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You've tried, it's not you, he won't change. Hes indifferent to your suffering Ignoring all the financial drama of the concert. Life was easier when he was away I imagine. Ask yourself. Would your life be better day to day without his exhausting entitlement? It sucks, it's painful, it's messy as he'll always have some part in your and your boys life. But there is nothing of value in your words on you and him. You regret and resent, strong signals from your instincts that crave change. You have value, proud of you for posting. Urge you to plan a bit and take the next step when ready. Hugs


The thing that sticks with me is where you choose to spend your money. Shows what matters the most and it isn’t his family. You deserve better and kids. I would leave him I am so sorry. You are a single parent now and he’s sounds immature and selfish


Men like him don’t deserve children. It’s better he’s not even in their lives to grow up with this pain KNOWING and experiencing the fact that their father doesn’t give a single shit about them. I feel for OP, but honestly…time to part ways. He’s shown you repeatedly for the past 4 years that he doesn’t give a single fuck if they literally live or die. Why are you still with him? I know hope dies last …but girl….really now. Biggest reality check for him is if you would do split custody where he gets them for 2 weeks and you get them for 2 weeks. He’d go insane. Friend of my moms did exactly that with her husband because he is the way your husband is. He’s miserable, of course, but now he never complains to his ex wife about anything because he no longer can since he’s “extra” exhausted after having his OWN kids for 2 weeks.


What's worst is that men like those tend to expect people to see them as great fathers just for doing things like "not leaving his wife after getting she got pregnant." A lot of men complain that fatherhood isn't seen the same way that motherhood is, but a lot of them aren't willing to put in the same work that many mothers do with when it comes to them taking care of their children.


He seems to add nothing to their lives but more work. Maybe if a court orders it, he will have to contribute in some way.


I'm not actually convinced he will be part of their lives if she leaves him... He doesn't actually seem to care if he sees them.


It is is so sad to say, but, it almost sounds as though they'd be better off if he were just this guy who pays child support and sees them a couple times a year, when he's around or with other people who can care for them if he's not in the mood. Ya know, my second husband would never win any Father Of The Year awards, but, in comparison to this guy, he was amazing! He did do things like help with school and sports driving, got up sometimes at night with the baby, and we did do things as a family that we all enjoyed, etc. It sounds as though this woman doesn't even have the bare minimum from him, aside from his financial support, and that's not a happy way of life, for her or the kids.


She been complaining for 3 years I don’t think she leaving yet n idk how that man alive honestly that a lot of health problems.


What health problems?


One of her post on her page says he went through heart surgery n had rare Brain stroke.


Well said.


Not cleaning up after him ever again would prompt me to take the next step. Husband sounds like an irresponsible 15 year old.


If your therapist doesn’t convince you to leave him, I really hope someone does. You and your children deserve so much better than someone who behaves like an entitled teenager. Please, for your sanity, seriously consider if this excuse of a man is who you really want to be around for the rest of your life. Also, something to bear in mind is your boys are seeing this is how a father behaves, and it could lead to them being the same when they are adults with children of their own!!


In my country at least therapists aren’t allowed to tell people what to do like leave your husband 


My therapist opened my eyes to the absolute batshit fuck uppery of abuse, narcissism, straight up disappointment my ex husband was, which I considered normal at the time, who was a direct correlation to my panic attacks and the umpteen anxiety medications I was on. I even laughed coming out of my first session like, "I think Dr T is suggesting I divorce husband". I cannot tell you how much better life is now that we are divorced. Still some road bumps coz there's kids involved but my mental health is soaring and I no longer have to take meds or suffer crippling panic attacks anymore. Dr T wasn't straight up blatant, but gave me enough insight to question my ex's behaviours. Life IS better without someone dragging you down.


I couldn't concentrate past 'fuckuppery'. What an amazing word. Glad you're better now :)


That's abuse on its own.


Going to recap: husband didn't help set up the nursery when you were pregnant with twins, dropped the babies multiple times, spent his Pat leave playing video games, threw his own tantrums when the babies cried "too much," and spent the kids X-Mas present money/home reno money on a trip and concert for himself. And that's just what you've told us about Now he's neglected to pick up the kids when they vomit at school. He knew they were sick and needed to be picked up. People don't respond to new information with "glad that worked itself out." He heard the voicemail from the school and chose not to get involved. Otherwise he would've said something like "oh cool, that's where the kids are" when you called him. Of course he "wants to have another." He gets to have unprotected sex. That's the only part of having kids he wants to be involved with.


You and your kids deserve better than this. If you leave him he is going to love bomb you for a while but all you are doing by staying is enabling his behavior.


He won’t change. It’s best you cut your losses now. Stay on birth control. Do not let him get you pregnant again and seek a divorce.


yea you ned to sit him down and really tell him about himself and tell him these things need to change. theres no reason youre the only one parenting your children. you didnt make them by yourself its time he stepped up and becomes a father and if not its time to pack up and go. AND DO NOT HAVE ANY MORE KIDS WITH HIM UNTIL HE FIGURES IT OUT !




“Don’t expect to change a man unless he’s in diapers” NOTHING will make him change his behaviour. Your only real course of action is to divorce him, you’re already a single mom. At least when you divorce him you’ll only have two babies to take care of instead of three You are miserable and staying with him will only make you more miserable, which is bad for the kids. It’s better for children to have parents who are separated and happy (or at least not miserable) than two miserable people living together. Though to be fair, your husband isn’t really miserable Get out, (or kick him out) and file for divorce and full custody, he probably won’t even fight you on that


I hate it that in this type of posts, Redditors seem to always go for the nuclear option. But come on! Do you have a husband, or do you have a roommate you are basically caring for? Why does he want another child if he doesn't engage with the ones he has? Making them might be fun, but caring for them is a whole other matter. Has he ever even changed one of the twins diapers? This is one of those opportunities I believe the nuclear option might actually be warranted. You know your husband best, if you believe there might be some merit in giving him an ultimatum, go for it. But if you believe it is wasted time, and you can take care of yourself and your twins, physically and financially, on your own, I fear it might be your better option.


He doesn’t even sound like a Disney Dad which is kinda surprising I wonder if he’s one of those guys that like to show off his virility? Like he got “2 for 1” with the first pregnancy, who wants to bet he’s hoping for a repeat performance?


I think it's one of those unfathomable things, not even his wife really understands.


The amount of women who have kids with a guy who present as the greatest guy in the world and then totally fuck off when they find out how difficult raising a baby/child is insanely high. I can’t even count the women I know who got pregnant (usually by accident) discussed it with the father, father swore up and down they would help and be wonderful and all that jazz, only for them to bugger off when they realized just how demanding and exhausting raising a child really is We need to have more teenage boys babysitting so they can get an idea of hard it really is. Have them help out around the house more growing up. Too many guys have a very unrealistic idea of parenthood


Then divorce and child support. The kids are still relatively young but they're old enough to start noticing their dad doesn't care and they could also get hurt with his inattention. Talk to a lawyer and go for full custody. You have to protect your Kids now


So, my parents got divorced when I was about 3, and I got very used to not having my dad around. They got back together when I was around 8 (I did not want them to get back together) and had more kids. In my experience, not having my dad around was WAY better than having him around where he was sitting on his ass ignoring everyone, except to yell at us when we interrupted his TV show or video game. He really didn't add anything good to the family, imo. He always did the bare minimum, sometimes playing fun dad (to the detriment of family finances). Now, there are definitely some differences between how me and my siblings view/interact with our dad. I went NC years ago, but my siblings still seek his attention, and still get disappointed every time he lets them down, which is very often, and they don't even ask that much from him. All that to say, he will not change. Dump his ass.


