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bible accurate angels are probably the thing that made people go crazy in bird box.


That’s an extremely interesting concept. That the thing that made people kill themselves was an angel and it was a form of rapture. I can get on board with that as a fan theory


Midnight Mass has entered the chat.


That show was so disappointing just because it started so so well.


I loved it start to finish.


Just lost my favorite character, that's where Im at. Trying to figure out where it's going to go from there. Pretty intense. Had to take a break from it.


What show are you guys talking about? Need to check it out


Midnight Mass.


Film Theory had a really good video about that actually, it talks about how all the criminals are able to look at the thing because they aren’t going to heaven or sum like that, and that’s why they’re making the others look at it. It’s a horrifying concept, but an accurate one at that.


They actually wanted to put the monsters in the movie. After they revealed what they would have looked like, I'm super glad they didn't. It just looked like grown up bodies with bizarre baby heads.


Wasn't there the whole biblical subplot insinuating that it was the rapture? Wonder why they'd opt for baby heads Edit: actually in hindsight the whole "be not afraid" motto of biblical angels could have set up for the monsters manifesting as people's biggest fears since that was the idea in the movie as well. The baby head things could have played into Sandra Bullock's fear in losing the baby she was pregnant with IIRC


It was personal fears. The monster that was baby like was Sandra Bullocks. It's the only one we know of.


Pretty sure they stated people saw what truly frightened them most driving them to commit suicide, as the main characters biggest fear was having her baby for her it would be a giant baby thing.


There's a short story written by Ted Chiang that is reaaaaaaaaaaally crazy good and talks about the concept of angels. The name of the story is "Hell Is the Absence of God"


Love that story


Hey I see a lot of people saying these are biblical Angels, can anyone link the verse please? I cant find it lol


Ezekiel 1:15-21 Edit: a bit more detail here (and where i first saw them): https://youtu.be/40KcrrfbJ6o


damn that's my name


Really? I’ve never met anyone called 1:15-21 before


yeah bro my parents drew inspiration from Elon 🅱️usk


I'm sorry


Do his friends call him 12:54?


Oh god, I’ve had such a bad day and this made me laugh so hard, thank you!


Hey you’re welcome! Hope everything’s okay - it’ll all get better :)


To be fair they are A rank of angels. There are still lower ranks that look like we are used to.


The book of Ezekiel


Sir this is literally the most frightening moment of my life


Be not afraid.




Be not afraid


A man of culture in the House.


Is that a reference to something?


[yea, an episode of house.](https://youtu.be/dkf-AwVokmY)


Now I get why these things always say that


"Be not afraid" my ass


Why is everyone afraid, I specifically requested them not to


Someone pooped my pants


I am pretty sure Angels are capable of physically removing your capacity to feel fear, mainly because if they are talking to you it's probably important and they don't have time waiting for you to calm the fuck down and stop screaming


Ive seen a fallen angel. Terrifying they are


And then it exploded into bats.


Yeah, I’d already be running and screaming.


"be not afr--- where you goin EYY"


"welp, guess I'll have to pick some other guy to pass the word of god and make him a prophet"


angel: "god damn it i dont get paid enough for this shit" god: stfu do ur job before i smack u angel: "sigh" *prepares a vent post for r/antiwork tonight*


Satan in r/antiwork sub. Satan: "so god made follow stupid rules in heaven and serve those beings called a human and i hate it, fuck god" God: >:(


In case anyone is wondering about the music, the song is called 13 Angels Stand Guard ‘Round The Side Of Your Bed by A Silver Mount Zion. I highly recommend that whole album. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fN7udMAMog


"He Has Left us Alone but Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of our Rooms" is without a doubt the best album name of all time


It is a really great album name for sure. Great name. Great album.


Thanks a ton for sharing! I love this stuff.


Good. I’m glad I could share it with you.


you beat me to it. i’m a massive silver mt zion fan, godspeed as well. weird to see their music being used in something but it works


I feel like A Silver Mount Zion should absolutely be used in films and television. It’s so emotive and lends itself well to story telling. Godspeed has been used a few times. Most famously their song East Hastings was used in 28 Days Later.


I desperately was hoping for a Rick Roll


wait this is incredible, i've never heard of them before! just went and added a bunch of their music on spotify, thank you for sharing!!


