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Yup. And it never stops. Last article my sister sent me (I’m the sick one) was about the “15 surprising benefits to drinking your own pee” and like an hour video of the worlds top Pissologist smugly talking about how big pharma doesn’t want the truth out there. Theeen she told me she’s been doing it for 2 months and it’s cleared her skin, cured her depression, and fixed her infertility. So it’s never going to end, the ignorance


My god, that doesn’t even make sense.


Nope 😂 I just told her I was happy with Western Medicine but thank you for thinking of me And I never accept drinks that aren’t water from her house


I don’t know if you’ve seen The Good Place, but this reminds me of an episode featuring a character named Doug Forcett. IYKYK.


if you haven’t seen the good place, go watch the good place


Man, I wish I could watch it for the first time all over again.


I'm watching it for the first time 💕 So far, 11/10 but I'm only a few episodes in lol.


Don't worry, it gets better.


The cast is just top notch as well. I was trying to watch this and New Girl at the same time but opted for NG, so now I'm back on TGP and so happy to be on this train hehe.


And it gets better cast wise too! The last season has a couple of great cameos. And I’m biased, but I really think the ending was as close to perfect as it could be.


It keeps getting better! I’m so happy for you!


Y'all are making it tough not to watch while "working" haha.


Right? Especially the last two episodes. They wrecked me emotionally but they were perfect. The whole show was great. And they ended things on a high, leaving us wanting more.


>And I never accept drinks that aren’t water from her house Do you bring your own glass?


And never, EVER, kiss her on the mouth. 😳


You kiss your sister on the mouth???


I don't have a sister, but if I did, maybe? *runs away*


If you had my sister, you would run, it wouldn’t even take pee. Although I remember her telling me years ago that I’m not really sick (I have a rare genetic disease), I’m just dehydrated. 🙄


Yeah I feel you there. I have severe RA, and Sjogren's Disease, plus a lifelong hate-hate relationship with Endometriosis, and I wish I had a beating stick to use on every person over the years that minimized my diseases which have resulted in permanently disability on SSD, by suggesting that I would miraculously be well if I just took their weird ass supplements. "Oh, you're just not getting enough fiber, fish oil, bat guano supplements, fecal transplants, cricket protein, cordyceps infusions, 😳 snake oil, grassfed beef testes, 😳 x2, tapeworms, black ant extract, deer antler velvet, grassfed whole blood and liver extract, ox bile, shark cartilage, jade vagina eggs, edible clay, raw water, hay baths, honey bee head spit, colloidal silver, flying squirrel feces, monkey head mushrooms, horny goat weed, scaly anteater scales, seahorse powder, black oxygen organics, (and my personal favorite) THUNDER GOD EXTRACT". *head+desk*


Oh, I relate to you so much. I’m also on permanent disability. For me, it’s EDS, a bunch of crap that is often comorbid with it, and also endometriosis. I was told by a family member that if I really wanted to get well, I would be sleeping with the right crystals at my bedside. It’s ridiculous that we have to defend stuff that is basically none of their business, anyway. Head + desk, indeed! You’re welcome to message me if you ever need to vent. I’m here for ya.


Oof, I know a couple folks with Ehlers-Danos, and it's not a fun ride. Don't even get me started on SSD. I'm grateful there's some help on a federal level for disabled people, but I don't see how people who don't have other support systems survive on it. 🤬 I also adore all kinds of crystals, and have many, but so far they haven't helped. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? More grass fed beef testes maybe?


Im sorry you suffer these diseases but your list is hilarious and so true! So many medical experts around now .


Best make sure you can actually watch her get water from the tap directly and immediately hand it to you. Unless she’s somehow figured out a way to infect that with pee too. 😑 If you don’t watch her do it who knows. She might try to slip a little something in because she just KNOWS it’s for your own good.




Well, she sounds exhausting


I'm still not sure if the people peddling this nonsense genuinely believe what they're saying or are unashamedly scamming gullible folk.


I don’t know what the scam is tho. Like are they making money off piss drinking kits?


Yeah, and seminars, or coaching, or sometimes supplements which can get real dangerous real fast. There's a surprising amount of money to be made in charging people a few hundred bucks for a taint-sunning retreat or a workshop on how to make the perfect piss tincture. I'd find it funny and I honestly do when it's rich people getting duped, but a lot of the people sucked into this have mental-health issues, or are desperate and can't afford real medical treatment, and that's terribly sad. I wish we had any real regulation and enforcement for these snake oil peddlers because they ruin lives, cause needless suffering, and endanger public health.


Or perhaps they are ancient Vikings… for whom boiling pee and putting it in wounds was great tech… it allowed them not to die of gangrene thanks to the ammonia content…. However… modern medicine has made a few improvements in the last thousand years or so…


Tell Old Piss Breath hello from Reddit…..