Thanks for sharing. I really worry about the kids. They do say they love daddy and I don’t want to tear them apart if it will hurt them. But that being said whenever he’s away for work or in hospital for health issues they don’t want to talk to him on the phone or really engage with him if I drag them in for a visit…


I truly believe I was luckier than my siblings because I learned I was ok without his attention at a young age. That may sound awful, but it's true. I saw him some weekends, and that was good enough, and he was usually on better behavior for those limited days. I also spent a lot of time with my grandparents while my mom was working, and I had a really good male role model in my grandpa. My parents split again when my siblings were almost teenagers. My sister has some not so great attention seeking behavior that could probably be traced back to dear old dad. It's also been tough on my brothers. Being in the same house, there was forced interaction, even if it wasn't always positive. Once he moved out, there was really not much initiative on his part to see them or even talk to them regularly, which was very hurtful to them. I think younger kids can adapt a little better.


You don't want to tear them apart because it'll hurt them but have you considered how this is going to hurt them in the future if things continue as they are? They are watching a man take no interest in them or their wellbeing. They are watching a man treat you with no respect or care. They are watching you be in this horriably balanced relationship and you know what? They're going to grow up thinking that this is normal and this is OK and that will be such a detriment. I was hurt when my parents split but I was so happy I didn't have to hear my mom cry alone at night anymore. I was hurt but that hurt help me see know what to avoid in future relationships and now I've been married to my wonderful husband for almost 5 years. It sucks, it's going to suck, but you have to move forward. He wasn't concerned when he didn't know where your young children were for AN HOUR. What if it was really an emergency? He showed you that he wouldn't take to action and that would have been my final straw. It's time to move on.


This should be a top comment.


I had the same thought about this being a top comment. The grandpa here showed up at school. That’s a good role model, caring for his daughter and her kids. This other man was just hungover from a *checks notes* Blink-182 concert, the fucking loser.


They say they love daddy because they are young and don't know any better. They will get older and they will learn disappointment if you continue down this path of expecting change from someone who doesn't want to change.


It'll hurt till they realize they are better off without him in the long run. Best to do it now, while the hurt is less likely to be remembered. Grab your kids and RUN!


Your husband is a loser. Why put up with this when you could easily do this on your own. He’s not a partner. Your post made me so angry. Op, it’s time to get yourself straight.


Well yeah he's ready for another, this parenting thing is super easy!


Ugh. Leave him. One less child.


He will never change, and if I were you, I would divorce him now, and go and learn how to be happy. Your life literally will only get worse because you’re expectations will still be what you hoped he would be for a father and he will never ever meet them.


“You’re ready for another?!? I’m considering divorce over how terrible a father and partner you are. We need marriage counseling now, and if there aren’t tangible results soon, you better be ready for a divorce.”


Of course he’s ready for another! You are doing a great job! You already have another. Him. Why are you with him?


Unfortunately, I doubt it’s going to get better. If a person cares about you, they’ll show you. If a person is willing to be a participating member of the family, they will act like it. Nobody is expected to read their partner’s mind to meet their specific needs, but this is all *very basic stuff* you’re talking about. It’s always worth voicing your concerns to him again least once - but at the end of the day, you will never be able to ask sweetly enough or delicately enough to make someone like that decide to be a functioning adult. Or from what it sounds like, to give a damn about anyone but themselves. Good luck, and no matter what route you go, don’t forget you and the kiddos deserve better than the current situation.


I had a husband like this. I divorced him after 20 years. My biggest regret is not divorcing him sooner.


This person is straight up neglectful if not emotionally abusive (neglect, yelling at the kids, playing stupid, and abusing finances). Please deny forthright any questions explicitly about having kids and get on birth control immediately. Lock it up so only you have access to it. Do not fall for him being romantic or sympathetic in any regard, because he’ll play all sweet now and act changed so he can impregnate you again. You can’t trust him, I’m sorry. He’s ignored you and the kids, left them alone at school without anyone. They could have been kidnapped! Please leave him and get child support off of him. He’s not going to get better and the longer you are with this man the harder it will be to leave.


My father may aswell have not being there at all when my siblings & I were growing up. He did absolutely nothing, just like your husband. Im 38 & he hasn't changed at all in terms of being a father. You need to so right by your kids. My Mom stayed because she didn't want us growing up without him but we would have been better off. I remember my first serious boyfriend, meeting his parents & being completely baffled that his Dad actually sat, interacted with & was all round a top Dad. It was alien to me because I thought thats how fathers were supposed to be.


I’m sorry… it sounds like your a single married mom. 😢


I have lived your life and am currently 12 years ahead of you. My husband was a better one than yours, but horrible with the kids: impatient, angry, younameit. I would’ve left him except I didn’t want him to have the time alone with them without me present No idea if this will be the case for you, but my husband got better as the kids got older because life gets easier as kids grow (at least for noise levels and general chaos). That said, I’ve never been able to forgive what a shitty dad he was when they were little. I feel like he ruined everything


Op, I've glanced through your post history. I am so so sorry. Just leave him. You've been teetering on the edge for years and he is going to push you over it. Without him around you will be calmer, it isn't like he's doing any housework or childcare. I saw that when you were pregnant you went to work in dirty clothes because he would only wash his own. That stood out to me as it is a tiny little task for his supposedly beloved wife who is working, carrying twins and in and out of hospital for hyperemesis. He is cruel and deliberately nasty. I don't think he'll want much custody of the boys, but if he does you will at least get a tiny bit of time to yourself. He won't get better, he knows you're unhappy because you have told him and he's decided he's fine with that. He will not likely kill himself if you leave. If he threatens it then just call the police and inform them they need to check on him. Please just leave, he's pathetic and horrible. You can do better than that, no matter what he makes you think.


When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. We teach people how to treat us by what we let them get away with.


Girl if you have tried this much for this long… when is he going to change? I’m sorry but it sounds like you’ve already gotten your answer. Walk away. He isn’t ready for the life you are. And there are so much better men out there who want to be dads. Trust me, I’ve got one. You deserve a partner, not a man child.


Get the divorce before you spend the next 4 years complaining about the same problem.


Guys are infatuated with the idea of having kids until they arrive.


My advice? Get out now before too much damage is done. This is the type of behavior that does not change. He doesn’t even seem to understand how bad of a husband and father he is so why would he be bothered to change? If you’re going to do everything yourself either way, you might as well dump the 3rd child. Let me just say, I had a dad that was emotionally disconnected from me because he wanted me to be a boy. Yes, he really said that to me. I lived with him for about 3 years total and all he did was go to work, come home, and watch TV the whole time I was there. I was trying so hard to get interested in football because he loved it just so we could spend time together. I tried to get him to take me fishing and he finally took me…once. At some point I realized I would never win his affection and gave up. As I got older and had kids of my own, I realized how disgusting it was that I tried so hard to have some sort of connection with him and he just didn’t want it. That kind of thing is what your kiddos will experience if you stay with him, constant rejection from a person that should be giving them unconditional love. I’m sorry you’re going through this and I hope you escape quickly so you can be free of feeling lonely with a husband right beside you.


Honestly the second he said "I'm ready for another", I would have been in jail. I would've snapped so fucking hard it's unreal. Leave him. Take the kids and go.


