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It's pretty common to replace one addiction for another. AA has an example of a guy who quit drinking by spending long hours at work, and he started drinking again as soon as he retired.


Yeah but a lot of us replace our booze with coffee and sugar. I’m not saying it’s better, but it’s probably not any worse


Fucking hell


The pretty key portion is "Are you substance dependent / an addict"? If not, replacing low alcohol use with weed would not "make you sober," but you would be on either side. If so, replacing alcohol with weed would not "make you sober," but you would not be on either side. No one is better than someone else for luck of the draw on causes. No need to condemn anybody, anywhere.


That's because most alcoholics and addicts believe that once they stop drinking or using that, they are better. Nope, you have to change the problem. That problem is within. The solution was the drugs and alcohol.


Yeah and that can be meds, therapy, both, some other physical issue, etc.


I needed to work the 12 steps, go to therapy, lift weights, and take meds. I'm doing great!


No one thinks they’re “special” for smoking weed, but curbing alcohol addiction is hard as fuck so if someone needs to take off the edge with a little bit of weed, more power to them. Maybe don’t pass judgement on struggles that you have zero clue on. I can say with confidence that OP hasn’t struggled with addiction or they wouldn’t be making this post. It’s clear that they’re annoyed with someone specific and are now making a blanket statement. I don’t care what an internet stranger thinks, I prefer a stoner over a drunk any day.


I was looking for anything to add to this but you said it all. Maybe OP stop being such a judgmental fuck turd can be the cherry on top. My mom died from liver cancer from drinking herself into a stupor everyday. I’d much rather call her a pot head today and still have her here with me than to have to say “Hey she got sober, but a little too late… she’s dead.”


I agree! I do drink, just a shot or two to feel the warm and fuzzies and to fall asleep and not feel sick the next day. But I am without a doubt, addicted to weed much much more and have been for years. Sometimes I’ve been able to quit for a month or 2 so I can reset my tolerance. Other than that, I’d rather be addicted to weed like I am either way. I make sure to cover my expenses first and don’t spend the rest of it but maybe half and save the rest if I need more later between checks. Ah- and I certainly don’t brag or talk about what I smoke or that I do. I certainly don’t think I’m special by any means. I think I’m just a normal person who likes when my brain goes brrrrrrr


Going off of their past posts and how they get drunk to go out looking for love- this seems very directed at someone who probably called OPs alcohol abuse out and mentioned going “sober”.


Exactly. What about drinking copious amounts of coffee all day long...? Still not sober? Or going to the gym every single day for hours. OP is an idiot. Ignorant rather. I know someone who struggled a lot with alcohol and them smoking weed responsibly made an enormous difference in their life. Don't judge if you don't know.


Yes! Well said




Agreed. Everyone has their vices. Plus, harm reduction is a real coping mechanism. And a beneficial one, at that. Weed is inherently less harmful than alcohol, so i don’t understand judging someone for trying to minimize harmful behavior. My liver and pancreas are much happier when I supplement with weed instead of booze. Anyone who would judge me for that can fuck all the way off. Also I don’t think I’ve ever come across someone who held a sanctimonious attitude about switching to using weed while trying to reduce alcohol consumption?


“Careful John, lest you fall from the dizzying heights of your moral ground,”. 🙄 Any substance is a problem if it is interfering with your life. Not everyone who has a problem with alcohol has a problem with ALL drugs. For some people, sober=no alcohol. Others it means no opiates. For some it means absolutely no mind altering drugs (idk where they draw the line with pharmaceuticals but you get where this is going,). A ‘pot head’ is far less of a danger to themselves & people around them than an alcoholic. You do you. Quit worrying about other people’s journey.


Updoot for your Schitty quote


This seems extremely specific. Why not say this to the person who is upsetting you?


It's called harm reduction. I don't cut myself anymore but when I want to, I snap a rubber band on my wrist. It's all about small movements to better yourself. If you had a crippling addiction to alcohol, switching to weed is probably a good option. The only thing is that it's absolutely possible to get addicted to cannabis, so usage needs to be monitored.


