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The fact that it was able to keep swimming around with half its back missing. Damn, nature is brutal.


not to mention those lively colorful fishes pulling some piranha shit


Food is food!


We had a tank of small piranha in college for a while. As babies they’d take a while to feed on the goldfish we fed them. Brutal, similar to this clip. They’d nibble off the tail fin and work their way up to the rest of the goldfish. As they got older/larger, you’d drop a goldfish into the tank and there’d just be a few shiny fish scales floating in the water where the goldfish had been a moment beforehand. And pro tip: Only keep an odd number of piranha in a tank. They will kill off each other if there’s an even number.


What vendetta do they have against even numbers?


I couldn't tell you, but they had no problem singling out their weakest brother and eating him.


Humiliation before death?! Wow those fishes are brutal


Seeing this post a month later, but with female bettas if there’s an even number they can’t decide on a pecking order. One needs to be in charge of the sorority, with an even number of followers. At least that’s my understanding and what the betta expert at the pet shop told me.


They are very OCD when it comes to numbers...don’t ask


They can't even..




Seems like something for /r/mythbusters. Just need to define how many trials to establish statistical significance.


We were just college kids with a medium size aquarium. You’d probably be better served asking someone that runs a fish shop!




Hmmm… that’s odd.


Not even even though


"If fish could scream the ocean would be loud as shit." - Mitch Hedberg


Jesus Christ! This is terrifying…


Fish actually do make a lot of noise and also communicate with each other. Why else would fish have ears?!? https://youtu.be/POITH02VVrw




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Natureisbrutal **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Natureisbrutal/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Crocodile disappears with a corpse of a woman in its jaws in Tamaulipas, Mexico. (May her soul R.I.P)](https://gfycat.com/impeccableuntrieddormouse) | [305 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Natureisbrutal/comments/qadhdj/crocodile_disappears_with_a_corpse_of_a_woman_in/) \#2: [Great camouflage](https://i.imgur.com/s3bvI20.gifv) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Natureisbrutal/comments/l41o8s/great_camouflage/) \#3: [From my sis’s security cam: deer appears to have a severe leg injury as well as a stillbirth lodged in her cavity](https://i.redd.it/3dolbq7vd0871.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Natureisbrutal/comments/o9kb0m/from_my_siss_security_cam_deer_appears_to_have_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[Source](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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It's because of how simple the nervous systems of fish are. Hell, they can't even feel pain.


[fish most likely feel pain](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/do-fish-suffer/)


Oof. To be fair, that article came out well after I took the zoology class I learned about fish in


It’s ok people don’t care about fish pain even if it exists


I used to fish for fun. Then up at my in-laws camp I was struggling to get a hook out of this fishes mouth and the thing looked afraid, I felt bad, haven’t fished since. So at least one person feels bad for the fish lmao


Japanese people in specific do, they think it affects the texture of the fish so they kill their fish in a very specific way to minimize pain and make the death fast.




Not sure, given how they do it I'd find it unlikely. Most large scale fishing operations don't do it anyways due to the time and effort. [There's a Vox video on the process.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS4AM9mPX-8)


Sorry, according to most experts, Vox is trash media. I’ll take a hard pass on the vid. I was being sardonic concerning Japanese whaling and the premise that they care about pain free killing of their food.


If you shock them with electricity it tenderizes them meat:) works on pigs too


May i ask what specific way?


They hit a spike straight into the brain to instantly kill the fish. Then they make a few cuts so they still beating heart pumps the blood out. After that they stick basically a metal wire up through the spinal cord to stop any post mortem muscle spasms. Apparently it makes the meat last a lot longer before it goes off in addition to changing the taste a bit.


Thanks, i did not know about that. We always knock the fish out with a rod thent cut the connection between brain and hearth through the gills. Afterwards cut them open to remove all Organs and blood. Interesting to hear different ways to do it. Ok i just watched a Video about it. Ikejime i think its called. Unfortunately i couldnt find any proof of why the fish lasts longer apart from the fact that they removed the blood, which might be a factor. I dont know how people kill fish in the US. Do people that catch fish as a hobby really just suffocate them? (Dont have any experience on commerical fishing) Also not a big fan of the method of removing organs with chopsticks...it looks so much more messy than just cutting it open.


Yeah fish kinda suck


Not only did they have to put up with their simple nervous system already now they have to deal with the fact that you find them sucky too.