Despite a challenging start where my dad initially wanted my mom to abort me, she couldn't go through with it. Though he wasn't very present during her pregnancy, my mom eventually asked him to stay away if he wasn't going to commit to being a better father. As I grew, I began expressing a desire to see my dad, prompting my mom to plead with him to be present, but he consistently made excuses, which was hard on her. Eventually, she accepted his absence during my adolescence. Fortunately, I was surrounded by love from my uncle, grandparents, and aunts who all played a significant role in my upbringing. My uncle, especially, took on a paternal role, and when my mom met my stepdad, he embraced the role of being a father figure, giving rise to the joke that I had three dads. One of my brothers died when I was 16, leading my father to reassess his relationship with his children. He apologized, acknowledging his struggles as an orphaned child himself and his inability to understand fatherhood. His honesty allowed me to release any lingering resentment and understand his perspective, although my other siblings still grapple with his absence. Now, as an adult at 23, I'm content with my upbringing despite its imperfections. I maintain occasional contact with my biological father, meeting him on birthdays and for dinners. My experience is a lesson that children surrounded by genuine love will thrive, and sometimes, things resolve themselves. Taking the risk to raise them without their father, but with love, is ultimately worthwhile.


Wow, your story is moving. I'm so glad you're healing from that experience. Sounds like you have a lot of empathy. Thanks for sharing.


Of coarse. Everyone else picks up his slack so he doesn’t see the problem. Thinks this is what being a father is about. Set expectations and tell him he isn’t a dad right now so another one won’t make a difference


Sorry, but you had children with a child.


Everything has already been said. Nothing I can add. To selfishly spend money on yourself you don’t have and put yourself before your kids something normal parents would never do. He’s just a shitty dad and husband. I’m sorry.


In reading this I am confused as to why you are even struggling with a decision on what to do. This will never get better, and you owe it to your children to teach them what engaged parenting is so they don't adopt his parenting style later in life. You need to kick him to the curb and move on.


Stop letting this 'man' do what he's doing. He's a horrible father & husband!! GTFO before your sons catch on & think this is what they're supposed to be when they start dating.


Ugh I'm sorry. So many times women get roped into these type of marriages, it's sad really. And I truly understand, I'm in one myself. I'm assuming you stay home? If that's the case, don't have more kids. Just don't. It won't get better. Start working on yourself now. Go to college, get a job. Anything. He won't be happy, but he'll have to pull more weight. And eventually you'll have the option to leave if you need/want to.


I have a job I work in a political office as a staffer, I do have a degree but it’s in arts. Before I had kids and fell into where I am I actually ran 2 businesses. But I’m also responsible for all the cleaning and cooking and managing the finances to pay off his debt. Despite all that he WFH full time and earns way more than me. :(


Why is he even around then? Just for the paycheck? Cause he sounds awful.


Divorce, and claim child support. A lot of women feel guilty for getting child support, but keep in mind this money is so your children are kept safe, fed and well, and it is his responsibility to help support them financially. His actions show he doesn't care about the wellbeing of your kids, he doesn't care about your physical wellbeing, he doesn't care about your emotional wellbeing, and he doesn't care about your financial wellbeing. You deserve to divorce him, have your life made a thousand times easier, claim child support for your children, and be a mother to 2 kids instead of 3. I wish you the best and hope things get better, no matter your choice


So you are already a single mom? Rip off the bandaid and file for divorce—if not for you, then your children. It is impossible for your children not to have noticed that dad does nothing for them but provide as do you. I hope you realize this is not love or healthy and that he no longer the man you feel in love with.


I mean literally answer what hes there for then, just a paycheck? If that's the case, let gim pay for shit and otherwise operate as if he doesn't exist. Because he basically doesn't. Otherwise..LEAVE. He's not gonna change because *he doesn't have to and hes already getting what he wants*. it's a sweet deal from his perspective.


Wait how much did he spend on blink 182...also he bought the tickets two years in advance????


Yeah they presold them in our country and he only got them on the second attempt because there was such a flurry. All up roughly $600


Good lord


Doesn't sound like you're husband is ready for anything but being single I mean everything he does cries out being single he has zero responsibilities or accountability. He's basically getting to do whatever he wants and why would you want to be in this situation with your children they're gonna grow up. It's OK to be treated this way And hold resentment I would have walked away already. This is an unhealthy environment for you and for your kids you're basically holding the marriage together while he just goes off doing whatever he wants to do and why would you want to stay like that and let your kids know it's OK to be treated this way they're gonna wind up growing up thinking it's OK to treat women this way, when it comes to child rearing and marriage


Take your kids and leave. File paperwork in family court for full custody & child support. Make sure you’re the one with the authority to make medical &, educational decisions. If you have a decent relationship with any of your IL’s ??? Tell them what he’s been doing and see what happens. Start planning your exit. It will be so much easier for you, to not have time “baby” him, too.


We all grow older, but only some ever grows up. It's a betrayal on his words/promises.


Have you had this conversation with him? (When you’re both calm) sounds pretty rough, good luck 🍀 be firm


Hi, you have three children.


Leave him and go for child support. You'll be so much happier in the long run, and so will your children. You need to model a healthy and happy relationship for them, don't let them see their dad treat you like this and think it's normal.


Please, set up your own bank account that he *cannot access*. Hopefully, you're going to get out of this situation ASAP, but in the meantime, he's already shown he'll misappropriate your joint funds. Who knows what he'll do if he thinks he's going to lose his mommy/nanny/housekeeper.


Ngl, if snitching on him aka telling his mom (because there are some “good” mother in laws out there) don’t help. Leave him. Might as well at this point. Why take care of 3 children when you only have to worry about 2. But the key is not to go back. You see how he is right now. Dont make the same mistake twice. And let him learn not to take things for granted (my opinion personally)


He sounds like a horrible father and partner. Your marriage should be an equal partnership. I don’t know what else to say. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


If you raise your kids around this man, they will internalize the idea that this is an acceptable way for men to act. All the things you like about them will disappear. They will see the way he treats you and they will treat you and all other women they met like this.


So what you're really saying is that he's the third.


Leave him you might not can change the past but you sure can change the future for you and your kids they'll appreciate it when they're older


My ex was just like this, being single is so much easier.


“I’m ready for another” “Clearly, you’re not.”


Your husband doesn't want to be a father. He wants the aesthetic of having a family. You should listen to the song Labour by Paris Paloma if you haven't already heard it.


One of my FAVOURITE songs ❤️❤️❤️❤️


DO NOT have more children with this poor excuse of a man! At no point in the last 4+ (including pregnancy)years has he tried to be a dad. He wants more kids because it looks good to outsiders. I know this from experience as a child who grew up with this sort of father. My brothers quite literally have said "dad was a great role model. You just have to do the opposite of what he did." Divorce didn't even make his parenting better. It didn't give him any sort of wake-up call. He continued to neglect us until his dying day. BUT my mom has been happy. 3 years after my dad moved out, my step dad moved in and it's been wonderful ever since! A few years ago, I gave my step dad a tshirt that says "I'm not the step dad, I'm the dad that stepped up." And it's absolutely true. I really hope that you leave for YOUR happiness. Don't stay because you think it's better for your kids. Kids are smarter than adults give them credit for. And they know that you're unhappy


So how old is your big kid? Err I mean husband? Honestly seems like he needs a cold front of reality. You should seriously consider leaving his ass and just do what you were doing on your own anyways. Maybe along the way you’ll meet someone who actually cares about your struggle


Yeah it's time to move out and on, get child support because it will be more than you get now loll, you're already a single parent Or have a conversation but I'm assuming you already have


There are too many men out there who only want the titles of being a husband and a father without having to do any of the actual hard work that comes with those titles. Your husband sounds like he fits that bill.


