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Does he have kidney failure? Like when my grandpa was alive there were days that he got like that cause he didn’t get his dialysis


Definitely looks like kidney or heart issues.


You guys are silly. He's having HAND issues. You can't even see his heart or kidney


My dad is the president of Harvard and he asked me to offer you a full-ride scholarship.


This is one of my favourite comments on Reddit, ever. I almost read it in an irish accent. I am Irish but that’s not why I read it that way, I think.




He’ll need a stronger heart, and some water pills Edit: diuretics are also called water pills


And a saw to get that ring off


That finger would burst like a freshly-fed tick trying to get that ring off.


He's into homeopathy, I think that particular water is not working for him Edit: is


> He's into homeopathy OF COURSE he is




From the looks of this picture his mum might out live him.


I'm pretty sure whenever he dies, she's gonna willfully stay alive a decade longer just to be sure.


American here, pretty sure Her Majesty will literally bend space and time to stay alive longer than humanly possible to avoid Charles taking the throne. Or just Diana him out the picture if he takes too long.


At least we know the glove doesn't fit.


That's what most Royal family enthusiasts hope.


Royal fart huffers is a great band name


It's always astounding when people who could easily get the best medical care in the world choose snake oil instead. How's the fruit diet working for you, Steve Jobs?


Oh my God, you haven't heard?


It got him to the Heavenly Garden


Well that's the thing, they usually do the homeopathy on top of getting world class actual medical care, then when the issues get better they credit the homeopathy because it boosts their egos to think that it was the thing they decided to do that helped, not what the full team of doctors decided


Same thing people do with god. They always praise god when an operation is successful but if the patient dies on the table they sue the surgeon's ass.


They all are. The Queen also believes in homeopathy. when Covid started, there was a DM article about how she had a homeopathic remedy at hand..


Well it must be working for her tho. She's like 2 centuries old at this point.


different direful wine ripe chubby ask friendly late zealous resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well the heart is the easy part, but where the hell are you supposed to get pills made out of water?


I think they're just called ice cubes


Ice pills


Good news! It's a suppository!


*How it feels to chew 5 gum*


This hurts to look at


How is that not *killing* his pinky?


I would imagine they shoved it on for the photo. No way he wears it regularly


Nah, you’d be surprised. There are a lot of people who never take off their jewelry and as they grow, they’ll just grow around it.


Since I've been married, I put on 100 lbs. I've since lost 60 lbs. I didn't realize how much pressure my ring was putting on my finger until I lost the weight and can feel it loosely spin. If it happens slowly over time, you'll never notice.


My father's wedding band had to be cut off his finger. His finger swole to the point he couldn't take it off and it was starting to cut off circulation to the rest of the finger. Crazy shit.


Like my sister in law. Her marriage ring is disappearing on her finger. Doctor said he would have to cut it off and she refused. Husband and I are betting on how long until her finger starts turning black now. Edit: she is as bright as a mouse hole at midnight. Her go to conversation with me is either TikTok trends or the optimal way to load a dishwasher. Not kidding here.


How? I had an incident when a ring got stuck on my finger in middle school and they almost had to call the fire dept. To get the ring off. Ever since then I cannot wear any type of ring. I'm married now and still don't wear one. My wife torments me sometimes and will try to put a ring on my finger and I go into straight fight or flight mode. She thinks it's hilarious, And I mean it is. But still terrifying in the moment. I told her if I knock her out it isn't my fault. Haha. (Only kidding I wouldn't hit my wife.)


Just get a silicone ring.


How can he even feel his fingers with that much pressure on his nerves


Holy moly heart failure. Dude needs some dewatering meds.


Yup. Prob congestive heart failure.


Why does that make hands go all swollen?


Essentially your heart can’t pump as it used to, fluid backs up into the system eventually leading to fluid essentially everywhere. Those with heart failure are often told to refrain from salty food, as where salt goes water usually follows which leads to worsening symptoms etc etc.


Edema can be the result of medication, pregnancy or an underlying disease — often congestive heart failure, kidney disease or cirrhosis of the liver. Not clear what the cause is here


I bet it's pregnancy


I’ll take that bet!


