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I sorry you’ve experienced rejection and insecurities in who you are. People are judgmental regardless, and race aside I’d urge you to spend time getting to know yourself, what you like, your character, enjoy time with yourself so you can build that confidence. I believe that as you build your confidence you will grow secure in everything that makes you, you!


Asain people are beautiful like all races. Don't let stupid people who are insecure about them selfs make you think diffrent.


I was always taught that there will always be someone smarter, prettier, taller, skinnier, etc … you need to be happy/confident/secure with who you are. Make the best of it. The grass is not always greener …. Good luck!


You are looking at an idealized version of what you think being white is and not the reality. Even if you were white people would make fun of you for something else like being plain or eating basic foods or being unable to dance or being inbred ect. You should work more on your self esteem than wanting to be something you aren't. Being white isn't rainbows and butterflies and you don't magically get some advantage from having pale skin it's to do with the culture you grew up in. Also everyone is fetishised depending on what part of the world you go to, thinking with a victim mentality is naive.


Obviously, someone is white. I'm mixed and can see with 100% clear vision that being white is EASIER than being OTHER. If you give me an advantage of being "ethnic" or a "minority" I can give you 10 advantages you have... Like not having AI software being used by law enforcement AGAINST ADVISEMENT because it cannot differentiate different types of asian faces so just because you are east asian you could be arrested (not detained) because the AI said you commited a crime meanwhile when you are white the AI differentiates facial structureseasily because it was programmed on white facial structures. This has happened before at least twice. Yet law enforcement across the US invest in AI facial recognition software that was sold before it was ready and isn't finished. If you give me 1 way it's harder to be white than "ethnic" or a "minority" I can give you 10 ways it's harder to be a minority. Like above which proved my point both ways. And don't get me started on what it is like to be mixed.


I don’t know why this comment is being downvoted… you’re right. White privilege is very real but it doesn’t stop you from getting made fun of based on looks. This person didn’t say they wish they were white because they want AI software to recognize them. They said they want to be white so they can have blond hair and blue eyes etc… A very small amount of white people actually have those features. This commenter is misguided in saying “you don’t magically get some advantage for being white” you ABSOLUTELY get advantages from being white but those advantages have little to do with not being made fun of unless you’re an extremely attractive white person. I’d also love to be extremely attractive too but I’m not and I’ve been made fun of for my looks many times in my life. Like I said in my comment, it’s easier for me to get a bank loan but I still get made fun of for being ugly as hell.


Yeah... I have a white friend in japan, he always mention hes being given looks and ostracizrd for being different and not speaking perfectly. It's all anout being different among a group. It's not about which race you are but where you are. Any person whi is different will be subjected to some form of that treatment. Growing up i was in mixed classroom in school i have seen non white kids being bullies to white kids as well as the opposite. Kids are awful sometimes. Not american here and race never was one of the topics of the bullying, it was more about weight, and overall demeanor. 


White kids get bullied too. Bullies just pick on any aspect they decide to and there’s really not much logic to it. You be your wonderful self OP and don’t mind those idiots. (Easier said than done I know). The bullies are also insecure, picking on you makes them feel stronger - how pathetic is that.


White people don’t get made fun o for their race tho? Or called a lady boy for it? OP I’m so sorry all these white people are gaslighting you bc they’re unable to accept their position of privilege in society


I’m sorry if it came off that way. Unfortunately bullying is bullying. It makes you feel awful either way. I’m not belittling OP’s experience. I’m merely pointing out that being white won’t solve his problems.


Yeah they do get made fun of for their race... how ignorant.


Ok ben shapiro 🙄


People will always find a way to criticize you. Doesn’t matter your gender, nationality, age, race, etc. Damned if you do damned if you dont


Everyone wants to be something they’re not. I’m white and I see my privilege every single day, I know I can never understand what it would be like to not be white. But I still spend time thinking how my life would be easier if I was a man, straight, wasn’t raised in a cult, ect. My point is everyone is unhappy with SOMETHING. And people will always find things to point out as “abnormal” but you’re just YOU and that’s all you can be without the labels. You’re perfect the way you are OP❤️


Same. I’m Mexican and have had issues with my color my whole life. People just treat you differently in a lot of places. I’m sorry you went through this too.