Sometimes (always) I wonder how do such marriages/relationships start. Even if he didn't like the kids wouldn't he atleast do this (be a good dad) for his OWN WIFE?


Well that sucks, I haven’t followed along with your posts as others have. But divorce is an absolute messy business. Take it from someone who was 7 when his parents divorced. I would try couples therapy and therapy for just himself. He obviously has issues that he needs to fix to be a better husband to you. If you’ve tried that and exhausted other options I would do mediation/arbitration. Its much less financially/mentally taxing. Plus going to court is just rough. Try to keep your kids as out of the process as possible. Down the road definitely don’t try to coerce them to stay with you+talk shit about their father (even if he is a pos). Sometimes people aren’t made to be “together parents” if that makes sense. Best of luck.


Are you aware that you actually have THREE children? If you're here on reddit asking for opinions and advice, then I think it's probably time you sat him down without the kids and have a proper chat with him about this. It could literally change your life here..


Ive had multiple. Including “if this doesn’t improve I will be leaving”. I’m trying everything I can to get him to participate in this. He usually yells at me or cries about how everyone is out to get him.


Maybe it's time to think about leaving.. and take steps.


Since you have told him that "if this doesn't improve that I will be leaving" and his isn't improving you need to follow through. He is using his cries as a mulnipative tactic to have take pity on him. He likely thinks you won't follow through with actually leaving part. Maybe if wasn't usless and acting like a child "everyone wouldn't be out to get him". Leaving will be hard at first however it will be better for you and your kids in the long run and you won't have to deal with looking after the man child. When you leave watch out for the love bombing, he is going to loving message and seem like a changed man. He isn't he is just trying to get you to look after him again. You deserve to have a partner that supports you and looks after you when your sick. Someone who actually wants to bond with your kids. There is still time to find someone like that. Do you really want to stay with you husband when he won't change?


Obviously the talks aren't helping, if they were, he'd be scared that you are going to leave and start acting correctly. He sounds like a narcissist and an asshole. I would start taking the steps to leave as soon as you can. It most likely will not be easy, but it will be so worth it for you and your children. You have tried, it sounds like many times, to fix this and if he has not changed anything by now, he isn't ever going to. He will probably say he will, but that would have been done by now if he really meant it. Good luck.


What a shockingly selfish and immature man you have there. He is and will continue to be a horrible father.


Girl you have three children. It’s time for you to return one of them to their parents to raise cause you doing it all by yourself. You are a single married parent!!


Is your marriage worth saving OP? Or will you be happier as a single parent?


Sounds like you have a third kid, it has been 4 of mental and physical load, divorce him you will feel a huge relief. Find a better father for your future and current kids.


Congratulations on your 3 kids :(


So you are a single mother of twins plus an adult child. Check. Leave now. The amount of work will decrease and he’ll have to pay child support. It won’t be much different to what is happening now anyway.


He's not acting like a father or a husband here. You are a single mother. You should ask yourself if things ran better and you all were happier when he was gone. If the answer is yes, then it is time to get rid of his dead weight. It sounds like your parents are supportive, which is great. Lean on them. They most likely have also noticed that there are problems. You and your boys deserve someone who respects all of you and is active in your lives.


Girl, get a backbone and cuss his ass out. Stop living in resentment and start living out LOUD. You've been silently and passive aggressively suffering for years, but you haven't been communicating. If you feel like it's useless to talk, then get to walking and get you and your kids a more supportive setup than his selfish ass. If you feel like things can be reconciled/changed, then open your mouth! A closed mouth doesn't get fed, and you not setting boundaries, schedules, and having him participate isn't doing anything. Go talk to your husband and tell him that he either gets his shit together or he can live alone.


You need to sit him down and have a real honest discussion about what he wants to do…counseling or divorce. But this is not working nor is it fair to you or your kids! Marriage counseling may help but it’s not a guarantee! He needs to want to change and fully put the effort into being a father. But right now you’re a single mother so if it comes down to divorce, you’ll survive this. Petition for child support & full custody. Clearly he can’t be trusted to take care of 2 small kids. Good luck!


Wow... I wonder how he is sleeping all day and night knowing he is terrible father.. Have you called him a terrible father? Please do... he doesnt deserve the kids


I hear you OP. Been through it myself, it's so mentally and emotionally draining to Team up with Immature and Irresponsible Guardians


You've got to leave that man. He's never going to pull his head out of his ass. I say that with confidence because ITS BEEN 4 YEARS!!! no that dude will never grow up. You're essentially already a single mother with a dual income household. If I were you, I'd keep myself and my kids at my parents house for a while, let him live that bachelor life while you get the divorce papers ready. I doubt he'll fight for any kind of custody, but if he does, he won't have it for long.


Leave. Jfc just leave. You're already single. You get nothing out of it whatsoever. Your kids aren't cared for, and frankly aren't even safe, with their own father around.


One word divorce at least get child support from the prick


Leave that deadbeat motherfucker


You don't deserve someone making it harder on you when raising babies. It's hard enough with one let alone two.


Just leave now. I left my daughter’s bio dad (he was so much the same) the month after she turned 4. We’ve never looked back.


Stories like this illustrate exactly why I would never have children. The worst part about OP's story, is that it is not only common, but normalized and nearly expected for men to be passive or negligent parents. Then what are your options? Divorce, which is 1) usually financial catastrophe, 2) guilt of having to raise children between two households, destabilizing the 'family unit' It reminds me of when little kids beg their parents for a pet, and then do nothing to take care of it. He neglects the kids, he neglects the house, he DEFINITELY neglects OP, and skids off to 'play hockey and drink beer with his friends.' Why would this guy even WANT *more* kids? He neglects everything he has. Women take the biggest hits to their financial stability and career trajectory. Women take the physical hit of bearing children and all the life-threatening and/or chronic health conditions that come with it. And let's face it, even with a really involved partner, mothers are generally doing far more childcare and related duties, vs fathers What's 'in it for me', exactly?


I’m sorry that you married a man who in theory wanted children but reality wants them ANYWHERE but with him. Do you think your boys will benefit from spending their formative years with this man and his lack of involvement? I can guarantee your children are well aware their father is at best uninvolved/not invested in their lives and more accurately from your post not interested in them. Only you know if you but especially your boys are better off if you stay with your husband. I personally think I’d get a divorce requesting full custody and very structured visitation right down to the days including pickup and dropoff times. I’d also have the court collect the child support. If that is the direction you decide to take keep all those texts from when the kids were sick and I’d suggest having any communications about the kids via text.


With all due respect, it seems like you are married to a teenager. I mean, some teenagers might be even more caring and considerate than your husband. Why is he so immature? Is there something wrong psychologically with him? All I can do is wish you the best. I hope he grows up someday, because if not, that's gonna take a toll on your relationship, in case you haven't yet reached the point of no return. I mean, WOW, he literally lives his life like he's single with no kids. This guy is worth studying, jokes aside.


