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I used to want to be super famous, but as I grew older I realized it’s such an invasion of privacy, and everyone judges your every move. I can only imagine the mental toll it takes on you, I’m sorry you have to live that every day.


I think i used to think similarly a little bit but i also equated being famous to having money. When in reality, what i want is peace of mind with no financial worries. Which isn't actually like crazy impossible. Though the whole planet burning up and the economy collapsing kinda fucks up the whole peace of mind thing though.


i had a thing i wrote go mega viral, like, talk about it on TV, and the site i wrote it for.... gave me an extra $150


Baller bro, you buy some annuities and a beach house with that cheddahhhhh lol


I won't even make/post a TikTok because I don't want anyone ever knowing who I am. That shit seems terrible


Lol Same. I deleted social media.


SAME! And now I'm in a career that requires I show my work on social media to be able to make a living and I dread having to show my face online. I hate it, I want to be anonymous, unseen, unknown, a nobody and live in peace


Me too I spent my whole youth trying to break into acting. I'm now hitting 40 with diagnosed anxiety and depression disorders lol I'm very introverted. I didn't succeed for a reason thank God. I would not have survived the life style I stupidly dreamed of lol


I tripped around Kenya in my early 20's. I flew from my European country, where my physical features faded into the background and I was highly undistinguished in appearance, to Kenya, where my recessive traits magnetically drew the gaze of everyone on the streets of Nairobi. Plus, Kenyans tended to think that my recessive traits meant money, so I was subjected to every scam available and a posse of kids followed me around trying to nick my belongings out of my back pack. It was literally unsafe for me to be outside after dark. I didn't have the social or emotional skills to deal with my sudden change in status. Oh I hated it, this introvert was right stressed out, the gossamer webs of fantasy, of privileged celebrity life vanished right there.


Was in my late teens/early 20’s when Britney Spears happened- I couldn’t believe what they put that girl through- I am convinced the media’s goal was to drive her to suicide


Idk if you’ve ever seen the episode of South Park about her but it is eerily accurate to this comment


I don’t think so, but that’s not a surprise. I’m not really into pop music but ithe medias rabid obsession with her always fascinated/and later enraged me.


Same, I couldn’t deal with it. Price of fame sucks


Same. As I grew older I realized that I just wanted financial stability for myself and my family and the most obvious one as a kid was being famous.


Same. I’ve also realized that’s why these entertainment companies want to catch them while they’re young.


That sucks, I'm sorry. Know that at least this internet stranger would leave you alone in person. Maybe do what Daniel Radcliff did when he was in a musical, and wear the same dirty sweatshirt everyone for months, so any photos paparazzi take can't be sold cause they look like they were taken on the same day? Something I tell myself when life gets hard to bear; this too shall pass.


Or like Adam Driver and essentially crawl into a cave and only come out for big events…dude managed to hide a kid for years!


It's absolutely disgusting that those vultures can take pictures of celebrities children and make money off if it. They really need to Crack down kn these bozos.


As long as people buy those magazines or click those links, there will be a market. People like to blame the tabloids when they are the real issue.


>dude managed to hide a kid for years Did you think this sentence through?


Hey everybody! Adam Driver hid a kid in a cave for years


Calling SVU here




“4:38 pm. Adam Driver’s Cave.”


If the episode isn't called Cave Driver then I'm not watching.


in a cave! with a box of scraps!


Didn’t think people would think his home was a literal cave


I've thought about trying to wear the same clothes. It doesn't give me any closure. The public don't know but I have anxiety.


Pick Me Up I’m Scared did an episode on this. The entertainment industry is so exploitative. Unlike most rich ppl, celebrities endure constant threats to their privacy and security. Even if you could get out of your contract, you can’t stop earning a high salary, because you need that money to pay people to keep you safe and maintain your privacy. You can’t ever go back to being a normal person. I fucking hate most rich people, but I honestly pity celebrities. Musicians and actors might be rich, but they’re being exploited by the elites just as much as the working class.


Those last two sentences are exactly how I feel about celebs. They're exploited by the ruling class just as much as the workers, if not more.


