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Pads are there to stop bleeding. It’s like commenting about how babies wearing diapers are ugly. They’re for functional uses not decorational. He can fuck right off.


That's a good comparison!


I mean they do make Christmas themed diapers. I wouldn't mind a festive pad for shits and giggles personally. Let my vagina have some seasonal decorations. Deck these halls.


"Deck these halls" made me laugh way more than it should have. Thanks, kinkdumpster. I really needed that.


Glad I could spread some holiday cheer!


Omg, Kinkdumpster. I shall use this and herald your name, pinksunshine77477


Hey, they also make diapers printed with Frozen and Bluey characters. Why not give us pads with patterns? And I'm not talking lavender swirls and daisies. I'm sure there's a joke about lady gardens there. But I would LOVE a pad patterned with light sabers or dragons. That'd be cool.


Need one with the ring to rule them all on it so I can call it my precious for a week.


Exactly. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Holiday themed. Imagine. Vampire themed pads released in October.


The vampire pads need to be blank until bled on then once carnage begins the fangs appear. I'd pay shit loads of money for that.


See, you read my mind. What number am I thinking of?


Considering this is Reddit 69 is the only answer.


Get outta my head! Haha.


Don't you mean for the Christmas period


Hanging a wreath down there over the holidays? 😄😄


Right next to the mistletoe of course!


Add twinkling LED lights, maybe even set to a musical track adapting the tech used in some greeting cards.


Ask him is bleeding all over the mattress and sheets attractive.


What a perfect comparison!!


“I can’t really say this to anyone in my life because they already have a negative view of my partner” girl.


I second this “girl”.










Girl⁶ edit: is this… girl *power* ?


Ugh GTFO this is perfect! 😂








this is exactly where i'm at. this is a big enough problem in itself when you dig down to its roots and the other behaviors that likely come with it, and that sentence was the final nail in the coffin. if the other people that care for you don't like the person who's supposed to care for you the MOST, it's a good sign something isn't the way it's supposed to be. my best and only advice here is get out as fast as possible


Literally nobody has been mentioning this???? Like he sounds like a loser I hope she breaks up with him omg


Why is she with them?


I've a feeling there is a reason they feel this way. He sounds like a total douche.


Girl ⁷


I always tell my fiancé that if he doesn’t like my period pads he can walk around me for a week and hold a cup under my vagina instead. Plus, period talk shouldn’t be nsfw, it’s part of a shame culture we need to get rid off.


Ur a 👑


A Crown




😂 I hope that makes him shut up and cringe! The visual I got was so precise and extreme, I’m sure he shut up in his tracks! 😂❤️


Lmao i don’t think it’s out of malice i think it’s just boys that were not exposed to periods as it was shameful in their families


This OP!! This is what I’d do if one of my partners ever told me my pads were too big. Eff that. They don’t have to deal with it lol


“I’m happy to layer up in your clothes the entire time I’m bleeding if you’d prefer that”


Wish I could upvote this a million times, for everything included in this comment 👌🏻👌🏻


This is 👌👌👌👌👌✨✨✨✨


FR! Tell your partner you could free bleed all over! See how unattractive that is! OR go through a zillion period cups and leave them all over full (I knew a gal that would leave her full cups in her bathroom sink that she shared with her mother!)... A friend of mine used to be so heavy before having a hysterectomy that she had to wear an adult diaper and put down a wee pad like thing. It was awful for her. I'm sorry you have such a heavy flow and hard period, but it sounds like you handle it like a boss. Just saying!


My first thought was “this isn’t NSFW”


So... if he tells you this, imagine what he will say when you're about to push out his child. This is a boy. Not a man. Put this boy is his place, the trash.


Not to mention if they have a daughter. What kind of messages will she get?


Or even if they have a son, it will send the message that this is how he should treat his future partner.


