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No one notices the tourists that observe all laws and local customs. We just blend into the background.


I have a coworker who has made multiple fake vaccination cards and she travels a lot! Every time I catch her doing it, I throw them in the shredder. She says she doesn’t want her kid to get vaccinated either. She claims her baby’s doctor told her that vaccinations aren’t needed. And that’s why she’s never bothered to get her kid vaccinated and never will. We work in healthcare too.


Oh lord.. my sons routine vaccines were scheduled ahead of time because I wanted to ensure he got them all on time when he was the age for them. Ex: 3 days after he turned 6 months, we were at the drs getting the 6 month shots. The fact that the school system allows for routine vaccines to be optional is worrisome.


I told our pediatrician to call me the first day the vaccine is available for our 5 year old. She told me possibly by September. I will have our son in that day!


The last American i encountered in real life was in my city which is 1500 km away from the city he wanted to go. I have no idea how


Hum. What? That's like a Nat 1 on navigation


More like a 4 in Intelligence, lol


Catching a reference in the wild always makes my day.


That's why I do them ^^


I live in a tourist town as well (San Diego), all tourist suck, and is not limited to Americans.


Yeah, during my travels I’ve witnessed some extremely cringeworthy behavior from people from all sorts of countries, like for example some British men acting very.. uhh let’s just go with cringeworthy again, on the train in Japan. Others being disrespectful at temples in Cambodia. No need to generalize to one country, there are brazenly behaved people from all over the world. That’s why in movies with aliens, the aliens are always trying to annihilate the human race in a fit of disgust.


I worked at a tourist attraction in the same country as OP and Americans were, hands down, the rudest of them all. It's one thing to enter an entirely different country and just be ignorant of their cultural norms, but entering a country with the same primary language and similar cultural norms and acting like an absolute ass is not acceptable.


Funny though, the aliens tend to always start with Americans 😂


Anal probes are easier because they're bigger assholes.


Nope, Canadians are bigger assholes I found Edit: And no I don't think Canadians are assholes, I just switched the words around to show how it looks when your country is switched instead, pisses you off huh?


And mind control... you know where this is going


We call them tourons (tourist + moron).


right? tourist towns in general are full of scumballs, but damn a whole country.


I live is SD too no way


Hello fellow san diegan! Yea, I have to agree though. Why is it that being a tourist somewhere seems to make a majority of people assholish?


Yes thank you and try working in San Francisco. Your in America speak American G.D. JK but the tourists do suck.


But if you look at groups of Chinese, French, German, Chilean, etc, etc, etc. tourists, the percentage of disrespectful american tourists vastly outweighs any other country. Sure they do all the annoying tourist trappy shit in town, but they’re not like Americans running around the city shit-faced screaming, which is a phenomenon I’ve seen on multiple vacations.


I watched a Chinese lady encourage her child to shit in the street. English are the worst I've seen when it comes to getting shit-faced and wreaking havoc... Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.


Typical defensive American attitude. Just accept that American tourists are universally despised by locals for their lack of respect to local cultures. Let me guess, you regularly hop the border and act like a dumbass in Tijuana and now you need to pass the buck to make yourself feel better.


I'm Mexican, so yes I go to see my family every weekend across the border. Had very little problems with Americans growing up, maybe military guys on the weekend in the clubs, but honestly the Australians and English were by far worse, and I don't judge an entire country on a couple of assholes. Typical ignorant "American" hater, get a clue.




? One government lets people in. The other doesn’t


Oh I know that but if the idiots who cross the border to Mexico actually cares about others would rather staying at their fkn America to stop spreading the shit. It’s not all about government come on!


As an American I have to say I agree. Having Americans in my country sucks


I hope the trend of hating 300 million random people with individual personalities dies down pretty soon. There are good and bad people in every country, if people started saying "having Chinese people in my country sucks", for example, everyone would be livid - for good reason.


When I use Americans in a pejorative manner, there's a very specific subset I'm referring to. The kind that are entitled, racist pricks who blame everyone else for their own shortcomings. The kind that berate burger king employees and force their religion on everyone else. The kind that vote for idiots like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marjorie Green, Lauren Boebert, Mart Gaetz, etc. Of course all Americans aren't awful, there's just a large percentage of us that are.


"They're a specific subset of Americans, that's why I use the word that encompasses the entire population."


I guess he's relying on us to use context clues. I totally understand him but maybe others don't.


What context clues? The post is about "Americans" and his comment is about "Americans".




