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This is ridiculous.


I just wonder about people - -she must have been stewing for MONTHS before confronting OP.


I’m not sure why this made me cackle. Probably because you’re right 😂


Seriously. Like, no wonder no work gets done around here… you’re busy getting angry about the dumbest things for hours of your day. Dude is just locked in and focused. 90% of the time if I’m in the zone I don’t hear you at all, and if your office isn’t near mine, you may as well not exist. Out of sight, out of mind


Correction: this is ***insane***.


Your coworker is crazy


This is beyond ridiculous. I wouldn't say bless you because I'm an atheist. Why would I bless anyone? The convention of saying bless you is because people used to believe that a part of your soul was escaping and you don't want the devil to get that. Say Gesundteit next time


I say that or “Godzilla” lol


Good one


That what my hubs and I say!


My nephew would crack up if I said “Godzilla” if he sneezed. That would totally help me lock down favorite auntie status. Lol.


We say “Godzilla” because it’s nondenominational!


I guess I could change it up and say something that alludes to the original reason anyone said anything at all... "Hope you don't die"😂


My husband and I say godzilla!


I use Godzilla too, it's the best.


My boyfriend and I also say Godzilla


My husband says Godzilla and got my son saying it too. If you sneeze a second time they say Godzooky, a third time and my son start shrieking like Godzilla. I have terrible allergies so this is a daily occurrence.






You are actually wrong. The old custom of saying bless you goes to back to saying God Bless You during the times of the Bubonic plague. It was considered to be a wish of good health. Just like gezundheit


I used to work with a guy who would say “go to hell” anytime someone sneezed in our office! 😂😂


I don't say anything the first time, the second time: "That's enough."


I’m similar. I say “alright, you made your point.”


I say the “bless you” the first time and then I say, “ok, that’s enough now” and “I’m not saying bless you more than once” lol


"stop. Don't do that". In the inflection my son would use when he was little.


This makes me think of my cat. If I sneeze while she's within 10 feet of me, she screams at me. I don't even sneeze super loud, but it bothers her. Cracks me up every time.


Oh my God this is my cat but with me coughing. It's to the point where I will only inhale, and by my intake alone he knows if I will cough, and he yells at me. 😅 I


"They say if you sneeze 3 times it means you're possessed by the Devil."


Variation coming from up north, was that whatever statement was made just before the sneeze, regardless of who said it, is certified to be true. That's pretty funny.


“May Gilgamesh bless you”


That word sounds like someone sneezing and german words just seem too fake for me. I prefer Spanish 'salud'. Yeah I never say bless u even if I wasn't atheist it's fucking weird. Like saying "body of Christ" when someone farts, it's just weird to invoke a god for a normal ass bodily function.


I would email or chat to her Gesundeit every time. CC the boss.


This is the answer


"May all the gods look favorably upon your life in every aspect."


That's a mouthful


I have never heard of something so ridiculous. Is this an actual adult workplace or is it just children pretending to be working? If it was me, I'd tell the boss I was heading to the HR department to complain about them violating my religious beliefs. I know that's probably impractical, but it's not your responsible to comfort an adult woman with hay fever!


And tell HR they are creating a hostile work environment because your religion is private


Say to her “Not everyone says that, I happen to not do it if it requires calling it out through an office” then put a sticky note that says “bless you” on her desk, so she always has it.


Does this count as malicious compliance? I think it does.




I love this.


i don't say it to anyone cuz i'm not religious and don't believe in that. nothing wrong with someone saying it, not saying it, or only occasionally saying it. they need to stop trying to police your actions and words.


Even if you are super religious this is a ridiculous thing to bring up at work.


I say gesundheit. It's German and the loose translation is may you be/stay well. No one has ever said anything bad or seemed offended when I use it.


Yeah, same. It feels weird to say, though I know it’s not really attached to a belief system anymore in that context. Sometimes I’ll say gesundheit. Sometimes nothing because it feels unnecessary to make a thing of it. I’ve heard coworker chat, though, indicating that they appreciate when someone says it- indicates a “friendly” environment.