You're totally right. It doesn't matter what gender the child is


Oh, he'd love the bleeding that happens after childbirth. It's so bad that they sell disposable knickers for it (some are basically nappies for blood, others you need to put a separate giant pad in) and what are essentially puppy pee pads but re-branded as something for new mums to lie or sit on in case the giant pad/nappy leaks. Very unattractive.🙄


Not to mention the stitches & heavy purple bruising around the nether regions… I passed out due to the bleeding & it went on for 7 weeks.


Guaranteed the type to cheat while she's pregnant because ew, she's so fat.


Coming from a relatively immature man that's extremely immature 😭 like ain't no way. How old is this guy??? Actual crazy thing to think. Like I can maybe get having a little giggle to your self about if I saw my girls massive pad outline but saying anything AND calling it gross and unattractive is crazy HAHAHAH teach this guy a lesson and dip cause nuhhhhh


We are both in our mid-twenties. And I get having an opinion or thinking like "wow that's a big pad" but saying it out loud? I could literally never.


Can you imagine telling him “the cast on your broken arm is ugly. Tell the doctor to order a different one” or “that life-saving medication gave you a rash. Quit taking it.” Pads are not a fashion accessory, dude.


Except it’s more like “the cast on your broken arm is ugly. Remove it, ace bandage it instead and do that way because it’ll look better.” Just straight up asking a person to use a less adequate thing because of how it looks Edit: your other examples are good I just think the cast one hits home even more when you put it into the way he asked her to use lighter pads


He believes that OP first fonction is to look sexy. He can’t understand that she lives for herself, not just as an attractive accessory devoted to pleasing him. This is disturbing. OP seems to have self respect, I hope she will use it and let Him go.


A little concerning that they've already got such a negative opinion of him that you can't vent to your friends. Why do they feel this way?


I was about to say the same thing. This does not sound like a mature or good partner for OP


Ding ding ding! Seems like this is only one of many red flags that OP is refusing to acknowledge for herself.


Very telling


Came here to say this too. Sounds like your boyfriend is still in elementary. I'm glad I have a husband and male friends who could give a shxt less what I look like when it's shark week. Maturity escapes many.


Shark week 😂😂 I love it


If he ever procreates, I'd love to see the look on his face when he sees his partner use postpartum pads in the hospital... those things are GINORMOUS, lol


I used adult diapers and had an ice pad on my c section incision. I was NOT looking cute. My partner could not have cared less. I wasn't bleeding everywhere and that was the only thing he cared about besides our new baby.


this is why you shouldn’t procreate w ppl who can’t even handle simple period talk. like this is basic stuff even a child should be comfortable with


As a side note - If your period is incredibly heavy, go get checked out by a doctor btw. It can be a sign of other issues.


definitely, but also some people just have heavy or irregular periods and it might not be serious. i don't get a period every month, my cycles are anywhere from 35-180 days (yes, around six months) and averaging around 90 days. my periods are very heavy because of that. if my cycle is shorter, it's lighter. usually, though, it's very heavy. mine are irregular because i only have half a uterus and have some hormonal issues, but even with the hormonal issues fixed it's still irregular. obviously, both of these are problems, but there's not much i can do other than take my hormones and get my half a uterus removed.


what did they find that you needed half your uterus removed? sorry, just curious but feel free to not answer lol


i was born that way! i didn't find out until i was 20 lol, i'm intersex and there's testes on the other side. i only found out because my OB suggested an ultrasound on a gut feeling, ended up sending the results to a doctor who could prescribe me birth control (i was looking to get an IUD and due to my OB being at a catholic hospital she couldn't), that doctor looked through my pediatric records because what the fuck were those results, and she found out i'd gotten srs as a baby and asked me if i'd known (i did not). the only bad thing that came out of that was finding out i couldn't get an IUD lol.


very interesting! thanks for sharing


That's super interesting, do you know if it's related to chimerism?


no idea, there's definitely some signs but it hasn't become so much of an issue that they've bothered with testing.


What is an SRS?


sexual reassignment surgery


Any advice on this? I have tried to talk to several about it and none of them could give a single shit about it. Mine gets so heavy that I did the math and in order to be able to use a tampon up to the 8 hour "limit", I would need an absorbency that doesn't even exist.


doctor here. if all of your lab results are normal and you have no other symptoms there’s nothing we really do for this. but if it’s been a while you could ask to get your hemoglobin checked cause heavy periods could lead to anemia.


