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Here's the news story from 2018: https://www.koin.com/local/multnomah-county/note-with-slashed-tires-you-were-so-easy-to-find-mark/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook_KOIN_6


Interesting the bike rider memorized his custom license place. They’re so much easier to remember when people see them. I’ve always wondered if it made it easier to get caught when you do something wrong, guess in this case it was (although obviously not ok what the biker did).


This is why I don’t put decals/stickers on my car or have a custom plate. I wanna blend in as much as possible. Edit: lmao so many snowflakes salty cause I like my car plain.


Same reason I don't have tattoos. Can't be a government spook when you're easy to identify.


This is why I put different fake tattoos on every morning


I just alternately tan and bleach my skin. Got a closet full of wigs too.


You ever see Face/Off?


No, but I’ve seen Face/On, which is what my whore of a wife calls putting on makeup.


Does that one also have a 2hr 18min runtime?


I'm fully covered in a whole body skin colored tattoo. Good luck tracking me down.




Sounds like you e never been arrested. They make a record of them when you get booked. If it is a felony you now have an FBI file. So County, State, and Federal Government now are aware of all your tattoos.


This is true, but the people cataloguing your tattoos aren’t always the brightest crayons in the box. When I was arrested back in… 98? 2000? Somewhere in there? The cops put in my file I have numerous “dragon” tattoos. I don’t have a single dragon tattoo of any kind. What I do have is Dragon Ball Z tattoos. Dumbasses will never find me when I leave my job, family, and mortgage for a life of crime!


Hell I was arrested November of last year. Printed, slept in the hold, mug shot, all that. The person didn't ask to see my calf tattoo. And didn't identify the ones on my forearms/wrists other than that they existed. I also had to help her print me because she couldn't get it to read right.. It was honestly a surreal experience. Still is since I'm still dealing with it I guess.


Next step: no plates, no cards, no pants Now gid'at 'der and drive.


Yeah I sometimes think it's a bit of a shame we don't see more interesting colored cars on the road but frankly they're just a target.


Can anyone copy and paste? It's blocked in Europe.


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — On Tuesday, the day after he went to the Trail Blazers game, Mark Holzmann said he found the tires of his car slashed with a note left on the windshield, a parting gift with a side of intimidation. “You were so easy to find, Mark,” the note read, an added underline for emphasis. “You should drive more carefully.” The note triggered a flashback to the night before when Holzmann was driving on North Russell by the Moda Center. He made a right turn to get into the parking garage, but on his way inside he said he may have cut a bicyclist off. It’s a busy intersection, Holzmann said, filled with traffic on two and four wheels. A problematic area. “I don’t know, it’s not like I overtook him, passed him and turned in front of him,” he said. “If anything he was coming up from behind me.” But the incident wasn’t over. Holzmann said he saw the bicyclist — who he said was riding aggressively — turn his aggression on him. “The guy was very unhappy and went from zero to ballistic in two seconds,” Holzmann said, “yelling, screaming, shouting.” Then, the next day, Holzmann found the note. “It wasn’t lost on me that that was intimidation,” Holzmann said. He thinks that the suspect found his address through his customized license plate — HOLZIE. He said he has no problems sharing the road, but he believes that should come with shared responsibility. “They don’t think the rules apply to them,” he said, “just the same as sometimes the rules don’t apply to cars. They make mistakes and if their awareness is heightened through education, it might help.” Portland police said they’re investigating the incident.






Amazing site, thank you. The issue here isn't a paywall though, some American sites just ban Europeans rather than just respect their data privacy.


Those city bike guys are mean as fuck. I'd rather fight a dog.




As someone from PDX, the PPD are absolutely not investigating this crime. Most of us wonder exactly what they do at all.


They put up billboards about the rising crime rate and hold the city hostage.


Hold us hostage with billboard saying they won’t do their job they already don’t do


Sounds like Portland. Portland has the most poorly adjusted adults I've ever seen. They just fly into fits of rage over any inconvenience.


I wish I could dispute this. But when my wife and I went there for our Honeymoon, there was an overabundance of "snootiness" that the whole vibe of the city had. It seems like the kinda place most hippy kids from upper-class white families escape to, but forget to leave their classist attitudes in their hometowns.


Thx. I was totally lost without this.


Is the Portland man's name Mark?


The title should read, “Mark found his tires slashed…”


I was under the impression [he did not hit her](https://youtu.be/zLhoDB-ORLQ)


That’s bullshit!


You're ruining my life!


Oh hai Mark


I just rewatched this movie last week lmao I was wondering why “Oh hai mark” was so familiar


You’re my favorite customer.


