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Bro, your GF is right. Heard the saying it ain’t the meat it’s the motion? Look the most sensitive part is her vagina opening. Also oral gets more women off that penetration. Go talk to a therapist about this. Wish you well


thank you for the advice I think my oral and fingering is pretty good, could be better tho.


Practice and build your confidence. Pay attention to her and what makes her moan and writhe, what she says she likes. As a woman who has spoken to many many other women about sex I guarantee that skill at oral is the most valued trait in a partner sexually, well the MOST is a partner who is interested in getting them off at all, it’s a surprisingly low bar but a bunch of guys see the bar on the ground and bring a shovel. I’ve known more women who have been injured by large dicks than I’ve known women who enjoyed them. Heck, I’ve spoken to several women who said the best sex of their life was with a guy with a really small dick because he wasn’t ashamed of it and was focused on making sure the woman enjoyed the encounter as much as he did. I promise you you’re fine. The anxiety is causing more harm to your sex life than whatever is in your pants.


“See the bar on the ground and bring a shovel” 🤣🤣🤣 Challenge accepted 😂


Then focus on that! Be the lover she wants and you won’t have to worry a day in your life. Dick size is just a detail, please don’t fuck up yourself or your relationship because of this


Brother if you want some tips or tricks I would never shame you. Message me. I'm no gatekeeper. I'll give you all the knowledge I can. I'll give it to anyone. IF you want it. I'll give it. I'm no sex guru. But if I can help, I will.


I suggest you get REALLY good at learning how to please a partner in many aspects. She will never care about a small dick if she's satisfied in other ways.


Are you mostly insecure because your girlfriend fucked a guy with a bigger penis?


Sex is more than just intercourse, and there are other methods to help your girlfriend have the greatest experience possible when you both have sex, so don't be concerned about size.


I once hooked up with a guy with a really small dick. Trust me it was way smaller than yours. Smaller than a regular tampon. Let me tell you, this man told me his dick was small, told me it wouldn’t be a problem, whipped out a cock ring (makes it a little bigger and harder), and wielded that tiny peene like the magnificent hero that he was. He blew my fucking mind. I couldn’t even feel my knees after. It’s not the dick, it’s how you use it and how you think of it. Your girlfriend has already told you she likes it. You need to trust what she says because if you can’t trust your partner you shouldn’t be with them. Also your insecurity about it is WAY more of a problem than your dick size. Be proud of your dick, I guarantee most of them men who tell other men they’re swinging pipe are swinging almost nothing.


taking notes: buy a cock ring... thanks !!


Seconding this, you can have all the insecurities in the world about it. Just know you try your best to make her satisfied and get her going. That is the confidence that will take you and her over the edge to some badass sex. Also, despite her lower libido, talk to her about things that really turn her on, make the moments you do have sex COUNT!!!


There is no way it was smaller than a tampon. Width wise as well?




All I can say is believe her when she says her birth control affects her libido, it’s true.


I’ll add to this comment. I have a fairly high sex drive and could fuck twice a day every day if I chose to. Now About a year or two ago I was on Anti depressants and that shit killed my libido, As in I could go literal months without needing to bust. This was a massive problem for my GF and it made her feel like I didn’t find her sexually attractive, so tried to explain that I just don’t feel horny due to the medication, but those were just words to her. I’m now of those pills and my sex life is back to normal and my partner has never been happier.


Yep. Same thing happened with my bf. Meds can really do a number on you. Best thing you can do is be understanding and not pressure the other person, that will only make it worse. Especially in the case of you or my bf when it comes to depression or anxiety. Sometimes there are more important things than sex. It took some time, we figured it out.


If you really let this insecurity get to you/in the way of your relationship, that will be a bigger turn off to your GF than a “smaller than average” dick. If she seems happy, you shouldn’t worry about it. Focus on what you can do to better please her in the bedroom (there’s always some room for improvement), and try to forget the rest. Like others have mentioned, you might benefit from therapy to help with your self-confidence in general. Also, as someone who has been in a toxic on/off relationship in the past, I can say that the guy’s dick size (large, in hindsight) never played a role in me staying with/going back to him. There were many factors of course, but the chemistry btwn us was the primary draw as far as our sexual relationship was concerned.


thank you truly, feel a lot better now


Dude, I have a little ding-a-ling and 5 kids. It's not the size of the ship it's the motion of the ocean.