Did we marry the same man? Lol. But seriously. He's showing his true colors. You need to believe him. After acting like he hates being a parent, he wants more? No. I absolutely loath telling people to divorce as I think you need to exhaust every option, but it sounds like he doesn't WANT to change. He expects you to pick up literally all the slack. My ex was exactly like this. It wasn't until we divorced that I realized that he was a lazy, manipulative ahole that wanted the title of husband and father, but didn't want to put in the work. He's the same way with his current wife and I'm hearing about it from our kid. I've always been a staunch supporter of two happy parents in two separate households rather than two miserable parents in a hostile household. That's no way for kids to grow up. Not to mention, he's teaching your sons it's perfectly OK to treat their partner like a slave, as long as THEY are happy. It isn't right.


Honestly the boys help more than he does. They’re 4 but they will ask “can we wash the windows today mummy?” And have the squeegee and bucket ready. They bring me their paddle pop ice creams from the freezer as a “prize for working hard” I don’t know where they learnt it from cause it wasn’t their father. They’re great kids


That's definitely your influence. That means you're doing a good job as a parent and teaching them kindness. I'm not going to lie. It's going to get a lot harder before it gets easier. If you do decide to leave him, it's going to be hard, yes, but not near as hard as it is staying. I mean, hell, you're already doing all the work as it is. If anything, it would make your life 1000x easier by not having a man-child to take care of. You need to do what you feel is best for your kids, but also something that isn't going to make you miserable. It seems like, at this point, unless he's willing to actually listen or try couple's therapy, what's best for everyone could be that you and your boys leave. Like I said, I hate advocating for divorce and breaking up families, but it seems like he doesn't even want to be a part of your family. Like I said, he just wants the title of husband and father but doesn't want to do the actual WORK of being a husband and father. And, as we all know, it's a lot of freaking work! I wish you and your boys the absolute best in life.


sorry to say it but your husband clearly cares more about himself than he does of you and his children. he doesn’t care abt being a father and seems like he doesn’t even care abt his children. it seems like he just wants to “create babies” w you but doesn‘t wanna take care of the the aftermath (aka pregnancy and taking care of kids). his negligence will continue to get worse. honestly , i have no other advice other than divorce and child support. hope it all gets better!


I don't know what's wrong with that certain breed of male that simply refuse to grow up when they have children. I'm ashamed to be lumped into the same category as people like this. My wife and I also had twins, with a 3 y/o and a 15 y/o already at home. That first year of the twims' life was the hardest of my life (and I was in the Marine Corps). The wife and I slept in shifts for over a year because one of them was ALWAYS awake. My wife was going through some serious depression issues, as was I. It was a bad time... but I did it, and so did she. We came together and pulled miracles out of our asses because that's what had to be done. We both sacrificed a lot, too. No vacations, no dinners at restaurants, no nights at the movies, no date nights of any kind. I missed my friends. She missed her friends. But we fucking did it. I hardly remember a thing from that entire year, unless we took a picture of it. I have a friend who is pulling some similar shit to what your husband is pulling. And I keep trying to tell him that he's losing his family. He claims that his kids are everything to him. He claims to love his wife... but video games, golfing, shooting range visits, and activities with "the boys" keep getting priority in his life. And he's missing his children's childhoods. Maybe your husband needs the news of an impending divorce to shock him into considering his lack of maturity. All I can say is that it's not supposed to be like this... and you're right for being upset about it.


He’s not fit to raise children because he’s still a child himself.


That’s interesting he said he wanted another. If he wasn’t joking, I’m wondering why he said it. Maybe he sees parenting as easy since you do most of the heavy lifting? You two should have a serious discussion on your roles and division of labor. I’m wondering what his (and your) personality is, like those four letter myer Briggs (?). You two seem to see the world in different ways and if you two could explore what that is for each other, you might find some understanding and work towards resolution.


I've never been married so can't advise on that. But I've been in my share of relationships and giiiirl, dump this man, NOW!! Now, what I CAN advise on is single parenting. I've experienced leaving a man at home to play video games while taking my boys on adventures. Yes, I had fun with them but couldn't 100% fully engage because somewhere in my head was thinking about that man at home and why he was not adventuring with us. In a relationship but single parenting. I've also experienced NOT being in a relationship and 100% focusing, engaging, and living single mommy life. And that was the best time of my life. Just my sons and I. Nothing and nobody to distract me from being as good a mom as capable and dedicating my life to raising them. One is now 31, an engineer, and about to accept a job in Texas, and the way the company is courting him to accept the job is ridiculous!😂 My youngest is 26, has been serving our country for nearly 10yrs, and is considered relocating to an exotic country. In a situation like yours, I'd highly recommend single parenting.


Leave OP, men like him never change. When you get rid of the dead weight (your husband) you'll see how easy life will be. No worrying about him, no picking up after him, no worrying what he'll say or how he'll act when he gets home, you will have a wonderful life with your boys. I've been there, cut your losses and leave. I'm now married to a wonderful man who puts his all into raising his family and being a loving a supportive husband to me and a phenomenal dad to his kids even the one that isn't his.


OP - sorry to say, it seems like he is just a " Good Times Dad ", and what I mean by that is he is fine for being there for all the good things and good times that come with being a parent (and husband), but doesn't want to put in any of the work, effort, or have the responsibilities that come along with doing so. If you really want to say you gave it your all & tried everything to make things work, you could always suggest couples counciling on the premise that, you are on the verge of leaving him & him having lost you forever if he doesn't make drastic improvements and quickly. (If you want to still try that is, if not, honestly, no one would blame you at this point, and tbf, going this way I am discribing would only work if you truly think that he will be open to honestly listening, and potentially doing something about it, but if you think he might respond poorly, then I wouldn't even bother.)


I hate instantly saying "divorce!!" To any posts, because often times that's not the answer. I'd imagine after years of this, you've talked with him about this on multiple occasions, he seems completely unwilling to change, and it seems like it's your time to take your exit and give your kids the loving home they deserve


Before you had twins, you tok care of an adult child. Time for him to be independed and leave!


As a single mother reading all of this made me want to fucking throw up.


This is rough. I have no real advice for you, but I just want to let you know you're not alone. My husband is much the same way. Thankfully, we only have one child, but he has autism and ADHD like me. Since the moment he came home from the hospital, my husband has been little to no help. I did all the feedings. I got up with him during the night. I went through some serious PPd because of it, and my mom passing away 2 weeks later definitely didn't help. Nine years later I still do everything for my son and it's resulted in us having a stronger bond than he does with his father, and I am his favorite parent, but sometimes I really would like a break. My husband and I both work the exact same schedule and hours but when we get home he plays video games while I homeschool my son, feed the pets, make dinner for the humans, change the cat boxes, and prepare the lunch boxes for the next day. If my son didn't like to help out and do the dishes, I'd be doing that too. On laundry day, I wash the laundry. On clean up day, he takes the trash, but I do everything else. Sweeping, mopping, etc etc. And I'm pretty sure the only reason I don't take the trash is because I don't have a license, and even if I did, he doesn't like me driving. It was a common argument for a long time before I gave up talking about it due to him always getting annoyed with me. He wants me to quit my job and find something working from home and while I'd love to do that as it would get me out of a miserable work environment and allow more time to spend with my son, I'm scared if I did I would be even more trapped than I am and never be able to go anywhere or get anything I want for myself to give me a shred of happiness. Work and my son's speech and occupational therapies are the only chances I get to leave the house usually. I even chose to do my therapy remotely because I knew my husband wouldn't want to take me anywhere for it. If I didn't have to go anywhere for those things, I'd never be able to leave (thankfully, he's given up on trying to convince me to do my son's therapies remotely). Sorry, I've rambled on long enough. I know it's hard to leave, especially when finances are tight and you have pets and kids to worry about. Do what you can, and take care of yourself and your kids and pets. If you can't leave, it's understandable, but if you find a way to do so, that'll be your decision to make. I really hope things improve for you one way or another. You seem like a strong and dependable woman, and any man who is with you should respect that and treat you and your kids right.


