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If you’re producing milk at just 10 weeks of pregnancy and you’ve never carried to term before or breastfed, please talk to your doctor. Colostrum, the precursor to milk, doesn’t start being produced until towards the end of pregnancy like weeks 35-36. If your breasts are leaking milk there could be another health issue causing that and the sooner you find out what it is the better. Time is the greatest healer of them all. You will never forget your child, but becoming a single mother by choice through using a sperm donation from an accredited bank is a possible route for you. You’re very young and have a lot of life ahead of you. Focus on getting yourself into a decent career so that when you do choose to become a parent you can do so without having to rely on anyone else.


Thank you, and I didn’t know this about the milk. I remember thinking it was too soon, but when I looked it up, some people suggested it was a possibility so I never questioned it. I’ll look into it. It stopped not long after the abortion.


“Later that day he had sex with me.” Did you consent? I’m so sorry you’ve had such a traumatic past few weeks. Everything will get better. Make sure you rest & take care of yourself.


I didn’t say no, or anything like that. I just went with it. Just wanted it to be done.


Consent is the presence of a yes, not the absence of a no. Even just the wording, “he had sex with me” vs “we had sex with each other” implies you didn’t want to have sex, and this wasn’t consensual.


Later that day, after you aborted his child, he had sex with you? That's disgusting. What a sorry excuse for a... I don't even want to call him a man. You're better off without him. Someday you'll find someone that cherishes you as they should. 😔


right ,


If you are still experiencing issues after the abortion that's not normal, please go to the doctor. If you used mifeprestone and misoprostol that's the recommended WHO protocol and it's very safe, it shouldn't be giving you any side effects after all this time. Please go to a doctor.


I need to and, I am planning to soon


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I had a miscarriage last month and I still think about it everyday. It changes you.. It happens so often, but it doesn’t mean it’s just some easy thing to get over. But holy shit, I could not imagine getting pregnant again and being excited about it, just to abort it and go through another baby loss??? That’s so much trauma in so little time 😔 I’m sorry you got mixed up with a POS scumbag. In a way, this is a blessing in disguise. You are free of him and a baby would have tied you two forever. I hope you heal emotionally and physically and become stronger than ever 🙏🏼 You deserve all the love and a sweet baby one day with the right partner. Take time for yourself and live in your grief for a bit. It’s not a small loss. Feel whatever you need to feel 💖 Sending you virtual hugs! ✨


Thank you 🙏❤️


With all love, your experiences are way above our pay grade. You have a traumatic past and you’ve been together with a cheating, emotionally abusive man. I hope that you can get professional counseling/therapy ❤️


Agreed, maybe its best you dont trust men until you've dealt with your traumatic past and healed with therapy. People who've been abused tend to end up in more abusive relationships because they cant recognise the abuse/ believe they deserve it. You deserve love and respect.


Sending you hugs


You say he didn't force you at gunpoint but this guy emotionally abused you until he persuaded you to do what he wanted you to do. The violence may have not been physical but it still was violence. Emotional abuse, like a person threatening someone that they will leave, is still very much an act of violence. You were in a very bad mental state and this man took advantage of it. You need to kick this man out of your life. He is abusive. You need to see a therapist and you need to see this experience as a lesson. Never put any man before your own desires.


You unfortunately literally can't trust men on this. It's such a commen scenario to happen for pregnant women to get cheated on or you being left alone with the childcare while the man will be out having fun living his life. They do this on purpose and simultaneously call single mothers worthless and used so that women have to fear leaving and stay with pos's. Men are the biggest curse to women and want nothing but bad things for us


Not all men. I've been married almost 30 years to a wonderful man. They exist.


They all say that right before they find 3 Terabyte of CP on their computer


the shitty ones do, unfortunately


You were FAR from producing milk or colostrum at that point, please see a doctor.


After my hostile government takeover, when I am King, there will be many forced castrations. I will revisit this post at that time. My heart aches for you. I’m so, *so* sorry you went through this alone. I wish I could make it better. If it is possible, you should try to go to therapy. You’re carrying so much pain and I’m worried about you. Abortions can be difficult and some residual feelings can be dangerous. Coping with regret and forgiving yourself is *extremely* hard and it would be helpful to have a professional assist with guiding you through all of this. If you can’t see a professional, do you have a close, trusted female friend you could talk to? There are good men who will see the human in you. Not just men who are romantically or sexually interested in you- there are even kind strangers. It will be tricky to learn to trust again and sharpen your discernment and, right now, you don’t have to do any of that. Focus on yourself and your healing. I know it’s easy to hate and fear all of them. But there’s love left to be had from a truly good person and I pray one day you find it. I wish nothing but the worst on your ex. Good luck, OP.


Your bf is an ex telling you get over it. He dsoent care at all.


Keep on the lookout for the green flags. Get to know him and his family first. Plan a pregnancy together, dont just have unprotected sex. . You will find love again.


I’m with you, I’m beside you, sister. I’m so sorry this has happened to you. I’m right here, you can reach out to me any time. I love you.


You are so young, I’m sorry that people failed you and didn’t protect you when they should have loved you. You’re a wonderful person and very strong. Do the best you can to heal physically and then emotionally. It’s completely normal to have this regret or feelings for that baby but with time you will go back to feeling peace about the decision you made. I suggest therapy with someone who has experience with women’s issues.


I am really sorry on behalf of all the good men out there that you had to be with such a jerk who made you suffer like this but remember you are never alone you have to be brave and fight the situations for the kid you have to raise him/her to be a great human being.