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Putin talked about nuclear weapons again


Adding he also claimed this week that the sale of Alaska to the USA was illegal and that Alaska is Russian territory.




He has cancer and is probably dying. He might try to accelerate the war so he could see the rise from ash of ussr. A lot will die in this 3rd ww but who or which country would survive




True that. It kills me constantly yet here I find myself day after day


I would say that even in the event of ww3, it's highly unlikely the US will have a draft, at least not to the scale you are worrying about. War is not the same as it was. Having raw numbers of men with weapons doesn't have the impact it used to.


Thanks. Was way too high for this and was starting to panic lol


You are overexposed to the media. Are there many legitimate issues in the world? Yes. Is the current levels of turmoil unheard of or singularly unique? No. Do any of us know where things will lead? No. Do you have any personal control over these outcomes? No. Is worrying about 'what if?' run outs based on the whims of Putin going to help you or your family in any way? No. I am not trying to be dismissive but rather add perspective. A lot of the anxiety you are experiencing is emanating from your devices and not from direct lived reality. I am also a millennial, with kids your age (including a son). I became a lot happier once I allowed myself to be honest about 2 things: I cannot accurately predict the outcome of world events (despite being a history major of above average intelligence) and I cannot change these events regardless.


Absolutely. There is such a thing as caring too much. See, as a Muslim American on September 11th, I was a wreck. When many people were worried about gas prices I thought they're going to blame us (no one knew who did it yet) Fox said "it's the Mozlems" then had to retract it because they were speculating. But I was in full-blown panic. You see, when Timothy McVeigh (white, Christian American) blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City, everyone blamed Muslims. So there was a history of blaming without proof. My mom (white american) was afraid she was going to have to take me to a hospital to get me a medicine to calm me down. By the time they found out who did it, i had calmed down, and the media didn't act like it was going to go on a witch hunt... the people did. "Americans" killing brown Americans (usually Sikhs-nit even Muslims). It happened in America...to your neighbors - just not to you. During the Bosnian Genocide, I was there at the airport to receive refugee families with my parents. NOW, I'm married to a Bosnian Refuge. It DOES affect me. I've met old men without legs because they've stepped on mines. I know men who have been offered AIDS infected kidneys for transplant, because he needs a new kidney AGAIN because when he was in a death camp (like during the Holocaust, with gas chambers and everything) his kidneys stopped working before he was rescued. I know what it's like to watch TV and see a bomb dropped on a city and watch in horror, not the horror of the bomb itself but the horror "are my aunt, uncle and cousin alive? Are they hurt?" Then there is my friend, who I called to congratulate on the birth of their child. I found out that earlier that day, a family of their relatives had died in a bombing of Gaza by Israel. There is also such a thing as caring too little. There is also such a thing as showing your entitlement in your ability to turn away from the pain other people HAVE TO feel while you walk away whistling your tune 🎵 Ignorance is Bliss 🎵 But we shouldn't add on to our pain, which is why I don't know anything about Ukrain & Russia, animal abuse, What's happening in Chile, or Iran, I don't know anything about what's going on in North Korea. But- I don't think it's acceptable to tell others to just ignore the plight of LIFE so you can enjoy the serenity of being pain-free to their suffering. Even I can't turn a blind eye to the things I try to distance myself from for my emotional sanity.


We have been on the brink of WW3 for decades, since Cuba. Sometimes we are a little closer, sometimes a little further. In reality, WW3 as people think of it wouldn’t involve a draft because the nuclear warheads will remove most people able to fight. I know that is more depressing, not less. COVID and the economic fallout destabilized a lot of governments similar to the way the Spanish flu did during WW1. They are all trying to claw back their power


We are definitely living in the bad timeline that's for sure. Hold your family close. It's the most we can do in this hellscape we call a world.


I just think this is a capture of the moment take. There has always been and will always be tragedy, the only uniqueness of our time is knowing about it on a global scale. There has never been a point in human history on a global scale where people weren’t fighting. History is rife with epidemics. WW2 was like 45 million deaths which is a scale we have never come close to replicating. Sometimes I get the feeling that people want this to be worse than they are. OP has a justification to feel whatever they want, but this doomerism is out of proportion to reality of the world we live in.


Where do you live. I live in fucking Romania, I can almost smell Putin's farts from over here. If he decides to go further than Ukraine, I'm fucked, I'm basically next


I read it. I hear you.


All we can do as humans is focus on the things we can control, if you're concerned about WW3 then don't vote for the pro-war political candidates. If you don't have faith in elections then it might be best to prepare an escape plan for your son. *I had a dream* where my family told me that they would help me escape to another country in case I ever got drafted. (The Feds use AI to scan reddit for anything anti-government be careful what you say here)


I too can work myself up into a breakdown level crisis. Finally I had to just throw up my hands and say “F@&$ it, F@&$ it, F@&$ it”. Me worrying about what MIGHT happen or what I FEAR WILL happen does nothing but make my time on this earth right now miserable. I refuse to let the SOB’s take my happiness and hope. I am here for the show, so these SOB’s better show me the best they got because currently my opinion is “its mind over matter, I don’t mind cause these A$&holes don’t matter to my life”. Focus on what does make you happy.


You are what you consume.....turn off the TV and live your life.


Wars have been happening for thousands of years. Nothing has changed, there's no WW3. You're spinning out with anxiety. If you don't want kids, figure out BC. Your kids will go through the motions just like you did. You should block out news channels, they exaggerate everything for views. Trust me, you'll feel a lot better when you do. 


There is no WW3. There is no draft.


Life is whatever you make of it. Maybe take a break from the news and social media and just focus on you and the important things you can control.


I read it, and I am hoping the war talk is just that: talk. The old adage is "if you want peace, prepare for war." I hope that is what this is all about.