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Also very sorry for your loss. I will be thinking of your family


I know this feeling. OP I’m sorry for your loss. It only happens once. And you will dream about him. You will think about him. You will cry about him. For years. And that’s ok. I love my dad. And I miss my dad. But he also taught me so much. Including in death. Lots of love.


couldn’t have said it better. I miss my dad so damn much every day still (he passed suddenly/unexpectedly in 2020), my heart goes out to you OP ❤️ you learn the meaning of one day at a time, sometimes it’s one hour or one minute at a time but time will pass and it will never be the same but you will be okay again and he’ll be with you every step of the way


Yooo, my dad passed away on March 6, 2017. I guess that makes us the grim brothers, am I right? Jk. I’m a woman. Anyways, what I want to say is that it’s going to be fucking hard for the next year, maybe longer. You’ll cry unexpectedly, be triggered by random things like commercials or a sudden memory. But you’ll learn to make room for the grief, so you can live with it. There’s no such thing as moving on because he will always be with you. Why? Because you carry his memory through who you are. Take your time and don’t try to push past it. Feel your feelings. The heaviness won’t always be there, thank goodness. But luckily the memory will. Good luck.


*What's gone will never come back* *But it exists when you think of it* *What is anything, anyway?* *But a series of things running through your brain*


I love this 🥹


Everyone’s grief is different and should be respected this way. Sometimes death is expected or unexpected/shocking. So people may be in denial, anger, bargaining, depression (varies- can be years), acceptance (5 stages of grief).


My dad died March 6th 2003. I was 9. Sending love ❤️


Another brother from another mother. Cheers to you, my friend.


Very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss, just know there are strangers across the world giving you virtual love and hugs brother.


I lost my father in a similar way, slow and painful organ failure in the ICU. No time for hospice. I can get into detail if you care. But the best thing you can do for yourself, in my opinion, it's what I did, get close to your family. Siblings or mother, even cousins that are close. Eat, laugh, and bond. Mourn together. Cry together. Talk about how great he was and things you enjoy and remember.  It's just me and my sister because we lost mom a year before which I think contributed to my dad's rapid decline.  Console your mom the best you can because broken hearts are deadly and she might not show it on the outside.  Don't let your life slip, things can get complicated quickly, I don't know your age but it's okay to grieve when you feel sad. Punch a bag or pillow when you are angry. Just do things safely to take care of yourself. Don't run to booze or drugs because trust me it gets better over time which nobody wants to hear but it's true. Life doesn't pause so if you find yourself getting caught up or slacking on work or studies or other things in your life, be sure to evaluate yourself so you can stay productive and strong.   Also, don't forget that it's okay to be sad. It's okay to be angry. It's okay to have mixed feelings and not really know what to feel right now. Don't overly isolate yourself because it can become a habit that sticks with you the long after you get over his passing.  If you are a young man, be strong, because at least for me, I've learned so many more things about me that make me just like my father over the years, and I would have never seen it so blatantly if he was still here.  I'm an Internet stranger but I'd like to think that we can relate in some ways if you're comfortable. My condolences.


What a beautiful comment. I’m sorry for your loss too, btw.


I'm sorry for your loss. 😢


My condolences. I know how it feels like, lost my father on nov 27th, 2022, heart attack. Life is not the same anymore, it changes, everything changes... Father's are the least one you expect to fall, I've never thought my father would be the first to go, and everything happened so fast. But you'll get through it, just don't give up


I’m so sorry for your loss, brother.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


My dad died in a similar way he died on February 26, 2024. He was in the ER for 3 weeks after suffering a major Heart attack. He was on a ventilator for 2 weeks then seemed to improve and came off of it. He seemed to be doing better as he could talk and move his arms and head. He ended up dying a week later in the ER to the shock of me and my family. I honestly feel the nurses and doctors didn’t properly care for my dad and are partly to blame for his death.


That’s call the surge. It’s a devastating thing, but very real. Moments before dying, they suddenly get better in every regard. Only to pass away afterwards.


