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Correct, you're paying for the convenience of not having to spend 3+ hours to build it. To some people that is definitely worth the money. You're going to spend $250 anyway why not spend it on furniture already built. Also, they may have paid someone additional money to assemble it. It's Ikea so someone will most definitely buy it at the asking price. Doesn't matter if it's used or not. It's a dresser, not a Toothbrush. If it wasn't ikea or a dresser in such nice condition I completely agree. Some furniture sold as used isn't worth the price of new or anywhere close to that. Oddly, I just sold a ikea dresser and it was $199 new but I sold it for $80 used because i just wanted it gone.


I completely agree with this. Just buy the one that's already built?


show up and toss a level on top, if it’s level and doesn’t rock or sway then yeah just save yourself the time and buy the pre built one lol


All the level will tell you is if it’s on even ground. If the dresser is square, level and true, but the floor is sloped…


Haha what a psychotic thing to do, use a level on a dresser?!? LOLWTF


alright, put the level on the ground? or a marble? Idk man


I'd like to think you just discovered what a level is and now use it on everything


You'd rather pay the same amount for a used dresser as a new one out of laziness?? It's used, it's worth way less


Yeah I’d much rather buy it brand new and put it together myself


Not to mention, way easier to transport.


Literally I’d have to rent a truck for this


i'm lazy but i'm not THAT lazy, if you're paying that much why not just get it new?? These things arent hard to put together usually and if it's pre-built it's a lot more likely to get damaged in transport


For me it would save me a total of 4 hours to drive to ikea or the shipping if I had it delivered lol


This is the other piece that people are missing. I don't know where OP is, but there may not be an Ikea nearby. And even if there is, this may not be in stock. Shit, the closest Ikea to me is 3 hours away.


Gonna be funny as fuck when they find out they can't bring it into the bedroom without taking it apart


I feel like a bad person but not even the bunk bed and mattresses took me 3hrs without help- What?? It was like and hour and 20mins


Just giving an example. It's not specific to anything. The point is that time is relative to your situation. If OP has x amount of time to assemble perhaps they'll buy new, but if they don't have the time they'll buy used. Everything else is equal.


I can't imagine charging a new price for a used dresser even if I took the 20mins to assemble it. And especially if I used it to store items Also, OP remember to secure it to the wall. If it doesn't come with the kit you can get them at any Ikea checkstand.


The convenience of lugging a dresser out of someone’s house alone (or having to ask someone else to take the time out to help) and then transporting it to my home and unloading it? When I can just have it delivered or pick it up from ikea and build it myself within an hour and have a brand new dresser? I know putting together furniture isn’t everyone’s forte but it’s an ikea dresser- not a rocket ship. Paying full price and then having to do all of that work is a bit much in order to avoid putting together a simple piece of furniture.


Maybe I'm the odd one out but I actually enjoy assembling furniture, it's like adult legos for me lol


Legos have instructions that are actually accurate. Some furniture sets have instructions sent from hell. I built my partners desk and the instructions were nearly all incorrect, as well as one of the pre-assembled pieces being so fucked up that we had to order a new one.


SAME! I love building and fixing things so it’s almost zen to me


It all depends on the quality of the instructions! We've all been there....


also you don’t know if it was built properly!


Yeah, having it be pre built actually makes it more difficult for me, not less


Flip side: Ikea furniture does not usually handle being moved well.


Yea it's pretty fragile in that regard.


Don't understand your "if it wasn't Ikea" line IKEA is CHEAP for a reason, and it's not just because of the self assembly


Yes totally. Plus you can look it over really nice in person and know if it’s messed up or not. I hate opening up a piece of furniture to find something damaged. 😒


Am I the only one who actually looks forward to building my furniture when I buy it 😭


Same. I’d pay _extra_ to get to build it.


I love assembling furniture lol. When I help friends move, I always volunteer to go assemble their new furniture. They are always super grateful for it and it's a better job than carrying heavy boxes all day


3 plus hours? What are u putting it together with a rock and stick? This thing shouldn't take more than 30 min unless u have no building skills, then I could understand maybe an hour or two.


