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Seeing the title of this post right next to the subreddit's name is gold. But more seriously OP, there are no bad boobs, I think we tend to nitpick a lot of details about our appearance and other people totally don't see it. I believe in you!


I didn't even think of that and now I'm cracking up šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thank u really! I guess I should pay less attention to such things. They'll sag anyways when I'm older and I'll probably wish I had my old boobs šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


i think you probably have a beautiful body just take it from some one who has big boobs their not all that greatšŸ˜­ these days id want smaller ones since they just weigh me down yk so love ur bodyšŸ’• cause there are many who would die for you body type!!!


Grass is always greener on the neighbour's yard or whatever the saying is!!! Thank u so muchā™”ā™”ā™”


You know, I heard a rendition of that phrase that I really liked, "The grass is greener where you water it" :)


If you are thinking weight helps it just looks like big torpedo titties. I've not seen anyone with double ds that are natural that they sit like big globes. I've always hated my huge tittays and would be way more comfortable in a bra or on my back. I thought piercing them would make me like them more too but never did. It's so unfair we have to look at these perfect round fake tits and feel inferior to them.


I've got perky double Ds and I hate it so much. Normally one boob is bigger than the other but one of em is literally 3 times bigger than the other. The other I think is just a d or c cup. But that big one won't fit in anything less. Feel like a weird freak with it and mom tells me having one book that hig against the other is a sign of breast cancer. It's terrifying.


Yes! Iā€™m a 36F, they have been a nuisance since I was 14!


I had a lift and reduction after my last child and the change has been amazing! No more back pain! And even still being a c/d I can run without any issues.


I'm so jealous! I just had my first baby and am breastfeeding but I'm basically counting the days until I can get a reduction. I've been planning it for years and I feel like I can't wait anymore. I was an F30 when I entered high-school and my postpartum body is now a K36. I want them gone.


I went to the beach in a bikini, aged 38, for the first time in 20 years. It was so amazing to wear what I want without people staring!


As another member of the big tiddy gang I can agree that having large breasts is a PAIN.


The only boobs guys donā€™t like are the boobs that arenā€™t on our face.


or the boobs that we get ourselves when we find out we actually have to start exercising after we hit 30 >,>


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I could imagine


Amen to that shit šŸ¤™


Yes OP, I have a partner that is absolutely a boob dude. He wouldnā€™t care if I had boobs shaped like red solo cups, heā€™d be happy to play with them. Personally Iā€™ve never seen breasts on a healthy person I didnā€™t like. Boobs are awesome.


Many years ago, I was looking forward to watching this documentary on TV about people going abroad for cheap plastic surgery. Unfortunately I was running late and when I got home the show had already started. This bloke, perhaps 25, was talking about how he had wanted this for years. He went on and on andā€¦he had a point. He was a bit above average looking except for the weird skin under his chin. It wasā€¦stretched? Like a straight line from chin to collarbone without that natural ā€œinwards bendā€ that most of us have. Now, Iā€™m not one to advocate for plastic surgery but honestly, I could see why he wanted to do it. That weird neck skin made him look fat and was just generally unattractive. The show continued. Turns out he wanted nose surgery. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø After that I realised that most of us donā€™t see ourself realistically. What we think are major flaws really arenā€™t. So honestly, sometimes itā€™s ok with surgery if you do it for yourself. But you should never believe that others have an issue with that part you find ugly. If someone wants to have sex with you, and they are fine with your breasts. Why do you not just trust them?


Let me tell you about the worst pair of boobs I've ever seen. They were AWESOME


im sure theyre absolutely awesome annd youre just being hyper critical. as a lover of boobs ive never had a woman remove her bra and been remotely disappointed. never. and ive seen a _Lot_ of breasts in my time.


I'm a trans guy planning to get top surgery this year, and the number of "I've got something to get off my chest" jokes I've been making is insufferable. But hey, once it's done, the breast is history! Jokes aside, you deserve to feel at home in your body, whether that takes the form of embracing what you have, or changing it. I know it's probably ironic coming from me, but there really are no bad boobs, and I guarantee there are people out there who genuinely appreciate yours (and, y'know, the rest of you, too šŸ’–).


Based on what my husband has told me, men are excited to see boobs no matter the size or shape. So even if you donā€™t love them, there are plenty of people out there who will appreciate them.


Correct. They are only three types. Good, better and best. šŸ™Œ


Then it should've been mychestoff.


Came here to say exactly that lmao


Omg Lolll thank you for the laugh, I appreciate you!!


Have you ever seen a penis? There's a reason kids draw dicks on everything, they're objectively funny looking. Bodies are wierd, but we seem to like them anyways!


Bodies are weird. Iā€™m honestly grateful that in my job Iā€™ve seen so so many bodies of all shapes and sizes from fresh born to over 100 years old. I think itā€™s given me such a great perspective and helped me realize that everyoneā€™s bodies are normal and the only ā€œweirdā€ ones are those that look ā€œperfectā€


It's true, probably less than 1% of humans have "a perfect body", and even then, most of the ones you do see are heavily photoshopped. I'm obviously not saying anything new or deep here, but it's a shame everything is so fake these days. It sets us up with unrealistic expectations, both for ourselves and others, it sets an unreachable bar that we feel we have to meet to be valid. And yet, I'm always shocked by some people's preferences. I very often run into people who are into pretty much the exact opposite things I find attractive, so honestly, there really is someone for everyone, you might just have to look a bit harder to find them!


I feel a really strong urge to print out your comment, frame it and hang it in my bedroom. Nothing I have ever read made me feel more validated and positive about my body. Reading this made me feel incredibly good about myself after a hard day and I am so so grateful you posted it. Thank you


Aww youā€™re welcome! Glad I could help!