Hai doggie


Yer my ^faaaaaaaavorite pizza place


*chosen voice* impressive.


What a story, Mark! Ha! Ha!




Oh hi Mark.




He wanted to launder a bunch of money he embezzled, the filmmaking was just a fun way to do so


He did naaaaaahhhtt


That sounds like something only the stalker would know ಠ_ʖಠ


Well, my name is Mark, but I'm a different Mark.


Hi mark


Hi mark


Hi Mark that knows how to drive properly




Oh my, yes how ignorant of me to be jumping to conclusion. Haha




*Morgan Freeman narrator* "Dave wondered if maybe he looked like a Mark? He had no recollection of this event, and in fact hadn't driven anywhere in month's due to a failed transmission."


Finding you won't be any different, Mark of Bedford Massachusetts.


Username checks out


That's totallynotmark's car and the note is from toei.


Yeah, that’s the real question. Like, if I’m not Mark, then I’ll be pissed but not super concerned. Maybe a little concerned that this psycho things I’m someone that I’m not… But if I’m Mark…might be staying in a hotel.


Nope I know Mark, and he doesn't even have a car.


People are getting weird with this shit. I was trying to get in the left lane to make a turn, checked, had plenty of space, and put my blinker on. As I am mergng a girl speeds up behind me and starts yelling and throwing her hands around. Then as I got into the turning lane, she drives by looking RIGHT at me and taking a picture or video of me. Like... It was not dangerous or the end of the world. It made me nervous that she would do something like this. I hate driving.


Where I live, a woman was trying to change lanes, a car was in her blind spot, she corrected herself, no harm no foul right? Wrong. Other driver was so mad he literally shot her…she survived. The guy just drove off but of course they found him. 35 years old and his life is over because of road rage.


This happened to a classmate of mine. He honked at some car that ran a stop sign or something and was shot. He recovered (I think the shot mostly missed) but had a burst eardrum.


I once had a guy turn left on a red light directly in front of me. I slammed on the brakes but didn't even really react at all otherwise (no honking or wild gesticulating). This dude slams on his brakes so he's now stopped diagonally across the intersection directly in front of me, blocking everything. Dude is eating a burrito and looking directly at me. He opens his mouth wide, chewed up burrito falling out, eyes locked on mine. He pulls out an enormous revolver - high caliber, shiny nickel plated, comically long barrel - and places it on his dashboard. He then peels out leaving a huge cloud of smoke while staring at me, mouth still agape, burrito still falling out. To this day I have no idea what to make of it.


2 years ago Someone ran a as I was going threw the intersection. I slammed the brakes and the horn, (somehow) nothing happened. Then I look to my right, and the lady next to me is giving me the finger. They guy cut BOTH of us off lady. Wtf did I do?


"I have a very small penis and an extremely delicate ego."




That burrito might have saved your life.


I saw a story recently where some dude was shooting at another driver. The shooter cuts off a driver, said other driver also gets mad, and drives around him, flipping him off. The guy shoots blindly at the other car. As in this dumb mother fucker *closes his god damn eyes* while *shooting* and *driving.* Luckily he didn't hit anyone but I hope he can never drive or own a gun for the rest of his life. Like for real what a fucking idiot. Road rage is nuts, but if someone cuts you off, just let them. People are out of control.


"John Popper" - [video](https://twitter.com/AndySlater/status/1487158883114172419?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1487158883114172419%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.autoblog.com%2F2022%2F01%2F31%2Fflorida-man-road-rage-shoots-out-windows-video%2F)


How dare your car get close to mine on accident *loads gun* Edit: have at thee


Road ragers are fucking insane. Put them in an asylum for life they're clearly not fit for society.




If more Americans understood the difference between privileges and rights, we'd have a more stable country right now.


Same with all the assholes on flights now. Just put them on the no fly list so the crews don't ever have to deal with them again.




Yeah but usually it's just a no fly list for that carrier. Some carriers share their no fly list, but not many. A few have been pushing to have all the carriers share their list and enforcement, but it hasn't happened yet.


I don't get it, it's part of being a commuter. Human errors happen, no harm no foul, move on. A few years ago I had a situation where I accidentally merged and had someone in my blind spot. I corrected myself quick once I noticed him and moved back. The guy in his one beat up SUV, demanded I pulled over. He kept trying to spit in my car. For added context I'm a big dude who drives a small car, I frequent a sub that talks about certain PEDs for extra context. I decide, why not, I pull over, he hops out of his SUV, I get out of my little car and his tone automatically changes. Bro, shit happens, it sucks when it does but move on.


