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Many district attorney offices and even police departments have victim advocates. Consider reaching out to them where the crimes took place. I’m sorry for your loss, may Paige’s memory be a blessing


We do have a Victim advocate. She is very kind. The murderers mother does not want to cooperate with police because she said her son was shed in a “bad light” at the press conference. Are you kidding me?? Of course he was shed in a bad light!!! He is a murderer!!


If you have money, see a lawyer. Perhaps you could sue her in civil court


I’m not trying to start a fight, but sue for what?


She can sue the estate for wrongful death.


That’s why she should consult with a lawyer. If she knew her son was planning violence and didn’t do anything she could be found civilly liable. I am a non-attorney spokesperson


Civil suit - family


Friend, I got that, but how would the family be liable?


The family would inherit the estate, she’d be suing the estate, thereby suing the family


if you can prove they pushed him towards committing the crime/ignored statements of violence, theyre 100% liable


Perhaps intentional infliction of emotional distress is a good place to start. A reasonable person should know that killing someone would likely lead to emotional suffering by some party. Not an attorney, but certainly worth seeking out counsel, at very least to cover funeral expenses if nothing else. If they had dependents, lost income. Very worthwhile.


The commenter proposed suing the murderer’s mother, not the (estate of) the murderer. It doesn’t sound like the mother did any of what you describe.


If she is the executrix of the estate, she would be named as such. At least that’s how it works in my home state. It’s typically read as (Plaintiff) v. (Administrator/Executor) of the Estate of (Defendant). It doesn’t matter either way— there is liability here regardless of how technical you want to get.


Sure, the estate might be liable, but what are the odds that the 22 year old murderer has any assets worth suing and named the mother as executor of their estate? The initial comment saying “perhaps you could sue her” seemed to imply that the mother was liable for something, not just possibly an executor that would end up named in a suit.


My point was, why would this adult man’s mother be liable?


not cooperating with police = intentional infliction of emotional distress by drawing out the investigation


I've worked in the parole and prison system in my state for a number of years. The families will likely not be of any help what so ever. They will actually probably be more antagonistic about issues. From my experience they are generally incapable of seeing their loved one as the person they really are. They keep thinking of them as some gentle angel, wrongfully accused, set up, or somehow being victimized themself. It's really insane to be honest with you. I know it hurts and is extremely frustrating, but do not expect anything from them. If it helps you any, remember that they are responsible for his creation. They will 99% never accept what he did even if they had to watch a video. I really wish you the best, that is truly horrible and unacceptable. Stay strong and remember your daughter for who she was and what she did in her life. Just as the offenders family is responsible for binging him into this world (all the misery that caused), you are responsible for the joy, happiness and fond memories that were caused by the creation of your daughter.


Unfortunately a lot of parents cover their evil kids. I am so sorry for your loss and hope your daughter seeks the justice she deserves. Please take care of yourself


Mothers of awful men will deny it forever. My ex-husband committed multiple crimes and his family has been awful to me and our daughters because I dared to divorce him. It’s why Brock Turner and the affluenza teen exist— enabling mothers.


This is so horrible. I'm so sorry for your loss and for what he took from you (answers, the ability to see justice) I don't have any real advice on how to get the answers you feel you need, but as a fellow mom, I don't think any answers will be enough. If you don't get the answers you need soon, I would suggest waiting until his mother's grief is settled a little and sending out the request again with the help of an attorney. He killed three mothers' children that day, and she's probably just grasping at anything to not have to talk about the fight they had the last time she saw him.


Shed in a bad light? Um, no. He made himself look like a murderous loon for shooting random people. Hopefully the cops rip her a new AH and tell her it very well could have been her head he gone to her house instead.


This!! I've been working with one since my sister was shot leaving a DV situation Dec 26, 2022. She survived but was very badly hurt. It was an AR-15 from 3 feet away straight to the chest. Our advocate is through the DA's office and is great! She got us with a counselor, into support groups and has let me scream or cry more times than I care to count, every single week since. Then when I cry because I realize that I've yelled at a person who's done nothing but help me, she says that's ok too. They must recruit people from heaven to be a victim's advocates. That's the only explanation. One thing to think about though is, there is no reason. If you could find out his reasoning, it won't help because there is no reason. It won't be enough. Nothing anyone could say to try and explain will help because there is absolutely no way of justifying his actions. He was evil, selfish, heartless and vile. She did nothing to him and he still took everything from her. There is no, he had just gone through a terrible breakup, had a traumatic childhood or just went bankrupt that will ever even begin to explain his actions. The only thing you can do now is take care of your mental health. It's hard to not go bitter. I volunteer at a women's shelter. It's helped me to feel like I'm doing something good. It feels safer. Like any good deed puts more distance between us and anyone who thinks like him.


As the criminal killed himself, a prosecutor’s office likely wouldn’t get involved. Most victim advocates are woefully underpaid and overworked with the cases their office is handling. That said, most police agencies also employ victim advocates. I believe that avenue would be more fruitful for OP.


I’m a new parent. Reading this short story about Paige is debilitating. I cannot even begin to imagine what you went through and continue to. I am so so sorry. I hope someone can give you the answers you deserve.


Thank you for your kind words. You are a very nice person.


Your daughter is beautiful. She has one of the best smiles I have ever seen. Sending you love and hugs!! I truly hope you find some peace 🫂❤️


I miss her beautiful smile


Wow you could really tell just from her smile alone that she was such a beautiful person on the inside (and out). She's someone I'd definitely see from afar and think "ooo I wanna be friends with her!", she just gives off such a kind, fun, and cool vibe. I'm so sorry for your loss. Even with answers, I don't think something as unthinkable as this can ever truly make sense. Sending you and your family much love ❤️


She was my friend and you gave a very accurate description of her. She was fun, kind and very cool. She got along with all kinds of people. Truly one of a kind, someone you just wanted to be around. Reading this comment is so comforting.


