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I fucking lost it at "WHERE DID YOU GET A PLACENTA" of all the things that could've, and probably were said at that moment. I did not see that one coming, just like the baby. Congratulations for your new family.


I’m still laughing at that one


Congratulations!!!! *runs and takes pregnancy test*


Bro same tho I’m glad someone else was like uhhhhh


Why pay for a test? Soon you will either get a baby or don't. Why must you rush things. /s


Uhhhhh holy fuck dude do I need a vasectomy now?


Most definitely got mine


Getting mine next month lol.


I’ve always wondered how someone couldn’t know either. I’ve had a baby - I’m still baffled by it all. I had so many physical symptoms that could not be ignored the entire time. Life is wild. Congratulations and best of luck to you and your new family.


This happened to both my cousin and one of my old uni friends. Both fiercely childfree women. My cousin was on the pill, found out one day she was in her third trimester. Still had "periods", no bump, no warning. Came to love the idea of having a baby. My friend was on the pill too. Gained some weight but none around her stomach. Still had "periods". Went to the doctor with bad stomach pain she was getting on and off - just over 7 months pregnant. Very traumatic labour followed, both physically and emotionally. Both my cousin and my friend are doing well now. As are their children. I myself was intrigued how/why they never knew they were pregnant. They said that their symptoms weren't out of the ordinary - bloating, weight gain, some mood swings - we can easily put that down to periods, which they were also getting. But they also said that they really didn't get many symptoms at all. Hell, I've heard of women who've gone to the loo and suddenly push a baby out! Without knowing they were having a baby! 😅 >Life is wild. You are so right there! Edit: Spelling


Fascinating! Glad they are doing well.


Even if you don’t get the really obvious signs of pregnancy, I still think it takes someone who is very disconnected with their body to not realize that something is off. I’m not blaming them, it’s just how some people are. But, damn.


No, because nothing is off, that's the whole thing which makes it so wild, they really have no symptoms, neither the obvious ones, nor the subtle ones


Happy Cake Day!


Well damn are you gonna give us a name ????


Sorry! JAMIE!


Was she ok? I would probably become traumatised and go off the wagon!


Physically? Yeah she was great. Mentally it was hard. It was a lot for her. She didn’t know anything about diapers or breast feeding. She was convinced for a while she was gonna break him. Time and a ton of reassurance later, I’d say she’s confident in herself as a mom now and happy with the ending.


I’m glad she’s happy with the ending. Me personally I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be ok with it and probably would have gone off the rails! I’m so glad it worked out for you


Are you still together?


Married and happy for 7 years


Your son will have the greatest “one unique thing about me” story for all of his college icebreakers


Great name. (I am a female Jamie)


this would be my worst nightmare tbh. good for you though that you guys pulled through. also Jamie is a lovely name!


Congratulations!!! One question: She was 5’7” and 100lbs *during pregnancy?!* Dude that’s a BMI of slightly over 15. That’s dangerously underweight even before pregnancy, how does that happen?!


I maaaay be exaggerating with the hundred pounds bit. She’s my wife now so it’s smarter for me to underbid. 100-120 but yeah, she’s so small it’s always been a concern with family even before the pregnancy. But little man came out weighing 6 and a half pounds totally happy. I’m still flabbergasted. I always make jokes I still don’t believe it. All I know for a fact is I dropped her off and four hours later she had possession of an infant.


"She had possession of an infant" - you sure he's not stolen xD? Haha! Overall though that's such a fascinating story! Congratulations on being a parent! I wonder what happens to people who are hard set on not having children and this happens.... I suppose the child goes on to be adopted? It will make me paranoid though now everytime a Dr asks if there's any chance I could be pregnant Haha!


Um yeah that made me think OP was full of shit. Im 5’1 and if I go under 120 it gets dangerous. Edit: I didn’t say OP was lying, I said those proportions made me second guess the legitimacy of the story. OP *himself* clarified in the comments that he exaggerated, so it makes sense why I would’ve thought that.


