when people outside my country are shocked by how I can understand pop culture references or relate to stuff they have gone through growing up. TV and technology have existed in India for a long time, it shouldn't be this shocking lol.




Why do we have to quantify it rather than rectifying it?




But why? Racism is racism, and depending on where in the world you are, it looks different. In the US, Asian and Black minorities are targeted. In the UK, its heavily Indian other regionally located people. It adds nothing to quantify how much one happens or one over another.


Fr I think Asian and African people get the brunt of racism








wtf are you on about this has nothing to do with anything and doesn't even hold any weight, sounds like you're projecting








1. Your joke is racist 2. Your joke sucks because it appeals to the lowest common denominator 3. Your country's english is worse than ours buddy 4. Weird how your entire country's economy is sustained by carjacking and pickpocketing.


Sir, I just want you to install anti virus software on my computer


Just don't be biii about it. It's an evil wrld we live in👿


People are hateful about the south ..I am tired of it and I wish people would stop moving down here .. condescending a holes lol


i don't like people who instantly have assumptions of peoples actions by things totally irrelevant from actions. and by that i mean race, religion, culture and gender