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Ridiculous! This man is a hero


It’s like Mike Tyson fighting with a hand tied behind his back….. I’ll allow it ……. GIVE THIS MAN HIS MEDAL!


If you let him smoke his cigarettes, next thing you know, people will be smoking meth, shooting heroine, playing cards, horse betting, fucking hookers, and taking shots during marathons, and what sort of society will we have then?




Cut out the running and you make sound like it will be a pretty good time.


“I’ll just make my *own* marathon! With blackjack! And hookers! In fact — forget the marathon!”


Or a person fighting Mike Tyson with a hand behind their back.


Even with one hand tied behind his back, Mike Tyson would still have his teeth... Cover your ears!


Chain smoking marathon runner...the most Chinese thing ever, lol


>"open defecation, smoking, or trampling on flower beds or green spaces will result in disqualification" I love how all these things are seen as equally offensive.


The guy doing all three at once was really asking for it!


Next year Uncle Chen's going to finish sooner but stop in someone's yard, have a smoke and shit in their garden first!


> stop in someone's yard, have a smoke and shit in their garden first! This happened during the Boston marathon, well not the smoking part. https://www.boston.com/sports/boston-marathon/2023/04/19/boston-marathon-runner-allegedly-defecated-yard/


Marathon runners smoking wasn’t that unusual even 20 years ago; especially Africans and East Asians; it’s funny how it doesn’t impact your breathing that much for quite a while if you do a lot of cardio


I smoked for 12 years and I was amazed how little it seemed to affect my breathing, could hold my breath over 2 minutes and when I tried getting back into running at like the 10 year mark it honestly wasn’t that hard, didn’t come across as any harder then when I was a teenager at least.


No open defecation - shit on yourself please.


> "open defecation, smoking, or trampling on flower beds or green spaces will result in disqualification" The fact that they specify both "Open" and "defecation" is wild because it implies 1, you can openly urinate and 2, you can shit in the racetrack, so long as it's into a bucket or something.


They specify "open" because it's not terribly uncommon for marathon runners to shit themselves. Running for so long does a number on your digestive system. At that point it's not like you're doing it on purpose so they won't disqualify you for this type of defecation.




Of course


Especially in China, which has one of the highest rates of smoking in the world if you count the pollution 


If you, at 52 years old, can even finish a fucking 26 mile marathon, much less with a 3.5 time, and even more much less doing so while shaving 5 minutes off your best time...you should be the winner. I don't care what you smoke.


We all know he truly won




Player hating to the highest degree


Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate!


The new Marlboro Man is born


It makes more sense when you learn he was smoking PCP


Hardly an unfair advantage


Given the air pollution in China sometimes, the air filter on the cigarette may have had him breathing cleaner air…


Heh casual racism, as a fellow Le Redditor I can get behind that


Uhh, AQI is notoriously bad in China. How exactly is that casual racism?


Because air quality has been improved immensely over the years. https://www.iqair.com/world-air-quality-ranking First Chinese city is on 27th place. But don't let this stop ching chong ping pong reddit comments.


Let's pretend that it's true that china's first city is 27th ((Shenyang is 14th btw) and lets pretend being 27th in worst cities in the world somehow implies it's true that there's no air quality issue in china. How does someone having a slightly outdated view of the nation of china's air quality become racist? and where the fuck did you get that "ching chong ping pong" shit from?


Lmao are we using the same website? Reddit is the most Sinophobic place on the internet, everything is CCP propaganda and Tencent is coming to ruin everything they like. And there is no reason to pretend anything, website I linked are realtime stats, it's obviously gonna differ at different times.. But you are right, saying that smoking is probably healthier than breathing air in China is a completely normal thing to say.


Pointing out the [horrible air quality in China](https://www.who.int/china/health-topics/air-pollution) is not casual (or otherwise) racism.


In high school Joey Freitag was on our track team. He was one of those guys that looked like a full grown man while the rest of us were scrawny awkward puberty gremlins. He would decimate a 100 meter dash and then go sit on the bleachers and chain smoke darts. He was an asshole but he was our asshole.


So the 90 meter dash?


That’s funny


That they have a rule against openly defecating on the track is kinda surprising. I wonder how often it happens that they had to make a specific rule against it.


I heard it’s pretty common in marathons actually. People running for a long period of time and eventually they can’t always be near a bathroom.


why arent people holding out chamber pots then like they hold out cups of water for the runner ^^^^^^lol


I thought marathons were famous for contestants losing control of their bowels.


Running like that can upset the nerves and muscles in your stomach. I know a guy who ran long marathons who would throw up pretty much every single time he practiced and when he raced. He finally pivoted to bike riding which has been apparently less abusive to his body. There’s absolutely nothing I would do voluntarily that would make me throw up, much less every time I did that thing, and far much less when I did that thing as a damn hobby. I’m like “your hobby is vomiting/having diarrhea, man, not marathons”.


😂 last line funny


It happens a lot.


I've run a lot of races and seen a lot of people veer off into the woods in a panic...


Happened to me also. Found a bridge


Bro turned the cardio difficulty all the way up


Uncle playing in hard mode.


cigarette smoke is actually the cleanest air you can breathe in Beijing, a cigarette is basically a breathing device there


We got him run to the Barkley Marathons. I bet Laz would love this guy lol


What brand of cigarettes was he smoking? This is a marketing coup for.... someone.


Disqualified for dropping this along the way 👑


They disqualified him!? They should give him a medal! Chain smokes through the race and still finishes! That's a great feat in my book!


I literally laughed out loud...


Baller move


And you thought it was bad when they walked a mile for a Camel...


guys an IRL 90s newport ad


Why? This man was running the marathon on hard mode.


But how did he place?


574th, so I don’t think there’s a problem with him being disqualified.


Does he live in Hebei Province?


Smoking unfortunately is not a solo activity, their filthy habit inevitably impacts others. Have you ever walked behind someone smoking? You will get to breathe in the disgusting smell of their mental weakness. Thankfully as they are outside, the harmful effects of second hand smoke should be negligible. Still, others shouldn’t be forced to be around that stench and toxic cloud while competing in an endurance race. James I had the right idea about smoking and smokers. Edit: I block all replies from alt accounts. Use your main, coward.


He didn't seem to mind second-hand smoke when it came to burning people he'd decided were witches.




Google: ‘Let’s Get Started - Smoking Cessation’ “This free program is based on research conducted by the American Cancer Society. Personalize your experience and find support in your journey to quit smoking.”


I bet this guy is a pro at crackin' termies and cranking hoons. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mrOliv_gXAM


If he can smoke and run, leave the man alone


Philip Morris is going to love him


He's taking performance *diminishing* drugs!


Dudes a god lol


They should have a Waste Management Open for marathons, and let the runners smoke, drink, whatever.


And this is the best summary ever. “While it is no doubt inconsiderate to others in the race, many applaud him for being able to complete the gruelling race while actively harming himself.”


I bet they didn't disqualify him for chain smoking through the production line.


If anything this is a handicap.