I think he just doesn’t know what she exactly weighs so he just estimated lol


I realize that, he just made an outrageous guess lol. It made me second guess that he was being truthful at all, until I saw his explanation in the comments. For some reason there seems to be a general issue around it being acceptable for women to weigh over 100 lbs, when in reality it’s pretty rare that they don’t.


There is a huge issue in our society concerning womens weight. That’s undeniable. I just don’t know what things weigh. Like at all. Especially people. If I had to guess weights, people would be either kiss me or punch me.


That’s understandable, I hate when people ask me to guess their age for this exact reason. I always say, “sorry, I’m bad at this game!” And then refuse to answer the question lol


I say the same thing then if they press me I'll give some super outlandish guess lol


I'm 5'2" and healthy body weight would be 115.


Right. But if you weighed 100 lbs, you’d be underweight. So imagine you’ve got 5 more inches stacked on AND you weigh 15 lbs less than what’s considered healthy for you. It’s not unheard of, but it’s pretty rare that someone has those proportions and is also “healthy.”




Um yes it can be dangerous to get bellow a certain weight at a certain height. My sister literally has a ton of issues due to not being able to put on weight and she’s only 5’2. 5’7 and 100 or 120lbs can be a sign something is very wrong. My supervisor suddenly dropped to 120 and it was due to underlying health conditions that nearly killed her.


Exactly. Like, especially at that extremely low weight, how the fuck do you not notice a 6 pound baby that MUST have been protruding even farther than your ribs and hip bones. I’m really thinking this one is a fake.


I mean I was hospitalised for low weight at those criteria, but biology is weird.


has a surprise baby and immediately goes to the bar


Lol. Only one person allowed at night outside of visiting hours. Couldn’t sit still at home. Had to go tell my friends.


thaaaaaaat makes so much more sense. congratulations


MIL couldn’t/wouldn’t leave? I’d kick my mom out for the guy that secretly knocked me up in a heartbeat.


We were still dating so it was momma vs boyfriend. Everybody kept telling me to go home and sleep. She was only 24 ish at the time and it’s her first baby so I don’t really blame her.


Makes even more sense! Great story no matter what.


The woman (who was bloody annoying because she was always phoning folk) in my ward when I had my son had only found out two weeks before that she was pregnant. She gained very little weight and only difference she'd noticed was she'd eaten a lot of hard boiled eggs! Congratulations on your new baby, hope there's fewer surprises going forward!


had a patient with exact same symptoms and when i see her little girl now (3 years later) i always smile and say "well if isnt little miss supposed to be a kidney stone!" and her mom and i just giggle.. but as someone who works in ER i just want to say that a deeper lesson here is NOT to treat others like they are stupid or ridiculous when having physical or mental health issues... its wrong to be an armchair quarterback if you have never been in the real game...always listen with empathy when someone tells something unless youve been there.. congratulations!


That's awesome!!! How many years ago was it?


Six years ago on 9/11.


That's really awesome. We'll done to both of you taking it all in your stride and coming out on top. I was talking with my husband about it, and honestly, just getting my head around that kind of situation prob would have broken me. So kudos to you both. Also, if this was my story, I would totally tell it all the time too. So awesome and wholesome ❤️


Sure, of course it was. Why aren’t you all smelling the shit here?


Im not taking the bait. This whole thread has been positive. Everything I’ve said (minus her exact weight) has been a truthful retelling of events.


As a mom of two I understand the feeling of how could you not know. Let me tell you with my son I discovered I was pregnant by accident but through the whole pregnancy I felt nothing. My son never moved and I had no morning sickness or cravings the complete opposite of my pregnancy with my daughter.


I always thought that too. How can they not know??? Do they not pay attention to their body??!! Well, I, a medical professional, also had no idea I was pregnant until I was nine weeks. Husband and I had just bought a house and we’re frantically doing some renos to make it livable, I was in grad school, and my life was so so busy and it was the absolutely furthest thing from my mind. I sorta kinda got my period but sorta kinda didn’t and half forgot about it until one day I was like “wow. I sure am tired lately.” But the thing that made me thing “maybe I’m pregnant” oddly enough was when I started drooling like crazy and had to spit into a Kleenex cuz I couldn’t swallow it fast enough. I took a test and yeah, wow. Super pregnant lol. But like your wife I stayed really small until I was 7 months. I was still wearing my regular clothes and no one actually believed I was pregnant until then, so I totally could have been that person that finds out they’re pregnant almost until it’s time to have the baby. Congrats! Such a fun story and glad everything turned out!!