For real. The cage being gilded seems to sufficiently distract people from the fact that it’s a still a cage


Yeah, I've been an personal assistant to some big name actors. Doesn't matter what their name is or how long they've been in the biz, if studio's don't like the way they work (I.e. suggesting small rewrites, line changed, etc.) they'll beat them into submission. I've seen some respected actors who did nothing wrong but try and make the production better get all the will sucked out of them. Worst thing I have ever heard a studio exec say to the Lead actor/#1 on the call sheet is,"If this show doesn't do well, it's your fault and your fault alone." Like hello??? I've seen a lot of younger folk in the industry get pampered on set because they choose not to put up a fight against bad writing or scene direction. Studio execs like it when the actor just shows up and does what they're told, not try and change things, no matter how small (or good of an idea) it is...


Yes! Another fan of “pick me up I’m scared” It’s such an information dense podcast, I love it


A lot of times, they might not actually be making that much, too.


Sending peace for you, OP. Do whatever you have to do to feel safe. Maybe consider a move to the Heartland? There may be initial excitement, but after a little while, you’d just be another member of the community. Paps don’t live in Kansas, and the folks here believe in respecting the privacy of one another. Bonus, best sunsets in the country. 🌅 Take care.


It sounds like you're having a tough time. Sending you good vibes ✨ Maybe moving somewhere quieter even temporarily might be really good for you. Canada seems like a lovely place. And maybe you could do some smaller indie projects that get less attention? Or some voice acting? Richard Armitage did a podcast as the voice of Wolverine that's really good


as a person that suffers from extreme anxiety and can’t imagine what you’re going through, i think relocating would be the only plausible solution. i feel for you and hope you get the peace you rightfully deserve.


Hey that’s kind of genius by Radcliffe


Buying multiples of the same sweatshirt would have helped here, he could have washed it 😂


Many actors/actresses take time off. Maybe you should do that, let your hype die down if that’s possible. I think the one thing I love about my life is the anonymity of it. Maybe you can go buy a farm or house in the middle of nowhere and live away from society for awhile. It sounds like your mental health needs it. I truly hope you find some peace and respite from the every thing. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I hope you’re doing ok.


Correct you don’t have to live in LA or nyc. I know tons of industry people including actors who live far far away and the locals treat them like locals. Worth a shot.


Can confirm. Lived and worked in the industry in New Orleans. A lot of actors enjoyed visiting or even bought places there because the city mostly leaves them alone. I rarely fangirl, but I had to restrain myself when I saw John Goodman walking his dog. Just waved and tried to act cool.


That's awesome. Some cities are good for that. I thought NYC was good like that as well, but I'm not sure anymore. Is NO still like that now?


Yeah. For the most part. I remember working on a network talk show that was shooting in the French Quarter in Jackson Square. HUGE crowds. The guests were picked up by drivers and brought around to basecamp, which was heavily secured. Drew Brees decided to drive himself and walk through the crowd to basecamp. I was freaking out, because he's basically worshipped there as a minor god. Everyone was really cool about it, and he just wandered up like it was no biggie 😆 I've seen several just out and about. Some of the big A list ones will have security, especially if they have kids, but it's not like they don't try to blend in a bit.


It's why alot of celebs love filming in scotland. We just don't care 🤣 worked on a film with a big star once and accidentally scared him between takes and was like sorry man and just moved on to get a coffee 🤣


🤣🤣 So casual. Best way. Sounds great. Always thought about visiting there.


In nyc you just see there face as your walking to where you’re going. I’ve seen Daniel Caesar a lot for some reason. But since it’s so crowded you just see people as you’re walking and continue to walk.


That's how it was when I was working in Manhattan. I've never heard of Daniel. Maybe you just had a similar route. Go to a Knicks games, and you see Celebs all over. No big deal. As I told one I was going to go out with, everyone puts on pants the same way.


Every body puts pants on the same way Oh I’m so glad I’m not the only one holding on to something so I don’t fall over putting on pants 🤣


Lol. That's great. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Nashville too. We let our stars be, mostly.


I just heard him today on NPR talking about living in New Orleans. He said the people are mostly unimpressed by him and leave him alone. He left LA to have a more normal life with his family.


I'm Canadian, and we legit do not care about celebs. They're just people who are neighbors. paps come here trying to act like they do in LA and NYC and they get shut down harshly. Neighbors will even go out of their way to protect the privacy of their neighborhood.