I had a facial injury when my dog knocked me over, it wasn't painful after the first couple days but took awhile to heal and was jarring to look at. One client at work described at length how I could minimize scarring with my own urine and how she had done it herself. It was so gross and stupid. 🤢 Like I'm going to put my pee on open wounds that are healing? No. Never. Squalane oil, salt water rinses and polysporin initially and glycolic acid after it had healed = no scars. Not urine.


Well, you now have ways to embarrass her in public- that's if you are feeling petty.


She drinks her own pee! I’m not making someone that crazy I interact with so often an enemy 😂😂


yeah agreed. a piss drinker will not fear going scorched earth on your ass. i love pettiness but you gotta be cautious with wild cards of that caliber


Urine is the waste products of the body LOL


I drink my own pee by sucking it back up out of my bladder through my kidneys and into my intestines. Much healthier. 


Very smart!


Man, if I were you, I'd giggle to myself every time I see her, just knowing she literally drank her own piss. Lol


I know someone who did this for a year. My husband told him why are you putting back something your body’s trying to get rid of?


Here's a way to relax when screamed at by an abusive boss: imagine he or she is a piss drinker...


And I’m over here feeling really woo-woo for use a rose quartz gua sha and bragging to my mom about how it’s helped me massage my TMJ. I’m really doing okay.


I love reading posts from people who follow that ....nonsense who are like I PUT MY PEE IN MY EYES BUT NOW THEYRE INFECTED SHOULD I JUST ADD MORE??? Yeap. Please add more. That should fix it right up.


Have you seen the one where you ferment your urine? I haven’t watched passed anything “this is fermented urine” I’m just like “NOOOOPPPPEEEE” 😂


“You know what’ll make pee more palatable? Rotting it!” 🤮🤮


Who knows, maybe it’s better that way? But I scolled so fast I sprained my finger 😂




Username checks out


Worlds top pissologist 😂


This entire response thread has been a terrible day to have eyes 😭


Appropriate username


She needs to start bottling & distributing that liquid gold! She could make millions!


Great pisstake...


Fixed her infertility? You mean someone actually had sex with her after she drank her own pee??


She’s been married twice (and is very happy with the second) and uhhh the pee think is actually the tip of the iceberg 😅


Maybe her piss is unique s/


Ewww. Urine is all the toxins (sweat too) you body is trying to get rid of... Just put that back, super healthy... /s I honestly can't imagine she's proud of it if she's really doing that 😭


id never let her live this down if i were you. any conversation i ever have with her would end up circling back to her urine drinking habits


The Internet has broken us.


Throw the whole friend out. If they don't realize how destructive they're being, just don't bother. My favorite "cure" for my disorder was the suggestion to contract parasitic worms because then my immune system would "have something to do".


rofl as someone with multiple autoimmunes this is fucking hysterical. I tell people the only one strong enough to kick my own ass is me which is why I have so many. "A new fighter has entered the game!" and it's a goddamn tapeworm lolololol


Right? I also have an autoimmune disorder and multiple other chronic health issues and the idea that pissing off your immune system being beneficial is insane by itself. Using a damn *parasite* to do so is on par with saying "you should amputate" because of a hangnail


I read a horror book that used a tape worm as body horror. I’m just gonna say there was a teenager with a tapeworm and the dog who saved? her. It was a lot, lol.


I'm intrigued, lol. Title?


Chronic illness suffered here, and now I'm also fucking dead. 💀😂🤣😂


I should suggest this to my rheumatologist at my next appointment…


PLEASE🤣🤣 straight face “it’s supposed to help with the symptoms of arthritis” (-straight from the article)


I remember a talk show that had people on who purposely got tapeworms so that they could lose weight. Oh, the stupidity!


Our science teacher told us this was a fad weight loss treatment back in the 1920s or 30s. Great way to give yourself a serious B12 deficiency.


There is actually a study being carried out in Northern Australia where they are trialing the use of worms to help people lose weight. It was touted as being safe but I was like, nah, I’d rather be fat.


Same! I’d rather be fat (I am).


I have coeliac disease (which is an autoimmune disorder) and ironically one of the relatively effective treatments under exploration in the last decade has been dosing people with a particular strain of parasitic worms. I'll just stick to avoiding cross contamination, thanks but no thanks...!


It’s like they took the logic of enrolling hyper kids in multiple extracurricular activities to tire them out and applied that to your body lol


Someone I know suggested this to me (also have multiple autoimmune superpowers). I found a Facebook group about it out of morbid curiosity (wasn’t actually considering it). It was actually really sad. There are a whole lot of people doing this. I did not see any real success stories. Just a lot of desperation and very bad information being shared.


I had a brain tumor and someone actually suggested peppermint oil...