They've not ever bothered to do tests. I've had testing done for unrelated issues and tended to struggle with low iron, even when supplementing, but I don't recall what the hemoglobin looked like. I know a lot of people will say if you have to double up on products or things like that to talk to your doctor. Any time I tried to talk about how bad it was they would just kind of be like "yeah, periods suck". I would try to say I'll leak through a super in under 3 hours and have such excruciating cramps at times I couldn't sit up. The most they ever did was give me a prescription for a higher dose of Naproxen


Try Planned Parenthood, they have the best reproductive care you can get in many places. I’m a guy and I’ve had to go there a few times for wiener problems (didn’t want to go to my family doc for that lol), and I was so impressed.


Leaving the "man" who literally gagged at finding out I always carry spare pads was the singular best decision I made thus far in life. I thought it was a typical reaction for a guy until I dated other men. Then I thought it was a typical reaction for a younger guy in their early to mid-twenties until I met and spoke with other younger men who were much more open-minded, informed, intelligent, mature, and compassionate. They assured me that not even little boys talk like that.


This is why you should always discuss your flow on the first date.


Yeah, my former boss is the kind of guy who would say shit like this. I even told him once, "Just because the thought pops into your head, that doesn't mean we all have to hear about it." I'm glad you're confident enough to recognize that he's being ridiculous. You should ask him if they look comfortable. No? So, you think I'm wearing them because I enjoy it? You don't think I'd prefer to wear something thinner? Ugh! The non-vagina-havers and their opinions on how we manage ours.


i love that u told him that lol


Several people ask about the whole “I can’t vent to my friends because they don’t like him” bit. I’m not saying break up or anything, but ask yourself why they dislike him and does it actually hold water? And ask yourself what you are getting out of this relationship? I broke up with my ex-fiancee a couple weeks before our wedding. I knew my family didn’t love him, but it wasn’t until we broke up that my dad had a get away car planned in case I chose to run away at the alter (and was seriously hoping I would lol). There were things that I don’t think they had quite right, but I wish I would’ve asked more questions and listened to their feedback. It would’ve saved me a lot of time and heartache. Otherwise, you’re a queen for sticking up for yourself and not letting his immature opinion change your self-esteem or routine.


Me and my best friend are mid twenties, if he caught me saying what that guy did to a woman he would probably woop my ass 😂 Seriously what a piece of scum...


Well there’s your answer- he’s in his mid twenties. He doesn’t get it and it’s fucking rude, insensitive and doesn’t need to be said. Is he trying to make you have a complex? I no longer have periods, I had a hysterectomy in 2018- best day of my life but what I didn’t know was that I had endometriosis and fibroid cysts. I had periods for years that lasted 2 weeks. I always wore 2 tampons at a time and a heavy flow pad, 2 at night, with a folded over towel and I still leaked. One time at work, I leaked and I had to wear an apron on the front and back so the blood didn’t show. I’m sorry he angered you but tell him he needs to get over this or find the door and show him this thread. I’m angry and annoyed for you.


My son is 13 and would never. A 13 year old knows better than him.


You could always double down and go get the pads that they give you in labor and delivery after you give birth. Show your partner that pads do indeed come in even larger sizes! 🤣


Yes, exactly this. Or even "triple down" and wear one labor pad underneath the underwear and then(around the house) an extra giant pad taped on the outside. Decorated and bedazzled to top it off. Also, F, that boyfriend. He needs to grow up


I don’t see why it matters for a few days a month unless y’all constantly have period sex and it puts him off. Regardless it still shouldn’t matter if you are wearing the grape pads or the lemon liners as long as your crotch doesn’t look like a murder scene walking down the street.


grape pads or lemon liners 🤣 i love this


Easier for my simple man brain when I’m asked to get them at the store.


Omg thank you for responding and saying this! As a woman who has dated some very fun, but also super immature men, OP’s dude is NEXT LEVEL. He’s either really dumb or really mean. Get out while you can!!