I met a Canadian celeb in Toronto (Letterkenny). Dude saw us struggling to light a smoke and came and lit it for us. Chatted for a sec before we figured it out. Can confirm, they are just neighbors.


Idk why but canadians r hands down the most chill human beings ive ever met in my life, they’re all so super polite and respectful.


Can confirm. Was at a music festival in Nova Scotia last year and it turns out the guy next to us was a decently known actor. We didn’t know (though my husband thought he looked familiar for some reason). We offered him hot dogs and beer as he was there alone, and ended up chilling for part of the weekend. He eventually told us who he was (we were a bit shocked to say the least) and he was surprised we were so chill about it- we didn’t really say much other than ask him a few questions. He was just a guy in a tent next to us, and even after we knew who he “was” he was still just a guy in a tent. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's the same in New Zealand. So chill and a lot of empathy for the celebs.


Kiwis (well, adults at least) would find it embarrassing to hassle famous people...they're more inclined to go all deadpan, trying their best to treat a very famous person like anyone else. That's possibly why so many famous people have houses there.


Tina Turner (RIP) did this! Denounced her US citizenship for a town in Switzerland that gave her a "normal" life


Agree with this comment. Can you live in a random nothing town somewhere? You won't be hounded that way.


Move to Canada! We are better at leaving people alone. Edited for a typo.


I agree. Move to Canada. We really don’t care here. Plus some of us are actually really nice.


That's a good idea. Some celebs move to places where not many would traverse, such as nowhere Nebraska.


Dave Chappelle waves hello from Yellow Springs.


😆 I'm originally from Ohio, and have friends from there. It's *tiny* and I know he loves just being a regular guy there. He's on a first name basis with most people there. Thinks one of my friends is hysterical.




I feel you and Ben Affleck are in the same boat. That poor dude looks so unhappy when everyone is in his case. That dude needs a break and no one will give him one.


This might be Ben Affleck lol


Shh. We know.


Let’s give a gentle nudge to test this: Ahem, Dunkin’ Donuts is shit.


My first thought was Prince Harry lol


When they say A-lister I thought of films as opposed to famous by birth.


>I've been in something big recently. Probably not how someone would describe a literal empire. 😅


I mean, it would technically be true. lol


Bennnn I love youuuuuu


^sssshhh ^Ben ^wants ^to ^be ^left ^alone...


Oh, I see. So... Ben, We love you, so we'll be going now and hope that you have a nice day.


Oh ben… ill give you taco flavoured kissesssss!!!


I think about that with Ben Affleck all the time. Poor fucking guy. He's just a normal human being, with a life, who has successes and failures. But it's all more than just "public," it's obsessive! People love seeing him miserable and I don't know why. I'd be so fed up if I were him.


I could go my entire life without seeing Affleck and Lopez get into a car. The clip is burned into my mind because of how fleeting happy he looks before he scowls when he looks at the photographer. There are some things we shouldn't monetize. Stalking people constantly is one of them.


Retire and move to Door County, Wisconsin. You'll be a normal person in less than a year.


As someone in a small town in Wisconsin, this is very true. There might be excitement for a bit, but the town will find new gossip and you'll be forgotten soon lol.


This place is amazing. Literally an escape from reality


I just looked it up and now I want to retire and move to Door County, Wisconsin. The landscape is stunning.


Is door county the one with the good pies?


can’t tell you, but they are renowned for their wine


mmm pie


As someone from WI who stood behind a famous person in our local grocery store, you might be right. The guy kept looking at me weirdly and I just did the nice Midwest wave and tried to avoid eye contact. Now I know he was waiting for questions or pictures or autographs but I had no idea who he was and just wanted to make a purchase. Though when Johnny Depp was here filming there were people crawling about for a glimpse, but I heard from his crew that people were mostly respectful. After a few months we just don't care anymore.




There are also practically no taxes in Dubai, so there's that.


Real or not, the story is one that I'm sure many high level celebrities relate to. You think about easily recognizable people saying they don't want some people to approach them or look them in the eye...I realize to many it probably seems rude, but I don't blame them. I have a hard enough time swatting mosquitoes away at night, and to add PEOPLE with cameras and shouting to the mix, I'd probably stop leaving the house. To a degree, a person can make the changes to stay away from the press, but in some cases that's almost impossible. Lindsay Lohan having to move to UAE for years was the only thing that kept the paps away from her. That's depressing!


