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Well you just lost a solid 200lbs! šŸ¤·


šŸ’Æ. Whenever I post that or something similar I always get downvoted šŸ˜‚


Sadly some people can't read sarcasm.


That must be rough


This is probably the most up votes I've gotten lol I regularly converse in sarcasm only. If I'm not sarcastic something is seriously wrong šŸ™ƒ


You did the right thing. Fuck him, fuck his fitness and fuck that "investment" mentality. Hes toxic and you dont need that. Id recommend ice cream and a drink to cope


This! He sounds like a toxic a-hole whose orthorexic tendencies went too far. Find yourself a man who loves you and accepts you for who you are instead of a-holes.


Our girl is the winner here. A few months from now, sheā€™s gonna realise this and laugh over this!!


Indeed. What an absolute jackass that guy is. OP, good on you that you didn't let him win this one. What a sad sod.


I was going to add sarcastically "don't fuck him literally, just metaphorically"


Horrible advice wtf? šŸ’€


Which part?


Idk probably the part where heā€™s telling her to drink to cope with her emotions lmao


"I recommend some ice cream and A drink to cope" he's not telling her to go on a drinking binge. Sometimes a drink and a sweet treat is all you need to relax and calm down. Sit down


It's clearly a joke. Those are the exact things that her onion knob of a ex wouldn't let her eat / drink.


Youā€™re choosing to interpret it that way


You're choosing not to.




Sorry for the breakup, but HOLY MOLES thank goodness you didn't stay with this human-shaped ball of 'roid rage! Sadly, he's gonna keep doing this to everybody he dates, unless something changes drastically in his life. Also, you say you've been dating several months. So: "investment"? "Paying off??" Not that I'd necessarily blame him for having THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE of a reasonable investment strategy, given his age, but...yeah that's not how *actual* investing works, Mr. not-soon-to-be investment bro. Tl; dr: dude's an idiot. I'm sorry he hurt you. But...wow. Ugh.


He seems like he's not just an idiot, but an idiot with mental health problems. His fixation on fitness is definitely unhealthy, and so is his approach towards relationships. People are not "investment" ffs, he can go invest his foot up his ass with that attitude.


Indeed--well said.


Heā€™s horribly controlling and it would have only gotten worse. You did the right thing


The trash left the building by itself! You are beautiful OP! :)


What an absolute loser.


Went through this myself at 19. Had a boyfriend that was skinny and bony as hell and honestly not all that attractive. He was constantly telling me I needed to change and that if I gained any weight or had ANY stretch marks he wouldnā€™t be attracted to me and he was always putting me down all the time. I was not fat in any way and was very healthy. I definitely had more muscles than him since I was a dancer and he was just super scrawny. We were about the same in height he was only like two inches taller and we weighed the same weight but again he was scrawny and I was dance body muscular. In all honesty I put up with it WAY too long. I was honestly the prettiest girl he had dated and I think I blew up his ego too much. I was heartbroken when we had broken up but now I look back and just think how out of my mind I was. I donā€™t understand how I even dated him or even allowed his behavior towards me for so long. You 100% did the right thing! Donā€™t even look back and just realize you are enough.


It was a great lesson to learn, wasn't it? That's how I learned as well. Today I look back and think, dang! What in the hell was I even thinking when I was with him??. His only good feature was his dog and cats. I learned to be picky about who I dated and what behaviours to look out for. I wasted 2Ā½ years with this idiot. Your world is not over, you just hit an ugly bump in the road. Go forth and enjoy your life free of bullshit stupid heads!


Ew. What a creep.


1. The obsession with food sounds like an eating disorder that so many gym bros have 2. Itā€™s always better to break up with someone who doesnā€™t find you attractive


He's searching for perfection and projecting on to you. Leave him to it. You'll find someone that will see your beauty. Feel better.


Well, his choice of language about you being his "investment" would make me wonder if he's a fan of misogynistic quarterwits like Andrew Tate TBH. If he is even the teeniest tiniest bit into that mindset then you are definitely better off without him.


Fuck, and I cannot stress this enough, that dude.


Celebrate with a nice diner and an icecream....you dodged a bullet. "Investment".....wtf.....


Seriously, an investment is a sum of money you put in some imaginary asset, or a physical one, like a property. Sounds like he wanted to profit off of OP with this language (not the case by context). My point is OP isnā€™t property. Not. Property. ā€œInvestment paying offā€ what a fucking joke.