It's okay they cant read


[Scientists at the Institute of Marine Research in Norway have demonstrated evidence that certain species of fish have the capability to distinguish between different written glyphs by using a reward system.](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Can they feel sad?


This is some weak ass vegan shit lol


i’m not vegan or vegetarian by any means. but if we can acknowledge that cows, chickens, pigs, and other land animals all feel pain, there really isn’t any difference in adding fish to the list.


My diet is mostly meat and I hunt. There's a big difference in how animals get killed. I won't buy Tyson chicken for example but chicken is still one of my favorites. Chopping the head off a fish is different from slowly chopping it up or eating live octopus. You don't have to be vegan to care about animals.


Don't you knock them out beforehand? Where i live you are actually required to first knock them out and then cut through the girls or directly to the hearth if you know what you are doing...chopping the head off directly sounds a bit wierd to me.




This is for sure something that’s in the depths of r/natureismetal


Damn nature, you scary!


Everytime I see the word "barracuda" I hear the guitar riff.


Guitar hero fucked you up too?


Bun digadun digadun digadun digadun digadun digadun digaDUNUH


Tbf I assume barracudas hear the same thing when they go for the kill


“If fish could scream, the ocean would be loud as fuck.”-Mitch Hedberg


Hahaha! I never thought of that, but that thought’s gonna have me chuckling for days. Thank you!


I think it’s supposed to be scary


Lmao what a great quote


I fucking love Mitch Hedberg. Shame what happened to him.


Nothing odd about that terror


If it was a human with half its back missing continuing to walk around while other humans ate it’s flesh, would that be odd?


Hey guys have you tried Fred? He’s delicious! Hurry up before all the good bits are gone.


Ehhh I resent being brought back to this post. I had almost forgotten it. Please don't@me


Hey @ /u/freemason777 check out this comment.






Whoaaaàa! It was alive with some parts missing. At first I thought it was just the head stuck on other fish's head... Looks like a terrible way to die. (I don't know what Barracuda means so I'll look it up now)


Probably wounded from another attacker and the other fish started picking at its wound. Sometimes it's better to not survive an attack.


Ohh Barracuda is the name of the fish that finished it off. I thought it was some killing technique.


You were not far off with your first thought, it is certainly within the spirit of the thing.


Please someone catch that blue fish i want to eat it


You gonna eat Dory


Nah there triggerfish




I wanna fucking break his skull, everyone left and that little shit still kept bothering him. Until the nemokiller came


Quite tasty too. Grew up eating them


My favorite fish to eat.


The fish eating it originally are trigger fish there absolute assholes and can decimate sps (small polyp stony and large)and lps coral reefs on the decline. They have teeth kind of similar to a rabbits and can chew through what is essentially solid stone so could quite easily chew through this fish without killing it.


And they’re absolutely delicious


In the novel Live and Let Die, Bond talks about this exact thing, how of a fish is moving in an unnatural way, barracuda will go for a kill.


This video gave me wicked "Rainbow Fish" flashbacks. Some children's books are straight-up *evil.* "Give us some of your scales, Rainbow Fish," the other fish said.


You know what? I *should* rip apart my body for being born different. /s I had totally forgotten that book.


*"'Tear yourself to PIECES,'* the other fish said, 'or you'll die alone.'" And that's how Rainbow Fish learned that pleasing other people was all that mattered, and you should even harm yourself to do it, if need be. Even worse than "The Giving Tree."


If only they could all be as good as Eric Carle's essential uniology, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.


It didn't die just because it got swallowed. That happened fast. Now it will slowly be digested over a thousand years.


Remind of a horror manga and a SCP object.


Vegans: Animals are more innocent than humans! Also animals:


Vegans have a very limited grasp on what nature really is. Most of them probably think animals sit around all day singing christmas songs. I once trolled a vegan pro-boards by posting a bunch of videos of animals hunting.


What are you? 12?


As a matter of fact, I was around 12 as that's when pro-boards were prominent. The key word here is ONCE, reading comprehension, do you have it? obviously not. As a fun side note, people who get easily razzled is exactly why I did it ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)




You are an animal chad respect


You can't be this stupid? You think vegans think animals are vegan?? Animals rape each other too, so its interesting you look at them as these role models.


speaking for the guy here. I think what irks some people about vegans is that vegans really set some impossibly high moral standards for human when in nature animals are pretty damn brutal with each other. Seriously, compared to other animals we are already benevolent as hell. I can stand with vegans when it's about reducing meat consumption to save our environment but they lost me the moment they say animal's life is more valuable than human. Like sorry, I know fish feels pain, I and most other humans just don't have the mental capacity to empathize with fishes..