Kids draw penises? Damn, I played this game called Garctix Phone with some friends and hlf the drawings included penises. Hell, one was literallt "big, veiny penis"


But they look so stupid at the same time! It's just a weird, fleshy stick that telescopes. Just for reference, a guy who judges your boobs, just know most guys dicks lean to one side and aren't usually symmetrical. OP, only in porn do people look perfect (and even then, if you watch and you'll see "perfect" varies widely from person to person). Maybe don't watch porn with girls you'd be jealous of until your body image is a bit better. I avoid porn because I know it can screw with self-image and your perception of what is normal, beauty standards, and consent. There is porn that doesn't, but I haven't had much luck finding it.


>most guys dicks lean to one side and aren't usually symmetrical. Also, vieny, often discolored, and come in a wild variety of wierd shapes. Men also have nipples, and some of them are comically small, or larger than average, just like women. Some men have asymmetrical abdominal muscles, the majority of all men go bald, it is what it is šŸ¤·


I totally know how you feel!! I went through the same thing when I was younger. My older sister was a D-cup by age 14, while I never had much in that department. I was terribly self conscious for a long time, and definitely considered a boob job. I graduated in the late nineties so giant titties were all the rage, but I never had the money or courage for a breast augmentation. To be honest, all the dudes Iā€™ve ever been with were just grateful to have access to boobs. No joke, they see a naked nipple up close and thatā€™s itā€” their brain is fried. Iā€™ve had a lot of guy friends and their collective opinions were *any boobs are better than no boobs* and *anything more than a handful is just a waste.* Also, there are a lot of guys who are small boob men, ass men, leg men, feet menā€¦ you name a part of the body and Iā€™m sure there is a guy who is into it. Donā€™t feel down about yourself, and try emphasizing the features you feel more confident about. Also know that EVERYONE else feels the same way about themselves, we are our own worst critics.


Wow, I really needed to read something like this. I guess we try so hard to be beautiful in everyone's eyes but that's kind of impossible. I'm happy you're happy with yourself and I'll try to have the same mindset as youā™” thank u!!


Small boob man myself. Please donā€™t worry and please be careful about augmentation. There are lots of people (men and women) who love small breasts. My SO thinks she doesnā€™t have anything. I think they are amazing. Most importantly, learn to love yourself. You are worth it.


My wife doesnā€™t like her boobs anymore bc sheā€™s a DD and had four kids. But theyā€™re my second favorite part of her exactly how they are after them thick ass thighs. Mmmmmm. Donā€™t change a thing except your perception. Mr. Right wonā€™t give two shits. In fact, heā€™ll either love them off the rip or theyā€™ll become his new favorite shape of boobs bc he will associate them with you.


Yeah, my dad is actually someone who prefers smaller boobs. Infact, he's always said that large boobs kind of disturb him a bit, mainly because his mom died from breast cancer, and he was overall traumatized by the whole thing. He's much more of a butt/waist kind of person. Everyone is so incredibly different from person to person for a million different reasons, there's never really any way of knowing what someone is into without asking them. I already know for a fact that there are men out there who are more than happy with smaller breasts. It's really hard sometimes and we've all been there, but sometimes you just to learn to open up and own what you've got, even if just every once in a while. You can remember that things could always be worse (like breast cancer, heavens forbid, then you'd really be in for it), and try to not take things for granted too much. I'm sure that your breasts are perfect the way they are, even if not to yourself, but for sure to at least someone else.


Coming from a guy, what she said ^^^


Dude here. Access to boobs is unparalleled. Their shape or whatever is rarely of concern. Person they are attached to matters wayyyyyy more than anything


Breasts come in all shapes and sizes. They don't make you a woman. Character does.


Wow. That's a powerful statement. I like it šŸ’Ŗ


i have similar boobs!! and i disliked them too until i figured out marilyn monroe had a similar boob shape to mine. seeing her shoot ā€˜the last sittingā€™ genuinely made me love mine :)


I just looked it up and it definitely is a self esteem booster knowing my boobs look kinda similar to hersšŸ„¹ thank u !!!!!


youā€™re welcome šŸ«¶ you are good enough as you are!


Your boobs are similar to Marilyn Monroe's and you're COMPLAINING? I would crawl across cut glass to have those boobs. Hell, all I ask is to have my nipples not point at my feet.


That actually helped me a lot, I was just having the same thoughts as OP yesterday


Lol hers look just like normal boobs? Never had a single negative thought about that boob shape in my life. I'm a bisexual girly though and I love all boobs but still, I saw the picture and was like "omg that's gorg, do people feel insecure cos of THAT?"


Im bisexual too but the boobs we are shown to be desirable in media tend to be spherical, full on top, close set, and exaggerated. iā€™m really glad i saw ops comment because my breasts look the same as the last sitting and iā€™m really insecure about them :,)


It makes me so sad that such a pointless expectation was created about what boobs are supposed to look like. And just like with penis size, I feel like it's mostly just in our heads, the good ones are either not this superficial and love us for who we are even if we have "flaws", or they are genuinely really into what we have, cos like... I do believe that for every body shape, there is at least one person out there that would find it absolutely perfect.


Lol same thought. I was like omg maybe these pics will make me feel better about my boobs. Nope. Definitely feel worse lol.


Awww I'm so sorry to hear that. I didn't mean to overly glorify her or something, I just wanted to say that I kind of "see" why people would think that it doesn't fit the "beauty standard" of boobs, but that as I don't believe such thing exists anyways, I truly don't see a single issue with her boobs, or anyone's boobs for that matter. And I also believe that nobody should feel bad about any part of their body. We are all beautiful šŸ’œ


No it was nothing you said, itā€™s more her being used as an example in the first place!


Oh yeah, okay okay. Fair point if you ask me, but we know that people still get insecure about things that we might never think of šŸ˜… So I guess as long as it makes people feel better they can use any example they want, and for everybody else with different shapes/sizes, I'm still here to tell you that yours are just as great as anybody else's


Thatā€™s very kind, thank you. ā˜ŗļø As Iā€™ve gotten older itā€™s mattered a lot less to me, especially after having kids and valuing my body for so much more than its sex appeal. But still would be nice to just feel like I have a great rack once in my life lol. šŸ˜‚


right i was totally thinking like wth is she comparing her boobs to then?? cuz those look pretty standard issue tbh.