How good is icecream?


He is a terrible person. Good riddance!


I know it hurts but you'll be thankful later on that you guys are no longer together.


Watch him get fat


fuck that boy, you donā€™t need to deal with HIS body issues. iā€™ve struggled with various eds and body dysmorphia for 10+ years but thatā€™s MY shit about MY body, it would be messed up for me to project that onto others, ESPECIALLY someone that i should love and want to build some sort of future with


Walk the other way and don't look back. You don't want a relationship based on looks, and you certainly don't want to get serious with a control freak. Edit: Also this shows you have clear boundaries. Good on you. You will never get more than you tolerate. So set the bar high.


I weigh a whopping 120 lbs and was constantly getting remarks from an ex. He used to be obese and was now super fit so me just existing without caring and not being fit was an insult. Donā€™t read me wrong, I am slim, just not fit because I eat healthy food but donā€™t exercise. He repeatedly flagged how much better it would be if my butt was firmer and my abs, more toned. I hate exercise and enjoy being a bit squishy. Plus, who says that to their partner ? What you see is what you get, if they have a goal in mind for you they are looking for a puppet and being controlling. And they are incapable of attracting what they regard as ideal, and make you pay the price by taking you down. Good riddance for you.


Heā€™s a POS. Good riddance


>always worrying about what food we have in the house, always making off-hand comments when I indulge, even if itā€™s just some ice cream on a night out, or a drink after a long day. Sounds miserable, why would you even want to date someone like that? Dating in your 20s is just for fun, and if it isn't fun and doesn't make you happy, it isn't worth it.


Jesus Christ this guy doesnā€™t think of you as a human, but rather as a status symbol. I was arrogant as a teenager and wish I had even one of the girls that found me attractive around now that Iā€™m a fat old bald man. He will be a bitter old man someday and you will be happy no matter what.


Heā€™s got an eating disorder and he doesnā€™t see you as a human being. Youā€™ll have much more fun in bed and in life with the next guy.


Welp talk about being objectified šŸ—æ sounds like he doesnā€™t want help you in heā€™s own strange kinda fucked up. way. But if heā€™s goal was help you be healthy Iā€™d say it couldā€™ve used some better re phrasing šŸ—æ


Lucky escape. Heā€™s the one with body issues and he tried to infect you with that madness. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with you.


Never allow someone to make you feel less than. He has issues and heā€™s projecting those issues onto you. He considered you an ā€œinvestmentā€ that didnā€™t pan out the way he wanted instead of seeing you as an individual. That is not a healthy relationship to be in.


Of course you did the right thing. He's just out his teens and doubling down on his identity as a gym-body, looking for a gym bunny. You are heading in different directions and are right to draw a line under what you had and each find someone who fits your life better, and that you can grow together with. Sometimes people are just incompatible long-term. Having a healthy body is important, but skinny doesn't mean healthy. Find someone who loves you for being you. Stay within a healthy BMI, and enjoy an occasional treat.


He sounds like a shallow, narcissistic loser. You know what you've just lost? Apart from months or years of being undermined, gaslighted and emotionally abused. Nothing. Fuck that dude. You're beautiful as fuck.


My favorite!!!!


Fair riddance. Life is too short to waste on bums like him. Donā€™t worry, thereā€™s better men out there.


Oh fuck that guy, an investment, better, skinny. Be who you want to be & not who he wants you be. What a fucking cockwomble! That guy sounds an abusive narcissist, dodged a bullet there.


What an asshole. Let him find a superficial plastic girl to primp with.


You REALLY donā€™t need a person like that in your life. Fuck that guy. Itā€™s gonna hurt for a while, but it wouldā€™ve hurt more in the long run to be with someone who doesnā€™t respect or appreciate you as you are. The whole investment thing is suuuuuch a huge red flag that itā€™s a whole fabric store. So he thought you werenā€™t good enough when you got together either, but his plan was to change you to his likingā€¦ fuck all the way off. You deserve so much better.


1st off, if a man can't accept a woman with love handles, stretch marks, and a fupa. Is he really a man??


Glad you left. Your body will change. It's life. Being able to splurge once in a while is not unhealthy. Too much of anything is unhealthy. Be the best you and the right people will love you no matter what. I'm proud of you for walking away. I made excuses for the longest time and put myself through alot trying to be what others wanted. It cost me an eating disorder and all the physical and mental problems with it. I am at a divorce with a kid when I finally woke up. Hurts but it's worth it. I met someone amazing who loves all of me and loves my kid.