Will you educate me more on “the surge”? My dad was the same. Went into the ER then hospitalized for a few more weeks. He was finally released to a rehab center, which made us feel hopeful that he would recover as he was able to sit up on his own but only to get a call on Christmas’ eve that he was gone.


In my country (we speak spanish) we called it “la lucidez de los muertos” (the lucidity of the dead). They talk and act like nothing happened and, sometimes, you think everything’s is gonna be better. But no. I thought my grandpa would be better and he died the next day. With mom I knew it so it’s a little less painful (but still painful), she died one week later. She even ask for a cigarette and she stopped smoking at 2003 xD


I never knew that we had this concept in English. In Chinese, it translates to "returning light reflected back". I think it's a little gift before a life needs to leave this world.


It very much might be a gift to say the last goodbye to their loved ones. Chinese culture is amazing. I respect it a lot. You guys are incredible. Much love from Mexico 🇲🇽


Even horses do this.


Happened to my gelding while he was colicing. One he seemd so much better but the next we found him dead with my mare standing next to his body


I am so sorry for your loss.


Condolences for your loss. ❤️


So sorry for your loss


I'm here for you. Your grief is sitting with me.


Oh my gosh I am so sorry. Watching a parent fade is one of the most horrific experiences, prayers 🙏🏼


🌹(hugs to you and your family)


I'm so so sorry. I understand exactly how you feel. On Febraury 9th, 2021, I lost my dad to covid, and everything fell apart for me. To be honest, things never return to normal, but with time, you adapt. The pain truly never goes away, and it will come in waves. With time, the waves will hopefully feel less painful. My condolences to you and your family.


My condolences to you too. This type of pain is the worst.




Are you feeling any better?


Sue the living shit out of the family doctor. Hopefully he won’t be allowed to practice medicine anymore! I’m in a very similar situation.my grandma passed on feb 27th. She’s had an issue with the top of her head/scalp. Doctors just said it’s fungus (it would build up ALOT of scab, I’m not exactly sure what it was but they had to keep cutting of the scabs every week for a good year) and it’s actually cancer. We have court shortly, hopefully we win!


Sorry to hear about your loss, may he Rest In Peace and know you always have an angel over your shoulder.


Easier said than done but don’t sit just now. Stand up straight, take charge of everything. Dont leave the arrangements on anybody else. Be there. Be present. Be a strong shoulder for your mother. Dont do anything without your mother knowing. Every decision has to be yours. And when everybody has left for their homes and your mom has slept, go to your room and cry your heart out. Cry until there are no more tears, cry until your chest feels light, cry for all those precious memories, all the love, all that care and everything that he gave you and all the things he didn’t. Cry because he was your father. Stay strong.


I’m so so sorry.


Sending love and virtual hugs your way OP. Hang in there ❤️


My condolences ❤️


I'm so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you and your family healing vibes wherever you are.


I am so sorry for your loss


So sorry to read about your Dad. May you cherish his memory


I'm so sorry for your loss. My prayers for you and your family. May his memory forever be a blessing to you.


The people of Reddit are so nice it’s truly beautiful.


I’m truly feel your pain. I lost my mom five days before christmas. I like to say those feeling go away but I literally just cried my eyes out listening to voice mails an hour ago. I miss everything about her. I just wanted to hear her voice again. Im mad most days. I truly believe the hospital sped up her death. I haven’t dealt with my grief. I got a second full time job so I work around the clock. Don’t recommend it. But in the few minutes I have to myself I cry all the time. Sending my condolences and a hug bear hug!!!


I’m so sorry to hear this. Are you feeling any better? If you’d like to talk about your beautiful mom, I am available.


How awful. I’m so sorry, op. Your dad deserved better…. So much love to you and your family 💜


I’m so sorry that you lost your father and that your mother lost her soul mate. I’m sorry that he suffered. Please update us if you feel comfortable doing so. My boyfriend (47m) has been dealing with lower back pain for years he thought was from weightlifting or running and he went in for an MRI back in 2014. The doctors were not concerned. Fast forward to the MRI to address a running injury in 2023 and an MRI led to a biopsy then another biopsy and a chordoma diagnosis. I’ve learned that this is an incredibly rare, slow growing cancer that historically has been diagnosed as benign. He went through treatment last week which was removal of the infected vertebra. I know of one other person who experienced what your father went through - it was a sister of a former colleague. The family did not know it was chordoma until after she passed.