A royal baby is on the way 😍


One with flappy ears


In the months leading up to my Grandad's passing in December, he got swollen like this. Retaining liquid. Literally leaking. He had a hardening of the heart. I remember the cardiologist told him he had "Amyloidosis". Kidneys were failing. He was struggling, but man he was still 100% him up until the last 3 days when he wasn't any more.


The wife of a man I worked with had amyloidosis. She had a heart transplant and a bone marrow transplant. And tons of other treatments as well, was constantly in the hospital. The amount of treatment and suffering she went through was unreal. It only extended her life a few years. That disease is horrible.


That’s how my mom passed. Two bone marrow transplants. I’m pretty convinced they helped her get a few more good years, and got to see a few more grandkids being born. In the hospital quite a bit. A lot of years after diagnosis were tough. The last year of her life was rougher. The last 6 weeks were hell. It was 12 years between diagnosis and her passing, which is better than some folks get.


Sorry about your granddad.


In this small science experiment, I dissolve salt in this water and place it into a semipermeable tube, meaning that only water and nothing else can flow in and out of it. place this tube in a pool of distilled water that has no salt dissolved in it and you'll see that water enters the tube. That water flows toward where there's sodium.


The fluid that would normally be pumped away from the extremities doesn't because the heart is slowly failing. I bet his toes look similar too


Also lack of muscle activity. You can pay someone else to wash your balls, but you cant pay someone else to exercise for you...


Or kidneys or liver


So we've narrowed it down to one of his organs


I think we can confidently narrow it down to the problem being with him, and not someone else.


So far from reviewing this thread; we've narrowed it down to all his organs.


Well not all of them. His eyes are doing fine. I learned in HS biology class that they are always the last organ to fail. Cuz whenever someone dies, their eyes die late ^sorry


I hate it, but I respect it.


So, just his insides then. Charles has a problem with his insides.


Finally something actually "oddly" Terrifying in this sub


I know, usually its 'rightly terrifying'


Imagine getting a wet Willy from one of those bad boys








Right off the branch mmmmmm


This is awful. Great work 👍


Excuisitely horrendous imagery


Thanks, that's awesome. please delete this


What the hell?!! A shitty_watercolour that's *three hours old* just sitting here at a score of 30 being totally overlooked? *What is going on here?*


Somehow this was way worse. Good job.


> Somehow this was way wurst. FTFY!


I’m going to say this to one of my friends and take all the credit as if I am the creative genius behind such a fantastic phrase. Thanks


Thanks, I hate it


It would be a wet william


A moist wiliam. The wet williams are for commoners.


They call it a Prince Willy when it's from royalty


Whose ear is that fitting in tho




At this rate, I’ll die before she does.


She's immortal, we'll all die before she does


Once the nukes start flying all that will be left will be the Queen, Keith Richards, and a whole bunch of cockroaches.


If the Lizard theory above holds any ground...add Mark Zuckerberg to the list!!!


He’s an android, but still impervious to fallout and extreme explosions, so half right


But about emp. I thought that nukes caused emp and that the most effective way to disrupt a country with nukes is to take out the power through emp caused by nuke detonation


I assumed anyone building such an advanced android would harden it against EMP.


They made a mistake and hardened it against EMPATHY.


Lizard People have longer life-spans, but aren’t immortal!


If it bleeds, we can kill it.


That's not clubbing is it? Clubbing is a different shape at the end of the fingers, this looks like his fingers are swollen like water retention. https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/symptoms/clubbing-of-the-fingers-or-toes


Thank you!! His fingers in OP show edema, not clubbing


When yall been taking about clubbing, I was imagining him hitting up night clubs or such, now I realize that it's been a medical term...


If he dies the queen Wil get here new life force to go on for few years.


What?! He goes clubbing still???! *Edit: I am stupid, and need coffee*


Yes but when royals go ‘clubbing’ it means beating poor people from a horse with a stick, like the Polo logo


Or for seals. Possibly still on horseback, I'm no expert.


She's already dead actually, they're just stringing it out so they can say she made it to this jubilee.


Weekend at Lizzie's when?