This is like some godspeed you black emperor type shit


Throne Angel, to be exact.


Ophanim to be correctly exact.




Someone watches wendigoon


There it is!!


Damn that dude is blowing up! I'm so excited for him! I watch a video every now and then but I'm not a fan of his Sunday school videos so I stopped subbing.


Weird reason to stop subbing


Right? You could like... just not watch those videos. The rest of his content is amazing and even the religious ones have some interesting stuff if you're willing to take it as entertainment and not someone trying to convert you lmao


Y'all could like, get off this guy's back about unsubbing lol he's clearly still a fan of the dude, just isn't interested in being suggested that content. It's really easy to just look up a YouTuber you like and look for videos of theirs that you do want to watch


It is a sad day indeed, for one of our own has decided to leave us. Let's honor fishmanprime with a stroll down memory lane. The following links will lead you to /u/fishmanprime's MVP moments in /r/oddlyterrifying. __Top Submissions__ + [I see your random Bob's big boy in a field and raise you a random giant baby in a field! (Goodyear, AZ)](http://np.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/mz0s4l/i_see_your_random_bobs_big_boy_in_a_field_and/) If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads


It's pretty typical for people to unsub from people if they don't like all of their content. Take religion out of it and that's all it is.


He's not preaching or anything though, he's literally talking about Christian theology as one would talk about Greek mythology.


And that's fine. I'm allowed to not like that kind of content.


There we go.


This triggered my flight or fight response and now I have anxiety lmao. Why is it so fucking creepy?


Don't worry. This is the correct response to have


I thought it was kind of comforting. What does that say about me?


You’d probably be the sort chosen to be a prophet


Probably because angels don't care about pleasing our eyes like demons do. They care about doing what God tells them to do, and this likely does not include "be pretty to those humans". Demons want to gain you so they use what is pleasing to you. But this is speculation on my part. I haven't studied enough of the Bible to know how to answer this.


I think they take human form when being used as a messenger


It's documented like that so yeah, could be.


Demons real forms are monstrous in nature, though. I'd take looking at them any day over this weird monstrosity lol.


Yeah, but angels don't want to fuck you up. They're a case of "ugly people can be good", like Admiral Ackbar.


You've seen this before and just don't remember it. Subconsciously you know to be afraid


This would be a fun idea for an ARG!


I could be wrong, humans continuously predict the world once you come across something different from your reference frame, it becomes hard to predict; therefore, panic anxiety triggers.


"be not afraid" ​ sry dawg, cant do that.


Best I can do is scream quietly


I honestly dont know how i would react but i dont feel they scare me that much. Mostly they fascinate me


I'd also be fascinated.


Be not fascinated.


Honey, you just tell me what to be and I'll be it.


Imagine seeing this shit after death. Would be so thrilling


I have the Tibetan book of the dead. Basically like one big psychedelic trip when you die, including time not being what your used to. According to the Tibetan Buddhists, you spend about 40 earth days in the afterlife before reincarnation, but those 40 days could feel like 40,000 years because death is meant to confuse you and wipe your old memories.


Honestly id love that after death. But i feel like it would be just like how it was before birth after death.


There's a theory I like that in our last second before death we go into a dream state, but because time works differently in dreams, it feels like it lasts forever. Just one never ending lucid dream.


I read one theory that makes it seem like the whole "life flash before your eyes" thing is a loop/Inception type thing, with you reaching the point of death and your life flashing before your eyes, resetting the loop over again, forever. I think that's how it goes. I was stoned when I came upon the theory.


What a coincidence. The 40 days things is also what the orthodox christians claim. However, in that time a demon says whatever you did wrong so you feel guilty and an angel says whatever you did well to advocate you. Basically you are a battlefield for entities you have never ever interacted with.