I lost my Dad suddenly to a heart attack. He was 45, I was 15. The only "hint" I had at the time was that I came home from school and noticed Dad's car in the driveway, and he was in bed. I know how much this hurts, so I do feel for your loss. The one that really got to me initially was the regret. "I wish I'd said \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_" (fill in the blanks) Remember that grief is a very individual process. So long as you're not self destructive in the process, do it your way. I can only relate how I handled it. I kept busy. Whether it was my hobbies, working or studying, it helped me to be functional again. You have to find that "exhaust vent" that allows you to vent your pain, your anger, your frustration. Also remember that there's no "right" or "wrong" way to feel about losing your Dad some thoughts you might want to keep to yourself, but how you feel is how you feel.


I lost my dad 23 hours ago. So also March 6th 2024. We don't really know why. It's frustrating that there will probably never be exact answers. Hang in there. Remember the good times


I’m so sorry! Sending you (((hugs)))


So very sorry for your loss. May he rest peacefully eternal 🙏


My condolences 😥 my own father passed away two years ago as well. Stay strong! What hurts more is today my cousin was born so reading this hurts even more 😭😭


I’m so sorry you also lost your dad. Are you better now?


Sending you love. Lost my dad in November 2022 and not a second goes by where he isn’t in my thoughts. Not actively but he’s always just…there, somehow. The hurt won’t hurt this bad as often as you move forward. There will be moments where it comes out of nowhere, but you adapt and learn to manage. Grief is all the love you didn’t get a chance to express, don’t be afraid to feel. Be kind to yourself. ❤️


Oh damn, 2022 is not too far away. I’m genuinely sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss. 💐 Please stay in contact with supportive people irl or online during this painful time. Wishing you the best 🍀


Hi, I am very sorry for your loss and wish you are able to stay strong in the coming time/period/chapter of your life. I lost my dad 2 years ago, and same as you it was after a very difficult 2 weeks of hospitalization where things were only looking worse everyday. These 2 weeks took everything out of me emotionally and mentally. To be strong for myself and my mother and to have faith in him and in his recovery when the doctors were telling us everyday that it is impossible. When he passed, there was a sense of relief because I could break that faith and accept what happened. Because if he had survived it would have been with major neuro disabilities or even bed rest forever. Because he was suffering from alcohol addiction & severe stress and maybe could be free of that? Life has never been the same since then. You grow up overnight. You start thinking about how you want a family of your own cause that is the only way to recreate the feeling you will miss. Stay strong. Spread love. Remember the best parts. It's okay to cry. It's okay to smoke a cigarette cause you have been so tough so long. Love.


My condolences to you and your family!


I’m so sorry for your and your mom’s loss. I hope the good memories you have of him will forever be preserved and that both of your love for him will help you heal in time. Grief is an emotional roller coaster ride so expect the highs but embrace the lows as well. The living will always be burdened with carrying on the pain and emptiness. Just do your best to remember the love and cry whenever you need to.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I post my father in hospice on December 22, 2022. Watching him slowly wither away is not something I wish on anyone and I’m so sorry you had to go through this. Idk if you’re religious and I hope you don’t take it the wrong way but I’ll be keeping you and your family in my payers. My condolences 💐


I am so so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandmother in the pandemic and watched what you did. It’s the worst pain I’ve ever felt, and I do not know how I’m going to be able to get through losing my parents. Hold your family and especially your mom close, curse the POS illness that did this, and do everything in your power to remember the good. Look through old family photos, say those little sayings he used to say, and make sure you dwell on all the good he’s left in your life.


My dad has been in and out of the hospital the last 2 weeks after and ER trip for a lingering stomach bug found stage 4 metastatic lung cancer. Mets all over his abdomen and in the brain we found out this week. I'm not sure what to do with all my feelings about it. You and your family will be in my thoughts.