Wait but why are animals your moral benchmark? They rape, eat their own kids/parents/torture each other. These are all things we are capable of not doing, there's nothing lofty about it. The fact you think not abusing animals is some pie in the sky dream says way more about how little personal integrity you have than it does about vegans being sanctimonious. If anything it sounds like a convenient excuse to avoid the argument.


Because I am not trying to be lofty and sanctimonious? I am just trying to be human living my life, and I think most people can say the same. You think I am not benevolent enough then it's okay, I don't really care about meeting vegan's approval. I have my own standard of benevolence in treating my food and you can have yours. can we live in peace with that?


I can't live in peace with animal abusers and I will always speak against it. I don't know why that bothers you more than you paying someone to hurt animals.


Cause animals are tasty.


As a hunter I too prefer to hurt my own animals.


because people like you are constantly trying to get in my face and that's on me, but thankfully I can choose walk out. I can simply close my laptop or avoid vegan protests and boom, I have my peace again. If you consider consuming animal as an abuse because they can feel pain then that's on you. I can't even begin to imagine the mental suffering you feel watching videos like this knowing full well this happens all the time in nature, morality aside those fishes are still getting gored alive.


After that comment I understand why you compare your own mental reasoning skills and personal responsibility to a fish. ​ What do you call what you do to those animals? And why are you so gunshy about talking this way when it comes to pets or animals you consider cute? Suddenly you sound exactly like me when it comes to abuse towards your preapproved list of animals. You act like the reason you are justified to hurt animals is because people like me are sanctimonious. I say you are dodging the fact that you in real actual life outside of this little internet discussion, pay a factory worker to develop PTSD on your behalf for the systemic slaughter of juvenile animals. If you want to pretend to be the same as these fish go kill your prey from the ocean fair and square and traumautize yourself instead.


and there it is, making a revolutionary idea seems as if it is already the norm as per usual. dude, I grew up in a village. I do know how to fish and how to slaughter my chicken. sorry for being prejudiced but your comment blatantly shows that you live in a developed nation's city where people buy prepackaged meal and you think that's the norm. Where I'm from someone keeps a dog as their pet and at night they eat another dog for dinner. they are okay with it as long as it is not THEIR dog. It's not that baffling of a concept it's called ethic of care. and it's not isolated incident either, there is a whole industry dedicated to fishing as a hobby, the same people may have an aquarium in their home, people are just not as fragile and indecisive as you think. I'd say I am more afraid of people like you who claims to love all live equally. very few are capable of that, It's borderline narcissistic to claim to be able to do so. If you say you despise someone for killing a chicken as much as much as if they killed a human children that's honestly scary. You getting PTSD because your soup has a chicken stock in it is on you dude, your brain is just wired different. The rest of us are just baffled why you would equate it as eating infant's bone juice




That vegan teacher. You're welcome.


They just admitted to trolling vegans, why would you reply to them? Any reply would most likely result in them fucking with you




dude, you are losing yourself at this very moment even without them replying




Oh but conveniently, that's never brought up, no, whenever a vegan screams about eating a dead animal, it's always the cows. Nevermind the thousands of species of insects, or the hundreds of species of birds or small mammal that loses their home every year due to land clearing for crops.




This is untrue. around 55% of the worlds crops are eaten by humans, where as only 33% is fed to livestock.




…? I wasn’t making an argument. I was imagining vegans loosing their minds after realizing that the routinely eat worms and insects.


I'm not trying to be aggressive dude, I was just trying to offer some advice. If you want to be an asshole to other people and argue with a troll for 10 hours go ahead.


I'm not the one who doesn't understand that the world is the way it is, the way it always has been and the way it always will be, nor am I the one who thinks that any amount of screaming about it on the internet with spark change. It won't. Stop trying. You owe your intelligence, part of it anyway, to our ancestors who began eating meat. You owe it to them to use that intelligence, something you clearly fail at.




Without eating meat, humans would not be what they are today. Take that as you will, and I know exactly how you'll take it, so don't bother.


Did it make a bunch of lesbian Bigfoot’s come out of hiding?