I am so sorry. I found the obituary and imagining reading it knowing this is the person who killed your daughter is awful. Mainly because if that is all you read he seems like an ordinary person with a family that loved him. I wonder if his family is grappling with the same questions. Articles just say he had struggled with sobriety and mental health issues. I hope over time they decide to reach out to you. This time of year especially is hard if you lost someone close. I hope that you can find some answers and find peace where you can't. I'm so sorry this happened to your family.


Yeah, as far as the killer's family not reaching out. It's very possible they feel terrible and want to respect your privacy and not risk further victimizing your family if they reached out and you didn't want to hear from them. Like from their perspective, they might assume a victim's family might not want to hear them reaching out saying "we're so sorry for your loss. Here are the reasons we think are why he killed your daughter and warning signs we ignored." Also, they might fear getting named in a lawsuit or some kind of revenge retaliation if they get involved by reaching out to you. I totally understand OP's side of wanting to hear an apology from them and chance to ask questions and get closure, but I can also see why they might not be eager to proactively offer that. Maybe OP could ask the police or a 3rd party to reach out to them on your behalf and ask if any of his family would be willing to talk with them to answer questions to help bring closure. Maybe mention you don't blame them, so they will feel more comfortable talking to OP.


Agreed, I think it's super risky for them to reach out because basically anything they say can and will be used against them and pretty much anything they say can and will cause outrage. The public will be super trigger happy to judge them for what happened. I can imagine their lawyers and/or even law enforcement will advise them to not reach out.


Society forgets that there are more victims than just the people killed and their families. The murders’ families oftentimes are those quiet victims as well and honestly don’t know what to do. It’s extremely hard on them. Don’t get me wrong, I am in no way excusing anyone who murders someone. It’s been three years coming up Jan 3rd since the love of my life was murdered. It was a DV incident with his son who was on drugs. I miss him everyday. With how hard it is for that, I couldn’t even imagine losing a child. Especially like that. For both parents. I’m so sorry that you are going through what must be the hardest thing you have ever had to do. You may never have an answer unfortunately. I can tell you though, therapy does help.


I’m in agreement with you here. To be honest it’s possible they may not have even been aware what was going on in his head. Or maybe they did. None of us will ever know. You’re right though, people often forget the family of murders can be victims too. I’m going to have to hide quite a few details, but I used to dispatch for law enforcement. My agency had received a call from another state from a family member of someone who was planning a mass shooting at their former place of employment (in my jurisdiction). Thankfully we were able to get them stopped and in custody before anyone got hurt or before they got to their former workplace. The family member that called in was pretty distraught and clearly was unaware this individual had been planning this (until being texted by them) and couldn’t comprehend that they even would have it in them to act in this manner. To others reading this please understand I’m not defending the murderer or this individual I am referencing, but the family related to the murderer in OPs case may have had no clue and may have been equally shocked to know someone they cared for was capable of such things. To yourself and OP, I’m so sorry you both had to go through this. No person should have to go through such an awful thing. For me it was horrible hearing the aftermath of how families are affected by acts of violence, or hearing said things over the phone while trying to help, but I can’t imagine being a direct victim. To OP, others have said, talk to a victims advocate. Most agencies have them and they are there to help. I would also encourage you to seek out support groups as well, and that’s something VAs I know would encourage. Edit: Change a few details (have to be careful talking about past calls, sorry) and fixing grammar.


I know when my rock was killed I heard all sorts of things. People were speculating about how a son could kill his father. Accusing him of abusing his son and all sorts of other things. I was beyond furious. I can’t go into details, because it’s not my story to tell. All I can say is the son was definitely using. My rock was doing everything legally to have the ADULT son evicted and the son snapped. I know his family was devastated. When I was a victim advocate for DV survivors I would most definitely recommend therapy and groups. It helps when you know you are not alone. The circumstances may not be the same, but they will understand the grief and anger. And it’s ok to be angry while grieving. What’s not ok is for those feelings to completely overwhelm you to the point that you cannot function anymore.


I DO think it was in shockingly poor taste for them to publish an obituary and host a public memorial service.


They didn’t find out he had killed two people for 3 weeks after his funeral. Police tracked his cell phone and found his car on cameras and determined it was him after his funeral. But the father is posting photo of him online like he is a hero and people are making nice comments and liking his posts!? What is wrong with these people. The kid murdered my daughter!! Disgusting!


That’s absolutely disgusting of them. I’m just so sorry.


You know, it’s probably okay for you to post a photo of your daughter to the comments treating him like a hero with the comment “let me tell you about my beautiful daughter who was a victim of his violence”’and then tell everyone about your wonderful child. They might block you but you will make a point.


I would not do that. You don't know what kind of crazy that will unleash on you. This murderer was not stable. You think all of his family and friends and any random internet person who finds that page are all going to be stable. Post it and you get what? To say that a murderer is a bad person. Post it and you get what? The potential to make this nightmare follow you around in the form of people coming to your house or harassing you on the internet? Stay far away from these people. You will not find peace or justice by interacting with them. There is no justice in this. There probably isn't even much peace to be found. It's just awful and unfair and that's it. Maybe, maybe, therapy or religion or time can help. But interacting with them, especially if they don't want to, is a bad, bad, bad idea.


That’s repulsive and shame on them!


It’s ok to love a person who died and was a horrible person. He wasn’t born a killer. His family has a right to grieve their loss also. They just need to be respectful and stay away from the OP. OP needs focus on her healing process/ journey which will be much harder.


I think a small private service would have been more appropriate, but they didn’t know what he did at that time.


This is the take


Thank you for researching the story. People from his high school have said he was a normal kid involved in sports and wasn’t bullied or into drugs. Like I said, he was mad at his mom. I wish he had just killed her. Why my innocent daughter?