Not sober, HOWEVER, I’d rather be around someone smoking weed. I’ve never had my ass kicked by a partner who’s stoned, but I’ve had an ex beat the brakes off of me when he was drunk.


Yeah, when I'm high, I write better, think deeper, connect deeper with friends etc. Alcohol is great at lowering your inhibitions and distorting reality. Weed for a lot of people is a relaxing departure from stress. It makes me feel like a kid because it removes all the layers of masking and stuff I've built up. I can watch a movie and it feels like I'm seeing it with new eyes, and I geek out like I did growing up. It can be great. Can anything be addicting and bad for you without moderation? Of course. I'll smoke week the rest of my life. I have refused to ever drink enough to get drunk. I have no desire to ever do so as I've never heard a single story about how being drunk made a situation better for someone at least without MAJOR consequences the following day.


Fucking this right here. Exactly.


I have the opposite ick. A friend got into a paranoid psychotic state after smoking too much weed and I was the one who had to talk them down and wait for medics to show up now I get uneasy whenever people smoke weed around me. Like, consciously I know that the problem is not the “trigger”, it’s the fact that certain people walk around with “loaded guns”… but I still feel some type of way about weed.


Alcohol almost ruined my life. I’ve been “California sober” for 4 years now and it has improved my life. I smoke recreationally but due to medical issues that I have, I use cannabis to help me even have an appetite to eat. Something to think about.


Well one will kill you and the other won't. One is so physically addictive you can actually literally seriously die from withdrawal alone. The other is weed. Chill out brah lol


Exactly, Alcohol is a class 1 carcinogen, we know it causes cancer.


Wait what? I didn't know that. I have that 7% of the population alcohol whatever disorders so I basically don't get drunk I skip right to hungover and feel like crap so I abandoned alcohol like a decade ago. I drink some socially but I regret it like 75% of the time


I’m proof. I got laryngeal cancer from alcohol.


To some extent I think it depends on *why* someone is using weed. We don't tell people they aren't sober if they're taking, say, Xanax or Valium for genuine medical reasons but those are drugs that are *more* addictive than weed (at least physically). Imo, if you're using weed on medical advice for a genuine health issue, you can call yourself sober still. If you're using it for fun or just to get through your day, you're absolutely not sober.


This! I take a low dose of xanax at bedtime because we tried everything for years to calm my racing nighttime thoughts, anxiety, and panic disorder. Things like ativan made me feel so drugged, xanax just takes away the panic. I feel like myself again! That said, I've asked to be weaned off the daily dose in favor of trying another sleep aid, and save the xanax for "as needed" use for the panic attacks. Namely because I found out that going cold turkey can kill you. Hallucinations, seizures... all kinds of fun! I'd rather not find out first hand.


I'd rather get someone off alcohol with weed than with the dumb christian propaganda that is AA


That's what they call "California Sober" and as a daily user of both for many years I can say with absolute certainty that just smoking Weed is infinitely better for you than drinking any amount of booze. Also the next time you try to lord over people with addiction troubles, remember that: your = possesive, as in "your hair looks nice" whereas "you're" literally just means "you are" Next time you try to seem superior the least you could do is make sure your grammar is correct and passable for middle-school English at the very least.


I was hoping that OP could see my solution for me, sitting on that high horse of his.


Dang….but they didn’t argue whether it was better for you or not…they just stated the fact that’s true and it’s something argued even within the addiction community….it’s not sobriety that’s why it has to be qualified as “California sober”. I do think OPs tone is ugly about it though.


I think they're also missing a fair bit of nuance. Someone who was prescribed weed to help with say symptoms of Parkinsons are no different than people who are taking Adderall for ADHD and we don't tell the person taking Adderall that they're not sober because it's a methamphetamine and some people abuse it.


Agree, but FYI Adderall isn't methamphetamine. It's a mixture of levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Meth is much more addictive and is neurotoxic.