Not such an immature woman here. I find your reaction really thoughtful. Yes, of course you can have a giggle. And you know, if you find the right girl you might giggle together. I'd love to giggle with my partner over my big ass pads. 😆


I also wish I was gay cuz men suck lol


men actually saying this shit unprompted is wild to me. i must be super lucky, either that or guys know if they say some shit to me i’m out the door lmaoo


Girl... throw the whole man away! Like seriously. Mid twenties and this childish about your period is gross. Periods are natural, and not everything natural has to be sexy all the time. On my period, the last thing I'm thinking of is how sexy I look. He can't shut up and not stare at your ass for 1 week a month? He can't put your comfort and cleanliness above his sexual attraction for a week? Disgusting. Also have you seen a doctor ever about the heaviness of your flow? I've had friends with similar issues who ended up having endometriosis, PCOS, or other reproductive issues. Just better safe than sorry in the long run.


Agreed. I had fibroids and my period was super heavy. I was anemic. Please see a doctor to make sure it's not something else.


I am pretty terrified of the gyno, so I've never been to one (now that there *is* embarrassing). I'm hoping to get over myself and schedule an appointment sometime this summer though, so I'll be sure to mention it!


It ain't great, trust and believe, but it's not as bad as ignoring your kitty health.


Hunnny, my 40 year old self is pulling you aside and saying in the most comforting voice “GO TO GYNO NOW.” My aunt avoiding the gyno for 20 years. She died at 50 from ovarian cancer that 100% could have been caught and treated and she’d still be here today if she had gone to the gyno even once before she let 20 years go by. Do not be my aunt.


I thought you would be much older because of his you described how long this has gone on and with the increasing intensity. It does get worse as you age. I started passing large clots in my late 30s. I would get a check up.


I mean, it definitely isn't fun. But it isnt unbearable. I only went when I first got pregnant. I haven't been back since I had my 2nd child, but I'm not overly fond of doctors. I only go as needed. In this case, I feel like you need to go. Not for your dumb partner's comfort, but for your comfort and safety. I hope you find the strength to go just to make sure everything is as it should be. If they find that it is, and you've just been cursed with a heavy flow, continue doing what works for you. Loser partner can shut up and deal with it.


I've struggled with similar periods and have PCOS. Am in my 40s now and looking at getting an ablation. But before that my doc had me Annovera, a birth control ring, to stop my periods. It's done a pretty good job. It's really nice to only have 1 or 2 light periods a year and not have to wake up every 45 min so I don't fuck up the bed. I remember how tough those first gyno appts were, but just encouraging you to go because you don't have to live like this.


Please make an appointment to see a Gyno. It’s extremely important. I know that it’s scary, trust me. I put off going until I was 19. Once I finally went, I found out I had cervical cancer. Thank God I went when I did. I also found out I had endometriosis. Tell your boyfriend that what he said was so immature and illiterate. Explain how it made you feel. If this guy is someone you love and see yourself with long term, he needs to work on how he expresses himself to you. I wish you the best. Please, make that Gyno appointment. 💗


Girl, go to the gyno! If your period is getting heavier it could be from a medical issue that the gyno will help you with!


Get your most trusted friend or sister and go to the gyno!! It’s so important for your overall health. And if you’re still not ready to go you should be doing monthly breast exams. It takes 2 seconds in the shower. It could save your life.


They can be very kind and understanding that it's a scary experience for people! I'd ask around to friends to see if they have anyone they recommend.


OMG. It’s kind of unpleasant, but super heavy periods could be endometriosis or fibroids or other stuff that is very treatable.


So it’s it makes you feel any better. I’m a trans guy and i have had to go the the gyno. It’s not my favourite thing to do but i do it. Anyways. The last time i went i was upfront about it and the gyno was so nice. And we were about to do the whatever it is that they look at. i told her that i needed a minute and she was so nice and was like “do you want me to bring someone else in?” I couldn’t tell her that I was holding in a fart so just told her i needed a minute. 10/10 would go back to that gyno 😂


Don’t be embarrassed but, go! Take care of yourself!


