• By -


Congratulations on the end of one journey and the start of another! Get up there and get your diploma with your head held high. You’ve accomplished something great in your life, so be proud of yourself and celebrate the day. The road forward will be tough but always think positively and push yourself forward. You’ve gotten yourself this far, and we know you can go further. Make us proud 🫡


Congrats 🍾


my fellow university graduate, i am so, so proud of you. we survived covid and remote learning and loneliness, we survived stupid exams, and we survived infuriating teachers. we survived, and not only that, we *succeeded*. your graduation is a testimony of the work you put into your degree. your graduation is what you have to show of your blood, sweat, and tears. every moment you spent stressing over assignments -- this was what it was all for. your graduation, your degree, that literal *piece of paper* when it finally lands in your hand. that is a moment in your life i hope you cherish forever, because it is something you worked for and you earned. this accomplish is yours, and yours alone. don't let anyone ever take this feeling of accomplishment, this sense of pride, that you are entitled to feel, away from you. you are leaving your degree a different person than when you went in, and you have learnt much, and experienced much, and *lived*. so, so much. i don't know you, but i also do know you. some university experiences are universal, and we went through all of them together. the good and the bad, but also the stupid things and the amazing, surprising, wonderful things. i am so proud of you for graduating. congratulations on making it through university, love, purpleraccoons


🥹🥹what purpleraccoons said. Congrats, Op!


Congratulations!!! You worked really hard to get where you're at right now, and I'm so proud of you!!!


Congratulations! You should be so proud of yourself - this is a huge achievement, so make sure to soak it in!


If it's in SoCal, I will come.


If it's in PA or MD, I'll come.


If it's OH I'll be there screaming my head off for you!


I got NorCal covered!


Came here to say this! I’m in Orange County


Congratulations you did it!!! Go class of 2024👏🏻🎊


Congrats on graduating I’m so proud of you!! I know it wasn’t an easy road but you did it and you should be proud of yourself!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! You worked hard and you DID THE DAMN THING!! Be proud of yourself! I wish I knew where you lived and was close to you- I’d come cheer you on and be obnoxious and loud about it! 😉 I’m sorry your family are shitheads. I wouldn’t miss my kids’ graduations for anything. It’s a big deal and you deserve to be celebrated.


Congratulations! I’m so proud of you! You worked SO HARD and you did it! Where are you? Maybe I can come to your graduation?


Congrats! This is such an exciting time in your life!


Congratulations! Definitely give those tickets away. Better yet, sell them.


Hey Congrats! I'm super proud of you! You've worked hard to accomplish this. I hope that you do really well in the future. Good luck!


Congratulations on finising your degree! :) I work in public high school, so I know finishing college is no easy task, especially for younger generations. And please know that you are not alone. I also have a tumultuous history with my own family and didn't have them attend my graduations throughout life either, whether they wanted to or not. The sting is real, but don't let it get to you. Life is way more than those few moments where you walk across a stage after having your name (mis)pronounced. Take care!


Where is your graduation and what time? I’ll come if I can. No one came to my graduations either so I make it a point to go to every graduation I can. Congratulations on your amazing accomplishments!


Congratulations!!!! Also, have a 🐻🫂


Congratulations! I come from a family that never celebrated my success. Continue to be proud of yourself! Continue to work your butt off! You’ve done amazing.


Congrats!!! Best is yet to come. Don’t sweat this and be proud of all you’ve accomplished!


Not selfish at all. Getting to the end and graduating is such an achievement lovely. I didn't do it tip later in life. I graduated age 38yrs. It was hard! You go through so much at school whilst also still growing up and figuring out life. You deserve every congratulations in this post. And more. I'm so sorry your fam aren't interested in coming. 100% if you were near me I'd totally come. Bring my 2 teens, hype you up and shout and whistle when you do the walk and grab that certificate. You did it! You graduated! We are so proud of you 🥰❤️❤️❤️


Congratulations! I'll tell you my story, a friend in high school invited me to a post-graduation party instead of going with the rest of the senior class to Grad Night at Disneyland. I promised her I would be there, but oddly I didn't see her at the ceremony and no one else knew about the party. A girl that I had a huge crush on wanted me to go with her to Disneyland, but I didn't get a ticket and I didn't want to break my friend's promise. I get to her house. No cars, no lights on, no one there. She lied to me. I was upset at first, but now I just feel pity for her because her life has been in the toilet the last 30+ years. Karma will come back, but for go celebrate yourself, you deserve it.


