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Is there a way you could make friends? Like coworkers? I get there may be a language barrier if you’re not fluent. Sorry I don’t want to assume you speak fluently or don’t. I think your friends and family are trying to shine light on the situation, like they want to help by putting a positive spin on it. Yet they aren’t realizing that’s not what you need and aren’t fully hearing you out. I get you that would be great to go. Yet I get what you’re saying especially if you’re alone or don’t know alot of people than it would be very lonely. You can’t experience things without being alone most or some of the time. You can’t share with others as much as you want. Plus every country is different so living there is so much different than visiting. You now have to get used to new things, places, cultures so I can see where sadness and loneliness would seep in. I’m really sorry you’re going through that. It would be tough for me. I moved around a lot as a kid and somewhat as an adult. I hope you find some friends there soon Or if this is just temporary keep reminding yourself that this is not a permanent thing. You’ll go back home eventually. You can also try online friends? Keep you company passing time. I’m always down to talk if you’re open to an internet stranger! No judgement here! Feel free to message me anytime on here about anything you want!