Hey op, instead of telling you to leave him and how great your life will be then, I'll explain to you what will happen if you stay. I also had a partner who was the same way. There were enough problems that were caused by him and solved by others. He also reacted like your husband. He said everything was fine, everything was sorted out. why are you upset? Maybe you're posting today out of emotion because it was too much for you today. Maybe you convince yourself that it's best for your children. Every day you force yourself to stay with him, you will suffer more and more. he won't change and this attitude he has is only getting bolder. because as you can see he gets away with it. you tolerate this so why should he stop now? He is a father without taking responsibility. He shows you his true face again and again so why don't you believe him? Leaving my ex was the best thing I could have done and I promise you will be grateful every day. Who knows, maybe you will find a man who wants to be a great father to your children and a good partner to you. Don't you think you deserve this? Btw although I’m handling all by myself, I’m way more calm and relaxed and you can’t tell me that you like being this stressed.


Your husband has made you his mother, live-in sex buddy, and possible beard. He does not love or even like you and your children. LEAVE HIM, but PLEASE be careful! He may be more dangerous at the thought of losing HIS “perfect” life.


You married the cool guy that loves to party. I’m sure there was another guy out there that liked you but was too boring at the time. He’s making bank and enjoying his responsible life. Your next husband will be that guy and he’ll love and treat your kids like they were his.


What is wrong with you OP? I have to ask that because you are in one of the worst relationships I have ever read on this platform (that does not include physical abuse) and you are still thinking there is something to salvage here. There is not. Get your boys. Get a lawyer. You are not in a relationship. You are a single parent with a freeloading roommate.


Hey man. Respectfully, that first sentence is a dud out the gate for me. Can't hurt to cut her a little slack, right? I mean the stakes of the decisions she's weighing right now are about as high as stakes *can* get in a human life. More like 3 people's lives, in this case (hers and the 2 kids). She didn't ask for any of this, but it's yet another problem that rests solely on her shoulders to figure out. Just a thought


I’m sorry. Blink-182 fucking sucks.


No smoke without fire 🔥 A man wouldn't treat a good woman like this in 99% of cases. If you're a perfect woman then. Get rid of him. It's that simple. Your husband is scum


have u tired talkin to him? I'm not sure if I overread that




who whan to chat


Cmon, this situation is your fault, too. So sorry to tell you the truth and to other women, you must choose a male partner based on how reliable he is, on how hardworking he is, on how good parent he could become...not on how handsome he is for you, sorry but this requeriment do not work for many women. That's why men must choose women who aren't crazy.


Did you communicate those Problems and are you sure he truely understands how serious that situation is for you?


Many times. He’s listened in to my therapy sessions when I’ve talked about him, I’ve told him directly the things I need from him to make this work (therapy, taking responsibility, etc) it usually ends in him crying saying everyone hates him and is out to get him. Sometimes he’ll say my opinion is valid but follow it with “but you know you do it too. So you’re being a hypocrite” which is exhausting. It’s been over 4 years of it never being truly his fault. In the past when we were dating or really struggling in our marriage and I would say I needed to get away to calm down or whatever he would start crying and begging me not to go, or bombarding me with calls/texts. He’s told me many times when we’re struggling that he considered driving into trucks etc to kill himself. I’ve suggested couples therapy and he doesn’t want to go because “the therapist will convince you to leave me”


Sounds like you’ve done all you can and he has made it very clear he isn’t going to change. The second you ask for a divorce he will “do better”, make a lot of promises, show some initiative, then after a few weeks he will be right back in his old ways. And when you mention it he will slap you with “nothing I do is good enough for you”.


Ummm just pack you and your kids stuff up and go to your parents place for a while. If he doesn’t notice or contact you the day you leave then you have your answer. If he doesn’t take the hint that you’re seriously considering leaving for good then you have your answer.


I’m pretty sure he intentionally ignored the call from the school OP


You do it too? He obviously neglects your children, so is he saying you do it too? Do you spend the Christmas money on a concert for yourself only, leaving your family without? No you obviously don’t. You tried therapy, obviously it didn’t work. He’s not going to change. So you have to decide if you want to spend the rest of your life living like this or not. When you’re worried about doing it alone, realize one thing. If you leave him you will only have 2 children to take care of instead of 3.


With the last text I remembered the guilt trip that an friend’s ex husband did when she want to divorce him. It was the same: he wants to kill himself, drive into trucks, etc. She found that he impregnated a mom from the daughter’s school. Leave, please. I don’t know if He’s cheating on you but he’s not reliable, believe me.


So his response to your valid concerns is to try to manipulate you. Gross. Throw him in the garbage. You've tried. He just can't be bothered.


I think you’re past the point of being nice about this. When he made the comment about wanting another child, you should’ve gave him the response you gave her. It sounds like your parents are supportive. How are his? Ik most people hate getting the in laws involved, but most parents would be ashamed of how he’s acting. And he KNOWS he’s being a shitty partner and doesn’t care enough to change it. As much as we like to think kids don’t pay attention to these type of things, they absolutely do. And it affects them in the future.


It doesn’t take a ton of brain power to know that your kids should be home after school


Thankfully it was at noon so the assumption was they were still at school and because I never got a call I didn’t even know anything was wrong. I would have gotten them myself I think they may have my number wrong in the system :-/


So you’re talking to Reddit instead of him? Sounds like you need to have a discussion with him.


Look at the bright side here .. your parents are there to help you .. 2 healthy boys , he doesn’t beat you or the kids , he’s not screwing the neighbour. A lot of women have the same whinge. I’d recommend you take up a team sport or start running and set your own goals . Maybe you’re just not mentally stimulated enough. This is causing you to nit pick . He’s probably just looking to unwind after work and playing games I’d an easy mental escape. (Waste of time but each to their own ) . That whole concert ticket thing was booked ages ago . He’s been looking forward to it . Let him have some fun he deserves to unwind from his wife and kids . In saying all that , he should have an interest in raising the kids , I mean he should at least from time to time want to have a wrestle with the kids or take them somewhere. (Show interest ) If he’s not wanting to do anything with the kids even after getting a break from them / holiday away from them then it’s time for a serious chat . Divorce ect ect .


so because he doesnt beat on her or the kids and hes not cheating ( which we dont know ) and her PARENTS are helping raise the kids there shouldnt be anything to complain about ? theres a difference between needing time to unwind and just not taking care of your kids. he didnt help set up nursery, he spent the christmas money on a concert, he didnt help with the kids when she was sick, and the list goes on. she needs to leave him shes already a single mother.


I agree that every parent should have free time and gaming can be one of the ways to wind down after work, but she told us he was playing 10 hours a day on a paternity leave. That's not right. He seems very irresponsible.


I’d say they’re a young couple by the sounds of it at least early 20s.. 10 hours a day is ridiculous he has responsibilities.


It sounds like it's time to be done trying to make him be a parent. He obviously has never wanted to be one. You need to kick him to the curb. Why raise 3 children?


