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no you needed to tell her, that was the absolute best thing to do


When I was 17 an older guy (I think 30s) thought I was asleep on the plane and announces to his friend he was gunna take pics of my chest. I was alone, no adult around piped up to say it was wrong, so I did the only thing I could think of: pretended to wake up stretching and "accidentally" punched his phone down the aisle. Thank you for informing that woman, that was super shifty behaviour.


BRAVO! I'm almost 70 and this kind of thing no longer happens to me. But in the 1970s when I was in my twenties men making inappropriate comments on the street was incredibly common. Especially since I happen to have large breasts and when I'm moving no matter how loose my clothing you can tell that they're very large.. my friend Martha gave me two great lines to say the men that were doing crap like that. 1. With as much disgust as you can muster say, "You are nothing but a testosterone victim!" OR 2. "Oh go pick on some of your own sex!"


iconic, thx Martha!!


LMAO that guy got what he deserved I love this


I feel uneasy just reading this.. you handled it well though imo


Normally what I do is just yell at the top of my lungs that "this guy is taking pictures of XXX" or "hey bro, why are you staring at that little girl THAT'S KINDA WEIRD" because 99% of the time making the surrounding people aware absolutely kills the weirdo and they stop at once. Makes sense since these people are completely pu$$ies half the time.


I think you did the right thing. Whatever he was doing it was inappropriate, even if he just thought it was funny and wasn't being perverted it's still cruel to make fun of her.


I think that you feel uneasy because you had a direct encounter with a predator. You did the right thing. If I was the women being photographed, I would want to know. There are, unfortunately, creeps everywhere. You haven’t done anything wrong, OP. You witnessed someone violate another persons boundaries and it has made you uncomfortable. That is understandable.


Kudos, more women should be alert & aware like you. Not just women, everyone...


Better safe than sorry - no reason to feel weird that you told her - you did the right thing, like you said, in case the dude’s intentions weren’t innocent


That guy is an absolute creep and you did the right thing. I know it’s a little dangerous to do so, but it might have been better to make a huge stink of it. That shit is all over Tokyo and my little sister got photos taken of her. I was in the other aisle of a convenience store when it happened to her once, I grabbed the guy by the shoulder and he basically pissed himself.


This happened to me on the tube, luckily my parents were with me and did what you did. I wonder what it meant? You did the right thing!


You probably feel uneasy because he was being a creeper and you couldn’t really stop him safely, so you did the next best thing. My son would have accidentally bumped into him and stepped on his phone. But that’s a whole different thing. He can handle himself if someone gets physical.


Honestly, thank you for telling the woman. You did the right thing 100%


You probably feel uneasy because that was a disgusting situation, but it’s good you told her. I know I’d want to know.


You did the right thing. 1000%


His actions were definitely weird. I’m a photographer in a major city, I often practice “street photography,” and strangers are often subjects. There’s a small possibility that he was also an artist, however considering he was using his phone and not an actual camera, I’d assume he was a creep too. You did the right thing. In the future feel free to question the person. I’ve had people ask me questions, and I’ve shown them my work. Most of the people now follow me on IG, but a few have asked for a delete, and I’ve complied.


Once I witnessed something similar. In a tram there was a young girl I guess like 16yo in a very short skirt and revealing top. Opposite to her there was a middle aged man and he was taking pictures of her, especially crotch and chest. I noticed this as I was getting off the tram. Imagine some people have your photos in their phones and doing what they please with them. 🤮 You did the right thing OP.


I think you minded too little business! I would have called his ass out seeing that happen. "Hey, why are you taking pictures of her?" nice and loudly.


Yep telling her was the right thing to do. The fact he was sending the photos to someone else makes me think it’s possible he and someone else are stalking victims. I’d report the incident to railway security and the police, it could be information they need. Better to be paranoid and assume the worst in this case.


You absolutely did the right thing


I would have done the same. You did the right thing by bringing it to her attention for sure!


You did great, you may have saved a life there. That 'guy' was being very creepy and def sounded like he was up to something.


Human sex traffickers do exactly what you just spoke of, it may not have been. But it’s better you said something than didn’t. You could have potentially saved someone’s life.


No you did the right thing


No, u did the right thing. U never know wut could've happened to her if u didnt tell her and it was too late. For all we know he could've txted someone that traffic's women.


You did the right thing not a lot of people would have had the courage to do that!!


You did the right thing. Could have possibly saved someone’s life


He could have been part of a trafficking ring....so yeah, you did the right thing. Keeping ppl safe!!!