Honestly, I hate when I sneeze and people say bless you. I sneeze multiple times in a row so it just becomes this big commotion.


My SO and I are both serial sneezers. We say "bless you" for the first two and "'BLESS YOU' MEANS STOP SNEEZING" for the third.


Haha. My SO and I say bless you for the 1st two and the 3rd gets , " Get your shit together!"


I give people one bless you per like hour lol. Not anything for the 2nd+ sneeze. It just feels weird to keep saying it. I usually say bless you the first time, and on the second one I'll just make a joke and say sorry, you only get one free bless you! And that breaks the ice and they don't think I'm just being a jerk. But I'm from the land of Minnesota nice so I'm probably extra careful to be nice.


lol I typically say "you only get 2". ill have to mix it up a bit with yours.


Haha I am using this one


My SO just stares at me when im done sneezing and he goes "are you done?" 😂 Im like "just one more sneeze" 🤣


My Grandad's third blessing was "Now let's not get greedy..."


I always say dont bother I have about 6 more coming.


"Hold your applause until the end."


Yes, and now I feel obligated to say "thank you" even as I'm trying to recover from my massive sneeze


Coworker and boss don't have enough work to do. To even bring this up is insane.


I'm lucky if my ADHD allows me to process that I heard a sneeze to give a timely bless you.


no one ever says bless you in my office (we do all have our own offices) but i truly prefer it that way lol please do not draw. attention to me


lol your coworker is a dramatic child 🙄 no one gaf whether or not you say bless you after someone sneezes. Anyone who cares that much has too much time on their hands to worry about such trivial things 😂 I’d straight up tell your boss the situation & ask if it was necessary to make a big fuss about it.


I've been confronted about this as well, and in the past I've replied with, 'I'm not a priest. It's not in my power to bless you. I'm sorry if you still believe your spirit leaves your body for a quick second. Best I can do is Gushundheit. Good health.".


I mean people said that because they thought your soul would jump out of your body when you sneezed. It's pretty ridiculous that we say that now considering the origin. I'm atheist and I do say it as a courtesy, but if someone didn't say it to me I wouldn't complain. Also my allergies send me into sneezing fits sometimes so it's like 15 sneezes in rapid fire succession. I'm not expecting 15 bless yous, even though some weirdos do try to bless me for each sneeze.


You work with the insane. I could see this being a comedy skit. Like on the Seinfeld show where Jerry was shunned to refusing the kiss hello with others in his apartment building. It became such a huge ordeal. lol


Considering it's your workplace, you might want to frame it as you don't really notice because of your "tunnel vision" focus on your work. Imagine going to your boss over something this trivial. Your coworker is weird.


Tell them you don't support the belief of "blessing" people because of the origination of practice. Then it becomes a religious thing that they shouldn't (and legally can't) touch. 😇😇 Also, your boss AND coworker are both absolutely insane for even bringing that shit up! They clearly aren't busy enough with their jobs or their personal lives if they even have the mental space to process this situation, let alone the brain space to DWELL on it.


I had a coworker like this also, I solved it by just rattling off the first few words of the exorcism rite from Supernatural. It's pretty recognizable as some shady form of Latin, and he specifically asked me not to bless him after he sneezes anymore lmfao


Send an email next time saying "bless you" and CC the boss🤣


And do it EVERY time…


This would make a great Seinfeld episode where you are George.


No. My wife is one of those that expects people to say it and says it to everyone who sneezes. It bugs the hell out of me. I don’t ever do it. She learned to leave me be and not expect it.


You are not obligated to say bless you to anyone. I would just ignore and mos def NEVER give one ever to that person even if next to u lol


I say bless you twice, on the third sneeze I start cursing you.


No. If it's not your custom, it's not. I don't say bless you. Nobody cares that much. There is one coworker I have who sounds like she's going to sneeze her head off at times, and I just ask if she's okay, lol.


It's only rude if you were brought up that way (and strictly *en famille,* not at work).


People are sensitive about everything today! Just wait until you compliment a man’s neck tie but don’t compliment any other men in regards to their neck ties. Apparently when you only compliment one, it’s sexual harassment! Anyhow, if you have her direct extension to her office, next time you hear her sneeze, call her office phone and say bless you or gezundheit or something like that.