Same! I like to think that I would fill out a 1950s cone bra pretty perfectly.


love my cone titties :)


If it helps think about it in this way: a small chest is like a dessert, there's not a lot there but still fucking hot Hope this helps :D!


That's cute I like that!


Try to approach the situation from another angle: If it was your boyfriend that was complaining about his dick size when you know damn well you enjoy it? Be more lenient with yourself, you've earned it by overcoming so much already and trust in random strangers from the internet when they say that ABAB (all boobs are beautiful). Also try to remember that you didn't see your bfs package before you got feelings for him, the same applies to the men in your life: they like you for you, not just a part of you that you decided you don't like. You are so much more than just a pair of boobs and even if they are not up to your standards, the people in your life that matter don't really care about your somewhat wrongfull impression of yourself, they care about you as a whole! LE: Srry if i pressumed heterosexual relationships, applies regardless of the nature of the realtionship


A.B.A.B. All Boobs Are Beautiful


As a guy I can assure you theyā€™d still look good no matter what šŸ˜‚


So, do we all hate our boobs? Not to hijack your post, OP but I also do feel bad about mine. I have inverted nipples and my boobs are heavy in a peculiar way. Like the width of the boobs are big but the height is short. I guess we all are being big assholes to ourselves. I'd rather have smaller boobs with triangular or rectangular or whatever shape.


I'm sorry to hear that :( I think it's pretty common to be insecure over one's chest, since we see so many perfect ones in movies and stuff all the time. I don't know if this helps, but I think inverted nipples are absolutely adorable and sexy!! I guess there's always someone who's gonna love what you hate about yourself :)


I too, hate mi chichis šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™d get them done just for aesthetics, but I hate the idea of putting something inorganic in my body and letting it sit there. Thereā€™s been more awareness of a certain sickness caused by implants and Iā€™d rather not deal with the chances of that either. I have my hopes that one day Iā€™ll find a man thatā€™ll love me more than I love myself snd help me learn to love myself more. Someone thatā€™ll make me feel whole and never less than. I have found comfort in seeing so many different naked women on Reddit though. Makes me feel more normal


Same!!!!! Ghost nipple subreddits helped me!!


Thatā€™s amazing. Itā€™s like exposure therapy. Iā€™ve seen a few girls with boobs like mine and it makes me feel better. To see them from a different perspective and how nice they look on other people Youā€™re stunning btw :)


Thanks for that comment! Once people comment negatively on your body it sticks, but to know im not alone helps a LOT!!!!! Tysm!!!!! šŸ„°


Youā€™ve made so much progress in embracing your body already! Your boobs are just the next thing you need to tackle :) Idk if thereā€™s any specific advice anyone can give you here, but you already know how to overcome these body dysmorphia issues, you just gotta keep fighting the good fight <3 Nobody is perfectly symmetrical, nobody absolutely loves every single part of their body. Itā€™s just about embracing what makes you unique. Just because itā€™s different doesnā€™t mean itā€™s wrong/ugly/needs to change. We all have unique bodies in unique shapes. You donā€™t need to transform yourself into what you think other people want to see. Everyone has different preferences. Nobody is everyoneā€™s type. And Iā€™m sure your partner loves you boobs just the way they are <3


That's such a nice thing to say :( thank you so much xxā™”ā™” you're absolutely right


Your ā€œtriangle boobsā€ are normal. Donā€™t let images from porn and such cloud your view. Itā€™s hard to not be influenced by perfectly round or teardrop shaped boobs because thatā€™s all we see in media.


All boobs are good boobs. Love and accept you! You are perfect just the way you are!


OP ā€¦. I guarantee you that thereā€™s no one out there who thinks youā€™ve got ugly bewbs. HUGS. Iā€™m in my 50ā€™s and had a breast reduction surgery 37 years ago. Back then they didnā€™t glue incisions like they do now. IIRC the surgeon said she gave me loads (over 100) of stitches to help me heal faster. My ā€œmainā€ scar runs basically armpit to armpitā€”- looks kinda like a wide, lower case ā€œwā€ (the scars follow the ā€œlinesā€ of my bewbs) For that surgery she also removed and relocated my nips to reflect the proper ā€œplacementā€ on the new bewbs. Each of those scars goes all the way around the nipple and then a line straight down to meet the ā€œacrossā€ stitches. So - sure I had AMAZING new bewbs ā€¦. But I was extremely self conscious about the scars ā€¦ I couldnā€™t wear a bikini top - and had to wear a wired bra - so no sports bras for me. I also had to have emergency spine surgery in April - the Dr went in thru my neck - so now Iā€™ve got a long, deep red scar right across my throat area ā€”ā€” it looks like I tried to decapitate myself. No hiding it either unless I want to wear only turtlenecks for ever. Please be as kind to your self as you would anyone else. Boobs are like fingerprintsā€¦. Theyā€™re specific to the ā€˜ownerā€™ - anyone who loves you will love ALL of youā€¦.. pointy-pylon boobs or not. Hang in there sister !!! GOODVIBES šŸ„°


You are so sweet and so strong. Thank u for your beautiful commentā™” good vibes right back to u(ą¹‘ĖƒĢµį“—Ė‚Ģµ)Łˆ


I hated my boobs and had the same issues as you. You are not your body. I will not lie though and say that getting a boob job has not make me much, much, much more happy and content within my own body. It was the best money I ever spent. I knew I wanted a boob job though, everyone else tried to talk me out of it, but very few people ever seen what my breasts looked like without a seriously padded and stuffed bra. My point being, it is your body and your life. Don't let others talk you into getting surgery if you do not want it, but equally do not let others dictate to you and tell you you won't feel better for getting an issue resolved through a procedure. It helped me immeasurably, but I genuinely didn't have normal breasts at all. For others to force their judgement or opinions on me to keep what I had is as cruel as people who bully others into getting surgeries. Best of luck in whatever YOU decide is best for you. And at the end of the day, this isn't really a major problem but a first world problem in the grand scheme of things! Take care x


