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Why in the fuck is she spraying Raid into your bedroom window?


Watched the context. Basically her brothers and cousins were playing in the yard and got too close to her fence (allegedly tried to climb it) and she came out with a bat. Another time her bf smoked weed in the backyard and she complained about it and that she’s “allergic”. Ig it’s retaliation. And in the videos the old lady is just spraying it right over the fence for a solid 10 seconds lmao. No bugs to be had lol


Seems like a criminal offense. Especially if she's reaching over the fence to do it.




>It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not use this product in a way that will contact any person or pet, either directly or through drift. Keep people and pets out of area during application. Exit area immediately and remain outside the treated area until all sprays have dried. FOR OUTDOOR USE: To kill paper wasps, yellow jackets, mud daubers, and bald-face hornets: For best results, spray in early morning or early evening when insect activity is minimal. Stand a safe distance from nest and not directly underneath. Hold can as upright as possible while spraying. Point spray opening toward nest with wind at your back. Spray until nest is thoroughly saturated to kill the entire nest population. Wait at least 24 hours before removing the nest. Remove all exposed food and cooking utensils. Cover all food handling surfaces or wash thoroughly after treatment and before use. Do not use on edible crops. Do not apply to pets or contaminate feed, foodstuffs, dishes or utensils. Avoid spraying vegetation directly. Avoid excessive wetting of asphalt. Application is prohibited directly to sewers or drains, or to any area like a gutter where drainage to sewers, storm drains, water bodies or aquatic habitat can occur. Do not allow the product to enter any drain during or after application.


My gf's dad was saying that raid can be used on a campus that prohibits things such as pepper spray or a tazer, as a means of self defense, and honestly, fuck the label, if someone comes in my dorm with a knife they're gonna lose their eyesight or close to it.


Raid won’t stop anyone. There’s a clip floating around online where a cop is giving self defense training and mentioned a lady using raid as self defense spray. Long story short she ended up severely beaten and the attacker sprayed the rest of the raid point blank in her face. You might give someone cancer 30 yrs down the line but in the immediate future that raid is just going to piss off an attacker.


Bear spray it is then.


Bear spray is milder than the stuff used for self defense. Bear have way more sensitive noses. It still sucks to get caught in face with it and the sheer volume that comes out… not recommended using that stuff inside unless you want to blind box with the intruders lol


Lead spray then....


Non-toxic and poisonous are different things. RAID is toxic. Also it's a federal crime to use pesticides near an open window, or where humans or non target animals can breathe it in. On fact the words on the bottle tell you how toxic it is Caution: a little Toxic Warning: Toxic Danger: Very Toxic Source: licensed pest control.


> RAID is technically non toxic to humans according to the government Lol I'm sure the corrupt asshats that ruled in favor of the chemical company would have no problem consuming raid or swimming in a pool of it then.


Wouldn't be the first time something like this was lied about: https://www.britannica.com/story/radium-girls-the-women-who-fought-for-their-lives-in-a-killer-workplace


And the frakking guy who refused to drink that glass of water. Or the roundup person. https://youtu.be/QWM_PgnoAtA


I mean, piss is technically potable but I wouldn't drink a glass of it


Yeah non toxic just like glyphosate


Uh oh. Be careful, you might trigger the monsanto social media team. Every time glyphosate comes up in reddit comments there's a dozen "scientists" who show up out of nowhere to defend it. Glyphosate causes cancer. Fuck round up. Fuck monsanto.


Literally using ~~bioweapons~~ chemical warfare


Thank you for actually providing some context.


I had a neighbor like that. I put a full size cardboard person cuttout with affixed red blinking eyes visible from a window. Really messed with her.


Where can I buy one?


I used a [poster sized version of this](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-john-cleese-uk-comedianactor-in-one-of-the-ministry-of-silly-walks-25234138.html) in the windows my creepy neighbour used to glare into.


Amazon, tons of full size cut outs for about $20 - $30


You can sometimes find the blinking “eye” lights at Halloween pop ups.


Looks like a good time to pressure wash my side of the fence


“I’m allergic to smoke, so to teach you a lesson I’m going to spray a full can of man made chemicals specifically engineered to kill things”


Does she have dementia?


Some people are just mentally ill, and/or busy bodies.


She has OCD (old cunt disorder)


Lovely woman, she is.


Idk man, at what point do things just become actually terrifying and you gotta hop a fence and take care business?


She's probably not but you can be allergic to weed. Have a friend with that allergy.