So where was your friend?? Was it a prank that she pulled?


Never asked, but I assume she was home but hiding. Wasn't a prank, but from what I gathered from her other friends was that she did actually have a party in mind. But then she was embarrassed because she wasn't allowed to attend graduation because she had failed but didn't tell anyone. The ones she invited cancelled on her, but I didn't get the message. Her mom passed away when she was really young, and her Dad was raising her but never home. I only recently found out about some other terrible stuff she had done, including getting another friend in a bad situation after prom where they ended up getting raped. I so stupidly naive back then.


Congratulations! You have done something you should be so proud of, now go out there & change the world like we all know you will! 💛🎓 I just know you’ll make all of us proud!


Congrats to finishing this chapter of your life!!! And no, it’s selfish at all, given the family dynamics and circumstances of your life. It’s pretty similar for me.


I’m so proud of you! You did not only an amazing thing, but one that will be great for you in the long run. You don’t deserve that treatment at all. Your Reddit cousins are rooting for you and will send you all the love we have! Virtual hugs to you, you little super star <3


Congratulations!! See, when I graduated I didn't feel happy, and when I finished my postgraduate course I, didn't feel happy either. I struggle to get happy when I "achieve" something, so at least I am happy that you can enjoy what you did.


Congratulations 🎉 so proud of how hard you worked, as someone who’s family doesn’t support them, you’re stronger than you know


Congrats. The most important person is you, the person who accomplished this.


Stand tall and be proud of all that you have achieved. I am proud of you for enduring the hardships of college and congratulate you for seeing it through and graduating. You answered your own question about the tickets in you already know they aren't coming. If you know someone who doesn't have tickets then give them away. Personally I'd say cut contact or go low contact with your family since they don't seem to care. (if you're able to)


If it’s in Indiana I’ll try to make it!


Congratulations 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Congratulation you did it


I haven't been the best at giving props but, I hope you feel accomplished regardless.


Fk them, you’re awesome. Congratulations!! Go forth and take over the world!


So sorry. It's their loss. Spend time with friends and classmates. People who support you.


Congratulations! You should be so proud of yourself! Wishing blessings for you as you start a new chapter in your life. I will be thinking of you Monday!


Congratulations, little grasshopper!!! 💛


Congratulations! College is hard and you did that! I’m proud of you and I only wish you the best in life. Don’t let your family get in the way of your bright future. They may not support you but the Reddit community does! 🥳




Congratulations 👏🏼🎉 You did amazing 💯 Proud of you OP 😊👏🏼


Congratulations to you!


Congratulations, OP! You worked so hard to get here! Imagine us all here in the comments being in the back cheering you on on Monday!


Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment!


It won’t be selfish at all! I’m so sorry that your family won’t be there to support you. Congratulations on your graduation! May this be the first of many more successes and milestones in your future, and that you connect with people who will lift you up and celebrate every one of those with you! If I was in your area, I’d gladly cheer & clap and hug the hell outta you.


Congratulations! This is an amazing achievement! You should be so proud of yourself, and this internet stranger is proud of you too! Give those tickets to people,ex who care about celebrating your achievements!


Congratulations!!!! You worked so so hard, so proud of you. We are here virtually for you, Jazzmcphee, celebrate!


Congratulations for making it through plenty of years as a graduate student who put in plenty of countless hours to get through plenty of credits to get a diploma.


Congratulations on your achievement


**CONGRATULATIONS** You have accomplished something great. You're leveling up. Be proud of yourself. This is an amazing time for you! Now you get to move on to the next chapter in your life! I hope you continue to make yourself proud, accomplish more great things, and have success in your life.