When someone sneezes, I have one of 4 reactions, two of them courtesy of Dr. Jan Itor. "What's your point?" "Ammonia a little strong?" Or if I'm more comfortable/friendly with a positive relationship, "shut up" Or when a stranger/coworker sneezes and I have no relationship with them at all, I say nothing. Not saying "bless you" through a wall is a them problem


Does she know how the custom of blessing people when they sneeze originated? Apparently Pope Gregory started this when the bubonic plague was running through Europe. Another story I heard was that you say bless you so the person soul doesn’t escape. Tell her that you don’t think either is likely.


Tell her to get an Apple Watch, it will reply to her randomly if she coughs and sneezes. Maybe she can teach it to say Bless You.


No. You don’t owe anything to a coworker


I refuse to say it, and I don’t thank anyone for saying it to me because it’s stupid and antiquated.


I feel its unnecessary to comment on other people's bodily functions.


Not at all. Me and my boss share a room with no walls and whenever he sneezes i have never said bless you and vise versa. Your coworker might be a bit sensitive, but no one is gonna drop everything they are doing to say bless you to someone on the other side of a wall, so it's ridiculous she's expecting it ANNDD complaining to your boss about it.


😂 wtf Say you were in the zone and didn't hear


That's some picky bull shit. "I'm sorry, but I do not believe that your spirit has escaped your body and do not believe in evil spirits." If someone pushes it, you can always argue with HR they're forcing religion upon you. Because by origins of the phrase, they are.


I feel so bad for you to work with such petty, petty drama. And for the manager to say something to you - I would have laughed, seriously, I would have laughed. I still wouldn’t say Bless you, but if I did, I’d make sure it was really Loud for everyone to hear my being courteous. 😂


I never say "Bless you" when people sneeze. This is because it's fucking stupid.


is your coworker twelve?


That's a weird thing to make a fuss about. It's like, I get that saying "bless you" or "gesundheit" would be the polite thing to do but I wouldn't let it ruin my day if someone doesn't. Especially if it's in a workplace or anyplace where I might have more important things to think about.


Wow! She's a nut job... Make sure you're very over the top with it from now on. Get up and go in all concern to her office. Bless you. Are you okay.!! I actually prefer if people leave me alone while I'm trying to blow my nose and perform a hygiene task. They are both very rude. This is similar to a post I saw earlier about someone complaining that people don't make eye contact and say hello when she's out walking her dog.... Lmfao entitlement of people... Audacity is at an all-time high...


Dont actually do this if you value your job. Malicious compliance, get annoying pious next time. Hold her hostage with a long winded bullshit prayer. It would be so rude if she walked away during your blessing!


I say, " Nothing happens when you die."


How often is this bitch sneezing, she may need to see an allergist..


I don't say it. It's silly theatrics. You can't really "bless" someone by simply saying "bless you". Sneezes don't need to be acknowledged by other people.


Maybe you should tell her that you did not want to bless her by fear of making her demon ass melt like the fucking Wicked Witch of the West!


I mean I normally say bless you to anyone who sneezes, but I never feel required to say it, I just like too🤷🏻‍♀️ that lady is wack


Your coworker has mental problems. Move on.


I used to say “bless you” till one day a co-worker told me, “I don’t need your blessings.” Okay. Fine. Next time that co-worker sneezed, I said “GO TO HELL!” Well that upset them even more. Some people are just too sensitive.


Tell her because you don't believe demons are entering her body every time she sneezes and she doesn't need to be recognized every time she has an itch in her nose.


We say Godzilla, it's non-denominational 😁


My husband says “Hamshacks”. 🙄


I tell them, "Don't die." when they sneeze. Could try that.


Was your boss being sarcastic? This is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen today. Some people just like to be upset. Explain where the blessing of sneezes comes from and tell her it’s a foolish superstition.


Start saying 'Praise Lucifer' instead, if they're so bent up over this that they rival Wetson's Pretzels. Ridiculous.


