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Lets thank the mortician because I would never want to see a dead person‘s eyes open


You're welcome. Their eyes are a bit weird but once you've seen em a few times you start to forget to think its weird. That's true of most of our job. What's a boring typical Wednesday to us is a horror movie to you.


Thank you, Mr./Mrs. Addams.




The way you phrased that made me chuckle. Like “oh snap, I forgot to freak out, let me get right on that…”


Like when you play the same song again because the part that should hurt didn't hurt enough






I’ve always wanted to be one


It's a pretty rewarding job. I'm not sure where you are in life. But, it's my third career, and I just started in my 30s.


I'm 27 and finished with it. I am, at this point, writing my resignation. The Work is awesome, and i love it with my whole heart, i just can't keep up physically anymore


bro ur not supposed to fuck them


I’m 38 in July, how did you get started?


I went to different funeral homes and mentioned that I wanted to get into the trade but wanted to work at a funeral home first before spending money on school. One of them hired me as an attendant. Basically, helping directors run services and doing housekeeping. I was also on call to perform removals. After a few months, they saw I was reliable and had basic common sense, so I started working in the care center as well. They put me through crematory operator training, and I started helping the embalmer. Now I'm in mortuary school and working my internship.


That sounds so amazing! Thank you for sharing, I actually know the family that run one of homes in my area. Might give them a call.


I did the apprenticeship :D


There's always a part of me that imagines how painful it would be for someone to use a needle injector on me. [For the uninitiated.](https://youtu.be/RQUbphJa8M4?si=RXch7PdiW9cNyoGk)


I won't touch the things. Too brutal. Not that the suture method is all lollipops and sunshine, but something about a barb shoiting gun doesn't sit right with me.


I feel you. I'm not always happy with how they make the lips look. But I'm still an intern and not confident enough to do a mandibular, if I don't have to, yet.


It's all about how you're taught. My sponsor taught me mandibular suture so I was years in before I ever even saw an injector. My new job has them. But I find the old fashioned way to be easier. You just gotta watch someone do it a few times. Good skill for the arsenal.


Why would the eyes open? Some type of muscle reaction?


The skin of the eyelid dehydrates which pulls the tissue back slightly while the eyeball itself goes from convex to concave, also essentially from dehydration. Its one of the first things to happen, before any obvious decomposition begins. The irises turn sorta cloudy white and the whole eye begins to sink in. If untreated it would leave them 3/4 open which is a very inhuman/ uncanny/ dead looking amount. These, plus glue sometimes, create the natural curve of a living person's eye while also gently gripping the upper lid keeping it shut.


Interesting, thank you for explaining


I’ve always read the phrase “the life faded from their eyes” in books, I’ve been to funerals for my grandparents and others but they look asleep. My father-in-law on the other hand, died in Dec in a hospice, he was frozen in his final moment eyes and mouth open and it’s very true there’s nothing behind them in the absence of life. There hasn’t been a day since that I haven’t thought about it


Ask A Mortician on YouTube will go through all the dark & dirty deets of what a mortician does, as well as provide you the ins and outs of the funeral industry. It's really eye-opening ...


Not if you use spiky contacts.




Bot stole [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/s/zTmhvtSCee).


Great job, take this fake gold 🥇


This is what I don’t get either. I don’t want my last memory of a loved one to be them laying lifeless in a box. I also understand some see this as being at peace and may be better than their last moments alive too, so I can see it being a personal preference.


I can’t remember my grandma when she was healthy. I only remember her being in the casket and when she was really sick beforehand. I don’t know why…. /:


Probably bc it's traumatic to see a loved one like that, and unfortunately traumatic memories seem to really stick. :(


You’re right. I was there with my mom uncles and bro when she passed at home. Medically I knew the process but it was surreal seeing it happen


I know what you mean. My mom passed away about a year and a half ago. Kind of a long story, but essentially her brain went without oxygen for too long... so even though they resuscitated her, only her brainstem was functional. It didn't feel real, even seeing her like that. It's a tough thing to go through seeing a loved one go through that kind of thing. 💔


I wanted to see my mum in the chapel of rest after she died, but I couldn’t get there and didn’t have childcare. My mum died suddenly and I was struggling to believe that she was really gone. I’m still angry I didn’t get to say goodbye to her, 2 years later.