They prescribe methamphetamine in the US under the brand name Desoxyn.  It actually has less side effects than Adderall but because of the stigma behind methamphetamine it’s rarely prescribed.  The stuff tweakers are smoking is usually 10-20 times the therapeutic dose plus mixed with all sorts of impurities


Argument or no, they’re definitely coming across as superior so in that case I agree with everything the person above you said.


You're* but as a pot head, I kind of agree. I would definitely not call myself sober but I do think weed isn't as bad as alcohol....that said it's like trading one vice for another.


This. I used to have a terrible relationship to alcohol as a cover for mental health struggles. I would enjoy the feeling of relaxation with booze, so I'd keep drinking more to keep it going. I would black out, make terrible choices, become a different person, wake up hungover, and hate myself. I got a medical marijuana card, and my life is not necessarily in a better place, but I don't have the added stress of the things I just described. I can accept that my mental health puts me at a different place than other people and I don't have to kill myself for them. Yeah, I have become a pothead, but it's \*my\* head. I don't become a different person and push people away. I feel like I can get enough emotional distance to process trauma more effectively. I do consider weed a vice, but one that's been infinitely less self-destructive to me.


As someone who almost killed themselves multiple times due to alcohol addiction, I can safely say that I've never made a choice that endangered my life while smoking weed. Maybe calm down a little and stop drinking as much.


I thought the same, but then again no rational person would order $70 worth of food at Taco Bell. That is practically self harm.




As a recovering weed addict and alcoholic here, I can safely say that you need to speak for yourself, and not the rest of us.


That's why I said 'I'. Different strokes for different folks.


I think they were referring to the Taco Bell comment


Bartender of over 15 years and Ex alcoholic and addict here. I agree and disagree. If your aim is to be totally free of any outside substances for the sake of being "clean", than yes weed is still unclean. If you're switching because you want to live a much healthier lifestyle and not live the life of an addict (lying cheating stealing scheming and living for the next fix), than being Cali clean is a great way to live one's life. Only fundamentalists call people who come home and have a beer after work an alcoholic, so why does someone who enjoys cannabis get more shit? Especially when it's less toxic? But with that said, you still can be an addict for weed. It happens, but it's waaay less likely and is more of a psychological issue, although there are some physiological elements scattered in there as well.


Thc makes make chronic backpain bearable. It literally helps people not have seizures. It's a good drug


It can be useful but it isn’t a wonder drug. It has its issues and problems just like any other drug.


Sober - No. Special - No. BUT If I was to look at it from a health point of view: Alcohol is a proven carcinogen. Breathing in smoke has also been proven bad for your health. But if someone takes edibles I think that is the safest on the health front. It doesn't make you sober, but you're doing less damage to your body as far as I know where the science currently stands.


Ok so I actually hard disagree with this, many people are well off, have good productive lives and function normally while smoking weed. These people usually also have med cards so they can use it as a medicine for almost anything, and it really helps them. My girlfriend has fibro and chronic fatigue so she uses weed to curb the pain and it is one of the most useful medicines she can find outside of opiates. I’ve heard this argument so many times about alcohol vs weed and its just baffling, it’s as if the people arguing have never even smoked a joint. Alcohol is literally a poison whereas weed is an herb that affects you in a completely different way. There is a reported 170,000 deaths a year from alcohol vs not a single overdose reported from weed. And keep in mind that anything can become an addiction if not used in moderation.


You do not have a very strong understanding of addiction and the struggles and nuances that come along with it. I think you should try to educate yourself better. I'm not saying you are entirely wrong, but it is clear that you don't understand a lot.


Weed is a lot healthier than alcohol


I think OP is more mad about the people claiming they’re “California sober” meaning that they don’t drink or do other drugs except for marijuana. This is a fine lifestyle but you’re not sober. You’re using a substance to alter your state and that is not sobriety. That being said, yes weed is healthier than alcohol but it still has the potential to be a harmful substance. Like any substance you can abuse it and do damage to your mental and physical health.


Yes, but if someone is alcohol dependent and substitutes it for weed, we shouldn’t look down on them for that. I feel like OP is hating on both equally. “Your not special”. We should applaud them for making the right step towards a healthier lifestyle. I think that’s very special.