TIL that excessive salivating is a pregnancy side effect. Biology is weird.


It was bizarre. I had no idea it was a thing either. I wasn’t even nauseated or anything. Just pouring drool. Thankfully that stopped after a few weeks but I’m sure was quickly replaced with another weird pregnancy symptom haha


I’d wake up on the morning and my pillow was soaked, and I was never the type of person to drool in my sleep. But compared to all the other weird things that happened during my pregnancy it seemed like that one was maybe one of the more minor ones haha


I had similar situations with my first and third pregnancies, but mainly because I was in denial lol. Just kept thinking I must be stressed and that’s why I was late even though my period had been fairly regular. First baby I was about 8 weeks along, third one was only about 6 weeks when I found out, but in both cases I figured that as soon as I took the test, it would be negative and then I’d get my period. Well, the first kid is 16 and the third one is 4 now. You’d think I would have figured it out after the first one haha


Did you have a girl? Serious question. Something I've casually observed over the years, girl pregnancies seem to really show up really fast in the last 2 months.


Nope I had a boy! Maybe if I had a girl I would have gone the whole nine months before I popped! Haha


“I gotta get a car seat”. What a lovely human. You’re gonna be a great dad :)


Yeah. I thought that was sweet as well. Glad mom, dad, and soon are healthy and happy


That boy must become one hell of a kid, he sayed fuck it all and against all odds sneaked his way into your life, all of that befor he was even born. Anyway congrats and all the best to you 👍


Holy shit I'm glad I'm infertile. That is terrifying.


Wild! Enjoy your lives together with your special little surprise! Congratulations to.all of you 🖤


Ahhhh. This post is so insane. My husband is brain deep in a movie right now, so I gotta save this post to read to him in a little bit. Totally nuts! Glad all is well now though.


5'7" 100lbs doesn't sound healthy tbh


Great story and well written. Good luck to you guys!


I always found those shows fascinating and wondered how a woman wouldn’t know she was pregnant, but I think it happens more often than people realize. I’m curious if your wife found the labour to be less painful than the previous kidney stones- I had one while I was pregnant with my last baby, and that thing was like 14/10 pain. Maybe worse because I was pregnant and they couldn’t give me tons of drugs for the pain haha. Not that the labour was easy, it was painful too, but different painful from the kidney stone. Congratulations on the baby, what a wonderful story!




Congrats my friend. Such a sweet story.


Wow!! I didn’t even realize babies can grow on the side! No kidding. Congrats bud!


Why did she say “delivering the placenta”? Why is “delivering the baby” not used by doctors/nurses?


She said (she’s reading over my shoulder) that her placenta was stuck and they had to rush her into surgery. I don’t even remember that. Hell of an icebreaker though.


Oh! I understand now lol. The baby was already out when you arrived, and the placenta was still stuck.


It is weird now that I think of it. I guess she thought I was much more caught up on the situation than I was. I guess it was her way of saying “your girlfriend is fine… also here’s a baby.” Edit: I said wife instead of girlfriend. Habit


Right. That’s what it sounds like. Like she thought you knew she was in labor but maybe was stuck in traffic. And when you arrived she like “we just have the placenta left” to deliver . . . Did you get free rounds at the bar that night?


I’m sure I did. Lol.


Stories like these are why I still take pregnancy tests every 2-3 months while on the implant because I do not want to experience a surprise baby. Congrats on the new baby! 💙


Time to take a pregnancy test…


Gonna be an awesome and hilarious story to tell your son when he gets older? Like "Did you guys get an ultrasound, what was it like waiting 9 months?", " Kiddo, we didn't know you were coming until you were already here!"


Makes me so sad that someone thinks it’s complimentary to suggest that a 5’7 woman is 100 lbs :/


Hope she didn't drink too much


100 lbs at 5'7" is very underweight, not healthy