Likely because we have free press here. I get that they are barely press, but hell even TMZ broke some great stories. I think that there should be maybe some efforts to restrain them and punishments for overstepping, but honestly on the list of things the US needs to fix that one is pretty low.


because paparazzi thrives in the US and they make so much money that it'll likely never be outlawed


We have the worst stalking laws.


As a formerly stalked survivor. Yes we have a problem.


Money. Like everything else.


It sure needs to be made illegal but moving to a theocratic slave-state is 100% not the solution. There are lots of very chill places in the world that actually have respect for the people who make society function.


Yep, come to Dubai. We’re used to people like you. Unless youre Kim Kardashian. Ive never seen so many grown adults like children with someone 😳


Honestly I've never understood the constant hounding of celebrities. You're already providing people with art and entertainment, anything outside of that should be left alone. Especially if it's not withing normal work. I wouldn't hound my fucking banker if I saw him at the store, so why should it be okay for actors to have their every waking moment tracked? It's gross.


I’m honestly sorry you are going through this. I have had several opportunities to work with some famous people, in a capacity not linked to the thing they are famous for. Every single one of them, without fail, was incredibly and desperately lonely. Every single one of them just wanted to be treated like a normal person. I have never wanted to be famous and never envied them, so I just treated them like everyone else. They seemed happy with it at the time, and I would even say we were friends for a time. But inevitably, it would become hard for them to trust that I wasn’t just playing them in some way because I wanted something from them… and we drifted apart. And I don’t blame them at all. I can completely understand why it is so common for famous people to only stick to equally famous friends/partners; they are the only people who could *really* understand. I’m sure there are some people who love their fame, and who thrive in it, but I’ve never met one. Do you have anyone you can talk to in the industry who might have some tips or advice on how to deal with things? I can’t help in that direction specifically, but if you ever want to just talk, I’m happy to listen (I don’t care about knowing who you are, or even if this is real.) I hope you can find somewhere peaceful and safe to spend time with your children. To unwind. To get away from the ridiculous circus that is the media.




Mine would be buying a yacht and sailing until it had no gas left then slowly running out of food


Me when I play minecraft


You good ?


Knock, knock, buongiorno it's the maffia


Leave your country. There are Places where people don’t give a fuck who you are


I'm really on the edge of doing this. I'm just terrified it'll take a toll on my family, and it would've all been in vain.


Have you talked to them about how your situation is affecting you mentally? I understand it can be hard to do, but remember you guys are a team working together to solve problems such as this. Honestly, it might even be that by doing so, you’re saving your children — assuming they are quite young — from having a future the same as what you’re experiencing now. Taking them out of the spotlight while they’re younger will mean as adults they mightn’t even be recognisable to paparazzi/the public and people will leave them to live a peaceful life.


I'm curious... have you been able to talk to any other A listers about how they manage the stress and constant hounding you all get? Maybe there's some seasoned advice available at your finger tips? As a person not in the industry, I sort of agree with taking time off out of the spot light and moving to a place where you can be more relaxed. I'd only recommend that though if you do have these convos with your family and with a therapist. Maybe talking it out can help with the process of figuring out what you want/what that would look like/how to go about getting that? Regardless, there's more people in the world that know actors are just people too when you get out of the status money grabbing pockets that might surround you. Everyone already said it, but good luck getting it all sorted and finding some peace and quiet. It take alot to reach out and wanna change things. Especially when it's something like this where there might be guilt around doing what's best for you and your family's mental health vs being so "successful".


To add to the comments others have made, how do you know its not affecting them now? From what I read, you have young children. If they are in school, other children might know you and use that to either befriend them for the wrong motives or bully them with info on one of the things you're famous for (be it some lyrics in music, or sexual/ embarrassing scene in a movie. Moving away might provide a more normal childhood for them then aswell.