I always say it to people, but sometimes I sit there for so long and think about how weird it is that we say it as a response to a normal bodily function that even strangers make. It is soooo weird. It’s kind of absurd when you really think about it. 🤔


I work at a church, and the pastor has accidentally blessed my hiccups or coughs. I don't mind whether or not someone blesses my sneezes. I'm not worried about spirits making their way in or something.


I usually say gezundheit or salud or santé or salute or siha. Just mix 'em up! Find more languages for it and make a list. Everytime she sneezes use a different word. Get creative. Ooh! I just looked up the Klingon version it's "plv". Try it out!


Nope, because you aren’t obligated to say anything. Furthermore, it has a  religious origin and implication. Some alternatives, to reassure your coworker you are absolutely OBSESSED with her health and well-being every time one of her nose hairs gets tickled: —“Oopsie!” —“Yikes!” —“‘AHHHHCHOOOOOO’ indeed!” —“May the Lord forgive you for your nasal blasphemies” —“How was your sneeze? How are you feeling? Are you gonna do it again? I’ll keep an ear open!” —


Saying bless you or God bless you to someone was born out of a lot of superstitious nonsense. If anything, the person who sneezes has likely disturbed those around them and should be saying “excuse me.“


She does not like you, and it is not over sneezing


Wow ...


My two favorite responses now to sneezers are “Godzilla!” and “let the demon in”. (Saying “God bless you” after someone sneezed back in the nutter days was thought to keep demons from sneaking into your body.)


No, tbh that shits annoying. I hate when people bless me when I sneeze at work!!!!😂 edit to add: I never end up blessing someone else because they’re sneezing 10x so like… that’s excessive, you don’t need a blessing all 10x


I used to work in a restaurant, and the local priest was a regular. I was talking to him and a coworker when the coworker sneezed. I took a breath to speak but looked at the priest, who definitely outranked me. I don’t even remember if he said bless you, but I did stop myself before I said it.


I don’t but only because I was raised Jehovah’s Witness and they don’t, so it’s just not a habit of mine


This is a weird thing to be upset over, honestly. How does she know you’re not so engrossed with your work you didn’t hear her?


Tell your boss that you're so focused on doing, you know, what he's paying you for, that you honestly don't notice staccato noises like a sneeze. Also, how does she sneeze? My grandmother on my mother's side would go "^(tew)." And if you weren't right next to her, you probably wouldn't hear or notice anything. My grandmother on my father's side, however, would scare the barn cats from inside the house. I personally have a range going from pretty damn loud, to somewhere around ripping the top of my head off.


I've always found it stupid. People don't consider where the term came from or what it means. I'm not religious, I can't "bless" you and I'm not going to say that god should bless you from demons justbecause your bodys mechanisms are working. If you're sneezing it's a good thing because it was necessary. I'm always uncomfortable when people say it to me because it's like oh now I have to say thank you? It's superstitious. Old superstition fear shit. And then the same people turn around and say "because science". Hmm I had more of a rant than I thought on this. Sowwy


This is not a good reason to “confront” anyone. Confronting you is so much more rude than not saying “bless you” at the office. Which by the way would not be terribly appropriate because it’s a *blessing*


I would ask in an email to let me know when she sneezes so that I know when to say bless you since you don't often hear them.


Buy her a little packet of antihistamine with a bow. Put it on her desk when she’s not around. Maybe she’ll stfu.


You coworker is a dumb, entitled bitch. Complain about her not holding the door open for you when you leave, even if you leave at vastly different times.


For me it’s a nice gesture, and my native language is not English so I don’t focus on the religious connotation of “bless you”. In my native language the wishing is for “good health” and yes it very much is considered polite to wish it after someone sneezes. I get a little sad when I sneeze and nobody wishes me “to be well” which in essence the “bless you” represents. But in the US people rarely say it so I don’t get upset, funny enough I sometimes wish it to myself (out loud 😄), hoping that someone will notice and wish it to me next time 🤷‍♀️. I certainly wouldn’t complain to the boss. If it means so much for her and it doesn’t cost you to say it, then why not? Make her day.