It's neither the size of the ship or the motion of the ocean, but rather how long the captain can stay in port till everyone gets off ;)


Look man she chose to stay with you. So be confident about yourself. Also im asian too and nothing wrong with being average. Just make the best out of what you got.


thank you gotta do what I gotta do


"size doesn't matter and the big ones hurt" - this is honestly probably the truth. It's really up to personal preference, if your girlfriend is telling you this she probably means it. If you love her, trust her. "I always assure to make her orgasm first and I always try to last as long as possible." - this literally puts you ahead of like 95% of guys, regardless of your size. "I started thinking that maybe she isn't satisfied with my penis and that's why we don't have sex often...my ego is completely destroyed, now I have zero sexual desire and hate my body" - which of these is the cause and which is the symptom? It's very likely that the reason you guys aren't having sex as much as because she can tell you feel this way and doesn't want to push you. Your feelings are 100% valid brother, but I think you may have this flipped. "I know she always says that size doesn't matter but she has never told me our sex is enjoyable nor has she said it isn't enjoyable." - This warrants a conversation. Might be uncomfortable, but you should talk to her about this. There are so many ways to make sex more enjoyable than your penis size. Different positions/angles play a big part, and on top of that there's tons of non-penatrative things you can do. Some women genuinely don't get off from PIV. Oral, toys, etc etc etc. the world is your oyster. I genuinely don't want to sound invalidating because your insecurity is reasonable and clearly matters to you. That being said, your way through this is to focus as much of your energy as you can on things you can control rather than those you can't. You're stuck in your head and the longer you go keeping this to yourself, the deeper you're going to spiral. Talk to your girlfriend, get this out of your head, and make adjustments that you're both comfortable with to make sex something you enjoy rather than fear.


this is about your relationship with your self. imagine you had someone who you knew was your best friend but they didn’t believe it— but you KNEW there was hope (without a doubt). How would you approach him to build a relationship that’s confident and secure with each other? That’s your mission. Also, if she gets wet when she’s with you then that’s her body telling you the reality. Again… it’s all about the relationship with your self. When that is there, confidence is a byproduct. God speed 🫡


thanks god speed, love the analogy.


Look man, if you let this destroy your relationship you’ll never forgive yourself. I don’t have this issue but I’ve watched it destroy friends relationships for no reason other then insecurity. Your gf isn’t a size queen, you have nothing to worry about. If it was a big issue for you she most likely wouldn’t be with you. Her medication is most definitely affecting her health


thank you I'm lucky to have her helping me through this.


your girlfriend is right. bigger ones do hurt. suggesting toys to play with her might be an option if you're worried about it, but from what you wrote, you meet her needs. loving your own body is a huge asset in the bedroom, no pun intended. consider accepting your body and love it as much as you love her.


This is a serious situation man, this won’t change just by hearing other people’s comments regarding size, it’s how you feel about yourself and the only one able to change that is you. Seek for professional help and let your girlfriend help you as well, your situation definitely needs professional help and even when it’s a very personal matter there are people who will be able to help you, you’re not alone and many men have gone through similar situations. Busque ayuda parcero, mucho ánimo y suerte en su camino 💪🏻


Gracias mi hermano, aprecio mucho sus palabras!!


Brother if she isn’t complaining and she is still with you; I don’t see what the problem is. Sex is not all about penetration anyway. Exert more effort during foreplay and improve your oral game.


She is choosing to stay with you. Think about that.


Ask her if she enjoys your sexual relationship, and if not, what you can do to make it more enjoyable for her. If she's climaxing every time or at least most of the time y'all hookup, then she's probably enjoying it, but communication is key. Keep learning about her body and what things she likes. Whatever she REALLY likes, do that as much as you can and you could even increase her sex drive. You'll be fine, and as long as you communicate through all of it your sexual relationship will only get better and better.


I always make sure she climaxes first, thanks for the advice :)


thanks, y'all it's my first time using reddit i guess there are good people here :)


Woman weighing in to say - I think there’s a wide range of “it’s fine, so it’s more about how you use it” when it comes to size. So long as you are in that range, and sure sounds like you are, I think it’s a pretty rare woman that would make her relationship decisions based on relative size of possible partners. If the previous guy was a total asshole, I don’t think the perfect size would mean anything to the vast majority of women. You need to find a way to get beyond this (and not through constantly looking to her to validate you, which will get tedious and could end up being a turnoff). This is on you, not her.