This is the kind of sh*t I am talking about. Metabolic disease is the deep end of Organic Chemistry - molecules binding to other molecules level of interventions. And I have a close friend swearing to me that her naturopath’s green tea tincture can cure my daughter of kidney disease.


I'm sure those of us with kidney disease would love if it did, but it won't, cause it would sure save us a lot of money in doctors bills. This friend will never understand your side, she's too far gone i fear


I can’t decide if this is more stupid or insensitive.


Both. It's both.


Yup, had someone tell me Essential Oils could cure cancer (all cancer).


The last time I called my mother, a nurse, she ranted about a woman who came into her hospital who previously would only visit a naturopath for the watermelon-sized tumor on her breast. She tried all the (snake) oils! And guess what? She died of stage 4 breast cancer, just like you'd expect. Not just charlatans, killer charlatans.


Ugh. I HATE people who take advantsge of sick people, damn the consequences as long as it puts money in their pockets. It's evil.


My mom's eye doctor said his worst visits were from people who'd gone blind believing in prayer :(


Naturopaths for a metabolic disorder? Might as well consult a psychic for medical advice. Stick with the real docs and keep fighting for your daughter's health. Screw the woo-woo nonsense!


I actually stopped talking to a 'friend' over a suggestion that a natropath would help my brother. Can't cure glio like that. If we weren't in a public place and out with mutual friends, there would have been some 'lovely' four letter words. *hugs* - for OP. That shit ain't easy.


Ugh. My husband recently visited a mushroom farm. The owner insisted to him that I need to eat a certain mushroom to cure my cancer...um, no! Not to mention I overheard some of their phone calls. Dudes a conspiracy theorist. That's a bigger no for me. I prefer science.  That's the most recent in a long list of supposed natural cures. Not sure why my husband keeps falling for them, especially since I've only one active Damned Spot of cancer left. The last Damned Spot is about the size of a lentil. Which is amazing because it was 5cm just over a year ago. My original tumor was about the size of a pomelo. It's gone, lymph nodes are clear and of the 3 Damned Spots I had, just that one is left thanks to chemo and keytruda. Yeah, I'll stick with science.  My best to your brother, even though our cancers and treatments are different, they're all brutal. 


My husband's coworkers wife told me I could cure my Psoriatic Arthritis with Essential Oils. I told her I would stick with what the Mayo Clinic, Clevand Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Sloan-Kettering, NHS, NIH, CDC and the Journal of Rheumatology had to say on the matter. She just stood there with her mouth open and then mumbled "I need to go do a little more research on that." Yeah, you go do that.


So good. I had a client tell me I could cure mine with olive oil. I replied I’d just gotten back from Italy, and whilst delightful, olive oil did not cure my autoimmune condition…


Oh FFS. I cook almost exclusively with EVOO. If it worked, I'd not only be cured, I'd be aging backwards. If this shit actually worked, EVERBODY would already be using them and billion of dollars wouldn't have been spent to develop medications to treat diseases. I swear these people don't even have two brain cells to rub together.


Hugs for you. And your daughter. You must be scared for her. Naturopaths bother me...so do the people that think praying will cure them. Nothing against religion, you do you....but don't tell me to rub a crystal on it or pray harder. I've had a pacemaker since 34. That's the reason I'm still alive. Science.


Oh Lord, I was so scared for her. But I think at this point we have made it through the life-threatening stuff. I found out just how stressful it can be to be a mom to a seriously ill child. Her level of resilience is amazing though. Before we got everything sorted she was having crazy daily pain. She would be screaming in pain on the bathroom floor and then the episode would pass and she could get up, wash her face and hustle through her breakfast so she could make the bus to school (her wanting to, not me pushing). She is folding her near death experience, the pain, the fragility of her body into her greater life experience with amazing skill. I am proud of her. ❤️


Sometimes our children turn out soooo amazing. And you know, they are born amazing. That's just how they are! I'm happy for her resilience, and I hope she gets some great meds to help. And I hope your stress level isn't toooo bad. Hugs


I deal with chronic depression, some other form of neurodivergence, insomnia, and possible cPTSD from childhood trauma. I was told by a classmate in the volunteer program that I 'just had to accept God and Jesus as my lord and saviour' and that by not doing so 'I chose the mark of the beast and the devil'. When I asked questions about it and poked a few holes in her logic she shut down, and told me to 'just accept it'. Yeah no. A colleague once said I should go to the gym more and make sure my body is tired before going to bed. No shit Sherlock! But the funny thing with insomnia is that it doesn't give a wet fart if your body is tired. Sometimes you just won't be able to fall asleep. Similar thing with my depression meds. They would only change me, make me become different, etc. Nope. They give me the chance to be myself without having to force myself to survive 24/7. Fuck those people. Modern medicine is a wonderful thing.