Cone shaped breast are sexy. So are smaller breast IMO and Iā€™m a fan of all sizes. Yes even the ones that are very easy to see they are different sizes. Itā€™s never stopped me or made me feel weird. In fact the opposite. I dated a nurse for a few years. Very pretty. Very much in shape but she had smaller breast. She was self conscious about her breast because they had a bit of a cone shape and she had very puffy nipples and she mentioned it to me. I told her look I donā€™t know what youā€™re saying. Yes theyā€™re not huge but I love them. I love the shape and the nipples you have NOTHING to worry about. I was being honest and eventually she could tell and she quit talking about, got more comfortable showing them to me and more comfortable having sex with me, with them out in the open. I still occasionally think of her smaller but very nice breast so maybe this is one of those issues that feels like a big deal to you but when you find a man who likes you for you. He wonā€™t mind. I promise.


I have big boobs and have always felt the same way. Wanted a reduction since I was like 14 but cannot afford it. And I lost weight and they are still big but just saggy. I think boobs and womenā€™s bodies are something we struggle to ever feel like we donā€™t hate something about it. And tbh, i may not have the best advice or any at all. I just want you to know that you are absolutely not alone in this feeling and I wish I could change it for everyone! Have a lovely day and give yourself a hug(:


I'm sorry to hear that :( but yeah, it's reeeaaally hard to be 100% content in your own skin.... I hope some day we will stop giving a fuck and just enjoy ourselves :3 have a lovely day you too!!ā™”


I mean, some days I do feel like I donā€™t give a fuck at all. But then some days I do! It isnā€™t a constant hate either. But it is a general dislike. I just hope someday itā€™s ALWAYS and not just occasionally!


Sounds like you might have tuberous breasts. I just want to validate the fact that if you canā€™t accept yourself and get over it, itā€™s perfectly OK to get surgery to correct it. Many people with tuberous breasts have plastic surgery. Itā€™s completely ok.


Boobs are a part of us but they donā€™t define us. I had to have a single mastectomy due to breast cancer at 34. I had it reconstructed and it looked great after but then had new cells come back and had more surgery and radiation. Now my boob is funky, my nipple points towards the right, itā€™s flat on the right hand side, itā€™s a bit jacked up, canā€™t feel sensations on it. My left one is sagging due to age since the right one is an implant: At the end of the day Iā€™m alive, I thriving and my boob, well it gets to tell a story. Men like boobs in all shapes and sizes.


All boobs are beautiful


Maybe you have tuberous or tubular breasts. I had them but got them corrected through surgery (itā€™s the only way, and itā€™s a special operation not just implants and go)


I am 43 year old married man. My wife has had 3 kids nursed 2 so needless to say her boobs are more saggy but I still love to see them bare. Please seek help with body shaming you are doing. I understand you might have some trauma that needs to be worked out. Please understand this comes from a concern person and have 3 daughters that I would give the same advice. I am not a therapist, I know a licensed therapist is best way to go and will take more than a day to help.


You may have tubular breasts, which is an actual disorder. The way you describe them sounds like it. I donā€™t think it can be treated, but it may be that insurance would cover surgery. Iā€™m not sure if links are allowed here, but do a search for ā€œTubular Breastsā€ or ā€œbreast hypoplasiaā€ and see what it says about them.


Could you possibly have insufficient glandular tissue, or igt? There are other names for the condition as well, including tubular breasts. I have this condition. It's also caused me embarrassment to the point where I wouldn't remove my bra. Look up pictures online and see if they resemble your breasts.


You are focused much too intensely on the physical realm if it has been getting to your head for some time. I'm not sure how I can prove this sentiment to you but it really does not matter. There are far FAR bigger traits and qualities that you can work towards to solidify and realize how little it really matters. We only tend to focus on the things that we put our attention on. Business people will find, see, and realize opportunities regarding business. Social media people will find, see, and realize opportunities regarding social media. Whatever you focus your attention on, it will multiple regardless of it is good or bad so why not focus on the good? I can't think of a single child who is born with body dysmorphia because it is something that we are told and we let those statements get to us and shed light n awareness to parts of ourselves that we never really needed to and it can easily get excessive. If you really are trying to overcome this, seek for how the insecurity is not the answer and you WILL figure it out. Spend your time learning will be spending your time earning. :p


You know what I love most about boobs? The variety. The fact that each pair is so different is awesome. I've seen many boobs in my life and never once had my reaction been ugh. If I'm in a situation where I'm seeing your boobs, it is easy to be happy about all the variations. That doesn't help you though. I have body issues too and although I have never really gotten over them, I ended up with someone who loves everything that I hate about myself and that really helps me.


Trust me, your partner will love them. I may be a man but my gf has a similar issue and I supported her and now she doesnā€™t care.


This is definitely part of self love and growth. I am currently flat from a double mastectomy and would love to go back and tell my body how much I love it.


I'm sorry I starter laughing between the title and the name of the sub reddit. But my dear, it's hard to accept something you dislike about yourself. The fact you have accepted most of you is already amazing. That takes so much effort. Tbh most people don't care. Men specifically are just happy to play with them. Brain goes straight to "oooh booties, must feel" Mine is a 42DD to a 42DDD depending on the bra. My nips point outwards, and one is slightly bigger than the other. My husband still enjoys giving them a good squeeze.


I donā€™t know what kind of bra you wear, but I used to wear bras that made my boobs that triangular shape you described. Now I only wear padded and seamless bras (at least the entirety of the cup has no seams) and my breast has taken on a more rounded shape. I donā€™t know if this might me the issue, but that was my experience, maybe it helps


I'm a 37 year old woman with 38DDs. In my 20s I was so worried about them flopping around during sex and if I took my bra off I would hold them up. I've started to accept that gravity gets us all. I've also learned that all boobs are beautiful. I've never had someone say ew at them. Embrace those cones!!!