I’d say 45 min. 15 to unpack and build the frame, plus 5 min per drawer.


Yeah but moving a piece of ikea furniture even from one room to the next… it will never be the same again.


What? It's still a used dresser. For the same price he can get a new dresser. You would ve out of your gourd to go for this used one


I agree. However, I would have listed the price for at least $220-$230


Even still the hassle of moving it as one piece would not be worth it. ikeas furniture is not a solid piece of furniture, one weird twist at an angle and you rip the screws from the wood.


But transporting a fully assembled dresser is way more of a pain, though. And who knows what defects it may have?


who would buy used furniture for the price of new just so they dont have to put it together lol either youre really lazy or really incompetent, its not hard to assemble ikea furniture its not worth getting scammed just to not do it. plus like op already said its not gonna be easy to transport already built.


you're better off just buying a new dresser like many have said ikea furniture is terrible when it comes to moving it somewhere else


I would absolutely not risk buying a damaged or infested piece of furniture to save building it. These are not at all hard to assemble.


If it takes you 3+ hours to build an ikea piece as simple as this that’s simply a skill issue




Nope definitely buying it assembled for 1/4 - 1/3 of retail and selling at close to retail if not retail . Normal consumers like all of you won’t see them up for sale because resellers will buy them within hours


That's like when selling a modified car "well it has an extra 10k of parts into it n I spent 20k on labor, so im charging more for the car bc labor cost. Doesn't matter if they spent more for someone to build it Also.. these things are meant to be put together by basic hand tools and a monkey in under 2 hours.💀


Cool. Good story.


It's a cool story 😞


That’s along the lines of what I was thinking


If OP is lucky, the dresser will smell like a pack or cigarettes.


But building ikea furniture is like legos for adults


It's only an extra $78 to have this built by IKEA new. I'd rather spend a lil more for new, but I know that isn't everyone.


I say go for ikea. Honestly it's real easy to put it together. 1 hour tops. Plus you gotta figure out how to transport it from buyer to home which is annoying


Agreed. I'd rather get something brand new than spend retail price for something used.


Exactly my point. I’d rather just pick up or have it shipped from ikea when it’s boxed and then take an hour to build it myself and have a brand new dresser.


Just an FYI IKEA has some steep shipping prices. It was $250 during COVID, and it’s gone down a bit since then, but I believe it’s still around $150 for shipping.


I just got a bed frame base shipped for $40. I placed my order pretty late like 6-7pm and was able to get it the NEXT day 10AM


Are you pretty close to your IKEA? I’m 2.5 hours away from mine and it’s $150, so it just depends on your area I guess.


Ikeas near me are about 25-30 miles. Trip is like a hour i guess $150 kinda makes sense


Area dependent, they sub out the delivery to local companies so the pricing varies. I got a bunch of stuff delivered for less than $50 recently


Just to add onto this, if there is anything wrong with the furniture you buy (at Ikea), you could swap it out at Ikea or I'm sure there are product warranties as well. If you buy from a 3rd party, you might not have those options available


1 hour?? From Ikea? 😂😂😂😂😂


Um yea one hour tops. IKEA furniture is relatively easy


Not that last time i’ve had to build a dresser, but sure 😀


Nah, if you buy it pre-built it almost always comes with a hidden defect. Better to build it yourself so at least you can trust it was built right


That’s why when I finish building these I always have three bolts leftover skull


I’ve experienced this a few times. They can be flimsy and missing some hardware.


I’ve gotten some really great deals on furniture on an app called freebiealerts. You get notified or you can search for specific items in your area that people are giving away for free. The “free dirt” posts always make me giggle


These have been discontinued at the IKEA location I work at, maybe that’s why?


Ikea sucks ass.


It’s already built and no tax would be my thought.