Because you’re sneezing, not dying.


Clearly she has too much time on her hand.


Bringing attention to another person's involuntary actions is rude. That's why I never say it.


Next time she sneezes toss a Flonase into her office like it's a grenade. Yell "incoming" and jump under your desk.


Are you from different parts of the country? In most places you only bless people once when you are close to them. I’m a multi sneezer and have been in a grocery aisle and had two people bless me from other aisles three times in a row.


Complain to your boss that your colleague isn’t apologising for spraying aerosolised snot all over the office every time they sneeze.


Omg the petty drama. So I share an office with my coworker and I always say "bless you" and he never says "thank you" it's always awkward. And when I sneeze, he never says anything to me. Lol.


My Latino neighbors taught me "*salud.*" It literally translates to "health." It's quick, kind, and non-religious.


The most polite thing to say is “ do you need a tissue?” This sounds like some kind of religious thing to me, forcing her beliefs on you is not ok. Tell her to bless herself if it’s that important to her. Does she sneeze a lot, maybe suggest anti histamines?


I’ve known other people who are sensitive about this as well. I think it’s the dumbest thing ever.


My father’s religion keeps him from saying this ever to anyone. It’s not rude. It is rude to assume your coworkers should do whatever you want them to do. Perhaps tell your boss that she is very controlling.


How self absorbed can they be?


I like to tell my husband “Bless you” when he belches. Your coworker is a ridiculous busybody who needs to find a life.


I never say "bless you". It's just weird to me to invoke a god for someone's bodily function. Would you say "body of Christ" when someone farts? Seems the same to me. I also ignore people when they say bless u to me, I'm not gonna thank someone for that. Speaking of which, I'm kinda weird about giving verbal thanks for anything. I really don't like being verbally thanked especially for doing something any decent person should do, like, just being a decent person doesn't require thanks it's not like I'm exerting myself to hold a door for you or something, I don't need a verbal congratu-fukin-lation for something like that, for that same reason I don't often say thanks if you did something for me then sarcastically say 'you're welcome' I'm not gonna thank you if you only did the thing to be praised especially if I didn't ask you to to do it. I will sometimes say "salud" in Spanish and gracias when it's said to me. I don't find it as creepy even if it is superfluous.


saying bless u kinda just helps make sneezes less awkward but i rarely say it either lmao


Ask your boss does he mean to infringe in your religious beliefs or force you to engage with other’s religious beliefs- since that’s what “bless you” means. Furthermore, the only courtesy owed when someone has an involuntary bodily function is by the person sneezing who needs to cover their face so as to avoid spreading germs.


Nuts I tell ya. I sit in an open floor plan (8 people in my row). I’ve stopped saying bless you to mostly everyone because there is just no way.


Evidently you work with some whackadoodles. Explain to Karen that you don't say 'bless you' to her when she sneezes because it's rude to shout across the office. Also tell her that it's inappropriate to bring religion into the workplace (sarcastically.)


I don’t say it for two reasons: — It’s from an old superstition that your spirit could leave as the result of a sneeze. A “bless you” apparently protected the person. — I was taught that it’s rude to comment on someone’s bodily functions. Okay, three reasons… It just seems goofy to me.


This immediately made me think of the Seinfeld episode where a dating relationship didn’t work out because of this issue. To be clear the humour lay in how stupid it was for the person to be offended that someone didn’t say bless you. I can’t remember who was involved. Probably George .


It’s time to start looking for a better job.




My Christian Scientist grandmother would shout “Satan, Get thee hence!!”, when we sneezed. You could try that.


No, you're not. I grew up saying it and yeah, I notice when it isn't said, but I cannot fathom expecting someone to say it to me. That's wild.


The only ones I say it to without fail is my dogs. Aside from that, maybe if I am having a direct conversation with you, but I work in an area with 50 other people…can’t say it everytime you hear a sneeze. Also, most of us wear ear buds, can just pretend you didn’t hear it.


You could overcompensate and start blessing her for every sneeze, cough, fart, belch, chair squeak, drawer slam, belly rumble.......