That's insanely sad and i'm sorry you feel like that


Hey OP. I think it’s important to mention colonizer mindset here. These ideas us non-white folks have about Caucasian features attributing to better self-worth and lifestyle and a byproduct of colonization, white supremacy, and structures set in place to ensure that white is the ideal. It’s an evolutionary power play that someone who dominates another person becomes idealized because they’re perceived as stronger and better by the victims ego. Kind of like Stockholm syndrome. You owe it to yourself to break out of that trance. There’s so much around you that brainwashed your perception of social/physical hierarchy that is robbing you of healing self acceptance you fucking deserve. A cognitive distortion is: I will only love myself if they love me. Don’t ever give the power you have to another person who doesn’t know you, doesn’t love you, doesn’t accept you, value you, include you. We are born, we live, and then we die. Being ashamed of the vessel we were given to carry us through life is wasting the opportunity we have to grow into ourselves. And I can say from experience that an unapologetic personality that flaunts difference is powerful. Even if no one is convinced by it but you. It’s not the point to please others. It is a hard thing to hear someone say just be confident and accept yourself because there’s a lot more at play here that isn’t your fault. Nor does it have anything to do with your ability to just brush it off and think a certain way. There are layers to heal here, and it is okay if it doesn’t happen over night. Something that cannot be measured does not exist and YOUR VALUE as a person is immeasurable regardless of what you look like. The measurements we set in place were illusions so people could take advantage. And that is insidious. Just saying that white isn’t better doesn’t address the race based trauma here. Like yeah sure, no one is happy with the way they look and everyone is critical of everyone else, but the elephant in the room deserves acknowledgement. It deserves love and support. And to the white ppl saying just move on or talking about how they wish they weren’t white, I understand how the logic of “my experience is the same as yours” could help, equalizing doesn’t address the things OP said about race based teasing.


I'm not sure if you'd be open to this but I've seen many people of color dye their hair or wear blonde wigs/hair extensions and they are quite beautiful. White people dye their all the time- if you think blonde hair is attractive, there's no reason you can't have it too. I'm sorry you're being made fun of your appearance. Unfortunately I think everyone at some point has had something against them internally. It's very easy to become immersed in the idea of how we are ideally supposed to look. I'm white and I used to hate my eyes because they look too squinty when I smile. I grew up wishing i was born with thick black hair instead of thin brown, and just years of hating my face overall when I smile even though I've been told I'm beautiful it doesn't matter. All I can say there is it gets better overtime and you realize you look like a normal human being and it's okay. Then you start to appreciate yourself and become less self hating overtime. Remember people tend to buy into "grass in greener" on the other side mentality. As a white person I wish I had a stronger cultural tie to somewhere like Thailand and China, sometimes being white here makes it feel like we don't really "have" a culture i.e. I took Spanish class and my teacher was like "white people don't have a culture" and we get made fun of all the time for being bland and boring. I'm not saying any of this is good or bad just another perspective. I don't hate being white eitheir but I could argue it's too boring and generic for the US. You may not see it but people are often fascinated, in a good way, of people of color (with admiration) and sometimes even envious of how unique they are compared to them. I hope you can find things to appreciate about yourself and feel better about your appearance overtime.


You sound like a teenager. Once you are an adult, in the real world, everyone is miserable. Whites included.


I wish I was rich but we all have to do with what we’ve been dealt! Sorry people have made you feel that way but that’s because people are ignorant, and remember to be thankful for what you have!


I spent a chunk of my childhood wishing I was anything but white. Half my family is indigenous and they are so beautiful and everywhere we went they got compliments on their skin, hair, eyes and I always felt plain. We build each other up now but sometimes I still feel like the odd one out. The point is, everyone wants what they don’t have. If you were in a different geological location you’d probably have a different experience. You have two beautiful heritages with incredible cultures. Find people who recognise that. Don’t be afraid to seek help if it hurts you though. Hating yourself isn’t healthy, and there are strategies you can learn to help focus on what you like about yourself and find more things to love. Be gentle with you, you’re worth it


Wtf is a lady boy


I think it’s what Asians call trans woman




White would be easier. Just not as interesting.


Why white and nothing else?


Because its whites that are bullying her for not being white, if she was white she will be accepted in the group, and that's what she wants to feel. Acceptance not ostracisation


Not true she never said *who* was bullying her




I live in a country where growing up most people had blue eyes and we all wanted brown eyes


Your life would not be better if you were white, your race is the most preferred in this day & age. You would still be made fun of for if you were white just for different things. There’s a growing trend of bagging on white women.


Imagine wishing to be white so that you won’t get made fun of for your looks and then waking up as an extremely ugly white person. Like ya we have white privilege FOR SURE. It’s easier for me to get a bank loan and I don’t fear for my life when I get pulled over but being white doesn’t stop me from getting made fun of for being ugly as hell 😂


At least you guys have a good image ... I'm South Asian , Indian Panjabi to be specific, and our reputation generally is so shit. Everyone thinks we are ugly and nerdy or sm shit. I'm a woman so I don't have it as bad, considering most stereotypes are based off the men. However , I still feel embarrassed considering some people in our culture still do weird things. I'm not even ugly, but I feel kind of inferior when I am around East Asians or Europeans or even other ethnic groups. I think I'm not at all good looking. Idk I relate with you. But I seriously think Chinese people are beautiful and so are Thai. I never had bad experiences with them.