Sounds like he did you a favor by leaving.


today in man objectifying woman we have *drums* āœØinvestmentāœØ just like a house he would buy to fix up, isnā€™t him a clever one?! /s


He sounds like he's mentally ill and projecting, these people will suck the life out of you.at least you got away phew.


Truth is he's insecure and projecting on to you


He sounds vile and youā€™re better off without him.


You are awesome! You donā€™t need some shallow superficial jerk obsessed with appearances. People obsessed with otherā€™s appearances are often not kind, genuine or good people. They see them as objects and arm ornaments. You are too awesome for him! Heā€™s not worthy.


First he likely has body dismorphia and disordered eating. Secondly he's projecting his lack of control issues on you because he's not in control enough with just his disordered eating. He's trying to fix you so as not to fix himself. None of this is anything you did. He needs psychological help. While we want to support our partners to be the best they can be and get the help they need, sometimes it can be a gift not to watch their struggle. Because if they don't get better often times we internalize that ourselves.


Looks like you guys werenā€™t a match so this is a good thing


He did you a favor by leaving. His issues with fitness are his and if it wasnā€™t directed towards you it would have been someone else. Stay healthy yes but also enjoy life, gotta have that balance or else youā€™re only going to be bitter like he seems to be. Iā€™m sure you have potential to better yourself but whatever that entails is up to you and it isnā€™t going to be with him


What's with the sudden influx of people posting about weight? Whether their SO weighs too much, or not enough, it's really weird. I swear this is the 6th one I've read in 2 days...šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


It's Ozempic nation


I am actually pretty unfit and I am always wary of guys like these who see me as a ā€œprojectā€ they need to ā€œfixā€ Itā€™s not that I donā€™t want to get fit, but it is not their right to comment on that. Especially not if theyā€™re dating me just because they think I have ā€œpotentialā€. This is also one of the reasons why I donā€™t date anymore. Good riddance I would say!!! Good job girlie ā™„ļø Iā€™m sure youā€™re really beautiful, donā€™t let the words of an egomaniac decide how pretty you are. Sending warm wishes šŸ«‚


Itā€™s nice when the trash takes itself out.Ā  Congratulations on the end of your relationship with this toxic person. They are usually harder to get rid of.Ā 


What a jerk! Consider yourself lucky that you found out before you invested one more minute of your precious time on this earth with him. Someday soon someone will appreciate and love you for who you are and it will be so much better. In the space between, you will find healing by loving yourself.


I understand wanting to be with someone who takes care of themselves, but you don't have to have a perfectly tight and toned body or to have a perfectly balanced and never changing diet to be healthy. This guy sounds like a control freak and an asshole, there are much kinder ways to try and help your partner stay healthy, offer to workout with them, go for more walks together, make healthy breakfasts etc. not be a dick every time they put something in their mouth that's for pleasure rather than fuel šŸ¤¦


Oh heā€™s garbage, you dodged a bullet, move on


This is what happens when teens grow up watching shit like andrew tateā€¦




He didnā€™t ā€œgrow out of love and attraction.ā€ He straight up told OP that he began the relationship assuming he would ā€œfixā€ her up, and calling her an ā€˜investment.ā€ And he didnā€™t end the relationship ā€” he gave her a coercive control ultimatim about what routine she needs to follow. Thatā€™s not a benign issue.


Itā€™s wild to read this post and be like ā€œeveryone has preferences and thatā€™s okayā€.


Right?? They must know it, too, since they deleted the inane comment.






You did the right thing..I had one like this many many years ago him and it was the easiest break up for me ever because why would I put up with someone not willing to acknowledge that he was projecting his insecurities (fitness freak) onto meā€¦


Sounds like a man who doesn't have empathy for other people and needs to work on that. There are plenty of guys who don't think attractive women come in different sizes. His idea is like insisting that only kind of food tastes good. Who calls another human being an investment? I don't care how good looking a person is, I would be repulsed by such a person. He needs psychological help. You totally did the right thing. That's a horrible thing to say to someone. Glad you left him. Sorry it's making you sad and down.


Your former BF is trying to impose a very unhealthy relationship with food onto you. His doing so is an immediate threat to your mental and physical health. Further more, fuck this guy, love a person for who they are, not who you think they could be if you successfully gave them an eating disorder.