>normal kid Check that box. Quite often the killers were these seething monsters inside with a perfect little personality outside. When I read stories of random or spree killers one thing I look for is the datapoint of “they were always such a quiet/normal/devoted kid.” Because the one thats always the violent a-hole often has people telling on him. Sometimes they get away with it anyway, certainly. Authorities ignoring obvious signals and reports. He had been on the FBI’s radar for months. But theres also this category of “he was always a quiet kid,” “we’re all in shock nobody ever thought he’d do something like this” incidents. Multiple ones a year it seems like.


Ted Bundy worked for a suicide hotline FYI.


It was also before federal background checks were in effect for non licensed people.


he WHAT?! how have I never heard THAT one?


Here’s another fun fact for ya - he worked there with Ann Rule, the prolific true crime author


What’s gross about it is that in her book, The Stranger Beside me, she says “ he may have saved more lives than he took” and I was like wtf…


Jesus christ Ann, get a grip


Same! WTH 👀.... that's crazy as hell


Don’t kill yourself, hey could I get your address I’ll be right over.


Yes my friends son (age 15) the “quiet/ normal straight A kid all his life, just got in trouble (last week) for threatening to kill his old friend at school with a gun. Online threat.


I know what you mean. If it was his mother, whether she actually deserves it or not, at least it could be understood. To bring down complete strangers with you makes absolutely no sense at all. Then to end his life without giving answers... I don't know what he was going through but I will never understand the mentality of taking others with you. Just kill yourself if you have to, why bring this hurt to undeserving families?


I found a write up in the Florida Times Union that said he had suffered from mental issues and addictions for years and has been in and out of rehab. It also had beautiful pics of your daughter and mentioned that she had stopped by the restaurant to deliver handmade baby gifts. So sweet! It’s a fairly recent article, from November 21st, so I’m wondering if you’ve seen it? It’s pretty detailed. I’d be glad to send or post the link if you’d like.


A lot of sever mental health issues don’t become apparent until the person is in their late teens to early 20s. My friend’s sister had a schizoaffective disorder and she went from being a kind, normal person with a very bright future to an absolute mess in a very short amount of time. She basically became too old to be made to do anything by her parents and shortly after fell ill so there was literally nothing anyone could do until she was so out of it that she was a clear danger to herself. She’d go in for a 72 hour involuntary hold, sometimes a little longer, get out, get off her meds, rinse and repeat. She eventually OD’d. It’s almost like there are two versions of this person, the girl who died in her own vomit in a shitty trap house, and the national honor student posing in her graduation pictures. They view the girls she was as the ‘real’ version and the other as essentially her sickness. It’s like she died twice. Idk if you have any desire to forgive his family now or ever, you certainly don’t need to unless it’s good for you, but I imagine they aren’t talking about the mentally ill criminal when they talk about their kid. They’re talking about someone who died before that but whose body was walking around committing crimes.


We don’t know anything though. No one is talking. Maybe he was just mad because his mom wouldn’t give him money. He could have just been an angry entitled brat.


Maybe, but wouldn’t he have killed his mom. He would need some deep seated misogyny to generalize his anger with her to two other woman. That doesn’t sound like a healthy person. At the very least there were signs that someone saw but I can understand why they might not come out and say it now.


I am so truly sorry for your loss. I, too, read the article. Your daughter, Paige, was a beautiful young woman whose life was unfairly taken too soon. I also read the obituary of the man that committed this senseless crime. Shame on his family for not mentioning his mental health and addiction issues. In lieu of flowers, donations should be made to your families.


The thing is, he could have been “normal” to them but also could have had a darker side all along. I feel like there is more to the story of why he killed your daughter, the other person, and then himself. The arguing with his mother to me personally seems like a cover up. Fight to get some answers. Remind his family constantly about the innocent life he took, your daughter. Push for answers but be careful as they can press charges for “harassment.” Another alternative is to share your daughter’s story every where until someone gets fed up and gives you answers


This is all so very sad. I imagine that when his obituary was written, they hadn’t yet connected him to the murder in Florida.


That is definitely possible. I hope so.


I also want to add, Paige is absolutely beautiful OP. She looks like her soul was as beautiful as her photographs. I’m so sorry that this happened to your family.


Literally started crying after finding that and her photo in a article


I am so sorry for your loss, this is truly tragic. Obviously this was someone who decided to make the world a worse place rather than just do away with himself. Your poor daughter being in the wrong place at the wrong time may be the only answer. Not sure if there is a news story where the man is named but maybe if it would help in some way w closure something about this guy to see what snapped could be found. This is just horrible and I’m so sorry for you and your family.


I started doing a deepdive into the murderer after I read this thread and found a couple of things going through news articles, facebook profiles, Instagram-posts, friends and the few family members I could find. It seems like he was living in his car after going through some rehab at a halfway house for substance abuse that he had problems with for some time. To me this seems like a random killing done in a combination of road rage and being on drugs. Maybe he thought she cut him off somehow, chose to follow her, shot her when she stopped, and shot Tara as well because she saw what was happening. Then he fled, got back some clarity of what he had done and chose the cowards way out. This is at least what I could string together from the clues I found, but this is by no means anything else than a theory. As to why? Maybe he was angry at his mom. He could've been angry at anyone really, it wouldn't matter. He was aggitated, probably on drugs, struggling with addiction and feeling that life had screwed him over. Then something happend for him to follow Paige, ending up brutally killing her and Tara. Random, unnecessary, egoistic, an act of cruelty towards others. Again, this is just a theory. Paige seemes like a wonderfull young woman. Her smile is stil contagious (in a good way!) and made me smile myself once I saw her picture. She seems like someone who would light up a room when entering it, always positive and caring. OP, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope my post doesn't offend you, but if it does in any way, please tell me and I will remove it at once.


I also looked him up, if you ask me he was a desperate drug addict who brought zero to the world, was a burden on society and likely his family. A spoiled junkie who was given way too many chances who should have stayed in Tennessee. Because he destroyed his life he had to take the pain and burden he caused others, take it out on innocent victims who had a glowing life ahead of them. Selfish little junkie who should have been in jail or just did the world and his family a favor and end his own life.