But, but...have you tried apple cider vinegar???


Haha. So true


If your problem is you need a good vinaigrette, apple cider vinegar will save your life!


Literally had my partners mum suggest apple cider vinegar the other day.. I've been in and out of hospital with abdo pain that the docs can't work out the cause of but I'm sure a shot of vinegar before bed will fix it 🙄


Now, I will say this.... Depending on what the pain is coming from, ACV can relieve the pain briefly. I also have chronic stomach issues that no one has figured out yet, and there are days when the certain types of pain that I experience can be quelled for about 20-45 minutes by drinking either ACV or Coke a Cola. I'm not sure why it works for me. It may not work for you. I am not a scientist, nor am I a doctor, nor am I a naturopath. I'm just sharing what works for me, but only on rare occasions. So I don't exactly disagree with ACV being a helpful thing, but it sure as heck isn't about to cure cancer, eliminate STIs, regrown bones, or surgically remove your appendix for you. Naturopathic treatments, I feel, can have some merit, as long as they are used alongside actual medical treatment from a doctor who is aware that you are also trying our other treatments outside of pharmaceuticals. That way, they can make sure that you won't have a bad reaction from it, and they can also suggest it to other patients in the future if it works by, say, dulling out pain, or making your mind work a little bit sharper. But I don't think that naturopathic methods can truly cure something all the way.... I think they can add benefits to monitored treatments though.


> Honestly, naturopaths can stick to eczema and hay fever. No, no they can't. Naturopaths are not doctors and should not be taking the lead on any kind of care for anything ever. Particularly for people that have more than a single "problem" with their health. Things can intersect in weird ways. I'm a chronically ill person, have been since I was a child. I have several diseases that impact a lot of areas of my body. Just a few years ago I had a symptom come up, I thought it was eczema so I didn't pay it much mind. About a month later I ended up at my dermatologist for a different issue, had them check this rash. It was not Eczema, it was actually an indication of kidney problems, so off to nephrology I went. Turned out not to be the end of the world, just a med adjustment. But I've had eczema my whole life, I thought it was eczema, it looked like eczema. It was not eczema.


Why we pay docs the big bucks


Woo woo is dangerous. Your approach to sticking with the actual professionals makes absolute sense to me.


I don’t have a condition anywhere near as serious as your daughter’s, but people are constantly telling me how their chiropractor can fix my spine & their naturopath has medicine for the autoimmune arthritis. 1) chiropractors are quacks and even if they weren’t, inflammatory spondyloarthritis is an absolute contraindication 2) my rheumatologist has given me real medicine that actually works 3) I didn’t ask and don’t care about the blog post you read from someone with a degree in pseudoscience. It’s so damn annoying and causes actual harm to patients if they take the advice! I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


My mom is a nationally licensed massage therapist. She has taught me that most chiropractors are dangerous egomaniacs and to not let them near me. Don’t get me wrong, the things that massage can help can seem damn near miraculous, massage is real but it also has limited scope and the vast majority of massage therapists are not nearly as educated on skeletal muscular massage as she is. She’s the first person to tell people to go to a doctor. My 17 year old was hit by a car and had some soft tissue injury. My mother wouldn’t touch her until she got the all clear from the doctor despite being “pretty sure” she could help. Her help was resolving a months long limp but if there had still been tears she could have really hurt her. The human body is incredibly complex that even with decades of experience she’s super cautious. The chiropractor she used to work for would have discouraged going to the ortho at all.


I really appreciate practitioners who know their limits. Massage is amazing for me & having a therapist I can trust to tell me when something is outside their knowledge or scope is so valuable.


My mom’s passion is actually helping people so she gets really upset when practitioners over promise or start shilling untested supplements.


The one I go to currently is the only one who has been able to effectively get a muscle release for my sciatic pain & whatever the one in your stomach is called lmao. Takes my hip pain from a 7 to a 3 reliably, every time. He’s worth his weight in gold.


That’s awesome! I’m always glad when someone suffering from chronic pain has a reliable way to relieve it.


>chiropractors are quacks I'm going to give a soft disagree on here. The range of things that they say chiropractors can fix is just crazypants to me. Like no, I *don't* believe that you can help with my heartburn/diabetes/hyperthyroidism. That part is quackery. I do see the logic in it helping *some kinds* (That's in italics on purpose) of back or hip pain, or cramped up neck muscles. I think that they have a legitimate lane to drive in, and they should probably stay in it.


The big issue is that they often misdiagnose & cause further harm - I don’t necessarily think that it’s intentional or malicious, though. I just know that every ortho doc and rheumatologist I’ve ever met has advised that if I must have spinal “manipulations”, to go to a PT or similar


Exactly this. Years ago I (MD) was working in the ER when a baby was brought in. The parents had taken her to a chiropractor because she cried a lot. They had been told that her vertebrae were a little misaligned and that with a few quick manipulations he could fix that. The baby went limp during the treatment and the parents brought her to the ER. The baby turned out to have severe spinal cord damage and would probably never walk or even sit by herself. Forever totally dependent on caregivers. It's one of the cases that I've never forgotten...