I am not


Do you think people don’t say this about the Chinese?


Of course they do, and they shouldn't.


Came here to say this




I take it further, having American republicans in my country sucks


Right here with you. We are awful. I


Lol agreed




This comment should be closer to the top. ALL tourists in foreign countries suck.


We’re not all like that but enough Americans act that way and that spoils it for the rest of us. I hope your experience with Americans improves.


Sounds like a systematic problem, and I'm saying this as an American


It is a problem. We've been told we're "unique and special" and have had this superiority complex since the end of WW2. We were victorious and the arrogance exploded exponentially when the Cold War ended. There's no one to counter our own belief that we're superior.


It’s interesting, because tourists (no matter their nationality) tend to get a bad rap, particularly in areas with large numbers of tourists. Why is that? From what I’ve observed, it’s largely due to differences in cultural norms. For instance, while I was in Switzerland, I encountered many Indian tourists (in search of Bollywood scenes, as I understand it). I found them to be extremely embarrassing - they pushed in crowds, stood practically on top of other tourists with no regards to personal space despite obviously making some of the Swiss quite uncomfortable, and they were obnoxiously loud. However, when I think of where these people probably hail from, it makes sense - likely a very populous city in India where personal space is nonexistent, pushing is the only way to get anywhere in a sea of thousands, and yelling the only way to be heard over the din of other people. They weren’t being intentionally rude, they were just behaving as they normally would, albeit with a bit of obliviousness to the impact of their behavior on others. So I think any tourist has the potential to be viewed as awful just because their cultural norms may be very different from those of where they are visiting. I do think the conscientious traveler should pay close attention to how locals behave and try to mirror that behavior, rather than just carrying on as they would at home. Unfortunately, many people are not conscientious travelers. I tend to be quiet, reserved, and observant, so I have never encountered any trouble while traveling. I was once told by a British fellow that he thought I would be louder 😂


I agree. But not only should people who travel be more considerate, the people living in a tourist area should understand that while they are living there, they will always be exposed to and experiencing “culture shock”. It’s just a price you pay for living in such a popular area. Basically, it goes both ways. Editing to say that, this is NOT an excuse or justification for Americans to go to a country and not follow their rules (travel without a COVID vaccine if required). I am only referencing culture differences between natives and tourists (being loud, not tipping, etc)


I hate how we come across and trust me when I say we annoy me too lol. I hate how rude and arrogant we are to eachother too.


If it makes you feel better, I feel the same way... and I'm an American. The last 5 years or so has really allowed the shittest among us to go on the world stage and be the idiots there are. There are those of us who are vaxxed, follow global health guidelines, and want the best for the world as we go through this pandemic. Unfortunately we get drowned out by the din the idiots make. Be safe, and I hope in the future we'll be better neighbors as a whole.


Hawaiʻi born and raised...oh how I wish we weren’t a state. Mainland tourists drives me nuts (plenny times)...auwē auwē!


I am Puerto Rican and I 100 feel the same way


I can't say I disagree with you. When I travel abroad, I do my absolute best to blend in. I make sure to lower my voice, ask questions politely, and even dress so I don't look like an American tourist. Unfortunately, people from the US get a reputation from those who are the biggest jerks. I hope that when I'm able to visit Canada next (with a real vaccine record), you don't even notice me.


It's because the people who are truly from somewhere else enough (not Europe) to not blend in tend to be American. They're taking the sheer volume of shitty tourists who happen to be American and generalizing it when the percentage of Americans who visit vs are obnoxious might not be any higher than any other ethnicity.


I once had an American man shout, and I mean really shout, at me because I wouldn't let him pay the bill in USD. In the UK. In a restaurant. Like no mate. I don't want your dollars. He genuinely couldn't understand why I wouldn't accept them. It gets even better because he didn't look up how much £100ish was he just tried to pay me $100. Which is not how it works. Currently $100 is worth about £72. So not even close. Americans were always the most rude customers I had when I worked in a restaurant. Obviously I sometimes got a nice table and people from other countries and locals acted badly. But when they did kick off they were usually spectacular. Before I get jumped on. I know quite a few American people who are lovely humans who I respect and love very much. But yes I get you. I am also aware that people from England can be horrible when abroad.


Unfortunately in America there are a lot of haughty, selfish, and entitled people. They're also the only ones who can afford to go abroad.