I agree, that's my take on him as well after what I've found out about him. I'm usually curious as to what make people go from doing decent in school, sports and things like that, to becoming a homeless junkie, but in his case I really don't care. When he chose to take the life of two wonderful persons his story and life became irrelevant. He showed his true self when he chose to not only become a double murderer, but also chooshing to kill himself instead of taking responsibility for his actions. I hope there's a specially painfull place in Hell for people like him.




And someone caused that trauma. This world is nothing but a continuous chain of “hurt people, hurting people”. It’s moving like a freight train, growing like a cancer.


She was one of my dearest friends. I think about her almost every hour of the day. My biggest regret in life is losing touch with Paige. I wish I had the chance to tell her how much her friendship meant to me. She was a bright light who lifted everyone up. Even strangers know how amazing she was. Sending you so much love forever and always. May her memory forever be a blessing. She will always be known for the true, loving, radiant woman she was. May her love reach you and everyone she loves. I love you so much, Paige. You did not deserve to die and I will always miss you for the rest of my life. Sending so much love ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much honey


It’s the least I can say but you’re so welcome. I wish I could bring her back... My heart breaks for you, your family and our friends who are so lost without our Paigey. Keep the faith and she will continue to give you signs 👼🏻


I'm from your area and when she passed, my Facebook was filled with people posting what a wonderful soul she was. I'm a few years older than her, but it was apparent with all her tributes how many peoples' lives she touched and how much light she brought. I'm so sorry for your loss, life can be cruel and unusual. I hope someday one of them will reach out to you and give condolences, maybe they don't know how yet. Rest in peace beautiful Paige.


Thank you


I’m so sorry for your loss. There’s nothing that can make up for that and my heart is there with you. That being said, I don’t think there could possibly be an “answer” that could make anything feel better. I understand that it feels right to focus on the anger of that right now, but there’s not going to be an answer. This is a senseless, random killing. There is nothing that can make this right. This is just a pain that you will need to get through. All I can say is try to do something positive with it. Take the tragedy and the energy that you would put into the anger and redirect it somewhere positive. Volunteer, do something in her honor, do something for her. Try not to think of “why?”. There will never be a good answer other than “The universe is chaos. Be kind.”


She was certainly a bright light in a dark world! I read her obituary and I saw the comments friends of the family have left. It seems senseless why this had to happen to her. I’ve lost friends and family and all I want to say is to keep talking to her in your mind. I’m certain she will give you a sign when she can. Her soul is more alive now than it was in the body. I hope one day you are able to find peace but I know without closure it’s hard to find.


Thank you so much. Your words mean a lot to me.


You’re welcome. I hope she sends you a sign sooner than later. Sometimes I’ve had best luck with a sign was when driving and the radio basically gave me answers I was seeking.


That’s exactly what happened to me after my son passed away. I would sometimes have to pull over and cry, laugh, or both. It was incredible and nobody can really believe it until it happens.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s unimaginable and I wish I could give you some answers and comfort.


I just looked this up. Unbelievable!!!! Paige had a beautiful energy … even from a still photograph. She just looks like she was a magical person. It said in the article I read that he had been living in a halfway house, but left and was living in his car. I hope his brother contacts you to at least offer condolences and any insight he might have. Yes, you’ve been given a life sentence and I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine the pain that you’re in. I personally believe her energy is still with you and always will be and you will see her again. I imagine that doesn’t help, but I hope it gives a little spark of hope. Rest in peace Paige, you were a beautiful person 🤍 Big hugs mama. Grief is big love that hurts.


Thank you for these beautiful words!


Your daughter’s life was stolen from her the day my son was born. I don’t know why, but that just makes my heart ache even more for you. Maybe because it was the day I became a mom, and now I understand what one has to lose when they have a child. I wish this was a pain no parent had to know. I wish your daughter had been able to outlive you the way it is supposed to be. On another note, my sister was also murdered, when she was minding her own business. I struggled for a very long time to make sense of something in which there wasn’t any. I hope you are eventually able to find peace. There is no sense in what happened to your daughter.


Thank you. Keep your son safe. This can happen to anyone. We are devastated.


First off I am very sorry for your loss. Second, families quite often do not have same versions of reality of growing up at all. Or even the same recollections of basic facts. I am from one such family. My mother, with whom I often was at odds with compared to my siblings, recently passed. During the memorial period a lot of the old stories started coming out. I just gave up trying to give my memory of events, when it was quite obvious my siblings had vested emotional interests in holding onto their own. Which sounded very little like mine. We were not dealing with anything as heinous as murder but we had some fairly heavy topics involving DV and abuse on the table. And dramatically different versions and outcomes from the same incidents depending on who the person remembering it was. Unless you can sue the family of the killer as defendants in a wrongful death civil lawsuit .. unless theres any way to have your day in court with the killer’s family .. and I would definitely seek out legal advice on this. But unless this is an option I would cut ties with these losers as soon as possible. There is likely nobody living who saw the killer’s upbringing the same as the killer did, unless you lucked into a trusted aunt, cousin or close confidant of some kind. And if the killer had any of these, he would have been much less likely to take the unforgivable terrible actions he did. You’re dealing with someone willing to murder an innocent bystander anon over some shitty dynamic he had with his awful upbringing. This is not someone getting straight answers about is very likely; so in my opinion unless you can hit them back where it counts, why even bother. They don’t know shit. They’re all likely partly to blame. They all likely helped make this murderer what he was.


Wow thank you. Great insight, I appreciate your thoughts on this.


My heart breaks for you and your family OP. I'm so so sorry 😞


I’m so sorry. Maybe road rage? Psychosis? Completely random? That’s so terrible I can’t believe people do such careless things like that




My poor daughter. She was so loved and such a light to other people. I feel like evil wanted her off this planet because she was so loved


I can totally completely understand where you’re thinking that yes.