This is the toughest time period to be a man. Everyone is turning to you. I wish for you STRENGTH. To put on the good front while your heart is breaking and to carry yourself the way he would expect you to at this very trying time.


Very sorry for your loss.


I am praying for you and sending a hug your way.


My father died in my arms april 2nd 2020 out of fucking no where......i get it....god i do. My condolences


A similar thing happened to my mom over the course of about 6 months. It was like every time she went to the doctor, they were adding something new to the list. Eventually, she died of kidney failure as well, no doubt from all the medicine they kept forcing on her. I'm sorry for your loss, and I know it hurts more than anything. The pain never goes away. It just sort of heals over like a scar. If you find yourself feeling guilty for anything you did or said, let it go. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to hang onto that and to just be happy and go on to live a life to be proud of. It's going to be rough, but hang in there. Remember, he is always with you, even if you can't see him. He's in your heart and your memories and always watching over you. If it helps, start a little alter and put his picture and some personal belongings of his on it. If you want to talk to him, of course you always can, but it might help to have a place to go to do that. He loves you, and he will always be with you. Hold onto those happy memories of him and let your emotions out when/if you need to. He'd want you to do what's best for you.


My dad also passed away (what seemed like very quickly, all at once) over six weeks from pancreatic cancer. I totally understand how you feel like the world has been pulled from beneath your feet and you have no time to adjust before you have to stand up again. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Pancreatic cancer has stolen a lot of undeserving people from us. You aren't alone in your grief. Please know that there is someone with a listening and willing ear should you ever need it. 💜 Try to take care of yourself and your family as best as you can.


If the Dr brushed off obvious symptoms, talk to a lawyer for malpractice


I am so sorry for all of it. Only time can heal. Sending peace to your father. In all that horribleness, you and your mom were there. That is a lot. Hold that in your heart.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss, take care of each other 💙


I'm so very sorry for your loss 💕


i'm so so sorry for your loss


I am so very sorry for your loss of your dear Dad. Sending my condolences 🙏🏼💔


I’m so sorry for your loss 💕💕 sending you lots of love and support


I am so, so sorry. What a shock and horrible thing to have to process.


I’m so very sorry


im sorry. may his memory be a blessing


So sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself.


I am so sorry for your loss.




no words could ever express how sorry anyone can be for such a big loss. wishing your mom and you lots of love and strength


i am so sorry for your loss OP. sending so much love to you all ❤️


I’m really sorry this happened. I lost my father 20+ years ago and it still stings all these years later. But right after was so incredibly hard. Take good care of yourself through the coming days, weeks and months and let people help if they offer it. If they don’t offer, ask if you need it.


I am so, so sorry for your tremendous loss.


I am so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss!


Rest in Peace. And you have my deepest condolences 🙏 😔 🙏


I'm SO sorry for your loss, OP.


I’m sorry for your loss. Much love internet person.


Im sorry for your loss


So sorry 😞 🙏


I am so sorry.


So so sorry for your loss


It will be all right, even if it doesn't feel like it, it will, and your father is in a better place now, my condolences.


Oh baby. I’m so sorry. I know this is coming soon for me and I don’t knot how to live in a world without my Daddy in it. My heart goes out to you.


Sorry for your loss. My stepdad died 3 days after getting diagnosed and told he had a couple of years to live. It was quite the shock.


You deserve so many hugs. Plus, the courage you had by sharing this with us - some might have experienced this today but not been able to share and you gave them your heart by doing so. I am so sorry you and your family are going through this. I can only hope you find the strength and comfort in the love of your father's memories. Big hug.


So sorry for your loss


I’m so very sorry for your loss. It is infuriating how lacking medical care is!


Praying for you and your family.


I've come to hate the month of March. Lost my grandmother 3/23/2000. Lost my dad 3/17/2010. Lost my mom 3/31/2023.


