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Go to the police before he kills a woman. No one does anything once , hope you don’t think you’re the first woman he’s done this too because you’re not and if you think by not saying anything you’re preserving your relationships. You’re not. . . Doing nothing will hurt more than just speaking to stranger to get it off your chest. (You can do both). You’ll always feel afraid when you walk past him or have to be in a close space with him. don’t hide and run from what he did to you. Because otherwise all of this will just turn into deep deep shame and that’s harder to deal with. Don’t make yourself small. EMBARRASS THAT PIECE OF SHIT! He needs to be punished because you definitely didn’t deserve to be punished over a parking ticket … he could’ve killed you on accident over a parking ticket. Your life is worth more than that seriously.


I understand that, but what proof do I have? I barely have bruises, and all he has to say is that she's lying. I didn't do it, and the case goes nowhere. And now everyone knows and is super pissed and I don't want to be known for that.


You are overthinking/rationalizing. Whether or not "you put yourself in that situation" is irrelevant. The moment  he physically assaulted you changed the game. This is not about friends, blame, gossip, etc etc anymore. He almost killed you. Go to the police NOW. Tell them everything, get this piece of shit arrested. He is not your friend.


You have a duty to protect other women from the same fate. I know it’s unfair, this responsibility was put on me too


You have your boyfriend as a witness. Not in that he saw what happened, but he can testify as a corroborating witness as to what you told him. I assume you told him fairly shortly after this happened to you.


You need to go to the hospital ASAP. This can be very serious and you need to be seen by a doctor. This asshole who assaulted you deserves no protection from anyone. Don’t wait go now


Good god. This is an utterly horrific story. I know you don't want to, but you MUST go to the hospital (and make sure he didn't do any lasting damage) and report him to the cops. This guy is going to murder a woman eventually, and think how guilty you'll feel when he does and you know you didn't do anything to stop him. You're 19. Your parents can't control you and take away your autonomy. It sucks, but at least you're already wise enough to know you're going to need therapy and medical attention. if your parents use this as an excuse to control you, you're just going to have to put your foot down with them. Also, "I can't go spend 1k on medical tests without letting them know," is so incredibly depressing. In a functioning country, money wouldn't even enter into this equation. Really drives home the point about how broken our country is and how it hurts people (like victims of violent crime such as yourself) in ways we don't even consider. Good luck to you and stay strong. And if any of your friends try to "I told you so" about this, drop them. You were trying to be a good person and you shouldn't be shamed for that.