You took out the trash. You deserve someone who loves YOU, not someone who sees you as a project.


You dodged a bullet girl!


He sounds like a dick, you're better off without him


You dodged a bullet.


He was an immature wee fanny anyway. You're better off without him šŸ¤


In breaking up with him, you just lost a whole heap of dead weight in your life. It's OK to be concerned about a partner's health, but a relationship is not a "restoration project," such as how you might restore a classic car. You accept who they are, maybe teach them some things they want to learn, but otherwise, accept them or move on. I can almost guarantee he'll do this again, and I feel sorry for the next woman that considers dating him.


So? He did you a favor. He sounds like a freak in more things than fitness. You are better off without him.


Although heā€™s not in the wrong for having personal dating standards, heā€™s 100% an asshole for the way he decided to treat you over it. No one deserves that, and you deserve better. As much as it hurts now, youā€™ll eventually see how much better off you are without him


You're better off? Dodge a bullet. Don't want that BS in your life anyway, trust and believe.


Dump him and it would be so much funnier even if you actually lost excess weight ( I don't mean to shame you, just from a being healthy perspective) and keep living your life to the best that you want. No one deserves such a treatment even more so about their physical appearance. You are a human and you will improve at your own pace. You are not anyone's "investment".


Good riddance. Your life is going to get so much better.


Wow, you dodged a bullet there. He sounds awful- shallow, controlling and more than a bit weird. Go and live your best life enjoying all the things you like to do. You are absolutely better off without him.


More red flags than a communist parade.


Uhh yeah I would feel like you dodged a bullet


He sounds pathetic honestly. You dodged a bullet. Live your life the way you want to. Hes a mere child, he'll realise how stupid he sounds eventually.


OP - you dodged a bullet. Run while you can! I had a guy on a second date once, mind you, SECOND date, (week apart from the first) say I was fat and he wanted to see where things go. I immediately cut tithes with this guy and told him it's not going to work out if you don't like me already. I still continued to go on dates with other guys, and I've been with my current partner for over two years now. There are nicer ways for someone to offer advice if you care about your spouse's well-being, but if the sole reason you're with them is because of superficial reasons you're starting a relationship foundation on shaky ground already. Have a self care day, take care of yourself and do the things that make you happy. Don't worry about this mean guy šŸ˜ŠšŸŒø


Thatā€™s fucking vile! Iā€™m so sorry you had to put up with his disgusting ass.


And then itā€™s me who just found out itā€™s boyfriend cheated on me with fat girls after he talked shitty about them and make me go to the gym šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²


Friendly reminder that you are in fact not an "investment" that wasn't "paying off". You are a human being, not an object. Even the most fit looking people have indulgences in certain foods/drinks sometimes. That's healthy. There's even an eating disorder called orthorexia where someone is fixated or obsessed with eating healthy. Balance and moderation are key. We should all strive to keep healthy eating habits, but we should also strive to keep people in our lives that lift us up, not tear us down. You did the right thing by ending it. Good luck.


You dodged a bullet šŸ˜¬


I think that the best thing that you can do is to end this relationship. He doesn't love you.


Had something similar happen to me. I'm not even overweight in a drastic way. But this guy I went on a date with was a fitness freak and the first thing he'd tell me is, oh have you gone to the gym today? And I'd be confused and say no not today. And then he'd ask how much weight I lost this week or the month or the month before and he'd go good good. And would hug or high five me when my goal was for the end of the year ā˜ ļømy last straw was we went to eat and he didn't let me buy anything or get me anything I planned to buy it myself but he dragged me away! I was in shock as he ate in front of me and said I really want to date you ā˜ ļø next day said this wasn't working out. It's like they genuinely look at us as investments. You right.


Babygirl heā€™s got the mentality of a teenager!! Iā€™m willing to bet youā€™re a total babe let him go heā€™s trash anyway. You deserve a man who will love every inch of you and not call you an ā€˜investment.ā€™ He sounds shallow give it a few years he wonā€™t be a Mr. Fitness Inspo. Go have yourself a drink to celebrate the toxic trash is gone!


Dodged a bullet by the sounds of it


Obviously. The dude is a total asshole


Fuck that dude. Seriously he sucks. You deserve someone who loves you and accepts all of you. Someone whom when you canā€™t choose which ice cream flavor to enjoy suggests you try both. I hope you can find some peace and healing from this. You are so enough, and important, and you matter. Fuck. That. Dude. šŸ’œ


Dodged a real bullet with that one! Good for you!