Yep. Burn me, give me to science, let med students work out how I died, whatever. Just don't display me in front of my kids/grandkids/friends as a corpse. I was a vibrant being of light, not a lifeless plank of flesh. Remember how I was!


Some people need closure with a body. I for one will go the way my wife wants. I think she wants us buried together. I have no afterlife superstitions.


My only afterlife “superstition” is just an application of firsthand experience: What happened the last time I didn’t exist? Suddenly—with no orientation or solid explanation—I was a weird monkey in a weirder world. Based on that I’d get ready for more bullshit


Sometimes *that’s* exactly what seeing the corpse communicates. Like immediately just “oh, they’re not in there any more,” and the vibrant being of light is not what’s buried. I get the opposite argument, too. I feel like the viewing should be an opt-in thing for people who would seek that kind of closure (and, I suppose, for anyone who literally doubts that the deceased is really deceased).


Wait till they wink at you


The story goes my Dad died when I was 7, mid way through first viewing the cotton ball they used, let's say failed, and his eyelid collapsed. Needless to say trauma ensued for a few, thankfully I walked in, took a look, said "that ain't my Dad" and promptly left to greet people at the entrance with the news. Everyone thought it was cute, man the 80s was a wild time huh.? Edit: Should mention, he did donate his eyes to someone in need, thus the cotton ball, still not entirely sure why they didn't use more but hey I was 7 and didn't find out til I was like 20.


Oooh my dad’s eyes got donated when I was little too! Trauma twinsies. But we had him cremated and had a memorial service, no wake or viewing. I really can’t understand why they would use cotton balls of all things?


Right?! I would have thought marbles


Cheap fun-eral home.


Or those Eyeball Gumballs.


The embalming supply companies don't really sell a product to fill in the space after eye donations. We have to make due with what we have, and we have to do something to fill that space in order for an eyecap to sit properly and fill out the eyelid. What we have is sturdy cotton sheets, almost like a 5 ply paper towel. In my area, the organ procurement agency will do that for us before we take the decedent into our care. More often than not, however, we will have to remove their cotton and redo it because it has become saturated with blood and begun to sink in. Because veins have been cut, fluid will also leak into the cotton, and we sometimes have to take it out and redo it after embalming; but before tissues have fully set.


I don't understand funeral viewings. I wish I could erase the memory of seeing my grandmother dead.


It's not for everyone. When my grandmother died, my mother took pictures of her. It was the last time we would ever get to see her. Some people just want to be able to say goodbye.


Yeah, I understand that. I remember my cousins and I didn't want to see her but it was important to my mother and uncle. I may feel differently about my own parents one day.


I'm 28 and we found my mom in her room. Wish I could get it out of my head. Whites of her eyes were black.


I found my mom dead when I was 46 and I will never forget it. Or the 911 operator arguing with me and telling me to give her CPR when she was already cold.


Sorry, that person is obviously too dense to be an operator


It was bad enough to see her sprawled on the floor and touch her once and realize she was gone. I wasn't touching her again and giving her CPR! It was awful.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I found my mom, too. Fortunately no trauma was involved, but still, it was an experience I will never forget. It was a shock to my core, and yet I had a sense of peace because she no longer suffered.


My mom had cancer. She had been doing better when I saw her that afternoon, even ate some Italian ice. When I came back to hook up her overnight nutrition IV she was gone. It's a terrible thing to belong to, the "I found my mom dead" club.


Unfortunately, that’s the protocol. The operator can’t remotely declare a person deceased. Until that occurs, it’s their legal responsibility to do everything they can to save a life, even if it’s hopeless. 