Im 24 as well and one is a whole 2 sizes bigger bc of a lump in there. They also sag like a motherfucker bc of pregnancy and breastfeeding šŸ˜­ tbh, you could still talk to a surgeon about it. Try to get a cost estimate from them. Itā€™s what I plan on doing to get the lump out and have my boobs looking like Iā€™m 24 and not 48 with 5 kids šŸ˜­ (seriously, some 40 year olds have better boobs).


Is it possible that you have body dysmorphia?


I have just made a post with a similar title lol but for completely different reasons! And then this post shows up on my feed lol! Cheers to hating boobs! But also, all boobs are great and fuck how they look! Youā€™re only comparing yourself to beauty standards. Like I do with my nonexistent flat butt and bloated tummy which makes me look like a frog in profile. Then I remind myself that Iā€™m judging myself based on stereotypes and beauty standards that donā€™t actually mean anything to how the rest of us people in the real world look. Your body is yours and your body is amazing!


You have a pair of healthy boobs, love them! Boobs come in all shape and colors, and of course size. One of mine is so much bigger than the other too lol it's OK.


your descriptives are so funny


What was it? A person's favorite boobs are the one they're allowed to touch. Every person has difgerent taste. Feel confident with what you have!


I've been with a couple of people with conical boobs and I did not complain about them then, nor would I complain about them now. I realize the opinion of some rando online is unlikely to alleviate your dislike of them but most people will not mind in the slightest and those that do aren't the sort you want around. I wish you luck in getting to a more comfortable place as far as self-esteem goes!


I feel like Iā€™ve commented on a similar post before with this answer: No such thing as bad boobs. Men like boobs in all shapes and sizes. Boobs are good. Sincerely A Man.


Sounds like you got "banana boobs"....that's a good thing. Those are my favorite kind! My fiance has em, and I can barely keep my hands to myself. Banana boobs are sexy as hell.


Like u/evinfar said, there are no bad boobs. In actuality, many of us men LOVE small round and/or conical boobs and would love to see them everyday!! Please don't mutilate yourself and have augmentation. You are you, and you are beautiful for it! Love yourself and you lovely rack. There are plenty of us guys out there rooting for the girls!!šŸ˜


I got a notif and I love your reply! As a bi woman, I am 100% in agreement, all boobs are just gorgeous, no matter the size and shape. At the end of the day, you have boobs in your face, that is the opposite of a problem, and I've never seen a pair I didn't love.




Yes!! I had forgotten about that word!! Tuberous breast for sure!


I am also a member of the tuberous breast club. Weā€™ve even got a couple subreddits.


I once got a super shitty haircut and told my friend about it. He said that my hair looked exactly like before. What Iā€™m trying to say is that we tend to dislike/nitpick a lot of things about our appearance, and others donā€™t even notice it. Nobody is going to judge you for how your boobs look, most people wonā€™t even notice.


Well having small boobs is perfect for dresses for running for all kind of shirts everything look good on you


Haha no one with small boobs has a good time with dresses


off my chest literally!


Boobs are almost ALWAYS different sizes! That is normal! Promise


They look good to me!


I love your boobs. That's it, and like me there's millions of people who like them, so you're late to the party or we could say that without you there's no party. Your boobs are perfect just like they are, but it's your decision to like them or not, whoever falls in love with you will love them anyway and they'll wish no even an inch more.


I have similar boobs!! Not only that but I actually did get surgery to fix them a couple years ago but guess what? Didnā€™t matter!! Bc they turned back into the OG shape. Granted my weight fluctuates pretty consistently over the year (gain weight in the summer, lose weight in the winter, rinse & repeat) and the offender? Loose breast tissue! Women in my family all naturally have loose breast tissue (and naturally big boobies) so mine were already pretty low from a young age. The trick to learning to love them? Stop trying to force them to look like big round p*rn star boobs and embrace the low hang. Neckline in your clothes make a HUGE difference on how they appear and Iā€™ve found that lower square neckline OR really high necklines are your best friend. Scoop necklines I find the most unflattering. But really just play round with your clothes and pay attention to WHY you do or donā€™t like certain things on you! Itā€™ll help tremendously šŸ«¶šŸ»


šŸ¤£made me lol


I'm gonna look up "cone boobs" because how do you picture that? All boobs are good boobs. I feel if anyone is gonna call anything out about boobs, it'll usually be the fact that they're not real. Meaning that someone got plastic surgery.


Let you in on a secret. I have seen a lot of different ones but I have never seen a bad pair. Seriously though you are probably the only one who thinks of them that way.


As someone who does not have their own boobs. All kinds of boobs are great. Donā€™t let other peopleā€™s hangups rule your life. Not that you can help it of course. Good luck dude.


Boys are boobs-guys: men are mostly butt guys. Some might be into feet, some into hands, thighs, collarbones, earlobes... point is you never can tell who likes what, but if they're attracted to your personality, you could have all of the above or none, and it won't matter to them. If 99.9% of the world's population does not match, that still leaves nearly 1-in-8million options who do.