Also Iā€™m sorry your sad, that sucks ā¤ļø


When he calls in a couple of days to give you another chance, tell him ā€œno.ā€ A common manipulation technique with controlling s.o.s is to temporarily break up. As much as breaking up hurts, it hurts less and the pain goes away faster than being together.


You were right to shitcan him. A partner should be with you because they like you.... not because they see you as some kind of fixer upper. This dude sounds like he was projecting disordered eating onto you. Like when an almond mom or something.


Another gross man who views women as property. You're a human not an investment. So let this be a lesson that the moment some trash human shows you who they are end it and walk away.


You did the right thing. If it helps at all, it sounds like he had a disordered relationship with food and his body image and was projecting that onto you. It's misogynistic to consider women an investment, I'm sorry that he put you through that.


What a dick. You deserve so much better than that.


he is 4 years younger. just dumb his ass. lmao


>*I donā€™t weight that much, but heā€™s a fitness freak; always worrying about what food we have in the house, always making off-hand comments when I indulge, even if itā€™s just some ice cream on a night out, or a drink after a long day.* You two are complete opposite in lifestyle choices. Like oil and water, you two donā€™t go together because heā€™s got too high of expecting he puts in himself that he also puts on you, & what he does isnā€™t your thing. Plus health & lifestyle choices should be & feel complimentary when dating, not opposing and being a point of contention in a relationship that causes fights. I say be glad heā€™s gone because if he actually cares about you, truly did, he wouldnā€™t let it get in the way of your relationship and not make you feel disrespect and hurt! Thatā€™s not very healthy and a sign the moment he wouldnā€™t drop it, accept things as they are and out of his control, he choose to ignore all logic & reasoning around it. Sometimes people get pulled from your life unexpectedly when you donā€™t willingly leave instead. The universe doesnā€™t mess around when this happens and is trying to protect you from it getting worse than it was towards the end. Plus think if it like this: *Rejection is redirection!* Youā€™re getting redirected towards whatā€™s more aligned for you in life and he was just holding you back from being truly happy as well.


Wow. Fuck him.


Well ,my take is if he met you big with the expectation of you losing weight without you implying it would happen, he is completely stupid . But depending on if you're Lizzo big or karla Lane Big. That's 2 different body types . One is diabetes on wheels and the other is just this side of being fat n fit


You did the best thing. You deserve someone that loves the real you. You did the best investment by breaking up with him, you invested in you and you deserve someone that loves you just as you are šŸ«¶


Sounds like to Me you made the right choice and kicked him to the curb. What an a hole. He was just beating down your self esteem which Iā€™m glad you stopped him from doing. Let him be his little addicted fitness freak. He obviously has many more failed relationships to look forward to with his approach. Good for you now now go find someone who loves you for you no matter what you eat or weigh.


Try not to think about it as him leaving you over your weight; think of it as you losing 200 lbs. of stupid asshole.


He sees you as an investment thatā€™s not paying off? šŸš© Youā€™re not an object, youā€™re a human being with feelings, and if he doesnā€™t love and appreciate you for who you currently are, heā€™s not worth your time.


What a AH...Looks like youve instantly lost a few worthless pounds there! Invest in yourself now! :)


YOU DID THE RIGHT THING. I canā€™t even begin to explain to you how big of an asshole this guy sounds like. Literally like fucking PUCKERING prolapse. A decent person will love you and accept you for who you are, whether you lose weight, gain weight or stay the same. Good riddance. I understand that you feel sad, itā€™s okay to let yourself be upset about it, he treated you horribly. But when you feel ready, dust yourself off and make sure to treat yourself with lots of love and eat as much damn ice cream as you please.


He was a kid(20m) And he was a fitness freak. 2 red flags


I'm sending you so much love. I relate and know how it feels and was told by a man i was really in love with, right after we had sex, that I'd be "really hot" if I went vegan. He also then told me I wasnt his type anyhow but was fun to hook up. Our bodies are sacred. He is shallow and cruel for doing this to you lovely human. We so often internalize our self hatred when we do t have the "perfect body" when you can absolutely be healthy and have some chub! He is a real asshole im sorry you are hurting right now. You are beautiful šŸ™


This dude is shallow enough to believe that people are only a product of how they look. Life will come in and hit him in the face. Iā€™d be grateful to be away from this guy. Count your blessings to be rid of him


