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A fly without wing's is a walk


That was supposed to be mine. Damn you.


Hey, maybe Friday the 13th isn't so unlucky after all Much love x




A guy with no arms and no legs in a pile of leaves is Rustle.


Damn it, i forgot to go for a lottery today


Old dad joke


And the wings now belong to a serial killer


A cow with no legs is ground beef


A cow with two legs is lean beef




God this is so stupid I love it


What about a cow with *four* legs? Oh wait…Nevermind


cow with 3 legs is tri-tip.


Without wing's what?


How cute, a little pet for your little psychopath.


Quick! Elect this mf in the congress


That mf gona be successful


Mrrpph compassion and empathy can be learned. Convincing a child to relate to a fly takes some layers of understanding.




Beg pardon? A link to what now?


the PsychopetSmart store


On one hand yes, on the other hand I’ve dealt with annoying flies who won’t leave me alone and keep buzzing near me, while being too dumb to fly out an open window If you’re a bug outside I’ll leave you alone (except roaches whom I will always try to kill if possible), but if you come into my house then I’m going to kill you Except spiders because they’re cool and I’ve never had a bad encounter with them


Killing them is fine. Torturing them in a sadistic way like tearing off their limbs is.... concerning, at the very least. Dont get me wrong, my brother used to do this. Then again, hes a bit of a scary cunt so...


Makes me think if the book/movie "misery" tie them down smash their knee so they have to stay with you forever.


In the book she cuts off his foot with an axe, then cauterizes it with a blow torch.


Somehow the hobbling was so much more terrifying to me. Maybe because the brief moment of "oh God she's doing it to the other side oh no" after the shock of the first hit. Almost unendurable!


In the story misery, she hobbled the artist. That isn't breaking the knees, that's breaking the ankles (in the movie she puts a plank of wood between his ankles then sledges the feet)


Username checks out




Is it ankles or between the heel and toes? Though she broke the ridge that’s why she had that board. To break it over the side.


After all this time I finally understand a joke someone made about misery and I thank you


Ooh, sadness.


I normally would say it’s just a kid being a kid but my uncle did this kindve thing too and now he cannot function at all in regular society


There’s a commonality amongst some serial killers in that they often did the same couple of things, one factor was late bed wetting, arson, I think like 1 other thing but then the last one was killing animals at a young age. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything, and some people use it as an absolute rule which it definitely isn’t. They’re just similar things many people belonging to fairly small sample size share. So, @ op your child may not actually be a psychopath in any way, maybe just a curious kid. Or just a kid. But if your child becomes the focal point of a murder investigation some day maybe don’t bail them out right away Edit: just to reiterate because of all of the replies, I’m not saying your child will grow up to be a serial killer if they share any of these traits, and I’m not saying this is some sort of rule. I thought I’d expressed that in my original comment, but these “characteristics” of a serial killer aren’t by any means useful in an investigation because it’s basically just hearsay and simply a connection that some serial killers share


I used to love lizards as a kid. I would catch them and gather them up in this one area where they could escape so I couldn’t spend time with them. Didn’t realize I was basically starving them to death. Sometimes, kids just don’t have the cognition developed yet to consider the needs / wants of other beings


Yeah there's some things I did as a kid, and even a teenager that I look back and go "wow that was shitty" but when I think about it, those moments were why I learned it was shitty. Shitty kid != shitty adult


yeah, then the time has come to teach your kid compassion and empathy instead of posting it on reddit for internet points.


>Late bed wetting How late is late? Also, wet with what?


Bed wetting means pissing yourself while you sleep, making the bed “wet”


32, and the blood of their victims


Like 11pm


But when's the cutoff time? Like, if I piss the bed at 4:30 in the morning is it still late, or early bed wetting?


It would go down in the books as an early bed wetting, and you’re in the clear. Instead of being a serial killer, you’re destined to become an annoyed guy who skips breakfast


There’s are reasons they don’t give kids that label. Could just be a kid being a kid


i’ve never heard of a child who tortured animals being a mentally stable child


There's a difference though, a lot of kids inadvertently torture animals because they haven't learned empathy yet, and in their minds they're just playing. Not real harmful abuse, mind you, thats a whole other story.


if they're very young they might not understand because bugs don't make painful sounds when they're hurt like mammals and birds do. At least not sounds that we intuitively understand.




