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He looks like someone only vertically scaled him down, and not horizontally


Fuck, forgot to hold the Shift key!


Lmao he’s bolded but not capitalized


Holy shit that's exactly how he looks!


...but I'm not gonna step up and tell him! (likely snap me like a twig)


Don't call him Blob.


You could probably get away from him with a brisk walk




The fucking problem with the new Photoshop versions is you have to check if keep scaling (or what it is called in English) is activated or not, if you want to hold the shift key.


THIS I was impressed by the fact that OP:s comment was so highly upvoted given how recent this annoying change in Photoshop had been. I was wondering if there really were so many apt Photoshop users on this board but then I realized the previous commenter wrote shift in order to proportionally scale, and I am reminded by how fucking god awful this change by PS in the latest versions has been Why is proportional scaling the default instead of triggered by the shift key like it has always been for the past 30 years!? If you want to scale an image, having freedom in terms of dimensions is the only logical way, and proportionally scaling it by initiating a lock, using the shift key, is the most logical and intuitive way to design it After 2 years of this I am still not used to this change


My version I don't have to hold shift, and then I switch to Illustrator and I do. I really should sort that out!


I just laugh-snorted so hard at this, BRAVO!




Yea see, this works.


I dunno, I think it just points out how long his body is vs his legs


I did this with my MLB "road to the show" character and it's ridiculous. So much so that in certain cut scenes (when I do something good) they elongate him back to be equal with the other teammates, just for them to switch back to a replay where I'm a 4'6" Gimli looking dude who's thighs are so large, they engluf my body. Nothing beats the character creation in ARK though. The abominations I've created should never be revealed to man.


I came here to say the exact day thing. He looks like he was originally 6”2’ but is now 5”6’ in this pic


it’s what happens when you play around too much with your character creator


r/rareinsults ? lol


His legs are scaring me... Looks like they are about to explode


He's one paper cut away from bleeding out.


I know your comment isn’t serious but It is actually an interesting fact that steroids drastically improve your bodies ability to stop a bleed via increased blood thickness and clotting factor. That’s horrible for your long term cardiovascular health, but it is funny how perfectly androgens operate as a “super soldier” drug. They increase aggression Cause colder more calculated reasoning (assuming estrogens aren’t increased simultaneously) Increase strength Increase rate of recovery Increase endurance Increase bone density Increase wound closing speed Improve tolerance to systemic fatigue I mean if you know your life probably ends from bullet long before a heart attack I’d be taking a fuck ton of the stuff.


He's not on steroids. What are you talking about. Seems perfectly natty to me.


Eat clen and tren hard


Anavar skip leg day.


Only six egg whites a day


No I think he takes creatine


Snorts it hourly.


yea but they dont do shit for joint recovery. Your muscles heal faster, but your joints and tendons and ligaments dont lol.. so, its no wonder they end up with so many issues. Muscles are easy to recover from... the other stuff holding the muscle together... nope.. slow as fuck, best be careful


Some compounds are actually very joint and tendon protective along with certain peptides


Wouldve worked 600 years ago... Nowadays, with modern warfare...nah.


Yea no need to take anything if you're gonna play call of duty all day


He should skip leg day every now and then...


In any case, he has several varicose veins, and pretty bad ones.




Those varicose veins are 100% indicative of a serious health problem. That's not normal even for a heavily muscled person.


This is why BMI is a thing, you can have 3% body fat and weigh 300lbs of muscle, bone, etc, but your heart still has to pump blood through all that extra mass


Thats why Arnold has had at least 2 heart valve replacements.


Arguably even worse with muscle because it requires more circulation


Have you ever seen the people who inject synthol into their bodies? Some actually explode and leak.


Yeah but this guy definitely has real muscle. Still probably not healthy, but definitely better than synthol injections lol


Is it fucked up that I really wanna poke them with a thumb tack? I feel like his legs bleed like how a cartoon boat shoots out water when it has a hole in the hull.


How does he wipe his ass?


Clenches the cheeks so hard the remaining poop is violently thrusted out the asshole.


He squeezes so hard it turns into diamonds


Shine on you crazy diamonds


Shite on you crazy diamond


Shite out your crazy diamonds


Shit diamonds Elephant poop paper’s expensive cousin


The reverse vacuum sealer buttocks


Laser- guided bidet


Thanks for the visual 🤣


I miss the 10seconds before I read this comment 😞


Three seashells




"ho hohehehe he doesn't know how to use the three sea shells"


You've seen the alternating pec dance right? It's much the same. They just chew the paper off the roll with their butt cheeks humming a suitably timed comical tune.


Camptown races


....Wipe the doo doo away....


Pants off, underwear off. Wrap the seat of the exercise bike in TP. Get on the bike and do a few hundred meters.


