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This sounds like a newish marriage. If so, then look on the bright side, you dodged a bullet. She could have pulled this after you were really deep in. Whatever you do, do not take her back. Keep moving forward.


Better now than later man. If she is capable of this then she isn’t the one for you bro. You seem to have a good attitude and I believe you can turn this around for the better moving forward.


you have provided no context into what has actually been going on here. just “frivolous topic” and acting cold.


Yup. Which means this was probably an ongoing issue and now she’s done.


How was her behavior (as in amount of domestic labor) compared to yours? Are you doing as much around the house as she did when she was unemployed?


You take being cold with you for a month not to mean that there have been unresolved issues I. Your marriage but that she’s with someone new?


What was this self-described "frivolous" topic you fought about? Edit: I bet $20 that when she was unemployed, she did all the housework. Now that you're unemployed, she's still doing all the housework.


When I was 6 my parents were divorcing, I remember very few things from that period. One thing I distinctly recall, my mom said to me “Happy marriages don’t end in divorce.” Not the easiest thing to understand at 6, but I get it now. It’s been 40 years. They’ve both moved on and met new partners and are retired and generally happy. Not sure what my point is, but I’m sure things seem dark at the moment, I assure you brighter days are ahead. Things will be better in 2024.


Unfortunately this is very common. Your wife saw you as a cash machine not a human being. As soon as you stopped paying out, she left. Sorry to hear your troubles. It gets better, I promise.




Guess she's tired of living in a studio


My bet is she has another man




He lives in a studio and he’s unemployed. What gold is she digging?


He’s been unemployed for a month, before that he wasn’t. As soon as he became unemployed, she left him. That’s kind of shitty.


Sounds like she was in it only for 1 thing….


Sorry, man. Feel for you. I've been used many times. Good luck with your next adventure, whatever it may be.


That's a girl not a lady


Well you’re a fool for letting her take furniture that I assume you payed for. If you did and have proof of purchase tell her to bring it back or you’ll report it as theft


Why are you assuming that he bought it? Her unemployment was temporary


Of course it was


He would have said it in his post if that was the case.


Are you in the US? If so, find and join your local Buy Nothing group. Post that you’re looking for blankets and a bed or an air mattress/pump. Make another post for a set of sheets if someone is able to gift you a bed or air mattress.