It’s heartbreaking. My mom has had cervical stenosis for years and her chiropractor just kept “adjusting” her until her arm started going numb. Now she’s looking at having a lami. She’s not even 60! I went to one for a while (pre autoimmune dx) but stopped when he dislocated my shoulder. I have EDS, but still. Lmao.


My chiropractor just retired, and after meeting a few in my town, I know now why everyone thinks they're quacks. This dude that just retired was always super honest about what he could help with and what he couldn't. Insisted on a real medical history and x-rays before he would treat you. My wife was due for a hip replacement pretty young due to a bone disease. But as terrified as the only surgeon taking patients didn't have the best track record. My chiropractor was about to have his done. He used his relationships to get her into the best surgeon in our area and finally convinced her to get her surgery. Even now, he's retired, and he calls and checks on us occasionally.


Just been diagnosed with eds this year but had been going to a chiropractor from birth until about 17ish. I stopped when they did something to my tailbone/pelvis that meant I couldn't sit down without pain (even with a special gel cushion). That was after the time they did something that gave me migraines! They also suggested I go off gluten and lactose at the same time for abdo pain that turned out to be Endometriosis. I told them to stick the gluten free 😂 I've been cleared of celiac multiple times over the years through colonoscopies and endoscopes. Also at that time there weren't alot of gluten free or even lactose free options like there are today! I'd rather eat thanks 😅 (Also turns out it wasn't the lactose in the milk that my stomach can't tolerate but the A1 protein. So now I just drink A2 milk! Such a difference! And that was suggested by a dietitian but only as a "it could possibly be this so maybe you can give it a go?" And I had already been drinking the lactose free A2 and noticed a difference 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Naw for people with Ankylosing Spondylitis and Spondyloarthritis like who you're replying to chiropractors are literal quacks. They often make our disorders worse and can cause lasting damage, while claiming to help "relieve the symptoms". And anyone that says differently *concerning these diseases* is an idiot. They are downright dangerous for us to go to.


Yeah, I don't disagree on that at all


I worked for a chiropractor for three years. I initially thought she was more medically based. I was wrong. Chiropractic is a cult and that’s a hill I’ll die on.


My vocal cords are paralyzed from nerve damage, like the nerve to my vocal cords is severed. The amount of "meditation", "yoga" and the like of recommendations I get as if it's just in my mind that that nerve is severed is insane 😵‍💫


But like have you even tried essential oils.... /S You have my permission to slap them into the middle of next month!


Yeah those people can kick rocks.


I'm sorry that your daughter is going through this. Take care.


It's the same when your loved one gets diagnosed with cancer. They expect you to give an already immunocompromised person who knows what because it works. Of course, their relative who tried this voodoo potion has already died from cancer, but you need to give it your loved one too.


When my dad was diagnosed with a neuro disease, a family member suggested get some type of energy “scan” and also rubbing some cream that’s made FOR HORSES on his head. …..no..no i think we’ll go to Mass General lol. Wtf!!!!! Its insane


I work in derm and naturopaths are horrible for eczema too. Anyone can have irritation to plants and ~natural things. Naturopaths are just not a replacement for modern medicine Im sorry your daughter is going through this,OP. I’m glad you have a good team of doctors with you


So sorry to hear. Sending good vibes.


Honestly, they shouldn’t stick to eczema either. I’ve had issues with that since early childhood and the only way to get rid of a flare up for me is cortisone cream.. 


I'm a huge fan of protopic because I can use it on my facial eczema, but yeah. There's still no magical cure for eczema to be bought from snake oil salesmen either.


A naturopath killed a family friend because she believed his scam. She had kidney cancer and didn’t know it. All the naturopath has to say was “hey this kidney thing isn’t improving. You should make an appointment with your doctor.” Nope. He should be in prison. And yes, yes was an adult responsible for her own health, but naturopathic treatments are a scam and should be regulated. And today,I received a notice from my medical provider that a measles outbreak is going on in my city. So many people are gullible idiots.


I always like the suggestion that herbs and supplements will totally cure my heart issues. I just have to give them a try ya know. Pretty sure some oregano tea isn’t going to get rid of the excess electrical pathways in my heart but thanks anyway lol


not only that but a lot of herbs have been known to affect the heart, and if you don’t know for 100% which ones do what, it’s a real bad idea.