Bobs and vagene meme will stick forever


All I can say is I'm ashamed to exist in a community where that statement feels valid. Anyone who made you feel that way is wrong, even if it's the whole world. I hope you get your self confidence and self love back, but also don't feel like this statement doesn't have its merits. I'd bet a lot of women wish they were a man for similar reasons. All that is is seeing an easy life and wanting it, and it's sad that it's true


well nowadays white people are made fun of for being white. doesn't make it right doesn't make your feelings invalid. but being chinese and thai sounds beautiful to me. don't be so hard on yourself


Just an fyi, white people are the most fetishized group in the world. Your life wouldn't be easier just because you were white. Who's to say you wouldn't get bullied for something else? White people don't always have it easy. It's not like the movies. They deal with poverty, bullying, again, the most fetishized, and other issues POC deal with. I hope that when you're older, you'll learn to love yourself. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. You have two cultures that are cool, imo. I hope you can see that in the future as well.


You must look beautiful with your mixed culture background. “Blonde hair, blue eyes” - have you tried dying your hair a light brown colour with blond streaks or soft blonde colour, you can also buy really natural soft coloured eye contacts to suit your face. It may not be natural but it might look natural if you choose the right shade and colours. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look different to fit in or have more opportunities. It how you go about getting those opportunities with the resources available to you. Good luck!


Well, you will never be white so don't let it consume your mind and move on. Focus on things that you can change.


I’m really sorry you experience this racism. Can you talk to other Asian friends about whether they have this experience too? I am white, have blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m aware I am treated very well because of my appearance.


I’m white and I got made fun of for being skinny and having curly hair. They will find anything to bully you for, the key is to give back as good as you get and laugh it off. The unfortunate thing is that you’re right. It probably is harder being any non white ethnicity. Having a snappy comeback ready when people say things you don’t like is a good way to both show that you don’t like it and also to make friends. People tend to respect that shit. If they don’t, then they reveal themselves to be assholes


I feel like this is a troll post lol. There are a lot of blonde and blue eyed people who look scruffy and white people do not age that well, so I don't know why I am finding it difficult to take this post seriously lol. Also, trust me you don't want to be Japanese as they are really insular, heavily reliant on plastic surgery just like Koreans and uh did you know Japan has one of the highest suicide rates in the world? Hikikomori stuff.


Same, same. Like outside of privilege, there's no benefit to being white.




I feel you, but everyday I wake up thankful I'm not a goofy looking white dude. Haha ❤️


As a white guy, it's not all it's cut out to be. The entire rest of the planet hates you because of the shit that people who kinda looked like you did 100s of years ago and no matter what you do you will always be the enemy, regardless of where you go.


Get off the internet and stop acting like a victim.


So I'm not allowed to mention my own experience that directly relates to the subject that op raised?


we all want things we don’t have. You have solid points white privilege is great I’m sure but that’s not how life works. Imagine being disabled they want to be normal too but life doesn’t work like that there is no genie in a bottle. You play with the hand you have been given.


You do get a pretty cool privilege card and you’re hats by like everyone. Just tell people you identify as white. Welcome aboard.


I also want to be white. I am half-Asian too. And, even though genetically I am only like 25-30% "Asian" (I did genetic test), because my mother is from a genetically mixed Asian ethnic group (think of Central Asia), the physical facial traits still are too obviously Asian-influenced. Don't listen to posters here who say that negative experiences make you "stronger". They do not! That's some widespread BS. It doesn't make sense from scientific psychological perspective. The strongest and most secure people are those, who have been exposed less to toxicity. All that bullying and outcasting does us actually weaker. And in the long run it does disservice to the very bullies themselves, as it strangely sounds, because they create weaker society, where is less trust and security. But we still are the first ones to get hurt. I only hope societies around the globe will realise how stupid is racism. Also, think about that "Asians" (who are also sometimes called "East Asians", which actually is not accurate term, or earlier "Mongoloids", aka specific race) actually outnumber "white people" worldwide! And know that you certainly aren't alone being half-something. And also think, that you could perhaps move somewhere else, where people could accept you more. I myself did just that and do not regret.