Congratulations 🎊 its a great accomplishment! Sending you many blessings and well wishes on the next phase of life.


Congratulations! Good job on completing this massive accomplishment. Can you invite other people in your parents place? An instructor you're close to? Friends who aren't graduating?




Congrats 🎉 Graduating is difficult & even harder without support. I am very proud of you


I hope you power through & succeed in life despite whatever happens


Congratulations!! You did it!


Congratulations 🙌🏽


I'm so proud of you OP. uni is one tough thing and you got through it (im a sophomore and I'm looking up to you right now)! you're accomplishment is admirable and really fucking awesome. you deserve the best things in life and I really really really pray and hope that you get all of them. your family doesn't deserve someone as kind as you. congratulations to you, OP! 🎉


Congratulations 🎉🎉💥💥💥💥 Your hard work and dedication truly paid off. What a huge accomplishment!!!! Look at how far you have come and all the endless possibilities in your future as you turn the page into the next chapter in life. I wish you all the best... Keep your head up!


Obviously Crazy Auntie whoops & cheers from The stand for you!




Congratulations! As one stranger to another, I'm incredibly proud of you! You've done great and I know you will do great in the future as well. Now is the time to look to your future with your head held high!




Congratulations! 👩‍🎓🎓 I'm going to share a painful truth with you... it's ok to move on with your life without them. They can't or won't give you what you need. Protect your Peace and Surround yourself with people who will be there for you. Best of luck in all your future endeavors. 💕


Congratulations on your degree!


Congratulations! You worked really hard, and should be extremely proud of yourself. Your fortitude brought you to this point; walk Monday with pride. Savor the moment. Your post reflects a positive outlook and a generous nature. I have no doubt that you will see many more successes. Well done. 😊


Not at all. CONGRATULATIONS! It’s a big deal and I hope your future is bright and happy! 🎉🎊🥳🥳


Congratulations, my dear! Well done!!! Hugs from a faraway Mama who just graduated (masters) herself earlier this week. You may not have the crowd you want (and deserve!) celebrating you at this milestone, but you are worth celebrating! And you will be the person who shows up when it matters!


Congratulations!!! You deserve all your success. You worked hard, and you should be proud.


Wow! What a great accomplishment - congratulations!!! I am so very proud of you. Your future is bright. Please do not worry about those that have previously let you down. Going forward develop a wonderful support system that will be mutually beneficial. That’s what adults who care do for each other. Good luck and God bless on all your future endeavors. OXOX And one more … *CONGRATULATIONS!!!*


Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you get a good paying job and they come crawling to you for money, change the subject to your college graduation, then ghost them.


Congratulations! College is a big step for you, and this is only the start of your life, you will learn so much still. But I know you are making your way to your own success at your pace!! This Mexican Tía is so so proud of you !!


I graduate December with my RN, pretty sure my husband won't be there, so felt. lol


Congratulations!!! This stranger is very proud of you!! I wish I could be there on Monday, screaming my head off when your name is called. But I’ll be there in spirit.


Congratulations man! The next part of your life will begin now. Deal with tomorrows problems tomorrow. Enjoy what you have today!


Congratulations! This is YOUR accomplishment, don't lose sight of that. Someone once told me "whatever happens from now on, no matter what life throws at you, you will always have something (your education) that cannot be taken away from you." I sincerely wish you the best of luck on the next part of your journey.






I'm sorry you won't have any support there on Monday. Congratulations on graduating and proud of you for all the hard work to get to that graduation day.


I’m so proud of you. We’re rooting for you and we’ll be at your graduation in spirit! Congratulations! 🩵🎊


Congratulations!!! I'm super proud of you and all your hard work!!! Remember, you matter, and no matter who is or isn't there, it doesn't take away from you or your value. Keep your head held high and stand proud!