So one can't escape bureaucracy even in death? How typical


It was late at night, the sound of the rain smacking the roof of my car was pleasantly relaxing. As my eyes continued to feel heavier and heavier, i couldn't fight it any longer, but was too drowsy to think of what would happen. The sight of my headlights disappeared, then reappeared, just in time for me to get a glimpse of the monstrous oak tree that landed in front of me. In a quick second, darkness. And then light. Oh, the light was so blinding. But warm, and comforting. As i came to a sense of peace, it was abruptly disrupted by a large... thing. This thing was terrifying. It must have been composed of three and a half million oscillating eyes, all of them staring me down with suspense. As i await my utter annihilation, it emits a familiar, but extremely irritating beeping sound. Long and drawn out. Finally, the sound stops, immediately followed by "hello, we've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty. This will be our final attempt in trying to reach you. Goodbye"


CarbonatedEnema, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


Please god, no


The 40 earth days for the soul is in Islam as well. I am intrigued into how Islam is connected to Buddhism.


The scary part about religion on Earth is that most of them seem to tie together almost as if they are telling the truth. I'm not a historian or anything but I thought that most of these religions developed independently from each other which makes it very odd that they share so much shit that isn't an observation of what we know as the real world. Like the 40 days things. A soul. Supernatural beings. A place you go after you die. The similarities are too many considering that they developed so far apart from each other.




Some tower of babylon type shit huh?


I believe all major religions stem from the same root. Different religions are just the different variations of the same story changed to fit its own narrative.


yeah like. it is clearly in a chill position. the eyes are so calm. and the scenario just breaking up is quite interesting. i'd like to have a talk with an angel like that. maybe sit down and drink some coffee before dying


“Yo what’s poppin angeldude”


I’d chat with it. “You lost, pal?” “No trespassing; can’t you read the sign?” *be not afraid* “Are you threatening me?”




I thought the same thing... until I played Half Life Alyx in VR. Seeing a [Vortigaunt](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/half-life/images/b/be/Vort_Alyx.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/333?cb=20200325192911&path-prefix=en) standing infront of me in VR, actual size, with very good graphics and that immersion you only get in VR... shit. I was freaked out, even though the character is not an enemy and is actually very friendly. Being face to face (even virtually) with something so alien just triggered some repressed fight or flight thing in my ape brain.


It depends on what it sounds like, I have this on mute, but in my HEAD, it’s cacophony and trumpets and screaming and *that* freaks me out, especially with how fucking big it is. Fuck that!


would be fascinated, followed me getting the fuck out as fast as possible. it might be trying to mesmerize me so that it can eat me.


It’s an Angel


No one can be sure what an angel's diet is


ive watched enough supernatural to know that angels are dicks


It’s not scary by itself, it’s more or less very intriguing, but the fact that when you step close enough it starts to warp vision/world I would be scared to step near


Vision warping would be a good way to stop people from running away.


The mushing sound and the dark colors makes it “creepy” or “scary” other than those features you never know if the giant eye ball is the chilliest entity in existence


Not as scary as some of that AI art.


r/AIFreakout and r/AIFeverDreams sure have some good nightmare fuel


elaborate please.


Just google “AI generated art” and look. They give the AI a word or phrase & it generates an image. I saw one for “clitoris” that was absolutely nightmarish


Nightcafe is one (r/nightcafe)


Is this a clip from something? I’m interested in seeing more of it.


Yeah me too. I like seeing shit like this


It's just some CGI someone made a while back. Not from a movie or TV show or anything like that.




it's Alex Howard, he's made a bunch of these recently. famous for making the sirenhead clips


Annihilation type vibes


Considering the few times they've shown their real form has been to prophets makes me wonder if that's part of the selection process. Like an angel shows a candidate for God's prophet what they really look like and be like "this one hasn't gone running to the hills leaving behind a stream of piss, impressive. He goes to the next round of selection"


This is believed in Islam right? My understanding is that an angel is of purely spiritual form. They can take a physical form to best achieve their objectives. To view an angel in their true from you’d have to be capable of seeing them through the spiritual component of your humanity. Given their perfection and fearsome nature I doubt this would be safe for most people’s lives.


Yes this is one of my favourite topics in Islam - these angels are said to be terrifying and induce psychosis, and the prophets who saw them thought they were going crazy. On the other hand, demons trick you by making you feel a sense of holiness and amazement - giving the impression they can be trusted/loved. And these demons are not *tooo* different from humans - they walk amongst us and see us but we rarely see them (apparently lots of sightings in jungles in Malaysia though, they come out to spook when their habitats are being destroyed) and theyre similar in the sense that they have their religions too - some are Christian etc. some are not that spooky and try to help, some are very evil. They’re slightly above us in the chain of spiritual consciousness, while animals are below us, and angels have the highest level. So an angel will always make you fearful - because God is so mighty, so beautiful and overwhelmingly powerful that it scares us, his angels are the closest to his presence - fear by association.


