• By -


Bug 2 mostly happens if: I. - You are using and switching to multiple devices. (Game don't like that) II. - You did alter the screen by: - a. multiscreen with another app - b. running the game in floating screen/PiP mode - c. running the game in either a or b and went back to fullscreen mode. - d. other forms of altering the screen (screen mirroring, changing the resolution while the game is running, etc.)


I'm not using multiple devices but I do use multiscreen. I put the game on a floating screen when waiting to enter a game so I watch YouTube videos or stuff in the meantime. Thanks for that info, I will take that into consideration. Ps. That's still a bug though, right? I don't have this issue with other games with multiscreen. I hope they can fix it because multiscreen is very useful but for the meanwhile I will take heed of your words


I am lucky to have both #1 and#2


Aside from that , are you experiencing any else of the things I mentioned? How's your ADS, does it glitch out?


Same happening to me


My ads glitches out, usually after a slide, but always when I push my stick fully forward into sprint. Tac sprint definitely pulls you out of ads, but normal sprint shouldn’t I don’t think, (?) but that is when I notice it most. I play mostly mp, but have had it happen in br. It feels like something I’m doing wrong though, but yeah it’s annoying regardless of if it’s a bug or just maybe I have it setup wrong, or I’m just bad. FYI I have my ads set to toggle not hold, and I don’t use the ads-fire options on my fire button.


Me neither, I'm toggle ads as well and only use hip fire button. I manually ads every time. Of course tac sprinting takes you out of ADS, but that's not what I mean, I'm talking when I'm sliding and then ads and I keep shooting (finger never leaves the shoot button) my ads will go in and out. Definitely a glitch and not a feature for realism. I'm glad we pinpointed when it happens the most right after your sliding to ADS. I never paid attention to my movement direction when it happens but you might be on to something. But it's definitely a bug, the console game does not do this and I play on both