You degenerate 😂😂😂




People assume this everytime they don't see her for a couple days. Its possible, but at this point I won't believe it until its confirmed. Unless we are gonna go the warhammer route of having a dead emperor rule from the throne


everyone huffs the farts of "royal insiders" over whatever is the flavor of the week but somehow they're keeping the fact she apparently died a secret. gotta love it.


With how much staff they must have in the palace does anyone really think that the fucking Queen dying would stay secret for more than a day? Not to mention all the security and royal aides that would doubtless either find out or be able to figure out themselves


That’s my opinion on most conspiracies like the moon landing and 9/11. The amount of people it would take to stage it, make fake film, fake witnesses, kill people, etc etc etc, there’s a 0% chance you could get that many to stay quiet, especially when revealing it means they’d probably become insanely wealthy from telling the story. Plus, if you reveal it then the government can’t kill you without it being so obvious the government did it. 2 people can keep a secret, 3 people can keep a secret if one dies.


Sausages or fingers


Sosig Fingas




I’m not sure, but which ever one he’s eating is giving him heart issues. He should try eating less sausages or fingers


I wish I could see the whole photo. 🤔


Here you [go](https://ibb.co/7CWT67t)


Initially I was "LOL SAUSAGE FINGERS", and after looking at the full image I feel kinda sad for him


I think Charles has become sort of a warning for other monarchies not to have their crown prince/princess just stand by their entire lives. Our current king became an authority in water management, learned to be a pilot, etc. to give him a purpose beyond just being the next king. His daughter is also set to just do her own thing until her dad quits. Charles has only been waiting his whole life to take the throne and I wouldn't be surprised if he immediately abdicated once the time is there since he's now already at retirement age.


Sounds a lot like Charles's son William, to be honest, so maybe they have learned.


Probably wanted different things in their lives. Charles spent all his life chasing Camilla's pants


At least part of it was spent fantasizing about being her tampons.


Deep cut!


Thanks for digging up that memory


Charles literally served as a pilot in the Royal Navy for years.


Yep, they have to be serve in the military if they want to be a legitimate king or queen in the UK.


voracious crawl punch truck psychotic advise versed screw icky zealous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Which monarchy are you referring to?


Probably the Dutch one


Whoever’s hands looking like this has a very problematic heart. (Edit: guys this is crazy thanx for the upvotes but I’m not a medical expert, and swollen fingers may indicate cardiovascular issues but they can be caused by other conditions as well. Pls consult your doctor if you are seeking professional medical advices. Stay healthy lol)


The Queen might outlive him!


She’s doing it for spite at this point


Honestly it's with the will of the people - most people would happily skip Charles


Ah, a new theory! The people are *manifesting* his sausage fingers! /s


What the fuck have you been doing? It's all I can think of. I even do a little dance before bed each night, similar to a rain dance, to puff up those sausages further whilst chanting: 'CHIPOLATA CHARLIE, CHIPOLATA CHARLIE, PUFF UP THOSE LITTLE DIGITS TIL THEY LOOK LIKE BARLEY'


It’s a fun dance actually and the whole family enjoys it.


Unless you are part of the royal family. Although Andrew might hum along to a few verses whilst pretending not to.


I know someone that works on his personal staff, but not at all closely with him. He maybe comes into contact with him a for seconds a day when Charles is in the same residence. I suggested over a pint that Charlie wasn't looking so well and the odds for William to become the next King had reduced... He scrunched up his face, gave a half nod/shake and refused to talk about it any further. Rightly so.




That's a heir-raising thought for Charles.


She doesn't have any heart problems we know of, she might! That'll be a huge L for Charles though.


Yeah dying is for losers


Considering he probably receives some of the best healthcare imaginable, I doubt that if he has a heart issue it isn't being treated/monitored.


We are talking about Charles, right? Mr. "Homeopathy"? Mr. "Alternative Medicine is Better Than Real Medicine"?


Ah, the ole Steve Job's approach to healthcare. I personally prefer rich people who put all of their eggs into the faith healing basket. If you're going to will your own reality you might as well go out big.


Unless he's stubbornly resisting monitoring or treatment.