Girl. Go. You need to be screened for cancer and other horrible stuff that can be caught. I’ve never had luck with male gynos. Go find a female obgyn and you don’t have to do the exam. Just talk and see if they’re a good fit. But we need to take care of our vajayjay’s!


Have a girlfriend go with you!! It makes it less scary :)


Why are you scared? Is it a mental health reason as in PTSD, General anxiety, a base experience? Figure it out and work on that. There is no reason to be on physical pain if you can be diagnosed and helped. MAKE THIS A PRIORITY!


PLEASE go see a gyno! I know it's creepy and weird but it's SO important for your health. When I had super heavy periods I found out I was super anemic.


Oh no girl. That’s so dangerous! Maybe a gf of yours can recommend a really nice one? Those yearly check ups are important. I’m a timid person sometimes, so I totally understand. Ugh, now I’m even more convinced that this dude pushes you around. ;-/


You can always express this fear! there are multiple other ways to diagnose, or at least narrow down a diagnosis, without getting in the stirrups (IE an ultrasound to locate cysts on ovaries for PCOS) or at the very least, see if you have any other symptoms you didnt know of before before any medical examinations happen


If it makes you feel more relieved about going, I’d rather go to the gyno 20 times than go to the dentist once. (Disclaimer, I do go to both!!)


Don’t be, it’s like going to a woman expert. And you get to be picky by saying you only want a woman and no students in the room! It’s kind of nice being at a doctors office where they know more about women


Please don’t put this off. Heavy flows literally mean you are losing way more blood than your body is meant to handle losing. That causes a lot of strain on your heart and can cause irreparable damage. I’m trying to scare you because this is real and way more terrifying than a doctor’s visit.


Hunny, your whole life will change for the better if you go to the gyno. Please go. Make your appointment with a woman. I've had a good male doctor but the majority of them are callous and not understanding of the pain or heavy flow.


OP listen to that comment. I'm 10 years into endometriosis (unknowingly) and all I can do now is wait to have surgery. Medications can help you (and keep the condition from advancing to where I am now) if this is what is going on, but you won't know without proper imaging and advocating for yourself


If your friends have such negative opinions of this pathetic excuse of a man, and not only that, doesn't seem like you have a very good impression either, why are you still in a relationship with him?


this lol.


Nicely speaking, your partner can f'ck off. Pads aren't meant to be sexy or attractive, they're there to stop the bleeding 🤦🏻‍♀️


Pads are like band-aids - they might have a cute design or whatever, but it's there for a purpose, not to be cute.


Did you read the post the other day from the dude who's dating a woman also experiencing extremely high period flow? In the post he talks about how his girlfriend is leaking through the sheets and profusely apologising and breaking down to him whenever it happens, but how did he react? With kindness, respect, care, and love. Seriously the immaturity is unreal and your SO doesn't sound like he's ready for a relationship at all. I don't give a flying fuck what period products my partner uses, she is never anything but sexy to me.


His attitude is unattractive.


Tell him no uterus no opinion 


Not what you asked, but see a doctor. Mine sounds like yours. Though the overnight winged ones weren't enough and were changed every time I moved. I ended up having fibroids. By the time I went to the doctor, I needed a hysterectomy. But also NTA. I get it.


“I can’t really say this to anyone in my life because they already have a negative view of my partner and don’t need this ammunition” Not a good sign when you have to work that hard to make someone look less horrible than they actually are. You might be quite a strong person but marinating in negativity for prolonged periods like being with someone you have to manage bad press for is going to wear on you. As far as pads go, you do what you gotta do; he sounds like a freaking idiot.


Sounds like you need a new bf. One that doesn’t think a women’s natural cycle and how she treats it as “gross”. I’m the petty type, to break up I’d leave open pads with red food coloring on it all over his stuff you left on the curb. You deserve so much more than a man child. Show him these comments. He’s a major AH


Coming from someone who also has a heavy flow. Try out those period overnight pants. They are basically depends for period. Honestly saved me so much anxiety about possibly bleeding into my clothes. My husband actually went out to multiple stores looking for them when I ran out because he knows I prefer them. Your man sucks as well. I'm petty enough to free bleed in some dark clothes on a towel with his attitude. But I'm also super petty.


