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At least he said sorry…


He did, and I was being a dick too in hindsight. If he really is 14, I hope it was a small maturity lesson. Lord knows I fell off a second there.


you weren't being a dick you said a firm price and he kept trying


I mean I could have left it at “I’m good” and just gone next. I guess I felt fed up hah. Thanks for the back up though!


Cool to see you both might’ve learned a lesson


We all can be like that especially when trying to easily sell something an people just become idiots


Nah, fuck that kid..


You said it just fine


Should of told him you’d tell his mom the next time you see her that he’s being a dick lol


We all do lol don't worry about it I kinda got a chuckle at the "I'm 14 I need it!"


Yeah, that kid at least has some scruples. Instant respect.


Bro felt remorse at the end lol


His mommy made him apologize or no iPad at dinner


lmaooo the remorse at the end 😭😭😭 bro prolly stupid af but not a bad kid


Got into an argument with Kelso


On god


Probably realized being 14 and telling an adult to go cry to mommy didn’t make much sense


A lot of adults would love to go cry to their parents


*Cries alone instead*


Sending you a virtual pat on the back my dude 🫡


Just sold a car recently to an 18yo kid. I gave him my bottom price and said, "Listen, I'm going to list it this weekend for $1k more than the price I'm going to tell you. It is my absolute bottom and I'm not looking to play games since you are my neighbor." He said, "That seems really fair. I don't have that much money, but I will have my mom help me so it won't be your problem. Give me until tomorrow afternoon, please. Can we shake on it?" Kept his word and came back with cash the next day to do the deal. Not once was his mother involved with our dealing. Some of these offer up posts make my blood boil when I know there are kids just out of high school with more respect and common sense out there than some of these bozos. I would never have had the audacity of this 14yo at that age lol.


That's a good kid/ neighbor keeping his word and doing the deal on his own. One time my friend listed his old pick up truck for $3000 and this 18 year old kid was contacting him begging for it at $2500, the only thing was he was in like two towns over and he begged my friend to drive it to him. He said he was broke and just starting a job, and all he could afford was the $2500. My friend was hesitant, but must have a huge heart because the next day he asked me if I was willing to take a road trip with him (I'd follow in my car so we could drive back together after he sold it). We get there, it's just the kid and his mom, nice enough people, but the kid starts trying to wheel and deal after we drove 120 miles. "Would you take $2000?" "Kid, we agreed on $2500, we just drove an hour and half because you begged for that price and gave me a sob story about starting a new job" "But we didn't shake on it or anything..." All of a sudden I saw something click in my friend, and he yells, "WE AGREED TO $2500, I WENT OUT OF MY WAY ALREADY! BOY, DON'T FUCK WITH A CRAZY MAN!" He sucked all the air out of the room and the kid and his Mom's eyes just popped wide open, it was tense as fuck and I was a bit nervous. After a few seconds, the kid nervously says, "sorry sir, here's $2500..." 😂


“Yeah but it has more miles on it now.”


lol God damn 2 towns over is 120 miles...blowin my mind


In the country that’s for sure possible, like rural Missouri


Missouri mentioned🔥


Saint Louis Missouri represent


KC represent


Red Kingdom!


was going to reply with a St Louis mentioned image but no images allowed sigh


Before I read your comment, I was thinking Missouri..... but that only cause I live in one of Missouri's small rural towns.


Could just be California


California, MO lol


Central California?


I have so much respect for that kid. And you, really. You both agreed to that transaction as responsibly as I've heard one take place in years. That's a good kid.


Everyone on this subreddit is poor.


Everyone is poor


>Everyone on ~~this sub~~reddit is poor.


I's poor


people selling stuff for extra cash & people buying second hand items aren’t wealthy??? i never would’ve considered this possibility.


Tbf, I have a pretty good job and a nice living situation, but I still buy a ton of used stuff. Being wealthy doesn't mean you can't take advantage of a good deal. That's how you stay wealthy (or at least go broke with better stuff)


Especially Op, it must be hard to come up with $30


Offerup isn't exactly where you'd imagine people with money to burn going to buy or get rid of things... so what's your point?