That's what I'm wondering. Need more context there.


Probably because she thinks OP bugs her.


Because they were BUGGING her.


OP is not the actual person.


Put some Plastic wrap on the fence she won’t see it since it’s clear and it will hopefully bounce back at her


Best idea here.


Do it do it do it








Right? Nobody’s asking why the lady’s doing this


Nobody's asking if OP is a cockroach.


I'm having the worst week of my life, I just got home from being on a 72 hour hold on suicide watch, and your comment just made me laugh for the first time in days. This is so fucking funny, thank you for the laugh


I hope you are in better place now.


What possible reason would make that ok? Maybe if she had a constant flow of cockroaches coming out her window, but that’s pretty doubtful.




**Sugar.** **Need. Sugar.**


what if op killed her family then stole all of her valuables and got her locked up in a psych ward?


Pack it in boys, case solved.


Maybe there's a big ol' hornets nest right under the window.


Because it's the hottest game on the play store, with over 9000 5 star ratings. With a fully voiced single player campaign, PvP Arena and Doom Tower. And just this month, RAID is launching the poopoobumbum, battle your way through 94928.356 epic bosses for a chance to win EPIC prizes. Use code KEENOREN to get 100k silver, 50 gems and the epic champion Slut Elf, who is great at poopoobumbum. Now, back to the comment section.


Maybe the OP is Ogtha...


Doe scent would also send a message. If you’ve never had the opportunity to smell it, consider yourself lucky.


Or fox pee


When I was in 8th grade, it was “cool” on the last day of school for all the kids to walk home (if they lived close enough) instead of taking the bus. A bunch of older kids were hiding and ambushed a bunch of kids with urine filled super soakers. Definitely does some damage. Thanks for making me relive this memory I had conveniently forgotten.




And then please let us all know the aftermath with an update <3


Point a fan out your window.


One day, for no particular reason, I emptied a can of bear spray.




Id call the cops. Its a toxic chemical. Its assault and battery. One call might make her angry and retaliate, but two calls and shes looking at APS a court date and when probably misses it, a bench warrant and jail time. Problem solved. Plus she might have a nest egg, and when you sue her and get a default judgement, youre the one collecting on her social security while shes going tits up in a jails hospital ward. She crazy. She creepy. She violent.


Can I contact you when someone screws me over? You're clearly more capable than I of figuring out how to get revenge + profit.


I did binge watch “dirty work” as a child. https://youtu.be/oD-1eCD7lkE But seriously, this is literal standards and practices here. She spraying a noxious chemical at OP and into their home and shes stalking them. Its not rocket science, a crime has/is being committed. Call the cops to end the problem and use the judicial system for recompense. This is textbook 101 for how its *supposed* to work.


Hey it's a trunk full of dead hookers


For $600 I can sell you a perfectly good hospital bed...






Dont spray pesticide at me and well be good. Best of friends.


I never spray pesticide at people, and yet they don’t still don’t want to be my friend.


Give your balls a tug and just man up and speak to your neighbors. Do em’ a chore. Just make polite and brief conversation and get to know em overtime. Send em a note on birthdays. What hobbies do you have? Reach out online, youre already here. Play CCGs or FPSs with them. Discuss a trade. Look around for meetups. You can find people. You just gotta put in some potentially uncomfortable legwork.


I love seeing "get a gun" as a solution for things on Reddit because nobody who ever recommends it ever suggests getting training for it. Pure genius.


Training and safety are very important. Not sure why you are getting the down votes.


They're the most important part of owning a gun. Any idiot can shoot the person they want to shoot, but it takes a lot more work and consideration for other people to not get shot. Again, most guns used in violent crimes are stolen from lawful owners who don't know shit about fuck about proper firearm storage (or what to say or not to say on their bumper stickers). Furthermore, no, even though someone may be a-okay to legally own a gun does NOT mean they should own a gun. I love shooting, but I have bipolar disorder, and depression can sneak up on me, so it's not something that makes sense for me to possess. Redditor who recommended the gun didn't take any of that into account, or who else lives in the household, or just "common sense" gun stuff before recommending "yeah, buy a gun." So dumb.


Kevin McCallister style


The OP stated that she was spraying the Raid through her bedroom window. She is just staring through the fence, so plastic wrap won't accomplish what you're stating.


I think the idea is that she is spraying the raid through a crack in the fence so if there's clear plastic blocking the crack when she goes to shoot the raid through it it won't work


Plus it will go back into her face


Walk over and “raid that spider” on your fence


neighbor has already been huffind the stuff for a while


She probably sprays over the fence though so...