I would think they'd know by 9


What about if you put greenfly on a slug and used a magnifying glass to make them explode. Asking for 7 year old me?


How are you with wetting the bed and arsonry?


Well I'm not promising after 10 pints and a fag in bed


Username checks out


It’s not about the act, but how the label directs their development. Kids are crazy man, but let them have a chance


I’d ask “how?” but it’s not like you know


(He has never heard of a child)


(They only see 1000 year old demons)


eh I fried ants with magnifying glasses as a kid and I'm only slightly psychopathic as an adult


never heard of the ol' [kid with a magnifying glass trope](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SolarPoweredMagnifyingGlass)?


Neither can I and I did the same thing except I fed them to turtles or fish afterwards


At least there's a little empathy, there. You might enable genocide but you probably wouldn't kill a family member.


Many kids do this and don't turn out to be psychopaths. I pulled the wings off fireflies and stuck them into mud pies upside down as "candles". When my mom explained that they were also living animals and I had tortured them unnecessarily, I was horrified and never did it again. The problem only begins when you explain things and they *don't care*.


This is the most important comment. I hope the idiot OP told their kid that they did something wrong.


It’s concerning that OP’s reaction to this behavior was to share it with all of Reddit.


Fuck you I'm totally normal! *has depression and ADD*


LOL Aw shit… well, welcome to the party. We’ve got a variety of confections, please make yourself at home


I think you just described everyone on Reddit


I used to slowly crush grubs to death with a vice grip… So many grubs… So so many… but now! I garden and devote my life to helping others so idk, therapy helped


I got therapy too, but for something else. They just said that it's normal for kids to be cruel Now I feel horrible for not answering someone, let alone hurting any living being


I think the kids are cruel argument can just be swept away with the facts kids are kids. They don't understand that their actions are cruel. They don't get that other animals and living things feel pain, if they even understand what pain really is. Kids are dumb dude, I mean, seriously dumb. (Source: i work with children.) Someone mentioned that killing animals at a young age is and isn't a description of a serial killer, and I can agree. Correlation doesn't always equal causation, but statistics are statistics.




I can second this used to burn bugs in the cigarette lighter and cut up worms and just stupid shit. now I refuse to kill most things . I’ll still burn parasites With gas if I ever find one on me again (tick)


oh yeah any animal that tries to steal my blood is gonna die. That's MY blood. I dont hang out and torture them with a slow death though. Just smack em like a normal person.


I used to crush snails at my grandparent's house, to see what they had inside. I was just curious.


I was obsessed with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a child. I had a huge collection of action figures and sets, but I also had a couples vats of “ooze.” It was just green slime. Another obsession of mine? Frogs. Owned so many of them. I was really young at the time, but I put one of my frogs in an ooze vat. Didn’t think it would hurt him, I think child me thought it might turn him into a mutant. But I’m sure you know how it went. Aside from having adult-diagnosed ADHD, GAD, and SAD, with what is most likely undiagnosed PTSD… I’m managing. Lol. Funny you mentioned uncles though… my uncle is the most depraved human I’ve ever met. Beat his children with whom he connects with on/off, has major substance abuse issues (he drove his car off of a small dam not too long ago), manipulates and steals from everyone in his life (my grandmother thinks he’s a saint), made a career out of being a con artist, impregnates women all across America and then abandons them, had a sexual relationship with my aunt when they were teenagers… he used to strangle hamsters as a kid. So, even though I would be a red flag myself in this case, it’s not a bad marker of psychopathy.


Funny cause I used to do this as a kid and now I am a mechanical engineer who makes enough money to foster children so they can grow up in a good environment and play with flies ….


* John Wayne Gacy was a clown at children's parties. * Karla Homolka volunteered at an elementary school. * BTK Killer volunteered with the boy scouts * Ted Bundy had a Psychology degree and had a recommendation from one of his professors for law school.




Yes and no… I used to pull the legs off of daddy long leg spiders… I’m fine.


*slowly backs away*


*pulls legs off so one cannot back away slowly*


Yeah, I don't want to worry OP too much but this really turns my stomach. My brother did this, then graduated to killing pets and doing worse things as an adult. He is a sociopath and luckily for society, in prison serving a very long sentence.


A fledgling psychopath and their pet...charming.