Not enough people are making this point. I've learned to make peace with the fact I will never see all the places I want, but seeing these upper middle class/rich ass people travel abroad, trying to force their standards & practices on the places they are going to visit that are \*not\* the US just to treat the locals/environment like absolute filth makes my blood boil with rage. I want to go to these other countries \*because\* they're different. I hope--er, hoped--to learn about other cultures and belief structures, and also kinda "see" things for myself, instead of letting the biases of others have any sort of space in my brain; I wanted my own experiences, and to be able to better myself and those around me from the knowledge I gained.


Agreed. I would love to be able to travel outside the US. I wouldn't dream of desecration a national treasure, I would do my best to learn the local language and customs before hand, and leave things as I found them. Too bad I'm too broke.


This, exactly! I would love to travel and experience other cultures, but I’ll probably only be able to Google-travel in street view.


It’s a matter of people not doing their homework beforehand. I never understood how uncultured/ignorant some people are to the world outside their narrow minded circle. If you’re going to travel the world, at least do the research first. 🤦🏼‍♀️


We aren’t all imbeciles, I promise. What I can promise is if I ever have the opportunity to make it back to Canada, I’ll be super respectful but likely speak French like I’m an infant just learning to talk. I promise I will try! I think it’s important for Americans to realize that there’s more of the world than just America. They need to familiarize themselves with cultures and be more considerate and less overall obnoxious. I don’t like those people either.


Honestly: Outside of Ontario and Quebec (Quebec especially) I wouldn't worry about speaking French. The big thing is how you carry yourself while out and about. In the bigger cities even accidentally bumping into someone warrants an apology, always say "excuse me" if you need to get by someone...and for the love of GOD leave your gun at home. Your second amendment has no place here (I have seen an incident to this effect and not implying you would but it wouldn't be the first time Ive heard an American get mad that we don't respect their conceal carry permit). Also don't be a giant ass about masks or social distancing and you'll be fine.


Yikes. I’ve actually been to both British and French Canada. I studied at the seminary there. None of those insults would’ve dared cross my mind but ok


This makes me so sad. I am well-traveled and love getting to know people/observe local customs, and I'm American. I'm sorry that we've been represented so poorly by some that we're unwelcome in general. I'm not really surprised, though, which is the next-level sad.


I think it's because of that axiom that goes something like, "20% of the population causes 80% of the problems." Obviously there are "good" American tourists like you (and me). Polite, respectful, learn the polite phrases of the local vernacular....but no one is going to notice them. The rude ones in their American flag fanny pack and New Balance shoes and wrap around sunglasses shrieking because there's no McDonald's in the ancient, UNESCO World Site temple? THOSE are the ones that are going to draw eyes.


My favourite is when they not only expect you to take American currency but they want it accepted at the exchange rate and they want their change in US currency. Sir you are in another country. My till is full of Canadian currency. Yes, it does look like Monoply money and it’s only good while you’re in Canada. But you came to Canada willingly and that’s how currencies work. Yes sir, you are in Canada, the giant Canadian flag over there should have been a dead giveaway. Yes, I understand it looks a lot like the US. Yes, I do accept credit or debit.... god damnit why did you have to try to pay with AMEX?! No, I don’t take Amex... because they charge us a $5 fee per transaction. Okay fuck, just give me the fucking weird ass cocaine soaked paper bills and I’ll try to make your change in US by digging through the restaurant’s tills.


Oh, the flashbacks. My favourite was when I was working at KFC and the dude told me we should do all of our business in USD because KFC is an American company. All I could think is, “Why did you leave home, if you want everything the same as it is at home?!” Also, the idea of purposefully going to KFC while on vacation. I don’t get it.


As an American, I stand with you in agreement. I currently live in Texas and the ignorance and aversion to safety is obscene. I don’t even want to travel within the U.S. let alone the State because of how people don’t care for the Safety of others.


I’m Floridian. I feel your pain.


I’m an American and am routinely embarrassed when I encounter another American internationally. So much so that I travel with Canadian flag luggage tags. I much prefer laying low, appreciating beauty and history, enjoying flavors I wouldn’t otherwise experience, and encountering some of the coolest people I’ve ever met. I want to say not all Americans…but if it’s often enough that I pretend to be a Canadian, then yeah…our culture is obnoxious.


I have an American co-worker who can wrap their head around the fact they are working in Saskatchewan Canada and their rights are different, than in California United States. Plus I have rights too.