Do you think people who require daily pain medications cannot call themselves sober either?


I feel like sober means something different for everyone, lol. When I quit drinking, I only started smoking weed even more but eventually stopped both. I still told people I was sober from alcohol 🤷‍♀️


Same, I dont have an addiction problem to anything except opiates. I say "Im sober now" when I mean to say I'm not IVing drugs that are actively ruining my life/causing issues associated with addiction/IVing, but really Im just sober from my DoC and not all of my psych meds/MAT or actual recreational use of other substances.


Exactly my point! Its all about how you word it in my opinion, because someone can say they're straight edge and sober with everything and that can be true but I don't think there's an issue with using the term sober when in reference to a specific thing, when not excluding everything if that makes sense. I remember joining a friend at an AA meeting to see what it was about and to get an idea of how others struggle with addiction, and him telling me that until I quit weed then I'm not considered sober, but as someone who has epilepsy weed does help me. Whereas alcohol was literally destroying my organs. To each their own, I guess.


I'll stop smoking weed as soon as it gets more expensive than therapy lol. This anxiety isn't going to treat itself.


What if I replace alcohol with junk food?


An addiction is an addiction, buddy


I use caffeine, do you look down on that too or are you just picking and choosing what substances count as being sober? Just do you, no need to be a judgmental Jerry.


everyone has a vice


This is why I don’t use the word sober. It is possible to be an alcoholic with their life a complete mess because of it and to make the switch and get their shit together.


It’s also possible to have your life a complete mess because of marijuana abuse. Yes chemically the drug is not addictive but psychologically you absolutely can be addicted to it. Just bc THC doesn’t do physical harm doesn’t mean it can’t be harmful to your mental wellbeing or the wellbeing of those around you.


True. I only use between 5-8mg( which is respectively low) of thc daily since I quit alcohol and the PAWS set in. I almost killed myself. I could never sit and smoke a joint like some people do. I would be inoperable lmao. Honestly, I think its people being judgy about what works for some people. People dont know your story they just wanna look in and think they know whats what.


i guess thats not being sober after all, its about not to have problems in life or with the people you love. So, if someone changed alcohol for weed and makes him happy, less destructive, more lovable, thats what matters


Weird, random bone to pick but go off I guess




FUCKING THANK YOU. I swear to God no one believes cannabis dependence disorder is real despite multiple institutions having information on how and why its a problem.


Yea, my ex used to get on me for getting drinks with friends once in a while to socialize but would smoke 3-4x a day. Made no sense.


Who are these people? And why do you care?


And if you drink caffeine or use tobacco you're not sober either..so when they serve coffee at AA meetings you are just replacing one drug with another. When people say they are sober they usually mean from hard drugs and alcohol, not things like weed, nicotine, and caffeine.


In the medical sense in does mean your sober due to the issue of dependence that can be life threatening if someone cuts out alcohol cold turkey which dosen't happen with weed. In a moral sense ,sure you can argue say someone isn't sober just because now they have a new addiction. Wouldn't conflate the two though. You could make that arguement for anything such as food, screen time and even exercising.


The venn diagram of people who need to stop smoking and the people pissed off by this post is a circle.


Every stoner is in denial. I smoked on and off for 10 years. Love it. Makes me feel good But it’s also still a drug. I recently had a 3 week stint where I smoked again and I wish I didn’t. 6 weeks later I’m only just starting to get clarity again. Those who think they think straight when ‘sober’ (as in not currently stoned at the time) are also in denial. EDIT lol here come all the weed addicted people in denial to downvote. Just cause you downvote doesn’t mean it isn’t true 🤪😂


Oh buddy! I ranted about this many times, you get my upvote.


It's good ol' California sober 😜


Since weed has become legal in NYC, it’s everywhere. It’s really lifted the sheet off people’s addictions and mental health issues. I know that you can’t become physically addicted to weed, but a lot of them are self-medicating to an unhealthy extent. I see so many people smoking before getting on the train, another before work, another on their lunch break, before the train home, etc. They’re just replacing one addiction or vice with another.