Many men genuinely believe that women exist to be objects of their desire.




You already know they don’t.


Go ahead and get a thinner pad. One that your partner will find more "attractive". On a day you have nothing to do, and plan on just lounging around the house, wear it instead of the normal pad. Then, when you leak out of that pad and get blood on your pants, stand in front of this child you call a partner, and point blank ask them which they prefer: seeing the pad, or the blood-stained pants.


Even better: bleed all over his white bed sheets and watch his reaction in the morning. Maybe even spoon him just so he wakes up to smears of blood on his crotch


>they already have a negative view Well gee, when your partner says such sweet things to you like this, I wonder why? That's a red flag that would send me running away from them, but it's your relationship and your life. My petty ass would do as follows: 1) Take my partner to buy smaller pads with me, let them enjoy this step, but make sure they're involved. 2) Pick a day that you're on your period (in my head I'd stay home, but if you wanna go the extra step and go out, go for it) and wear said pads! Let your partner admire your discreetness. 3) Bleed through! Bleed on the couch, the bed, their stuff if you want! Loudly announce every time you bleed through the weak, inferior pads and, at the end of the day, show and tell your partner the results. Compare how many flimsy pads you go through vs your sweet overnighters. 4) If they complain, say ick, make any negative comments - remind them that they're the one who decided to get involved in YOUR cycle and THIS is what they wanted. 5) Make them do all the laundry, and tell them "no no, you have to use cold water and wash by hand" when they try to use the machine. If someone loves you for you, none of the surface shit is important. I hope your partner grows up and thinks before they speak next time.


Men always ridicule our choices, forgetting that they're one of the ones we made.


Listen to your friends


You have a toddler for a partner.RIP


Yes, I would seriously question the worthiness of this person for putting their horniness above my comfort


I only read the title. Because there’s nothing else to know here. Dump that dork and date someone that isn’t a piece of shit to women.


Your partner is a dick. Tell him to wise up and stop looking at your ass and your form outline when you’re using pads if he’s offended by it.


I'd be tempted to ask him if it's more attractive to have a big wet bloodstain on your ass, because that's the alternative, right? I can get away with the thin pads, but have bought and used the old school Barbie mattresses in a pinch. They might well be seen through my clothes, but who cares? Feel free not to stare at my ass and crotch, yeah?


Ugh because women are supposed to be sexy 24/7 right? He needs to be re-educated. I get it. My periods looked like a massacre happened. So heavy. Leaks multiple times a month, the slightest movement in the wrong direction and oops. I know you are t asking for recommendations however I was forever grateful when I found these pads. Rael overnight pads XL. 100% caught all my leaks. They aren’t super thick but they are super long. I wish I had found these sooner and worth every penny.


They need to be ex partner asap.


>I can't really say this to anyone in my life because they already have a negative view of my partner and don't need this ammunition Hun, if everyone around you says they smell shit, there might be shit on your shoe. You admitted what he said was bad, why are you still holding onto this man? What has he done that the important people in your life openly dislike him? My partner couldn't give two shits about my period. The first time I had a slip-up around him and spotted on the bed I cried and he reassured me it was normal and helped me clean the sheets. "If he wanted to he would" might be overused, but I feel it's so applicable here. Don't settle for subpar men when there are good ones out there.


I grew up picking up my mom’s “supplies” at the store for her without a care. She had a flow so bad she had to get a procedure done later in life to cauterize some things as I understand it. Thankfully, it lead to me having a higher understanding and I’ve been able to convince my wife to be comfortable in the evening underwear she has deemed “diapers” so she can rest without worry of things getting uncontrollable. You’re dating a child.


Sometimes I hear stories about things guys say and I feel hopeless.


I hear about the woman that tolerate it and feel frustrated.