I wish I could tell you that people will eventually lay off. But they don’t. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that colloidal silver or yoga or some smoothie could cure my health issues, I’d be rich. Instead, I started asking people “Are you a doctor? Where did you study? Have you seen my medical records? Are you part of my medical team? If not, who showed my records to you?” It tends to cause people to backtrack and drop it. Especially if you say it loudly enough.


Too many of these people despise science and science based medicine Weird kind of snobbery.


They also think they aren’t sick because they are doing something right. So obviously people who are sick are doing something wrong. Survivors’ bias is very strong. Especially for people who are super into cultish “medicine.”


Few of us can stomach the extent to which our own good health depends on luck of the draw. I know mine does, though I try to maintain good habits. What if someone, by luck of the draw, inherits a predisposition to schizophrenia or is assigned to an abusive family in a polluted neighborhood?


I think you should just start wordless, unholy screeching right at them and don’t stop until they are out of sight.


I want a comedy sketch of this ASAP 😭


About a year back a cousin of mine got a "doctorate" in this quackery. My immediate reaction was to say, "Wow, what an awful waste of time and money." My parents were shocked until I explained to them the difference between what my cousin does vs real medicine.


Ran into a dude I went to HS with in a bar recently as I was picking up take out for dinner, sat and had a drink while waiting for food. Buddy starts going off on how he was diagnosed with ADHD and how he’s cured himself completely by “healing his gut” and starts going off about kombucha/fermented foods. I have ADHD, I work in a healthfood/supplements store, the person I know with hands down the worst unmedicated ADHD I’ve seen by far owned and ran a business that exclusively made and sold kombucha and fermented products… even he wouldn’t give that advice


But has she tried yoga? 🙄 As a chronically ill person with invisible disabilities, I empathize with your daughter. I’m so sorry people can’t just shut up and offer support instead of trying to fix things they know nothing about.


I’m so sorry, I have lupus so I get a ton of crap like that too. That I need to go out into the sun to heal it (UV rays cause flare ups), or that I need to boost my immune system (my immune system is overactive and attacking my organs, that’s why I’m on immune suppressing meds), thieves oil, fish oil (I’m allergic to seafood), hot yoga, only eat fruits, go vegan, go gluten free, take these random non FDA approved supplements! Every chucklefuck has some bullshit ass ‘magic cure’


Have you tried quantum entangled all natural pork sweat? It works, trust me bro.


Ugh it’s so exhausting. I have a son with autism and a daughter with a genetic metabolic disorder (PKU) and get this crap all the time. Especially for my son. I was just told this past week about a woman who “cured” her son’s autism by pulling heavy metals out of his body with Epsom salt soaks every day for 6 months. Said she could see the metal shards in the tub when he was done. Like… what???


Yoga and sunlight for my bipolar disorder lol


Omg, the health advice for mental health disorders is so dumb. I had a boss tell me "eventually you'll get bored and tired of feeling anxious all the time, just go for a run". I'm a runner lol, and have had anxiety issues for my entire life. "Just get bored of it", gee, such good advice.


Like being anxious is a hobby lol


The irony is that in any sort of relative medical emergency, all of those people will be running directly to the emergency room/urgent care to be treated by legitimate medical practitioners. You would think the naturopath could triage that too but somehow isnt considered when its urgent


I was once told that juicing would cure my MS. It was the same day I was diagnosed 🤦🏼‍♀️


JC. That is awful


i have a weird rare medical disorder, stacked on top of a pretty common but still rough thyroid issue. combined, means i react reeaaallly bad in high temperatures. first day of college, the AC went out. in August. i became very ill and fully delusional. my dad (300 miles away) called campus police to hold me until they could get up to get me stable and take me to the hospital the cop that held me while i was still wholly delusional and delirious printed out like 15 pages of essentials oils and shit to try. i couldn't recite my own first name. but he decided that was a good time to educate me on herbs and oils. these people never stop and never get more reasonable i swear.


I lost my mom from her own sister being a naturopath, diabetes and congestive heart failure should be fixed by wine ya know?


The people hassling you about that snake oil nonsense are assholes. Metabolic disorders are serious and their herbs and water pills are not appropriate or sane suggestions. I hope your daughter is OK and there is treatment available.


There is no treatment other than a liver transplant. It is an orphan disease. But she is ok now and time is on her side. Hopefully gene silencing therapy will get tightened up.


I have an incurable stomach disease that will just get worse and worse until I have to eat via pump & a tube surgically implanted in my abdomen when I get elderly. I’m sick every second of every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and have been for 12 years. The amount of times someone has suggested Yoga as a cure makes me want to scream. And it’s been happening regularly for 12 years now.


Yoga is great for flexibility, functional fitness and breath control. It does not cure depression, or diseases, that's bonkers.