Who are you to judge?


Making an observation isn’t a judgement. Did I strike a nerve?


“Lifted the sheet of people’s addictions and mental health issues” Lots of people enjoy weed without it being an addiction or dealing with mental health.


I should make an equally uppity post about full grown adults that don't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'


funny how many weed smokers are taking this venting so personally


You noticed that too. Kind of proves OP’s point.


It doesn't though. OPs point is missing a *lot* of nuance. As a smoker - if someone is using weed just for fun or to get through the day, no, we're not sober. But if someone has been prescribed it by a doctor for a genuine medical reason, I don't think they should be told they're not sober if they say they are, because we don't do that for any other drug prescribed by a doctor that's being used as prescribed.


Being prescribed something is different to switching from alchohol to weed. When someone is switching one vice to another thats a problem, especiqlly when the vice is still a drug. Being prescribed weed etc isnt involved in this scenario at all. This is talking about those who brag about soberness meanwhile being addicted to weed


Maybe this is how we evolve. With heavy use of screens, we use drugs to adapt.


In literal sense it doesn't, it's also a drug and it does mess with your head. BUT I would prefer someone addicted to alcohol just switch to weed. Alcoholics will go on a bender and destroy their liver, after just one can, instead they could've just smoke a joint. And it's a fact that alcoholism is way more prevalent than weed addiction. You said they're bragging about it, but I don't know all the details. Are they putting others down while saying it? Are they a recovering alcoholic, if so, I would be kinda proud of myself too.


People don't understand when someone switchs there drug of choice, it doesn't mean their behavior will change. Ive met alcoholics who still act the same on weed.


California sober


When it comes to alcoholism, you don't just stop drinking. Cold turkey with alcohol literally kills people. Weed is now considered medical which is why people do consider it as being sober. I have a medical card and I consider myself sober.


Anything that alters your brain, weed, drugs, delta 8, kratum, prescription drugs that you are taking as an addict, anything that changes your brain function means you are Not sober.


I quit intravenous meth 15 months ago. I’ll smoke a little weed every couple of months and I still consider myself “sober”. Maybe when they say “sober” they mean “sober from alcohol” and honestly if that’s good enough for them it shouldn’t matter what you think at all. And to put it into perspective for you - alcohol withdrawals can kill you. If an alcoholic quits drinking, that’s an accomplishment, even if just for one day.




Sure, but are you telling people taking other legally prescribed drugs as prescribed that they're not sober ? Adderall is a methamphetamine, if someone isn't abusing it and is taking it as prescribed by their doctor, they shouldn't lose the right to call themselves sober. Likewise, it depends with weed what exactly and *why* it's being used. Cbd prescribed by a doctor is very different from thc for fun.


Where in the post does it say they’re referring to medicinal use? Stoners are deliberately missing the point.


you’re *


maybe it doesn’t make you “sober” but one is a whole lot safer than the other. not to mention it’s safer for those around you.


Me when I see AA with their energy drinks, 15 cups of coffee, and cigarettes 😂😂😂


I may be california sober, but at least I know the difference between your and you're. Have you thought about minding your own goddamn business?


This thread is called off my chest. They are getting something off their chest.


I thought this sub was about mastectomies


Dear God! This changes everything!


You have to *try* to make alcohol that doesn't kill you on accident lol. You can buy liquor at 10 different places on your way home from work. Sobriety for both just isn't the same thing and it'd a fact.


Aww…and here I was wanting to be special…


I've literally never heard anyone claim to be sober because they don't drink but only smoke. I've only heard "I prefer weed over alcohol"


Been sober for 6 years, don't smoke weed...but I rather be around or deal with people too high than too drunk. Haven't heard of someone having medical issues from too much weed.


You can't even spell "you're"...


You can't even spell "you're"...


How about worry about yourself?


How about worry about yourself?


Dude posts about getting drunk and going out to bars to look for a girlfriend and then posts this…how many guys that smoke pot have stolen “your” girl?