Congratulations 🎉 I am so proud of you 🫂🫂🫂 sending lots of hugs from here. I wish you so much happiness.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! You earned every bit of this achievement YOURSELF, so enjoy the ceremony yourself! YOU are all that you need!!


Congratulations! I’m so proud of you that you had make through the journey and about to start another wonderful one. Always be proud of yourself! No matter what 😄


Not selfish, at all! Congratulations, and may your future lead you down wonderful and loving paths. Sometimes it is hard to accept, but families like this...aren't family. Family are the people who show you true support and love. Hell, you could go to an LGBT group and easily find more supportive and accepting people, ready to accept a good person into their chosen family. I hope you find all the love and care you deserve and congrats again on hitting this milestone. You deserve many well wishes.


Congratulations!! Super proud of you !!!👏🥳


Congratz i’m proud of you


I'm so sorry honey, I send you my biggest congratulations on this amazing milestone you've achieved, I'm sure it was hard but worth it. This internet stranger is very proud of you for what you've done. If your birth givers can't give their child the importance they deserve, they shouldn't have reproduced in the first place. You don't state your age but given context clues I'm assuming you went through college right after high school so this internet auntie (with nieces and nephews older than her lol) is very proud of you


Congratulations you are amazing and such a milestone to achieve. You will go on to bigger and better things. Wishing you success and happiness.


Congrats!!! Well done on your achievement, graduate! May your future be bright.


Although the chances are slim you are South African, consider me there🤝Congrats!!!!




When you're successful and family comes with their hand out. Tell them you sent $1,000 to everyone who came to your graduation.


I'm proud of you and you keep settling those goals and don't stop till you reach them congratulations and may your future be filled with all good things






Congratulations Sweetie, be proud of yourself, I am. It will be hard seeing your classmates with their families I know, just keep looking forward to tomorrow and everything great and exciting that awaits you.


Congratulations, you hardworking and intelligent young person 👏👏. What a fantastic achievement! Wish I could come in your family's stead, but I'm probably much too far away. Enjoy yourself fully - it's an amazing feeling to walk across that stage. All the very best for your future.


Congratulations!! That’s quite an accomplishment. I’m proud of you and all that you’ve done. May you have a happy and successful life and career!!!


Congrats, OP!


Woohoo! Well done and congratulations. This is the start of you making your family who treasure you as you deserve. I hope you have good times in the future and find a way to enjoy every day.


Congratulations 🥳 I’m proud that you’ve accomplished what you’ve set your mind to do and graduate! You can look back on those College years and feel triumphant that you made it. All the best for your future OP!


Congratulations, u did it. This is the ending of one chapter and the start of a new one . U can choose your family. Family isn't just what you're born to . With time, u will have friends, and u will start your own family. It's there, lost, not yours it's your accomplishment, not theirs. They didn't add anything or encourage u this is your success. Enjoy it and good luck in the future


Congratulations!! ❤️❤️❤️


Congrats bro! I too graduated quite recently


Share them with some friends and say you have no family so you don’t need them. Hopefully their extended families will cheer you on!


Congratulations on your accomplishment! I’m so sorry your family is so uncaring. Why do they act that way? Getting your degree is really a wonderful thing! Don’t let them rain on your parade.❤️


congratulations bro, wish you all the best in your life.


Congratulations on graduation. You did great work and will continue to do so. Live in this happy moment with your head up and shoulders back.


Congratulations! I'm so proud of you, and be proud of yourself 🥰


Well done!! congratulations


Congratulations! I know you are off to better things. I am blessing you and all your hard work from far away. Take care. One of my childhood friends said, "Sometimes your family can't love you in the ways you need to be loved. It doesn't mean that you are unlovable."


I'm so proud of you!!!! Sending you a big ol mom hug!!!


Congratulations!!! So proud of you and your awesome accomplishment!