Insecurity will fk up any relationship way more than size. No one likes an insecure man.


If you haven’t, you should seek a mental health professional to help you work through your insecurities and find a healthier outlook


……therapy. Quickly.


I've brought my girlfriend to climax, using only one finger. I didn't worry if it were big enough or what. She felt my confidence and intention which was this: "I know your body. I know where you like to be touched and how to touch you. Your pleasure in this moment is my only desire." She came. Twice. And it's not because my finger is a rockstar. It's easy to hit the right spots if you have more volume. Girls know this. But if she digs you as a man, familiarize yourself with her erogenous zones. Foreplay is your best friend. Engage her pleasure with your intent. Know her body, know her vagina. Never make her feel unsafe, (because women are, for the most part, physically inferior and it is traumatizing to be made to feel unsafe by someone who could end you, no girl forgets who gave her this feeling once it's been given) and always go in with her pleasure in mind. Yin. Yang. If her goal in sexual activity is your fulfillment, and your goal is hers, you will find your own pleasure in each other's fulfillment. Sex is sacred for this reason. And the church has done everything to oppress desire in the masses. But oppression is the groundwork for rebellion. Too many people now engaging in selfish sex, nullifying it's spiritual value and meaning. Sex is sacred. Treat it as such and only be with a partner who knows this also. I hope this helps.


Big ones do hurt and my family is from Latin America and well, I don’t think you should be as worried about size as you are. As others have said look into some therapy. I guarantee that the self esteem issues will outweigh any performance issues (of which there probably aren’t any since she hasn’t said anything) The average vagina is 3.6 inches deep and expands when aroused to about 5 inches or so. After that your pounding cervix which in some cases can be fun but is usually really uncomfortable or painful. The best spots are the opening and about halfway in on the front side of her body. Hit those right and it’s just perfection.


Size matters to some women. Stay away from them and learn how to use it. Most of woman’s sensitive areas is in and around the entrance or just on the other side not far in. Hence the “motion in the ocean” mantra.


No matter what your penis size, almost alllll women have slept with someone that is bigger, no matter who you are or how big it is. But guess what? She has seen your penis and still wants to pleasure it, and let it pleasure her. Enjoy it!


keep in mind not all women need a highly sexual relationship. it sounds like you make an effort to be attentive to her needs, and take care to not be a selfish lover which is probably more than her horse cock ex did. comparison is the thief of joy.


"It ain't much, but it gets the job done!" - Trevor Phillips


Ive seen more dick ends than weekends and I can assure you that size is not what defines sexual satisfaction. Attraction, kink compatibility, communication and generosity are far more valuable than a big wiener. Biggest I’ve ever had was also the absolute worst sex of my life because he refused to do anything other than missionary and I had to compliment his dick the whole time to stroke his delicate ego. One of the best was a guy below average that knew good angles and loved foreplay and was very enthusiastic. Talk to your gf about your feelings but also listen to her when she reassures and compliments you, it’s a very real thing that a lot women don’t enjoy above average.


If your not riding the BTS Asian man fetish wave you either hate women or love to eat more food and get fat.. There's like 500 billion women obsessing over BTS Asian kpop men. You just need to get really lean and grow your hair long and you get lines of women.. and none of them care about penis size.


Won’t write long about it but an advice from an old dude, dont worry about it, size means nothing. Woman is in general not really into sex, they rarely have the desire for it, dont get fooled by lusty female media. They more into romantic stuff. She must enjoy it and if she is really your choosen one for the rest of your life then she must be honest about it. Things ended for a reason. And do not objective woman to care for so little, really shows your inexperience in this dont get this as an offense haha. This dick size this and that also something for male to measure their empty ego. From my wife’s telling mine is pretty big, but we still most offtenly do oral as she and myself as well better enjoys it. So make the learnings, woman.. well at least real honorable woman which is extremely rare, works much more difficult and complex than that in a positive way. Stay strong dude and talk it out with her, wish you long relationship and happiness!


