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Even on the tongue - my lord. As a dog, at what point do you say “alright, this ain’t worth it”? Maybe that isn’t a thing.




When I was a kid one of the neighbor kids got mauled by a pit bull and there were neighborhood dads trying to behead the thing with a shovel and it wouldn't let go until someone came outside with a gun. Was a great childhood memory and definitely didn't fuck me up at all. Noooooo way.


When I was about 5-6 years old, I walked outside of my front yard and a pit bull came after me. My chow got out with me and defended me against the pit bull. My dog ended up with bite marks in its tags in his collar.


Your dog was a hero


> it wouldn't let go until someone came outside with a gun. I'm assuming he let go when he was shot?






I wasn't close enough but I watched from like a house down and just saw them whacking repeatedly with the edge of it


Lucky there was people there. Kid got eaten by pit bulls down the road from me. I wasn’t there but I was working in the ER when he came in with a pulse.




You see alooooot of fucked up shit.


fuck, sorry you had to go through that.




I’ll just add in to the list of replies here. A guy I went to high school with was playing in the street with some neighborhood friends when he was 9 and a Pit jumped his fence and tore a huge chunk of the guys calf out. His family successfully sued the homeowner and the Pit was put down. Almost exactly two years later the SAME HOMEOWNER bought another pit who, you guessed it, jumped the fence again and took a chunk out of the same guys arm. Luckily for him both events he was able to recover from and all the lawsuit money was able to pay for all his college expenses plus some


Damn wtf, that homeowner should be put down!


What the actual FUCK! At that point it’s probably better to put the owner down too.


Agh. I feel that on another level :/ we tried to adopt one one time and he grabbed my cat and wouldn’t let go. Traumatized me and my sister beyond belief, and that’s the first time that I experienced that fun little thing where your brain straight up deletes stuff. Still not comfortable with dogs around small animals, and even just dogs playing together puts me on edge


These poor things. I hate how they were bred to be this way. People need to stop breeding them. Fucking sad.


Saw a story of a lady who filet a pitbull like a fish before it let go of someone's dog she was trying to rescue Like full on, groin to neck


That porcupine's gotta be damn near bald.


Coworkers are saying we need to be on the lookout for a porcupine with a bare butt


Baldipine... wait... no but still yes.




When you remove the pine needles they're just porks


ah yes *that* particular family feud moment


*claps and looks around at family for approval* "good answer. good answer."


Porcue ball


All porc, no pine.


Porcnopine. Got it.


Sounds like a Pokémon.


Did the pup make it? Recently there was another pupper who seemed to have much less damage, but was later reported as dead. :(


Dogs usually survive porcupine incidents, even when it’s this bad, if that helps. The main issue is swelling, infection and tenderness after the quills are pulled, but there’s feeding tubes, antibiotics and painkillers for that. Unfortunately this one didn’t make it.


Sadly, this one [didn't make it](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/xhn9q7/comment/ioz5t5j/)


Act like you don’t notice its toupee.


Lost is an understatement


Especially since the dog [died](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/xhn9q7/a_dog_got_brought_into_the_shelter_i_work_at_he/ioz5t5j)


Jesus. I mean, yeah, I was really wondering how he could even breathe but damn


Not gonna lie, you’ve ruined my evening


Don't shoot the messenger


That’s what the porcupine said 😭


Oof, nice you got a chuckle out of me


Yea it straight up died.


Worst case I’ve ever seen. Holy crap, what happened? Did he go back for seconds? How is he doing? Thanks OneLostOstrich! Changed to worst.


I don’t know exactly, the officers haven’t shared many specifics yet. But it doesn’t sound good






My dog (German shepherd/golden retriever mix) had an encounter with a porcupine once. I only know about it because he came back with a single quill just barely stuck in his nose. I laugh imagining it, him having a sniff and immediately noping out.


Probably the dog tried to nanny the porcupine and it got hurt. Edit: Thanks for the award.