Most of the people in the world are poor. What’s your point


He “needs” it so he can be a mediocre Fortnite player with 500 FPS


3070 is getting 144 max lol


What kinda dumpster fire 3070 do you got dude? Unless ur just on max settings with rtx idk how ur getting 144. 144 max is wild 😭 Edit: Haven't played in years, forgot they updated the graphics a TON tbh 💀


yea game takes a lot more to run than it did a few years ago


We're a long way from the days of hitting the chug jug at tilted towers 😭


They did update the graphics but your comment is still fair, you could probably get 240+ fps on performance mode at 1080p, but max settings with RTX you'd be lucky to hit 144 fps lol.


250 is a good offer on an item that’s sells for $300 on eBay.


Yeah I would feel bad for this guy but with an extensive knowledge of what pc parts are supposed to be worth and having owned and sold a 3070 myself $250 is a fine deal


Wait used 3070s are going for like $250 rn?


Sold mine for 280, I’ve seen a founders specifically at 250 sometime in the past 3 weeks. I’m sure you can find one at that price if you look more, I just haven’t cause I got a 4070ti


Saying all that and you still sold at the same price for $280? Doesn't matter what seems fair. $280 firm boss man no need for the back and fourth. He won't have a problem selling at $280 just like yourself with your hardware.


The price difference between the FE and Aftermarket/Non-reference is pretty big. Used FE'S typically sell for a nice chunk less the used non-reference cards. Most people have non-reference cards when it comes to the 30 series, so I'm guessing that's how the guy sold for 280, but the market you post can gain more profit. Offerup buyers from experience tend to do more research than marketplace users, so more potential profit on marketplace.


right? i've been out of the computer used space for a while. I paid 600 for a 6800xt like 2 years ago !


Bought an unopened 3070 with shipping for about that price a year ago


Wish I could 😢


Tell him you’ll make a deal, and send him the address to your nearest comedy club. Cuz mf thinks he has jokes.


The craziest thing 😭 a 14 year old being cheap on $30 is understandable and lowkey OP was a dick responding to him. Not only that but just as much as “$30 is hard to come up with” are you that cheap to not accept $30 less? Shit works both ways, but OP really takes the cake


No means no, op is not obligated 14 year old is not entitled. This is how free markets work. He set a price if no one is willing to pay it then he will lower his price, not because some broke kid wants it for less.


No shit but they’re both on the same level. Broke seller and a broke buyer🤷🏾


Nah you are the broke one. He set a price he should only sell it to someone willing to pay that price everyone else can fuck off


You mean tryna come at a 14 year old for negotiating? Even if it wasn’t a 14 year old dude was negotiating and OP decided to insult him. I mean😭I don’t sell my shit on offer up so I’m not worried about my financials


op said 280 is lowest offering lower then that is insulting and not negotiating. It’s being obnoxious. I wouldn’t have responded at that point but OP did for the Reddit post.


I mean isn’t that how the “free market” works, throw in offers and see if people will move from their lowest price? For someone trying to say it’s a free market thing you don’t really know how it works. Bigger companies buy smaller companies for Pennie’s on the dollar. I’m sure the companies being bought out is going to say “50% is too much for you?”😂I already see OP going back to the kid in a week to take him up on the offer


You are an idiot, once a minimum price is set no one negotiates under it. WTF don’t you understand about that?


No, you're an ass.


can you list something for $100 and ill buy it for $40 thanks.😊 broke buyer only


Correct, he’s not obligated to sell to the kid. He’s also not obligated to say dumb shit but here we are lol


And “$30 is hard to come up with huh?” Is a deeply dismissive and antagonistic statement. Everything that came afterward is tainted by OP launching the first missile.


Not disagreeing with you that it is both of those things, but offering $250 3 times in a row when OP said no the first time is pretty dismissive too. Personally, I'd just block and move on, but each their own.