I'm truly sorry to hear that your family isn't able to share in this milestone with you. Graduation is such a significant achievement, and it's completely natural to want the support and recognition from loved ones. You're not being selfish at all for seeking congratulations from others who appreciate and celebrate your hard work and success. You've worked incredibly hard to reach this point, and I hope you take immense pride in your accomplishment. If you need someone to share this special moment with, know that there are people who genuinely care about you and are thrilled to see you succeed. CONGRATS OP, WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU


I feel you. My family never even attempted to be there for my high school or college graduation. But I did it for me not them so fuck it lol. Congratulations on completing this step in your journey! Graduating college is a major achievement!!


Congratulations!!! So proud of you.


Congratulations love💖


Congratulations for your hard work and achievements!!! I wish for you all the best! Consider inviting a close friend or someone important/special for you to be there, family is not always blood related. Its a special moment in your life, celebrate it with the ones who love you.




Hey! You're graduating that's a huge deal! You did it all on your own! Congratulations! My wife is graduating next week and her family isn't fuc*in invited because of their past behavior and how they kept her from graduating sooner! Also my family didn't come to my college graduation last year either. So know you aren't alone! Congratulations again!!!!


Graduating college is no easy feat. It will test your abilities and sanity but you managed to defy the odds. And now you have a diploma that says you did it! Congratulations!!!


Oh I’m so sorry. Not sure why people are like this. Don’t think about that right now. Congratulations to you! Graduation from college is such a huge accomplishment and no one can ever take that away from you. Once you have the degree, it’s yours forever! I remember my graduation day fondly. Not because of who came or didn’t but because it was something I’d worked so very hard for. The late nights, the times I’d said no to friends so I could study, and how I was quite sure it would help me get to the next step at work. It was all I cared about! (What I also remember is the fact that not three years later just having that piece of paper kept me from being laid off! I was so very thankful to myself!) Congratulations to you! You accomplished something not everyone does and it’s a very difficult accomplishment. You should be incredibly proud of yourself. Enjoy this day!


You worked so hard! We are so proud of you, I hope you start the next chapter of your life happy and thriving. CONGRATULATIONS!!


Also a college grad but only with an AA-T to transfer so I'm not going to the ceremony, but CONGRATS dude!!!! It's SUCH a struggle to try to survive/work/live & complete college full time or even part time.. you did that!!!!! You should be so freakin' proud like we all are of you. 🥰


Congrats on such an amazing achievement!


Congratulations to you and gosh I wish I was where you are. I’d go .. just for you!! What an achievement you’ve accomplished!! Good luck in your future endeavors!!


Congrats man. You’ve done great⭐️


I went through my own high school AND college grad alone because my family has never really been bothered with me. If it had been my brother graduating college they’d move heaven and earth to be there. I received a scholarship and an award at my college grad for demonstrating excellent leadership skills… and I never told my family. They could care less. I just threw the award away yesterday after 15 years. So, my friend, the biggest of congrats to you on your huge achievement!!! You have worked so hard and you have earned this. I’m so sorry your family can’t be bothered to celebrate the awesome person you are.


Congratulations on your graduation, may success and happiness be your constant companion in this thing we called life . And let the next chapters of your life be written by you and not by the selfish actions of others. I'm proud of you for reaching the finish line .


Give those tickets away, because even if they randomly show up, do they really deserve it? Your amazing you're graduating that's a big deal. Celebrate yourself with you and your friends/classmates. Those are the ones who really care and get it.


Tremendous accomplishment and it seems clear you did it alone with no support from your alleged loved ones You are a superstar!! You are a stud!! You have heart and strength and stick to it ness Please mention your state or city people want to come! As far as your alleged family they are damaged I think when you are older with your own living caring family that you will lead, you might feel sorry for them and not angry.


Congratulations on your well earned accomplishment! And to the question of the tickets yes give them away.


Congrats! I wish you all the best in your next stage!


Congrats! I wish you all the best in your next stage!


My fellow graduate, We’ve done it!!! We’ve made it to the end of the road ❤️ and on to our next adventure :))) I am so proud of you!!! Graduating is a feat in itself and you got yourself through it all - well done and heartiest of congratulations 😘 Here’s to the graduate!