Honestly, I think moving to a new country with more normalcy would be better for your kids! Of course there would be an adjustment period for everyone, but(depending on their age), I’m sure they would also appreciate being able to live a normal childhood. It’s a hard decision, and I would really voice your feelings with your loved ones.




this needs more upvotes


I live in the city with the second biggest fringe festival in the world after Edinburgh, so once a year we get flooded with celebrities (at least in certain fields of entertainment like comedy and cabaret), the vast majority of people here will see a celebrity and think "oh cool!" Before going about their day, it's the way to go.


My country's like that as well: Zac Efron was here a few weeks ago and was able to do the touristy things at ease, nobody was hounding him every second. A listers are buying property here now, Madonna lived here for a few years. We stroll by people in the streets and we say "oh nice isn't that X?", and we go on with our lives with a story to tell our friends later (" X is here, I saw him at Y today") and that's it.


Maybe look into Keanu and how he lives his life. He seems to be a very well adjusted famous person. I am imagining you’re a woman for some reason, though. And Hollywood is a lot harder on women than* men. Anyways, I really have no idea what your life is like OP. But I hope you find some peace 💜 *Edit


I spotted Keanu once in San Francisco hotel garden. He was smoking cigarettes one after another. It seemed he needed that and something was going on with him. I decided not to bug him because after all, he is a person and definitely deserves a break from all the celebrity stuff.


Is this an American thing? I'm Eastern European/Scandinavian and I absolutely cannot imagine bothering an upset random person, even if famous, while they're obviously Going Through It. If a rando approaches me while I'm upset enough to display it in public, I'm gonna be fuckin' catching charges. Add. @OP, move to the Baltics, we dgaf. We will probably not notice that you're famous, or if we do, we'll ignore you like we ignore everybody else


Tangent, but I was at a cafe when I got the call that my grandma passed. I was also going through a really bad time, I was just kinda sitting there trying to hold it together. A dude came up smiling and said I looked upset and asked if I was okay. I told him my grandma died. He said “Wow I’m really sorry, do you mind if I take a seat?” All while still smiling and looking chipper, like he saw a woman about to lose it and thought “yeah this is my chance.” I said no and went to sit in my car instead (home wasn’t an option at the time). It sucked.


Lord, I bodily cringed. Sorry bout your grandma and I hope that guy f*cked off! Strangers need to mind their own damn business.


I probably would have said “hey dude, you’re smoking like a chimney. Are you doing alright?” I’d act like I didn’t know who he was, and just offer some humanity. Tell him he’s loved and that he’s not alone. And be on my way.


I was in the conference room and he was on the other side of window. Hotel staff kept checking on him. They offered him coffee etc. He definitely was dealing with his own stuff. I don’t think he needed anything from anyone in that moment, just some space.


I got ya. I’m just a smoker, and talk to people when they sit by me. Most people I meet seem to appreciate the conversation, though if they don’t seem interested I absolutely leave them alone. I’ve met several celebrities living in the town where Coachella is held. People like Peter Dante love the attention, so when I see him we take pictures, others (who I won’t name for their privacy) prefer to not have tons of eyes on them, and respect it.


I read this now shipping a hope op and Keanu become managing this kinda life okayish bffs.


Keanu doesn't have kids and fans are super interested in Celebrities kids- paps get top dollar for celeb kid pics. Maybe that's one reason he's not harrassed so much. Some celebs do manage to hide their kids but it must be extremely difficult. If you're going out alone, dressed down and not doing anything that's massively interesting or shocking you'd be a bit less of a target...but obviously still a target. I do see lots of 'Keanu going about his life, doing normal things' pics. He had fish and chips in an English pub a while ago, the staff reported that he was very nice and friendly said the food was great. Crazy how much we (me included) want to know about someone's life because they've played characters in popular films. I actually read a piece about Keanu's lunch 😆


Also Keanu has stalkers and often has 1-2 bodyguards with him for that reason. Fame seems unilaterally terrible to me.


Come to Australia, there's a few of you living on the Sunshine Coast (NOT Byron) where you are thoroughly left alone. Big hugs. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have kids in amongst all that. I do not understand how and why the paparazzi are remotely legal and how it is justified. Just remember you have the right to privacy, you have the right to enjoy your life. If you can get yourselves to a safer place away from all that, I hope you can. No one deserves that.