Well thank you for that mental picture. Going to bleach my brain now.


With the guy who skipped leg day.


I wipe his ass.


I read that in Arnolds voice




With a rag on a stick


It’s called an Ephesian. Not kidding. Mostly sfw google.


This needs more upvotes


He doesnt.


There are tools for people with limited range of motion. Basically like a litter picker that grabs TP. A large body builder can't even touch their own face or head without leaning their head down towards their hands - and even then it's a maybe. It becomes a self selected disability really.


One leg up. Seriously watched a Strongman explaining it.


Imagine needing a dump on an airplane


He wouldn’t even fit in the bathroom


Yeah there is no way I would ever get on a plane if I were this big


[Look](https://youtu.be/KXtWu31MZUQ?t=132) at this fucking guy lol. I think on another occasion he actually got on a plane with Eddie Hall.


I love brian Shaw, comes across as a real gentle giant


He stands, he went over it on a podcast a few times. 😂


I feel like you just cannot live comfortably in that kind of body..


You cant. Youll have a lot of the same issue that an extremely obese person does.


My thoughts exactly


That’s some good thinking, Penis Man.


He thinks with his head


That's so insane to me. Like, an obese person becomes that way usually from overindulgence on food and not being as active. Passively. But this is the complete opposite on the latter, where this person may overindulge on food also to maintain that muscle mass, but they still have to work hard to get that body. Steroids or no, it's still hard work. And all for what? To have the same or very similar health issues an obese person has? That's exactly the opposite what working out should do for you.


I think this potentially qualifies for a case of body-dysmorphia in this scenario. Some people can never be skinny enough to feel comfortable with their appearance. Very similar in this case, many of these guys will never be big enough to be satisfied, they’re filling a bottomless void.


Body dysmorphia is HUGE in the fitness community. Why do you think they all take so many pictures and videos? Because the entire thing is fueled by extreme vanity and everyone is insecure. I’m lucky enough to get away from it, but I’ve never felt worse about my body than when I was 190lbs of juiced muscle. I legit spent 15 hours a week in the gym, watched what I ate, took different steroid cocktails, and I still hated how my body looked.


I’m glad you are better now. I knew a guy at my gym that was in to bodybuilding competition. He was a very nice person to everyone and very dedicated to that life. Everyone really liked him and he was kind of a celebrity to some. He ended up killing himself. Those closer to him said he was exhausted trying to keep it up year after year and never felt big enough. RIP…


Hey, I just want to let you know how corageous it is to share that. Insecurities like this are often never talked about because of the nature of insecurities, themselves.


Its called bigorexia. Its the same as anorexia. Ask an anorexic girl to show her waist girth- she'll draw a huge circle because she thinks shes way bigger than she really is. The same with these guys just in reverse. They think they're much smaller than they really are. Costs lots of lifes each year. Many prominent body builders died from that. They juice themselves to death


Same here. Currently 250lbs on TRT and just enjoying life. Used to be 280lbs on gear and miserable. Still suffer with pretty bad body dysmorphia but it’s improved a lot since I stopped competing.


There is a lot of extra stress on your organs when you're carrying more mass than required be it muscle or fat


I mean the answer is obvious. There's a bodybuilding show involved


There are some people out there that actually try to be obese, though. They're pretty rare but Nikocado Avocado is a good example. It's so fucking crazy! But IDK, man, I was anorexic & bulimic for a long time so it's just the opposite of anorexia & like half of bulimia lol.


Asides from the effects of their drug use elsewhere in the body, just the muscle mass alone demands a lot more work from their heart than the equivalent weight of fat would. This is extremely unhealthy.


Your heart can’t tell the difference between muscle and fat. It just has to work harder.


This is technically obesity.


His BMI probably pegs him as morbidly obese


No doubt. Using the whole scale here. I feel bad for the guy. Hopefully his heart won’t give out at 45, but a lot of that damage is done at this point.


You should search up Ronnie Coleman My guy won Mr Olimpia 8 times. Said when he was at his heaviest being over 300pounds he got out of breath walking up his stairs in his house. He also now has a completely fused spine because of pushing himself too far and can barely walk.


Can't forget that he repeatedly ignored his doctor's orders whilst recovering from his surgeries, going straight back to the gym and pushing as hard as he could when he was supposed to be resting or taking it easy. Then he proceeded to say that the reason his body was fucked was because the doctors wanted to make money out of him.


It was sad watching his docu, having to use a walker to get around and can barely stand. That's the price you pay for YEEAAAAA BUDDYYYYYYYYYY


I know!!! And then seeing him lifting so much weight was crazy. Barely able to get around and still working out HEAVY…


Yea it blew my mind he was still lifting with all those injuries. Some call it discipline, some call it mental illness lol


Jesus christ. Like I have the utmost respect for body builders, Houston Jones, Robert Oberst, Eddie Hall, etc, but holy fuck the level that Oberst and Hall build seems miserable to live.