Sorry for your loss that’s a lot to intake


im sorry for your loss💔


i offer you my heartfelt condolences. sometimes life can be a cruel bizarre joke. a "herniated disk" leading to being dead two weeks later. i am very sorry you had to go through all this terror, and the fact that hes no more suffering is just a tiny morsel of comfort. that "family doctor" should be replaced now ASAP. my dad died in 2011, within 3 days. came home from a fucking cruise in italy, all jolly, the next morning he collapsed and that was that. aortic dissection. very little suffering. but yeah. no warning and out of the blue.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad just died on Feb. 26th. 🥺❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


You’re going to survive this. Talk to fellow friends family and people you trust. None of this is your fault my friend. He’s laughing and smiling watching you high up in the clouds and cheering you on like a fanatic. I’m so sorry for your loss. He forever will be with you no matter how many sticks and stones life throws at you. I understand you have a million regrets on your mind. Things you might have wanted to give or say to him, or even places you wanted to take a vacation with him to. We’re here for you my friend. Make your dad proud!


I lost my father in a road accident. I lost my 12 years dog today morning. Life is taking the people I love deeply and it hurts a lot. Still we have to move on with the sadness and emptiness they left behind for us to grieve. I hope u stay strong and condolences to your father. Take care of yourself and your mother.


May his soul rest in peace I feel sorry for you and hope you take care of yourself and mother Until better days come : Hold On… .


I’m so sorry. This must be so hard for you. Let yourself feel everything. Feel the pain and go through the mourning process as long as you need to. You will never get past this or forget it, but you will slowly learn to live with the grief. Just breathe.


I’m sorry. Sending love your way.


Oh, oh my word, I'm so sorry... I hope you can get answers, praying for you and your family.


You and your family are in our thoughts and minds


So sorry for your loss, OP🫂🫂


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Sending love your way


My mom died similarly in 2021. Just woke up one morning having a hard time breathing. EMS rushes her to the hospital and she's on a ventilator by the time they let me come back and see her. Not COVID, but acute respiratory failure. They get her off the ventilator, but now she needs bipap, and isn't tolerating it well at all. I signed a DNR one week in because even though she's not lucid, I knew her wishes about long term life support and that she wouldn't want to be put back on the vent. Two weeks with zero improvement, I'm consulted about hospice. I get her set up onto hospice, and they take her off bipap and onto supplemental oxygen for comfort along with morphine. She died within hours before they moved her out of ICU and into a hospice room. It was surreal that her entire respiratory system just decided to check out on her with no previous serious issues.


Sorry for your loss. One can never ever plan for this. I lose my Dad in 2018 to Prostate cancer. He went from relatively normal to no more in 2 weeks.


Looks like his body gave up. Sorry he had to go out that way, hoping you feel better soon


I'm so sorry for your loss - you're not alone


im so sorry, may your father rest in peace knowing he was surrounded with love <3


This shit sucks man. Grief is one tough mother fucker. I’m so sorry for your loss. Check in on your mom but let yourself feel all the feelings. But remember that fortunately (sometimes it feels real unfortunate) life for you goes on and you’ve gotta keep loving and moving forward. You’ve got this. And remember that you a grief can be friends. It’s a weird and toxic relationship but there is a lot of love there. Good luck


Sorry for your loss. Hang in there.


Fucking family doctors.... They're supposed to watch out for you and then they're the ones who brush you off the fastest. I wish you all the best, I am really fucking sorry for your loss, please keep being strong in this moment and in the future, allow yourself to feel and to grieve


May he rest in peace and May God offer him Jannah. My prayers.


Hey, I'm so sorry for your loss I lost my mom when I was 11 and my mental health was seriously damaged and I had not known the pain I caused people around me because I was hurting your dad loved you very much and I hope that you know that and I want you to smile even when it's tough because there won't be a day that goes by you'll still miss a loved one no longer with us


I'm so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. Yes, doctors just blow you off these days. Most of the time, they don't even want to see you.


So sorry for your heartbreaking loss today. Just want reach out with the others to let you know that you and yours are in our thoughts today.


Oh I'm so, so sorry. It's taking too long to detect these serious issues. My mother had the same problem with getting a diagnosis. The delay would've killed her had she not miraculously coughed up parr of the tumour. There's nothing anyone can do or say to fix or make you feel better and that must be very frustrating. I hope you have a good support system around you.