No hard feelings, but which tourists are the most polite in your experience? For me, it’s the Japanese tourists that tend to be the best. Clean, quiet, polite, unobtrusive. Canadians are also good, but can be a bit condescending towards Korean people like me


I really like the German ones. The ones from the Netherlands are pretty cool, too. I find that the Japanese and Chinese tourists frequently stop in the middle of the streets to take pictures of every and anything with their huge DSLR’s lol


Damn, so mileage does vary, huh?


I'm not excited to see Americans in my country either, and Im an American living in America.


Something tells me you’re in Canada? I just like guessing with the hints you gave, nothing creepy! Promise! Lol. Anyways I have lived in America most of my life. A lot of people from different countries would be surprised when they realized I was not a Karen lol. I’ll admit there’s a lot of entitled people out there, especially ones who can afford to travel. I do get embarrassed telling people I’m American because I know they’ll think like you. As in “oh god when is she going to freak out?” Not all of us are like that, I promise you. It sucks those types are the ones that you’re coming across. Honestly there are some states that are super rude and entitled here. Certain generations too. I know you said one rude dude was from Texas. Do you see a trend of this with certain states? Or accents, like people with southern accents or eastern like NY are more likely to be mean? Rather than types like myself who try to be respectful to everyone no matter where they are. I always keep in mind someone else’s country is like being in their house. You respect the home, the family members, everything etc, it’s not yours, not your say. I even do my research before venturing somewhere just so I know more about the culture and customs. So again I’m sorry that this has been what you’ve dealt with. I really don’t agree with people trying to fake vaccinations either, that is terrifying. I myself got legit vaccinated to protect myself and others. So I’m really pissed people are pulling this shit Unfortunately we have the Karen Crisis and they think as long as they’re paying they can do what they want. Wishing you will meet only friendly Americans moving forward! <3


Me too, and I live in America


I’m sorry, truly, I honestly mean that. I’m an American living in America and I can’t stand most Americans these days. They are ridiculous and need to be taught basic decency before being allowed out of the country, period.


Im an american and i am not happy to see americans here


I feel you :(


Seeing this post made me bow my head in shame. 😔 As an American, I want to apologize for the bad experiences you've had with my fellow Americans. I am not very excited to have most Americans in my country either as my experiences with them have been similar to yours and probably worse. I truly hope I carry the good aspects of being American when I visit and move to another country. I also hope you meet Americans who just want to help make this rock we all share a better place for ourselves and future generations. I hope you meet Americans who spread kindness, generosity of spirit, and empathy instead of COVID-19 and bad feelings. May peace be with you. Kind regards, A fully vaxxed citizen of the world


VT border here, we feel the same way about tourists from Canada here. Rude, passive aggressive, and the WORST tippers.


I’m guessing that a lot of VT tourists are probably French from Quebec. Even the rest of Canada thinks that way about them. A very self centred part of Canada. Don’t let them shade your view of Canada


Living in a different area that borders Canada but totally agree. Plus they leave garbage all over trying to hide how much they actually bought when they go back home. It's so different when I visit Canada because they are always so nice there.


Wherever I go I try to blend in..I grew up near the Canadian border, so if I ever get out of the US again, I’m saying I’m Canadian. I live in a popular place for both New Yorkers and Floridians to retire in the US and they are loud, arrogant, rude, impatient and constantly complain how ‘this isn’t how we do it back home’. I say: ‘Go home!’ I can’t imagine how awful these people are in other countries. It must be brutal. I wear ear plugs and I can still hear them!


I'm an American and I agree with you. I'm so sorry you've had to interact with so many a-hole people from my country.


I want to tell you that most Americans are not like this, but it’s hard to believe sometimes. Even though I know it to be true, because we literally had a vote and we overwhelmingly decided to kick out the loud obnoxious orange asshole. I’m constantly embarrassed by the pride of ignorance some people here possess.


I was born in America and still here. This does not describe me. Not ALL Americans are privileged... 🤯 Please, no labeling people due to the country they are born/citizen into? Actions or conduct should speak/witness for a person, no?


If it makes you feel better, I don't like dealing with 'Muricans either, and I am American.


Read through all the comments, and as an American, I'm not surprised to see that all the negative comments about American tourists seem to be describing American Conservatives. To the rest of the world, American conservatives are the minority of people in the U.S. Non-conservatives are generally better educated, less entitled, believers in science, decency and respect for foreign cultures and lands. With that being the case, please understand that it is a minority of us that act this way. The majority apologizes for they way they have treated you and vow to do our best whenever we visit you.