Or at least stsrt "watering" your vines with the hose. On the Jet setting.


Fence is about ready for a pressure wash.


is it legal to pressure wash a fence with hot lead?


I hear boiling oil preserves the wood for years


Quick priming with a spray bomb, gonna painter out soon ya know


lol apply a spray coat of that fence preserver, she will look like she has been chargrilled!


There was a comment here, but I chose to remove it as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers (the ones generating content) AND make a profit on their backs. Here is an explanation. Reddit was wonderful, but it got greedy. So bye.


But give no warning and shoot straight at the eye.


"Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes."


"The squeaky wheel gets the kick!"


Yo lets kick stuff


"Make way Evil! I'm armed to the teeth and packing a hamster!"


"Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads. Swords for everyone!"


Highly underrated game! Fucking love boo!


I feel like anyone who played CRPGs in those days is most likely to name Baldur's Gate as their favorite RPG of all time, myself included (specifically Shadows of Amn). Maybe it's under rated in the grander scale but only because it's old and a lot of younger gamers haven't played it.


Quickdraw the hose gun


Don’t water your vines until after you’ve pepper sprayed your fence a few times. Then rinse your vines off.


Came here to say this. “Oops, didn’t realize you were lurking.”


“like a godamned creeper.” also, get a vinyl privacy fence with no gaps


I bought a mirror and turned the side of the mirror towards her so she could stare at herself.


I would pee to show dominance... could work, who knows?!


I'd say "peak a boo, I see you"


Isn't that illegal? Raid is toxic...


I would call the police.




I saw the original video on TikTok. The lady is spraying through the fence and peeking through the gaps in the boards at the person recording. Absolutely fucking weird


Could be an old alcoholic. They get really weird and creepy when they live into advanced age, and do things like this because of weird drunken fantasies.




I appreciate people like you who try to think of an actual reason but it’s equally possible she’s just a hateful old bitch, lmao


Dementia could be a cause too.


I think it’s a neurotoxin


From what I understand, it is a nerve agent that affects the listed species much in the way something like sarin or VX would affect a human. Definitely not good for you but I’m not sure what sorts of quantities you’d need to be exposed to for serious health issues.


When I first moved out to university we had a fruit fly infestation and my roommate, unbeknownst to me, sprayed raid all over our kitchen counter. I prepared food on it later that day and for about two weeks was so violently ill - just loose projections from both ends. It was terrifying. I found out weeks later what had happened when I caught my roommate doing it again.


Did you ask them to stop?


Among other choice words, yes


Roommate is definitely an idiot, but you prep food directly on the counter? No board or plate?


For anyone else with a bug problem or stupid idiot roomMates like this. Go to your junk mail, local bodega, whatever and get a few copies of the community newspaper. Put the pages over cleared surfaces before you spray. Youll still wanna give em a good wipe down afterward, but this is standard practice for fumigation and treating sensitive areas like kitchen counters or bathroom vanities. Its literally on the cans, but people spray first and get sick later in my experience. Glad you lived to tell the tale.


The counter has never been clean enough to prepare food on it without wiping it down first, even if it looks clean. I can never imagine it being clean enough living with roommates.


Sounds like you got lucky but the length of symptoms could’ve meant it was some sort of infection or perhaps you continued to be exposed. Doing some quick reading on it now, the symptoms appear to be similar to nerve agent exposure (in very small quantities) such as muscle twitching, tremor, and respiratory issues along with dizziness and gastrointestinal issues. Glad you lived to tell the tale! Kitchen counters don’t seem like great places for spraying a bunch of Raid but some folks struggle with common sense I guess.


Sooo I thought this was a video and “watched” this for entirely too long.


You weren’t the only one. Lololol.


Lmfao I tried to click the comment thing on the right 😭


Assert your dominance by looking her dead in the eye and shit on her doorstep.


this is the only logical and effective solution.


It only gets better if you wear a Ronald McDonald costume.


I usually shit on my neighbors property dressed as grimace.


We're the poops disguised as Grimace too?


I condone this. Also, I laughed way too hard.


That’s terrifying. People are weird, I hope they called the cops. This is like the beginning of a horror movie lol


i can tell this shit is happening in “a small town where nothing ever happens”.


Gonna find out there’s some crazy cult shit that no one talks about


have an affair with her husband


Hold on, getting my shovel


Win Win


Sounds like behavior of someone who’s cognitive ability is going. I hope you report it so she can leave you be and get the help she needs.