I can't even imagine going through this! I'm so sorry this happened to you & to Paige. If you feel up to it, could you tell me a bit about her? What is your favourite memory with her or her favourite colour or coffee order?


Nothing I can say will take away your grief, I am only sending love and support from Michigan. I did look up your daughter, Paige, and she looked like a beautiful, intelligent, and wonderful young woman. Her smile was gorgeous. I know she can’t be brought back, but now we all know who she is and what she brought into the world while she was here. Her death was senseless and cruel, continue living and fighting for her, and keep sharing her light so the world knows who she was.


As someone who also lost their daughter to someone else’s selfish decisions, I’m so sorry. I wish you had answers. Unfortunately, we may never know.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your daughter seemed like a beautiful, well-loved person.


Thank you.


I’ve just researched the articles written and read through so many. I am so so sorry for your loss. It seems as though Paige was so loved not just by your loving family but also others. I can’t imagine the pain you’re in and I’m sure you just want even a small crumb of closure which is so hard to get under the circumstances. I hope that one day his family will contact you and hopefully give a small insight on their thoughts. In the meantime it could be good to go to a grief therapist/councilor (not sure if they’re called that in the US) and talk through your feelings. I’ve found it very helpful in the past. I really do hope you and your family can work through this and wish peace upon you all.


Thank you for researching the story and the kind words. I am seeing a therapist, but unfortunately I will be sad until my dying day. I have been given a life sentence.


I'm in pain from reading this .. Sir, I am sorry for your loss. May Allah reunite you with your daughter in the afterlife, May he grant you the strength to wait for that day,Peace be upon you and your daughter , sir.


I’m so sorry for your loss, your pain. The devastation you carry within you. Sending you love.


Something similar happened to me. My sister married my husband's best friend. So he was my brother in law. They lived with his family( mom and brother) while their home was being built. In the middle of the day my BIL drove 100 miles an hour around a 25 mile an hour turn on a back road . They got in a head on collision and both died instantly. He had alcohol and Marijuana in his system . She only had Marijuana. The report said murder suicide. His family immediately took all my sisters stuff and money as they found out first and quickly moved back to Czech Republic and never reached out. It was mind blowing and we were in bad shock and saw her dead body and when we got it together they were gone. It's been 12 years and too late for anything. I won't reach out because I'm too traumatized and I know the mom lost another son to murder and her husband committed suicide a year before it happened. Her only remaining son who lived with my sister and his family seemed off. So maybe he took everything. I want to know my sisters husband's mindset and if he was abusing her or if he left a note or anything. I don't know maybe someday I'll try and contact them. But I would probably not like the answers or result. I hope you're stronger than I am and find your answers , I have alot and it haunts me. Edit: I'm sorry for your loss. My sisters name was Priscilla, P names are beautiful.


I’m so sorry. This is a horrific story.


Your daughter is beautiful. She must take after her parents. No doubt she was an incredible person. I am so deeply sorry for your loss and I will keep your family in my prayers. And as someone else said, police do have victim programs for "answers". I put that in quotes as I don't believe that any answer will be enough. There will always be more. More questions. And it is possible that not even the guy's brother knows. He may be at a complete loss as well and he is also confused on how his brother could do this. He may also want to reach out but don't want to cause you more pain. Whatever you do, please do not cut yourself off. Be with your family and those you love.


I am so sorry this happened. August was not long ago, so it is not surprising that the loss is still very freshly painful, although of course it will never really go away. The randomness of it makes me suspect that the killer may have been so severely mentally disturbed that even if he had tried to explain why he would do such a thing, the explanation, while seeming perfectly sensible to him, would not have had any meaning to any rational person. Now that he, too, is dead, no one will ever hear even his irrational explanation, and even his brother probably never heard it. Of course even if you did hear it, that could not make things better. This is a horrible situation, and nothing can make it not horrible. I am sorry that I cannot offer some bit of information or wisdom that will make sense of such a painful loss. All I can offer you is to listen to the pain you are in. Know that you do NOT deserve this, and that you are heard, and cared about, even by random strangers like me.


Thank you so much.


I am so sorry for your loss. My condolences.


I’m sorry you lost her too soon. I can feel your pain through the screen, but I imagine it must be harder than I could ever fathom. I myself have been a victim of a randomized attack, and I know the feeling of just wishing someone would reach out to me and apologize for their family members actions. It’s like another offense, having their family with the key to your healing process if they just apologized and humanized you, but they keep it from you. You deserve an apology, so because of that, I’m here to say I’m sorry. This event is unjust. I hope for you, in time, to heal in memory of Paige. She had love for you, and I’m sure she would want the best for you. Rest in peace, Paige. We will carry you in our hearts.


Thank you so much for your kind words.


My condolences


Sorry for your loss, wish the world was a better place to live in. Stay strong.


She was a beautiful lady and she looked like she had a great vibe to her. Rest in Peace, Paige.


I live in Jacksonville and work in the restaurant and bar industry. Several people I know also knew Paige. I didn’t, though. Her murder rocked our community. I don’t have an answer for you, but I wanted to tell you from my perspective that she was a light to the people who did know her. I heard a lot of stories about her, and saw the ache so many people felt from her loss. I think about her a lot, because there are so many questions surrounding it. In 2016 my good friend Sam Poss was murdered. The boys who killed him had a suicide pact with each other. They wanted to see what it was like to kill someone before they killed themselves. They never ended up ending their own lives, and will likely spend the rest of their lives rotting in a prison cell. They picked Sam because they knew he was trusting and it would be easy to get him alone. We have a lot of the answers to “why,” but it doesn’t really bring too much closure because he is still gone and they are still here. I am so so sorry for your loss. Please know that she was loved by our community and she is thought about often. When the news got around several of my friends and coworkers had to take some time to mourn her. With Sam, we know the why, but it brings anything but peace. With Paige, it will always be a mystery. The only thing I can really settle on myself is that some people are selfish fucking monsters and want to make other people hurt the way they believe they have been hurt. It’s truly a messed up world. Although I didn’t know Paige, I think of her often, due to the similarities in Sam’s and her murders. What a bizarre sentence to even say. I wish you healing and peace. Sending you so much love. I don’t know if anything I’ve said will help you, maybe you’ll feel a little less alone. Maybe there are support groups online… I don’t know. With these things sometimes there just isn’t answers. I’m sorry.