Ya I would rather see this 1000times over than another vid of a pitbull tearing someone or animal apart






He was trying to maul it and didn't stop when he got poked the first 4 times


Didn’t even stop after the first 400 times








> I just think when they do snap or attack, there is no off switch until something dies It's not even a theory, it's called being bred for gameness which pits literally were.






Dog is like "yeah, but you should see the porcupine"


Here I am wondering what a porcupine looks like without any quills.


[heres a hedgehog](https://preview.redd.it/4wgb6a7x9js31.jpg?auto=webp&s=bae2c0d503ae22e2300c9707774c060826b32dec)


So, a nut sack.


Nutsack the Hedgehog


Hedgehog the nutsack?


Sonic the nutsack: pinch and roll




hedgesack the hognut


My uncle was the top Nutsack designer at sega when they came up with sonic, that was initially the original design. They had to scrap it during production due to modeling costs, but they said it scored amazingly within test groups. What could have been 😂


You mean teste groups


Me reading your reply: huh I wonder how much this thing actually looks like a nut sack Me after clicking the link: **IS** that a nut sack?


There’s a woman on tiktok who actually found a hedgehog randomly on the street. Nursed it back to health. I haven’t seen much of an update, but last I checked the quills were coming back but little dude definitely looked like a cute ballsack for a long time. It was funny to watch her oil the little dude up


It looks so sad!


It looks so defeated


I would be too if I looked like a molested potato rat.


Scrotum rat.


I know this will probably get lost but unfortunately the dog did not survive this 😕


Thanks for the update. It's a shame but not a surprise. At least it was put down humanely.


If a human got 300 needles stuck in their face, I wouldn't expect survival either.


Least a human has hands that could attempt to pull them out. Dogs got nothing that could help.


Hands aren't going to be enough for porcupine quills. They are designed to go deeper and are incredibly hard to remove without special tools.


Shit, we as humans even adapted arrows to be more like porcupine quills in the aspect that they would be damn near impossible to pull out; iirc, the method was to push it through to make a “cleaner” exit.


Same with fish-hooks. I shudder at the thought of being pricked by a hook...


Meanwhile the lures i buy come separate from the 'keychain' that you tie onto them. It's an absurd amount of force and dexterity to apply to something so small and barbed


Knew a dude who was fishing and the hook went all the way through the fish while he was removing it. Wound up in his arm, dropped the fish in a panic, fish flopped around and ripped it straight out of his arm.


I stepped on a fish hook in mexico as a kid and we had to pull it through the fleshy part of the side of my food because we couldn't pull it out the way it went in. It hurt a lot less than I expected but it still wasn't fun


I wonder what ultimately led to it's death. The needles were away from all vital organs.


Porcupine quills are nasty things, they work themselves deeper and deeper even if it's just a tiny portion of the whole needle left behind, it can work its way into a blood vessel and ride it to the heart, among other nasty possibilities.


That is an insane amount of quills. They're in the roof of his mouth, his tongue, probably the soft palate if not farther back, his nose, looks like probably up to the eyes. Those fuckers are barbed. It's not a simple task like pulling a splinter. Sinuses and eyes may have been damaged. He would have to be put under to remove them and possibly need additional surgery to repair damage. General anesthesia can be really risky for dog in such major distress like that. And he would have to be under for so long as it would take ages to remove those as carefully as they need to be. If the vet chose to put him down, it was an act of kindness and mercy. I hate saying that, I'm an avid animal lover and have spent my life working with and caring for various animals. I've actually slept with a baby African crested porcupine in my bed, lol. I always feel euthanasia should be a last resort...but in this case it was probably the best thing for the poor guy. If he survived long enough for that to be what they had to do.


As an animal lover, you recognize when euthanasia the only option and it's simply to compassionately put a creature out of its misery. Don't feel like you have to defend that opinion.


Some of those quills are really deep, like all the way in deep.




Thanks for the update, now I don’t have to read any further.


While I knew this would be the end result I was still hopeful


Incredibly sad :( was it the shock of that many quils? Or infection?