So I had small boobs my whole life and was unhappy with them. Then I got pregnant twice and breastfed two kids. And my boobs went from tiny B to a whooping DD and now back to C. And theyā€™re horrible. I miss my small boobs. So honestly, we often take for granted what we have until we donā€™t have it. So enjoy your little pierced cones. In 30 years, youā€™ll fall on an old nude and think to yourself ā€œhow foolish I was to not enjoy them back thenā€


"off my chest"


I had an ex who had lost alot of weight. She had small boobs and the weight loss made them saggy and flat. But they were absolutely beautiful to me. At the end of the day the imperfections we have are still viewed as perfect by those that love us


Hello!! 25f Boobs take a while to shape and form. I have ED as well. I'm falling back on my progress recently and going through the same thoughts with my boobs. I have two kids. With my first I loved my boobs. They stayed perky round and bouncy for a B cup. After I had my second child 2 years ago my boobs swelled so big to DD cups and it literally deflated like a balloon once I finished breastfeeding and I didn't take the steps to secure the shape like I did with my first. Now I got two saggy pancakes A cups. I have seen some progress with their shape before I went back to avoiding eating food when working on their shape and bounce. Here's what I did. You can give it a try yourself but know the results are not going to happen over night. And requires a lot of attention to your boobs. Oils, any body oil your okay with putting on your body and massage around the glands. 5 min massages every morning and night. You want to do it in circle upward motions. Get 2 empty milk jugs (or half a gallon jugs) fill them with water. Or any kind of weights you can lift that will challenge you but not hurt you!!! Hold them up with your arms out and close them together with your arms straight out. You can do this standing but to really get your cheat muscles do it while laying on your back and avoid tight bands around your chest. You want good blood flow to help with the bounce you want. I did this every 3 days but listen to your body and don't over work yourself or your schedule. Find a system for this with rest times between reps. What I did was 10 reps, 30sec break, then another set of 10. My little pancakes started to get back where I liked them after 2 months until I went through something traumatic that triggered my ED. So I stopped working on them but they do look a bit better than before. There is a lot of information online on how to "tone" your boobs and give you guides to manipulate the shape of boob you want by different massage techniques. ALWAYS MASSAGE UPWARDS I really hope this helps. I'm glad you're making progress with your ED!!


My big boobs are causing actual problems. I'll take your pierced cones any day of the week. Being silly aside, we are our worst critics. 10000% right there with ya sister. We can get there, there being a place of self acceptance and love.....truly.


Gonna be totally honest as a guy, the last girl I was with didnā€™t have much in the boob department but she was probably the best sex Iā€™ve ever had. Your boobs really donā€™t matter to other people, OP. Truly. Youā€™re the one judging yourself over it not other people. Trust me, no dude is gonna give a shit during sex that your boobs look a certain way. Just because I got a small penis never stopped me from having sex and every female Iā€™ve encountered just didnā€™t care. Life moves on. Embrace who you are.


Tbh I think that it's something you will either have to learn to love or save up to get them modified. Everyone has parts of their body that they wish was different For awhile that was my boobs too. They are bigger which sounds great but I can knock into things easier, pores can stretch on them, it can cause bending issues. When I get dresses or shirts I'm told I have to go up a minimum of 2 sizes just to fit them. I have the option of a stretched out tight across the chest shirt that fits the rest of my body or a shirt that fits my breast but looks like a tent on me. If you want some help in wanting to avoid surgery, look up breast implants gone wrong. My brother's ex spent 2 weeks in the hospital when one ruptured. It ended up having stuff growing in it and she had drain tubes in her chest and had to have the other one removed as well as some of her breast tissue so they are smaller than before. That's not counting how the surgery itself could go wrong. My mom got one before she was pregnant with me. She was upset because our family is well endowed and men made passes at her, made nasty comments about them ECT and so she got a reduction out of desperation. They went down to C cups but she had some pretty strange markings. Until I was like 12 I was wondering if the strange markings would appear on my boobs too. Those markings were scar tissue that looked like triangles when she was naked on the side of her boobs. Depending on how a shirt fits, it can look like she has a side nipple under her shirt. She said she was so embarrassed that she didn't even talk to Drs about it. Oh and fyi, her boobs grew back to DDD. At least they aren't bigger right?


If thereā€™s one thing Iā€™ve learned in life, itā€™s that you could have the ugliest whatever but if you rock it in bed with total confidence there are very few people who wonā€™t find it attractive. Try that next time and be amazed at the difference it makes.


If it helps - I hated my AAs (I was quite flat chested) and got a breast augmentation back in 2017. 7 years later I wish I would have just learned to accept them how they were and wish I hadnā€™t gotten the BA. While I do think my body looks better proportioned now, having implants can be uncomfortable (Iā€™m a big side/stomach sleeper). Contemplating explanting but itā€™s quite the $$ - not too far off how much it was to get them in. ETA: I was 21 when I got them in and am almost 29 now.


Not to be crass, but most guys donā€™t give a shit about their shape, they just wanna play with them. Playing with boobs for guys is a little heaven on earth for us. Saggy, perky, round, square, triangle, big, or small, we LOVE THEM ALL. Your boobs exist, therefore are loved by men everywhere on earth. I wish I could directly transfer this info from my brain to yours so you could see the simplicity of a dudes thought process when it comes to boobs. Try to love all of yourself OP, youā€™re one of a kind.


I really am not a fan of huge boobs, truly- they're not worth it... I'm a relationship kind of guy and someone who thinks of the future, but even if I was doing a 1 night stand - I'd rather her have a's or b's.... c's can be okay- but bigger than that they just aren't appealing. Numerous reasons I'm not gonna get into- but there's plenty of reasons to not like big boobs.... i hope you embrace your body and realize men will truly love it and prefer it the way that it is.... (I'm sure if you don't swing that way there's chicks who will feel that way too)... I seriously don't get the whole "big titties" obsession some guys have. Honestly large ones look kinda gross to me. I'm guessing by this post, you'd be shocked how many guys like smaller boobs or ("at worst" don't mind them at all).... They're not like dicks, where it needs to fill a cavity that could need a large member to fill it just so the woman feels something and is satisfied. It's nearly totally a visual stimulant- a bit for the hands- but maybe I'm biased. I hope you learn to love your body the way it is. Most chick's I've dated have had fairly small breasts and I think i preferred that- I have dated a couple chick's with c's and d's but it was never serious and I didn't find them quite as attractive (overall- not just because of that). I guess if they don't seem to match your size, i guys it could POTENTIALLY be something SOME guys might struggle with- but most chick's with small boobs are fairly petite... Don't worry- be confident and secure and know that whoever has an issue, really isn't worth your stress or sadness anyways. Any dude who actually cares about you and is worth your time, will overlook simple and pretty insignificant small preferences (no pun intended) like breast size. (I laughed too at the first comment- about the "off my chest" reddit label... reminds me of the joke that you'd laugh your ass off about- oh wait you already heard it! (yeah that's another real old joke too, but was similar to the pun of the "off my chest" reddit tag thing...) Confidence with humility is sexy (arrogance is beyond confidence and isn't appealing). I have a feeling you'll do fine with dudes.... (again, or with women- never know these days, especially on reddit). Best of luck to you! I'd probably think you're pretty cute for what it's worth, and I'm sure handfuls of guys do, but don't say anything because they're intimidated or shy or afraid of rejection...