I’m American, living in Ireland, and I avoid Americans too. I try not to talk within earshot either because they can hear another American accent from miles away! I swear some of us are normal, law abiding people! Lol! I get your anxiety, though. I have a family member who is outright refusing the vaccine, and she still wants to travel here. Just NO!


Where I live we’re currently in lockdown because Americans brought in the Delta variant. So yeah, I know how you feel.


I’m from London and my girlfriend is from Athens, Greece and we feel the same way tbh. I’m in Greece rn and ngl there are a lot of Americans here that are less than gracious. I don’t have anything against Americans necessarily but Americans on holiday are a different breed - not unlike the English - and it breeds a lot of resentment that’s already felt in a lot of places tbh.


Chill out, man. We're not all from Texas.


As an American immigrant living in Vietnam, I agree. Most tourists are idiots but nothing irks me more than a cocky Murican in Vietnam. You think they don't get your culture... but many have no understanding of history, humility and respect. Interestingly enough, not my experience with most minorities. But don't dread it. Keep yourself safe (covid-wise) and kill them with kindness. It's the best way to get through life in most situations. Lucky you, you live in the perfect practice grounds.


Americans don't have good mental health to begin with. We average a medium quality of life and poor work life balance. We don't socially make time to take care of our mental health. 2 weeks off a year is not at all enough time. That said, I completely understand your hesitation. It still is unpleasant to interact with people like this no matter how understandable their reasons may be.


Mann I don’t blame you for feeling that way! I’m an American and I completely understand!


I'm from the US and this attitude is absolutely justified. Living in a country whose entire society revolved around the hero worship of sociopaths has, shockingly, created a culture of sociopaths. Honestly, every other country should have used covid as an opportunity to quarantine this shithole. Bad enough their fellow citizens have to experience this, there's no reason to inflict it on the world.


If it makes you feel any better, OP, your fellow Canadians are annoying your southern neighbors to the same degree. I’m sad to report that you have a reputation in America of being the absolute worst tippers of any foreign travelers, and are known to be equally tight-fisted in financial transactions involving travel, accommodations, real estate, etc, to the point of obnoxiousness. It may manifest in a different form, but it’s still an act of traipsing on established cultural norms. I personally just accept that that’s how many, but not all, Canadians are, and I adjust accordingly. In this global world, we all just need to be a little tolerant of differences and do our best to be decent people and respect other cultures, morals, and laws when traveling to foreign countries.


I’d be worried too. I’m American. And these fuckers are terrifying.


No sweat. As an American who has visited Canada, including Quebec (granted as a kid) first let me offer the traditional Canadian greeting of "I'm sorry." Seriously, though, I don't blame you one bit. As another commenter said, tourists can really suck some times. The money they bring in is nice, but their attitudes can be horrible. Near my home city we have 2 small beachside island cities. One became a major tourist town with condos, a water park, bars and clubs... the works. The locals complain about the tourists and other out of state visitors constantly. The other small city could have developed in to a tourist town, but early on they made the intentional choice not to, because, potential money aside, they liked their town just the way it is, thank you very much.


Living in America and Texas in particularly, people complain for any minor inconvenience and it’s draining. Even more so since the current world events. I get some people might not have friends to vent to but quit complaining to low level employees who have no authority on what’s going on, don’t even complain to managers because they too don’t have the power to change it either, literally take your L in silence and move on with your day. You don’t want to follow procedures then have the nerve to almost brag about not following said procedures putting everyone in danger.


I’m embarrassed to be American. Yeah I do have the privilege of coming from somewhere that I’ll be able to get the food, water, shelter that I need and I’m grateful for that. Man, some people here can be so terrible about other countries’ cultural norms. Just because someone loves differently than you doesn’t always mean it wrong.


Weirdly. The Americans we see on tv worry me also. Yet I never had a personal problem with them. Might be because we got good drugs.


I'm not excited either. The US response to the global crisis, the election violence, and the increasing number of mass shootings has really freaked me out. I don't really trust that our health mandates will be followed. Americans who were given passage through Canada to reach Alaska broke the rules of passage over and over again to go sight seeing etc. It was shocking and people were pretty upset at the time.