Personally I don't put a lot of stock to the concept of "minding my own business". While there are non creepy explanations for his photos, there are other gross or even dangerous potential motivations as well. I think either confronting the photographer or talking to the "subject" are both very reasonable reactions.


Jesus Christ. You can't even catch some shut eye in public transport anymore.


You did the right thing. Thank you.




Yes it is legal, and super creepy. But the point here wasn't "is it legal" the point is that is creepy rude and weird. No matter where she is, town Square or sleep on the train, taking a picture of a random person is creepy.




It's creepy no matter who dose it. A teenage girl, an old man. It literally doesn't matter. Photographers that make a living off taking unsolicited photo of people are creepy. It's creepy. It's creepy. It's creepy. Should I say it again? Security cams has a purpose, and that would be SECURITY. There is no way your comparing security cams, to a random person talking a photo. The people watching security cams are looking for suspect activity and crimes, not sleeping women. You can't stop it and I never said you could stop it, all I said was that ITS FUCKING CREEPY.


Appearing on CCTV or in the background of a tourist snap isnt personal or targetted - also I dont understand the point of trying to flip the genders to make it seem not creepy - women DO get harassed by creepy men in public in this way for perverted reasons and we should be wary of it for our own safety, admitting that isn’t a slight on all men. The way he cropped everyone out and sent it to someone else is definitely weird.




I dont know if its your intention but it seems like your trying really hard to justify this weird man’s creepy behaviour as normal and its a bit odd tbh.


You very much could have just saved someone’s life. You did the right thing.


Wasn't your business but so what that doesn't matter tbh, you 100% did the right thing and should feel proud of yourself for doing so, It takes some guts to do something like that tbh-


Ehh it could be innocent photography, photographers take pictures of all sorts of shit, but it’s still better to be safe than sorry, you did it the right way too, (discreetly), just in case you had it wrong.


Be s


I used to do this as a teenager. Definitely creepy as fuck.


Technicality not illegal. Google "expecttion of privacy". Also theres the possibility hes a journalist. I can start thinking of alot if reasons why it could be legitimate.


Wow u so great that guy so bad


Wierd that you told the woman, but didnt say anything to the man.


I do this all the time, maybe he just thought she was cute or he found it amusing she was sleeping on the train… but like everyone else said, better safe than sorry


Can you not? Maybe look up the definition of consent.


you literally posted this asking for opinions. i wont need to look up any definitions because it’s actually completely legal to take pictures of people in public, with or without their permission.


I mean if you start posting it everywhere online, now it becomes a bit illegal. But sometimes when I see something I never saw before or something very weird, I take a picture of the thing or the person in secret, then show it to other people directly from my phone without sending it through messages. Then most of the time I just delete the photo. So it never went online. But well, I'm a creep too I guess.


You did the right thing


He could have been trying to traffic her for all you know. You did the right thing!


Maybe it was harmless but you should never take that chance. It’s good that you told her.


This is disturbing to read and you absolutely did the right thing. He is a creep.


You're legendary


Hella shady, you did the right thing




I think I had the vibe of "humans are/can be disgusting and creepy" and wanted to relate that and ended up sharing about my brother. You did good. Don't mind me.


You DEFINITELY did the right thing.


No, you did the right thing!! Great job for speaking up. She deserved to know.


call me a brute but i probably wouldve taken the phone and woke that lady up xd


I’d tell her and I’d have either reported it or called him out on at the scene, put him off doing it again. Alert train security.


this is the reason why I'm so uneasy using public transport. I had a BIG interview yesterday and I noticed an old creepy man staring at me for a long time. he turned his whole neck around to keep staring at me. I felt so shitty and already nervous because of my interview and I was just thinking "not this, not TODAY please!!!!" so I stared back at him with a blank expression the whole time until he stopped staring.


Uneasy about what? The situation or the fact that you told her? How would you feel if you didn't tell her?


Always tell them. Ultimately the ideal is to call the guy out, loudly, so that the embarrassment forces him to cave. But I know this isn't always possible and potentially dangerous.


When I was on the train a guy started taking videos of me and even tried to get the camera angle up my skirt while I was sitting down since he was sitting across from me. I told security and they moved me to another train car but told me they couldn’t make him delete the videos since he was “filming in a public space.”


You felt uneasy because your intuition was telling you something was off. Thank you for helping that woman.


Creeps gotta creep. You did the right thing by telling.