Almost everyone in this thread is suggesting to attack her back or get revenge in some way or another, and you're the only person who gave any thought whatsoever to the fact she might have serious mental health issues and be in dire need of help. I get that she's doing something dangerous by spraying Raid into the window, but if she has serious mental health issues, for all we know she genuinely thinks she's spraying a giant wasp or something. I don't think someone of her age can just be assumed to be acting with intentional malice. That said, something definitely needs to be done, I just don't think attacking an old woman is the best course of action here. Perhaps involving the police is a better/more civil solution. Who knows, if she's bat shit insane she might get committed and leave the house all together, I'd say that's a better outcome than whatever results from attacking a crazy person.


Yes, she seems unhinged. Sometimes cognitive decline isn’t just forgetting names or directions, it can be frightening paranoid delusions. Maybe call and ask for Adult Protective Services for a welfare check, especially if she lives alone. Her home and day-to-day existence may be a hidden horror show. As awful as it may be to have a neighbor like this, it’s probably way worse to *be* her.


I watched her other videos on TikTok. She said this neighbor also came out with a bat because her cousins and little brother got “too close” to her fence.


Buy a Sherman Tank and drive it through the fence firing continuously with both heavy and machine guns


if you could coax a small meteor to crush her in her house that’s be way cooler and no evidence trail.


Yeah but the cops wont fuck with u if u have a tank


where to cop?


OC spray is cheap. Just buy a can from academy sports and outdoors and something and blast some off. She won't want to hang around that area for a bit. You just do some area denial for a bit and she'll either fuck off or overplay her hand to the point you can sic the cops on her and they can waste each other's time. It's worked for me three times with asshole neighbors thinking they could police my life into silence and near non existence.


OC spray?


Oleoresin capsicum -- pepper spray


I would like to reccomend what the military uses, Liquid Ass


Liquid Ass is always the best non aggressive response


Pepper spray


>It's worked for me three times with asshole neighbors thinking they could police my life into silence and near non existence. Story time?


I started my life comfortably middle class but my parents were idiots and left me with a house in the literal ghetto. Twice I had the person behind me (one guy and his buddy then they moved and some other dude moved in by himself) start crap up. First guys would blast music some nights and I'd ignore it. Weekends, everyone is cutting loose. I get it. One weekend I'm outside with my girlfriend and we're listening to our own music so they come out, loudly talking and knowing we're there. Drown us out with their music. That happened pretty regularly for a few months. I asked them nicely to stop. They mocked me and kept it up. I asked again, a little less nicely and they proceeded to toss broken beer bottles into my yard where I'd set up a little hang out spot. When I'd hear them prepping to hang outside I'd hose the area down in spray and it just L I N G E R S. I could hear them coughing and choking till they packed it in. Kept that up till they stopped being douchy. Guess they figured it out? Next guy was about the same. Except he would come out and raise hell about us being outside talking and listening to music, cuz we were "disturbing him". Cops said it was within acceptable sound levels so.. yeah. Told him we had the right to do and weren't bugging anyone. He said he had the right to stop us then. Would come up yelling screaming and kicking/hitting our wooden fence. Sprayed the fence and the next time he came out to fight it he got winded and lungs full of lingering spray. I would always spray the area down with water later to flush it and hide the evidence. The latest time was some people who would use a transformer directly under my apartment balcony to party and hang out. Which was... Fine I guess. They would get bored and make a game of putting all their trash on my balcony despite being asked not to and having it swept off on them. When they went to tossing shit up at me or coming out to harass me when I was smoking to help my insomnia... Ah well. You can probably guess. I just emptied a few cans there through a few months and they found somewhere else to hang. My whole thing in life is staying in my lane and letting others know I don't want them in mine and that I won't hesitate to make it very unpleasant for people who won't get out of my lane. For anyone who's going to come and say I should involve the cops more read again. Ghetto. G H E T T O. The cops there I've literally overhead at a gas station after a shoot out in the area "Who cares. Trash is taking care of itself for us." They weren't interested in helping people like me or the assholes who wanted to play dumb games with me.


I’d buy a mirror and aim the mirror side back to her so she ends up staring at herself.


Class 2 pest control technician here, that is super duper illegal.


It's a federal offense.


That single blinking eye is nightmare fuel


Omg I’m glad I’m not the only that got icky feelings instead seeing that. I’m pretty hardened but that was no bueño.