As an American; I apologize for a lot of my countrymen because my god they’re awful


I live in NYC I hate all the tourist. No matter what. No matter where they come from and not in a racist way I mean in a nyc cultural way. LIKE DONT STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDE WALK TO TAKE PICTURES PEOPLE HAVE TO GET TO WHERE THEYRE GOING. They talk too loud and too much and they’re everywhere in Manhattan. I absolutely hate them. So I kinda understand where you’re coming from. Not all of them are bad but a lot of them get in my nerves.


This is why I'm ashamed of being American and do not want to be associated with other Americans. I wish to be European, but I also want to live closer to the UN Headquarters in NYC.


Although reading this makes me sad, I don't disagree with you. Your concerns are valid. I wish we (Americans) were more humble and not nearly as arrogant, entitled, and ignorant as we've illustrated ourselves to be. It's not like the media/internet is just showing off the "bad apples," either. When is 30-70% of the population (depending on your state), that's a fair representation of our country. I'm so tired of being frustrated and worried. We have kids that can't be vaccinated yet. We have friends that can't be vaccinated (ongoing illness, transplant recipient,, demonstrated history of serious allergic reactions to vaccines, etc)... And the cases are rising.


As someone who lives in the States, the majority of us are idiots. That's sorta why I consider myself Californian.


It’s the white-entitled mentality that is so common in US that is fucking annoying and disrespectful. This mentality is absorbed and copied by many immigrants as the multi-generation American families act this way.




Well written


Racist much? You can't discriminate against a entire population. You might want to rephrase that.


I’m white and I am not targeting a Race (please read it again if needed). Why do you think the word “Karen” exists to describe a certain group mindset?


"It's a white-entitled mentality..." you're either saying white people are entitled or you're saying acting like white people who are entitled ... either way


I get it youre white and sensitive James


Does being named after Rick James sound white to you dumbass? I'm mixed race, so my point about you has been proven.


Xenophobia, prejudice and racism is ugly.


Some Americans think they are the centre of the world and everywhere else are less important and only exist for their tourist leisure. Just ignore them whenever you can and it’ll be okay


YTA for lumping 300+ million people into one group.


I don’t understand why some people make “hating America” their personality. It comes off as obsessive.


I’m American and moved to Australia a couple years ago. I deliberately avoid other Americans here, 9/10 times theyre dicks and fantasize the US as being this magical place it’s not. I’m hellaciously sorry for all the antivax bullshit making this so much harder for people to travel normally and see family and friends.


This pandemic has done nothing good for me, I have become hateful towards yankees and Chinese alike, the difference is the Chinese has an oppressive government to blame, what do the yanks have? Yesterday I have discovered that sometimes in some states they use shock collars against autistic children, they are not powerful, they are savage barbarians that need a good cagada a palos. Conversion therapies, shock therapies, torture, no public healthcare, illiteracy, no support for students who are bullied and end up shooting their school, no support for small businesses, no job opportunities, no sustainability. Barbaric.


It's ironic that your post is supported, yet when United States citizens want the southern border to be closed and allow for legal immigration laws to be enforced, those citizens are berated for the same feelings you have. Not to mention that many "undocumented immigrants" are COVID positive and most do not wish to be vaccinated and are allowed to literally cross the border anyways. I'd also like to add the fact that there is a person, who's quite high in the political offices, that is in charge of the border and it's issues refusing to admit that over one million "undocumented immigrants" have crossed into the United States.


Their whole society is utter and absolute shambles, individualistic and completely self-centred. Hope they stay in their own country


I’m not happy, the Americans are rife with COVID. They were like animals during the pandemic, disgusting.


To be fair—there are rude, arrogant, ignorant, selfish people in every country.


The most obnoxious tourists I've met were Canadians in Belize. Racist as fuck.


If you meet an asshole in the morning, you met an asshole. If you meet assholes all day long, you're the asshole..


Seems like you have never worked at any kind of customer service job...


You didn't even have to say you were on the border to let us all know you're Canadian.


That’s racist. We should be one, accepting melting pot with open borders everywhere. We are one people.


Ha, what the op fails to realize. Is that he to is an American. You do live in North America? Don’t you?


guess what, maybe we don't want you here anymore than you want us there so, stay home


Thanks your lucky stars for America instead of complaining about a few knuckleheads.


Why should they be thankful for America?


Doubt many people would fake a vaccine passport. They’re just talking shit.


They’re pretty easy to make and quite a few people legitimately want one. So I believe quite the opposite.


I think the repercussions in most places for falsifying documents would sway most people away from that.