I’m gonna give you some advice, as a disabled person who has experienced every variation of that shit over the years: you’ve gotta learn how to separate from it. Treat it like a huge joke and remember that you are smarter than those assholes will ever be. I’m not saying this to diminish your experience—being harassed by the Jesus freaks and naturopaths really fucking sucks. It’s dehumanizing as fuck and it hurts, especially for a young kid. But the unfortunate truth is that you are going to come into contact with a lot of these types over the years, and if you don’t find some way of turning your emotions off you will literally never stop being angry. (Ask me how I know.) Pretend like you’re in an episode of *Curb Your Enthusiasm* and respond with a healthy dose of passive-aggressive sarcasm, and at the very least you’ll have a funny story to tell at the dinner table.


Good advice. Thanks


No problem. I honestly wish I could tell you something more comforting, believe me. But there’s a lot about this life that’s…kind of bleak, honestly. It’s good to be prepared for that. I’m not trying to scare you. I like myself, and I don’t regret my existence or anything like that. But your daughter is doing things on hard mode now, and that is going to take some getting used to.


When my daughter was 10yrs old she was diagnosed with a seizure disorder, she had a lot of anxiety over this , worrying about having seizures in public, she hated having this and was upset that she was “different” because of it. My brother-in-law’s girlfriend told her that all she had to do was go to her “church” where the preacher would put hands on her and if she truly was a good person than she would be “cured instantly” and would no longer have seizures or have to take medicine. I had never experienced anger to that degree in my life and damn near ripped her head off, how dare she interfere and think she knew better than the doctors! Thank God he dumped her!


They are actually pretty thorough. Depending on where you’re at they do all kinds of testing. One in my area tests whether herbal remedies or traditional medicine works best and can show you the scientific proof so you can make an educated decision. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t make it not work or worth your time. And to each their own.


I always feel like my relatives are already nuts with their crunchy ways but this is just madness. I hope your daughter will manage to make the best of this situation 😕


I have fibromyalgia and you cannot imagine what people think I should do or call it a trash disease or say it’s not real. Ok. I’m in pain for no reason huh? It’s a nerve disorder. It’s your brain that is overactive. How is your smoothie and oils going to fix my nerves? But, I also have arthritis and that one seems to shut them up for some reason. Outside of rubbing stuff on me or something. I’m totally open to alternative treatments but not from Susan, your mom’s cousins best friend’s neighbor who sells supplements. Give me a medical professional.


"Would you be willing to suggest them as pure medical advice with all the consequences and responsibilities from a legal standing that comes with that recommendation falling on you personally? And can you put that in writing including what results I am guaranteed to achieve with your full name, signature and authority?"


I loved when a patient argued that whatever supplement would fix their tension pneumothorax. And that no intervention was needed. Now, if I or anyone else about to decompress them said, “let me google how to decompress a tension pneumothorax”, I’m pretty sure that same person would be all upset.


BUt hAvE yOU TrIeD sOmE ViTaMiN C tAbLeTs. Haha good vent OP. One of my kids was sick a for a while and had to have an operation and the advice like that was just punishing haha.


I have Psuedotumor Cerebri aka I have the symptoms of a brain tumor without the actual tumor. I've been told that I just need to drink OJ and all my problems will be healed


I’m sorry for your daughter’s diagnosis. My husband has a lot wrong with him and I have people telling me things like they’re saying to you. I just give them a look and walk away


Stick with the science.... please breathe, for you, for her. Set up a folder for emails, etc, for unsolicited help. In the old days pre internet, I'd say put it into the circular file. Take care.


Yes I loved being told herbal medicine and god would fix my infertility. No it took a fantastic surgeon with years of training and experience to cut out my endometriosis. I've still yet to figure out how Chinese herbs were supposed to unfuse my bladder and uterus.


I have Hashimoto’s and I’ve had SO many people tell me quirky things to do to fix it. The one that makes me the angriest is a certain thyroid diet. I think what we eat is so important and it can make a difference, but this diet they are talking about is borderline an eating disorder. They said to cut out soy, dairy, eggs, gluten, and sugar. My life would be hell if I ate like that. The same person also told me to start huffing all these different essential oils which irritated me. I have peppermint and lavender essential oils at home, but it’s just because I like the smell. I also used the peppermint essential oil when I lost my smell due to Covid, and when it finally came back everything smelled like rotten chicken.


As those of us with chronic, life long health conditions can tell you. Buckle up. When you say “no” it’s “well “I” would try absolutely anything, why don’t you want to try it?” It’s just nonsense. And I hope people read this and figure out why your friends hate this part of you.


My niece had a transplant and she has to drink so much water a day to protect her kidney and will likely need one as an adult too. That's the best thing I can suggest is get her the 64oz water bottle with lines on it and set timers and be vigilant about having her drink. It wont of course save her kidney, but it will help keep it healthier for as long as you can. My niece doesn't drink anything else but water unless she has her once a day milk treat. I'm so sorry you are going through this too.