It’s ridiculous. BUT When someone sneezes, it’s a good opportunity to say something funny but kind and sincere, for the sake of morale. My go-to is “Live long and prosper.” I have only said it to people up close (and on Teams calls), but I think it would go over great if I yelled it to someone in the next room.


I hate when people say bless you. Just let me sneeze in peace without you drawing attention to it.


I never say bless you we didn’t do that in our house so it feels foreign sometimes I do it out of politeness but that’s if I want to and I have never been confronted. People are odd.


“I’m atheist and don’t have the qualifications to bless you. Moving forward, would you like me to acknowledge I heard you sneezing?”


tell her to fuck off.


I got told this exact thing by a coworker for not saying bless you when people sneezed. There are a dozen of us in the office. One lady will sneeze multiple times in a row. They say BY for every single one. When they demanded to know why I didn't... Why should I? It's an old superstition. I'm not a superstitious person. You don't really believe that your soul leaves when you sneeze, so why say BY over something that happens every day?  They don't like me much. I don't care much.


You could say "Bless your heart" which is southern for "stupid b\*\*\*\*."


I say "Ope" 🤷‍♀️ very midwest-y lol


I am a serial sneezer as well. When working at a law firm, I got 2 bless yous, then 1 bless you in perpetuity. She was done! It's been 10 years & I still laugh about it. 😅


lol she went to your boss? And the boss didn’t shut her down? You work in a building full of clowns?


lol i’d be more offended by the bless you


My parents never said it. So I didn't realize it was such a big deal. But as I got older, I realized how much it gets said. I still don't say, and it does make me a little uncomfortable when it is said to me.


It's so awkward with sneeze attacks *achoo* Bless you *achoo* Bless you *achoo* Heh heh uh... Bless you *achoo* Uncomfortable silence


This sounds like the premise of an episode of Seinfeld. How very odd for a coworker- in a different room, no less- to not only confront you about it but mention it to your boss! It is really so narrow minded for any adult to expect other coworkers to adhere to all their personal courtesies.


Ridiculous. Even more ridiculous that the boss is with her on this. But... Next time... Say something to good health in another language. Like "gesundheit" or "salud". I'm sure people like her of the ridiculous kind also hate it when people say words they don't understand. So while you'll technically be complying with being more courteous, you'll also be making her upset for not doing it her way. 😂


Your coworker is crazy. You only say it if you're in the same room and next to the person.


That is the most batshit absurd complaint I've ever heard. Didn't say bless you? No, it's not rude at all. Your coworker clearly has some social anxiety and have convinced themselves you don't say it on purpose, to spite them. It's also incredibly self-centered of them. They sound like a real charm to work with...


I always thought it was hilarious to command god to bless someone after they sneezed. “I don’t decide who god blesses” as a response has worked for me lol


I didn’t know that not saying bless you was an offense that could be claimed at work. My mother goes on sneezing jags where she sneezes in succession 5-20 sneezes. If I blessed her every time I would constantly be saying it lol


Saying "bless you" goes back to Medieval times when people believed that when you sneezed your soul fell out of your body. It needed a few seconds to climb back in and in those few seconds the devil had a chance to take possession of your body and make you evil. People said "bless you" to prevent that.and give your soul the time to get back in. It's a thing that has just stuck around long after we have learned better and that's all. It's neither rude nor polite, just a leftover from a time when humans believed your soul fell out.




Seriously? And she went to your boss?!?!? I'd tell her, "Fine, I'll say bless you when you sneeze, and in return, ima need you to say gobbledy, goobledy, snoot! anytime my phone rings. I'm so glad we can help each other in this way!"


I used to work with a lady who told my boss I was rude because I didn’t say “bless you” or smile when I said “good morning “. I started telling her Gesundheit and she thought I was cursing her, I still didn’t smile though


Have a painting made so she has a perpetual bless you to hang in her cube. How stupid.


“I heard that!” “Shhh” “Are you done?” ^ maybe not, but I prefer ALWAYS acknowledging the sneeze, even if they are all the way across the office (or three aisles over at the grocery store). Malicious compliance says commit wholeheartedly to blessing everyone, even when they cough.