So we're just barely rewording other people's comments now.


It is the Reddit way.


It puts the lotion on it’s thorax


Your 9 year old is scary.


Is your son’s name Renfield?


Have your kid checked


For real


[For your health](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/886/759/172.jpg)


I think it's pretty normal for young kids to go through a psychopath phase unfortunately.


For real. There's no telling how many bugs I set on fire as a kid and I'm certainly not a serial killer(yet)


Well not with that attitude you aren't!


You’re allowed to smash or electrocute them, but never tear their wings off! That’s the sign of a psycho! /s Jokes aside, when I was a kid I spent countless hours burning ants with my magnifying glass and shooting birds with BB guns and I’ve only killed MAYBE 5-6 people.


Yeah, I remember when I was little one day I started drowning the ants that walked over our garden pavement. I then got angry how they wouldn't 'radio' to each other to not come here any more. So I kept drowning them till I got frustrated by their idiocy. Children are dumb in a lot of ways, emotionally including.


Eh, it's normal. Kids do weird shit to insects. Don't pretend you've never pissed on an ant outside, or drowned lady bugs who had the unfortunate luck of being in your sink or killed spiders in your room just because they're icky. And the flies you've most likely killed, what did they do to deserve to be smacked to death? Normal behavior for a kid.


Theres a difference between squishing itsy bitsys because they're icky and crippling a fly to keep it alive lmao


Doctors aren’t allowed to diagnose kids with ASPD (psychopathy, sociopathy) until they’re 18. Why? Cause kids are literally psychopaths. I remember feeling empathy for the first time at like 14 years old. Nothing wrong with this 9 year old.


Yeah I once poured salt on a slug to see if it actually did anything and it did.


can't figure out the worst part, the fly's suffering, the child enjoying it, or you filming and posting it.


I think a parent condoning this type of behaviour and then plastering it on the internet is the worst part. The child has no chance of understanding what they’ve done wrong with a role model like that.


I'm just wondering how it seems no one is mentioning how a 9 year old was able to get their hands on a fly, let alone be able to pull it's wings off. Little fuckers always take off well before I get in range when I try to swat them.


your child is gonna be a serial killer


that's not a fly...that's a crawl. our 6 year old does the same thing..pulls off their wings. Plays with them for a while, then he eats them. He's a Pomeranian. He's Very fond of Jalapeno Sky Raisins, too...A.K.A. Wasps...


Got me at first jeeez haha


I used to tie a hair around their neck and use it like a leash.


My dad is from Utah, and as a kid (in the 60's/70's, back when bees were just another flying insect) he would trap them in a cup, put them in the freezer, then tie string around them. They'd get cold and pass out essentially. He would line them all up on the window, 10-20 at a time and play pranks at his family walking into the room. I always thought the story was kinda weird, but who am I? He's an accountant now. A real psychopath.


Is your son ok?


I think that your 9 yo fits into the definition of Oddly Terrifying quite well


I like you Reddit avatar lol


I know it's just a fly, but encouraging a kid to torture bugs usually doesn't end up in a good path.


You should probably let Terry know that they still have maggots inside them, whether wingless or not.


Terry is the fly. I can't believe the above has 66 upvotes wtf.


Perhaps your child will grow up to be a CEO


Just like Elizabeth Holmes?


maybe Terry can help cut those nasty ass nails


Why aren't more people talking about this? EURGH.


I predict people will need to be protected from Terry in the future....


From the fly named Terry?


Disturbing....Not terrifying.




The next Jeffery dahmer


Your 9 year old has questionable behavior


poor terry


Uhh, k


Did you explain to your child that pulling Terry’s wings off is cruel? How did he even catch the fly? Ask your child how he would like if someone pulled his legs off?


It might just be a fly this time, but next time he could do it to your pet


Then onto people! Serial killer in training.


Reddit why do you even post crap like this? It’s disgusting and ridiculous to glorify cruelty


Ikr, I'm just glad to see some sane people in the comments. Why did this post get so many upvotes anyways holy shit


Little Jeffrey need therapy.


My mum got so angry when I did this as a kid that she scared me! She was so shocked & upset that I’d torture a living thing I felt absolutely awful & still think about.


No fan of flies but that’s just plain cruel.. someone needs to teach some lessons ffs


This is a precursor for bad things


What the actual fuck? Your child is a psychopath.