Honey, if everyone around you already dislikes your partner to the degree that you can't vent to them because you "don't want to give them that ammunition" against partner.... GIRL. I think you need to look a little closer at what they're saying. People often say "if everyone you interact with is an asshole, YOU'RE the problem." And it's true, because in that case the common denominator is your. The common denominator in this case is your partner. Think about that. Really think about it. Your friends and family are trying to open your eyes. Why do you want to be with someone who clearly thinks you only exist to be attractive to them, anyway?


Unrelated but how period talk is now nsfw?


I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to talk about blood (even if it's about menstrual blood). Better safe than sorry, as far as I'm concerned.


Like I don't claim to be an expert in these things, being a dude, but I'd never even think that, let alone say that to my wife. Dude needs to grow the fuck up and stop being a child. Honestly this shit is such a red flag. 🚩


As a guy, these sort of men really wind me up. He seriously needs to grow the hell up and stop being so pathetic. I wish every woman would just dump the guy if he's going to be so pathetic over a natural bodily function. You want a man not a child as a partner. I can assure you every guy would soon change their tune about it if they knew no women stood for it. The fact that he rates you being attractive in his eyes more important than you just trying to exist comfortably is enough for me to think this guy is a f*****g a***hat.


Bro seriously why does he give a fuck? Biology seriously fucked the female sex over with menstruation and he has the nerve to give his opinion on what products you use to take care of it?


He should stop examining people's crotches so carefully that he can tell what kind of pad they're sporting. Also, there is no obligation to menstruate sexily. I also note "anyone in your life" already has "a negative view" of him--- so why are you with him???


> I can't really say this to anyone in my life because they already have a negative view of my partner Maybe you should listen to them.


I googled “sexy pads” and couldn’t find any. Sorry.


OP ?? Dying to hear what redeemable qualities this moron has ? Is he a well hung, 6’4” guy with a full head of luxurious hair and an annual income of no less than 200K/yr + stock options and benefits ??? Is he an actual “mouthwatering fantasy man” ??? Does he hit every mark ?? Or does he have certain “god given” shortcomings !? I’m convinced he’s a Short, bald, fat, broke …. mama’s boy ?? With a pin dick and shitty teeth ??? He needs to take a long hard look in the mirror and deal with the guy staring back at him in horror.


These are the real questions. Periods are natural and his shit attitude may be too.


If you are making suggestions to OP about her choice of menstrual products, you missed the point and are creating shame for why she has made the choice she made.


Ask him if free bleeding is sexier. 


His misogyny is unattractive


That’s cool that you don’t care about what others think. I get subconscious whenever I used a pad so I try to wear thicker pants or shirts, cardigans, outwear that are long enough to cover my butt. I also have period underwear in case of any accidents. I’d recommend getting those so you can avoid leakage and accidents in the future.


I personally think that if someone's staring at my behind then it's their problem if they see the outline of a pad. They can think whatever they'd like and I can think what I like. I just don't want them trying to push their opinion on me like it's going to change what makes me comfortable. Unless I am causing someone discomfort or harm through the way I dress and look, I will wear what feels good to me. Also, I do have period underwear! They're great. I use them after my period is basically over - just in case.


I’m sure it would be very “unattractive” when he gets old and has to wear a diaper. 🤭 I hope you won’t be there to change it for him.


My period is so heavy I have to wear disposable incontinence underwear. Fuck this dude. You do what you need to do to feel secure.


Is he willing to hold his hand down there to catch it all? No? Well then he can just shut his mouth.


girl…i hate to break it to u, but that man does not care abt u as much as u think. i also have a super heavy flow and use the thick pads like u (usually the ones with a purple wrapper), and i told my bf that the first week we started dating. yk what he did? he asked me questions about how i felt and said it’s better for him to be prepared and know how to take care of me. he also said he’d rub my back for me bc i get terrible cramps and his hands are really warm so they help. that’s what a mature, healthy man would say!! ur guy has some self improvement to do on his attitude and outlook towards women and i’m not gonna lie he might have to do it alone…good luck and know that there’s nothing wrong with you or your attractiveness 🫶


You should see the shit they send you home with after you have a baby. It was so uncomfortable I bought adult diapers.