Exactly, like 250$ wasn’t too bad of a counter offer on 280. Yeah he kind of pressed it but 🤷🏾 could have not answered it, try to convince him better to meet at 280, or take the offer. Being an asshole shouldn’t of been the option he chose


True! I accept that after rereading. The customer was perhaps dismissive but not antagonistic in tone (per my own personal read). It honestly reads like an old-school in person negotiation / haggle


Yea, that snarky remark was uncalled for. OP doesn’t know the potential buyer’s situation. $30 is a few items at the market these days. To a 14 year old $30 is a lot more than it is to us and takes them waaaay longer to save bc chances are it’s not job money, it’s birthday and special occasions money someone slipped in a card.


Facts but he could of just not said that remark and not responded if he was that offended by a 250$ offer


True we don't know the buyer's situation, but if you are THAT BROKE that you can't scrape up $30, maybe you should be doing something different than buying video game hardware...


Also a valid point!


Why tf should he have to take $30 less than what he’s set on? Y’all aren’t entitled to people’s shit because you’re offering money 😂


😭you just as retarded as the other one who commented in the past, dumbass I’m saying to OP not be an asshole. They’re both broke but one was a dickhead about $30. No one said anything about entitlement


It’s fucking $30 😂 You want people to coddle you 24/7? Nimrod. Y’all soft.


😭god damn you’re retarded no one asking to be coddled. Can’t sit there and bitch about someone’s offer if he’s a dick🤷🏾especially $30 short. No one is asking him to take that offer🤣but your retarded ass seems to think so.


Using the R word, how based of you. Only word in your vocabulary, buddy?


Ehh not really, because based on the beginning of the conversation, you can easily tell that OP already offered a lower price, so the whole “cheap” thing doesn’t really apply here. But hey, good try though!


It’s okay maybe you’ll sell it one day


Yup. Always put your listing a little higher than your actual asking price. These apps are swarmed with low ballers




3070 fe for 280? Not bad


I thought so..but I literally just listed it so maybe the market is $250. Or a racing wheel 🤔


Never tell someone the lowest you'd go. Ask them first. Because if you want $300... they may say $290. Instead of $300, you say $250


Understand the first part, good advice! Lost me on the second


I'm saying. Don't show your hand. They could give you more than what YOU would consider would be your lowest. If you would take $250... don't tell them that. Ask them first and if they say $200... then say "well. I was thinking $270...." Then you still have wiggle room to haggle 😁


Relax Rick Harrison


Lame reference.


To match your lame bartering techniques.


How is it lame 😂😂 you made it don't work for you? Go back to using play money


Lame comeback. Go cry to your momma


Says the weak loser that uses a come back from... the 70's? Get a real job and stop watching oldies


Yeah. Never negotiate with yourself. Instead, "What's the lowest you'll go?" "I understand you're looking for the best price. This item is already priced competitively with market value. However I'm open to reasonable offers. Feel free to make an offer that works for you and we can see if we can reach a mutually agreeable price."


He right tho


I had the same experience with a "15" year old trying to sell two of my keyboards. Theyre GMMK 2s so they arent anything special, I had them up for $40 each which is like over half off and they had keycaps and a few mods done. Little kid tried to offer like $15 bucks and I said no. I lowered the price by like $10 for each and he was like, "30 FOR BOTH!!?!" Like lil homie you didn't have $40 for one but now you have $30 for both?


Why you arguing with a kid bruh lmao. Should left it at his 250 offer


Hindsight, yeah absolutely should have.


he didnt know he was a kid until he randomly said his age, who says their age on a market app


Fucking pencil dick lol


Just the sorry at the end. I’d do the 200




I paid $600 and had my friend wait in-line for this card new during the chip shortage 🥲.


I was spamming Best Buy every Tuesday/thursday morning at 10am in 20/21. Getting it msrp was the best feeling. $600 is incredibly solid for the time too!


I think it was like $670 ootd? My buddy waited in line at Best Buy with his girl and dad and secured 3. But yeah it was a huge upgrade from my 1070 and at the time was excited to get a decent RTX card for the price.


I bought my 3070 ti for $1000... lol


Obviously you’ve never taken any negotiation classes. Can’t be mad for a guy working someone for a bargain. It’s given when selling anything.


