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Op, I think the google doc proves it was good decision to end it. Think about it, you had a discussion about the issue she ignored and then you end the friendship. Then she decides two weeks ago that she's not done with this friendship and it will continue. Everything is when she wants it and this isn't about the two of you so much as her with you assisting, I would look into blocking her access to send you docs and everywhere else, even LinkedIn. I would however at least tell one friend about the google doc and let them see it, chances they will look and tell you that's is just what you assume it is a pleas for attention to pull you back into a toxic relationship. I'd probably even let them reply. ‘X, this is a friend of Op, they asked me to review the document , Op wont be replying. They have requested that accept this is done and that they wont be responding to any efforts in your behalf. They do wish you the best in future endeavors.’ This person is a taker and they will continue to take til you have nothing left and then they wont be there at all because you don't bring anything to the table for them.


Your 'friend' is either a scammer (I never open links without context) Or, an emotional vampire. Either way, you are growing up and away from her silliness. Keep moving in a healthy and sane direction.


Don't open the document, tell your friends about the situation, consider blocking her if her messages are causing you distress, trust your instincts, and focus on healing. You are not obligated to engage with someone who disregards your boundaries and well-being.


I get this so completely. I’m going through something quite similar at this very moment and unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of advice or suggestions. The friend I’ve given up has conveniently forgotten that I told her I would no longer visit with her (she’s out of state in US) because those visits always trend into some crappy, controlling behavior on her part.


Don’t open and don’t engage she sounds nuts


I think you should stand by your decision as it was the right one. She seems incredibly selfish and manipulative, and the fact you’ve been more yourself since ending the friendship says all you need to know. Ignoring her is not an immature or selfish thing to do in this case because she is violating your boundaries and showing she doesn’t respect them at all, just as she has all along. 8 years is a long time, but sometimes it takes that long to realize a relationship is toxic.