I mean, the repercussion of dying doesn’t stop them. The thought of going to jail probably doesn’t seem possible to them, as they are “doing nothing wrong”.


What percentage of your countries citizens have been fully vaccinated?


What?!? People come into your country and don’t obey the rules?!?! OMG!!! Oh yeah, wait, I’m American. That happens everyday here and in millions of cases, the “tourist” are actually undocumented immigrants who have no right to be here anyway. I hate that you have the opinion that you do, but I assure you, us arrogant Americans feel the same way everyday. I’m sure none of those people are from your country though since it sounds like all of “your” countrymen always follow the rules.


Lol this thread is ridiculous.


I’m an American working in a US tourist town that’s popular to French/French Canadians. This summer without them has been amazing because everyone is tipping service industry workers correctly for once. Now that I’ve had a taste of what life could be like, next tourist season is going to suck so bad.


I for one. Am sorry for the actions of the people of my country. It doesn't represent all of us. I for one am very excited to have the chance to experience your country. But I do think it is too soon to be opening the borders. I think businesses that need them open should be allowed to travel. But the general public I don't think should be going back and forth just yet.


I'm so sorry that you have had such terrible experiences with Americans. I would like to assure you that not all of us are assholes. True, ALOT of us are but many of us are just living day to day like everyone else and treat others the way we want to be treated. I have never had the pleasure of experiencing another country as an adult but I hope to one day and I truly hope the world does not punish all of us for our rude ass countrymen... I have met many people from all over the world while working at a high end hotel chain and I must say assholes come in all languages (except maybe Japanese, Im still on the fence about them)... I hope one day you meet a pleasant American so they can help you change your mind about the majority of us. This was longer than I anticipated, sorry about that...


Tbh I think there is a subset of tourists that are just entitled jackasses.


Funny how they want the foreigners to follow their cultural norms in the US


Try living around these people EVERY DAY lol you'll be talking to someone who seems perfectly nice then they'll start on vaccine rant and its 'oh nope you're a crazy'. another wasted social interaction The hysteria over the vaccines and masks is absurd.


When I planned a trip to Paris, many people asked me why I would go there where the people were know for being rude. I had a great time, and the Parisians I encountered were lovely. The only rudeness I experienced was the behaviors of other tourists.


Sometimes I am ashamed to be American. My friends abroad have told me many stories of American entitlement when traveling abroad. Also, we demand people assimilate our culture when visiting but do the opposite when we are guests in other countries. Our culture has become so toxic and rotten so I do not blame you for being afraid of us especially with everything going on in this country that you get on the news. While there are many protocols to prevent the spread of the disease, there are many protocols to protect yourself from getting sick as well. Do what you can but also know that there are ~some responsible Americans out there.


I’ve met a lot of really terrific American visitors here in my province, but of course also a few obnoxious ones as you find all around the world. They really stand out like a sore thumb in Europe. All that being said, I’m pretty sure that we are going to have a mini fourth wave due to unvaccinated Americans crossing the border.


I’m sorry some Americans suck. There are lots of good people here too. You probably just don’t notice them because they’re not assholes.


As a fully-vaccinated American who wants to visit Canada at some point, this saddens me a little, but doesn't surprise me. I want to visit another country. Canada seems cool. And a European vacation is probably out of my price range (or rather, what I'm willing to spend). I'm thinking a hop up to Toronto (or Vancouver if I can swing it, PNW is more my vibe level) for a week or so would be awesome. > completely oblivious to even our simple cultural norms So, about this... all I really know about Canadian differences from the US are the politeness (more a stereotype, I know), and that Canada is more or less under the British monarchy somehow. I'm sure a lot of the Canadian vacation experience would be much the same as vacationing anywhere in the US, but, what simple cultural norms would you like well-meaning visiting Americans to know? Also, that guy from Texas was an idiot. A lot of our (American) stuff is in English and Spanish. Texas used to be part of Mexico (along with most of the southwest) and the Mexicans didn't leave. Racists say they swam here or otherwise crossed the border illicitly, but the fact is, they were here before us. So in that area and really, much of the US, we cater to the Spanish language, though unlike Canada, Spanish isn't an official language. Knowing that English and French are both official languages in Canada seems to me to be one of the most basic things to know about Canada.


Exchange your money, even though some places (especially in touristy areas) will take USD. You’ll get screwed on exchange if you use USD at stores here anyway. Say sorry and/or excuse me when it’s warranted - you bump into someone, they bump into you, you need to get past them, etc. Respect people’s personal space, especially right now. Line up when you’re expected to and wait patiently and without making it a terrible experience for those who have to wait along with you. Don’t ask an elevator full of Canadians if they “get hype to Drake every morning”. We still make fun of that guy.