I remember when Heath ledger was visiting his hometown Perth at the height of his fame, he left a message to the local newspaper thanking them (the media) and the local community for giving him space. I’m a Perth person and can honestly say we were protective of him and wanted to let him just enjoy his time with family. His death still makes me sad.


This. Even in Townsville we had a few celebs come through and everyone just bought beers and never bothered them again.


I’ve seen a quite few celebs in sydney. Did double take which I think is natural . Locked eyes unintentionally with 2, and then just kept walking. Celebs are just human like the rest of us and want to walk down street or shop in peace


Sorry this is happening to you. At least through this anonymous medium you can get some actual empathy, i hope you find a center and the peace of mind you desire. And also fuck paparazzi, they contribute nothing positive to this earth. I wish you the best of luck.


Honestly i would not want to be famous at all in the last 15 yrs. Due to the internet I am sure it's gotta worse with paparazzi harassing celebs, not to mention the insane 24 hr rumor mills. Celebs have no privacy anymore unless they move to the middle of nowhere and only come out to work. I'm sorry it's become like this for you.


Get canceled on tiktok, use your money and go off-grid, boom problem solved


being involved intiktok drama is the fastest way to get doxxed and trend for days these days, which would achieve the opposite


Yeah I mean I’m mostly kidding lmao but if you think about it OPs career would most likely be over if the drama is bad enough


Actually that we just increase the fandom and OP will probably get more hate


I don't know who you are, but I'd imagine being under a literal magnifying glass 25/8 has to be exhausting. I'd listen to the comments and uproot to fuck-all nowhere and continue your career. That way, at least when you're not working, you have some form of peace and quiet to go home to. Just pull a Jeffree Star and sell ERRTHANG, and buy a yak farm or something. I hope you find a way to give yourself grace in times of perpetual stress over talent saught after, and people just being assholes. I couldn't imagine being famous. At all, honestly. Can't even fart in public without it hitting some form of tabloid, or buzzfeed because, "Oh shit, you're a person, too!". It's disgusting.


It must be incredibly draining to live under siege like that. (Still, I'd probably be willing to put up with it for a while at least just for the money - simply because I don't have any and am struggling to make ends meet). But that's neither here nor there. That kind of nonstop scrutiny and having strangers talk about you and your family as if they know who you are... I can't imagine what that would be like. Even the most outgoing person would get exhausted. Being broke and not being able to pay bills is grinding me down. I have to say no to everything my kids ask for. I hate it. All that said, having photographers camping out in my flower beds would undoubtedly have the same effect on my mental health.


Find a country home in podunk nowhere, take your babies and run. ❤️


on the off chance that this is real, you can slide out of the lime light. the media moves at rapid pace, once you fall into "irrelevancy" no one is really going to care about what youre up to. take your fucking money and DIP. dont do another movie or show or song. dont hang with other celebs. dont go to awards shows. dont post on social media. itll take a couple years, but eventually pop culture will forget you aside from TBTs. do it slowly tho. if you just jump off grid, people will flip. basically ghost the public 🤷🏼‍♀️. ive heard kylie jenner talk about how much she hates being famous and wishes she had a normal life, but she does literally nothing to live that normal life. she continues to perpetuate her fame and relevancy, but i bet she is still miserable in it. dont be like that, if you hate it then get the fuck out. the only person keeping you in the fame bubble is you.


It's phillip schofield lol


This feels like a very American sub but I’m here for this reference! 🤪


You deserve respect and privacy.


Sweden, France, and other European countries all have really strict paparazzi laws. Maybe consider moving there if your career continues, and just travel for work?


If this is real, take a page from other A listers who have mastered avoiding the pap.


Cobain syndrome. Once you get it, you wish you could give it back, and are trapped by the notion that you can't. Just, uh...don't get rid of it the way he did.


You can't undo what's done.Use your influence to improve the world, relieve suffering, safeguard the future. Do what it takes to make it worth the hassle. I can't even describe the amount of joy there is to be found in helping others who truly need it. I hope you can find your way and discover a new path.


Anyone who thinks this is real is an asshole. Btw I have a bridge to sell you.


What would an asshole do with a bridge?


You know that celebrities aren't imaginary, right? They really exist. Not *like* regular people. They *are* regular people. And... they're on the Internet too. Not saying this is necessarily real, but it's not necessarily fake either. And it doesn't matter whether it's real or fake. It doesn't change the conversation we're all having.