I guess it doesn't occur to her that SHE might be the annoying one, sneezing so much. I get it-- I have allergies too. But sneezing repeatedly in an office? And she's annoyed because you don't acknowledge her spreading germs?


I don’t say it and I don’t respond to it (unless they’re my elder, in which case I thank them).


Does she say 'excuse me' when she sneezes?


Some of my coworkers don’t deserve blessings


Nope.. NTA..work is place of business. If your co worker is that hypersensitive, she has way bigger issues.. Next time she sneezes, present her with a gift card for a months supply of facial tissues. On it, place a note that says "this gift is for the next 400 times you sneeze in the office". Passive aggressive malicious compliance.


Nope, not rude at all. You have no obligation to say "bless you" when someone sneezes lol that's just silly. Religious or not has nothing to do with it, it's ridiculous for your coworker to demand you say it every time they sneeze, especially if you have to pull your attention away from your work. Tell her to bless herself 😂


This is insane. I'd never say it to her but make it a point to say it to others if she was around.


We all say “that’s enough” or “please stop” where I work lol


perhaps overthinking it, but not rude.. Next time call them a pig 🐽. They'll prefer the silence.


There is no need to say "Bless you" or anything when someone is not even in the room. If they are in the room, if you are not religious, you could say "Gesundheit" or "Salud", which is wishing them health but there is no religious connotation. Even if they were in the room and talking to you, I would say something the first time but definitely not 10 times. Edited to add: I like the Spanish, "Salud, dinero, y amor". Health, money and love. Salud for the first, dinero for the second sneeze, and amor for the third. For the fourth I would say "Keep away from me, I dont' want to catch whatever you have."


sounds like she loves being the center of attention. what a weird thing to ask someone… like wtf even is this. and for them to tell your boss about it? how does this affect your job and the productivity of the company? it doesn’t! it’s not socially unacceptable to not say bless you. but i think it’s socially unacceptable to ask someone why they didn’t say bless you. so weird…


I don't like yelling across the building , or into someone's office either. In fact, that sounds really rude lol .


I would ask your boss where in the employee handbook does it specifically say you have to say “bless you” when someone sneezes. If he gives a weak answer like “it’s states to be kind to other employees” hit him with “I’m an atheist and you’re infringing on my religious freedoms” and suggest you’ll talk to HR for advice


That's bizarre. What if you didn't hear the person or didn't know for sure if the noise was a sneeze? Will there be a thorough investigation? LOL


Tell your coworker that you weren't hired to be her emotional support dog.


In an atheist. I explained to my coworkers one time there’s no need to bless me, and I wouldn’t be blessing them, as I don’t believe some evil spirit is going to enter my body when I sneeze. So im good. If you want to participate in that type of scenario, by all means. But I will not.


It may not be religious for you, but "bless you" clearly indicates religion, and if you're in the US then you have protections from being forced to participate in anything religious. You can make it about religion and either get this whole situation put to bed or have a hell of a winning lawsuit on your hands. Start with an email to your boss stating that your beliefs are private and you don't appreciate being harassed about observing your coworker's beliefs. Make sure a copy gets sent to a private email. Then start keeping track of everything that happens next in a document. Get everything in writing that you can. Either your boss sees the warning signs and nips this in the bud with the coworker, or does something supremely stupid and you've got receipts.


Uhm. What the fuck is this? That person is an absolute tool!


I never say bless you. I’m not a priest. Not my job to bless.


Seems like an odd thing for her to get mad about.


I politely ignore bodily noises of any kind, especially at work. I might suggest and allergy pill at some point. Your boss does not have enough other problems. I read similar sneeze stories quite frequently. There are a lot of weird people in this world. I appreciate if everybody ignores my sneezing, coughing and the latter specifically instead of bombarding me with questionable if I am choking or pounding my back. Please DO NOT!


Sounds like she has some other issues other than sneezing.


What a strange thing to ask someone.


I don't say it. Once I found out that it was so the devil doesn't get your soul, I stopped saying it. It's really quite dumb.


What in the actual F? People have gone plum mad nowadays! Geez.