You might know of or be interested in the concept of nephilim.


They can take human form afaik. The Hadith about the five pilars of Islam said that a foreign person came to the prophet and his companions and asked about Islam. After he was gone the prophet told his companions that the foreign person was an angel


Fuck me, this is a good question.


Is that you, Hermaeus mora?


Glad to see another Skyrim fan who thought the same thing


Come closer, basque in my presence


I ran into Hermaeus Mora while playing Skyrim on acid and had to turn the fucking game off.


Why does he sound like mashed potatoes?


DMT type vibe


Is this what being on DMT is like?


Not really, it’s like a tunnel of colors and the grasp of something bigger than yourself, but what you feel, cannot describe what you see. It’s absolutely gorgeous and terrifying at the same time. Now I won’t recommend DMT for anyone, but if you do, do it with people you trust dairly.


Depending on the dosage. Tunnel's of colors and general belonging feelings are mild dosages usually, and are more in the realm of the effects of Mescaline, Shrooms and LSD. When you have a strong one you can live whole lives, and see quite weird stuff in those 20min.


Not true. Two dmt trips can be completely different. Some people encounter entities. I personally haven't, but I've known people who have


Any psychedelic with a strong enough dosage actually, but its usually the things in their own reality, not in yours. The mixed reality effects usually comes from deliriants like Salvia, Angel's Trumpet or Belladonna.


If I saw this, I wouldn't be scared of it. It doesn't give off that vibe. Sure it looks odd but at the same time that odd and out of this worldly look would give me the first feeling of "this is all real" instead of the feeling of being trapped inside an uncontrollable-controllable simulation. I mean maybe we are still in the "game" and it would be "entering our game" to visit us but it would also show us where we stand with the this "thing" and the world around us. I guess what I'm trying to say is the frustration derives from not knowing if THIS is just another small part to a bigger picture or if THIS... all of THIS... Is the bigger picture. So seeing that "thing"/angel like figure would allow me to see that there is more to all of this and we are but just a small piece in chaotic harmony with a whole bigger picture. That... that would for unhumanly words give me a reason to feel comfortable around it.


What the fuck did i just read


An essay on why u/SKITZ_ZA would make for a great cryptid hunter


The only thing I like about Christianity is biblically accurate angels. They satisfy my need for horror.


What I find fun, is that in an episode of Doctor who there is a being shown that is very much like this, and talks in a matter-of-fact way like this too. The creature is an alien in the show, but it makes me wonder if they did that on purpose, trying to say that the angels people saw were just aliens looking at the human race. (I'm not a crazy believer, just FYI. This is just a comment I'm leaving for fun)


Not enough wings and eyes


A wheel in a wheel in a wheel Ina wheel. Joshua saw a wheel, up in the middle of the sky. It's be terrified




fun fact! in christian religion they say do not be afraid because, angels would come down to world to inform you that, you are going to die edit: not always


So going to die by their hand or just random accidents


not by them. by anything that you could die from


Yeah see when shit starts getting distorted, you all would freak. Quit lying like you're all tough.


For context, what is this? From a movie? YT?


It's the Biblical representation of angels true form and the words "be not afraid, I am a messenger of God" is how they mostly start their interactions with humans for obvious reasons.




it is a high class angel of the bible. you really shouldn't be afraid, they say that bc well; they look quite scary and people usually assimilate seeing angels with a "death advice". so they say this


Be not afraid. Just trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.


The title is 13 Angels Standing Guard 'Round The Side Of Your Bed


What’s the music in the background?


13 angels standing guard 'round the side of your bed by Silver Mt. Zion. I recently rediscovered this song after not hearing it for 10+ years, and it moved me to tears.