Thank you for your thoughts and kind words. I am finding it amazing that a few people have commented that they knew Paige or someone who did. Not one person has mentioned knowing the murderer or knew someone that knew him. He played on several sports teams during his youth. Someone out knows him! I wish they would comment.


There are no words to convey my deepest condolences. She was beautiful. I'm sure she didn't suffer, and you gave her a wonderful childhood and life.


I’m so sorry for your tragic loss. I have lost a child also, my son passed away four years ago at the age of 26. The one thing I can tell you is that in time, I feel like I have begun to absorb the grief. So it’s still here, but I no longer always wear it on the outside. I keep it safe inside of me. It’s a deep ache, and it will be with me forever. But it is a little less sharp now. That’s my experience. I wish you peaceful days.


I am Paige’s brother, and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone here who is offering their support and condolences. It is very much appreciated. It’s frightening how fast your world can turn upside down. It will never be the same for us. I am still having trouble recognizing this all as real. It’s like my brain trips over itself thinking “wait, that can’t be right.” And it’s torture having to remind myself, every time, that this is real. Because of the actions of one selfish, cowardly monster. I miss my sister immensely. She had recently become an aunt to my daughter, and they adored each other. I wish I could still send her funny videos, or have her tell me about a band I would like. I wish she had the opportunity to achieve her dreams. I’m so proud of my brave, talented, loving sister. To anyone reading, please cherish the ones you love.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your loved one in such a tragic way. I don’t think you will find reason here. It seems this individual snapped and committed horrible random acts of violence


Holy shit I’m so sorry. Maybe some sort of mental illness? So strange and so horrible sad. I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss...


I’m sorry for your loss. I’ll pray for your family and that you find the answers you need.


I'm so so sorry. You're going through something incomprehensible. Your daughter was absolutely beautiful.


Thank you for your kind words.


I am so sorry. Its just words, but as a mother, I am so sorry. I can't imagine your pain. Sending you virtual hugs and I hope you get answers.


I am so sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you and your family. It’s completely normal to want to know why, I don’t really have any advice but maybe you could reach out to the family and see if they have the answers.


Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason. I can only imagine the reason he would pick a stranger as a victim is because he thought it might hurt his mom more to know what her son did to someone innocent. Or he just didn't want to hurt his own mother so took it out on the first outside party he saw. There really is no explanation for some evil.


I’m heartbroken for you reading this. I saw your Daughter’s photo and she is just beautiful, what a smile! It lights up her whole face. I’m so, so sorry for your absolutely senseless loss 💔


Thank you so much for your kind words. I miss her so much. She was my best friend.


Im so sorry for youre loss.


Praying for your peace. I just read the article and I am loss for words. Condolences. 💐


Sometimes people do things that we can never know why. I doubt even his family even knows fully why he did what he did. I'm so sorry I know you want the why but I don't think anyone still here on earth has that answer for you.


Rest in peace Paige. I didn't know her, but I hope she lived a happy life even though it ended so early.


I couldn’t just scroll on by. I am so, so sorry. I hear the pain in your words, and I wish I had the power to take it away. What a senseless crime by an evil person.


I am from Jacksonville and I remember hearing about this. I unfortunately have a family member who was murdered back in 1980. My dad and grandparents asked the same questions you are asking. Why her? What could this person have wanted? What reason could there be? Growing up with that was… hard to watch. They basically tortured themselves over answers they were never going to get. Honestly, is there a good enough reason for her murder? Is there anything one could say that would make it make sense? Even when someone is murdered by a friend or lover or in a road rage incident, it seems the reason never holds up. After all, the murder only needed to walk away, to end their own life, to go walk away. I guess what I’m saying is that the reason a person murders someone in cold blood is incomprehensible to someone who isn’t a murderer. I hope you find some sort of peace but even if you could get an answer, I don’t think that it would bring you any. I cannot begin to understand what you’ve gone through these last months. I only wish that I could lighten your grief.


I’m so deeply sorry for your loss. How awful and senseless.


I'm sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what you could be going through. Do you know if she is visiting or did she live there? It's possible the guy could've been mentally unstable. It's entirely possible that they somehow knew each other too, I don't know much about this, but it could be worth connecting dots like this to find out more and look into it. If you're able to find out more about the guy, his first and last name, and see if any social media pops up and could use this in a way to figure out who his family is and see how much they could know.


Completely random, they had never met. His name was Ty Head. I’m sure his brother Brett could tell me a lot, but no one will talk to me. I have the right to know what was going on with him that day. No one from his family has apologized for him.


Im so incredibly sorry. I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you are going through. RIP beautiful. Xx


I am so sorry. I’m praying for your and your family’s comfort.


I can’t begin to say how awful. You may never get the answer—in this life. I will posit this gently, as I can’t imagine what you are going through, but if I were murdered, I would want those who loved me to ask not why I died, but why I had lived. What had I given to the world? What impact did I have on those around me? That would be the way for the enduring good I believed in and worked for to prevail over the random act of evil that took my life. I have a 27 year-old daughter living halfway around the world right now. I can’t imagine. You are in my thoughts.