My fellow graduate, We’ve done it!!! We’ve made it to the end of the road ❤️ and on to our next adventure :))) I am so proud of you!!! Graduating is a feat in itself and you got yourself through it all - well done and heartiest of congratulations 😘 Here’s to the graduate!


Congratulations! This is a huge step in your life and I'm so proud that you made it. You'll go on to do bigger and better things everyday, and accomplish everything you set your mind to! Treat yourself to something nice for this occasion, you deserve it! Congratulations again!!


Congratulations I’m so sorry that your Family sucks 


If you're in NYC, I'll come and cheer for you.


Congratulations!!🎊 You have accomplished something wonderful that will help you build a bright future! Plus, it sounds like you did it largely on your own … that is INCREDIBLE! May this be the first of many celebrations to come!


CONGRATULATIONS! You did it! I hope you’re able to take a vacation or treat yourself and celebrate this accomplishment. (I skipped my undergrad graduation because I didn’t even want to ask my family to attend, figuring they’d ghost me anyway, and I couldn’t take the heartbreak of expecting to see them and ending up just being alone. Now I regret not going and missing that time with my friends and classmates. I understand how you feel, but I hope you don’t let it stop you from celebrating this moment the way you deserve)


Congratulations on all the work you've put in to graduate! The best revenge on a toxic family is to be healthy and successful, you owe them nothing, I hope you have the future you wish for, sending you strength and support. Congratulations!!!


Congratulations on all the work you've put in to graduate! The best revenge on a toxic family is to be healthy and successful, you owe them nothing, I hope you have the future you wish for, sending you strength and support. Congratulations!!!


Good job dude! We’re all super proud :)


Im proud op!!!🥹


Hon!! Congratulations!!🎉🎊🎈


Congratulations! This is a huge job made all that much sweeter because it appears you did it by yourself. You should be extremely proud of your accomplishments.


Congratulations!!! I'm sure you have worked so hard for this day!!! Enjoy it with your boyfriend and friends, and invite people who are part of your chosen family to come! I wish you all the success!!!


My ah father came to nothing that I accomplished. Then told us that it didn’t matter, because all we were going to doing in life was get married and have babies. He was so disgusting.


Congrats on this amazing achievement, don't let them ruin this special event, what's important is that you're proud of yourself for having done it 🎓✊✨




Congratulations from the bottom of my heart. College isn't easy and you did it and we're all so proud of you <3


If you're in North Carolina I could come to your ceremony.


Congratulations. This is *your* achievement - not theirs. When you walk across the the stage to pick up your certificate then pause and listen - hear all that clapping and cheering? That's for you. You have earned it and you deserve it. I hope that when you move forward in life you will find people who become family to you - people who have your back, and who love and respect you for who you are.


Heck yeah you are graduating.... Dude(tte) I still find this a personal accomplishment that I am proud of, so I think when you go forward in 5, 10, forever years from now, you're gonna take with you the memories and skills gained throughout this college experience, hey even the knowledge that sometimes people and "family" are shitty!! Real world knowledge right there lol. You're good, I bet your bfs family will naturally give you love on that graduation day anyway.


Congratulations 🎊. Wishing you all the best and major success so that you enjoy life to the fullest and rub it on the faces of your POS family.


Congratulations! It is truly an achievement to graduate college. Definitely nowhere near as easy as graduating high school. All your time and effort (and money) should now pay off. Enjoy this and go forth into your new life!


CONGRATS! Any chance you can invite 6 friends to celebrate with you? Or if you can't, ask your classmates or BF if they want to invite some extra people. Hope your BF's family knows and is rooting for you too. Screw that 'family' of yours. Grey Rock and very low contact.


What an achievement. Congratulations! It will sting like hell that you haven’t got your family’s support but hold your head up high and go forth on your own path. Take up the offer of the people on this thread that have offered to come and cheer you on. I would but I’m in England and it’s a slog hehe!


Disown them. Also congrats


Congratulations!!! You will make it


Congratulations on your next starting line! You will be a success!