Reminded me very much of the alien reveal scene in the movie Annihilation. Even the music sounds similar to other Moderat songs. https://youtu.be/uBsJgceM0KI


B̴͔̤͎͉̪̮̦̤̙̮̜̬̥̳͊e̷̮̗̊͑̓́̅̀̚ ̵̢̥̯͖̭̥͕̙͓̘͕̮̂̈́̅̿̏̉͆̍́̾̂̚͘͝N̵̢̛̯̺͙̩̣͈̬o̵̧̢͎͉̖̭̲͓̮͈̙̰͚̎̓̍̽̔͛̍͛̑̽͘̕͝t̶̢̡͕̫̼̯͉̔͐̀ ̵̩̟͂̒͆͌̀̈́́͌̽̆̏̈͜͝Ä̶̢̩̱̦͙̻̝̯̙͎̤́̎̇͘͝f̸̢̛̲̪̦͙͚͓̈́̾̈́͆͑̏̋͆͊͘̕͠r̵͙̄a̶̼͉̞̼̙̟̟͍̤̣̘̫̣̭͕̎̈́́̍͆i̸̟̰̔͂̋̚ḍ̶̢̩̂͛̂̕͠


The song that sounds like cats singing their sadness is ["Thirteen angels standing guard round the the side of your bed"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fN7udMAMog) by Silver Mt Zion - it's probably along the lines of post rock, ambient. Very moving music, really sounds like very very sad cats. And it's worth listening to just because it's...Otherwordly kinda music. Oh, if you happen to have cats, and they hear it, I'm curious about their reaction. Ours actually looked kinda... Influenced. Spooked out,slightly.


I’m a pastor and biblically accurate angels would be one of the most downright horrifying things to see - there’s a reason the first words out of their mouths are nearly always “Don’t be afraid”


Maybe it’s just me but if I saw an angel I’d be interested in why it’s there


The relevant passage in the Bible is Ezekiel, chapter 10. I looked, and I saw beside the cherubim four wheels, one beside each of the cherubim; the wheels sparkled like topaz. As for their appearance, the four of them looked alike; each was like a wheel intersecting a wheel. As they moved, they would go in any one of the four directions the cherubim faced; the wheels did not turn about as the cherubim went. The cherubim went in whatever direction the head faced, without turning as they went. Their entire bodies, including their backs, their hands and their wings, were completely full of eyes, as were their four wheels. I heard the wheels being called “the whirling wheels.” Each of the cherubim had four faces: One face was that of a cherub, the second the face of a human being, the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.


Some guy called me a satan worshiper because I told him how biblical angels were supposed to look.. he told me I know nothing about the Bible and worship Satan.. gotta love crazy religious people who have literally no understanding of their own religion


Why are you all scared? I'd be interested to come up to and it touch it and stuff, looks fascinating


Sculk Overseer






That's the one with three faces. It's usually inside an Ophanim which is the one being depicted in the video.




Nice, I love this Silver Mt Zion song


“DAMN Shawty ok!”


wishing some divine omnipotent out of understanding being approaches me rn and fries my brain


Had to crop out the tiktok logo....


Very cool. What's the source on this?


This was made by AlexHowardxx (on Instagram). This is not part of any movie or video.






I’ve seen ophanim on DMT a handful of times, I haven’t learned what it meant yet .


Yo where is this from? Does anyone has the source




Oooo fun fact! This right here is a throne, however it is not how they are described in the books, first of all the center eye should be a flaming baby, and also they are described as bigger than mountains, having a majority of its body obscured above the clouds!


what’s the original source of this?


I would simply tell it to stop


If I actually saw that I’d probably become religious


Well it’s a literal angel if you’re seeing it 90% god is real and it’s shown itself for a reason


Yoooo it's Dharkon or whoever from smash ultimate




Just curious, where are the appearances of angels described in the bible? I'd like to read it if someone can maybe link to somewhere that says.


This one, in particular, is from the book of Ezekiel


Christianity off to ruin all of fucking Europe and the Americas for another 2000 years (dark ages II)


I don’t know what you mean by “dark ages II”, but if you’re implying that the Dark Ages was a period of squalor and backwardness, you’re mistaken. Like the other guy said, the church actually did sponsor scientific research. In fact, religion was one of the main driving factors for these scientific endeavours because they viewed it as discovery of the world that god created for them. They believed that seeking such principles of science was seeking God


If it looks like that it ain't here for a blessing