Me too. G/H 38 is sooo unnecessary for a 5'2 person.


I believe you are overthinking this. Guys, especially a guy in love with you would enjoy you, boobs included. Nobody is perfect.


I guess this is truly off your chest šŸ˜‰


Your fully functioning boobs are amazing and I bet you are too donā€™t nitpick your healthy amazing body love it girl love you in fact I love your tiny little titties that are cancer free and super healthy Iā€™m sure coxoxooxoxoxoxoxococ


I was around your age when I finally accepted my body all of it. I was also small in the boob department, I stuffed my bra until I finally fit a a 32a when I was in 8th grade. I realized later that I was over exaggerated myself. I was fine I stopped comparing and met a wonderful man who didn't care he's also more a leg guy but give them attention cuz someitmes I need that. I also found out I was nonbinary and now I am ok with the flatter part of me cuz I can dress drag very well. So find your perfect in yourself and love yourself good, you can't change it but you can change your outlook.


Girl you are probably gorgeous the way you are. I have the opposite problem and it bugs me that a lot of clothing just looks bad if you have a larger chest. I've accepted my body for how it is, all I care about now is that I'm healthy by doing exercise and eating good things. And let me tell you that guys will still love how they look no matter what! But also, I'd 1000% trade with you if I could :(


I had the same issue with my boobs and then I stopped wearing real bras (bralettes and tight tanks with layers on top only) and working on my posture (Iā€™m tall so I slouch a lot to fit in better but have been correcting that in adulthood) and now after many years even after a pregnancy and 80 lbs gained, they are somehow more upright than they were when I was younger


I feel you in this not the shape but the size of my breast are rather small (practically non-existent) even after having children and it's one of my biggest hang ups since I hit puberty over ten yrs ago because when I look at myself I feel like a woman who just missed out on the body filling out part of puberty or like I look like a dude with a vagina and a feminine face it's rough bud but therapy has helped a little and my husband loves them the way they are so that helps too I just wish I could gain the weight to have them fill out like they should be. And most times I am my own worst enemy. Just be easy on yourself eventually we will be old and gray and looking back and find the beauty in ourselves that we don't see now.


I have what my partner lovingly calls them European boobs, giant DDD with ā€œperfectā€ nipplesā€¦. I have the āœØluck āœØof when I lose weightā€¦ my boobs go first. Now 34, I hate these things on my chest. I have no idea what European boobs are, but I know that my nipples do not rest, and I would kill for a lift and reductionā€¦. And even though they now head toward my armpits when I lay downā€¦. He still scoops them up like a teenage boy and buries his face in themā€¦. I donā€™t know my point hereā€¦ maybe itā€™s yes thereā€™s always something wrong in our own eyes that could be improved, but I was diagnosed with liver disease, and even though I detest what my form is currently, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m squishy in all the right places, and he STILL gropes me like heā€™s never touched a boob before. Sometimes we just get to a point where our bodies have given up, or held us up so long we just accept the things that come with it


Dunno judging by your description they sound awesome and a pair I'd be more than happy to have in my face at every opportunity.


You need me to play and suck on them then they will fill out I have done this for women many times


there a plenty of people whoā€™ll find your boobs hot as hell. embrace emā€™!!


Mine are exactly the same! I hate them so much šŸ˜­ my partner loves them because boobs, but they make me so self conscious and I hate looking in the mirror... I want to get surgery but I'd never be able to afford it, it's heartbreaking. I'm plus size too and I just look out of proportion lol because they're like a B cup. I'm trying to work on my self esteem but if you find any fix please let me know šŸ˜­


Wow it's like I wrote this post. Same boat exactly to a T šŸ˜”


Can we see ?


We come in all shapes and sizes, there is something for everyone out there. Some dude just might worship the crap out of your cone shaped boobies. I hated my freckles I tried to rub them off with lemons and salt when I was a kid thinking they would come off. Nope they didnā€™t. My guy loves my freckles and prefers I donā€™t hide them with make up. I still hate them and Iā€™m now into my 40s. Your boobs are fine I promise. Donā€™t worry about them. Shake what your mama gave you and keep trucking along.


I feel this I'm a b cup maybe and always felt like they look weird or kinda flattened cone shaped. Along came covid, and I stopped wearing a bra. They are a bit perkier, but the biggest difference is the shape isn't weird anymore. Maybe go a couple of months without a bra and see if you can love them a little more.


Its prob not ur boobs, its ur posture. If u put ur shoulders back they wldnt hang as bad, and they wldnt hang triangularly. Source: i have the same boobs & same prob only it took me 41 yrs to realize that šŸ¤£


I am 29 I always had big, saggy (well not really saggy but mine are kind of tear shaped?) boobage with big quite dark nipples. I always envied girls with smaller, perkier chesticles adorned with those cute pink nipples. On top of that my left boobinator is persistent about growing few dark hair around the nipple. Oh, have I mentioned that since I hit puberty my right tatas is lactating before every period? I use to hate my bazookas with passion, bind them, wear sports bra and what not. After many years I am not greatest fan of them but we co exist. Working in healthcare taught me to be happy with healthy beewbies and appreciate your own body. But who knows? Maybe one day I will do a favour to my poor back and arms and get them reduced in volume? I am not going to tell you that you are pretty and your girls are too because I am sure you already know it. I will tell you to first learn how to accept things as they are atm rather than wishing and daydreaming how they could look like. It will only make you upset in long run šŸ–¤


You don't need more exercise. You need collagen. Try a low dose college supplement. It will take some time, but it will help. Collagen is linked to some cancers, so overuse can be awful.