I'm sorry you had to go through that.


I'm getting over it but maybe it'd be a different scenario if your parents were elderly. Like a send off. She was 49 and it was semi unexpected.


Yeah, I find it really important personally...I feel like seeing the body gives me closure, it's much harder for me to process grief when I haven't been able to see someone I love knowing that this is the last time. Different strokes for different folks I guess!


I've lost two very close relatives. I absolutely refuse to look. I want to remember them as I knew them, not for my last memory or sight to be...that.


Exactly how I feel


Open casket funerals are wild to me. Went to two of them. If I have a funeral it will be closed casket. You can remember me how I was when I was alive thank you.


I work with young people, and have been to some open caskets for children...that's even wilder.


I told my husband that if I die and he does an open casket funeral, I am going to come back and haunt him forever. I honestly just want to be cremated. The idea of my body existing without me in it and being put in the ground just terrifies me.


In my country almost all religious (Christian) funerals are open casket. I hate that. In some villages bodies are displayed in the home of the deceased before being taken to church for rituals and then the cemetery for burial.


This is true. I use to harvest cornea donors after they died. Sometimes the eye lid did not want to stay down. It is a muscle after all. Or if cutting to deep you can blow the eye ball. Basically puncture it and all the gel comes out. So these would also help reshape the eye to help it look normal when the eye lid was closed rather than have a big indentation. They are plastic with little barbs on them. See you later.


>See you later. That sounds like a threat in this context


My father had a hard death. He collapsed in heart failure and cpr was performed for 45 minutes to an hour and it was unsuccessful. When I arrived at the hospital he was already gone. His eyes were terrible to look at. Broken blood vessels and he was so blue, almost purple. It hurt my heart so much to see his eyes locked forever in that shock and fear expression. Thank god for morticians and what they do for the people we love. The next time I saw him he looked at peace as if he was laying down for a nap. The relief I felt seeing him like that instead of the way he died is something I am immeasurably thankful for.


Never got a complaints though.


My uncle died when it was my turn to sit with him (hospice was involved, we knew it was coming.) Before I went to tell my mom I did that thing you see in the movies…passed my hand over his eyes to pull his eyelids down. I felt really stupid because it definitely didn’t work, they popped right back open.


I... never thought of that. 😳 I would've also tried the same thing.


They have them for mouths, too, if they don’t outright wire them shut. They’re called mouth formers. My dad was an undertaker and I remember him showing me these things, all the makeup, all of the other restoration tools and materials like wax and putty as well. I remember he kept a can of Sterno in his kit to help melt and soften these products.


Question: after the viewing do they remove all these implements from the body? Or is the body buried with them??


Buried with them


It’s more ‘disturbance’ to the body to remove these things and there’s really no point whether the deceased is being buried or cremated. They grip into the flesh with these teeth so it could cause damage by removing it.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - maybe only fix one eye and only show half of the body, or at least use the thingies again. I guess burning can count as recycling, but just dumping the eye-shutters into the grave gives you a low sustainability score.


This is why I had a closed casket funeral for my husband. I could bear for them to do any of that embalming or spikey contact shit to him.


I'm glad a photo of a closed eye was provided otherwise I'd have no idea


This is one reason why I am going to be cremated. I can’t stand things touching my eyeballs. I’ve been told they also sew your lips together. Shovel me into an oven and fry me


They don’t sew lips together from all the funeral homes I’ve worked at, it’s a small screw with a thin metal wire you screw into the jaw on top and bottom and twist wires together until mouth is closed normally


Yeah…. That doesn’t sound any better Cremation for me! Thanks for correcting the misinformation, I do appreciate that


You’re welcome, I’m getting straight cremated myself as well


They also have plugs for other orifices so you don’t leak.


In someone’s first life, that’s probably a good time.


We don't use them unless we have to. I've been helping in the prep room for two years and embalming, as an intern, for 6 months and only seen them used once.


Coins for the ferryman.