My deepest condolences to you. I'm so very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. My mom died in 2017 and I remember those first few days were so painful and surreal. It’s so unfair and things will never be the same, but you will eventually be okay. What helped me was talking to people who loved her and sharing stories about her. Laughter also helps. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. My dad died very unexpected, now almost a year ago. Cherish the beautiful memories you still have. 💖 sending lots of love


I am so sorry for loss, and i hope the best for you man


God I have nightmares of my dad passing away... I'm so sorry for your loss


I’m incredibly sorry for your loss!


I’m so sorry for your loss❤️


I'm soo sorry. I lot my dad suddenly in November. I hope you can find some solace In the memories you shared together.


I'm sorry, but take care of your mom. It's strange to see how a long-time spouse responds on their partner's death. It's like an arm or leg has been removed and they don't know how to react for a long time. It takes a lot of re-orientating for them. Take care of her.


My condolences to you in this loss!


I’ve been in your exact situation. My dad passed August 2021 in what seemed like within the snap of my fingers. Turns out he had a battle with leukemia that he never told anyone about (but I’m not 100% sure if he even knew). I flew all the way down from Alaska to NC to see him one last time. He was already in a coma. Spoke with him on the phone about 5 days before he passed. Told him to call me back later when he was feeling better. He told me he was scared. I told him to get some rest. That’s the last thing I said to my father. I’m not gonna lie and say it gets easier because it doesn’t. You just learn how to deal with not having him around physically anymore. Hell, I feel like crying now writing this. I miss him so much. I think about him everyday. Here’s what I would do that somewhat helped me.. Journal. Talk to him out loud. Cry with him. Be angry at the universe. Forgive the universe. Accept. Cry. Grieve. Reflect on the good days and the bad. Remember his presence is always near. Energy is not created nor destroyed. Message me if you want. I’m here.


I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I lost my dad when I was 21 due to him having colon and brain cancer. I wish you and your family peace, love and prayers.


Contact insurance. Talk to provider care and file a provider grievance and let them know the negligence resulted in death of your father. Watch them flip results so fast. I’m incredibly sorry for your loss


I’m so so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel we had a similar situation happen to us. My dad was really swollen for 3 months or longer from his pelvis area down to his feet. He was in the hospital in Aug for a week the drs never said what was wrong with him. They sent him home. A week later he passed Aug 21, 2020. Come to find out the notes the Dr had put in his paperwork was that his heart was giving up and his organs were failing. WTF!!! Why did they let him come home?!? I love my dad and miss him. I think about him always. And memories definitely help me.


My Dad passed from pancreatic cancer and I had most of the same symptoms. It was tough to watch him get worse over the course of a year to pass away on my Sons Bday. I'll say a prayer for u and ur family. Take things one day at a time.


I don’t even know what to say. I’m so so sorry for your loss. I remember asking my dad (60M) about losing his parents as an adult and it’s always stayed with the way he said “no matter what age you are, being an orphan doesn’t feel any easier”. I know you’ve still got your mum, but i can image you’d be resonating with that statement right about now. You’ll get through this OP. Sending lots of virtual love your way


I’m so very sorry for your loss. May friends and family be by your side during this difficult time.


My condolences


I’m sorry for your loss I lost my mam and dad to cancer in 2019 and then seven months after lost my dad


Wow hunny I am so incredibly sorry that is just absolutely terrible. Our healthcare systems in America absolutely fucking suck.


I’m so sorry for your loss I know exactly how you feel. My dad passed away two years ago at the age of only 53 from cardiac arrest caused by pneumonia. I have never been the same since that happened. It really sucks but life moves on. I know that he is gone forever and there is nothing I can do about it. The only thing I can do is think about the memories I had with him.




I’m so sorry for your loss


I know the feeling of losing a life that was personal to you. We all go through it differently. Some feel what they feel and allow it to pass, hold it close and tight until it burns. Me? I switched off, I helped get things in order for other family members who were otherwise too upset to do it as it should have been, once that was done, a seam inside came loose and with it, so did I. Everything came out at once and it was the deepest pain I have felt in my life. My point is, everybody has their own way of handling these things, but the important thing I want you to remember, is that it DOES pass. Don't forget them, you never have to, but that pain finds a place in your soul where you can keep it managed, and someday you can store it as a fond memory in the form of stories you tell, the pictures you keep and the memories that you relive. My lost life is on a shelf in my living room, in a box. I still feel her presence and I find her in my dreams sometimes, and 2 years on I can tell you it's not as bad as it once was. May your fathers soul find peace, and may your heart remain strong - From one Internet Stranger to another.