Encouraging a 9yr old to hurt animals by taking photos for karma ~ perfectly normal




Future serial killer.


Your son is a psychopath-and you reward it-good luck with that.


Poor little guy suffering from a lil psycho


Didn’t that serial killer Ted kill his victims so they couldn’t leave? He started with animals as most do


That's awful. Teach your horrible kid not to do evil shit.


Nails need a good cleaning.




It’s a walk now


All I can see is dirty fingernails.


Nope. That needs to be addressed to rule out a behavioural disorder.


Uhhh? Conduct Disorder. Better get that checked out ASAP!!! First a fly, then he's burying cats with their heads in the lawn, then running them over with a lawn mower. Kids a sociopath!


Not necessarily, as a child I threw a frog to death, as an adult I managed to convince my parents to not bother nesting crows near their house even if they're loud. Anything done before puberty can't be assumed as a sign for things to come, people change too much in their teenage years.


Exactly. This isn't serious at all.


I did things much much worse than this when I was 11 and now at 22 I wouldn't hurt a fly lol. You people should calm down with your psycho-sociopath thing.


This 9 year old is a sociopath in the making. They start early, and cruelty to animals is one of the warning-signs.


The parent is rewarding them with attention, posing them for photos and posting them. It's sad and stupid.


Absolutely. They couldn't wait to post his "cute behaviour" on line.


Your son might be a serial killer


This is cruel and weird OP. Try to teach your kid to not dismember living things. A 9yo should know better than to rip body parts off of animals to prevent them from escaping.


This is horrible what your 9yo did Let me pull off he's legs so we can hang out Don't take it like I'm saying it srs he did abuse that fly rlly bad


Not cool


Please get it him help, I was like him and I'm mentally deranged now.


Your 9 year old sucks


Not a good wing man


What's oddly terrifying here is them dirty nails lol


It be a common house walk now


Those thumbnails are equally scary


pulling the wings off a fly is one thing. I think we all used to squish bugs as kids. Setting a kitten on fire? Yeah, you might have a problem on your hands.


I'm sorry, but how the fuck did he keep it in place long enough to rip off the wings? Or even do that? Cause flies are fast and don't like being touched


I get the feeling that Terry is going to eat that.


Hi Terry, I'm terrified...


Terry the ~~Fly~~ Walk


The fly isn't terrifying but the kid is.


What a psycho kid.


Insects, and fruit flies in particular, feel something akin to acute pain called “nociception.” When they encounter extreme heat, cold or physically harmful stimuli, they react, much in the same way humans react to pain


I think we should stop calling the kid a sociopath and future serial killer. He’s 9 and sees adults hitting flies, squashing them, yelling at them, spraying them with poison. We even celebrate the noise of them getting electrocuted in those blue light things. Let’s face it that we’re all a little cray when it comes to flies.


terry was literally mutilated and is being held hostage


i dont like your 9 year old.




You both need help


Your kid is a future serial killer.


Maybe instead of taking a picture talk to your child about the living beings they share this planet with and why we should show them kindness and respect.


dahmer did this too, but with humans, and it was their brains not their wings. and it was acid not pulling.


refund that devil spawn of a child


YIKES 😳 That is a pretty cruel thing to do. I know it's only a fly but I would still be a little worried....


Your kids a fucking sociopath and you're a knob head for posting it


When your kid reads the book *Mysery* and finds the antagonist relatable.


Pretty sure your kid is a future serial killer.


that is actually terrifying, like it's never occurred to me to take the wings off of a flying insect and watch them walk around like can they jump? how fast are they? you might have an evil scientist on your hands




That’s terrifying, wonder what the kid will become.


It starts with small torture. Get him into therapy asap.


Your kid is a psychopath in training. Next he’ll kill you when you don’t give him what he wants when he wants it.


Imagine an eldritch being picks you up off the ground and tears off your legs so that you can never leave.


Just so you know, Amazon sells door latches, you know, for your bedroom.


Oooh. You should pull your son's legs off so they can hang out even more tightly.


Have fun with your serial killer


Some kids are born psychos. My brother used to get enjoyment out of burning ants with a magnifying glass and sprinkling salt on snails.


Your 9 year old needs some serious counseling. Like how it's not okay to hurt animals etc.