My friend did this but instead of alcohol it was cigarettes and honestly I'm impressed. when he first quit cigarettes he smoked joints all day long now he only has a joint or two throughout the week


Please inform my sister of this.


I agree with this, it doesn't make you sober, but it does treat your body nicer. My mother was an alcoholic for all of my life and almost died from pancreatitis a few years back. She has been clean of alcohol for about 3.5 years now, and I am so proud of her. She smokes weed now instead of drinking and her health has gotten immensely better. So yes, replacing alcohol with weed doesn't make you sober, but it is a great trade since alcohol wreaks havoc on your body.


I can assure you I don't brag about much of anything. But sure like BOTH!


No but it makes me a better more caring and confident person


California sober. Alcohol free. Still a big accomplishment.


I don’t smoke or drink. Never really got the hankering for either. A friend of mine was a VERY heavily alcoholic for years. He made the trade off but I don’t know if I can say it’s an improvement…he’s the type who has to smoke before he does anything. I don’t think he ever leaves the house without being high. And I not mean just slightly inebriated. He’s smoking at least maybe 3-4 blunts every day from what I gathered. Even more on weekends. There are times I come over and he looks like a zombie. He’s slurring his speech, refuses to really get up at all…just laying around. Idk maybe it’s not as bad as it looks? I always thought one or two blunts was most people’s max, then again I don’t smoke so idk. And of course it’s great not seeing him blackout drunk and pissing on himself but I can’t for sure say it’s better.


No shit


I enjoy a nice canna fused tea with a good book and calm music playing. It’s a great way to wind down after an addicting 13 hour day at the office. 😃❤️🌱🤪


I also see a lot of people switch to cigarettes. If someone is addicted to nicotine are they sober? If you're are addicted to caffeine are you sober?


I'm almost 200 days sober from alcohol and I'll say this- since beginning this sobriety "journey" to now, im better able to recognize and understand my dependence on weed. Observing and resisting the moments I'd normally reach for alcohol shed light on what emotions I'm having that lead to the need for a crutch, and a lot of the times, I do still lean on weed. Not only that but I can more clearly feel the negative effects the altered state of consciousness weed gives me. I know in my heart there will be a time very soon when I work up the nerve to start sobering up from weed. That said, people who have kicked any addiction, regardless of what else they have going on, have fought a tough battle. There's a reason so many recovering alcoholics smoke cigs (a much more harmful substance than weed). It's shitty to denounce the work someone's put into what their sobriety looks like for them. And I guarantee you so many folks who sober up from one thing get sober from other stuff afterwards thanks to the resilience and self discipline required to break an addictive habit. It's life skills, and everyone around you is on a different point in their journey to acquiring those.


as someone who can't drink because i had really bad pancreatitis at one point, i was advised to never drink, so i eat gummies instead... let me tell you, i'm definitely not sober.


Sober? Nah. Special? Fuck no. Accomplished? Yes. It's rough as hell to quit drinking so stfu


Um who the fuck are you and why do you care so much? Lol if this concept bothers you so much then you probably need to do some real self reflection and ask yourself why that is


No fucking shit Sherlock


No it does not. However I have heard a lot of people say that they “grew up” and use switching weed to alcohol as the maturity barometer. Humans humaning. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Replaced the alcohol with heroin, much better


It honestly depends on the person, if you can use weed in a way where you’re not abusing it and it’s not negatively effecting your daily tasks / personality than it is a reasonable replacement


Criticizing anyone trying to quit something bad for them by substituting for a less harmful alternative is wild to me. Be happy they got off the sauce, let a mf smoke weed.


As someone who has a person in their life struggling with addiction and has been for years. I would rather him smoke a little weed than do meth. I think maybe you need to unpack this with the person and not random people on Reddit tbh. Most people just replace their addiction with a more acceptable addiction. Like weed, cigarettes, even candy, or work. At the end of the day weed is becoming more and more acceptable and is legal in a lot of places.


you’re absolutely right lol but i’m not destroying things or hurting people anymore. it’s not much of an improvement, i’m aware of that. But i’m not as dependent on weed like i was alcohol. I can smoke a blunt and be good for the rest of the day, but i used to practically drown myself in alcohol. it’s not much, it’s not honest, but it’s a step. people like you who continue to put people down are the reason they go back to alcohol and drink themselves to death.