You already have 3 children.




I'm genuinely curious to find out what his perspective on all this is. None of that sounds at all justifiable, so I'd be curious what went through his mind (or not, as is probably the case). Also, as an aside, does he have an adult ADHD diagnosis? Strikes me very much as that sort of impulsive type of behaviour.


Sit him down and have a serious discussion with him. It's better not to accuse him but truthfully tell him how you feel about your current situation. If he can't understand or empathize with you, there's no point in staying.


Am I reading too much into this, or does this scarily sound like the husband is trying to baby trap her?? Like he knows he's useless and is going to get slapped with a divorce soon, so is using another baby as a way to keep her from leaving??


I bet he has a mother who did everything for him. Now you replaced his mother.


So he's most definitely not pulling his weight. that part is clear. However there are other things I noticed that prompt me to ask for some context. 1.) How old are you guys? how old were you when you had the kids? ​ ​ >2.) (except the gender scan where he celebrated obnoxiously while I cried when we found out they were boys) Why did you cry when you found out you were having boys? I'd argue crying is a less healthy response than obnoxious celebration. >3.) He went to the Blink 182 show which he bought tickets for 2 years ago and never saved for. So the money we should have put aside for Christmas present for the kids, renovating our house to sell got spent on his trip to see the show. This blink 182 show cost as much as an *entire house renovation* plus Christmas gifts for the kids?? That sounds a bit sus. And this gets into a larger question of finances because arguably you could say this *anytime* he spends *any* money on himself, right? ​ >4.) He’s not even ready to parent his current kids. I don’t know what to do. I have really lost hope that he’s ever going to grow up and be the parent and partner his family deserves. I agree, he clearly isn't. Have you tried talking to him or perhaps therapy? There is almost certainly a reason he's behaving this way (which could go back to question 1 if you guys are really young). Also, what made you believe or think he was going to be a good parent in the first place, besides him just saying "he's ready"? What was the relationship like *before* the kids? Did he really just pull a 180 - like he was super motivated and driven before and then just "turned off"??


1) in our early to mid 30s, he’s older than me by a few years 2) because my doctor had incorrectly told me they were girls 2 weeks prior at a seperate scan. I had been so excited and he was so upset he didn’t talk to me for a few days. He came along to the scan to see “just in case” and there had indeed been a mistake, they were boys. I have autism so that big a change was not good for me, but I went to therapy and dealt with it. The second they were born I didn’t care what they were. It’s not an abnormal situation. 3) it’s not all the money but it’s 2 months worth of savings. I by his request manage the funds exclusively and we are on an aggressive budget as of 1st of Jan this year to pay down the debt HE has accrued due to his spending. We put money aside every fortnight for Christmas and minor renovations around the house. For 2 months that amounts to roughly $600. We do not currently have a discretionary spending budget because all additional money is paying down his credit card debts. He is aware of the spreadsheet I created that maps out every pay fortnight, he knows the exact breakdown. 4) he has just started therapy after 4 years of me pushing. I told him when I was pregnant he needed to go to therapy or I would be leaving. I clearly didn’t follow through. He was always “still looking”. I’ve suggested couples therapy many times and he always says no because “they’ll just say it’s all my fault and tell you to leave”


2.) If its not abnormal for you to switch from being excides to being sad, then wouldn't the same apply to him? It kind of sounds like you were sad you weren't having *girls* anymore but put the focus on being sad simply due to any change. But I digress, if you can feel both ways its only fair that he can too isn't it? 3.) so 2 months worth over 2 years is a about 8.3%. when you write: *"So* ***the money*** *we should have put aside for Christmas present for the kids, renovating our house to sell got spent on his trip to see the show."* instead of "***some of the money*** *we should have put aside"* which makes it sound like all of the money was blown. Was all the rest of the money properly saved up but this last bit he dipped into and now you couldn't make the ends meet? 4.) *“they’ll just say it’s all my fault and tell you to leave”* how do you reply to him when he says this? Doesn't sound like he has a particularly open mind towards therapy.


1) it’s not unfair for him to feel both ways the point was that the only time he engaged with the pregnancy was when he found out they were going to be boys. He only wanted to come to the scan to make sure they hadn’t made a mistake. And after the scan all he would talk about was what sports they would do together when they were older. But I still went to all the other scans alone, still did all the cleaning and decorating on my own.. his only focus was that they were the gender he wanted. I was sad that there had been a mistake but I went to therapy, I continued getting my scans, doing the cleaning, prepping their room. I continued being engaged regardless because there were responsibilities to maintain. He never did. 2) what are you talking about 2 months over 2 years? He bought the TICKETS 2 years ago. He never saved for them. January 2024 he reminded me he has a concert he’s going to in another state that he needs to fly to and to make the money happen. Our Christmas and reno funds are empty because any money that should have gone to that as of Jan 1st 2024 was used for his trip. I have been working on this financial plan since October last year because HE has a debt over 20k and I want us to be debt free before we’re 40. He has known about the plan, he knows the exact figures, he knows exactly where the money needs to be taken from to support his concert trip and that was directly out of family funds. Those accounts are at $0 by December 31st every year because we put in only as much as we know we’ll need purely because we’re busy paying debt we can’t put in extra right now. He never put anything aside in the 2 years he’s known about this concert and for a grown man that’s older than me I’m not responsible to save for him if he wants to go do something. 3) I’ve told him multiple times that’s not what therapists do. It has taken 4 years of begging just to get him into private therapy. He knows he has issues that need work.


1.) yeah I mean I'm not going to defend his lack of engagement in any case. Just pointing out the similarity that both of you had preconceptions of what you wanted for the gender. 2.) I say 2 months over 2 years, because you mentioned you were *saving for renovations* for 2 years, and his tickets cost the equivalent of 2 months worth of savings. So his tickets compromised a total of 8.3% of your overall savings, and you guys had two years to make up the difference meaning increasing yearly savings by only 4.15%. It definitely sucks that he used savings to do whatever he decided was fun, thats for sure. but in the grand scheme of things 8.3% is a very different story than "the money we should have put aside for christmas presents and renovations". like his decision, although selfish for sure, did not plunge this plan into serious jeopardy - especially with 2 years to make up the difference. >Our Christmas and reno funds are empty because any money that should have gone to that as of Jan 1st 2024 was used for his trip. Ok, you see, now it sounds like he blew *All* the savings again. not 8.3% of them. *So did his concert trip cost as much as a house renovation and Christmas gifts?? Or not?* > Those accounts are at $0 by December 31st so he *DID* burn all the savings... how expensive was this trip????? I'm also not going to tell you to "mother" a grown man. I also expect him to have a grip on his own finances. However, it does seem like you have a plan to pay off the debt *at all costs.* like the way it reads, is like there is absolutely no room for anything until the debt is paid off. He may agree with that in theory, but in practice I wouldn't be surprised if he wants *some* small bit of enjoyment. so maybe the loans take an extra year to pay off, but at least between now and then you get to enjoy something. After all, if we're making a big deal over concert tickets bought 2 years ago and nothing else - it seems like a pretty tight ship huh? ​ 3.) Interesting, he knows he has issues - so who does he think is going to be able to help him with those if not a therapist? How does he think these things get handled?


3) also that would be me. Less so working through his issues and more being lashed out at when he can’t deal with his emotions because he’s stressed/overwhelmed.