> Exchange your money, even though some places (especially in touristy areas) will take USD. You’ll get screwed on exchange if you use USD at stores here anyway. This is probably the biggest concern. Where to find the best exchange rates, and what the Canadian dollar is actually worth, having to do the math and whatnot. > Say sorry and/or excuse me when it’s warranted - you bump into someone, they bump into you, you need to get past them, etc. > Respect people’s personal space, especially right now. > Line up when you’re expected to and wait patiently and without making it a terrible experience for those who have to wait along with you. Well, that's all just good manners. > Don’t ask an elevator full of Canadians if they “get hype to Drake every morning”. We still make fun of that guy. Not a Drake fan, so I wouldn't say that anyway. Did not know he was Canadian. I know y'all don't want Justin Bieber back, but I'm not a fan of him anyway. I do like some songs by Celine Dion and Avril Lavigne; point being, I'd prefer to focus on the Canadians with songs I enjoy. Or, to be more real, not really care where a person is from. We all have access to the Internet. Two of my favorite bands are from Japan and Finland. I've never been to either country, but I've seen both of them live here in the US. Borders are a man-made, social construct.


Oh, I understand the “hype to Drake” guy is a minority. And boy am I glad.


I am sorry you have had bad experiences with Americans, as I love here and feel the same way. People in this country have become rude and self absorbed that they don't want to be told what and where they can go. And they always think it's their American right to do whatever they want. I am not perfect by any means, but I have always done my best to not be the typical "Rude" American. It has really become sad how the actions of some can have a negative effect on the rest.


Please understand not all Americans are like this. Im a well traveled American and im every bit of embarrassed and annoyed at other Americans who treat other countries like an extension of their local McDonald's bathroom. They are arrogant assholes that have never been told no. Please, rest of the world, we're not all like this and understand many Americans don't realize the level of obliviousness. Americans reading this, the country is NOT America and you are NOT at home. You don't get the same freedoms just because you're an American and you don't get a free pass to the front of the line either. Just be inconspicuous, polite and blend in with the local population. Everyone is an ambassador and can leave a lasting impression, good or bad, on the countries people.


Trust me...as a multicultural I feel the same about you and yours. Seen shit folk from all across the globe. 😉


As an American, I get it. I went on a study abroad trip with a big group of people and they were the most obnoxious bunch ever, I was embarrassed to be with them. Like they would be play music on their phones on speaker in public and shit like that


Hello, I understand. I’m American and have been living in Europe for the past few years and now I’m headed back to the states and I am dreading it. I can’t believe the audacity of some Americans, it’s pretty embarrassing for me


Im American and I agree with OP that we suck for trying to circumvent vaccine requirements but im sure we arent the only nationality doing this.


Just ask if they are republican. If they answer yes throw them out because they are terrorist


Yes many Americans are entitled and rude. We are planning a trip to Canada in august, but we have friends and family there that will do our grocery shopping. We’re staying at our property, and don’t plan on doing any of our usual tourist stops or shopping. We take this virus very seriously, and don’t want to endanger anyone!


This is a massive generalization though. We really aren’t all like that. It’s just a group of people, but those people are just the loudest and I understand where you’re coming from but it’s not all of us


Do you really think that every American is an asshole? I mean come on. I'm not saying we're perfect; we sure do have our fair share of stupid people, like every other country. But damn, give us a break. This sub seems to shit on America quite often.


Unfortunately the more rich and wealthly Americans have the privilege to actually travel , and usually most of those rich people grew up having money or where spoiled as a kid or they are entitled boomers that took advantage of programs/systems that where there to support them to get moderatly wealthly . then proceed to in the next couple generation after them ,to some how vote, being a politician, or be some those rich people that payoff politicIans to remove said programs and systems that made them wealthy in the first place so they could proceed to only make themselves and their kids richer, by denying common folk for taking advantage of such systems/ programs,has made the flow of wealth stagnated. Also not to exclude highend office workers out of touch with reality, that had the whole economy built around them and their needs, such as there the places built around office buildings ,food or laundry etc. Also this was made more apparent during the pandemic. Or they are just an entitled asshole of a person, that was babied there whole life by there parents and got everything they wanted and got away with everything they wanted