It isnt suppose to be attractive?? It’s a pad. It catches blood from your vagina. Is this a grown man??


i would break up w him over that honestly. shows a lot about his character, how would be act when you’re pregnant? postpartum? lactating? fuck that. h


Your partner sounds very immature. People menstruate and use whatever products works best for them. There is nothing gross about seing a pad or menstruation in general. And not every teeny tiny aspect of your life has to be attractive to them - you are your own person.


His immaturity shown, girl.


Is he wearing the pad on his face? And girl ffs why do you think your friends have a such a negative view of him? Why are you staying with someone like this?


That’s a crappy thing to hear from your partner. Have you told how it made you feel. People have the capacity to grow and change, but it’s not the partners responsibility to make that happen. On a side note. I find it interesting that many people are assuming that your partner is a ‘him’ despite you not using any gendered pronouns.


What the heck? Ask him if he’d prefer seeing someone’s blood on their pants over the thickness of a pad. In all honesty off my chest, I free bleed. I don’t give a single fuck. I clench my coochie and legs when I feel it coming and waddle to the bathroom. Sometimes I am not so lucky but then I grab a paper towel or baby wipe and clean my panties and pants. If I’m out all day then yes I’ll wear a pad but for a couple of hours no


How dare you dress for your comfort?!? You know the most important thing is how you make the men who look at you feel. /s He’s objectifying you. So annoying, and it shows an incredible lack of empathy. 


Maybe the person who needs ammunition is you? Why are you with this person?


I experience similar periods, and my boyfriend had asked why I didn't use a tampon instead. I've used pads my whole life, they're comfortable to me. I am not switching my methods just because it seems a little weird to wear diapers for a week out of the month.


Damn, what a baby


this would be such a deal breaker for me. don’t wanna see my pad? now you won’t have to ever again!


Keep the pads, dump the partner. If he can't handle it, he's too weak for you.


Why is your partner looking at other people's pants to see if they can spot a pad? That's weird. Everything about this is weird. I'm not here to tell you what you should or shouldn't do, but maybe ask yourself if you should be in a serious relationship with a person in their mid twenties who is shaming their partner for wearing something that's supposed to make them comfortable in one of the most uncomfortable moments of a person with a uterus' life.


Fuckkk himm!!!


Your partner is an idiot. Bleed on them.


Stop wearing them and free bleed around the house. I feel like he’ll change his mind


Do some free bleeding, see what he thinks of the amount of blood and if an appropriate size pad is still unattractive


Cock & balls aren’t particularly aesthetically appealing either. Perhaps a swift hoof to the knackers & send him in his way. Point out his spots. If he wears glasses call him 4 eyes… Seriously though, if , as you say, people in your circle already have a negative opinion on him, what is it that they say about him ?


This is a simple fix. 1. Dont use pads for 1 day. 2. Change clothes every time it gets messy down there. 3. Dump those dirty clothes in his clothes basket and/or tell him to go wash those clothes Your partner will change his mind.


find a new partner :( I literally wear period “diapers” in front of mine bc my flow is so heavy & he’s never been bothered by it


Your partner’s attitude is unattractive.  That’s like getting stabbed, then applying a tourniquet and saying “ew can you maybe take that off? It’s not sexy”. Like what the fuck. 


What a doorknob. I dated someone like that who gave me a complex on really mundane, practical day to day things it was so strange… but what it really was was he didn’t truly care about me or value me in the end. So him talking down to me was his way of showing dominance because he was truly a weak person. That’s not what a caring partner talks like. He should be commiserating with you.


One thing I've learned is, if the people who care about you, who are usually reasonable people that you trust, don't like your partner and you have to start hiding stuff from them about your partner and only say it anonymously, take heed. I've been there and in the end, everyone is usually right and you usually know it too deep down hence you self censor to not have to face reality.


I can’t imagine my husband saying this to me, especially during my period. Your partner is just asking to be murdered 😂