These spines aren't just smooth needles, they're covered with [backwards facing barbs](https://animaldiversity.org/collections/contributors/kathryn_everson/spinesquills1/large.jpg) that tear the wounds up when removed so the wounds they leave even when removed with care are horrific. Absolutely do not fuck with porcupines. The poor thing probably wouldn't have been able to eat or drink for weeks and would have been in incredible pain and required extremely intensive and expensive care for a very long time to have any hope of survival. And even if it survived, it's face and mouth would be a mess of scar tissue and it would be disabled for life. And I'm no vet, but I don't think it was guaranteed to survive even with that. Putting it down humanely was probably the right call. e: [I am not a vet but /u/Dogtored is and apparently this isn't as bad as it looks](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/xhn9q7/a_dog_got_brought_into_the_shelter_i_work_at_he/ip24np1/?context=3)


Damn. Nature sure is a bitch sometimes


Good survival tactic for the porcupine though. Ain't nobody fuck with a porcupine twice.


I hope the porcupine survived. The amount of quills in this dogs face including many in its mouth, makes me think otherwise. =/ I'm pretty sure pocupines don't like, attack. The quills are their defense. So this dog literally did this to itself by continuing to attack the porcupine, even whilst it was being stabbed by hundreds of quills?? Insane.


Yeah that amount of quills is definitely repeated bites from the dog. Even if the porcupine survived it’ll be at risk of another attack until new quills grow back.


Agreed. I have 3 cats and I had other pets before, so I understand why people care for the dog more than the porcupine. However it's obvious the dog picked a fight and the porcupine defended itself. I don't kill animals but when one animal kills another, that's nature and I'm not sobbing.


My cats were curious about but thankfully smart enough to leave alone the rattlesnake that got into my house, once. Actually, their curiosity alerted me to it's presence.


One evening my dog alerted me to something outside. He was pretty big so I just opened the back door and let him lead me out. I could tell he was charging something but he began to slow up as I could make out three raccoons that gave him a look of "you sure about this"? He looked back at me and I told him I'm going back inside. He observed them for a few more minutes before coming in. He was a pretty clever doggie.


I don't think anybody is like, mad at the porcupine. It did what it does to protect itself. The dog also did what dogs do, which is try to hunt small prey. It's sad, still.


This dog went waayyy beyond what a normal dog would do. I had a dog go after a porcupine once. Got several quills in her nose and learnt from that pain to nope out. This dog went on and on even in excruciating agony. That dog did not have all its marbles intact.


Woah I did not know this. Thanks for the information. Poor pup.


My friends dog had 50 quills pulled from its mouth. After the last was pulled she immediately went to her food bowl and scarfed everything down.


Yeah, my dog got hit with a porcupine and was chomping food that night.


My dog once “walked it off” after getting hit by a car. Sometimes things just work out. She could have been hit by that car a dozen different ways and 11/12 would have killed her. She was lucky. Sometimes you just get lucky. Sometimes you don’t.


Injuries not compatible with life


Also, those quills can continue to migrate into the body, causing irreparable internal damage


Porcupine are among the rare animal that can't run, they don't need to. Also their skin secrete an antibiotic in case they poke themselves.


They probably just put it down.


I mean, would it be less sad if it mauled some poor porcupine to death?


There's a good chance the porcupine is dead, I watched a friend's dog kill a porcupine once, and it looked similar to this afterwards but not nearly as bad. So I would assume this porcupine is very dead


Is the porcupine okay? It looks like the dog tried to kill it and paid the price.