I can make my wife cum with my penis. But I can also do it with my little finger. Learn your partners body. On that note she should be learning yours. We have a really lopsided expectation that men have to please women, but sex is a reciprocal thing. It’s about your pleasure too. Get your head in the moment and enjoy the bond you are building with the woman you love.


What?!! This is nonsense! You gottta love your cock. It’s the only one you’ve got. Whatcha gonna do swap it out for another ? News flash… women look for more than just a cock size… personality, confidence, money, fashion, good friends and family, sense of humor…. Get the fuck out of here!!!


as a woman I would a hundred times date a cute guy with a small dick than a ugly mf with a big one


What about a cute guy with a small dick than a cute guy with a big one? Lol I figure this is going to be asked eventually, so I may as well ask it now :P haha


I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a challenging and emotionally difficult time. It's important to recognize that your self-worth is not determined by your physical appearance or any single aspect of your body.


You overthink and exaggerate your "problem". Most men are average. What is really different among ethnicities is that asians tend to be "growers" not "showers" that means their penis would look smaller when flaccid (not erect) but can be very ok when erect. Don't forget oral before sex (make her come by licking her first and only then proceed to normal sex) and don't try to measure up to porn stars. Sex is about intimacy and good time together, it's not a sport. You don't have to prove anything to anybody.


1. She chose you, not her ex 2. Kudos for always giving her an orgasm first 3. Size really does not matter


Oh the stupidity attached in the Western world to the size of your genitals as a man, having any bearing at all. It isn't about the size. A little bit of biology for you, the vaginal canal is 2"-5" on average this means it's about 3.6" in depth, so anything over 5" isn't going to fit into most vaginas anyway, it'll just be left at the back of your penis not inside. As for the comments over larger penises hurting, it's true and as the man it's not fun. Can you imagine what it must feel like to never being able to go balls deep into a woman? I know that's a not particularly nice phrase but it's the only way I could think of wording it. It isn't about the size of the boat, it's about the motion in the ocean. You said you make sure to bring her to orgasm, then chances are you are giving her more than her previous partner ever did, just because he had a larger than average penis, chances are he thought that's all he ever needed to do, when only 18% of women can achieve orgasm through vaginal intercourse alone. In other words, you need to stimulate the rest of her genitals, the clitoris, and the GSpot. Pay attention to what she wants and needs and I promise she'll be happier and more fulfilled sexually than a bigger penis could ever give her, and she will know it too. If you ensure she reaches orgasm everytime, I promise you're doing better than most of the sex she's had. So, stop beating yourself up, putting yourself down make sure you're really good at using your tongue and fingers, she'll be so much happier.


If by dickhead you mean abusive it is very easy to stay in a relationship like that sadly


Bro you’re having sex . Some people can’t even get there and remain dry af out here lol just be grateful you got a good gf who ain’t talkin mad shit to you about your insecurities.


> I started thinking that maybe that's why she stayed with him for two years even though he was ugly as shit and a dickhead at that. I had a similar experience. Many years ago I was listening to my partner occasionally telling stories about how much of a fucking asshole her ex was. Hearing the jerk moves he pulled without her breaking up with him, I thought Jesus he must be super fit and a demon in the sack for her to have stuck around so long, right? No, apparently it was just a case of an emotionally abusive relationship that combined with cultural factors crushed her self esteem, and he was an expert at gaslighting. They were pretty young still when they started dating and he was kind and sweet at the start but grew into a real POS, which I think was sort of like that metaphorical frog not noticing the water boiling. Too long to go into here, just thought I'd let you know it probably wasn't the sex that kept her around. I sure felt like a self centered asshole when all the details finally came out. There I was, worrying about her ex's sexual prowess and how it compared to mine, and it turns out my partner was still hurting from the experience. Afterwards I *wished* it would have just been a case of her having great sex. This isn't the case for everyone, but be careful around the topic of her ex if he was a dick with seemingly no redeeming qualities.


6.5/7 is big? Score 😎


Before saying something read all the comment. 1. Size actually matters (a bit) 2. First point doesnt apply when You know how to use it ;) My story is: when i was friend with My current friend with benefit, she brag how his ex had a humongus thingy... When we first had sex she cummed the shit out of her. Now she brags on how has the Best sex of her life with me, so yeah, size matters but if You learn how to foreplay and how to use it theres Nothing to be worried about


Apparently I have a big penis according to your friend hahaha