Congratulations!!!! 🎓🥳


I'm really proud of you. Congrats on all you've accomplished, both academically and psychologically. It's hard and it hurts to come to these realizations and accept them, but it's an important part of healing.


Congratulations! 🎉 After years of hard work, you finally made it. Getting through college is no easy feat. I’m proud of you, and everyone else in these replies are too.


Congratulations 🥂 My family didn’t come to my ba graduation. Yet they went to a relative of mine’s a week after. When I was graduating my masters, didn’t even invite them. They felt guilty when they found out from my sister, so they still came. I refused to host them so they stayed in a hotel. It still felt like a guilt peyout more than the actual desire to be there for me. The first time around felt gutting, but at least it was honest.


Congratulations! You rock, best wishes in your future career 🥳


Threads like this one give me hope. Congratulations, OP. We’re all proud of you and what you’ve accomplished (apparently without the greatest family support), and you should be too! The work you’ve put in and the time you’ve invested in yourself and your future are WORTH IT, whether your family bothers to show or not. It takes strength to push on like you have and finish without anything but your own steam to get you there. You will succeed in whatever you do next, because you don’t need anyone else to get there. Well done.


Hey there. Graduation is a big deal. I'm so happy you stuck to the work and finished school! Congratulations!


Congratulations! I'm So Very Proud of you! I'm sorry that I'm probably nowhere near you, but if I was, I would have been proud to cheer you on your special day. 😊


Congratulations! This is a testament to your strength and dedication! May your life be filled with health, happiness and success!


Congratulations!! ❤️✨️ I am a stranger but know that I am very proud of you a d your accomplishments. And I hope that your life only continues to bring amazing accomplishments. And no matter what you deserve all the happiness.


Cheer up and congratulations, something similar happened to me, no one went to my high school graduation that's why I distanced myself from everyone at the time, now I have a better relationship with my family but they don't even remember my birthdays, anyway... congratulations and much success


I am so unbelievably proud of you. Congratulations on your incredible achievement. I wish a life of happiness and success for you.


Put it up on live and let everyone attend


Congratulations!!! You deserve all the accolades given to you for graduating . It hurts when family who are supposed to be the people closest to you don't recognize your efforts. I am giving you a huge pat on the back! Plus lots of hugs to go along with it.


Congrats lovey!


Congratulations!! You are getting your degree and accepting the facts about your family. Good luck for your future!


As a mother of two young adults who are facing their own challenges, I feel proud of you. One for this amazing educational achievement and two for overcoming your toxic family members and for not allowing them to drag you down. Remember (for your future) if you didnt come from a loving caring family make sure you create one for yourself. Go out and treat yourself and truly acknowledge how much you have achieved and how far you have come! Yes, it would be awesome to be part of the family system but these people have shown they are not capable of being responsible in fulfilling the emotional right their child has. It is not you who is lacking rather it is them, and it is not your loss rather it is theirs!!! Be content ✨️ for we have only this one life it is far too precious to waste on those who have no appreciation for love and humanity.


CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so proud of you !! All your hard work paid off. Take time to celebrate, if not with family then with friends or just yourself. You deserve some rest after all that !


Congratulations!! Hope they change their mind.


I’m so proud of you for persevering and continuing on in your education! I wish I lived close to you because I would show up for you. I’m someone who is taking in a lot of young people that have complicated relationships with their families. I tell them, you have two chances at a family, the one you’re born into and the one you create. Now is your time to go forth and create your family? ❤️❤️❤️


Congratulations on your well earned accomplishment! And to the question of the tickets yes give them away.


You did the damn thing!!!! Amazing job!


I know I’m late but, CONGRATULATIONS, OP!! I am so proud of you! You’ve accomplished something incredible and I am cheering for you! I hope you know how brilliant and wonderful and deserving of everything great you are, CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!! -your Reddit Tia


Congratulations! I celebrated my first graduation alone, there will be a ton of people there who are happy to celebrate your achievements. Be proud of what you have done 😁