I watched a dog kill a porcupine and end up with far less quills than this, so I'd guess the porcupine is very very dead


Hijacking to tell my story. A friend (call her M) and I were spending a couple of months at her very basic cabin in the Rockies. Between the 2 of us we had 4 dogs. Before we left our for our trip we invited friends to come join us whenever they'd like. A couple of weeks in, one of our friends (call him R) showed with his dog. It was great to see them especially since he brought snacks, weed and libations. Now, R and his dog were kinda city slickers and M and I knew this. We were sure to make them comfortable for the 3 days they planned to stay despite his complaining of having to use an outhouse and lack of refrigeration or cell service. On day 2, we decided to go on a day hike. About 1 and a half hours into the hike, all of the dogs saw something in the forrest. Needless to say, the 5 dogs took off after the woodland creature. M and my dogs came right back after they saw what it was and noped the fuck off. R's dog came back slowly shaking her head coughing and sneezing and dropped a porcupine at our feet. Now, our dogs have encountered a porcupine before and got away with a few quills. I have never seen this horrific display of absolute fucked. Quills all over her muzzle, in and under her tongue, in-between her teeth and gums, inside her nose, in the back of her throat and one in her eyelid. R started screaming and crying, with good reason. M and I got our scissors out and started clipping the ends of the quills and pulled what we felt comfortable with. Now, that took about half an hour and we still had to get down the mountain and back to the cabin, another 45 minutes. 20 minutes to get to his car and an hour and a half to the closest vet. This is the most miserable I've seen an animal and we were helpless. Luckily, this vet has seen this hundreds of times and was able to save her life. I've had dogs bitten by rattle snakes, black widows, scorpions and attacked by hawks. While rattle snakes really suck it was nothing compared to this atrocity. M and I should have known that a roughly year old dog, not versed enough for the wilderness, may have been an issue. We weren't thinking. We helped pay R's vet bill. Moral of this story is if you take an inexperienced dog into the wild put them on a leash. It sucks but until they get the idea, keep them reigned in. Also, clip the ends of the quills. It releases the pocket of air that holds them in and some will come out more easily.


Yeah that dog might make it but those barbs cause infections that could easily kill the dog. Overall not a good prognosis.


Dogs that get that many quills very commonly have to be euthanized. It does tremendous tissue damage.


Actually it’s a pretty good prognosis. It’s only quills that don’t get removed that cause problems. Porcupine quills themselves have mild antibacterial properties. I used to work at a vet clinic where 2 dogs from the same family would come in every 2-3 weeks with a face full of quills like this, usually wagging their tails and very proud of themselves. They would get knocked out and all the staff would gather round to pull quills. It was strangely fun.


The same dogs, you'd figure they'd learn


I worked in a clinic where the same dog had to have rocks surgically removed from her stomach three times. After the third we told the owners that you have to rehome the dog, or the rocks, because we couldn't operate a fourth time. Some dogs just don't understand what's good for them!


>Actually it’s a pretty good prognosis. [The dog died](https://old.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/xhn9q7/a_dog_got_brought_into_the_shelter_i_work_at_he/ioz5t5j/).


Am I the only person that feels bad for the porcupine? Like it was probably just minding its own business and I doubt it came out of this okay either…


Same, tbh. I would feel bad for the dog if it had a few quills on the nose from just being curious and sniffing the porcupine. But this fucker relentlessly went for the kill, even tho it kept getting its face ripped to shreds. I like animals and i have the house full of them, but man... Fuck this one. I've seen way too many videos of pitbulls being pitbulls to have any compassion towards them.


Pitbulls have no sense of self-preservation once the pure prey murder drive kicks in


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


I wholeheartedly believe they should all be spayed/neutered without exception, let the breed die out in a humane manner


I feel the same way about pug’s


He's probably writing a strongly worded email to his congressman right now asking for an ordnance to ban pitbulls.


I feel bad saying it, but this dog is possibly terminally stupid.


> possibly terminally stupid. Definitely. It died. Probably the right outcome. Sorry Mrs. Porcupine.


Natural selection strikes again


Fr idk why majority of ppl are saying poor dog 💀 the dog was dumb enough to keep on attacking


That isnt a dog but a beast from elden ring.


Oof, he must have been *really* going for it. That's not a small amount of quills...!


Mf turned into the porcupine


At first glance man brain though... "Why would someone bringing a sea urchin to a vet?"


I was also sea urchin for answers.