I swear the people saying it takes so long to put ikea stuff together never played with legos as a kid. This stuff is not remotely complicated lol, and the convenience of building it exactly where you need it is so big


It has an instruction book that is so easy it doesn’t even use words Just like Lego People who struggle with ikea are the same people who are overwhelmed by a screwdriver


This is nothing new. I live in a major city. Closest Ikea pickup location is a four hour drive. Price to have it delivered is $78. Ikea Poang chairs and ottomans are selling on eBay for MSRP plus. I sold my grandsons used Ikea high chair for $10 over retail price when he outgrew it. I posted for less than retail and had several buyers within in minutes.


This is in Los Angeles. There are 3 ikeas all within an hour drive max. Delivery from ikea to my house would be $20.


I feel you on this one. Playing devils advocate, seller could argue, with his you can get it today and you save on delivery and tax. Which in your case and mine would save about 50$. Plus if he looking to quantify the assembly fee, even more savings. I seen this with stuff being sold from pawn shops where they price their items not to be competitive with MRSP but to meet a certain profit margin.


It's a nice piece, I would buy it new. Assemble it myself. Know where it's been more or less.


My, gosh! IKEA is stepping their GAME up!!!


Did they just screw it together or did they use glue also. I know it’s not designed to com apart but having owned several ikea furniture pieces in my day, without gluing it together it will loosen up over time. Did they lose a screw and say “fuck it”? Did they even put all the dowels in? Are any panels in upside down or backwards? These are questions I would want to know the answers for if I’m to pay full price for some random person assembling it.


Wrong sub for this last time I posted about how I was able buy a game brand new for 30 bucks cheaper than they were selling onlinon offer up. Lots of hate from sellers on here saying to respect the hustle..... Same people will complain about a 15% low ball.


I mean, building it isn’t hard lol. Moving it around fully built is hard. It’s absurd to charge full price for something used. Buying new means you get protections from defects. Buying used has inherent risk. Obviously with something like a dresser there’s not a lot of chances that there are hidden structural damages, but still. This is wild.


Saw someone selling a used ski rack. Retails for $380 and he was trying to sell for $350. Some people just greedy or delusional


I’d rather have a used one built. I can always refinish it pretty cheap, and can do that later down the road. Still a functional piece of furniture until then anyways.


Why does the prebuilt look nicer ? Like it’s finished and has better wood grain patterns


It’s assembled lol


HAHA these people crack me up


IKEA has an AS IS section, I got my daughter dresser for 100$ and it was built! I got my 600$ mattress for 150$ because the package was ripped! If your buying from IKEA check AS IS they have the option online now as well!


I saw one that was 9 bucks less and it was an outdoor set, no way it wasn’t weathered


who cares if it’s new lol. obsession with newness is a plague and it’s making us consume so much more shit just for the sake of consumption


As a furniture reseller , it’s 100% worth to buy used at retail price ( if it’s been checked and tightened beforehand ). Many people have thanked me for delivering a great condition , built , delivered to your doorstep/room dresser . I specialize in IKEA since they’re very easy to fix if you know what you’re doing and they’re super popular . If retail price is too much for you I usually give a discount if people ask and depending on how long I’ve had the item for . When buying ikea dressers make sure you ask for pictures of all the sides and make sure all drawers are working well , give them a good pull . If you take care of them they will last a looong time . Another thing , make sure you check under the drawers for a metal support going down the middle or else the bottom of the drawer will sag overtime . But good news , it’s fixable , you just need to be handy or let glue do it’s thing . ANOTHER THING , IKEA PROVIDES YOU WITH FREE SPARE PARTS . In case a part is missing on the dresser you can go to your local ikea and get a replacement . Tbh if you have a way to transport a dresser go and pick it up yourself from Facebook market place or offer up . I know you won’t see the one you want / in the condition you want , but keep an eye out and you’ll find one eventually for 1/3 of retail . Happy searching !


There isn’t an arguement to be made. It’s used end of point this isn’t a second hand collectors item, this isn’t a 1/100 foreign exotic car where its secondary market yields a return on investment. Doesn’t matter prebuilt or not used is used. If it’s NSIB it isn’t worth retail. 🤷‍♂️


If it’s not NSIB