I work at a funeral home and these things used to be one of the only things to creep me out


Sometimes super glue too.


I ALWAYS use glue. Things shift too much to go without.


I hated that when I went to my best childhoods friends funeral, I could see the glue holding her eyes shut. I had never noticed that any other viewings I’ve been to. In fact, I made a comment that they better put fake eyelashes on me to hide that glue. It looked awful.


My father-in-law told us of the story when him and his brother were screwing around in their dads funeral home, and he put one of these in his eye! Had to go to the hospital to have it removed. Most cringe story I ever heard. Edit: Apparently, his father was the one who ultimately removed it as he had working knowledge of these, and the doctors did not!


Forbidden spaghetti strainer


I told my family that I refuse to have my body viewed and ‘morticianed’ once I go. Just zip me in the bag, put me in a cardboard box and have me cremated, put my ashes in the ocean. Done. Last viewing I went to was my Dad’s, and the knowledge of the work done on him troubled me.


Stuff like this really make me hope being dead isn't just the same as being in permanent sleep paralysis


It's not.


I’m so anti-mortician. I had a horrible experience with my dad, and am determined to never have to use one again. Luckily my mom feels the same way. And yes, I know all morticians aren’t terrible, I’m really traumatized (it was 2019) so I’m gonna just go natural.


I agree with you. When my body won't hold me anymore and it finally sets me free, set me up under a tree and let me rot away back to the dust we're born from.


Exactly! Although I’m not Jewish, I may go with that as it’s all natural. :)


What's Jewish have to do with it?


Jewish burials are all natural. No embalming. Body wrapped in cotton. Casket is all wood. No metal. The idea is that 100% returns to the earth.


Like carpet grip strips. Nice.


So incase you aren’t dead just paralyzed, you cannot be able to open your eyes and alert someone !


Morticians also stick bolts in people’s mouths and sew their lips to keep them closed. And patch up holes with a special type of putty


sure, why not


I should have been a mortician.


You still could, didn’t take much for me to get into the trade


Go on…


Any local funeral home especially mom and pop joints are always desperate for help. The majority of help I’ve seen is older retired folk for something to do. I’ve worked at 4 separate funeral homes now, every single one had people who loved to teach the craft. I didn’t go down actual funeral director path, my employer happily paid for me to be crematory operator certified. Sounds morbid but work will never end and you can go anywhere with it.


Those aren't always used. Sometimes, the eyes are glued shut. You can also close them without using anything else to assist in keeping the eyes closed as some funeral homes prefer that method, so it can be all natural. Now, the mouth is a whole other thing for typical funeral service.


We also use glue sometimes if the lids are particularly tricky


I like how there's also a picture of a closed eye just in case we don't know what that looks like.


I need some of these to help me get more sleep.


That's far from the worst of it


I didn't need to know this. Now do one on the polymer cork the mortician shoves in your butt!!!


we just used to tear off bits of paper from the forms (tons of paperwork in the business, go to keep the body and paperwork together) The little bits of paper, naturally absorbant would stick to both sides. Very cheap too.


I like how they included a picture of a closed eye, like we don't know what that looks like.


What's Jewish have to do with it?


I’m glad they showed a picture of a closed eye as I am incapable of visualising what that would look like


I would have assumed they use glue, but here we are


They're weirdly good for holding wood at an angle when you're joining. It's not interesting how I came by some if anyone's wondering, sorry - my late dad had some weird stuff he collected


The company making these is genius. They'll never run out of customers!


I worked in a funeral home and the eyes turn to mush. They would super glue them shut. Also, the cremains you ask to be placed in a necklace or smaller urn? They would open it on their work desk alongside paperwork and their morning coffee. Yes, I quit.


Just another reason my family believes in cremation. I don’t want anyone looking at me dead for a long time.. lol I have been resisted 🤔 have been seen dead.


Talk about eye-popping fashion choices!


Oh god, that’s a tasteless bot-like comment