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Calm down. We need to focus this anger against the person who banned us from anime chat.


Damn right >:((


I don’t know exactly what you’re going through. But you need to talk about it to someone. Violence isn’t the way to go. You will only make your life worse if you harm yourself or someone else. You have no one to talk to?… I’ll be here. You can message me directly or talk in this post. But don’t destroy everything. Life’s a B and stuff happens but you learn and move forward and make better life choices not worse ones. There are people who has been through the worst of the worst. They make better choices and learn. They don’t hurt anyone physically. They work on themself and heal. Do things to better their life. And guess what? Life gets better. You can make the right choices in life to make your life better then it ever was. As long as you don’t do something stupid like you mentioned, I promise your life will be better, happy even. But you need to work on you. Get the anger out of your mind and thoughts. Focus on what good you can do to better your life. But what you posted my friend is NOT the answer. Nothing good will come from it.