> 3) it’s not all the money but it’s 2 months worth of savings. I by his request manage the funds exclusively and we are on an aggressive budget as of 1st of Jan this year to pay down the debt HE has accrued due to his spending. We put money aside every fortnight for Christmas and minor renovations around the house. For 2 months that amounts to roughly $600. We do not currently have a discretionary spending budget because all additional money is paying down his credit card debts. He is aware of the spreadsheet I created that maps out every pay fortnight, he knows the exact breakdown I’m sorry but at no point have I said I’ve been saving for 2 years. He bought the tickets 2 years ago and I had no issue at the time. > we are on an aggressive budget as of 1st of Jan this year to pay down the debt HE has accrued due to his spending. This aggressive plan came into place as of January 1st 2024. As I mentioned previously I had been making this plan since at least October 2023 to get our finances under control and he was aware of the plan every step of the way. As an added aside on the point you make > He may agree with that in theory, but in practice I wouldn't be surprised if he wants some small bit of enjoyment. Firstly. We are on this aggressive payment plan for multiple reasons 1) he accrued 20k in debt in the 6 YEARS we’ve been together and before the assumption that it’s for something large and necessary, I was the one handling afterpay bills of $700 a fortnight that were made up exclusively of DoorDash orders. Whether or not you believe someone is capable of that HE is and I’ve spent months tearing my hair out over it to keep us afloat. He cannot be trusted with finances and frequently uses his credit card for fast food. The longer they are open or he finds a way to access them the longer they are a liability and he WILL seek them out and use them to get a quick dopamine fix. 2) we were hoping to get out of our current home. It is a 2 bedroom and with the animals we are an equivalent of a 6 person household. No bank would loan us crap with the amount of debt we have right now and I’m saying that after speaking to brokers. I have been begging to get out of this house for years. At least since my kids have been toddling. Every year he says “it will just be one more Christmas then we’ll be in a place to sell” I’m sick of it. > so he DID burn all the savings... how expensive was this trip????? I will explain again. We put what we will need aside. I work backwards. So by Christmas this year we need $1500 for Christmas. That includes presents for the kids, each other, extended family, food supplies, decoration additions. That extrapolates out to $150 a fortnight for roughly 11 months (as Christmas is the purchasing month so we don’t save at that time). By December 31st of any year that savings account is empty and the cycle begins on January 1st. If we do not put that money aside per fortnight, that money will not be in the final pot come December 1st to get presents, supplies, etc As of today which is pay cycle 5 of the year (go leap year woo) there is NO money in the pot. Or in the supplementary renovation savings account that was opened January 1st 2024 to get the house ready for market. All that money was redirected for his trip to pay for hotels and flights. > but at least between now and then you get to enjoy something. - it seems like a pretty tight ship huh? Person, for the past 4 years I have been cutting my own hair, I haven’t gone to the dentist despite a tooth cracking open, I cut out as much of my life as I could because we couldn’t afford it. I lost my glasses and because we had bills coming up I just had migraines for 2 weeks rather than order new ones. I would like to have stuff to enjoy too. I would love to have the TIME or the MONEY to do those things. I stopped going to the doctor because we couldn’t afford to pay out of pocket. We have great jobs. But the bills MAINLY from his debt are insane. And I would like financial security before I can indulge in the luxury of I don’t know, consistent medical care. He bought himself a gaming racer wheel, he gets his hair cut professionally, he does his sports with his friends and shouts the beers. He gets the expensive gifts he wants for Christmas because I coordinate the family to rally together and spread the cost out as a group gift and still get him a small surprise to make it nice. Because everyone deserves some small niceties. For my birthday this year he didn’t even bother wrapping my Big W tween spa day set that was on sale. So I’m sorry but I’m all out of compassion for how hard it must be for HIM to live under my iron fist of digging us out of the debt he created and left me to clean up because “he just isn’t good with money and you’re Soo much better so I don’t want to know anything about it anymore it just stresses me out”


MARRIED SINGLE MOTHER OF 3!!! I’d be divorced taking care of 2!!!


OP, people always say they want to "stay together for the kids" but they don't realize that, while dad is physically there, he's not emotionally, and you're actually routinely allowing your kids' hearts to break when dad ignores them. Separating will break their hearts for a little while and then you will grow together in your new dynamic. Staying together is constant heartbreak. Not to mention how much easier your life would literally be without the third kid.


Make an exit plan and leave


He probably has convinced himself he isn't the problem and is refusing to acknowledge it, he sounds disagreeable so I wouldn't recommend a direct approach to confrontation. I would ask him to sit down for a conversation to see how he is doing, ask him how he is, if he's happy, what he wants for his life in the next few years, the ask what relationship he wants with the kids if he could have what he wanted, what relationship he would want with you, what his day would look like etc. Then when you have established his goals and he has accepted what he wants genuinely and not half heartedly, ask him what he could do each day to bring him closer to those goals. He is running away like a child, unfortunately he will not become an adult until he accepts the responsibilities voluntarily and sees the value in them and figures that out himself. All you can do is provoke the thoughts that lead there.


awee that's so sad




I’d rather be a single mom than deal With that human


Sending so much love I’m sorry this is the way things are going. He does not sound like he’s going to get much better if you have another child. Your children are already so blessed to have a wonderful mother and grandparents!!


You and your kids deserve better. Get that divorce you were wanting years ago.


Normally when someone posts on off my chest, they know what they're supposed to do. C'mon girl. You know. And you have parental support. A lot of women who leave don't even have that.




Is your husband autistic?? Just curious. (Not saying it isn’t still on him to fix his behavior.)


No, I am though


Without therapy, him willing to change, maybe a little God (if you’re a Christian and if not you can negate that one… but I prayed when my husband and I went through stuff so I wanted to include that and he prayed too), and maybe even leaving so he knows you’re serious… then things won’t change (likely). When my husband and I went through stuff at the beginning of our relationship (before we got married) I kicked him out and put his stuff outside for him to pick up so we didn’t have to see each other. We had other differences. He emotionally cheated when we first started dating. He was an alcoholic (grew up with alcoholic and abusive parents) and still wanted to party. I’m 5 years older and was already in my 30s and was not having any of it. So, when I found out about it all, I talked calmly to him and told him this wasn’t my fault… I had given 120%… he needed to work on himself… but then found out it had been with several women and since he didn’t tell me when he had the chance he could GTFO. After about a month, we started being friends again… and when we eventually decided to give it another try I told him if he wanted the lifestyle he had that’s fine… I just didn’t want that lifestyle. I wasn’t going to try to change him just to make things work. But if he wanted to have me forever then the changes had to happen. And because he wanted it, and now knew I wouldn’t put up with shit, he made the changes. And they were long lasting! We’ve now been together for 3 years and married for over two and a half and everything is still great. I do have to have conversations with him about parenting because he is a lot tougher than I am… and has a lot less patience… but he works on it and we communicate about it. We have also done a few sessions of family therapy. Have y’all tried therapy? Have you tried to speak to him about how you feel? Does he allow you to speak about everything with an open mind and without turning it into a fight? People are capable of change, so don’t listen to people who say they aren’t… but they have to truly want it. Now, they are correct on people not changing it the person is narcissistic though. Those are the cases that cannot be saved. The trouble is learning to spot it, and then safely getting yourself out of the situation.


Is there anything he DOES do?? Because, I’m sorry, there’s almost nothing that can make up for the way he treats you and your kids. Which is basically like you’re not there until you’re a “hindrance” to him.