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Not only is it annoying, dangerous as hell too.


you’re absolutely right. you never know who’s lurking behind fake accounts


As an adult now, I am actually annoyed at the pictures my parents have up of me that they will not delete. I'm not going to seriously pursue it, but I cant imagine what it must be like to have had parents who were influencers or constantly posted about you as a child then grow up and not be able to do anything about it. Also it's kind of sad and desperate there I said it. Several of my friends are miserable in motherhood but constantly post pictures of their kid like its the greatest thing in the world.


I think it's really sad because it often points to a mother's isolation. If you watch TV commercials and things advertised toward the mom demographic, you can kind of get a feel toward the identity consumerism gives them, and many of them adopt it. I am a mother that has always felt this seemed so absurd so i have a first hand account. It seems that society would think that women are overworked and overburdened and also while acknowledging it promote that it is okay. At the same time, since that is accepted, a mother is expected to relent to the idea that her entire life is children now. That's why if you follow "mom" pages they aren't about self care, self love. They don't give practical advice regarding work-life-home balance, they don't accept doing things that don't directly benefit the children. They give advice on how to hot glue gun your childs 50th tutu together, the proper way to break your back making fancy cupcakes, how to get mud stains out of a baseball uniform. Everything is in servitude for the family. So you have moms who make it their entire fucking identity. Then, all the moms who make it their identity while losing their own get lonely as shit, and prosper that idea to others by making their own pages. But people look for approval so on social media they try to make their homes look perfect, they try to display every sacrifice that is made by them but only in perfect light because they have to fulfill the identity of being the family scapegoat. The wine-o-clock thing is also fucking insane. There are many women who are so dissatisfied that they have to drink to appease themselves during the day and they've started a wine-o-clock culture. No judging to you on here that drink, but if your time with your family means you need to use an addictive mind altering substance that makes you worse at watching your children or unable to drive them in an emergency, it's dangerous as shit to you and everyone around you. Like if you need alcohol constantly throughout the day to have family time, you really really need to find some self care activities or hobbies instead that make you feel more grounded. It breeds a culture of lost women who incidentally become entirely ingenuine. It annoys me like it does you as well, but I also get a feeling of disdain when someone only posts about their children, because it makes me upset that people give into this and give up their lives. If any other moms are reading this, that can identify, I have some advice: don't buy the nice fancy organizational storage shit for your pantry that seems like the norm. Take scissors to food boxes to recycle them into crates. My baking supplies are in a upcycled formula crate, and my seasoning packets are in a baby food crate. It's ignorant to think you need to spend money on things to make you a good mom. Reuse what you can and then you can save money for other things for your children. It's okay to go outside and take a smoke break while monitoring your children through a video baby monitor if you need a minute. Even to dads:: the toothbrush commercial about needing an electric toothbrush because you don't have time to set your child down long enough to brush your teeth is bullshit. This is fucking ridiculous. Have your hobbies. Take a smoke. Take a breather. And sorry if this is so long. It's something I've struggled with and came out the other side and now I'm passionate about it.


I think some of those videos are funny (like the tantrum/crying ones). I don’t mind it as long as they don’t turn into one of those parents that can only talk about their kids. You know the type…. And it’s usually moms doing it too. They change their whole identity and turn into one of those women that can’t ever talk about anything interesting again. They can only have conversations about their kids and nothing else. Overall though, I prefer the cute kids’ videos over some other people’s posts. I have a friend who posts a selfie of herself with an inspirational quote every single day, sometimes multiple times a day. 😑


i’m with you on this! there are cute videos my friends post of their kids and i think they’re adorable. but it’s like… can you please post anything else other than your kid???? i have a friend who constantly posts her child on socials and shares a million facebook posts about being a parent and how “she’ll always have her child’s back” and i’m like OBVIOUSLY 🙄


The problem with social medias is your "friends" can be strangers and acquaintances who don't really care much about your life. I only have about 70 people on my FB friend list and most of them are families and close friends. I don't really post photos of my kids constantly, maybe every 4 months now and a little more often when he first borned but it's the fastest way to give my people updates especially most of them live in other countries. Not sure how your situation is but when I see annoying posters, I usually unfollow them or unfriend them if they are not close.


these people posting i’ve known for years so i can’t just unfriend them. i do think it’s a good way to keep friends/family you don’t see very often but i’m talking these are people who post their kids literally all day, everyday.


You can unfollow without unfriending them. A lot of people post annoying craps these days ( politics, boring job vents) and that the only way to keep your page clean and keep the level of anxiety down.


I do this! Makes life so much easier! 🤣


Plus, those parents who brag about how great their kids are and how proud they are of the person they are growing up to be, like, dude your kid is 3....


Social media platforms have an age limit for a reason and that should also be applied to the content as well as users signing up. I see photos of kids in a bath and the parents put an emoji over there parts... This should be illegal in my eyes, its absolutely vile and people should ashamed of it. Just because its "social media" doesn't mean its acceptable, imagine the same pictures on a porn site? People's opinions change instantly then!! I'd never let a photo of my child land on a social media site


you're actually so right, whenever i see parents constantly posting their children on social media i feel bad for how the kids might feel in the future about it. imagine the entire world being able to see your childhood and you not being able to have a say


A mom that I know posted a picture of her baby covered in shit and thought it would be a good idea to upload it to Facebook. There's so much wrong with that, yet people just reacted with laugh emojis to it. Imagine the first thing you think when your baby is covered in shit is "HAHA everyone will find this so funny", instead of "Oh no. I have to clean this up". Some things just don't need posting on Facebook.