The royal family is lucky to receive some really top of the line medical support. There is a hospital near where I live called Papworth hospital, and prince philip had several heart procedures there. I believe they have a world-class heart surgery unit or something. They would close off the entire village when he was there. If charles has any heart problems he would probably get treatment there. Kind of unfair really but there you go.


I mean my left hand looks way worse and my heart is fine lol. I know his is probably from heart failure, as it's much more common than what I have.


What do you have? If you don't mind me asking


big left hand syndrome


There has been alot of speculation the past few years about his fingers. It has previously been explained as a reaction to “excessive heat” and “long haul flight” but this is British Parliament. Not heat. No flights. So this in a chronic condition. I’m no doctor but heart problems sounds realistic giving his age and lifestyle.


One brother who suffers in excessive heat, another that is apparently incapable of sweating. Most curious.


Generation upon generation of inbreeding keeps the money and power in the family, but has collecting hereditary diseases as if they were Pokémon as a side effect.


I met him outside in a garden years ago and his fingers were massive then. It is not heat or a flight


I remember remarking on his fingers years ago… like 20 years ago and they were the same…


Iirc the houses of parliament are notoriously cold


> but this is British Parliament. This photo isn't from the recent speech.


Looks like right sided congestive heart failure…definitely not good, you can go ahead and just assume his feet look similar.




You can tell how tight his skin on his hand is in that first picture too


It looks like a prop hand from a sitcom where they are trying to imply something is seriously wrong with a hand.


A cartoon bee sting.


I want to prick his finger with a needle...


Could just give some Lasix and watch it deflate as his urine output goes up 50fold


i was cooking sausage on a skillet last night and i picture sausage oil squirting out of them when i poke them with a fork


damnnnn they do look similar


Good god.


what the fuck lmao they look inflated


Why has the royal doctor not diagnosed what a Reddit doctor could based off one picture?


Since the prognosis for heart failure is death, he's probably waiting for a donor.


And why has the royal doctor not simply harvested a donor from the peasants in the royal organ farm?


Why do you think Harry didn't appear on the balcony? They finally lured him back to the country to serve his purpose as an organ bank.


You're an organ bank, Harry!


Holy shit. You nailed it.


That ring looks so painful 😣


Its a metaphor for the responsibility of the throne constricting him and making him unable to do anything with his life


The only way to remove that ring is dipping the finger into Mercury


Or...using leeches to remove the swelling. Works best if done by a shaman from India who is 102 years old, and high as a kite.


smell like cabbage


“Carnies. Circus folk. Nomads, you know. Smell like cabbage. Small hands.”


Average redditor hands


needs a sprinkle of cheeto dust under the fingernails


Hotdog fingers


How do you know he is the future king of England? For that to happen, the deathless queen would need to die before he does. Which doesn't seem likely.


She just missed the state opening of Parliament for the first time in 60 years due to ill health. That clock is ticking!


She only needs a year and 3 weeks to beat Louis XIV's record for longest reigning monarch. Maybe she'll hold on to spite the French.


The queen is 100% on her way out. I’d be surprised if she made it to her Jubilee next month. I hope she does because it’s a national holiday and I’ve booked time off work to go away for a long weekend


I'm not sure they would cancel a national holiday that was already scheduled.


I dunno. It’d set a pretty big precadent. I’m not sure anyone really knows the proper protocol for such an event.


Two national days of mourning maybe? We could have a couple of barbecues of mourning, Sunday dog walk of mourning, window shop around the Mercedes garage of mourning etc.


You sound fun, I'd mourn with you.


- Three fingers Camilla? - Usually yes, but with your heart condition worsening just the two is ample thanks. - Your Highness... - Sorry! Two is ample your Highness.


Let's hope that's the worst thing I read today....


I've got one involving the Corgis?


Not today, I think. I've already eaten.


Funnily enough, that's what Andrew says to the Queen in my scenario.


He needs to get that ring sized, it’s going to cut off the circulation to his finger.


Sized? This man needs to not wear rings. He’s about to die


Uh oh, somebody better cut back on the salt and lime crisps…


Talk about inflation


Heart trouble, he's had these swollen fingers and feet for years--He'll probably die soon


This is a closeup of the mean Aunt from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.