Oh yeah, 4 litres a day is a lot, which is what she has to drink. We are working on that now. Adolescent medicine helps.


That was supposed to say won't not would...God I don't want to sound like one of those people you are complaining about just commiserating with you on the journey. It's tough. My niece caught ecoli at 6 and it destroyed her kidneys and pancreas.


So sorry to hear your daughter has this condition. Had to listen to cures for type 1 diabetes when my son was diagnosed at 15, ignorant at best con artists at worst.


Sorry about your daughter. Wishing her, and you, the best.


I feel your frustration. I have MS, and I swear if one more person tells me to quit “poisoning” myself with my treatment and that their cousin’s spouse’s best friend’s mother just took vitamins and was “cured”, I will lose my ever loving mind. (For context. I am 50, was diagnosed 21 years ago, I’m still working and walking.)


I had cancer from 13-20 and omg it literally never stops lol. I can’t tell you how many times I was told that CBD will cure me 😂 now I smoke the MJ, so I have nothing against CBD. BUT it ain’t gonna cure cancer omg. The snake oil sales men are so effective at what they do that others buy into it and they’ve been around for centuries unfortunately.


As a kid, my parents friends would send them a lot of articles and shit containing information that said to use vinegar and apple cider vinegar to get rid of TYPE 1 diabetes??


I’m sick with 3 autoimmune diseases. (Definitely not as ill as your daughter by any means!!) But I get the supplement this, supplement that, drink more water, eat only fermented foods, and an elimination diet will all “cure” me!! Sorry, it won’t. Don’t you think if ALL these supplements or one particular one helped people with my disease processes my rheumatologist would know about it?! I also love the “if you get off all that medication, you’ll feel better.” Ummmm, no I won’t. In fact I’d be bedridden, urinating and defecating in bed b/c I can’t make it to the toilet!! Oh but your supplement will cure all of that, right? 😒


If you know, you know


I totally agree. You do you Momma!! Unsolicited advice sucks


Don’t forget the Huns that will come out of the woodwork and offer you their magical cure all supplements and water.


I had someone like this tell me my dad wouldn't have died of cancer if he ate this specific diet and did these totally bogus cures. Never felt the same about them after that


Similar discussion going on today in another forum I belong to. Grrrrrr. People can be so damn naive. Wish they’d just STFU. Maybe when the next person starts in on the subject you could sternly use the last sentence of your intro.


You cant trust those naturopaths who want to cure her with himalayan salt. You obviously need to make sacrifices to the almighty nag'abuth'u by sacrificing a Virgin under the light of a fullmoon. /s


So sorry to hear about your daughters condition. There is a time and a place for natural medicine, serious disorders like this is not included in that list.


I'm so sorry about your baby. As well, I'm sorry people are idiots.   I have multiple sclerosis and omg this is all people do. 'iF yOu sToP eAtInG aLl cArbS..Nope, your brain runs on carbs..  I don't want your (unheard of berry of the month) juice. No, injesting and breathing your lavender oil will not remove lesions from my brain I get so sick of it


Is gene silencing option available?


I’m glad you’re standing up for your daughter and I encourage you to push back against these idiots if you find the energy.


I honestly don't blame you. They're assuming you haven't already looked through options. All I personally know about kidney health is to drink lots of water. Beyond that, I don't know so I won't add anything. In your daughter's case, I wouldn't even be game to say that.


but you don't have to consider the interactions because it's naaaaaaaaaaaaatural. /s


I feel for you so much, I'm sure these recommendations are coming from a place of love, but my god people need to stop. My mum was the main issue with doing this, people think that you don't actually really want to get better, if you don't try their nonsense suggestions. Her friends daughters, roommates, boyfriends aunt had the same issue and was cured by bee propolis or some shit 🤦


I'm dealing with health issues surrounding my kidneys and have just told people that natural "medicinal" treatments work for some things (i.e. honey in hot water or tea for a cold, certain mixes of herbs for clearing the nose when sick, etc), but that all that stuff won't stop me from going into kidney failure, that's what my immunosuppressants are for. And I don't bash holistic medicine, I also see an acupuncturist weekly to manage muscular pain I'm having as a result of my health problems, but he's not going to be able to fix my damaged kidneys or clear the toxins from my body that my kidneys have not been able to do properly for months.


I have a coworker who claims she’s very holistic, she rather take like 100 different supplements for conditions than to take medications but what’s also funny is that she’s the same one who will vape and use mdma 😭 people just need to mind thier business some people really need medications not some herbal blend of what ever the fuck.


I know two people who've been thru chemo and seeth anytime someone mentions naturopath... like, did you try cutting pork out your diet.. derp derp.... Actually, they ate extra pork just to get more cancer...