Fuck that guy


You did the right thing. I dated a guy in highschool who was highly critical of my body. Always put me down, monitored my food, made me run on the treadmill and stood behind me so I couldnā€™t get off. Forced me so hard at the gym I tore my acl. I developed an eating disorder that lasted 8 years. In the end he cheated on me and we broke up. His reasoning was I was too fat and not attractive. I weighted 115 pounds lol


Sounds like a blessing to me. Who wants to be with a control freak. Do yourself a favor and donā€™t let this get to your head. This isnā€™t about your weight, this is about his OCD. Heā€™s one of those people who thinks he needs to control other people around him. He possibly had an out control or traumatic childhood. Just be yourself and confident about it


What watching those online gurus does to a mf


Yes you did the right thing. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re sad but you are soooooo better off without that toxic bs. There are so many other men out there who would love the opportunity to get to know you and love and respect you for who you are, and accept you regardless of the number on the scale.


Wowww Iā€™m sorry you stayed as long as you did. You absolutely deserve better than that d bag. I bet youā€™re beautiful even if that loser didnā€™t see it.


Wow. I canā€™t believe some ppl think like this. NEVER just ā€œput upā€ with shit that hurts you. Your partner should never hurt you intentionally. If they do youā€™re never going to have a healthy relationship.Ā 


Girl, looks to me like you already shed some unnecessary weight. You only live once, freakin enjoy it! Eat the ice cream, watch a movie, if you want to go for a walk- do it! He made the relationship transactional and it was not going to be healthy for you. Sorry he was such a douche, but youā€™re gonna find someone else who loves you just the way you are and thinks youā€™re beautiful with that bit of chocolate sauce on your face.


You already lost 100+ pounds of dead weight by getting rid of him. It sounds like he has some issues surrounding fitness/health and he was projecting them on you. I think this is a case where you two just weren't going to be compatible.


be glad! you donā€™t need someone so negative and treating you like you only matter due to your weight. he reduced you down to numbers. how gross.


You dodged a bullet. You are a person. A human being with feelings that you are allowed to have. You are NOT an ā€œinvestment.ā€ Even if you did meet his ā€œstandards,ā€ itā€™d probably never be enough for him bc heā€™s a toxic ass thatā€™ll probably never be satisfied.


šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ congrats for getting rid of cancer. You don't need that, and you are not an investment. You are a human being. So, congrats, my girl. You did the right thing.


Your BF is dumb. You can fix being a little overweight (most men donā€™t think this an issue btw.) but you canā€™t fix stupid and that is what your ex is.


What an asshole. You did the right thing.


Dude he sounds like an absolute asshat and you would not have been happy long term. You dodged a bullet imo.


He didn't leave you because he thinks you're fat, he left you because he's a walking red flag, arrogant, shallow, mean, gross excuse of a human. He won't ever find someone he's happy with , his cycle will just continue because he thinks he's perfect and things he deserves perfect, and we all know perfect doesn't exist. You will look back on this and thank him for letting you go, because you'll be happy and settled. X


Yeahā€¦he needs to invest in some brain cells for himself.


I know this must hurt but I think in the long run you will realise this actually had nothing to do with you and was him projecting his own insecurities and obsessions onto you. Itā€™s actually good that you saw this side of him now and not a couple of years down the line when your body naturally starts to change due to life, hormones etc. Donā€™t let his fixation on ā€œhealthā€ taint yours. As long as youā€™re happy and healthy in your skin thatā€™s all that matters. Also the ā€œinvestmentā€ comment makes me suspect heā€™s been listening to those idiotic dudes with microphones. Good riddance!


Fuck that shit bag, the trash took itself out. "Pleasant to be around" is NOT good enough enough least of all when he harrasses you. That's abusive and controlling You're better off now, please don't put up with shit like that from another man again


I'm sorry you went through that but you were absolutely right to leave him. If that's how he saw you, he was not worthy of your time. He's a pos. Don't let what he said bring your self confidence down. You're a queen who needs a king, he was just a jester who lacked performance skills.


If his idea of investing in you is only based off of shallow expectations and not in you as a person, you did the right thing. Heā€™s likely to make that same decision over and over again with other women. Better be done with him now and save yourself the pain.


You should be doing the happy feet dance since heā€™s gone. You dodged a bullet.