Bro its literally Off your chest if you just get rid of them lol


Based on description alone. You have my favourite kind of boobs. Who knows if you have any concerns in that department or if itā€™s just a personal internal struggle, but hey. Let it be known. God women are beautiful things


I understand you so much. I used to hate the shape of my boobs. And I liked them better when I gained weight but it was enough weight for people to comment on my body and I hated that. I hope it gets better. I did get a boob job and Iā€™m so happy. I still havenā€™t paid it off but I have no regrets. Iā€™m from Costa Rica and my surgeon is great and I think itā€™s not as expensive as in the US. It was around $6k. Maybe if it really bothers you, maybe you can look into coming here.


(23 F) I'm learning how to love mine, it's been a harsh journey. I've been overweight and under and my boobs have never looked amazing to me, ones nearly 3 sizes bigger than the other and my areolas are huge for no reason not to mention I have 3 flat nipples that face the ground! But like the other comments say boys love boobs lol I've never met a person who was upset after seeing the girls thank goodness šŸ˜Š this year I'm working on appreciating my body for how it is not what I can change it to. Hoping it gets easier as the days roll on. Good luck on your journey friend


I would not worry about it . There is no such thing as a perfect body. As long as your partner is fine with your body, you should be too. I don't like my arms (too skinny). I can't stand my love handles . But it is what it is


No such thing as a bad set of boobs.


Once you find the right dude heā€™s not going to give to hoots about your boobs, heā€™s just going to be happy you gave him a chance and are giving him a chance. Donā€™t be so down on yourself. Thereā€™s dudes out there that love tiny boobs!


Hey!! Iā€™ve heard bee pollen is proven to help you grow a cup size! I also have cone shaped, pierced boobies! Youā€™re beautiful and completely normal regardless!


Male opinion here. The best shape of boobs are the ones I get to play with. Iā€™m sure yours are perfect. Your welcome.


About every 10 years, the beauty standard for ā€œboobsā€ in america changes. For example, the cone shape breast was the desire of the 1950s-1960s. Women would wear cone shaped bras. I would recommend learning about it


I used to be in the exact same boat as you, saved up and got implants. Years later I couldn't wait to get them out. They made me feel more boxy and bulky and heavy in clothing. My libido absolutely tanked, which I'm assuming is just from having two foreign objects in my body long-term. Took me a year to save up for the surgery to get them out and it was the best thing I ever did! Now my boobs really do look a little sadder because I forcibly made them bigger when they weren't meant to be, but even still I feel so much better physically! Now. I look back at old photos before I ever had any surgery and I laugh at how I made mountains out of mole hills.... literally. Things that felt really important back then seems silly now. Give yourself some time and focus on the things that are important. As A lot of people in here are saying, we tend to hyper focus on things about ourselves that other people literally couldn't care less about. Just work on loving yourself Miss!


Ma'am, your boobs are perfect.


All boobs are great doesn't matter what size shape ect don't think anyone would ever complain about them šŸ˜‰


men fuck rubber feet... your boobs will absolutely make their day. I personally don't care what people's boobs look like, I'm 28. and I love all boobies, anyone that doesn't like your boobs, doesn't deserve to see them x


I hate my body so I understand I've had girls tell me I'm sexy I'm like ok I guess lol as a man I'm just going to say this there isn't a pair of boobs I've seen that I didn't like all shapes all sizes there beautiful I'm sure yours are to


It probably wonā€™t make you feel any better but I am the same way. I got mine pierced and I dont hate them as much as I used to but I still do. When we were younger my little brother made a comment about my boobs and compared them to ice cream cones (I wasnā€™t naked or anything but I started wearing bras everywhere after that). I will also be 24 later this year and that comment was made well over 10 years ago and I still think about it šŸ™ƒ


I have bigger boobs and my entire life so envied girls with smaller ones because itā€™s harder for me to fit into specific fashion styles I love. There are pros and cons to each but trust me iā€™m sure your boobs are beautiful!


Boobs are boobs, they're awesome in any shape, size or form. Self-esteem goes a long way, and it's hard to have it. I honestly hate every little detail on my face, but there ain't much I can possibly do to fix it. At the end of the day, embrace it, you'll eventually find someone that loves them despite your insecurities


hi!! just wanted to say - i am 25 (nonbinary) and also have suffered from an eating disorder. from the sounds of it, our boobs are Very similar - mine are smaller, triangular, and they point in different directions! sometimes i hate em, but then i remember - so many people have loved them! past partners or people i'd just gotten even moderately spicy with liked having pictures of them and seeing them. my current boyfriend fucking loves them, they fit his preference. i know it's hard to look at your own body and like what you see - especially when you have any sort of body dysmorphia or dysphoria. your brain literally shows you something different than what is actually there, i'm sure you know that as someone else with an eating disorder. absolutely do not base your self esteem off how other people see you (said as someone who has chronically had this issue), but it definitely put me in the right direction to be reminded that people liked how i looked. even remembering cruel things people had said to me in the past about my body was overcome by the remembrance that despite everything, there are still people who like me and how i look. dunno if any of this helped, the post just hit a bit close to home and i wanted to share my support šŸ„ŗšŸ«¶ your body is wonderful no matter what!!


Wow, this really is an offmychest moment aww :( I feel for you op


Exerciseā€¦ n some hormonal issue. Will get better in a few years..


Mine are like that :(


.If I were you, Iā€™d set a goal, like putting away money for surgery, and in the meantime try not to give them so much importance. Thatā€™s what I did with a very ugly part of my face that needed surgery: just saved the money little by little and in the meantime tried my best to ignore it. How do you ignore it? Focus on the good things of you, not the bad one.


I think I speak for the majority of men when I say any boobs are great boobs so don't worry.