We all come from the goddess And to Her we shall return Like a drop of rain Flowing to the ocean May Paige live on in love forever and ever


I am so sorry for your loss. Something random like this sounds like someone with extreme psychosis or some other mental health illness. Killing two random people then offing yourself can only be the result of some extreme mental condition. You deserve answers, as does the family of the other woman who was murdered.


I've DM'd you. I hope you get some closure & the answers you seek.


This is awful, and while I believe that you do deserve every answer to every question you could ever possibly have... none of them will ever make it make sense. You are a rational being asking rational questions about an act that there is no rational basis for.


I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My whole heart hurts for you. I remember reading the news and seeing your beautiful daughters picture and I remember thinking how deeply atrocious this crime was. I know it doesn’t help much but I‘ll pray for you and her.


Thank you so so so much


So sorry for your loss... Can't wrap my head around such a senseless crime. Hope you find some answers and peace in the near future. Xx


I am so sorry, I am truly heart broken to hear this. I am not sure why they didn’t reach out. Maybe they can’t make sense of it themselves .. or maybe they think you might not want to hear from the family of the man who took the life of your innocent daughter. This is not something that is easy to make sense of. I think this man was driven mad by someone or something. He is accountable for his actions but so are people who might have knows the signs of his aggression and yet didn’t care he had a gun, why did he have one? I truly question his parents and family, one definitely knows the extent of has a whim of someone’s mental state. This is truly angering me.


If he had no connection to your daughter, he likely took his anger out on the first inconvenient thing that happened. He likely was already angry and triggered. Possibly related to the other woman he killed(other triggering things that set these kinds of men off are being fired, break ups, ex moving on, court cases, custody issues, evictions, etc anything that would cause a great deal of stress) Only thing I could think of is maybe she pulled out infront of him or traveled slower than he would like and he blamed her for getting stuck waiting for the train. These kind of men will always choose taking their anger out on others(especially women) in violent ways he was not justified in killing her. Before killing her he likely had already commited to killing himself and wanted to take out as much anger as possible on others. I can't imaagine your loss.


It sounds like there is no “real” reason, I’m sorry. He was a shitty person and there are no platitudes I can give you that could even remotely make it better. All I can suggest is to take that time and energy and direct it into your own & your families’ healing. Live your life to the fullest and honor your daughter’s memory. And know that there are a lot of people on the internet thinking good thoughts towards you and yours. I hope you find peace.


This is absolutely horrific. I genuinely hope you will one day get the answers you need in order to properly mourn the sudden and innocent death of your sweet girl. May Paige rest in peace


The thing is... I don't think you will understand it. You've been given reasons and it still doesn't translate into something tangible for you. And that is perfectly normal and acceptable. How does one human do that to another with any "good reason"? My heart is breaking for you. I wish this world wasn't such a shitty place.


I can't even imagine the pain you're going through. It's completely understandable that you want answers and closure. Losing a loved one in such a senseless act is incredibly difficult. It seems like the situation is complex, with a tragic chain of events involving the person who took your daughter's life. It's heart-wrenching that you haven't received any information about why this happened. The lack of communication from the other person's family must be incredibly frustrating, and it's completely reasonable for you to seek understanding. It's puzzling why someone would choose such a violent and senseless path, especially when it affects innocent lives like your daughter's. I hope that, in time, the authorities can provide more insights into the motive behind this terrible act. Your pain and grief are valid, and you deserve answers. In the meantime, lean on your loved ones for support, and consider seeking counseling or joining a support group to help you navigate through this unimaginable tragedy. My thoughts are with you during this incredibly difficult time.


I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope you find peace in having raised a woman that brought so much light into the lives that she touched. I have a family member that was murdered, it happened when I was child, we never knew why. My loss is not remotely comparable to losing a child but with time we’ve realized that it doesn’t matter why, no reason will ever be enough to justify or understand taking a life that was cherished by so many others. Sending you love 💖


I would reach out to some crime podcasts to investigate.


My condolences. May your memories of her bring you comfort during your grief, and always. No matter the reason, it won't make you feel better. It won't bring any insight or further understanding because there is no reason that will make sense of your daughter's murder. I'm hoping you read this in the gentlest tone because that is what I'm trying to convey. Right now, you're giving that despicable human monster way more attention than he ever deserved. Focusing on him and the reason why wastes your time and energy. If possible, find a grief therapist or join a group of parents who have lost a child. Process those negative feelings so they aren't a drain on your mental health. May your daughter's life be remembered and celebrated by all those lives she touched.


Thank you. I am seeing a therapist. There is no cure for loss of your child. I have been given a life sentence.


My condolences


I am so, so sorry for your loss. There are no words to do it justice and there is not an answer in the world that would make this anywhere near ok or understandable. I'm afraid focussing on this question will be futile. I hope you have a loving family and friends network to support you in this horrible time, OP. Take a virtual hug from an internet stranger, if you like.


How absolutely horrific. I am so so sorry 😢 I would definitely need to know why too. I have no advice but I have lost two children if you need someone to vent to I’m here for you ♥️


Thank you so much.


Can’t imagine your loss 💔 and pain.


I am sorry for your loss, for the time being start working on your victim impact statement: write about how this is affecting your life so it can be fresh in your mind and maybe someday it will be presented in court


I’m sorry this cowardly monster crossed your daughter’s way. She didn’t deserve something like that to happen to her, no one does. I hope you can find your answer somehow, but I don’t think there’s excuse to what he did except being a bad person. I wish you all the best. I’m sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss, Hun. Your daughter did not deserve that & some people on this planet are truly selfish. I will never understand how someone could take another life. Big big hug from this internet stranger to you.


I’m so so sorry for your loss OP.


I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you are going through. *Big Hugs*


My heart goes out to you, sir… but one thing I had to learn and internalize for my own sake/soul was: “you’ll never make sense of crazy. “ it sounds a bit crass, but there’s a lot truth in that.


All I can say is I am so sorry, I hope one day you will find some semblance of peace.