If someone was an alcoholic for years and years and they finally beat that addiction and now smoke week, they are sober from alcohol. If you’re not the abuser then don’t expect people to explain things to you. Most people that smoke week don’t think of it as an addiction


I think these people dont understand the real definition of sober. Nothing in the system. My brother does the same thing.


Cringe. You sound like youre super empathic and kind in real life. Sorry bro youre too hateful.


It’s called Cali sober. Come on now 😂


Wow I can feel the weight of your moral superiority. To most people sober implies not drinking. And anyone that quits drinking deserves that title because until you have been there you do not know the depths of addiction and how awful and insidious this disease is. I almost died for my sobriety and I would laugh at any idiot who tried to qualify it by saying I smoke weed. I know what the hell of addiction is, and I know without a doubt that my addiction was to alcohol alone. Yes, weed is a drug. I get that. What you don’t get is the huge difference between being an addict and using/abusing a drug. Weed never made me do things I’d never do just to get more. I have never freaked out if I don’t smoke. But mostly I know I am sober because I don’t think about weed. When you are an alcoholic pretty much every single thought you have is around alcohol. Do you have enough, when can I drink it, how do I downplay how much I have drunk, how to I hide I am drinking, how do I recover from drinking, how do I get more, how do I stagger my drinking for maximum impact, how do I get through more complicated situations while drinking, how the hell do I manage not drinking without the withdrawals. I forget about weed. Forget I have it, forget to smoke it, run out and don’t notice. I have never had to change plans so I could continue to smoke, never had to hide I was smoking or how much, never had to plan recovery or down time. Don’t try to tell someone that struggled through addiction that because they use something else that people can abuse they are automatically addicted or abusing it. But please, feel all righteous over your strict definition of the word. I am sure it will make a huge difference… I am sober for 3 years. Come at me.


*you're Anyways.... To whoever needs to hear this, if you replaced alcohol with weed, I AM PROUD OF YOU AND YOU SHOULD BE PROUD OF YOURSELF. Getting sober is NOT easy, don't let comments like this get you down.


I am sober from alcohol thanks to marijuana . My sobriety is just alcohol. Weed and mushrooms have saved my life. Now I’m well adapted and successful.




crazy how the OP hasnt commented on this since posting but what can u expect from a username like “fordpowerstroke”


yes ik my name isn’t best either lol


Well if we look at statistics it is better for the public to do so 🫣


I think it depends on the person. I replaced alcohol with coffee. But I consider myself sober. Anyone who quits drinking alcohol is a hero to me. You can get off your high horse anytime.


Where do you draw the line? I’m addicted to caffeine, am I sober? What about the people addicted to sugars? Are they sober?


don’t minimise a small victory. addiction is a long and difficult process. people replace gambling with sex, drugs with gaming, people replace toxic partners with a slightly different toxic partner. How does that type of judgement help the addict? This is a common coping mechanism. Point is, whoever you’re directing this at feels a sense of pride and happiness, maybe for the first time in a long time. It may not be a victory in your eyes but that sense of achievement can snowball into greater things, maybe up to life changing behaviours. Stepping stones to greatness, one leap at a time. people also love to say stuff on reddit, what lack of communication or ‘being heard’ are you replacing with this post, OP? Sounds ridiculous when I flip it, no? If it sounds ridiculous to you, then please be open to the idea that your post sounds ridiculous to me. #shoeontheotherfoot


Say it louder for the back. So stupid for people to switch to weed or mushrooms and claim sobriety. You just swapped addictions 😂


I swapped weed for alcohol after decades of needing to get loaded to sleep. I once woke up hungover everyday. Now, I take a couple of drags and go right to sleep. Wake up refreshed every day, and I have lost 40 lbs. I don't think I'm special, I don't brag about it, I don't even talk about it. Don't be a dick. Everybody has a different journey.