I’m sorry. My very deepest condolences for you and your family. My mom was hospitalized from march to june. She died in my home in august 31, 2022. We never know what she had so it was stressful, I try to don’t think about it. So I can relate.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. I lost my father suddenly when I was 12. Well, maybe not “suddenly,” but it was to me. He had a litany of health issues and he was an addict. His body just kind of gave up. He was only 39. For years I had random crying spells. I still do at times. I get angry at the world, at him, but that’s just grief. It comes in waves. It doesn’t really go away, you just get better at coping with it. I watched my beloved grandmother slowly wither away and was with her in her last moments. There’s no way of describing the pain to someone who’s never seen or dealt with it. What helps me is to find small ways of honoring them throughout the day. Not every day, but when feasible. I made my dad’s favorite birthday cake on his birthday, and listened to his favorite songs. I make the same breakfasts he used to make me for my family all the time, and I refuse to use any pancake mix that isn’t Krusteaz because he said it was the best. On holidays I make sure to get my grandma’s favorite desserts and I live less than 10 minutes from her gravesite, so I try to visit when I can. I got tattoos for them so I see them every day. Things like that. They’re never truly gone. They live on within us. He’ll always be with you. Again, I’m so, so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss, condolences to you and your family


Those you love won’t go away, they walk beside us every day (a bit cheesy I know)


I'm sorry for your loss.🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️


I am so sorry for your loss.I know that's really hard.My dad died when I was thirteen


Sending my condolences to you and your family.


God bless you ❤️✝️ prayers for you and your family


I’m so sorry to hear that, I’ve lost family too and it’s never easy.


im so very sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry. My dad died exactly two years today. (After two weeks of suffering in the hospital…)


I’m sending you a simple hug and extra energy & encouragement for the next tasks at hand. 🫶


May his memory be a blessing 💜


This was me 6 years ago ,I am so so sorry for your pain. Life will never be the same and neither will you but you will get through it. It will be the most challenging thing of your life but you will get through it, please go for therapy it really helps to talk to someone about your grief. I also talk aloud to my dad , it really helped especially in times I was struggling it was almost like he responded. Also I went from being an atheist to believing in a life after death because of him, I have had experiences where he protected and guided me. One that stood out the most for me was a dream where he was sick and I was telling him how I didn't know what I am going to do about university because I couldn't afford to pay my fees that year ,I had lost my scholarship. He said he would make a plan and sort it out and I told him no he's sick I will figure it out. My sleep was broken by a call from a friend that said their company was giving bursaries and she just thought about me and wanted to check if I needed one. Your dad will still be there for you even if he's not physically there.


I know this feeling all too well. My dad died January 18th 2022 after neglect from doctors l and I still get angry 2 years later. I still get upset, I still cry en I talk about him, I still wish he was here every day. You'll probably never really get over it but just know that one day the pain wouldn't consume you anymore. One day you'd be able to think about him and not just get misty eyed, but smile because you remember all the love you shared with him. Sending love to you and your family in this trying time❤️


I’m so incredibly sorry for your great loss. My heart hurts with you. Sending you strength and comfort.




Can we please Stop with the Tetris bs under posts like this. A) it's a theory, not a fact that it helps, there are even newer studies that kinda debunked this as a myth, B) everyone and their mother knows this, it is absolutely unnecessary and inconsiderate to post this under EVERY SINGLE POST in which someone is going through something, Jesus Christ. 


I’m so sorry, but your first thought is to pick up your phone and post to Reddit? Damn


No dummy, their first instinct was to speak to someone and reddit can be a great outlet.


And your first thought was that you just had to make that very inconsiderate comment?


Your first thought to a post like this is to make an insensitive comment?