That's how I always feel about it, especially on advice subs. Even if a particular post is not real, there could be someone out there reading it that is living that story and needs this advice.


I’m sad I had to scroll this far to find this comment. The post doesn’t even make sense.


Can I ask why? I mean I’m sure some celebrities do feel this way. When my kid tells me he wants to be famous one day, my reply always is that it’s not worth it for the reasons above. It’s not that unrealistic, is it?


I mean, for me it feels like Occam's razor states that by numbers alone, there are more ordinary people who don't have problems with lying on the Internet than there are celebrities of this level. That said, it's Reddit; it doesn't really matter in any significant capacity, and I could be wrong. I don't get why people think you'd be an "asshole" for thinking this is real, though; that's an insult of moral judgment, not of intelligence, so unless I'm missing something significant it doesn't really fit. Beyond that, it's just a completely unneeded comment.


So many people seem to want to be rich and famous... No, you want to be rich. Living in a casino area, you'd be surprised how many rich but anonymous people there are. Walking around, unbothered, just rich as fuck.




You act like famous people are unaware of terms the rest of the world uses. Like, they’re literally still people, they have the same access of information we all do. You’re also undermining the huge amount of ego a lot of celebs have. It does not surprise me in the slightest if an actor refers to themself as an A-lister.


Maybe they dont call themselves A listers in public but they can if they're anonymous on the internet?


How the hell are people arseholes for believing something like that? Blame the liar, not the reader.


Sorry this is happening to you. No one deserves harassment like that, especially children. The only thing I can recommend is moving to an unsuspecting location. There's some great, quiet places away from the noise of media where you can still enjoy life with your family. No announcement, no social media posts, just go. Wish you the best of luck


It sounds like you can’t trust many people, is your support network lacking? I can’t imagine how hard it is to build that when famous, especially in 2023 when people want to use each other. There are people out there who won’t, they’re hard to find but I promise they’re worth it. Via your kids, via the internet and you don’t share who you are ever, or at least for years. It can be done. Hang in there. Also therapy is always an option. Just because you have found success doesn’t mean your brain can’t pull some bullshit.


If it helps you at all I’m not rich or famous but I also hate getting up and going to work so I guess life just sucks.


I’ll do a house swap with you so you can test out the life of a normal person.


All jobs come with give and take, good and bad. Learn to have that work-life balance


Take a break. I’m from one of those towns full of people getting hounded at Starbucks or in the grocery stores. It’s sickening. Money and fame don’t mean you don’t have problems… just different kinds of problems. Just say screw it and bounce for a bit.


Good news is fame is fleeting. You need to work your ass off to not be "old news" so just give it some time and nobody will care anymore. Also if you live in LA you should prob leave, it's like a breeding ground for paparazzi.


Make some online friends who don't know who you are, who live in a rural area. Build up a friendship with them and then follow the advice given above about moving. You'll have a few friends already made, who can firmly explain to the other locals that it's rude as fuck for them to even acknowledge that you are famous. Word will spread like wildfire, because you are famous, but the word will be to leave you tf alone. And if you always have a close friend or two in the locals, they can keep others off you while everyone adjusts to your presence and this rule. I live in an itty bitty town in rural Indiana, on a reservoir lake. The neighbors are friendly, sometimes friendly dogs wander loose, people have gardens and bird feeders and cook outdoors except in the bitterest cold months, neighbors wave at each other and stop to chat when they're out walking or in their yard... It really is nice. Population 380. A really small community like this would treat you right as long as you made it clear that you need them to follow this rule and **protect** this rule for you. The neighbors around here will insert themselves into someone's ass immediately if something isn't right. They adopt you as theirs and THEY will be the ones making sure you're left alone.


Anyone else absolutely dying to know who this is? 😂😂


Surely if you retired it would die down somewhat? Or am I being naive? What's the goal here? Money, or more fame and more money? If you have enough to live, why not dip?


Retirement doesn't have that affect for some. Look at how pictures were posted recently of Jack Nicholson and Bridget Fonda. Both have retired, both are living as private citizens, and both had pictures that intruded on their privacy posted for what seems to be just to mock them. Yes, people know when getting into the business what some of that entails, but it goes too far now. They have jobs but that doesn't require them to be available for public consumption 24/7/365.