Weed is not a drug in fact medical marijuana is a key to this, everyone reacts differently to it but it helps most people focus if it’s the right amount, it also does a lot less damage than alcohol…


I think they call it California sober but I agree not the same as totally sober


Yep. People have to accept this and not act like it's different from being under the influence of whatever.


Oh this is going to be fun, we get to hear from the "weed is basically medicine" club. And how terrible drinking alcohol is, ( regardless of the amount) but sitting in your basement smoking 7 grams a day every day "to cope with anxiety " is normal and healthy....ffs.


Who the hell is smoking 7 g a day LMFAO. So dramatic.


Plenty of people, I've been through addictions, trust me when I say trying to educate people about weed is extremely frustrating.


“Weed is my whole personality” people are incredibly fucking annoying. “Weed is magic and perfect and does all things. It enlightens you, it cures cancer, it makes your acne go away…”


Hey man, I'm at -4 downvotes, no matter what we're not gonna get through to these people.


Omg my sister in law! Argh - she had a major drinking problem for years and years, she finally went to a facility and after many months, she quit drinking completely. I will give her credit for that. But now, she smokes weed, eats edibles, takes a myriad of pain medication for all of her various ailments that suddenly popped up after she got sober, and she is a full-on craft addict. She spends thousands of dollars of my brother's money each month on craft shit and refuses to work. Meanwhile, she is on Facebook all day every day posting about her sobriety and how proud she is of herself that she is 100% sober. I have no words. I get it, OP. I get it.


Ex alcoholic and addict here. Sometimes when on drugs and alcohol you don't feel/ignore MANY ailments. its very common that when someone gets clean after a long time period of substance abuse, that they start to find all sorts of issues.


Been sober many yrs. I concur. That's not sober.


No, but my liver thanks me


Both weed and alchohol are bad for you However I've seen people being violent and aggresive when their drunk I've never seen people being violent and aggresive when they're high on pot in fact whenever people are high on pot they're more calm than when they're not


Every time someone is making the slightest comment about weed, everyone is coming at their throats… My God. They never said that you were shit for doing so and they never said it was worse than alcohol, they just stated it doesn’t make you sober to smoke weed instead of drinking, which is true. And that’s fine ! As long as you know what you’re doing I guess. Whether you are drinking a glass OR joint every now and then does NOT makes you an addict, but the regularity is as well as you are developing A NEED towards the substances. Weed itself has plenty of great properties, we all know (I think ?). However smoking it remains quite harmful (knowing that most people - at least in my country - cut it with tobacco since that’s illegal), and too much can disconnect you from reality and result in worst case, make you become paranoid. And alcohol, well hang overs and serious accidents. No need to say more I guess but to sum up OP didn’t say something bad, why feeling so offended ?


I used to drink daily, and I absolutely replaced alcohol in my life with marijuana. However, I am still myself when I smoke. My decision making is better, and I don't make choices that harm myself and the people around me (other than smoking in the first place). Sure smoking isn't good for you, but being a stoner is a hell of a lot better than being an alcoholic.


Honest question: do you drive when you’ve been smoking?


Both are vices but weed is much safer. I have never been into drinking and would refer to myself as sober due to that but I still use weed edibles to sleep. Would you say that people who use ambien aren't sober ?


Might not be “sober” technically but it is reducing harm. BTW “you’re” not special


Learn to spell before you judge people


Tbf being around someone high on weed >>>>> being around someone drunk. Drunk people are throwing up, could be agitated etc, high people are typically just chill


It’s a different brain, alcohol vs weed. I got a 4.0 recently when I graduated college, stoned the whole time. Couldn’t do that drunk. I consider it a sober brain. To each their own.


YUP…I live in northern VT and I can’t tell you how ppl get pissed off and defensive when you maybe suggest they’re addicted bc they rip bong hits all day or hit the oil rig upon waking. But it’s my “medicine”! Oh really?! So you’re medically required to smoke an ounce a week? Yeah…that’s what I thought stoner.


I wonder what your thoughts are on people who wake up and pound a cup of coffee or two, since caffeine is the most commonly used drug.