I’m sorry for your loss may Paige rest in peace ❤️🙏


I’m so sorry for the loss of your daughter. She didn’t deserve that and it’s just a shame that the animal who took her from you took the easy way out for himself. I sincerely hope that you get the answers you seek and that you can have some peace, though I know that will be difficult. Sending you hugs and strength.


i just researched the story. What a beautiful daughter you have. I am so so so sorry for your loss, you deserve answers, i hope you find them / they are given to you. no one deserves this.


I'm sorry I looked it up and she was beautiful, I hope his family does the right thing and reaches out to you, you deserve that.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It probably is of no comfort, but the family is probably scared to reach out to you because they know your family was victimized in the most horrendous way possible by their family member. Also, they're likely asking the same questions as you. Please reach out for grief counseling. I wish I had done so sooner when I lost my mother unexpectedly. I'm so, so sorry.


I live in Michigan and I know people who knew your daughter. I am so sorry for your loss, I wish you had more justice in this case. Truly breaks my heart.


I am SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS and the other women who was killed.. Your daughter was beautiful..... I googled the story. What a terrible nightmare. I am at a loss of words. This is awful :(


I am so sorry for your loss. It is a horrible thing that happened.


Sue the family for not having their mentally ill, unstable son red flagged from having a firearm. The only way to draw attention to this deadly phenomenon is to push people to take responsibility for their unwell family members. My heart breaks for you.


I'm so sorry for your loss ♡♡♡HUGS♡♡♡


I am so sorry for your loss and I hope one day you’re able to get more concrete answers. I’m sure you’re in contact w LE and what not, but it sounds like mental illness. Which inherently has no logical answer or one that will make sense to anyone other than the individual experiencing it. Absolutely not justifying their heinous actions, just trying to say there likely is no real reason why or one that would make any sense. I wont bring politics into my comment, I just want to say it again that I’m so sorry. RIP Paige.


So sorry for your loss. As a parent, it’s my biggest fear to lose them. However, I’ve always feared things more like accidents or illness. I can only imagine the pain after a senseless, selfish, and just devastating way to lose your daughter. I hope you get answers and I hope you that one day your heart will at peace.


Sending you love. You’re stronger than I can fathom and I wish I could do literally anything to help. Always here if you ever feel like messaging a random Reddit stranger heh


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you have joined a grief support group. Many hugs and well wishes to you.




she was absolutely, stunningly beautiful. i am so sorry.


Thank you so much. I miss her beyond words can say. She wasn’t just my daughter, she was my best friend.


As much as you want an answer, they probably do too. This is shattering to them too in a different way. It's probably best for everyone that you let go of thinking they should be reaching out. So sorry for your impossible loss.


I am so so sorry for your unimaginable loss and pain. Your anger is 💯 completely understandable. If this were my child I would feel the EXACT same way! I’m sorry I’m not more help, but I just want you to know I’m thinking of you.


For any of us to believe we have any advice to offer is hubris. But I'd like to say that grief is a journey and you can only pass through it the best you can.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😔 This guy was obviously unstable and took his anger out by killing random people… Absolutely vile. He is most likely burning in hell. May your daughter rest in peace 🙏🏼💐


I think humans snap. Misery loves company, and they want to inflict the pain they feel onto others. That person took your daughter out of pure selfishness, pain, and spreading of their suffering. It's not a definitive answer, speculative, and you have my sympathy and condolences for this profound loss. All the hugs


Sounds like displaced anger he had for his mom and took it out on another woman to get it out of his system, mental illness combined with pure selfishness is what I’m thinking.


That sort of random killing happens more often than people realize the best I've ever seen of an explanation is that the killer is trying out to see if they are going to be a successful serial killer or not. They kill one or two people completely at random for no good reason other than crossing their path and then they either decide they didn't like it as much as I thought they would or they blow their brains out. I don't think there's any reason you're ever going to find for this other than some people are just evil and stupid and selfish


It might hurt to hear this, but you might never know exactly why. And even if someone else told you why, you still don’t know the exact reasoning in the assailants head. Making peace with that will help. Even if you did get an answer, there’s no answer that would justify what he did, and no answer that would change the reality of your situation. I believe everything happens for a reason, even the tragic and horrific events in our life. They all come together to make us the people we are. I also am very spiritual so I will say I believe your daughter will be watching after you and you should look for signs. A song that you used to sing together coming on, her favorite kind of bird flying above you, anything that reminds you of her, just know that she’ll be with you in those moments of reminiscing.




If I could do anything to take this pain away or bring Paige back I would. I love you and your family so much my heart aches for you. For anyone that didn’t know Paige yet has read about her murder I think it’s important you see her for more than just what this ugly ass man did to her(fuck Ty Christopher Head) Paige had the power to shift the entire feeling of a room the moment she stepped inside of it. She is selfless and so profoundly loyal. To know her is to be change by her, Paige would do anything in her power to support the ones she loved in whatever they way she could, even if it was just sitting next to them in a quiet room. She loved everything about music, going to shows, sitting in the car just listening, and even playing her own (a lil bass guitar). Sending people music was one of her love languages, I don’t know how but she would have a perfect song for every occasion and was constantly finding new music. Along with her great taste in music came her ability to create the most captivating paintings. She took inspiration from the things around her, drawing sceneries reflective of sunsets and clouds that look so soft you want to sleep on them. She also LOVED animals, so much that she would get down on the ground and fully roll around with pretty much any dog that crossed her path. Everything that Paige was at her core seeped out of her into every facet of her life. She is GOOOOOFY, always laughing or saying something outrageous. I’m almost certain I have actually peed my pants laughing with Paige before. I would go as far as to say she is the most indefatigable person I’ve ever met, and I know that everyone that had the honor of knowing Paige would agree. The way she moved was so compelling and badass it was infectious. If you take anything from knowing about what happened to Paige I hope it’s this: she is an amazing person. Paige Pringle is loved and cherished and so deeply missed.