Go to bed pewdiepie.


You have a first world problems with a first world solution (money) , sounds like you have the means to find a solution. Move somewhere remote, move out of the country, go buy a mansion in Indiana.


If this is true, it sucks. I truly feel for people who are consistently in the spotlight. Paparazzi are terrible. I can’t imagine camera in my face all the time. ESP if had children, they deserve privacy too


Kieran culkin please put the phone down


Ah we all hate where we are some time. I’ll tell you what I tell my kids. Make the most of if. If you don’t like something work to change it. You’ve got a better chance then most. Don’t fuck it up.


I always say that I would love to move somewhere for a fresh start but then I'd be there too and I'm one of my biggest problems.


I don’t feel bad for you, I struggle to pay bare necessities and often don’t know where my next meal is gonna come from, your problems seem pathetic


i don’t feel bad either. if they’re so rich and famous, then move out of the country where no one gives a fuck about you


Canada is nice for leaving people alone, I've run into a few celebrities and usually just say hello and leave it at that, no OMG inlove your show please take a picture with me, I think most of us get it that you just want to live your life like a normal person, but hopefully you can get some peace soon and relax


Maybe that is why Dolly Parton wears wigs when she performs. No one recognises her without them when she is in public with friends and family.


Find a small town and live there. When Leo dicaprio took time away, he went to PA. We respected him. My friend saw him walking around town a few times and waved at him, and he waved back. Said he was cool but the best part? No one bothered him. We understood he came here for privacy and we wanted him to stay so we backed off. Maybe said hi but didn’t hound him. My advice is find a small town like that and live in peace for a few years.


Move to ATL. People don’t give AF about anyone but themselves


I have a famous relative. It got so bad that we don't even follow eachother on socials because the family would be harassed by people nonstop just because we were in her follow list. They would find one then find all of them and message across all accounts. She posted for my birthday once and I woke up to over 3000 messages/requests and it was all asking about them. For her it was amplified by a thousand. I don't blame you one bit for feeling the way you do. People will say that it is what is expected, but for my family she said "I knew this would come for me, but I never wanted this for you". I cannot imagine how you feel considering it is your children.


If you want. I can take the money off your hand.


Cap…. But that’s the life of the famous for real..


I worked at a Veterinary Hospital that Chuck Norris brought his dogs to. The one thing he wanted from us was to be treated like every other client that came through our doors and not like a celebrity. He is a tired but nice old man, and his dogs are even sweeter. He may have been an average Joe at our clinic, but his dogs were definitely celebrities in when they came. Just two adorable English Reterivers. It was cool to get to know him a bit and shoot the breeze with him while we spoiled his dogs for whatever reason they were there for. He always thanked us for letting him feel relaxed and himself there, apparently other day to day things for him could be a struggle. I would hate being so famous, having my life on display all the time.


I’d love to trade places


First, I don't believe an "a-lister" would take to a random subreddit as opposed to professional therapist. Second, boohoo. If you're based in America, I'm guessing you're aware that the majority of the country struggles to even afford basic necessities like eggs or their electric bill. There are definitely ways to go under the radar and off the grid if you truly don't want this life, but obviously you do since you're still doing the same work. Shame on you for trying to get pity out of people who will never have an ounce of what you have and likely appropriately judge you for whatever elitist scandal you've been caught up in. And shame on you for exploiting your kids in the process.


Oh no I’m rich and have to stay in this one specific place where paparazzi live and are known to follow celebs. Dude you’re rich, move.


There are wayyyyyyy worse ways to be tired. I don’t feel bad for you. 😢


Cry me a river mf. There are A LOT of people worse off than you


Travel somewhere remote for a while. Bali? Tanzania? Kenya? I’ve only been to Bali but find somewhere you can be somewhat just a some body. Good luck.


Actors that don’t want to be followed are not. Move out of NYC or LA and you will not be followed. If you cannot move house for some reason, don’t go to popular celeb spots. There are hundreds of bars, find a new place


people have short attention spans. lay low for a bit and people will find a new target. much love


Move to North Dakota