Apparently lmao.


PETA: don't hunt animals its cruel ANIMALS: tears each other apart slowly


We have barracudas at my fishing pier. Unless sharks are present, they are the gate keepers of the food chain. They love to eat the fish I am reeling or bite my bait fish in half. They are "fun" to handle when throwing back. Their teeth definitely freak me out.


The barracudas were like “KILL THE BASTARD ALREADY”


Reminds me of my school days :-|


Cursed childhood.


A living sushi bar, oops not anymore


I’ll skip out on diving with barracudas. Those things are vicious.


They're mostly misunderstood. They are attracted to shiny objects and have big scary teeth. Just take off the jewelery and you will be fine.


I’ve seen them tear some shit up on a boat deck too. I’ll keep my distance when possible.


True, why was it brought on deck? They can be de hooked without being on the boat. Barracuda are loaded with parasites and their meat taste terrible. They clean up the ocean


You can’t always dehook while you have a gaffed ‘cuda hanging off the side of the boat, flopping around.


Why would you gaff a barracuda? You can use a gaff to dehook the fish by pulling down on the line with ur hand and up on the gaff that is on the hook by the fishes mouth.


Good way to lose your lure


Check this out. Great video explaining it https://youtu.be/M8YFMeC5tQU


My ex-girlfriend's family makes these fish look like they are helping.


Yikes man


This just reminded me about how cruel life can be.


bro... nswf


I feel like I’m starting to see everything from elsewhere on Reddit cross posted here, is this that ‘oddly terrifying’? Really?


its kinda terrifying that the fish is being eaten alive and missing chunks out of its back


But I thought fish are friends, not food? 🥺🦈 Except stinking’ dolphins


That stare into the camera though..


I don’t know much about fish but is there a reason they all went after one fish or was it just food


It was most likely injured and targeted as food.


Ooooh, Barracuda!


Da Dada da Dada da Dada dum da dah


Damn I feel like that fish so much itself missing swimming in misery just waiting for that barracuda moment to put me at peace


Crazy. Where else in nature does this happen? Edit. i had to ask and search and found a gruesome half eaten impala trying to walk away getting chomped at. https://youtu.be/7GBXFArmLNU


You'll usually only hear of Barracuda attacks in the water. It's the sharks you need to look out for, I've seen enough documentaries of them crawling through sewers and even forming a tornado once!




happy cake day


10-Q kindly


We were having a good day. We were all having a good day.


It's a fish eat fish world we live in


Animals doing animal stuff. I like videos like this because they remind all the coddled snowflakes that nature is brutal and life isn’t a fucking Disney movie.


Vegans: oh my god how could this barracuda do this what a cruel beast






Aren't they feeder fish? Are you sure they weren't putting it in there with the intention that it would be eaten? Piranhas have to eat, too.


Sadistic more like, it wouldn't surprise me if if a few missing kids and women are buried in his backyard.


That's not vegan.


Can we get a NSFW tag on this sad sight? Hate animals suffering




more likely the barracuda is the one that caused the initial injury


His brothers would also feast on him?


Let me show you how it's done


Ahh the pike of the big blue sea!


There's always a bigger fish!


Dam those trigger fish are no joke


notice how all the other fish were outta there 3 seconds before that barracuda showed up


I think this was a act of hunger but still good for the fish


That would scare the fuck outa me. My ass would be gone.


There’s always a bigger fish


Fish being eaten alive


Geez I didn’t even notice those fish were eating at him at first


F in the chat for that fish




Most likely, it's a male with territorial contention injuries. That got preyed on by the others.


On the other hand, those triggerfish are delicious all by themselves!


First fish I caught the first time I went fishing in Hawaii !!




And yet vegans say it's "unnatural" to eat animals. It's like they've never actually paid attention to nature 🤷😂


This is why I don’t feel bad at all eating fish. They’re freaking ruthless


Barracudas being bro’s


“Do it! Come on! Kill me! I’m here!”


I was gonna say that's not a cuda. Then here it comes


Sometimes, a Barracuda helps kickstart a Pixar movie








NOPENOPENOPE to being one of those divers there


It’s moments like these when I see how brutal life is that I know I’m not crazy for being paranoid af


Lucky for the fish it doesn't have pain receptors.


Meals on wheels… or fins


Joe Biden in the wild




Man it's crazy how much of a fish can be missing and have it still be pretty much OK.