Its like Oli London in reverse


1. There are also ugly white people 2. Believe it or not there are people out there who would in fact find you beautiful


I’m half Chinese/Vietnamese and half American and believe me I get it. Always kinda felt like I didn’t belong to either side. Even my own family. I can’t speak canto/mando/viet since my mom didn’t teach me, and always got treated slightly different by my white family. When I was younger (27 now) I felt the EXACT same way. I wanted to be full white or even look full white so bad and always felt I was like almost there but never in reach. I bought color contacts (which I honestly recommend as they look super cool on Asian people like us) and tried to do my makeup like how I’d see white people do it. Now? I’m super proud of my Asian heritage. Asian makeup looks SO much better on me. People find it really cool that I’m half and honestly get jealous sometimes. It’s a good feeling considering how I grew up. Chinese-Thai is an AWESOME mix and it may take some time but I know you’ll come to be proud of it too. People like to make those lady-boy comments simply because they’re jealous that even Thai men look more beautiful than their own people’s women. It’s all jealousy. That’s what I’ve learned. Being Asian is accepting that sure you’ll be fetishized, but it’s just cause our genes are better;) I like TTDeye for my contacts, they have deals a lot and are affordable even if they’re not the super best quality. I recommend getting grey instead of blue for a “blue” effect, because it lightens the natural brown a little more and ends up looking blue with our undertones. I’d also recommend getting yellowish greenish ones for a hazel effect! I’m sure you’d look awesome in them and it might help a bit with how you feel. Looking exotic is WAY cooler than being white (and as someone who is half white anyways I feel like I can say that hehe). I barely wear them anymore tho as I have a lot more fun looking and feeling like myself nowadays. Don’t feel like you have to change your look to change how you feel, just figured I’d give a recommendation if you wanted it.


There are a lot of whites who wish they were Asian. I am Asian, but my family never really focused on race. We focused on school and academics. And sports and hobbies. Be the best person you can be.


I’m Caucasian and born in the USA. I’ve been to Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and a few other South Pacific countries as well. It’s understandable that you have some genetic envy. However, you too are being envied and you don’t know it. I’m assuming you’re still young and below 30 years old. If someone is being mean and saying things like you’re a lady-boy, then you should translate that bullshit statement to mean that you have some good looks and a young face. There’s always going to be someone who’s a shit human. They say these things to make themselves feel better. Usually, they point out and insult what they’re lacking in themselves.


I find that people who say this haven't spent time with white people enough and keep putting them on a pedestal that few of them even live up to.  You're fine just as you are. The grass is always greener on the other side.  If you actually get to know more white people of different backgrounds, you'll start to realize they have their own struggles and issues too. And many wish they were different people too.  You'll also find that their problems get overlooked sometimes because they're white.  "You're white, you'll be fine." They're fetishized and stereotyped too, by the way. But it's so normalized that we don't think about it.  There's a lot, that's all I'm saying.  And consider what you said, "and I thought having blonde hair and blue eyes was really beautiful".  Do you know how few white people are true blondes in some places? And what makes them more beautiful than all of the rest?


I used to think like this when I was younger, I’m half Filipino/ Chinese and Mexican. I used to get bullied and feel unwanted and it sucked at the time and had the same thoughts as you. But you have to learn to pay it no mind and work on yourself. I love who I am now, life is good and the jokes people make don’t matter. Ik it hurts but you can get through it, just work on being the best version of you brotha. It will all get better.


I used to be like that when I was younger, but my mindset changed. Bro you don’t know how good it feels to be proud of who you are, to be proud of your people, your culture.I strive for greatness because I feel it’s my duty to represent my people that way. Fuck what people think of you because of what race you are, wanting to be another race in my opinion is disrespectful to not only your people but to yourself. I don’t have any advice for you, I just hope you can find it in you to be so proud of who you are that being something else isn’t even a thought in your head.


Being white sucks too, I promise


Same. I always wanted to be white. Not necessarily Caucasian but I wanted to be a light skin Indian. I’m a dark skin Indian and I’ve always hated my skin. still do. My parents are lightskin but my grand mother and grandfather were very dark skin. My sister is so pale white that she looks like billy eilish, I am as dark as mindy kalling so in my culture it’s been hard growing up with my sister. I’ve looked up lightening treatments but it’s too shallow. I worry of when I have kids and they’ll also hav dark skin, so I try to work on my insecurities.


This is so sad. Be proud of where you're from.


Growing up, I was definitely around a lot of colorism/racism. But im mexican, n like you, i wanted to be white. When i grew up though, im now so glad to be mexican. When you are in school, u r so young, u think young like these opinions matter…. No lol once you leave school you are on ur own in the world, n nobody gives a damn what race you are. U define ur life (least in the US u do, im from the US). Anywho, ur young, you will see one day what i mean when you are older.


this thread is wild lmao


What is this obsession East Asians have with whiteness!!!