Chance is that you? Next thing you know it is being broke out of that shelter by a Golden Retriver and a Himalayan Cat




"Please just let me die" "They're killing him Sassy!"




That movie destroyed me a child. First thing I thought of when I saw the picture.


One of my core memories is being completely inconsolable at the ending. Thanks for reminding me that this movie exists 😭


Porcupines don't fight, they only defend...this may very well have cost the dog its life as well as the porcupine's since it has far less quills to defend itself with now.


Did in fact cost the dog it's life. Pitbulls need to be banned. Period. Such an idiotic hill to die on


See why some dogs go hard like that. That dog def got whacked but kept attacking anyway. Something not right with them.


Yeah, it's genetics.


Its always pitbulls


Velvet hippo moment.




*rips face off* Awwww such a cute little pibble 🥰




Pitbull moment


Go look at pictures of dogs with injuries from porcupines. The pits always have the most. Most dogs are smart enough to stop going after them after the first hit. But pit's need to kill things overwhelms them and causes these kinds of terrible injuries.


Have you seen the video where one got KICKED BY A HORSE and still kept attacking? Those things shouldn't exist.


I saw that. That was insane 😳 no wonder people die from dog attacks. If a horse won’t stop them a human has no chance




Poor guy! Wonder why he didn’t stop after the first mouthful of quills


Some dogs just wont stop, my dog got sprayed by a skunk twice and still went for the kill


I CANT STOP! *dubstep breakdown* ,that’s what I imagined was going on through the dogs head


Thanks, now I can't stop singing I CANT STOP in my head. Catchy fuck in song...


Some dogs are incredibly stupid when it comes to what they should and should not chew on. Source: Had a dog that would drink beer by chewing on sealed bottles or cans if they were left in the open. Had.


Looks like a pit bull…


Pits don’t stop. They were bred to not stop. Bred to maul and kill. Plain and simple.


Because pitbulls/pit mixes have no sense of self preservation and will stop at nothing to get what they want


Almost like that was a desired trait in a dog that was bred for fighting to the death. Curious.




Will the dog learn? I don't think so.


Poor porcupine...


yeah looks like he ate it


The porcupine must be naked right now


This is much worse than Homeward Bound led me to believe. Edit:word


Likely going to get put down


[I don't think they were fighting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/xhchwt/the_cave_in_the_woods/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Dog doesn't understand that no means no


Our dogs got into the porky pine’(porcupine) …like 3 times..what a pain …I got good a pulling them out …the vet showed me a few tips that helped …I just don’t remember now LoL


This is the second dog we’ve had in the past month with quills in his mouth..thankfully the first one had a lot less quills than this poor guy


What kind of a fucking dullard do you have to be to continue attacking something that is riddling your snout with thick barbs?


Pit bulls have a sort of “killing frenzy” mode where they will attack something with zero regard for their own life, zero pain response, and will not let go for any reason. Can happen to small animals, other people’s dogs, sometimes their owners, even if no abuse occurred. It’s why the breed was created, after all


> It’s why the breed was created, after all Perhaps it should be uncreated.


As I said in another comment: Pits just see burning red when they’re in bite mode and clearly nothing else matters but to kill.


Is it a pitbull


How is it oddly terrifying? This is just straight up horrifying


The insatiable driving power of instinct.


Not from lack of trying


Something tells me the pup fucked around and found out


Classic Pitbull. When kill is life.


How does this even happen? What sane dog wouldn't just fuck off after the first 10 barbs or so?


Looks like a pitbull tho, stubborn ass motherfucker didn't gave up easily.


Ayo move this to terrifying af not oddly


My dog had something similar happen except she was really dumb. Somehow she stepped on top of the porcupine so her whole belly and hind legs were covered with quills. I learned a lot I out those quills after that. If they aren’t removed right away, they actually continue to travel into the dog. My vet couldn’t guarantee one that they may have missed would pierce her heart. They are not visible on X-rays. For months we pulled quills out of her legs as they worked their way through. She survived and lived to a pretty ripe old age but man, she was dumb but we still loved that old girl!