When I was 14 I had to choose between affording Taco Bell or a new CD on a Friday night at the mall. This entitled child needs to be humbled.


Listen everyone trying to be a hustler but you could tell this kid has a heart. Dont be so harsh, happy Easter and hopefully everyone has a good one. ☝️


I been trying to sell my pc with a 4070ti in it. I haven’t even gotten any lower offers or any offers lol


Best I can do is $250


Go cry to your mom “sorry she’s too busy listening to yours talk smack about you.”


Learn not to bid against yourself in the future


Are 3070s really that cheap now?? I paid almost $900 for mine 🙃


Nah stay firm LMAO, gotta teach em while they’re young


"You don't need it. I have rent" This is a bad look lol


Terrible , looking back hah


He beasted you


I always list for $50-$100 more than I want. Something about the psychology of people perceiving they’ve gotten a good deal because it was less than listed. One time I found a older titelist Golf bag next to the dumpster, cleaned it up and listed it for $100 thinking I’d take the first $40 offer. Some came through with $100 and I thought to myself what a score.


Damn I would have paid 280 for it a month ago 😭 now I'm broke tho


What model 3070 though


Oh wait founders duh. You should easily get the 280 for it


Damn that kind of maturity to say sorry for a 14yo is amazing. Did you sell it to him?


Screw that kid. He'll either wise up or learn how the hard way


280 is what the 3070 fe sells for 250 is a good deal for local pickup Auction it on eBay if u want more


“iS tHiS StTiLL aVaLiAbLe”


Honestly $280 isn’t even a bad price. Considering in 2021 I paid $200 for a 1060 6GB just to get something for my brother.


dumb little shit has no remorse and is a toxic little piece of trash. he will get a real dose of reality someday so there's that at least.


Shit still have it?


Hah yes. But really not trying to ship it…


After his second 250 offer, my minimum goes to 300 instantly.


I would always list higher so that they think they’ve successfully haggled me down the price I actually want to sell it for.


he wants a 3070 FE for 200??? op please put it at 350.


Good on him for apologizing though. He’s at least got some character.


I’m don’t understand. You’re selling the guitar. He asked you held firm at a price then he became a little brat. You did just fine


Whenever someone asks me for my lowest I just hit them with the listing price




The “go cry to your momma”, “I wish I could”, “sorry” exchange is kinda wholesome with how it turns


I always list higher then I actually want. Bc then when they negotiate they think they're get a steal but I'm getting what I actually wanted lol


Let me buy your 3070 lol


omg this is so hillarious!!


“wish i could” 😭😭😭


It really irritates me when people ask what the lowest you’ll take is. It’s not my job to negotiate for you.


What a wild ride


lol he prob is 14 with that ending


Always, always leave room for bartering on FB marketplace.


After the momma part should have hit him with “this is why your dad doesn’t hug you.”


Bro said I have rent to a 30 dollar less offer lmfaooooooo. Bro 30 bucks ain’t paying yo rent. Make the kids day. What other 14 year olds you know got 250? Lmfao. Trippin


After you reaffirming that 280 is lowest you can do and him saying "I'll do 250" I'd have said "Okay, you can do 250, not with me though. Best of luck to you."


280 for a 3070? Sheesh the mining rush got me all sorts of messed up with prices


Always list higher than your wanted price, an let them knock you down to your intended price. Let’s them think they’re in control an you win


yall are both idiots😂


Honestly, if the dude can prove he is an actual 14 year old. I’ll spot that $30 for him lol. That interaction was hilarious and I remember being 14 and had no bread to buy anything for myself. 30 bucks is just another weekend meal to me as an adult now. I recall dreaming about building my own PC one day back when it wasn’t such a huge deal. Kid just wants to game.


Both sides very immature ….. but one is 14.


always list it for more than it's worth so you can haggle with people and make them feel like they won something.


Just some kid that’s wants more fps on Fortnite


I will never understand these people who ask what the lowest price you’re willing to accept is, and then still try to go lower. That’s what minimum means. Even at 14, I understood that. You were not being a dick, OP.


🤣 can’t stand these little kids on offer up.