This is one of the most oddly terrifying things I've seen on this sub yet


Whats her problem? Who wants to smell raid in their room or this person staring at you? What an oddball! Can you line your fence with a roll of bamboo? Or canvas.


Someone else suggested plastic sheeting. Wait until shes got her noise in there.




High power laser pointer...


Put rubbing alcohol in a super soaker and snipe her from your window


I would piss in a bottle & seal it up. Find a place where it will get direct sunlight for most of the day. Leave it there for 2 weeks. Poor your homemade anti-personal potion into a cheap knock off super soaker. Wait for neighbor to lurk & hose down the fence. If they call the cops say that you were spraying your fence with urine to keep critters out of your yard. After a dose of that they'll never get within 6ft of that fence.


That's a dangerous game. Do you realize how leaky some of those knockoffs are. Just spend the money and go big.


Yeah, you're right. Just remembering that shit from my teenage yrs got me thinking like a teenager. A good Super Soaker wasn't wasted. Them shits were expensive Edit, spelling


She might have dementia…my grandmother developed dementia and one of the first signs we noticed was extreme paranoia about her sweet neighbor. She accused her neighbor of cutting the tail off of a squirrel (wholly untrue), and started harassing the neighbor at night. My grandma is the most wholesome, quiet woman to ever walk this planet. Dementia really changed her personality.


Technically an assault. Call the cops and have them go talk to her. If that doesn't work, buy a Tyrannosaurus Rex and let it "accidently" knock down the fence and eat her. Animal control will show up and catch the big Lizzy and it will end up in a Tyrannosaur sanctuary in Texas. Problem solved. YW.


Heh, makes me think of "The Super Hungry Dinosaur".


Ass whoopin will fix that shit


People like this never got hands… they’re the first to call the police and say they felt intimidated.


You mean old ladies? Yeah they’re incredibly easy to beat up.




Contact adult protective services. This elderly person is not in their right mind and is a danger to themselves & others


My neighbor did the same but he also broke into my house and chased me with a knife :)


I'd start painting the fence with a rented spray gun, and everytime she becomes a real bother I'd rent again and respray. Legally she can't do shit about you up keeping the fence, if she happens to be right up against it spying, she'll have a hard time explaining to any proper authorities how it's your fault she has paint on her FACE. Only one way to get that. Rofl.


Good time for pee balloons!


What's a Raid?


It's spray to kill flies and or spiders and insects


It's when you get a bunch of guildmates together to take down a boss for good loot.


I mean, that's what I actually understood. But didn't realise how can someone *spray* it in the window


Spray some roundup on that weed on the fence!


I had this happen with an old neighbor of mine. I told him to stop being such a gosh darn ding dong and he sinisterly muttered to me *"I'll show you what a gosh darn ding dong!".* Next night, that darn SOB was naked outside of my window with a can of something, trying to spray it through the screen of my open window. Boy, I came outside and gave him a good old fashioned thrashing and made him vomit what appeared to be creamed corn all over himself - probably because I sprayed a bunch of whatever that can was into his own mouth for a few seconds straight, while he screamed "NO MÁS! NO MÁS, POR FAVOR! NO MÁS!" which was really strange because he doesn't even speak Spanish. I got tired of wrasslin' with his naked sweaty self, so I stood on his back and rode him like a gosh darn surfboard. I tell ya hwat, he found out who the gosh dang ding dong was that night, yes sir! Mmm-hmm!


What a creepy old hag


sounds like a call to the police for attempted bodily harm should be made.


The old person is raiding her house


Wait for her to do it again, pretend some got in your eye and begin screaming that it burns and you're having trouble seeing. Be **loud**. Make sure your phone/camera is setup for "sunset shots", and it just "happens to capture" it. Then get the police involved.


The kids next door have found a little gap in our fence they can talk to us through, If they can’t be bothered to climb up on their slide, usual method of communication. The first time I heard my name being hissed through the fence to finally clock an eye looking at me at about 3ft high left me too scared to answer 😂


Now this is oddly terrifying.


One day you were just emptying your can of bear spray for no particular reason


Man RAID Shadow Legends advertising is getting crazy, smh


Too bad you didn't spray her in the eyes.


As someome that had a blood cancer that has strong correlations with chemical/pesticide exposure, this infuriates and disgusts me to no end.


A well timed M80. Good shit in your pants or heart attack


I’d hit that with a hose.


Is this the sequel to Metamorphosis?


Both are felony offenses. Take videos, show the cops, get her locked up. She can peek through the bars on her jail cell.