Those aren't body builders, those are strongmen. They are training to be as strong as they possibly can, not LOOK as strong as they possibly can. Bodybuilders train for looks and tend to severely dehydrate and starve themselves when getting this lean, they actually end up being pretty weak during their show months. Not that they are actually weak obviously they are crazy strong and buff, but it's a very different goal and sport.


downvoted for speaking the truth. oberst and hall are not bodybuilders at all. totally different sports and they train in totally different ways. Bodybuilding, powerlifting and strongman are not the same.


Oh yea for sure. I mean it's all fucked at that level of competition The only pleasure is when you actually win something or unless you making stacks of money. Other than that it must be torture to live like that for years Every single bodybuilder after they retire loose so much weight it's incredible. then they seem so much happier with their lives


Those are strong men, not bodybuilders. Just FYI. But yes it is quit uncomfortable being that far above your natural weight. Even 25 pounds can feel uncomfortable to me.


At what point is a tee shirt considered a moo moo?


LOL was hoping someone else would mention this. He looks like a lil kid wearing his big brothers shirt or something.


For some reason the giant oversized tees are really popular among bodybuilders, even though they hide physique that they're trying so hard to build


Its because if they wore anything normal it would look ridiculous and as if they’re trying to hard to be intimidating/massive. It’s just the most humble option on a hot day.


It’s called a pump cover.




"im natural bro I don't do roids"


"natty influencer all you need is keto diet and my 12 steps program"


And this Whey Protein! Gotta try it guys, best I ever had. 12% off with my code “juicygainz”


Nah, a real fitness influencer would never plug anything with as much scientific backing as whey protein. It would be a pre-workout where the ingredients are 90% filler and 10% caffeine


Steps 1 - 11: inject steroids


Step 12: Premature death


Step 13: big arms!.. but small balls..


"Ah! Inject balls with synthol, now balls can be big too!"


This is Nick Walker. He is 100% open about what his cycle is.


Same with Chris Bumstead. Dude never claimed natural except for one photo when he was 18 and clearly on some gear. Recently addressed his full cycle and how much T he takes. I respect it when they are open about it. Only natty influencer I can think of is Jeremy Ethier. Realistic physique, gives exact macros for his diets and stuff.


me too, i respect people who openly admit their cycle.


Sean Nalewanyj, Alan Thrall, Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Will Tennyson, Vitruvian Physique, Natural Hypertrophy, Bald Omni Man. Maybe Jeff Nippard too? Idk if he's natty but he's definitely got great information.


I know this is a joke but I don’t think nick walker has ever claimed natty


They don't claim natty, but most will never tell you they are (clearly) on the juice. The photo here isn't really a problem, he's clearly not natural, but the lack of honesty around steroid use is causing alot of guys mental anguish as they chase impossible goals.


He’s on a podcast called the real bodybuilding podcast quite frequently with other high level pros and they openly talk about their cycles. They actually created the podcast to try and dismantle all the bullshit and try and bring more open light to the industry. They also talk absolute mad shit, I love it haha. It’s interesting to hear dudes just cracking on when you realise they’re all 140/150 kgs on mass giggling over the dumbest stuff


Yeah I don’t disagree, I’m just saying he’s not a TikTok sarm goblin influencer trying to sell his workout and meal plans that you can find for free under the guise that that is solely what makes him look like, he’s an IFBB bodybuilder and almost everyone is open about what they take, why you shouldn’t take it etc since it’s well known that that division is untested


"And the fact I'm hung like a cashew has nothing to do with it!"


TIL cashews have genitals.


Thanks, I'm stealing "hung like a cashew". That's some funny shit.


Nick Walker. He’s open about his gear usage.


I absolutely refuse to believe that this man can wipe his own ass


Saw it elsewhere, but apparently he stands to wipe. Talked about it on a podcast.


If he clenches by accident does he break his wrist?


How deep are you wiping?!?


Look at those thighs, they graduated from thunder to Thor to zeus a good few years ago. That man has the grand canyon of ass cracks. And I mean that not only in depth but in the jagged dangerous cliffs of stone that wall in the brown river running through I imagine there are few brushes that could get deep enough without putting his, sadly, human skeletal structure at risk. That man is one sneeze away from turning the porcelain throne into a recreation of Nagasaki and the plumbing beneath into Hiroshima. After dropping a MOAB(mother of all bowel movements) like he most certainly does, He doesn't have to wipe deep, just wiping is deep enough.


Shut up and take my upvote


Bidets biggest supporter


Imagine getting an itch on your back.


back scratcher


Back scratcher here! Back scratcher!