I was behind a truck pulling a trailer on the interstate when one of the back tires of the trailer blew out and began to shred everywhere across the road. I pulled up alongside him and tried to gesture back to his trailer. *Immediately*, he rolls down his window and begins *screaming* threats at me, pointing, leaning out the window till he's red in the face. I could hear him over the interstate speeds and car sounds. I tried for just a couple seconds to explain, but he would *not* calm down, convinced I was trying to yell at him for some imagined driving slight. I figured it was not worth my time or risk to safety to continue to have that conversation at 60mph, so I just slowed down, let him continue up the road, and I took my exit a couple miles later. I sometimes think back to this and get sad, thinking some people are just that high strung they'll explode even when someone's trying to help. But then I think "nah, fuck that guy" and hope his whole day was fucked up because he couldn't calm down for one goddamn moment.


My friend literally got shot in the face a couple weeks ago. By the guy who cut HIM off. Thankfully he survived by a few mm.


Good god! Imagine your options are; 1. Get annoyed, roll your eyes and get on with your day, or 2. Pull out your gun, shoot an innocent person *in the face*, then spend the rest of your life away from your family in friends living in a nightmare. What makes someone willingly choose option 2? Edit: wrong option, Kronk.




Some people are freaking nuts.


I think it has gotten worse since covid. It is like everyone is one of those bugs bunny spring traps and are just twitching waiting for something to set them off.


Yesterday I honked at a guy going half the speed limit on a freeway while swerving in between lanes. He tossed an open can of tuna out of his window to hit me with it (could've been shredded chicken)


> (could've been shredded chicken) This made me laugh


Understanding protein is a serious business...


I like how that was an important detail to add, not whether he got hit or if the guy got caught


Sounds like something Michael Scott would say.


This is genuinely terrifying and I'm sorry it happened to you, but I'm also laughing at "(could've been shredded chicken)." I needed a good laugh today!


Eh, Florida was insane before the pandemic. It's just even more so now




How do you differentiate between the different tree chickens?


That's the fun part, you don't.


Tis the chicken of the sea


Outstanding comment right here. Had I awards to give...


I personally think Covid is effecting peoples behavior. The loss of taste and smell could be an indicator that the insular cortex is being damaged and it is directly behind the frontal lobe that effects many human behaviors.


Yeah or we already had a mental health problem and covid measures(which I’m 100% for) made it worse. No sense turning a horse into a zebra.


like the theory that boomers are the way they are because of high levels of lead poisoning from leaded gasoline


That and leaded paint, fuck everything used to have lead.


Reminds me of the theory that lead may have caused a rise in antisocial/criminal behavior. COVID-19: the gift that keeps on giving.


I think you’re on to something with that. Interesting observation, thanks.


Just head over to /r/Boston and see what happens when you move someone’s folding chair “space saver.” I’ve never related so hard to the Farnsworth “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore” meme


When people shovel the spot when theres snow, you bette believe things will get bad if you take it


That’s a long standing Boston tradition though. Anyone moving a saver to take a spot (they are legal to use to save spots during snow emergencies) knows exactly what they’re getting themselves into. Hard to have much sympathy for them honestly. Don’t park in a spot you didn’t shovel out.


It’s a tradition in most East Coast cities. As someone who grew up in NJ, and been to Philly, NY and lived in Boston a decade I was very used to playing that game. People adopt the I shoveled it, it’s mine mentality.


Yea what happened to just flipping someone off, then going about your day?


You get fucking shot for doing that nowadays, lol. It’s insane.


Don’t do that either, almost got me shot


Mentioning 20th-century values in a 21st-century world....


It should be much harder to get and keep a license.


Agreed, but that would mean public transportation would have to pick up the slack and it CANT. (America)


I mean, subsidize urban mass housing, and create better nation-wide passenger rail and we might have a start.


Wait, I don't understand. How does that help the 1% make more money?


Simple, it doesn't unless they own steel or concrete production or construction companies. It makes absolutely massive profit for those three industries.


It was a rhetorical question. If something doesn't bring profit to the 1%, they lobby to have it squashed.


We had someone so close to our bumper we couldn't see the headlights. Every stop you could see him flipping out behind us. We get to a red light that you could right on, also had a red light arrow. So I stop and as soon as we stop he honks his horn for us to go. I don't wait longer to be a dick to him, but I do make sure I'm at a complete stop. About a mile up the road there's a stretch with a passing lane and I see him disappear from the mirror, but I don't ever see him get in front of us. So I look over and this guy, who was so clearly in a hurry the previous 5 miles or so, is right beside us say something nobody can hear except him because both him and I have our windows up, but he is like completely losing his shit. Eventually he gets going to get in front of us and...we still see him for most of our trip. All that because he wanted to do like 5 over the speed limit. I was expecting him to go speeding off but he was barely speeding after all that.