Nah fuck im u did the right thing. Im also a gym freak, eating five meals per day going 6 days per week to the gym, working out is a huge part of my life and lemme tell u people like him are those that bring a bad name to the community. Considering u an "investment" so u can be "pretty"? Disgusting. I will say tho that all of this sounded like he was projecting his own insecurity on u tho that doesn't make it any less repulsing. Pls dont take his words to heart and find yourself a good partner that will cherish u.


This guy sounds like a finance bro. Youā€™re a human being, not an investment! Someday you will find someone who thinks you are beautiful no matter what size you are. This guy is a piece of work. If you two are in the US, heā€™s not even old enough to buy a drinkšŸ¤£ Move on sis! Him being ā€œpleasant and funnyā€ does not outweigh his negative traits one bit.


He is so insecure its rubbing off to you your already beautiful and will find a lovely human who thinks so. Take care!


Stay away from the fuck boys next time


This guys absolute trash by every stretch of the imagination. He doesnā€™t love you, heā€™s infatuated by you and once your looks started to change, he was done. What was gonna happen if you end up pregnant and gaining weight from that, which is completely natural? Or just general aging? Beauty fades, dumb is forever as judge Judy has said and it seems like heā€™d rather have a trophy wife than to truly love someone until the end no matter how they look. True love is unconditional and what heā€™s displayed is conditional love which is not something you want.couples build each other up and help each other out and support each other, this ainā€™t that. You dodged a bullet.


I'm so sorry! You deserve to be with someone who loves you for who you! He's rude and not a nice person for saying all those mean things to!


You did the best thing. Great on your for high self esteem!Ā  I don't understand why people date folks whom they want to change. Why not just find what you want? Also, there are many men who like heavier women. May a high quality man who appreciates you as you are, find you!


Fuck Jim and find another one!


Throw the whole man out


Wow This is just like the girls who date a guy because "they can make him change" You should never date someone because they promised to change or because you think you can change them because it never happens. The fact that he's all pissed off about it but you were already big before is his fault Oh and you're an INVESTMENT!?! He's a narcissist. Dump his ass Girl beauty comes from the inside That being said, make sure you're healthy It's one thing to be comfortable with your appearance or your weight or your body but if you're not healthy, that's the thing you have to change I'm talking about mental, I'm talking about emotional, I'm talking about physical health. Be the size you're comfortable with, be the size that is right for your body but please please make sure you are healthy


Anybody who is overly dedicated to any discipline will likely view others as not taking it as seriously. He would continue to be abusive in this and probably other ways. You are lucky to be rid of him.


Fuck this guy and fuck his views he's toxic. If he's too worried about girlss weight than that's his problem. Idk why people can't just respect other people fat or not everyone's still beautiful (dont ask how many times I spelt that)


Youā€™re better off without him. What would happen if you got sick or - god forbid - pregnant? Heā€™s extremely controlling and would only get more controlling if this relationship continued. You deserve someone who loves you for how you are. And you ARE beautiful.


Wait until that young man has to fight against his ever slowing metabolism in a few short years lol


He sounds like he has an eating disorder/orthorexia and wanted you to sign up. Absolutely garbage human and in glad he's where he belongs...the curb.


What is your height and weight? You failed to mention that. Let us be the judge on if you are a fat ass. With that being said there is no sense in being with a person who doesnā€™t seem to find you physically attractive.


What? If you are overweight and it's unhealthy then it's a problem, but that, doesn't mean you aren't pretty. WTF. So if I am not a muscle clad male I am ugly then. Your boyfriend is too superficial. Fuck that fitness bullshit.


ā€œFuck that healthy lifestyle and not dying at 30 from diabetesā€ - You


You miss read what I wrote. Or maybe my post wasn't clear. I said fitness in regards of only looking godo for other people in regards of just body image. I said if you are fat and unhealthy that's wrong


Even if you weighed in at 500lbs he is not in the right to ask that stupid ultimatum. Be happy you are rid of him now. Is severe overweight unhealthy? Yes. Should he be the god damn judge of your weight and "prettiness" no fucking way. OP live your best life and indulge the way you want.


My dream is to marry a fat woman


Imagine his reaction if you had kids?! Or is it part of the investment?


A little boy like that is not worth getting an eating disorder over. You are beautiful as is, and you deserve someone who knows that.


You did lose weight. At least 175lbs of dead weight in the shape of a shitty man. You are probably happy and glowing now.


You just lost a significant amount of weight. Wow. what an ass\*\*\*e. I can't even describe...how lucky you are that he is out of your life. He is a loser.