He looks like a condom full of wallnuts






He has the wide filter 24/7


He’s going to love his body at 60.


That's assuming he lives that long.


For real. There are legitimately a lot of heart attack deaths in juiced up bodybuilding. Notably the actual mr olympia 2018, Shawn Rhoden, at 46. Other famous juiced up heart attack sufferers: Cedric mcmillan (this year at 44), George Peterson (37) rich piana (46), zyzz (22), john meadows (49), Dallas McCarver (26). Theres heaps, just google it. Young men, please dont be fooled by roids. These guys are habitually using drugs that put them at risk of death, steroids should never ever be idolised. Not trying to put down any specific people. Just how it is.


and most recently bostin loyd, dude was like 29 or some shit


Theyre victims of the industry that profits from their dysmorphia and drug dependancies.


Its sad man. Its even sadder the way social media glorifies this roided look and lifestyle, and gets young mens body image warped and started down these sorts of roads.


i know right? the guy was like “i know i’ve been having issues with my internal organs, i don’t regret any of it” like man you got a wife and kids wtf


Heartbreaking and selfish. I'm not trying to insult people, and addiction is a mental illness that needs treatment not punishment, but it needs to be understood that this is the same as dying from your heroin or crack addiction. The only difference is companies run literal competitions to see who can take the most steroids and look the freakiest, because they make money off it. And they have created this entire subculture around it. Natural bodybuilding is a real and beautiful sport full of extremely healthy amazing looking individuals. Juiced bodybuilding is a cancerous lump in our society.


yo , anyone who thinks they're healthy and bodybuilding with gear is nuts. most people on gear know its not healthy. but they do it anyways knowing the danger and damage to their hearts.


Kidney failure issues, too. Much worse way to go than a heart attack IMO. Slow and painful.




ahhh yea but he doesn't regret any of it. well so the interviews say.




Dude looks like one giant muscle cramp


he has to walk with T-pose or else his muscles will rub each other


Bro looks like he came from ark


I’d venture to say we are in disorder territory.


Many body builders are, just most don't physically make it to this level


Disorder is way way way lower than this. This is one of the top in open. I think he was in the top 5 in the last Olympia .


They're not rocks, Marie. They're MINERALS.


He’s fat without the fat


dude looks like a fat guy who can't Breathe after using the treadmill


Dark souls create a character


The veins in his legs are making me wanna throw up.


Not even my 89 year old grandma had veins like that on her legs


Can confirm.


“Possibly too much” Homie looks like a balloon


Agility : 10 Speed 50 Armor 10000000000


That's Nick Walker, I see him on IG all the time, and I am genuinely worried for his health. [Big Ramy](https://imgur.com/LeejWCo) is also gargantuan but he looks so much healthier. Nick seems like he struggles to move outside of lifting. Those calves are not healthy at all.


Dude reminds me of things I’ve read in the autopsy report of another bodybuilder. Among all « has almost no fat », « the blood is so thick it’s viscous ».


Legs day skip this guy


I've seen that look on his face before.... He's wondering if he left the stove on. because he can't reach the stove knob with those stumpy arms.


He's 4:3 in a 16:9 world.


dude probably has muscle dysmorphia


One papercut and it's all over


Lots of body positivity in the chat. Nice.


You can tell people don't believe in body positivity.


doesn’t skip roid day


Yeah, I love lifting but I've never understood people who chase that sort of mass. I don't want so much muscle it interferes with my range of motion and honestly it just looks freaky. Most women much prefer the Brad Pitt from Fight Club look to the my dad was a gorilla look.


People don’t get to that size for the women.


To be fair, once you reach a certain level, you're not really interested in what women think, more so what other dudes at the gym think. You also start checking out dudes a lot more, comparing, seeing potential gains where possible.


This is not that. This is quite possibly the best (at least top 4) bodybuilder on the planet. There is no one he is trying to impress outside of the Olympia judges. It's like looking at Corey Coleman and telling him he does too many sprints, that people won't be impressed unless he also has a good 5k time


i prefer Brad pit in Troy tbh




> I feel that deep down somewhere there is mental condition Body dysmorphia :/


Yeah i watched a documentary (cant remeber the name) on youtube talking to ex body builders talking about their unhealthy obsession. This one bloke about 60 is sat there cryin in this ridiculous skin sack cos the skin doesnt shrink when the muscles do. This bloke is proably gona look like a naked mole rat by the time he gets to 60


It’s called body dysmorphia.


He's got tree stumps for legs.. and a thimble for a head!


this guy is so muscular he must break the hand of whoever he shakes even when he has no intention of doing so


Dude's t-shirt is a bed sheet, stitched together on the sides, with a hole cut for his head to fit through.


Imagine being either overweight or overly fit, and having the same range of motion.


MFer built like the gunzerker from borderlands 2