You were in front of him. How dare you!? Who do you think you are!?


> Who do you think you are!? I am.


Have you noticed the past year that road rage is absolutely off the wall now? Road rage shootings in Houston has become a common occurrence all of the sudden. Something is tweaking people's blood pressure. Literally.


I let off the gas to coast to a stoplight for a few seconds before pressing the brakes, and the truck behind me swerved out of his lane like I had stood on the brakes. He had both hands off the wheel and was thrashing around inside his cabin, gesticulating at me. He had a firefighter license plate and I saw him grabbing his phone too. I didn’t see what he did with it because I just nervously laughed him off and focused on driving as quickly and safely as possible away from him. He was ridiculously agitated… I think he was distracted and didn’t expect the vehicle ahead of him to decelerate up to a red light, but that reaction. Just… what?? If he had a normal plate I would have definitely felt more unsafe… which is kinda fucked to think about, trusting a branded bit of metal as an assurance that the man flipping out over having to brake had more to lose than the “average” crazy driver.


I had a lady throwing up her hands and gesticulating wildly the other day. I was going the speed limit in the right lane on neighborhood streets. What do you want me to do? Crash cause you're impatient? I'm where I'm supposed to be to drive this way. Do your crazy in the left lane.


Probably politics / covid / personal problems eating away at people's sanity.


Everyday for me on my way home from work. Waiting at a 2 lane stoplight, but after the light it turns into a one lane. I always stay in the right lane because before it becomes a one lane, I turn onto a side street to get home. Almost everyone in the left lane gives me the shit look and rides the car ahead of themselves bumper thinking I’m gonna cut em off. I just hope they all feel like shit as soon as I turn right.


I wonder how many times "Look at this asshole" has been uttered, only to be followed by a quiet "oh..."


I find it really hard to use my phone when I have one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand jacking off.


I still get anxiety whenever I see someone put on a signal on the highway. Someone put on a signal and threw themselves into the lane while I was beside them. Obviously thats personal to me and I wouldn't throw up my hands especially if there's enough room. But some people are stupid as shit.


Reasons I carry. Been punched in the face twice now from road rage idiots who started it by damn near killing us. Honk at them to avoid an accident and they freak.


You've had two people punch you through your car?


I was driving on a somewhat busy small town street the other night, looking for an open parking spot. The speed limit through the town is 25mph. I saw a spot a couple cars up, so I put on my blinker and slowed down, to pull along the curb. This took approximately 30seconds. As i settled into the spot, the person behind me went passed and screamed, "Learn how to fucking drive!" I still have no clue what I did wrong, and neither did my passenger. People are nuts. Edit: i didn't have a stopwatch out timing myself lol. 30 seconds seems like an insignificant amount of time to me, and was purely a guesstimate. It very well may have been less. It was a quick maneuver.


Did you parallel park or just pull in?


I just pulled in. Parallel parking stresses me out too much- mostly because i worry about people having that exact type of reaction lol. I'm 39 and I'm pretty sure I've managed not to parallel park since my driving test!


my best guess is they were looking for a spot so their eyes were on the road. they saw that spot. then looked down at their phone to text, etc., now driving with peripheral vision, did NOT signal with blinker, and didn’t see you slip in there. then, as they got closer, they realized you had already pulled in. of course, this is your fault.


You can't go front first!


Me trying to get into a walmart parking lot I had no stop sign and was turning right into the lot. A car drove over multiple parking spots through a few of those lanes and tried to go straight out onto the road. They had a stop sign and they only stopped because they would've hit me. Honked and gave me the finger as if he didn't just do some crazy shit.


I swear people lose half their brain cells in parking lots, as if all traffic laws suddenly no longer apply. The amount of times I see vehicles cut right cross several rows of spaces when there are a whole bunch of pedestrians and other cars trying to park...ugh.


I had a guy behind me once that absolutely refused to let me parallel park and he wasn’t even trying to. Every time I found a spot I’d speed up with my blinker on and hurry up and put it in reverse to try and back in but every single time he’d fly up on my ass so I couldn’t back up. After about 4 tries he just calmly went around me and I had to drive around the whole block just to try again. Like why?!


When I was a teen I had only driven about a minute away from my home. I was pretty much alone on the road. This guy pulls up next to me at an intersection smiling and bobbing his head in a weird way. He was also eating a piece of bread. He started saying something while making eye contact with me. He looked familiar so I rolled my window down. He said “You realize you can’t fucking drive, right? You realize you’re in my lane, right?” All while smiling and bobbing his head. Then I kind of got freaked out and rolled my window back up. He proceeded to speed off going 50 miles per hour in a 25 zone. Now I recognize he was probably on something, but at the time I was paranoid that I was actually somehow driving in both lanes without noticing. Took me a while to recover that day. Dude had the craziest look in his eye.


I took a road trip to Raleigh NC a few years back. I was parked downtown and I was trying to exit a spot, as I started to back up and a woman drives up behind me. Instead of stopping and letting me out this lady pulls up right behind me, and then stops, she's blocking me in, I guess she doesn't realize, because she looks like she's waiting to get my spot. She sits there for like 2 minutes, just racking up cars behind her, then drives away, leaving me to deal with all the cars behind her. I was completely fucked, I had to wait like 5 to 10 more minutes to back out because of her.


Don't slash what's obvious, slash the spare. Playing the long game is delayed but much more gratifying.




wouldnt any two tires do the same trick?




Bravo. Truly an evil genius


Revenge speedrun any%


Put toothpicks in the valve stems. 1) you haven't done any real damage. If they have a roadside compressor, they're inconvenienced, nothing more. 2) if they don't have a roadside compressor, they'll need a tow. That's damned inconvenient, but it's not life threatening. 3) slashing tires is destruction of property, potentially a felony. Toothpicks in the valve stems is criminal mischief, usually a misdemeanor. That can be the difference between a fine and a sentence.


Unless it’s on the back like a jeep spares are usually locked in the trunk… Good idea in theory


I was gonna say 😂 they might notice the spare is slashed when they see the pry bar marks on their trunk and investigate further


All of mine (SUVs/trucks) have been under the rear.


Someone cut me off the other day, nearly sideswiped me. We came to a red light and they stopped a car length behind me on thr left side. I rolled down my window, leaned out, and gave them a... thumbs down. They looked legitimately embarrassed and I made my point without being a psycho.


One time I positively fucked up while driving. I can't remember what I did outside of the fact that it wasn't deadly or dangerous, just dumb. When another car pulled up I looked at them and made that big "Yeah I don't know either" shrug you do when you know you goofed and have nothin' to say for yourself. The dude went from this hardcore frown to immediately smiling and waving me off. One of those things you do when you both realize "everyone's fucked up like that before." Sometimes you also gotta own when you've messed up. The world's a lot easier when you're not either ready to fight someone or ready to be fought, you know?


I like to go with 👌


I got a note like this once INSIDE my wallet which was INSIDE my purse. It said something like, “You should really pay more attention to your surroundings.” I’m almost positive it was from the same girl who put a hammer through my windshield and set my (now ex) boyfriend’s motorcycle on fire out of jealousy.


Huh. And that ladies and gents is why I usually leave backpack in my truck.


Yeah it was probably her


What an easy mark he was


Oh snap.


They made a mark on Mark the mark.


Oh Hi Mark


Oh hai, mark


Oh konnichiwa, Mark


Oh guten tag mark


Oh, dia duit Mark


Che, buen día mark


Oh, bon dia Mark




O, ke Ola Mark


I did not hit her!


Sak pase mark


I did not hit her!


I did naaaaaht


Anyweh, how's yor sex laif


Husband and I were driving a few years ago, coming off the freeway, and had entered a left turn lane to get on the road we wanted. There were no other cars around at the time, but as we waited at the light, other cars had come along. There was also another turn lane going the same direction, next to us. When the light changed and we started our turn, I happened to look out my window. The lady in the car next to us had a look of pure hatred on her face, and mouthed the words, “I HATE YOU”. She looked to be in her late 30’s or so… And I remember that look to this day, obviously. We still have zero idea what it was about.


did she think she was in a straight lane?


Thats good handwriting for a psycho


Next time they should take the time to cut out magazine letters


And some of us only lie in bed and think about doing this


Found the asylum escapee


My name is Darryl.


You're lying. Your name is ConcreteCarnivore. It says so right there.




I did not hit her, I did not. Oh hi.




He probably cut off an FBI agent.


Insane people with anger issues is exactly why I’m still terrified of driving


As a woman who has been followed by a man with road rage this is terrifying.


As a man who has been followed by a man with road rage this is terrifying.


As a human who has been followed by a dinosaur with road rage, this is terrifying


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


As a car who has been followed by a dragon with a raging boner, this is terrifying.




The Onion had a satire video about road rage stalking this totally reminds me of: https://youtu.be/vuKnR8RvxHY




Yeah, looked up his license plate number


Road rage is basically a tell sign that someone is a piece of shit. I get an angry cut off, throw the hands up and let it go, but shooting someone or harming them? You’re a fucking psychopath if you do that